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West 5th Street 1265
1265 ?d. 5th St, O-Carl Schumacher 0-Dick Henschel ReroofS,F. _e Dvellg.3.p, 619 7-26 -60 500.00 o - - steve Burke C Bullock-- Garages -- Erect detached frame garage, B.P. 1334, 10/16/78 0- Ted Bradec C- Globel Roofing 4519.00 tear -off, reroof SF frm dwllg BP 8137 3/11/85 $2500.00 I I 0- Dave Stephens - Noack - - t /o, reroof, sd, SF BP29567 5 =5 -95 $29252925 Const x00 ...................