West 3rd Street 0210 3/ 0 £✓ J e d I';'$° $t.
B. of 4. Certificate of Occupancy _granted_Dookent_.
No. 4-44
0- Cooper - Realty Co. _ C- Quality Roofing Co.
- -- Reroof brick bus & ept. bldg. B.P2 gt 10 4/4/45 -
0 -R. A. French
Alterations to interion of ¥ Bldg.
B.p. 260 6 -9-49 3
0 -Mrs. R. A. French C- Robert Shireman
'ltera tions to interior of Br Bus.Bldg.B.p.64.5 10- 117 - -51
206 - udest 3rd St,
0 -Red Pagoda 0-Bob Shireman
Alteration to entrance of 4 story brick Building
B.F. 820 12 -10 -58 150.00
0 --Yrs. R. A, French C_W,H,I�lauer & Associates
Alter „ tions to Int. & Exterior 4 story Br,Bldg,,
BP, 666 8-3-61 13, 000.00
�/o w ay" 3
0 -11rs. R. A. Frnch C -Giese Sheet >ieta' Co.
Reroof Er .Bldg.B.P. L98 6- 22 -60 1,800.00
... ___- __...........
C. Ed Papenthein
Alt. Br. 'Bus. Bldg. B.P. 437 6 -17 -64 400.00
210 West 3rd St —
0 - Carl Hirsch
Remodel Brick Apt.___B1dg B P 415 4 -2b_76 2,000.00
0_John_ C -Oeth Const.
alt. to int. brk & frm comm. bldg. BP 2557 9/16/80
- $2956.00
0-John Cod,_Jr. -- C -Oeth Const.
remodel int. of brk & frm comm. bdlg. BP 3939 11/5/81
0 -Paula Stenlund C- Michael McDermott $6500-;00----
repair su Gasemen walfis; brk conn -bfidy. BP G147
A eA I t 191.00
210 W. 3rd
0= Paula - S LenThird )weer
_remove_pagoda, repair wind., remodel ext. comm. bldg.
BP 7030 5/23/84 $N /A
0 Paula Sten1und C- Tortzentonst.
membrane —roof brk c omai/apt hlrig RP23729 5 /3/g4__$16643 00