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Avalon Road 2084
2084 Avalon Road 0- Robert Bloech 0-Ch fleas Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg. B.P. 102 4- 24i-50 8,000.00 0 -Paul Casel Erect Frnme Garate B.P. 752 9 -1-61 600.00 0- Timothy Brandel C -Owner erect 11W31/2 wood deck on rear SF frm dwllg BP 10351 6/20/86 $818.00 0 -Tim Brandel C- Bullock Garages erect det.frm.gar 24'x24' at rear of lotSFres BP22110 6/4/93 $5731.00 • ..... .. .. .... .. .. . 2084 Avalon - Board of Adjustment Docket 32 -93 for Special Exception to allow construction of a garage 2' from side prop. line. Approved 5/27/93 0 -Tim Brandel C -Steve Schnee siding; soffitfasciacasings,SF res & garage BP22988 1 0/21/93_$4550.00 0- Tim Brandd7__ C -Dore Roofing t /o,_reroof, sd,_SF BP29700 5/10/95 1665.00