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East 4th Street 0100
100 -E 14th - — 1 0 — The Adams Co. C— Owner Addition to Present Warehouse B.P. 241 6/25/47 $1,500.00 Addition to present warehouse B.P. 218 6 -1 5 -51 4000,00 II alter_ to front of brk bus bldg B.P. 637 25 Aug 75 2800.00' 0 -Adams Co. C -DISCO Reside Steel Ind. Bldg., B.P. 020, 1/12/77, 15,000.00 0 Co. C- DISCO ..._.. Reside Industrial bldg, B.P. 27, 1 /16 /78 2500.00 • 100 E. 4th St. 0 - Adams Co. C Richard Strub a tera id aaraoamo_____ ns o masonry : s ee mfg•- b1-dg; Bp- 9IT08-- 0 -Adams Co. C- Rafoth reroof comm. bldg. BP 9067�2(17-8-557,944.00— Thar. o '.,7us men Iocket 4 or variance — firms sign wall- mounted sign, approved 9/26/85 w /conditions 0 ar or ac C- arry e ifrS Syst. 0 -The Adams Co, s-- to--br w ''fig -1 -3 097- Q, irec Iona signs C-Larry Weitz Sign Syst. 100 E. 4th St. 0-The Adams Co._ inter, alterations comm. bldg BP4057408/2/99 $10,000.00 — ---- - - - - --