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West 1st Street 0250
250 - nest 1st Lt. 0- L.C Valkenberg. 0- Cner. Erect c car gam . - - - ; /3 garage �. remodel xat= b. 532 11/5/37 &model Tavern a apt. t - - - --- - �. GSo 3/7/38 1,000.00 ---- C,-- Mue�3er --Fc- Sons - - - -- Addition to rear _of prosent _bus- .__bldg,_ -_B P ' 0 -Frank Thompson C -Ralph Mueller Alterations & Repair to 2nd floor of Bld B.P. - -- - - - -- -- -- -- g' 549 8-1-50 000: -oo - -i 25 0W. �5"th st, 0 -Frank Thompson C- Dubuque Roofing Co. ReroOf •Brick Bus. Bldg. B.P. 762 10 -9 - 50 735.00 0 - Thompsonts Food lviarket Con Luber Remodel interior of 1 story Br. This Building B.P. 643 9 -24-58 3,900.00 Reroof Er. Bus. _i3ti11e Roofing & Sheet Metal Co ° B g. B.P. 686 10 -8 -70 290.00 0 -Jack Thompson TFM C -Chuck Kutsch install partition wall, repair outside stairs, comm.bldg. - BP 12180 7/16/87 $700,00 250 W. 1st St. 2 0 -Jack Thompson TFM C -Chuck Kutsch reside - store - front, comm. bldg. BP - 12273 7/31/87 $350.00 0- dack-Thompson /Oky -poky C- Advanta Sign Co. install illum. 4'x12' wall sign BP 12362 8/18/87 0 -Jack Thompson C -Chuck Kutsch -. erect 2 wood frm canopy, comma bldg. BP 12569 9/15/87 $1200..00 0 -Jack Thompson C -Jim Giese Comm. Rfg. reroof "comma bldg. BP 12757 10/20/87 $3000.00 0- Jack Thompson -0ky Dbky C- Fondell Excavating -demolish 2 story bldg, c omm. -- BP 10/27/97 n/a - 250 West 1st St. y -TFM Co. C -Owner inst TT fndn or future r ail/Off: � P38108 12 [/97 — 0-TFM Co. - - C -Owner c onstruct cap over basement fndn for future- coast. comm. - -- 8P38167 12/16/97 n/a 0 -TFM Co. C- Seneca construct fndn for pads for future pump canopies comm. -BP Board of Adjustment Docket 61 -97 for Conditional Use Permit] to allow drive -t iru window. Approved 12 /18/97 - 250 West 1st St. 0-TFM Co. C-Owner erect steel only for new comm. bldg BP38212 1/16/T8 n/a 0-TEM fo. -C-Owfler construct shell, 2nd flr, roof deck, stairs, restrm partit. for future comm. bldg BP38214 1/19/98 n/a 0-TFM Co. C-Owner construct-wood gable roof an exlst. stl canopy comm- BP38307 3/4/98 n/a 0-TEM Co. C-Owner construct of canopy on exist. fndn, comm. BP38308 3/4/98 n/a - - _ _ 250 W. 1st 0-TFM Co. C- Aquarius Sprinkler Co. -- install sprinkler system for new bldg BP38398 4/6/98 -- $8000 .00 0 -TFM Co. C -Owner finish inter. - of new comm. bldg BP38550 511/98 $698,000.00 0 -TFM Co. C- Advanta Sign Co. install signage on so. wall, 51 sq. ft. BP38924 7/2/98 n/a Board of Adjustment Docket 58 -98 for Variance to erect 180 sq. ft. sign in C -4 District. Approved 9/24/98 0 -TFM Co. C- Advanta Sign Co. install- 180 sq. ft. sign struct -., w/ 4 -signs on 2 poles BP 39980 11/18/98 n/a 7 250 W. 1st __170Ky_Daky _ _ _ G-Dubuque Fest erect temporary sign BP40012 4/29/99 $n/a 04-Oky-Doky C-Dub Co Fine Arts Soc. erect temporary sign BP415-64 5/1/2000 n/a