West 3rd Street 0655 655 West 3rd St.
O- EIenor Dryer _ _
- Alterations -to SFFr- Dwllg -B 109 -7, 9122/77 500. -00
0 -John- Kramer _ £- Owner
erect 16x18 det. frmgar. SF res BP 8423 5/6/85 $2866.00
0 -John Kramer C -Owner
erect 11x15 wood deck, patio doors, SF - frm dwllg BP 9859
- 4 /17/86 - $1159_00
Board of Adjustment Docket 21 -86 for variance in front
yard setback to allow deck 7'6" from front property
line. Approved 5 /22/86