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Avoca Street 1717
- - - -. 1717 Avoca St. 0-Elliott Richey Erect Fonadatioa for S.F.Frame ywellg.B.P. 640 10 -19-4$ 600.00 0- Harold Richey 1,400.00 Addition to S; .Fraiae Dwelig.B.P. 279 6 - 4-70.00 0- Harold Richey C -Bob Moore Const. - tear off, reroof SF frm - dwllg BP 3636 8/11/81 $2000.00 - 0 - Harold Richey C -Dbq Rfq & Sdg -t/o,- reroof, hse gar, SF,. sd BP 32493 9/5/95 $3030.00