West 3rd Street 0741 741 “est Third St, 0- N.Groersch. C- Owner, General repairs to brick dwellin B.P. 002,00 g. 818 10/27/38 Bof .L.Petn.waive rear yard requirement betel gerege end house for alteration for closing garages. Denied. Docket No.3 -41 O -N. Grommersch. 0- Owner. Repairs to 2 Pam. brick dwellg. B.p 807 8/10/39 200.00 0. Walter Enlow C. Dubuque Insuhation & Siding Reroof Part S.F. Frame Dwe ling - GarageB.P, 883 11k3113a65 n , 741 ?'osc 3rd 8 t. Rose it-Ty Blcaymore C -D ubunue Insula,ion rc Si =L, -�,.- Co. Rer S oal-asT,,irr,p c83 --�• � 11-24-70 450,00 0 -Terry Stewart C -Dick Koerperick repairs to frt. porch SF frm dwllg BP 4993 9/29/82 $1000.0( 0 -Terry Stewart C- Hoelschers Remodeling tear -off, reroof back porch, replace sliding 2F brk dwllg BP 5744 6/6/83 $4000.00. 0- Terry] Stewart C -Dick Koerperich repair roof, replace wind., 2nd floor porch SF brk BP 6274 9/21/83 $3000.00 __..._._...... 741 West 3rd 0 -Terry Stewart C- Koerperich Const. replace rear porch SF`—res-13P- Tp701 -gj2r g6-S3200:00