West 3rd Street 2150 2150 West 3rd St,
0- Monroe Kitchen C- Zephyr Awning & Siding C
Reside S,F,Frame Ihre11g.B.P, 327 5-26-59 850.00
0- Monroe Kitchen C Inter -State Contr.
reroof SF Res BP- 1 06/11/90 $2500.00
0- Monroe Kitchen
Reroof, sd, SF 8P29582 5_8_95 C- Interstate
Board of Adjustment Docket 4 -97 for $Speciial Exception to
- build det. garage 0 feet from side prop line. Approved
at 1 foot from exist. retaining wall. 2/27/97
2150 W. 3rd
0- Monroe Kitchen garage, en
C -D. Maur
erect 14'x18' det. frm —y Const.
9 g SF BP37115 6/3/97 $3024.00
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