West 3rd Street 1670 1670 Vest Third 0 treeta 0— Joe1ker neelty Go. `reef 1 story dwelling. 3.P; 554 10/1/24 0 B. Pear C-John Freiburger Coast. Sun Porch to Rear of S.F.Frm.Dwellg.B.p. 584 8-1 -52 900.00 0 — Mrs. Mira Fear C_Modern_ Siding & Roofin 08.0 Reside S.F.Frame Dwellg. Reroof Garage.B.P. b7 ® 0 1 • 1670 W. 3rd - 0 -John Foster reroof SF frm dwllg BP 4720 H 8/2/82 er $3500.00 1ing 0 -John Foster C -Owner replace porch floor SF frm dwllg BP 15655 7/19/89 $600.00 0 -John T. Foster C -Owner erect 200 sq. ft. 2nd flr addition, alter, SF res BP18728 6/7/91 $7004.00 0- John Foster t /o, reroof, sd, SF BP-28392 3 -21 -95 T$i State ' 2 $4466.00