West 4th Street 0452 452 West 4th St, 0-Wm. Stack, 0 -H, A. Brouillet & Sons. Reroof 2 fem. brick dwelling. B.P. 786 10/27/39 90.00 0-Dr. Mozena & Dr. Whalen C Const. - int. remodeling, comm. bldg; BP 7672 -9/17/84 $500.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 55-84 for conditional use - permit to allow gift shop,floral shop and craft shop. Approved 10/18/84 w/conditions 0-Dr. Mozena/Dr. Whalen C-Mozena Const. -- remove rear porch, soffits, off. bldg. BP 7831 10/18/84 Mozena C-Advanta,Sign $800.00 install clock shaped wall sign BP 10957 10/7/86 • 452 West 4th St. 0- tenant: Dovetail Antiques C- Advanta Sign Co. remove exist sign, replace wall mount BP-13-049-2/16/88 O Daryl- -Mozena - C -Dan Davis Rfg &Sdg tear- off,sheeting,reroof brk comm. bldg BP21667 3/30/93 $1600.00 0- Hacienda Gallery - Install new 27 -1/4" x 42" wall signC- Advanta Signs BP 33283 .10/12/95 .__- ....._. -.. ........... _..._. ..... ........ ........ ....... ... ....._.... ...-- ...-- . -....