East 4th Street Ext. Z 4th St. :LC/tension 0-Lubucue 8tcr Brewery O-'a.L."Yokom. Oenst. 3 story br Oon.storeLe bid& E.-c 99 011,±431.7) C-Ceisle” B”cs Reteirs_ito_r_ocil c 09 C-Geisler Bros. Repairs to roof of Br. Blig, B.F. 352 6-13-57 1,500.00 C-Giese Sheet I'taj Co. --Ke-r6Of-BOT-Ctling House Bldg.B.P. 790 10-23-67 1 Reroof Connecting Bldg. to Pump House B.P. 79. 10-23-67 4th St. zxtension 0- edham Oil Co. 0 -Ulrich -- Alterations to station B.P. 657 9/20/39 250.00 • .._........... .................. 4th St. Extension D - R'homberg Realty, Co. Bottling Haase - C- Geisler Bros, Reroofing eommercial' building B.P. 91 4 1 /27/42 43375, 00 C -John L uber Erect One story bldg. B.P. 526 12 -10-45 4,700,00 • ...... -.... E. 4th Street EXT. O. Pickett Brewing Co. Joseph Pickett Reroof - repair Fr Storage B1dg.B,p, 6 117/26/74 500.00 __O-Joseph Pickett_ add to brk mfg bldg. BP 14 1/2/75 — ----- $45,000.00 _Pickett's Brewery C- Maryville Const. erect 60'x102' add to brk comm. bldg. BP 2946 12/23/80 -, O- Joseph__ Pickett & Sons C -Elroy Hinz Const. Co. $84,0Ot4.00 --- erect add to mas mfg bldg. BP 3450 6/25/81 $9719.00 • 4th Street Ext. 0 -Dub. Chips, Inc. Erect Fr. & Steel Lean to, B.P. 857 8/26/76 2000.00 0 -Dub. Chips, Inc. Erect Fr & Steel storage shed, B.P. 974, 9/27/76 2500.00 • East 4th St. Ext. 0 -Agri Industr reroof comm. bldg. BP 4397J�6/8/82 Giese 00 $9000.00 East 4th St. Ext. 0 -City of Dubuque C- Rafoth reroof off. bldg. BP 14305 9/6/88 $14267.00 • .. ... .. ......