West 3rd Street 1684 1684 W. Third St. 0- W.E.Elaser Erect Attached Garage to Rear of Dwellg. B.P. 120 5-1-50 98.00 C. Superior Building Products Reside S.P. Fr. Dw.B.p. 350 6- 19- 681,100.00 1684 W. 3rd St. Reside SFFr Dwlig, B.P. 325, 4/18/78 1750.00 0 -Jerry Blaser C- Schmitt Rfg & Const t /o, reroof, partial, SF, sd BP 31466 7/17/95$699.00 0 -Jeff Spahn C- Copper Mill Const. erect 14'x22' open wd deck on rear SF BP41510 4/20/00 $4500.00 ........... _ .. .