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Avoca Street 1735
1 i,1%OCE St. 0- J. Leflmer 0- Owner Frame gerege B.P.309 9 /19/33 1p100.00 0 -5. A. Behlmer. C- Geisler Bros. Reroof frame dwellg. B.P. 492 8/6/40 190.00 C- 0°..o. -mush . ^ ^lose- _proch -of frame wellin B.F.-306-9/-1/45- 1 g - - 195.00__' C -Major Roofing Co. Reside S.F.Frame Dwe11g.B.P. 96 4 625.00 1735 Avoca St. 0-John E. Behimer Erect Frame Garage B.P. 140 4 - 700.00 0.J.E._Bah1mer C- Zephyr _Alumintmt Products Co. Reroof S,F,Frame Dwellg.B.P. 1273 11 -23-62 432.00 O- - Donald_Pregler B of A pet for var from rear yard req. has 11' req. 26' Docket 55 -77 Granted O- Donald Pregler Erect addition to rear of SFFr dwllg, B.P. 355, 5/6/77 1500.00 1735 Avoca -Dona Preg 1 er C -Owner soffit,- fascia, casi-ngs,-- SF -frm dw1- 1g- BP22692 9/2/93 $2700.00 0 -Don Pregler C -Owner tear-off , reroof jpartial) SF res 3P23802 5/12/94 $375:001 0- Donald Pregler -- - -C— Owner -- t /o, resheet,_reroof, sd,SF BP -28302 3 -16 -95 $1900.00 • i li