West 3rd Street 1035 W ' St. IL "0 ) - 0 Gunderson 0-Beaver Roofing Reroof Gara7e B.P. 88? 9-23-63 65,00 0-C.L. Lampe C-Owner Rerool gar BP-1351-107-8779-$155:00 0-C.L. Lampe C-Owner Install skylight det fr gar BP 1401 10/17/79 $60.00 „-ThRos-emary-aauchterti C-R-afoth I/o_metal roaf, replace with metal_shin_gles, SE_RP34627_ 4/25/96 $25,000.00 ------- Board of Adjustment Docket 36-00 for Special Exception - A0 -- bui - ld-detw-garage 6" from rear 2J- from west side prop. line. in R-2 district. Approve w/condition of • - a' 1035 W. 3rd St. O.- Rosemary_. J3auchiar_o —__ C- Owner /.I1an_Kocpman._.__. ___ erect 24'x26' det. frm garage on rear SF BP42956 8/1/2000 j -$7488:00 — —