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1993 Index Council Proceedings
OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS of the CITY COUNCIL of the CITY OF DUBUQUE IOWA FOR THE YEAR 1993 CITY OFFICERS FOR THE YEAR 1993 MAYOR JAMES E. BRADY COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member at Large ............................. DANIEL NICHOLSON Council Member at Large ................................. ROBERT NAGLE First Ward ............................................ KATHRYN KRIEG Second Ward ......................................... LORAS KLUESNER Third Ward .................................... DONALD DE1CH til 5/I 3/93 JOSEPH ROBBINS fi'om 6/7/93 Fourth Ward ........................................... DIRK VOETBERG City Clerk ............................................. MARY A. DAVIS LEGAL DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel ............................... BARRY A, LINDAHL City Solicitor ...................................... WILLIAM G. BLUM Assistant City Attorney .............................. JAMES A. O'BRIEN CITY MANAGER MICHAEL C, VAN MILLIGAN Assistant City Manager ............................... STEPHANI JOHNSON Airport Manager ....................................... ROBERT O'BRIEN City Assessor ............................................ FRANK FROST Community/Economic Development Manager ................... JAMES BURKE Fire Chief ............................................ WILLIAM MILLER Housing Services Manager ................................. DAVID HARRIS Human Rights/EEO Director ........................ CHARLES AZEBEOKHAI Human Services Manager .................................... RANDY PECK Library Director ......................................... NICKY STANKE Leisure Services Director ..................................... GIL SPENCE Operations and Maintenance Manager ............................ DON VOOT Planning Services Manager .............................. LAURA CARSTENS Police Chief .............................................. JOHN MAUSS Public Works Director/City Engineer ......................... MICHAEL KOCH Transit Manager ...................................... WILLIAM KOHLER Utilities Director .......................................... CRAIG OLSON Regular Meetings of the City Council are held on the First and Third Mondays of each month at 7:30 p.m. INDEX- BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE A A & B Tap, K. Bl'astrup, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/21)(12]20) ........ 213,472 A. Y. McDonald Plant area (former), re: rezoning of prope~ies west of Kerper Blvd. east of Freeway 611151.(4/19) .............. 127 A-OK Yellow Cab Co, Inc. to A-OK Shuttle Service Inc., name change etc.(l/4) ..................................... 7 Abandoned belldings in City.(8f2)(12~) .................. 294,437,453 Abel, Do~, of Enmmus Bible College, re: 60 parking spaens.(7~) ...... 227 Abstract of Votes for Mayor and Council Member.(10/18) .......... 400 Ace Muffler, rezoning of property east of Cedar Cross Rd. & s. of 198 Cedar Cf.(I/18) ................................. 10 ADA Compliance Plan Annual Repot for Kcyline.(4/19) ............ 136 Adams Co., re: Fourth St. Urban Renewal Dis~ct Inocess etc.(2/15) .... 48 Addendum to Precons[ruction Agreen~nt with IA Dept. of Transportation re:U.S. Highway 61 Proj.(6f/) .................. 194 Admirnis Hi-Hat Wast, 253 Main, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic~(7/19)(9f20) .. 269,369 ADS Envire~men~l Services, Inc. re: flow monitoring study of the Catfish Creek sanitary sewer basin.(gf2) ............. 282 AffordableHousingProjectlnOpOSudonRockdaleRd.(2]15) .......... 48 Affa~dabin Housing, re: IA Finance Authority for developn~nt, to Long Range Planning Comm.(I/18) ........................ 19 Aggle Street, re: final plat of Sunset Pask 8th Addn.(l 1/15) .......... 424 Agreement amendment with Flexsteel Drainage lnq~rovemant Agteemant.(l 2/6) ............................ 430 Agreement, Memorandum, with Fischer Co. for alley ropalts at 9th & Main Sts.(6/'/) ....................... ' ..... 202 Agreement, Purchase of Se~viees, with Ol~mtion: New View.(6f21) .... 217 Agreement with Dtx1. A~a Lab~' Management Councll.(6f21) ........ 217 Agreement with Dubuque Polic~ Protective Assn.(6/21) ............. 220 Agreement with City of Handan, China, our Sister City.(5,r3) ......... 137 Agreement with Visiting Nmse Assn., by Bd.of Hoalth.(6f/) ......... 170 Agreement (Lease]Mooring) with County Historical Soc. for Wm. Black ete.(6f/) .................................... 191 Agreement with RSVP, Purchase of Services.(6f/) ................ 196 Agr~ment, Memorandum of Understanding between NAACP & City. (3/15) ......................................... 85 Agreement, Noncxcinsive Sublease, between Dbq. Racing Assn., L~d. & Roberts River Rides, Inc., re: Atwrney Gary Norby nxluasfing ex~ufion.(12~) ............................... 455 Agreement, Loan, with Bishop's Block, Ltd.(8/16) ................. 320 Agreement, CDBG, with HUD for FY'94.(gf2) ................... 292 Agreement, Land of Pestivals Porchase of Scrvices.(9f/) ............ 342 Agreement (franchise) with lnterstete Power Co.(gf/)(l 0/4) ....... 345,376 Agreement with U.S. Pezml Service for renud of 55 parking s~ls in Iowa St. Ran~.(gf/) .............................. 351 Agreement, Fun&ne, with Main St. Ltd. for FY 94.(7/19) ........... 274 Agreement, Loan, CDBG with Engineering Dam Systems Co~. (EDS).(7~) ...................................... 248 Agreement with Int. Union of Operating Engrs.(6f21) .............. 221 Ag~cment with Dubuque Prof. Firefightcrs Assn.(6,r21) ............. 220 Agreement (Funding) with Washington Neighborhood Tool Library.(7/19) ..................................... 275 Agreement (Forchase of Services) with Db~. Chamber of Commeree.(7/19) 275 Agreement: re: Dubuql~ Human Rights & Iowa Civil Rights Comm.(11/15) ................................... 417 Agreements with City Unions & Non-Bargaining en~loycns.(6/21) ..... 219 Agreements with Senofi Bio-lnduslrias & Swiss Valley Farms for Sewer Usc Chargas.(12f20) ....................... 471 INDEX - BOOK 123 ~ 1993 SUBJECT PAGE AIDS Co&ition i~ Local, funding Con~ract; Prevention Health Prngrenx(6/'/Xl2.~) .................... 195, 455 Airline Terminal, HVAC replacement. (11/15) ................... 415 AlrP°~ Inn, E- Sehwartz, Cig. Per.; Liquor Lic~(6/7)(7/6) ......... 187,250 A~ Commission re: FBO (Fixed Base Operator).(4/5) ........... 105 Airp4~ Master Plan at Dhi~. Regional re: RUST Environment & Infrustructo~.(12/6) ................. 453 AIP. PORT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/1)(6/21)($/2)(9/20)(12~) .................... 69,216,290,370,452 ~ Comae. consultant support expense etc.(12/20) ............. 468 Alcoholic Liqu~ Licenses, re: Ced~ amended to Include Notice for Underage Pexsons being in l~emiae~.(4/5) .......... 107,108 Allabongh, Rev. Woody, Pnstor of Third Pres., Gave Invocalion,(11/15) ..................................... 414 Alley ropsira behind Flshor Bldg. at 9di & Main.(6/21) .............202 Alley located between Pexu Rd. & Excelsior Ave., vacation & dispo~l etc.(8/2) .............................. 288 Alley Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction between Rhomberg & Lincoln from Farley to Marshall (2/1)(11/15) ............. 31,32,425 Alley, request for vacation between 14th & 13th between Elm & Washington, by Clark Wolff (Selco).(9/20) ........ 371 Alley between 6th & Washington St, alley between 7th & 8th Sts, re:right-of-way for SO0 Line RR trucks.(3/l) ......... 62 Alley bem~en White St. & Jackson St., east of &, etc. rezohing of property ~outh of 12th St. etc.(124~) ................ 441 Alley abutdng Lo~s 641,642 & 643 Of N. Dubuque, reqocstnd vacation by R.Hefel.(5/17) ........................ 163 Alley Reconamtofion, 1993 P.C. Concrete.(ll/15)(12/20) ......... 420,464 Alpine St., 491, assessment paid for 1993 Sidewalk Inspection & Repair Program.(12/6) ......................... 444 Althans, Dennis A., Family Beverage Center, 3400 Central, Class "LE" Liq. Lie.: Cig. Pe~.; "BE" Beer Per. (2/1)(6f/)(7/~) . 31,187,250 Althans, Kent, owner of 2042 Elm St, rezoniag from R-2A to C-2.(10/4) ..................................... 374 Altoff, Steve, Sliver Doliax Cantina, 342 Main, Cig. p~.(7/19) ........ 269 Alzbeimor Diseaee Pubfie Awareness Month, Proclamation.(l 1/1) ...... 402 Ambrezy, Richard, CLAIM; referral.(3/15X4/5) ................ 92,111 Ambulance, Fire Dept. re: Medical Directors named.(5/17) ........... 165 Ambulance Ra~s changed for outside City limits et¢.(3/4) ............ 74 Amendment of contract with HUD for admihistradon of Housing Voncher Program No. IA05-VO87-016.(12/6) ............ 444 Amendment to HOME Investment Progrunx(11/1) ............. 412 American Trust & Savings Bank, named depository for City.(4/19) ..... 135 American Legion, CLAIM; referral; Liq. Lic.(2/1)(2/15)(6/21) ... 34,57,214 Amoco Food Shop, Mulgrew Oil Co., Loras Blvd., Beer Per.(8/2) ..... 285 Amoco Food Shop, Plaza 20, Mnig~ew Oil, Beer Per.(10/18) ......... 395 Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil, Cig. Per.(6f/) ................... 187 Anasazi Exclusive Sein~ Products, Con-an. Devel. Block Grant Loan.(4/19X5/3)(5]17)(6fl) ...................... 120,149,167,193 Ander~n, Jerry, Loan Agreement, CDBG 19th Program Ye~.(12/6) .......................................... 439 Anderson, Riga, resignation from Cable Teleprogramming Comm.(9/20) ......................................... 371 Auder~on, Debby, Certificate of Appreciation for DARE Prngram(6f/)..., ...................................... 171 Angel Inv~t., Careys, 2699 Rockdnie, Cig. Per.(6/7) .. 187 Angella St., 683, dispoze of propea~y to Thomas Bilim~yer. ' ' ' (7/19)(8/2) ........................................ 271,280 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Angulla St., W. 17th St. North Io niley between W. 17th, requesting for vacation and purchase of la,peaty for G. Lawrenca.(8,r2) ..................................... 291 Angie'a, A. l~mgeno, 1401 Elm, eCg. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/'7)(9/20) .... 187,369 Animal Control Ordinance, revised, disonaalon, ete.(l/4)(l/18) ...... 4,12-18 Aninmls, Dangerous etc., spoken to in Ord. (1/18) ............... 12-18 Anlmx of City [lldl, iasttdhttion of i~iber Optic Link with eCty Hull.(l 2/6) ....................................... 443 Annex of City IInli, 13th & Main, Renovation Project.(12/~) ......... 451 Annexation of prOlae~y (Lot 1 of: SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 and S Half of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 10, Township 89 N, R 2 E of thc 5th P.M) - Schinssol and T~chiggffie Prope~ty.(l/18) ................................ 11 Annexation of IX~aorty north of W. 32nd St(2/1) .................. 41 Annual Con~butions Contrnct with HUD for Sec, 8 Housing, amendm~nt~.(3/l 5)(11/15X12/~) .................... 97, 417-418,443 Aonmti report of Public Library.(l 0/18) ........................ 399 Annual Report for FY 93, Hunmn Rights.(12/20) ................. 468 Annual Performance Report, Comp. Housing Affordability Strategy Project.(12/20) ................................. 467 Apartments, Ltd. Co{p., Dubuque Mining Co., 555 JFK, Liq. Lie.; Cig. P~r.(2/l 5)(6t~1 ) .................................. 51,213 Apel, Jerry of Park Div,, Certificate of Apl~eulation.(6/7) ........... 171 Apel, Patrick & JoDe. an, CLAIM; reinrcal.(2/l)(~lS) ............. 34,57 Appeals Bd. decision, Judicial review etc.(gD) 342 Application to IA Finance Authority for development of affordable housing etc.(l/18) ......................... : ..... 19 Application of Wm, C, Brown, Piling of Corr~n. Economic Ecttemlent Acconnt.(3/l ) ................................. 64 April Fimm~ial Rapor~ submitted.(5/l?) ....................... 163 April 1992 Council Proceedings approved; 1993 Printed Council proceedlngs.appl~ved-(2/15)(10/18) ................. 56, 399 Ap.Al as Fal~ Housing Month, Proclamation.(4/5) ................. I00 April list of Claims Proof,(6/~l) ............................. 217 April visit of HUD, repot(6/7) .............................. 196 ARA SERVICE, Inc. Lo, as Colinge, Liquor Lie.(4/5) .............. 109 ARA Leisure Services, Inc., Dbq. Greyhound Park, Liquor Lin.; eCg. Per.(4/SX6/7) .................................. 109,187 Amgen Tap, M. Woedn'mn, Cig, Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/21)(ll/1) ....... 212,40~ Arb~ Oaks Subd. re: public iml~ovemont$ and Mr. Sehwers l~OpO~ed aettinment.(10/l 8) ............................... 392 Arber Day, Proclamation. (4/19) ............................. 116 Arc~an Fea'illizer Coqa., assignment of le.~e etc.(4/19) ............ 135 Architecture Month, Procinmailon.(8/16) ....................... 298 Area Labor Management Council, Agreement.(6/32) ............... 217 Arias, David, CLAIM; denial.(10/4)(ll/l) ................... 385,411 Att Month, Youth, Proclamation.(3/10) ......................... 60 Arterial, NW, & Asbu~ Rd., traffic lights.(12/6) ................. 453 Arthofer, Michael, CLAIM.(I/4) ............................... 6 Articles of Agreement for ECIA, amendmont.(2/15) ................ 49 Arts funding reqnestcd by R. Naah for Ktdeidoscopo.(5/17) .......... 15~} Arvaniil$, O,, Bt~y Be~., 1958 Central, eCg, Per.(6/21) ............. 212 Asbury Rd., 3400, rezotdng from OR to OS.(5/17)(6/'/) ....... 1~0,171,172 Asbu~ Rd., 3219, rezotdng requnst/denisi etc. for Sperling Office.(ll18)(2115)(4119) ............................. 22,45,117 Asbm~ Rd., 2570, re: Emmana Bible College Co~acaptoal Davelopm~nt Pinn.(6.t21 )(716) .......................... 215,22/ Asbuty Fastop, Mulgr~w Oil, ecg. Per.; Beer Per.(6/'/)(9/20) ...... 18/,368 Asbu~ Rd. & Clarke Dr., NE corne~, rezoning of l~Operty from ID to Pr.(1/18)(2/15) ............................... 22,43 1~3 SUBJECT PAGE Ashby Rd. & NW Amfial, tntfEc light$.(12/~) .................. 453 Asphalt Paving Project, 1993 (6/'/)(7/6)(9/'/xg/20X 11/15) 12/20) ........ 190,191,231,336.360,421,465 Asphalt reastffaulng reqnestnd for Peru Rd. etc.(6F0 ............... 177 Assesmment Schedule, final, for Din1. Corp. Canter Office Pask & Pennsyl. Ave. Roadway & Utility Iml~ovements etc.(I/18) ................................ 19-21 Assessment (Special) Bonds, call in.(l 1/15) ..................... 418 Assessmunt Schedule for 1992 P.C. Concrete Puving P~e~t.(8/16) ......................................... 306 Assessment ,%bedule for 1~)3 Sidewalk li~Fneilon ~ R~p~r Prngn~(l~/6) ................................. 445 Assesament Se. hednie for Centec Grove Sanitary ~ewer.(12~) ......... 458 Assessments for construelion of Dbq. C. em'porate Center Office Park & Pennsylvania Ave.(2/15) ....................... 57 Assess*'c, ontsforC~umcentRidge&SterliilinDr. Reconstn~ction.(6/7) ... 190 Aaressments, Proof, for lnwond Ave. Sanitary .%wee ECt.(1/18) ........ 23 Assignment of certain Leases between City & Dbq. Yacht Basin, In~.(8/19)(9/20) .................................... 332,371 Assignment of Lense for l~Operty to Hedge Transit W~cehonae Co. to Firat National Bank, now Huwkeye Bnnk of Dbq.(gt~) ......................................... aS0 Assignment of Lca~ etc., Arcadian F~edlizor Coq}. (4/19) ........... 135 Aasistent Fire Chief/Division Chief, re: Civil Se~ice certifying promotiontd testing list(3/1) ........................ 70 Audit repe~t fa Swiss Valley Fartr~ for year ending 9-92.(3/15) ....... 93 Audit, 1992, of Dubuque R&cing Aasm(l/lg) ..................... 23 Audit Reports, 1~2, submitted.(~/1) ........................... 36 Audubon .%olety, S, Neyens, ~lUnsting pem~sion to erect a small structo~ on City property on e$$t side of Massh St(6/7) ..... 193 Anduben St. to Clarke Dr., re: deletion of para ofN. Grandvinw which I~ovided for imxMhiilon of ixtrklng on Grandview Ave.(7/6) ... 245 August, 1993, Finanulal Re. porte submitted.(9/20) ................. 371 August, 1992 Ptintcd Council proceedings approved as printed-(6/21) ... 216 August List of ecalma, Proof.(l 0/18) .......................... 400 Avennfins, M~lin, CLAIM; referral.(4/19XS/3) ................ 129,14g Avenue Tap, Oldlmm Inc,, Liq. Lin.; eCg. Per.(4/5)(9/'/) .......... 109.343 Averknmp, Brad, CLAIM; settlement.(7/19)(8/2) ............... 273,2~0 Awning-monntcd signs, re: Denial for ~.qu~at by Goliath, Inc. ete. O/15) ......................................... 86 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE B B & M Convenient Ma~ Inc., Oky Doky iv/, 3301 Pennsylvania. LB Liq. Lln.; Class "B" Beer Per.; Cig, Per, (3/15X6/21) ........................................ 86.213 Bckar, David, refund on Liq, Lin,(7/19) ........................ 273 Bakar, Dave, re: for J, Robblus on ~ Ward Council Member app~mmenc(6,r/) ...................................... 171 Bunkors's Trust, settinrunnt with Iowa Trust Receiver ete.(l/18)(2/l) ... 21,35 Banks, ~: Delmaitorlus for City named.(4/19) .................... 135 Bar X, Cig. Per.(6/21) .................................... 213 Barrels, Kay Frances, re: bus service from Mt. Carmel. (3/4) .......... 72 Barnes, Wyman, CLAIM; received & filed.(8/16)(9/7) ........... 322,347 Bar,Is, Berlin, CLAIM; refenni.(2/1)(2/15) .................... 34,57 Barber Expressions, M, Dolter, Class "wg" Wine Per.(7/6) .......... ~ Buskatball playing in Jackson Park, problems etc.(9/7) ............. 335 Bauer, lames E., Jimmy B's, Ltq. Lie,; Cig. Per.(5/17)(6/21) ...... 160,213 Bauerly, Donna, resignation from the Housing Code Appeals Bd.(3/15)... 85 Bauarly, lames, CLAIM; Rofenal.(9/7)(9/20) ................. 346, 370 Buuerly, lames W., ~appointed to Zoning Bd. of Adjustmunt.(3/15) ..... 85 Baumhovar, Rick, re: Third Wani Council Member appoinm~nt.(6/7) ... 171 Beaves, George, re: Third Ward Council Member appointment; absccaot of votes.(6/TX10/18)(l 1/15) .................. 171,400, 423 Beoben, Eugene, Gene's Main St. Tap, Liq. Lin.(6/21) .............. 214 Bceker, Fred, re: final plat of Castle Ridge Estates approval. (9/20X10/4) ............ ; .......................... 360, 382 Bcecher Beverage, 1691 Asbery, BE Beer Per.; "E" Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(5/17)(6,r/) .............................. 159,160,187 Bceghley, Ken, applicant for CD Comm.(2/15) .................... 46 Beer License for On-Premise consu~pliou, Notice reqniwA to be Posted re: Underage Persons.(4/5) ...................... 108 Bell, Glen, CLAIM; refen'ed.(7/19)(8/2) ..................... 273,290 Bernis, Tim. applicant for Park & Rce. Comm.(7~) ............... 232 Bench Co. n'.quusting installation of bench billbeards at Bus Stops.(2/15) ....................................... 58 Bennett, Nulda, Old Sbeng, Cig. Per.; Liq, Lic.(6/7)(10/18) ....... 187, 396 Bennett. John L, reappointed to House Code of Appenis,(l/18) ......... 12 Bentley, Roger, CLAIM; denial.(8/2)(9/7) ................... 290,346 Bergmunn, Michael & Sally, re: not signing tlnal plat aceel~unce of Northwest Ridge,(8/16) ........................ 324 Bargslxom, Kathy, CLAIM; Deniai.(3/1)(4/5) .................. 69,111 Barman, Roy, objcew~d to Crescent Ridge reconstruction project.(7/6) ... 230 Besehun, Tom, reimbursement for p~ice costs for RAGBRAI.(9/20) .... 355 Best Western Dubuque Inn, Cig. Per.(6/7) ...................... 187 Beta Sigma Phi Week, Prcelnmafion.(4/19) ..................... 116 Bethany Hems, Petition for 25' Schiller St. vacatiun (from wpl of Lincoln Ave. to epl of High Bluff Sts.) & sale to them. (7/19X10/18)(11/1) ............................ 274,398,404,40.5 Betting limits requesting to be lifted (Gambling) on Riverboat ute.(8/16) ........................................... 304 Bibb, Rev. Stephen, of Faith United Methodist Church, Gave Invocation (2); Applicant for Housing Cctnm.(4/5)(8/16) .... 100,298,304 Bickel, Rev. Dr. Ken, of Fhst Cong~gational, Gave Invocmion.(3/15) ... 78 Bids rejceted for 1993 Asphalt Paving Project(7/6) ................ 231 Binratube, 1301 Rhombarg- Cig. Per.; Liq. Lin.(10/4) ........... 384,385 Big 10 Mart, M~to Oil Co., Beer Permit; Cig. Per. (3/1)(6/7X11/1)(12/20) .......................... 66,187,408,472 Billboards (Bench), teqcest to put at City's bus steps.(2/15) ........... 58 Billrneyer, 'fhomas, bought 2683 Angelin St. property from City.(7/19) .. 271 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Billy Buck's E. St. Tap, 521 E. 22nd, Cig. Per., Liq. Lic~ (6/21)(11/15) ...................................... 213, 419 Birch, Janie l., CLAIM; refen'ed.(8/16)(gf/) ................. 322, 346 Bishop, Thomas E., CEO of Medical Assceta~s, approving reining.(7/6) ........................................ 226 Bishop, Barney, runpl~nmi to Hist. Pres. Corem. C//6) ............. 231 Bishop, Lnis, objecting to Punnsylvanin Ave. ~.zoning (e of Butten'ield).(3/1) .................................... 60 Bishop's Blcek, 1st & Main, Housing Peojcet Incentives Prngram funds Et~,(1/18)(3/15)(4/sxg/16) ............ 19,97,98,111,320 Bissell, Fred & Regiun on Cedar Cross Rd., n~ning (tennis comu).(7/6)(7/19} ............................. 251,257 Bitter, A~OY, wi~hguswing rezouing request at 1598 McPdund.(7/19) ................................... 257 Bitier, Atteruny fct Mr. & Mrs. Dale Vench, (~AIM.(8/16) .......... 322 Black, William M., dusigmted as Histeric Laedm~k; Lease/Mooring Agreerr~ntwlth Histcaicni Socinty.(5/3)(6/7) ..... 137,191 Blewett, Jedi, Bodinc's, Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per.; Refund un Liq. Lic,(4/19)(5/3)(6/21)(9/7) .................... 127,144,213, 347 Block, Donald, CLAIM; refenni.(4/19XS/3) .................. 129,148 Block, Barbara, as Trust. of C, Schinssl lm~v. Trust, re: property to Tsehiggfrie and uncexation.(1/18) ................. 11 Blocker, Virgil, re: Pceusylvaniu Ave. rezoning fee Herizun DeveL(4/5) . 101 Blue Moon Devel., Cinflon, Cig. Par.; Liq. Lic.(6/21)(8/2) ........ 213, 285 Bluff St. re: petitiun ~quustiug parking on East side between Dodge & lunus St.(9/20) ................................. 371 Bluff, 1353, puscbese of v~l esta~. (2/15X3/1) .................. 49,70' Bluff St. from St. Mmy's, inclusion in Rusideutial Pa~ing Permit Dis, 'B'.(4/5) ............................. 104 Bluff St., east of and s of/ones, rezoning for Freeway C~rldor PL(2/15)(3/15)(4/5) .................... 55,85,101 Bluff SC, mpeni of parking restrlntion on East side oniy,(10/18) .... 393,394 BOARD OF HEALTH, Qmmedy Meeting (1/18)(6/7)(7/19)(I0/18X12~) ................... 8,170,256,390,432 Boards & Commissions recognition plunic.(6/7) .................. 187 Bodine's Lounge, I. Kengun, Liq. Lic,(2/15) ...................... 51 Bedine's, lo~l Blnwet~ Liquus Lic.; Cig. Par. (4/19)(5/3) ......... 127,144 Bnge, Stevun of Renaissance Development Co., approval of final plat of Lois A & B of Renaissance Ocks.(3/15) ............ 93-95 Boloyn, Bob, given Cer~ of Appreciation.(9/7) ................... 334 B°°ds, Special Assessmsnt, call i~ (11/15) ..................... 418 Bonds, The Finley Hospital, Hospital Revenue Refunding. (11/1)(12,~) ....................................... ~0S,434 Bunds, $2,720,000 Paflsing Revunce.(5/3)(5/17) ............... 146,154 Bonds, G.O., $2,800,000 & Parking Rev. $2,720,000. ($/3)(5/17)(5/18) ................................ 145,154,168 Bouds, G.O., $2,0~0,000, issuunce.(2/1)(3/4) .................... 32,73 Bouson Road, property wert of, rezoning ute, Blk 2 Buena Vista Sub. No. 5,(8/16) ............................. 321 Boust Your Hometown Month,Prncinnmtion.(3/15) ................. 78 Bouthby, linda, requesting to purchase 967 Thomas P1.(4/19) ........ 130 Botaferd, Judith A,, Betsy's, 1027 Rhomberg, Liquor Lic,; Cig. Per, (4/5)(7~) .................................. 10~,250 Botay's, Judith A. Bo~sford, 1027 Rhoml~rg. Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(4~)(7/6) .................................. 109, 2!;0 Boultinghouse, A., his Ltb~vy Bdi term being fiBed.(7/6) ........... 232 Boy Scout Troop ~48 presented with City Flng.(7/6) ............... 223 Boyus, Milton, CLAIM; appealing nonseulemunt.(9/7)(l 1/15) ...... 346, 423 Boyntm, Pat; re: parking situation at Bryant Scho~l.(17~) ........... 443 Bradley Family Addu., final pint approval of Lots 1-6 on Chunoy.(2/15) ., ;58 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Brady, Mayor Jim appointment to the Dbq. Rucing Assn.; Abetruct of votes for next Mayoral term; amending of 1994 One Ycer Plan. (2/15)(10/18Xll/15)(12/20) .......... 47, 400, 423, 467 Brnig, Karla, eppein~ed to Human Right~ Con~n.; request not to fill R. Spegnola's place on the Com~ssion; submission of Human Right~ Aonucl Repe~(1/4)(lO/4)(2/20) . . . 4,386,468 Bmnstad, Governor of IA, ~recietion lett~ for Ass't Mg~. S. $ohn~on; m-~ed to call e spec. session of IA Legislature. (7/21).(2/I) ........................................ 29, Bre~n-ocm & Locke~ Rehab of Keyline Transit Oaregn, Projuct(2/1) .... 29 Bremffeeding, 0~Vorld), Week, Pro~lercelion.(g]2) ................. 280 Brngman, Cndg, objected to Crescent Ridge reconstmelion l~roject.(7/6) . 230 Breitbach, Robert $., refunds for Bee~ Permit & Cig~ette.(3/15) ....... 93 Breithnch, Robert & Catherine; CLAIM, refen'ed.(gf/)(9,t20) ..... 346, 370 Brettbech, Edna, objecting to Pennsylvania Ave. rezoning (e of Butterfleld).(3]l) ...................................... 60 Brelihaupt, Irene, (Estate), ~ at 2120 Washington sold to City.(4]5)(5,t3) ................................ 106,107,150 Breonuc, Ludwig, CLAIM; refen'el.(2/15)(3/l) .................. 56,69 Brenmm, John A,, M.D. re: Environto~nud Comm.(11/15) ........... 414 Brestrup, K., A & B Tnp+ 2600 Cen~al, Cig, Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/21X12/20) ...................................... 213,472 Bridge Res,, L Hall, 31-35 Locust, Liq. Lie.(7/6) ................. 250 Briggs, Wayne, re: Briggs Enterp~ires etc. approved final plat of IX~ion of Tiffany Ridgn,(i2/20) ......................... 476 Brimeyer, Tom, re: rez<mlng of 3195 J~.(gf/) ................ 335 Broessel, P. A., Corner Tap, 2093 Wnslangton, Liq. Lie.(5/17) ...' ..... 160 Broessel, Roger, CLAIM; deninl.(124~)(12/20) ................ 452,475 Brown, Wm. & Joy, Dbq. Yacht Basin, Wheel House, sublease of ~y.(4/19) ........................................ 134 Brown, Wm. C., Comm. Develol~ncnt Block Grant Project, fanded,(5/17)(6f/X11/15)(12/20) .................. 167,193,~428,475 Brown, Wm. C., filing of Community Economic Bettormont Account Applicatlon,(311))7/19) ................. 64,276 Brown, Wm., C., CDBG Le~m Agreement for $300,000.(415) ......... 106 Brown, W.C., Environmenud Review Findings for CDBO Project (5/3)(6f/)(12.~) ............................ 149,193,452 Brown, Mtg. Vaintn, re: Code requirement of handrail on steps.(11/1) ... 406 Brown's (A,L.) Sulxi. re: conveyance of 464 Lores from O'Ronrke's to Cnng & Melis~a Tuthlil.(5/17) ........................ 166,251 Brueck Rd., enst of & North of 32nd St., rezoning from AG to R-1 for E. Tschtggfde; firud plat approval of Blks 1, 2 & 3 & Lot C of Tiffany Ridge.(3/15)(4]lgX12/20) .. 91,117,475 Btunskill Road Sunita~ Sewer Ext~nsinn Project. (2/1)(415X4119) ................................ 67-69,103,115 Brunswick, Ye Olde, G. Kirchbcrg, 3203 Cig. Per,; Liq, Lic. (4]5) ........ ; ~-. ................... 108,109 Brunswick (Ye Olde), Otzao's, 3203 Seckson, Liq. Lie.(6/21) ........ 214 Bmttuclt~, Wm. $., CLAIM. (1/18)(2/1) ....................... 23,34 Bry&ut St. ws0~c~c~ p~k~ng requested.(9/20)(12/6) ............. 371,443 Buda, Rocco, CLA1M; refer~'ni.(3/15)(415) .................... 92,111 Budda, Tom & Lynn, objecting to re~t~eted parking on Bryant.(12/6) ... 443 Budde's Spo~ Bar & Cfffil, refund of Cig. Lic.(4/19) ............... 130 Budget for Keyline, Grant Applications approved~(3/15) ............. 90 Bud§ct Gu~dclin~ fo~ 1995~(12/6) ............................ Budget Docttmontz l~$entefion; Hemiog etc. ~ 94).(2/1X2/15)(3/4) (415) ........................ 31,51,72,112 Budget adopted, ~ ameuded; Appeal for 1994, recommeadafions.(3/4)(8/2) ............................. 73,281 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Budget Amendment for KeyLiuc Trenslt Division, FY 1993 (4/5) ...... 114 Bucon Vista Sub. No. 5, Blk 2, property west of Bonson Road, reigning.(8/16) ........................................ 321 Bonslng, Ken re: rezonlng of property ce~t of Ca~tor from~ R-4 to PR Dis.(8/16) ................................... 298 B~lding permit Fees changed.(3/4) ............................ 75 Buildings, abandoned in the City, eoncer~.(g/2)(12/6) ........ 294,437,453 Bunker Hill Golf Consse Operating Ag~ement with Golf Pro O. 8to~mon.(2/15) ................................. Bunker Hill, O. gtephenson, Beer Per.; Cig. Prr.(2/15X6f21) ....... 51,212 Banke~ Hill C-oil Course to Clarke Dr., request to lift ban ngninst parking on West sida of N. Crrendvinw.(4]lg) ............. 130 Bm'hneh, Cad, acceptance of University Park Villa, Inc. rezoning on Pennsylvania Ave. east of Lucy Dr.: acceptance of final plat of $on~t Park gth Addn.(l 1/IXI 1/15) .............. 402,403,424 Berds, Denis P., Abstr~t of votes for Meyo~l election.(lO/18) ....... 400 Berds, Ron& Ann, ~ewer backup claim refened; CLAIM, denial.(1/4) (6f/Xg/16)(gf/) ........................ 6,192,322,346 Bm'ds, Daniel, CLAIM refened.(6/21) ....... ; ................. 216 Bureau of Historic Prezervatlon's State Hist. Prerervalion re: Execution of a SUc~ 106 Mon'~-andum of Ag~ement.(gf/) ...... 350 Burgmeier, Robert, of Consolidated Freightways, re: NW A~erial Sign Overlay l~Ope~el etc.(lO/4) ................ 374 Burke, Michael L., requcsting Vncetion & purchase of l~rOperty, Quince St., between 841 and 833 Cleveland. (g/2)(12~)(12/20) ............................. 29O,449,463,464 Burke, Mary, CLAIM; referraL(6/21)(7/~) ................... 216,254, Burniog, Open, p~t~ted by Drd.(gf~0) .................... ~67, 36~ Bu~on's Addn,, portion, re: 851 Keufman, l~U'chnse ~ estate from Vandermuelan's.(5/17)(6/21 ) ....................... 158,216 Bns Survice ~queated from Mt. C. anneL(3/4) ..................... 72 Bu~ Stops, request for bench I~llbonrd insudlation.(2/15) .............58 Bnses, re: Keyliuc Grant Applications to UMTA.(3/15) .............. 90 Bnsine.~s Growth, luc. (ECIA), restructure loan to Duhnqce D Su~ices.(lO/1g) ....................................... 393 Bnsy Bee, G. Arvanltis, Cig. Per.(6/21) ........................ 212 Butter's Ber, M. gawvell; Ci~. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/7)(6/21) .......... 187,214 Buttcrfield Dr., east of & no~h of Peansylvantn, Conceptual Devel. Plan & rezoning etc, for Horizon Invest. & Devel. (2/15)(3/I)(3/15)(4/5)(4/19) ...................... 55,~0,79,101,119 Bylaws/Operating Policies for Housing Cormn. Trust Fund Comm. approved.(6/7) .............................. 176 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE C & $'s Inc., Windsor Tap, Liquor Lin.(4/19) .................... 127 Cab Co. from A-OK Yellow Cab Co. to A-OK Shultle Service, Inc.(l/4) ........................................ 7 Cable & Conduits (andelground pipeline~ et~.) license for consUuctlen of wate.~natn ere. beneath Railroad Co.(8/2) ....... 294,295 CABLE REGULATORY COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: 3/I,4/5,5/3,7/6,9t~, 10/1 8, 11/1 .......... 69,111,148,253,346,,399, 411 Cable Rnguintoxy Comm. app~ntments of Water Webster and RonaId Tigges.(8/2) ................................. 281 Cable Regulatory Comm. appointment of Floyd Cook.(4/5) .......... 105 CABLE TELEPROGRAMMING COMMISSION SUBMff'FING MINUTES: 1/18, 2/15, 3/15,4/19,5/17, 10/18, 11/15 12/20 23,56,92.129,162,399,422,475 Cable Teleln'ogramming Comm. appointment of Jennifer Ttgges.(4/5) .......................................... 105 Cable Teleprngurmmtng Comm. Vacancy set out(3/15) .............. 93 Cable Telelnngtammlng Comm., resignation of Denrds Corse.(5/17) .... 165 Cable Teinpregramming Comm. ~ppointment of Sr. Carol Hovorrcen.(8/2) ................................ 281 Cable Telepmgramming Comm. resignation of Don Pryberger. (9/20) .............................................. 371 Cable Telelnogrammlng Comm., re: vacant seat of Tim Habel. 00/18) ............................................. 4OO Cable Telepregtnm~ng Comm. aPl~ntment of Mary McDowell, Daniel F. O'Cenneli and Thomas Curll.(12/20) .................. 468 Cable TV Customer Set/ices Obligation Ord.(12/20) ............... 470 Cable TV, Changes, Pay Service Semmlding Methods, info.(4/5) ...... 107 Cablevision, TCI, re: Annual Report of 1992.(4119) ................ 134 Cablevision, TCI, Changes, Pay Sen4ce Scrambling Methods, info.(4/5) . 107 Caddie Sh~w.k, My $o Invest, 48 Main, Beer Per.(7/19) ............. 269 Callaban, Jan appointed to CD Comm. for Census Tr. #10.(2/15) ....... 46 Candler Dr., re: final plat of Embassy West No. 2.(1/18) ............ 26 Cmr~r~s in squed ears, E. Pfold x~lecsling porchuse.(3/1) ......... 63,340 Camp St, NE cornur of Hanisen St, etc., rezouing.(3/15)(4/5) ...... 91,100 Cancer Survivor's Day, National, Proclan~ien.(5/17) .............. 152 Canvuss of votes for M&yor & Couecll, offidial by County.(11/15) ..... 423 Capital Improvement Program, Public Hearing etc.; Projects tattled fotw~d.(2/15)(3/4)(9/'/) ............................. 52,73,351 Capital Projects uncompleted, carried into FY 94.(9/7) ............. 351 Carlisle Communications re: NW Arterial Sign Overlay Dis.(10/4) ..... 374 Cart, Todd, by Tom Cart, CLAIM; refenaL(1/4X1/18) ............. 6,23 Carter Rd., east, rezonldg - R-4 to PUD (Lot 2, St. Maxy's Place No. 3).(7/19)(8/2X8/16) ........................... 272,289,298 Corer & Hlilerust intersectica~, stop signs. (6/7) .................. 176 Carey's General Store, Cig. Per.; Beer PUt.(6/7)(9/7) ............ 187,344 Casino Belle, notice of terafiealion of 372 employees in ApfiL(2/l) ..... 35 Cestle Ridge Estates, re: D. Se~r, Attorney for F. Beckor, re: accuss.(9/20)(10/4) ................................ 360,382 Caterer's, The, The Ryan House, 1375 Locust, Liq. Lit.(7/19) ........ 270 Catfish Creek Sanitary Sewer basin, Infiltration/Inflow study.(8/2) ..... 282 Cats re: Humane Society Purchase of Sea'vices Agreement-(6/21) ...... 217 Cats, Degs, Fowl, Livestock, re: amended Animal Ord.(l/18) ........ 13-19 CDBG - ALSO SEE "COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANTS" LISTINGS. CDBG Project, Bishe. p's Block, Environurentul Review.(3/15) ......... 97 CDBG Loan Agree. & EDA Revolving Loan Fund for Vessel Systems.(l 1/15) ................................. 415,416,429, CDBG Projsets, request for Releuse of PUnds.(4/5)(5/3) .......... 112,149 1993 SUBJECT PAGE CDBG re: Eagle Point (f~amty Bngincefing Data) & Wm. C. Brown Comm.(11/1) ......................................... 413 CDBG Funds, allocation from HUD advised. (3115)(513)(5/17)(6/7)(12120) ................ 93,149,166,192,193,467 CDBG Projects, Environ. Review nodce for various projects. (3/15)(6/7) ..................................... 9g,192-193 CDBG Loan m: Cooper Wagon Puctory Daveloprcent Corp. (12~)(12/'20) ................................ 440,454,478,479 CDBG, release of funds for Engrg. Data Systems (EDS). (8/2)(11/1) ..................................... 293,294,413 CDBG Loan Agreement f~r $300,000, Wm. C. Brewn.(4/5) .......... 106 CDBG Funds re: HUD advising aecelemtion.(12/6) ................. 439 CDBG Funds, PulPit Heatings etc. (2/15)(5/17X6/7)(8/2)(12/20) ................ 51,166,192-193292,467 CDBG Loan Agrcemeat with Anasazt Exclusive Salon. (4/19)(6/7) ..................................... 120,192-193 CDBG re: Gurntce Puffmnennce Repo~ for period ending 6/30/93.(9/20) ........................................ 362 CEBA (Comm. Econorrfic Betterment Account) re: Expansion Project of Engineering Data Systems.(716) .......... 248 CEBA Lean Agreemeat with IA Dept. of Economle Davel. & Wm. C. Brown (7/19) ................................... 276 Cedar Lake East Second Addn. & Cedar Lake Addn., vacation of utility easement (8/2)(8/16) ............................ 287301 Cedar Cress Rd., e. of and s. of 198 Cedar Cross Rd., rezoding from AG to CS.(I/18) .................................... 10 Cedar Cro~s Rd., construclion of Cellular Phone Towur, objection by S. So~usen, ete.(ll/1Xll/15) ................. 407,415 Cedar Cro~s Rd. & Fremont Ave. Interseclion, Sight Distance In~rovement Proj.(9/7)(9/'20)(12/6) ............. 344,359,456 Cedar Cross Road rezoc~ag f~om AG to PUD with PC (Bissell preperty fc~ tenuis enurts)(7/6)(7/19) ............... 251,257 Cellular Phone Tower, Cedar Cross Rd., objecllon by S. Soreuson, ete.(I 1/1)(11/15) .......................... 407,415 Center Grove Methodist Church, re: Bransklll Road Saulu~ry Sewer Extension.(4/19) ............................ 116 Ceater for Public Minisuy re: petition for support of CHDO.(8/2) ...... 284 Center Grove Senitsxy Sewer Exteusien.(12/6) ............... 457,458 Central Ave. A.C.C. Resuffaeing Project, 4th to llth & 20th St to 32nd St(10/18) ........................... 394395 Ceatrel Ave., 3270, 3370, 3400, 3450 & 10 MEwaukce St, rezodiag mlUeSt - L. Wuiff.(5/17)(6f/) ................... 160,172 Ceatod Tap, Inc., 1046 Central, Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per. (4/19)(6/21) ...................................... 127212 Cemral States, for D. Bunls, CLAIM; referral. (6/7)(6/21) ....... 192216 Cealnd Ave. Project for 1992, River City Paving dis~usslen to Couec~l.(9f/) ....................................... 335 Central Ave., 2235, rezoning from R-2A to C4.(6/21) .............. 215 Central Ave. & 14th St-, D B & T addition to Bank.(12~) ........... 453 Certificate of Aplxedations to: Police Officer R. Stecldein; other City employees etc.(2/1)(12/20) ...................... 29,463 Curflfied Local Govenm~nt (CLG) Grant project approval by Stete Hletoric Preservation.(4/5)(6/7) ................... 112,195 Chain Link Fence Project for Park & Rec. Office.(7/19)(8/16) .. 270,271.300 Chamber of CO~ & other governmental entities re: Hwy 20 (Dodge St) final design. (9/20) .................... 360 Chamber of Commerce, Ag~ement for FY 94; First Quaffer Report(7/19)(11/1) .................................. 275, 412 Chancy Rd., re: final plat approval of Lots 1-6 of Bradley Family Addn.(Z/15) ..................................... 58 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Changes in TCI Caldevislon Pay Servie~ Scrambling Methods etc.(4/5) ...................................... 107 Channel inn, C~-ulyn Funck, 2010 Kerper, Liq. Lie.(7/21) .......... 214 Chapman, Krlstiua, Oky Doky #14, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/21X8/2) ........................................ 213,285 Chara, Paul, objecting to late beskethull playing in Jackson Park. (9/7) ........................................... .... 335 CHAS Annual Purfornmnc~ Repett(s); Process set out. (3/15XI2~X?/19) .............................. 93,449,452,275 Chavenelln, Gull, re: 4th St. Puntnsula Study Group, requesting one month extension for repmt.(l/18) ................. 18 CHDO supported by Rev. Scotchreer & Center for Public Miulsuy,(8/2) ................................... 284 Chi-Chi's Mexican Res., IAq. Lic.(2/l) .......................... 31 Child Care, zoulng text amendments to Se~. 8, Day Care Centers & Sec. 4-7 Home Occupetiom.(~J15×3/15) ................... 56,84 Childhood Lead poisoning PmVuntion Pvngram Cmmt(12/6) .......... 432 China, Agtccmunt' Sister City of Haudun & visit by represuntatives.(5/3 ) .................................... 137 Chin' Sam, Long Yunn Chinese Res., Liq. Lic,(ll/15) .............. 419 Churchill, Thomas, applicant to the Human Rights Comm.(II4) ......... 4 CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES SUBMITTING MINLrI~S: (10/4X12/6) ....................................... 385,452 City Hall nominated for Historic Landmarks. (1/18X4/19)(5/3) ................................. 18,128,137 City Hall and City Hall Annex, Fiber Optic Link instellation.(12'~) .... 443 City Hall Annex Renovation Project(12/6) ................. ' ..... 451 City Lot 537A, 540A, 556A, & 604A conveyed to City from IDOT.(8/16) .............................. 329,330 CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR SESSIONS: (1/4),(1/15),(2/1),(2/15),(3/1),(3115),(4i5),(4/19),(5/3),(6fl), (6/21X7]6)(7/19)(S/2)(SlI6)(9fl)(9/'20)(lO/4)(IO/18Xll/1) (11/15)(12~)(12/20) ................. 1,9,29,42,60,78,100,116,137,171,198'223,257'280,298, ............................... 334,355'374,391,402'414,434,463 CITY COUNCIL, SPECIAL SESSIONS: (3/4)(5/3 X8/9X8/19)(9/20) ..................... 72'147'297,332,353 CITY COUNCIL, CLOSED SESSIONS:. 0/1 8X3/l)(Sf3)(S/2)(gfl)(10/4× 10/lS)(12/20) ............................... 28,71,151'297,351,389,401,479 City Council electico, abetraet of roms etc,(10/18) ................ 400 City Lease for assignment of property to Hodge Transit Warehouse.(9fl) ....................................... 350 City Mannger Michael Van Milligen sworn in; amendment to Employment Agrce.(l/4)(12/20) ......................... 1,475 Civic Center re: discontinuation of icc, discussion.(1]4) ............... 4 Civic Center re: contract with Dhel. Fighting Snints.(9fl) ............ 342 Civic Cunter Comm. resignalion nf Risa Anderson.(9f20) ............ 371 Civic Center Comm. appeintmunt of PUUla A, Lunge.(l 1/1) .......... 406 Civic Change, Rev. David Seotchmer to share info re: PEW Purtcershlp.(9]20) ............................... 360 CIVIL SERVICE COMM, SUBMITHNO MINUTES: (4/19X5/3)(7/19)(12/20) ........................ 129.148,272,475 Civil Service Comm. appointment of James N. Fechan.(2/15) .......... 45 Civil Service Comm. codifying Assist. Fire Chief/Div. Chief.(3/1) ...... 70 Civil Rights Comm, of lowa, Agreement(11/15) .................. 417 CK of Dubuque, Inc., County Kitchen, Beer Per,; Cigarette Per.(4/5)(6fl) ............................... 108,187 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Claims for Nov. 1992; Dec. 1992; Jan. 1993; Fcb. 1993; Ms,ch; July;, August, Sept., Oct. proofs. (1/18×2/15X3115)(4119X5117×6/21)(9/20)(lO/18XI 1/15)(12/20) .......................... 23,57,93,130,163'217'370,400,423,475 Claims for Ma~ch, prooL(SIl?) .............................. 163 Claims, FEMA (Flood) deoini etc.(12/6) ........................ 431 Clap~ddle-O~rher finn, de$ign Phase I! In~i~ovenz~nts at Eagle Point Water Plant; Name change to Fox Engine~ing Asso. (4/5)(5/3) ......................................... 10~,150 Clarion Ho~l, Blue Moon Ocvul., Cig. PUt.; Liq. Lic.; repayment of downtown ho~l Project.(6/21X 12/20) ........ 213,469,472 Clark, Thoma~ & Connie, re: pm'chine of adjacent property at 835 S. Grandview - M~gan St. & Mount Vernon Court Parkway.(3/1 )(7/6)(7/19) ............................ 70,252,260 Clark, Ruth, appointment from Homing Comm. to Homing Cormn. Trust Fund Comm.; endorsing CHAS Prngnun. (10/4)(12/20) ...................................... 382,467 Clark's Subd., Lo~ 1-14 & 2-14 re: Putu Rd. Reconsh-untion etc. (5/3) ............................................... 140 Clarke Dr. & Asbuty Rd., NE comer, rezcolng from ID to PR, also Coacoptuul Development Plun.(1/18)(2/15) .............. 22,43-45 Clarke Dr., 1749 ~o 1687, 2 hour parking extensiun requested. (10/18)(12/6) ...................................... 401,447 Clarke College students comm~uded for support in 1993 Hunger Cleaunp.(4/5) ................................... 100 Clayton, Klm, real~ulntcd to Human Rights Comn~; Submitting H. R. Rnpe~t-(1/4)(12/20) ............................... 4,468 Clerical ponifion for Police Dept., grant funding.(9f/) .............. 349 Cleveland, property between 841 & 833, (Quince St.), M. Broke petition for vacation and purchase.(8/2X12/6)(12/20) ....... 290,449,463 Closed Captioning of KDUB-TV Local Newscasting, recommendations.(2/15) .................................. 42 CLOSED SESSIONS OF CITY COUNCIL:. (1/18)(3/1)(5/3)(8/2×9/7)(10/4)(10/18×12/20) ............................... 28,71,151,297'351 ~89,401,479 CloMng of Dun & Brudstreet Offices at 840 Cyca~ P1.(9/20) ....... '~.. 371 Clubhoose, The, Wayne & Cn~oi Kram~, 2364 Washington, Liq. Lic.(7/19) ........................................ 270 Clydesdale Coort, final plat approval of Equestrian Hgts. No. 4.(11/1)... 412 C~ml Se~vicc Station, Holiday Oil, 1685 JFK Road, Cig. Per. (6/21) .. 212 Coastal Service station, Holiday Oil, 1401 Central, Cig. Pe~.(6/21) ..... 212 Cobbleztoue Room at Days Inn, Special Meating.(5/3) .............. 147 Ceca-Cula Bottling Co., CLAIM, ~eferted.(ll/1)(ll/15) .......... 411,422 Code Supplements adopted: No. 13; No. 14; No. 15; 16. O/15)(8/2)(10/4)(12/20) ......................... 96,295,387,478 Collection of Duliuqnunt Sewer Ac.c. onnts; Gnd~nge & Refuse Accounts.(2/1 ) .................................. 36,37 Colts Drum & Bugle Corps, Ptoclanmtion.(10/18) ................. 391 Communications Network re: Fiber Op6c (Iowa).(10/4) ............. 382 Communicatiom Center, pert-lime help requested.(9f/) ............. 350 Community School District re: purchase of property at intersection of JFK Rd. & NW Ar~rini for a Water Tower.(10/4) .......... 383,384 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/15)(4/5×4/19)(5/17)(6/21 ×10/18)(12/6)(12/20) .............................. 92,111,129,162,216,399,439,475 Community Development Commission re: B. Fisch's appointn~nt as liniseo to CD Comw.(2/15) .............................. 45 Community Development Block Grant: ALSO SEE "CDBG" LISTINGS. Community Development Block Grant Funds, Public Hearing etc. (2/15)(3/4×5/17) .................................. 51,72,166 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Changes in 'ICl Cablevislon Pay Sen, ice Scrambling M~thods ¢te.(4/5) ...................................... 107 Channel Inn, Caroiyn Fcock, 2010 Keq~r, Liq. Lie.(?/21) .......... 214 Chalmmn, Kristim, Oky Doled #14, Cig. Per.; Liq, Lie. (6/21X8/2) ........................................ 213,285 Chars, Paul, objecting to late basketball playing in Jackson Park. .. 335 (9/7) ............................................. CHAS Annual Parf~w. aace Report(s); Process s~t our (3/15X12/6)(?/19) .............................. 93,449,452,275 Chavendln, Gaff, ~: 4th St Paulnsuln Study Group, sequmting one month extension for mport.(l/18) ................. 18 CHDO supported by Rev. Scotchmer & Center for ... 284 Public Miulstry.(8/2) ................................ Cht-Chi's Mexican Res., Liq. Lie.(2/1) .......................... 31 Child Care, zoning text amandm~nts to Sec. 8, Day Care Centers & S~. 4-7 Homo Occul~iOm.(2/15)(3/15) ................... 56,84 Childhood Luad poisoning Prevention Program Grant.(12~) .......... 432 China, Agreement, Sister City of ttandan & visit by relnasentativm.(5/3) ................................. 137 Chin, Sam, Long Ynen ~nesc Res., Liq. Lic.(ll/15) .. 419 Churchill, Thomas, applicant to ~n Human Rights Comfit(I/4) ......... 4 CITIZENS WITH DISABILITIES SUBMITIING MINUTES: (10/4X12~) ....................................... 385,452 City Hall nominated for Historic Landmarks. (1/18X4/19)(5/3) ................................. 18,128,137 City Hall and City Hall Annex, Fiber Optic Link installatlon.(12/6) .... 443 City Hall Annex Rennvatinn Project.(12/6) ................. ' ..... 451 City Lot 537A, 540A, 556A, & 604A conveyed to City fsem IDOT.(8/16) .................................. 329,330 CITY COUNCIL, REGULAR SESSIONS: ( l/4 ),( l/18),(21l ),(2115),( 311),C3115),( 4j5 ),( 4119 ),( 5/3),( 6fl), (6/21X716)(7/19)(g12)(g/16)(9fl)(9/2O)(lO/4)(lo/18Xll/l) (I 1/15)(12~)(12/20) ................. 1,9,29,42,60,78,100,116,137,171,198,223,257,280,298, ............................... 334,355,374,391,402,414,434,463 CITY COUNCIL, SPECIAL SESSIONS: (3/4)(5/3Xg/9xg/19)(9/20) ..................... 72,147,297,332,353 CITY COUNCIL, CLOSED SESSIONS:. (l/18X3/l)(5/'3)(g/2)(9fl)(lO/4)(lO/18)(12/20) ............................. 28,71,151,297,351,399,401,479 City Conncli ale~tion, abstract of vows ete.(10/l 8) ................ 400 City Lease for assignment of property to Hedge Transit Warehome.(9/7) ...................... City Manngex Michael Van Miiligen sworn in; amendment to Employment Agrne.(l/4)(12/20) ......................... 1,475 Civic Center ye: discontinuation of ice, diacmsico.(l/4) ............... 4 Civic Center re: conmu3t with Dbq. Fighting Saints.(9/7) ............ 342 Civic Center Comm. ~esignafion of Risa Anderson.(9/20) ............ 371 Civic Center Comm. appulnlment of Paula A. Lange.(ll/1) .......... 406 Civic Change, Rev. David Seotchmea' to sham itifo se: PEW Purteership.(9/20) ............................... 360 CIVIL SERVICE COMM. SUBMiTTING MINU'I~S: (4/19X5/3)(7/19)(12/20) ........................ 129,148,272,475 Civil Service Comm. appointment of lamus N. Fe~han.(2/15) .......... 45 Civil Servlee Comm. certifying Assist. Fi~ Chief/Div. Chief.(3/l) ...... 70 Civil Rights Comm. of Iowa, Agreernent.(l 1/15) .................. 417 CK of Dubuque, Inn., Country Kitchen, Beer Pe~.; Cigamt~ Per.(4/S) (6/7) ............................... 108,187 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Chdms for Nov. 1992; Dee. 1992; Jam 1993; Fob. 1993; Mm'eh; July;, August, Sept., Oct. proofs. (III8)(2/15X3/15)(4119X5117)(6121X9/20)(lOIlSXlI/15)(12/20) .......................... 23,57,93,130,163,217,370,400,423,475 Oairm for Minx:h, proof.(5/17) .............................. 163 Chdm~, FEMA (Flood) denial ete.(12/6) ........................ 431 Clal~addie-Ga~hor firm, design Phase Il Improvements at Eagle Point Water Plant; Name change to Fox Engineering Assn. (4/~)(5/3) ......................................... 107,150 Clarion Howl, Blue Moon I~vel., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.; repayment of downtown hotel Project.(6f21XI 2d20) ........ 213,469,472 Clark, Thomas & Connie, se: imsehase of adjacent property at 835 S. Cmmdview - Morgan St. & Mount Vernon Court Pa~way.(3/l )(7/6)(7/19) ............................ 70,252,260 Clark, Ruth, nl~oinanent from Homing Comm. to Housing Comm. Trast Fund Corem,; endorsing CHAS Program. 0O/4)02/2O) ...................................... 382,467 Ciark+s Subd., Lot 1-14 & 2-14 re: Peru Rd. Reconstruedon etc. (5/3) ............................................... 140 Clarke Dr. & Asbuty Rd., NE comer, rezo~ing from ID to PR, also Co~ceptoni Development Plun.(l/18)(2/15) .............. 22,43-45 Clarke Dr., 1749 to 1687, 2 hour parking extension (10/18)(12/~) ...................................... 401,447 Clarke College students comngnded for suppe~ in 1993 Hunger Clnennp,(4/5) ................................... 100 Clayton, Klm, re~l~0ointed to Human Rights Comm.; Snbn~tang H. R. Repot'c(1/4)(12/20) ............................... 4,468 Clarical pealtioa for Polico Dapt., grant funding.(9/7) .............. 349 Cleveland, property hotween 841 & 833, (Quince St.), M. Barke petition for vacation and purchase.(8,r2Xl2Ri)(12/20) ....... 290,449,463 Closed Captioning of KDUB-TV Local Ncwscasting, reconm'~ndadom.(2/I 5 ) .................................. 42 CLOSED SESSIONS OF CITY COUNCIL:~ (l/18)(3/I)(5/3)(g/2X9/7)(IO/4)(lO/18)(12/20) ............................... 28,71,151,297,351,389,401,479 Closing of Dun & Bradstreet Offices nt 840 Cycam 1R.(9/20) ...... ,~.. 371 Clubhcose, The, Wayne & Carol Kiamcr, 2364 Washington, Liq, Lie.(7/19) ........................................ 27O Clydesdale Court, final plat aFproval of Equestrian Hgts. No. 4.(11/1)... 412 Ceostsl Service Stadon, Hotiday Oil, 1685 JFK Road, Cig. Per. (6/21) ,. 212 Cc~,fl Service station, Holiday Oil, 1401 Central, Cig. Per.(6/21) ..... 212 Cobblestone Room at Days Inn, Special Mneting.(5/3) .............. 147 Coca-Cola Bottling Co., CLAIM, mferred.(l 1/1)(11/15) .......... 411,422 Code Sepl:lermnts edopted: No. 13; No. 14; No. 15; 16. (3/15)(8/2)(10/4)(12/20) ......................... 96,295,387,478 Collection of Delinquent Sewer Accounts; Gad~g¢ & Refuse Acconnts.(2/1 ) .................................. 36,37 Colts Drum & Bugle Corps, Proclamation.(10/18) ................. 391 Communications Network re: Fiher Op6c (lowa).(10/4) ............. 382 Communicadom Center, part-time help requested.(9/7) ............. 350 Community School District re: purchase of property at intersection of JFK Rd. & NW Arterial for a Water Tower.(10/4) .......... 383,384 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION SUBMFITING MINUTES: (3/15)(4/5)(4/19)(5/17)(6/21X 10/18)(12Ri)(l 2/20) .............................. 92,111,129,162,216,399,439,475 Community Devniopment Commission re: B. Fisch's appointment m llnisco to CD Corem(2/15) .............................. 45 Community Development Block Grant: ALSO SEE "CDBG" LISTINGS, Community Development Block Gnmt Funds, Public Hearing etc. (2/15)(3/4)(5/17) .................................. 51,72,166 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Cormnunity D~veloplonnt Coaunission's appointmonts of E. Eugene P~'~y (Consum Tr. #1); And~a Ps~xos-Schickles for Census Tr.~2; Merle Dnehr, Census Tr, #3; Eli~heth l~fihniekis, Census Tr. #5; ~on Cniinhan for Census Tr. #10; Walter Prcgler, Cynthia Steiabanrer and ~honms Wninwdght all At Large.(2/15) . 45,46,47 Community Devalolxnont Block Grant Project, Bishop's Block, Envlmnrnental Review,(3/15) .............................. 97 Community Development Bleck Grant P~ects, re: Nofic~ of Falvirentmntni Review for various projects.(3/15) ................ 98 Community Development Black Grant Fonds, allocation from HUD. (3/15X6f/)(6/21 ) .............................. 93,192-193,218 Con'uonnity Development Block Grant Projects, request for zelease of fonds.(4/5) ........................................... 112 Conununity Development Block Grant Loan Agzcon~nt for $300,000, Wm. C. Brewn.(4/5) ............................ 106 Cormonnity Developmont Block Grant Loan Agl~emont with Anasani Exclusive Salon Products, Inc. (4/19) .................. 120 Community Development Objectives & Proj. Use of Funds for CDBG,($f3) ....................................... 147,149 Community Development Objectives and Projected Use of Funds, 19th Pregrmn Year.($f3)(6/21)(12/6) ................... 148,217,439 Community Development Blcck Grant Program Projects funding, filing of final statement.(5/17) ............................. 157 Community Development Block Grant Program, re: HUD receiving Statement of Objectives & Use of Fonds.(7/19) ................. 273 Community Development project, release of funds far EDS or Eugrg. Data Systems.(8/2) ............................. 293,294 Community Development Block Grant Fonding re: Grantee Perfonmm~ Report for period ending 6/30]93.(9/20) ............. 362 Community Development Conma. resignation of Andrea Shlckles (2nd Tract Rep.)(9/20) .................................. 371 Community Development Block Grant Project$, re: Eagle Point (formerly Engineering Data) and Wm. C, Brown Comm.(11/1) ...... 413 Community Development Bleck Gram 19thprogram.(ll/15)(12/6).. 422,439 Community Development Block Grant Loan Agreement & EDA Revolving Loan Fund for Vessel Systems.(ll/15) ..... 413,416,429 Community Development Comm. re: Amondmont No, 1 to Final Statemont.(12/'6) ................................... 439 Community Development Loan Agree,, Cooper Wagon Facteey Devel.(l 2/6)(12/20) ........................... 440,454,478,479 Community Economic Bettermont Account (CEBA) re: Expansion i~-oject of Engineasing Data Systems.(Tt~) .................... 248 Community Economic Betterment Account Loan Agreement with IDED & Wm. C. Brown Comm.(7119) ....................... 276 Community Partnarship Program, ete.(4/5)(5/17) ............... 111,138 Comtmssloonte Fiionds Awarenczs Week, Preclamafion.(Sf3) ......... 137 Con~llaece Plon for Keyllne, ADA.(4/19) ...................... 136 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, process ret out etc.; Annual Perf. Report. (3]15)(7/19)(1216)(12/20) ... 93,273,449,467 Comprehensive Plan - Phase I, Drall of Long Range Planning, report by D. Rusk.(12/20) ................................ 468 Con, aras information lczt, claim of Milton Boyes.(10/4) ............ 386 Computex Eqniprnent and Machinery, Tax Exemption, re: spexini requast to call a special session of the Lugielattwr~(7f21) .......... 278 Computerized Parking Ticket System, Hand Hdid.(12/20) ........... 469 Conceptual Development Plan re: University Park Vilhi.(10/18) ....... 396 Conceptual Devel. Plan, re: Ciazku Dr. & Aabu~ Rd., NE Comas. O/la) ....................................... :22 Concrete Paving P~oject, 1992 P.C., aecoptance.(8/16) .............. 306 Conc~te Alley Reconsm~ction Project, 1993. (ll/15X12f20) . . 420,464,465 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Conductor spans for overhead lights in Washington Park & Town Clock Plaxa.(9f/) ................................. 341 Conne~ly, John, ~: Bnmskfl Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/19) .... 116 Comad, Ronnid & Sendra, re: assigning taxi cab operating permit f~om A-OK Yellow Cab Co., Inc. to A-OK Shuttle Service, lec.(1/4) .... 7 Consultant support fionnnini aid for lotto~ug changes at A~(12/20).. 468 Conts~t amendment with HUD fee Housing Voucher Program.(12~) ... 444 ConUibusions Contract with HUD, ammdment for Sec. 8 Housing. (3/15)(12/6) ........................................ 97,444 Ccnvention and Vtsiton Bu,eau, Qua~xly reporc(8/16)(ll/l) ..... 322, 412 Conveyance of City Lot 537A, 540A, 556A, 604A in the City, acceptence from IDOT.(S/16) ............................. 329 ConzeU, Attorney Wm. for T. Leibold re: rezoniug of property east of Caxtor Rd. from R-4 to PR Dis.(8/16) .................. 298 Conzntt' James R., CLAIM; refnrad; re: KenshiSton PI. Sewer backup; Resubmission of Claim. (7~)(7/19)(8/16) (9f/) .......................... 254,273304,325 Couzett, R.J., CLAIM refcrrel.(8/2) ........................... 290 Cook, Floyd R., ab~uact of votes for Third Ward Council Memher.(10]lS) ....................................... 400 Conk, Drew & Terra, vacation ond sale of property in Pehmount Park Subdivision (peetlon of Maplcwood PI.(12/~) ....... 453 Cooper Wagon Factory Devel. Corp., CDBG Loan Agxce. (12~)(12/20) ............................. 439,440,454,478,479 Copper Kettle, David Uugs, Cig. Permii; Liq. Li¢.(6/21)(12/20) .... 212,472 Copy machinc for Police Dept parchase.(10/4) ................... 389 C0~niville, IA re: flood ~ssistance ete.(10/4) ..................... 384. Ceekon, Caugery & Janaan, CLAIM.(9f/) ....................... 346 C~nar Tap, P. Broesrel, Liquc~ lac.(5/17) ...................... 160 Cequorate Center Office Park & Pennsylvania Ave. Roadway & UtilityImprovementConUectProjecc(l/18)(2/15) .............. 19,57 Ceeslgan, Mary Roze, Castificate of Appreoiation.(4/5) .............. 100 Corso, Dennis, resignation fiom Cable Teleprugrammiug Comm. (5/17) .............................................. 165 Corot recovery for flood damage ete.(10/4) ...................... 388 Coulor Valley Urban Drainage Ditch, re: Joint Meeting with County etc. to defion boundaries ete.(9/20)(12/6) ............. 353,430 Couler Valley Urlxm Drninage Disirict' agreement with Flexsteel e~c.(gf/) ...................................... 337 Council Proceedings approved as Pl'in~exl: Feb., Ma~h, April, May, June, Jniy,August' September, October, November & December 1992; January, Pebnmry of 1993; March, Alxll 1993. (2/15)(6fl)(f/21)(7/19)(gfl)(lO/18) ............ 56,192,216,273,346,399 Council Election, Abstract of Votes e~.(l 1/15) ................... 423 Council Member's Seat, Third Wa~l, appointment process (due to de, ah of D. Dnich).(5/17) ........................... 152 Council Members salaries chauged.(l/18)(2/15)(311) ............ 21,50,65 ConnU'y Club (Ool0, Class "A' Liq. Lie.(5/3) .................... 145 Counuy Kitchen, CK of Dbq., Inc., Beer Per.(4/5) ................ 108 County Courthouse, designated ~s hist~ic landm~k.(5/3) ........ 137,138 County Fair Proclamation. (8/2) ............................. 280 County Histmical Society, LeasefMooring Rights Agreement ete. (6f/)(6/21) ........................................ 191,202 County Supervisors, no objections to annexation of property n. of 32nd S~(2/1) .......................................... 41 County Supendsors re: DMATS requesting Council to review actions of SW Axtedal mute niignment.(3/l) ......................... 69 County Suparvisors re: flow of LiUle Maquokuta River concerns.(4/19) .. 130 County Supervisors & Chambex, DMATS, Chamb~ of Commexce and GDDC to IDOT re: final design of Hwy 20 (Dodge St.).(8/20) ... 360 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE County re: Coulee Valley Ud~an D~alonge District, Meetings etc. (9/20X12/6) ....................................... 353,430 County ~: teating and ucato~nt for males with sexually transmitted digests.(10/18) ............................... 390 County enrtifyiog Abstrnct of Votes for Council Elnction.(11/15) ...... 423 County Selm'ViS~s re: NW Arterial & Aabm% traffic light.(12/~) ..... 453 County Supcndsors n~: John Klaunr and height restrictioas for E-91L (1~/20) ............................................. 4~8 County Sheniffs Dept. shying cost of copy machine with Police.(10/4) .. 389 County Zoning Adm. J. Klancr re: Socc~ c~nptex rezoning, n of NW ~ & s. of Kennedy Rd.; Height Restricfilms for E-911 equipment. (5/17)(12/20) .............................. 155,468 Cotmesy Parking Ticket program.(6/7)., ....................... 176 Coun~honen, County re: designated as historic lundmark.(5/3) ...... 137,138 Coylc, Attorney Michael, CLAIM for Roger & Anne Murray.(9/'/) ..... 346 Craben, Pat, re: Peru Rd. Reconstruction; re: plans re: flood disaster etc. (4/5)(9/20) ........................................ 102, 354 Crall, Thomas J., applicant for Cable TV Telelnogramn~ng CornnL(12/20) ........................................ 468 Crawford, Merrill re: Cable Taleprogrammiog Vacancy.(3/15) ......... 93 Crem~r Grocery Stere, Ralph C., 731 Rhomborg~ Cig. Permli.(6/21) .... 212 Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. 1993 PC Paving Project (6/7)(7/19) ..................................... 188,189,268 Cresianes Bowling Inc,, 255 S. Main, Cig. Permit; Liq. Lie.(6/21) .. 212,214 Crop Walk Day, Prociamabon.(9/20) .......................... 355 Cue Master Billiasds, Class "C" Liquor Lie,. 900 Central; Cig. Per.(3/lX6/21) ............................... .,.. 67,212 Cummings, Jim, Pastor of F. Bal~tst Chinch, gave Invocation.(3/l) ...... 60 Cumpton, Richard, CLAIM; Refea~al.(7/~)(7/19) ............... 254,273 Curb~ide ~cycling collection system edding magezines.(6/7) ......... 176 Ctwler, Debre K., CLAIM; refemti.(8/2)(8/16) ................ 290,323 Customer Semites of Cable TV, Ordnance.(12/20) ................ 470 CyCase Sys~ms, Inc., Settlement of Tax Assess. Appeal.(2/l) ......... 34 Czipat, Shelia, CLAIM.(12/20) .............................. 475 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE D D & N Fencing Co., Inc, of Cedar Rapids awasded contract for Park & Rnc~ Chain Link Fenen Projent.(8/16) ................ 300 D.A.ILE. Progon~ funding frem Gores'her's Alliunen on Substance Ahnas.(4/5) ................................... 106 D.A.R.E. Day, Preciamatton.(5/3) ............................ 137 DARE Program, Ce~tilientea of Apprenialion for working ete,(6/7) ...;. 171 D.B.Q., Inc. Shot Tower Inn, 390 Locust. Liquor Li¢.(4/19) .......... 127 Dalton, Msgr. John, of Cathedral, Gave Invncalion.(4/19) ............ 116 DAMA Corp., Rainbow Lounge, Liq. Lie.(l 1/1) .... ~ ............. 40g Dangea'ons animals, re: un~nded Animal Grd.(l/18) .............. 12-19 Dunghnrty, Wm. (Bill), appliennt for CD Cornm.(2/15) .............. 46 David, Pa~nk (& JoDeen Apel), CLAIM.(2/I) .................... 34 Davis St., 721, vacant property purchase; acceptance of conveyance from Helen Webster .................................... 361 Davis St., 745, ncquisitlon of home from Gedenkaufs.(5/3)(6/7) .... 144,196 Davis, M~cia K, applicant to CD Comm. (2/15) ................... 46 Davis, John D., applicant to CD Comm.(2/15) .................... 46 Day Care Centers, Child Car~ Centers etc. re: zoning.(2/15)(3/15) ..... 56,84 Day, Bob, endor-~xi NAACP Memorandum of Understending.(3/15) ..... 86 Days Inn, Cobblestone Room, Special City Conncli Meeting Plaen.(5/3) ........................................... 147 Days Inn, Dob~lun Lodging, Inc., Liquor Lic.; Cili, Per. (3/1)(6/7)... 67,187 DB & T, named as depository.(4/19) .......................... 135 December 1992, Council Proceedings approved as printed.(7/19) ...... 273 December, 1992 Financial Reports; Claims, ln'oof,(2/l)(2/15) ....... 36,57' Decon~ve Light, s in Washington Park & Town Clock Plaza, re: amendment to Elec, Code,(9/7) .......................... 341 Dedication of Lot B of ldlebreok Estates, amended.(9/20) ........... 372 Deferrment Nolien for Peru Rd. (Spec, Ass.), for Tbonm~ & Frank Millc~.(5/17) ..................................... 163 Deggendorf, Mike, Mgr. of Peoples Natural Gas, re: 25 Year Frnnchise,(7/19) .............................. 262 Delch, Council Memhnr, v~luesting reennsideralion re: Dbq. Housing Ir~liative's funding etc.(2/15) .................. 48 Delch, Council Member Donald E., re: prayer in respect of tenmory; filling his Council sent.(5/17)(6/'/) ....................... 152,171 Delinquent sewer, gas~e & refuse nccounts enY~fied to County Trenenrer.(2/1) ....................................... 36,37 Denny's Lux Club, B. Larsen, 3050 Ashnry, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per. (5/17)(6/21) ....................................... 160,213 Depo~tory institutions (Banks nte.) named for City.(4/19) ........... 135 Dept. of Economic Develepment, re: C~BA for W.C. Brown Comm. (7/19) ........................................ 276 Dept of Natond Resources, re: decision not to proceed with loan etc.(l/4) ........................................... 4 Dept. of Natontl Reenutces, re: Water PoHulion Contud Plant, Feb.'s operation,(4/'5) ................................... 112 Des Moines flood, donation of City Water, Prociamalion of appellation.(7/19)(9/7) ............................. ~69334 Deallin Center, Inc., Julien Inn, Liq. Lic.(12/20) .................. 472 Desilinalion of Dubuque Landmarks (Black, City Hall, Courthouse, Jail, ete.).(5/3) ............................... 137 Diabetes Day (Ddlan~ Agalns0, Pmclsmation.(6/7) ................ 171 Diedefichs, Lunonvd, rezoniog of Pennsylvania Ave. (e of Buttedield) by Horizon DeveL(3/l)(4/5)(5/3) .......... 60,101,141 Diggers, JJ.D., Inc., Liq, Ltc.; Cig. Per.(lO/4)(12.~) ............ 385,448 Dillon, Sue, objecting to Castle Ridge Bstates devciopntcnt.(10/4) ...... 382 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE DISABILITIES (CITIZENS WITH), PARKING REVIEW COMM1TFEE SUBb, ffl'I]NG MINUTES: (10/4X12/B) ....................................... 385,452 Di~41ity etc., re: ADA Convplianc~ Plan Aanual Repo~ f,~ {~uyliue.(4/l 9) ..................................... 136 Disaster re: 93 Flood{ng, aid offered by Disaster Assistance/ Hazard Mitigation Asso.(9/20) ............................. 354 Disaster, Fod~d, Duelaratary ~: dam~e ~essmont of flooding in ons community etc~(7/19) .............................. 258 Disposal of City's interest in proparty along Ix~ions of 6th Si., W~shingten, alley between 6th & Washington, Wall St. 7th St., 8th St., alley between 7th St. and 8th St., Pine St, Kerpo' Blvd., & llth St. to SOO Lian RR for treok placement.(2/15) ............ 54 Disposal of interest and vacation of 4'of 10' Utility Easement along W lot line of Lot 13 of Blk 3 in Embassy Est No. 2.(2/15) .......... 54 Disposal of City intarnst in Lot 29A in Grand View Park (portion of Morgan St. & Mt. Vernon Ct. Parkway) to Thomas & Connie Clark.(7/6) ..................................... 252 Disposni and sale of Vacated alley between Peru Rd. & Excelsior St. ~muth of Walker St. to Hawk Developars.(8/16) .............. 302 Dispusal of City's interest in pro~ located along U.S. 20 Corridor to IDOT.( 11/1 ) ...... .................... 406 Disposal of property between S. Locust from Valley St. Exten. to Railroad Ave.(12/20) ...... ~ .......................... 473 Dittmar, Seott, magazian ~ycling, ete.(3/4)(6/7) ............... 72,176 Dix, Patti, CLAIM.(12/20) ................................. 475 Dixon, James ~appointed to the Electrical Code Bal.(7/6) ...... . ..... 231 DMATS Policy Comm. re: SW .ame~rtni mute niignment.(3/l) ......... 69 DMATS, County Bd. of SuFerviso~, Dubuque Area Chamber of Commeree & GDIX2, to IOOT re:design of US Hwy. #20 (Dodge S0.(9/20) ...................................... 36O DNR re: decision not to proceed with Loan etc. (I/'4) ................ 4 DNR re: Water pollutibn Conuo{ Pinnt, Febnuuy's oparation.(4/5) ..... 112 DNR, re: vinlation of Wastewatar Trantmont Plant etc.(6/7) ....... 173,174 DNR re: Wastewater Compliance Sempling Evniuation Inspect. for WWTP.(7/6) ................................. ~ ....... 255 Dodge House Motel, 701 Dodge St., Cig. Par.; Clasm "B" Ltq. Lie. (6/7)(10/18) ....................................... 187, 396 Dodge St., Areas 1, 2, 3 & 4, rezoning etc. for Hwy 61/151.(9/20) ..... 357 Dodge & Jones, betwuen east side of Bluff, parking allowed.(gf20) ..... 371 Dodge St., 0tighway 20), Final Design Joint Res. with other governing bedlas.(g]20) ................................. 360 Dodge St. & S. Locust, ~ezoning of properties in Freeway ConidorPlan.(2/15)(4/5)(4/19)(8/16)(9/20) ... 55,101,119,322,357,358,360 Dog House Lounge, R. Leytem, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/21X10/18) ...................................... 213, 396 Dog Gone, inc., Dog House Lounge, Liq. Lie.(10/18) .............. 396 Dogs and Cats ete. shelter, Dubuque Humane Society Agreement with City.(6/21 ) ....................................... 217 Dogs, Cats, Fowl, Livestock, ete: Amended Animal Ordinance.(l/4) ... 12-19 Dollars Against Diabetes Day, Pioclamalion.(6/7) ................. 171 Dolter, Daniel J., reappointed to the ElecUicni Code Bal.(7/6) ......... 231 Dollar, M., Basket Expressions, Liq. Lin.(7/~) ................... 250 Donation of Water to Des Mninas to nid them re: flooding problem; Proclamation of appreciation from Des Moinns.(7/19)(9/'7) ...... 268,334 Donna's Dip Tap, 1689 Elm, D. Roling & (3. Pfnilar, Liq. Lic.(ll/15)... 419 Donovan, Frank, 1~62 Lucy Dr., rezonin8 property on Pennsylvania Ave. e of Lucy Dr. f~om R-3 to PUD e~(1 l/l) ................ 402 Donovan, Robert O., CLAIM.(1/18) ........................... 23 ~er, Delos, ivJief for drainage problem at 2105 JFK.(6/7) ....... 193 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE DOT, IA, re: Transit Assistance Piogsam Contract.(3/15) ............. 90 Dotson, Rev. D~, James, Pestc~, C-randview Ave. Melhodist Church, Gave invocation.(6/21) .................................. 198 Dotfie's Cafe~ D. Thor/ms, Ci8. Per.(6/21) ....................... 213 Downtown Urban Renewal District re: loan program for area businesses etc.(11/1)(12/6)(12/20) ..................... 410,437,469 Downtown Area, re: ABey reconsU'ucfion & SUe. et Overlay Projects.(l 1/15) ....................................... 420 Downtown Hotel Project, repayment.(12/20) ..................... 469 Dr. B's Billiards etc,, 2095 Keap~, Cig. Par.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(9/7) .... 187,344 DRA 1992 Audit; Amendments to Agreement with City and also to GDREC.(I/18)(10/18) ............................... 23, 392 DRA, ~: City waiving or forging certain rental payrmmts ete.(2/15) ..... 50 DRA presenting City with check (of DREC).(8/16) ................ 298 Dnfft Comlnehensive Plan presented by D. Rnsk of Long Range Planning Comn~(12/20) ......................... , ....... 468 Drngonboal, USA International Feshval.(9/7) .................... 334 Drainage Disuict, re: re; Coniar Valley Uflxan Drainage, define boundaries ete,(9/TX12/6) ............................. 335, 430 DREAMS program, re: 3257 Sheridan Road acquisltion.(3/l) .......... 65 DREAMS program, aliowin8 staff to porchase propo~y at Sheniffs snie,(3/l) ...................................... 64 DREAMS Pregnsm, re: sale of 464 Loras to Ca~g & Mciissa Tuthill.(7~X7/19) ............................. 251,259 DREAMS Pt~ntm re: 2658 Jackson.(10/18) .................... 397 DRG investmant submitfiug no6ce Of Expiration of Right of Redemption on 2 lwope~ies.(5/17) .......................... 163. Dm8 re: Mnitidisciplinary team formed. (8/16) ................... 304 Drug Task Force Grant, Police Dept. (3/15)(8/16) ............... 98, 304 Dubuque Area Labor Management Cooncil, Pm-chase of Services Agreement.(6/21) ...................................... 217 Dubuque Conm~. School District, re: rezonin8 fees for 55 acres for Soccer fields.(3/15)(4/19) ............................ 85,128 Dubuque Commuinty Schools, rezoning for Soccer fields N of NW Arterial & South of Kennedy Rd. from AG to R-l, with conditions etc.(5/17) ................................ 155 Dubuque C.c~uornte Canter Office Park and Pennsylvania Ave. Road & Utility Impaovements Project.(1/18X2~lS) ............ 19-21,57 Dubuque County liistoricai Society, re: Lanse/Mooring Asn:ement for Wm. Black & The Tavern and PiFeline Barge.(6/7) ... 191 Dubuque County T~asurer, cexdBod delinquent garbage, refuse & se~r acconnts,(2/l) ..................................... 36 Dubuque Bowling Lanes, James Pening, 1029 1/2 Main, Liq. Lie,(6/21 ) ........................................ 214 Dubuque Data Services, restructure of lonn.(10/18) ................ 393 Dubuque Five Flags, Liq. Lic. CT/19) .......................... 270 Dubuque Fighting Saints Ass., CLAIM,(3/1) ...................... 69 Dubuque Gnif & Country Club, re: Fireworks ruqunst.(4/19)(7/19) .. 130,273 Dubuque Greyhound Perk, 1855 Greyhound Park Rd., Cig. Per. (6/7) ... 187 Dubuque Housing Coalition, C. Isenhart petition for financial support of bousing conference.(11/1) .............................. 407 Dubuque Housing Initiative re: proposed Rockdale Rd. Affordable Housing Deveinpmont.(2/15) ............................... 48 Dubuque Historic i,ht,,,,vement Co,, Rodstoan Inn, Liquor Lic. (3/15) ............................................... 86 Dubuque Housing Initiative's proposed Rockdaie Road Development.(2/1) ...................................... 29 Dubuque Humane Society Agreement with City.(6/21) .............. 217 Dubuque inn Co~p., Best Western, 3434 Dodge, Ltq. Lic.; Cig. Per.(2/l)(6/'/) .................................... 31,187 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Dub~l. ue Jay(~ees, Beer Pem~t for 1891 Hawtheene.(5/17) ........... 159 Du~que ~d~ (Ci~ ~, BI~, ~o~ ~.) n~.(5~) . . . 137 Du~ ~8i~. I~. ~ys in~ L~u~ Lie.; ~g. Per.(3/l~6~) .... 67,187 Du~q~ M~n SC L~. Fun&ag ~n~ En~i~ ~wn~ U~ R~ew~ ~s.~/19)(l~) ........................ 274,437 Du~ ~ng Co., A~n~ LM., 555 ~ Rd., Liq. ~c.; ~g. ~r.(~15)(6~1) .................................. 51,213 Du~ ~fesdon~ F~figh~ A~n., A~nt ~& Ci~.(6~l) ... 2~ Du~que R~ng Asm., ~: ~ A~nt ~n~ ~y~n~ w~v~ ~ f~v~ ~.(~15) ............................... 50 Du~ R~ng A~sn., 1~2 A~ Su~ A~nt M~ ~r D~. ~ver~t En~n~nt Cc. L.C.(I/18XIO~8) ..... ~, 392 Du~ R~ng As~ & R~ ~v~ ~s, ~c., Su~ ~nt(12~) ...................................... 455 Du~q~ R~ng A~sn. ~ ~n~ of ~y~ B~y, ~u~ Me~ Ni~oi~n ~d V~.(2/15) ................ 47 Du~que ~ ~, ~ f~ ~v~ f~ ~ of s~ fl~ds.(3/15)(4/19) .... ~ .......................... 85,128 ~en.(5~) ............................................ 149 Du~que T~ Te~n~, a~ov~ of 3 l~e ~slgn~n~.(l~6) .... ~,~1 Du~u~ U.S.S., ~ding it f~ 25 y~ of s~i~.(10/18) ....... 391 Du~qnc Y~ht B~, ~c. ~: subl~ of Wh~ House ~ e~.; ~r Pe~ Assonant of ~e etc. (~1)(4/19)(5/17)(8/19)(9~) ................... 35,134,159,332,371 Dace, M~le J., a~n~ ~ CD Co~(~15) ................... Du~, T~, ~: Aba~ct of Vo~ f~ Mayo~ O0/~8)(H/~5) ..................................... 4~,4~ Du~, Te~, ~ent f~ 3195 J~n Sc ~: ~ng.(9~) ......... 335 Dun & B~ dosi~ offl~ at 8~ C~ Pl~.(9~0) ......... 371 Du~ap, C~, ~fi6o~ f~ ~ng of ~ve~iew P~k to ~H~-~ve~ew P~E(I~6) .............................. D~ Co~u~ ~t U~o~ ~ ~ de~sl~.(4/19) ........ 135 Dus~, Ro~ ~. B'., ~5 Kerr, ~g. Per. (6fl) ............... 187 1993 SUBJECT PAGE E E.C.I.A. Articles of Agreement, amendment; restrnctu~ l~n to Dubuque Data Se~viees etc.(2/15)(10/18) ................... 49, 393 Egll Communications Center, re: height restrictions, discussion with County etc.(12/20) ................................. 468 Endes, Caty fee Fighting Saints, ~: ice elimination at Five Flags.(l/4) .... 4 Eagle Food Center #18, 300 $. Locust, LE Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per.; Bee~ Per.(4/19X6/7)(10/18) ......................... 127,187, 395 Eagle Food Center, Inc., #320, 2050 John F. Kennedy, Liquor Lie.: Cig. Pe~.; Beor Per.(5/3)(6/7)(10/18) .......... 145,187, 395 Fable 568, Century Drive, Cig. Per. (6/21) ..................... 213 Eagle Point Apartments owner ltv Koethe requesting to purchase nearby Inoperty.(3/1) .................................... 70 Eagle Point (feemefly Engineering Data Systems etc.), CDBG Project (11/1)(11/15)(1216)(12/20) ....................... 413, 428,452,475 E~Ic Food Center, #130, 1800 Ehn, Cig. Per.(6/7) ................ 187 Eagle Point Water Tank Project, (Phase 11 Impeovements), (2/I)(4/5) ........................................ 38,39,107 Eagle Point A~snc. Inc., Tollbddge Inn, 2800 Rhombexg, Liq. Lie.(9/7).. 344 Eagle Window & Do~, rezooing of property east of Whi~ St. & west of the alley between White St. A west of the alley between White & Jackson St. & between 5th & llth Sts. from HI-C-4.(12~) ..................................... 441 Eagle Point Water Plant Sludge Handling Building Wall Repincewent project.(l/18) .......................................... 27 Easement, 4' of 10' U~ility In Sunset Psxk 7th Addn., ~: vacated for R, & A, Kelly.(l/4) .................................... 5 Easement on Lot 13, Blk 3 of Embassy West #2, reqncst for rele~e by Westside Devni.(2/l)(2/15)(3/l) ..................... 35,53,54,61 Easen~nt, Utility, vacation to R. & A. Kelly.(1/18) .................. 9 Eason-~nts nccesl~,~t for ~econ~lraction of Peru Rd.(5/17) ........... 163 Easement with Fischer Co., Plastic Center, Inc., alley between Main & Locust, between 9th & 10th.(6/21)(7/6) .......... 202,203,229 Easement, Utility for U.S. West Communlcati~as at 3257 Shed(inn. (7/6) ............................................... 253 F.a~ment ~: e61ity in Cedar Lake East & Cedar Lake Addn, ~: Han~l Subd~(8/16) .................................. 301 East Central Intergovernmental Association, amendment to Articles of Agree.(2/15) ........................................ 49 Ea~t~idge Esta~s, final plat of Lots 5-9 of RIk 2 & Lot J,(1/l 8) ........ 24 Eathe~on, Owen, from UD Tbuolngienl Seminary, Gave Invocation.(5,r3) ....................................... 137 ECIA, ~e: ndmtnisteflng thc Five Year Pinn.(12/20) ................ 467 Econofoeds, Beer Per.; Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.(2/15)(6/21) ........... 51,212 Economic Development Projects (Eagle Pt. & Wm. C. Brown Comm.), Notice of Environmentel Review Plnding.(ll/l)(12/20) .. 413,475 Economic Bet~nmnt Account Application filing for William C. Brown Comm. Inc.(3/l) .................................. 64 Economic Development Scxvices with Crr~ter Dubuque Development Corp. Purcha~e of Services Agree.etc(9/7) ........... 342 l~onomie Dovelovment Adm. Grant, applying for Federal Hazard Mitigation Grant (FEMA).(9/20) ........................... 353 Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund, ([]CIA Business Growth), Loan to Vessel Systems.(ll/15) ..................... 415 Economic Development Administration (]]DA) Grant or FEMA Mitigation Grant for Flexsteel Drainage Improvement.(12/6) ........ 431 EDA Grant or FEMA Mitisation Chant for Flexsteel Drainage lmlx'ovemenC(12/6) .................................... 431 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Ede, Giles, CLAIM; rofevtal,(11/15X2~) ................... 422,452 EDS re: Enginansing Dsta System (EDS) Expansion, approval of low in~erest loan agreement & filing of CEBA Application; CDBG release of funds etc. (7/6)(7/19)(S/2)(S/16) (9/'/) ...... : .......... 248,274,293,294,325,347 Edwards, Rnger, ~e: Bransklil Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(4/19) ... 116 Ehle~t. Mary, Sewer backup claim, referral; CLAIMS (2); CLAIM; Referral; sp~e re: Sewer b,~ckup problems on Kensington Pl.; objecting to rezoulng of 3280 Pennsylvania Ave. (l14)(7[6XTlI9)(S12)(8116X9fl)(9/20)(12/20) ............................... 6,254,273,290,304,336,357,468 Eighth, St, #hinting ~ights-of-way to SOO Line RR for tracks etc. O/1) ...................................... 62 Eipperle, Kevin apl~nted ~o Historic P~servafice Comnt(12/6) ...... 441 Elbo, Inc., Dr. B's Billiard; Liq. Ltv.(9[7) ....................... 344 Elderhosl~.l Week, Proclamalion.(6/'7) ......................... 171 Election re: ~etting for tax for supper of Public Lilm~y.(8/2) ......... 282 Electrlc C9. Franchise, futesstate Power Co.(10/4) ................. 376 Electrical Code Board appointment of Richard F. Wagener.(8/2) ....... 281 Elne~icel Code Board ~nppointn~nt of J. Dixon, D. Dolter, D. Hamm~l.(7/6) ...................................... 231 Electrical Energy Saving re: Water Pollution Control Plant etc.(9fl) .... 336 Electrical Code, ntnandn~nt re: support of overhead conductor spans, decomtlve lights in Washington Park & Town Clock Pla. re.(9/7) ..... 341 Electrical Code revised.(4/19)(9fl) ......................... 125,341 ELECTRICAL CODE BOARD SUBMITI'ING MINUTES: (7.~)(10/4)(10/18) ................................ ' 253,385'399 Bleventh St., alley between that & K¢~0er etc. ~e'. disposal of interest & #hinting ROW interest to Soo Line RR ete.(2/15)(3/l) ......... 54,62 Ellio~ Richard, m: Peru Road Reeons~ction.(4/5)(Sj3) ....... 102,139,140 Ellis, Charlle, applicant for C&ble Regulatory Comm.(8/2) ........... 281 Elm St.& Washing~a, vacation reqtmsted by C. Wolff of Selco for alley located between 14th & 13th at this area.(9/20) .......... 371 Elm St. 2042, mzoning from R-2A to C-2.(9/20X10/4) ....... 369,374,375 Elm~, Paul, applicant for CD Corem(2/15) ...................... 46 Elsimmp, Rebecca, CLAIM.(I 1/1) ............................ 411 Embassy West No. 2, final plat approval etc.(I/18) ............... 26,27 Embassy West #2, Lot 13, Blk 3, request for release of easement by Westsldn Dev.(2/l)(2/15)(3/l) ...................... 35,53,54,61 Eme~gnncy Nurses Day, Proclan~tion.(10/4) .................... 374 Emergency Calls outside City limits by Ambulance, rates and charges establisbed.(3/4) .................................. 74 Emergency Medical Cm~ Ambulance, Medical Directors appointed. (5/17) ........................................... 164,165 Emergency Medical Services Week, Proclamation.(5/17) ............ 152 Emmans Bible College, amend Conceptual Development Plan. (6/21X7/~) ..................................... 215,226,227 Enm~tt St. and St. Mary's St. expansion of R~. Parldng Permit Dis.(2/l ) ...................................... 33,34 Employes of City with 25 er more yem's of service, Cerlillcete of Apprec~mions. (12/6) .................................. 431 Employment tern~nated for 372 DIx1. Cmino Belie perScms.(2/l) ....... 35 Employment. re: revised Human Rul~tions Ordiannce.(4/19) .......... 121 Employment Agreement, amendment to City Manager's.(12/20) ....... 475 Energy Saving Improvement at Water Pollution Control Plant, study with Interstate Puwer.(9fl) ........................... 336 Eoforcement of Homlng Code issues.(l 2/20) .................... 472 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Engineefln~ Data System (EDS) Expansion, apl~oval of low interest loan ngrnement & fiBng of CEBA Applicmion; CDBO rel~ of funds etc. (7~)(7/19XS/2X8/I 6)(9fl) ................. 248,274,293,294'3 25,347 Englaneting Design Services for Pump Station and Dis~bufion roi' the Fourth Dis~bmion System.(lO/4) ..................... 383 Engineering sen~ice for Water Pollution Control Plant Phase I I~vemants.(4/5) ............................... 109 Engineering Study of BW for storm water study & design of Flexsteel l%ojnct.(l 2~) .................................. 430 Engineers Wne~ (National), Proclamation.(2/1) ................... 29 Eh#ling, Carl, m: Brunskill Rced Sanitary Sewer Extemion.(4/19) ..... 116 Engllng, Alfred & May/, CLAIM; refen'ul.(8/16)(9/7) ........... 322,346 Engling, M~y, CLAI~t(12/20) .............................. 475 Bnvim~mcetal Review Finding for Certain Comm. Development Block Grant l~ojncts.(3/15)(6/7Xlljl) ................ 97,98,194,413 Envtro~mantul Commission set up, new Ch. 1SA to Code. (11/I)(11/15)(12/6) ............................ 411,414,441.443 Environmental Findings for certain CDBG Projects (Engineering Data Sys.)(Engle PoinO (7/19)(11/1X11/15)(12[6)(12/20) .............. 2'/4, 413, 428, 452, 475 Envimnmantal Review Findings for W.C. Brown Corem & Anasazi.; for W. C. Brown Comm.(5/3)(11/1) ............. 149,413 Environmental interest re: n~ne ct~bside zneyuling.(6f/) ......... 176 Eqnestrian Heights Subd. No. 4, approving final plat of Lots 1-3.(I 1/1) ........................................ 412 Edckson, David H., Lucky 13 Tap, Liq. Lic.(8/16) ................ 321. Ernst, Paul, m: Pssu Road Reeonstruclion.($/3) ................... 140 Euchre Investments re: tax exemption for Holy Tflulty Urban Revic Dis.(2/15) ................................... 57 Eugene Ti##ns Subd., final plat approval of ix~tion.(12/20) .......... 477 Europa Hans Rest. & Bierstube Ltd., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(10/4) ..... 384,385 Evalanlion Date of City Manager, Employment Agreement.(12/20) ..... 475 Evans, Lynn A., CLAIM; daniul.(7/19XS/2) .................. 273,290 Everts, Edward, aPl~nted to Libravj Bd.(TR~) ................... 232 Excelsior St. south of W~l~er St. re: plat spprovod of vacated alley between PUn~ Rd. and this.(8/2)(8/16) .............. 288,289,301 Expiration of Right of Rndemp6on Notice on behalf of Tax Investmants, Ltd.(4/l 9) .................................. 130 Expiration of Right of Rodemp6on for 676 Uulcenity Ave., & '"rhe S. I/2 of Lot 63 in Stafford's Adda.".(7/19) .............. 273 Extension of 90 days for R. Stocber for ~ecmity for final plat apl~OVal of Idlebrook Est.(I/18) ............................. 24 Extension of time for rel~t of Fourth St. Peninsula Study Gronp.(l/18) ...................................... 18 Extension of time for security etc. for Northwest Ridge Subd. for M. Remakel. O/15) ................................... 95 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE F Facility requested fur testing 'and treating males with STD.(10/18) ..... 390 Fait Market Units, HUffs reducfien, Ftoteated.(6/21) ............... 204 Fair Housing Act, re: substantial equivalency by HUD.(I/4) ............ 7 Fair Housing Mo~th, Preclanmtion.(4/5) ........................ 100 Fairmouat P~k Sub&, between Lot 3 of Maplewood PI. & Lot 37, Drew & Terra Cook reqncsfing vacation & sale (quince St.)(l~t~). .................................... 453 F~ili'e~ (Up With) Weekend, Proclam~ltou.(2/l~) ................. 43 Family Ma~ Inc~ D. & J. Ahhnns, 3201 Central, Cig. Per.; Bant Per.(6/7)(9f/) .................................. 187,344 Fanily IInvaraUe Center, D. Althans, Class "LE" Liq. Lic.; Cig, Per.; Beer Per.(2/l)(6/"/)~Tt~) ..................... 31,187,250 Fangman, Sr. Lynn Marie, applicant for CD Curtain(2/15) ............ 46 Fafluy, 2190, pmchare of prepeny from C. Rettenmuier.(9/20) ........ 361 Farley Street Seuitmy Sewer Rnconstmetion.(12/6)(12/20) ........ 450,466 Farnx~y, re: amended Auimnl Oxdlnance.(l/4) ..................... 4 Fat Tuesday's, Pen'on Enteq~s, Inc., Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per.(4/,~X6/21) ................................. 10~,213 FDL Foods, Inc., 701 E.16th, Cig. Per.; Cig. Per.(6/21)(10/l$) ..... 212,395 FDL Foods, re: Subordination Agreement.(7/~) ................... 249 Felnuary 1992 Council Proceedings aplnoVed.(2/15) ................ 56 Pebmary 1993 Operation Repo~ on Wa~r Pollution Control Plant frem DNR.(4/5) ....................................... 112 February, 1993, Financial Repmt; Claims, Proof; Printed Councli Proceedings.(4/SX4/l 9)(9f/) .................. 111,130,346 Federal Disaster Dociaratoty, flood damage of City included uto.(7/19) ..................................... 268 Federal Hazard Mirigafim Grant (FEMA) ami/or Economic Development Adm. (EDA) Grant.(9/20)(12/6) ............... 353,431 Fedarui Transit Adn~uisffaflen. US DOT m: financial allsistlmce for Keylinu, Tranait Dopt.(l/4) ............................... 7 Pederalien of Labor endcoing Riverview Park anme change to Milinr-Rivarview Perk.(12/$) ............................ 443 Fanhan, James N., appointed to Civil Service Comm.(2/15) ........... 45 Feeney, Hen'ig & Fritz Ins., CLAIM for client T. Mess,(1/18) ......... 23 Fees for ice usage at Five Flags Center.(1/4) ...................... 4 Fees for Building Permits changed.(3/4).: ..................... 75,76 Fees for Special Exceptions ~e: Zoning.(3/4) ...................... 76 Fuldarman, Jacob, re: Envirenmentui Con'au. Youth Member etc. (11115) ............................................. 414 Feldarman, Jack re: Rnckduie Rd. Development (Houatng luifiaflve).(2/l)... ................................ 29 Feldennan, Robert J., applicant for Long Rangu Planning Comm.; re: Environn~ntal Commisaien.(9/20)(11/15) ......... 360, 415 Fence projeet for Park & Reereatien Dept.(8/16) .................. 300 Fencing Project, Leisure Se~icea (Park & Rue.) Chain Link Penee.( 12/~} ...................................... 457 Fencing projects, extra ones not included in FY 94 Budget.(7/19) ...... 270 Fern, I~g, re: Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconsm~cflon.(7/6) .... 230 Fen'lng, Satins $. Dubuque Bowling Lanes, 1029 1/2 Main, Cig. Per,(6/21) ........................................ 214 Perillizer, Arcadian, nsaignment of Lea~e,(4/19) .................. 135 Fessier, 'I~oma~, GLAIM.(12/20) ............................ 475 Fesilvals, Land of re: Purchase of Smvices Agra.(9/7) ............. 342 Fiber Optin Link between City Hail and'Anncx.(12~) .............. 443 Fiho- Opllc Communications Network, S~ate of Iowa, update,(10/4) .... 382 Fiagen, Chuck, suppot~ of Downtown Urban Renowal Project.(12/6) .... 437 1993 INDEX - BOOK 123 SUBJECT PAGE Fifth St, north of, and Weat of Freeway 61/151, east of White St., sooth of 12th St., m:muing fnsm HI to C-4 and MHI. O1/15)(12/6) ...................................... 419, 441 Figh~ag Saints Asm., CLAIM; Contract with City; Congratulations & Aplnnciation; CLAIM. (3/1)(9fl)(I0/18) .............................. 69,342,391,399 Final Asre~sment Schedule for 1992 P:C. Conc~te Paving Projeet.(8/16)(9/20) ............................... 306 319,370 F~ seas e for Con e Sewer Entenaien.(12~) .................................. 458 Fired Plat °f I~tt °f East~idg° Ester" atc'(1/l 8) .................... 24 Final Plat renffirmed of Lncas EsteteS.(2~l) ..................... 39,40 Finui Plat, eebeduie of sm~esstannts re~ Inwood Ave. ,~mitary Sewer Extension.(l/18) ........................................ 23 Final Plat of BIk 1, Lots 13-15, Blk, Lots 17-21 and Blk 5, Lots 21-28 of Emb~sy Wear No. 2.(1/18) ...................... 26 Final A~ressment Soheduie for Dbq. Corporate Center Office Park & Pennsylvania Ave. Roadwuy & Utility Iml~°vements'(l/18) ................................... 19,20 Final llnt upprovui of Notthweat Ridge Subd., request by Romakci for extension for bonding.(3/l$(8/16) ............... 95,324 Finui Plat of Idinbrook Estates. upproveri.(4/19) ............. 131 Final Plat of MarNu Ridgo Estates 2 (potion),(4/19) ............... 122 Finui Plat of KoHy's Bluff #3.(8/16) ........................... 326 Planl Plat of LOts 1=10 induaive of Blk 2, and Lot E of MnrNu Ridge Eat&tes.(9/7) ............................... 347 Finui Plat for Castin Ridge Estates, re: David F. Setter, Attorney for F. Be. cker.(9/20) .................................... 360 Final liat of Lots 1-3 of Eques~ian Hoights Subd. No. 4, aplxoved.(ll/l) ....................................... 412 Final Plat of Seneet Park 8th Addr~(l 1/15) ...................... 424 Finui Plat of Blk~ 1, 2 & 3 and LOt C of Tiffeny Ridge.(12/20) ....... 475 Finai Hat of LOts 1-6 of Eugene Tiggee Subd.(12/20) .............. 477 Fianl Statement for the CDBG 19th Program Year. (11/15)(12.~) ...................................... 422,439 Fimtin Lounge, T & T Welsh, Inc., 1701 Centod, Cig. Per.; Liq, Lic~(6/21)(11/1) ............. Finen ReponforDnc 1992(2/1) .................... 213,408 Fi~mce Relxm. Street, 1993.(10/4) .......................... 389 Fiennce Authmlty (IA) re: ~ffordable housing development, refarred to Long Rnngo Planuiag.(1/18) ......... 19 Fiannuiui Assistance f~ Keylinc (Transit), US DOT.(I/4) ............. 7 Fiannciai araismnee requested by C. benhart for Housing Confe~nce.(l 1./1 ) ...................................... 407 Financial Ropem submitted for: Nov. 92.; Feb. 93.; Senuary+ Al~il; May, 1993, Suiy 1993; Ending of Fiscal Year which ended 6/30/93; month of August, 1993; month of Sept. 1993; month of O~tober. ( 1/4)(4/5)(4/19)(5/I 7) (6/21 xgf/xg/20)(11/15) ......................... 6,111,130,163,217,.347,370,371,412,424 F!nns or pennhies m: Animal Ordinance.(1/4) ........... 4 Fininy Ho~0itai, amended Conceptual Devciopment Plan and ......... othe~ rezouings nc~by. (1/4) ................................ 1 Finley Hosp,, The+ re: issuance of Hospital Revenue Refunding Homi& (11/1)(12~) ....................... 408,409,434 Fienin, Mike re: NW Am~riai Sign Overlay Dis~cC(lO/4) ........... 374 Fire Dept. Promoilenai Ex&mianfiens (Ass't Chief), certified by Civil Sarvice C.(3/1) .................................. 69 Fire Dept., re: appointment of Medical Di~ncte~ etc.($/17) ....... 164,165 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX BOOK 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Fi~ & P°lic~ Retirement System of IA, repcfl for period ending 6/30/92,(8/2) .................................... 290 Fixe Prevention & Protection Ord., amendments.(9/7) .............. 341 Fireflghiers, A~reeruent with City.(6/21) ....................... 220 Fireworks request by Dlxt, Golf & Couetry Club,(4/19)(7/19) ...... 130,273 Fireworks request by KDTH.(7/~) ............................ 254 Fireworks request by Dubuque Jaycues.(8/2) ..................... 292 Fireworks for Labor Day Weekend, requested by Dbq, Sym~ony Oseh.(8/16) .................................. 331 First Nationel Bank (Now ltawhnyc Bank), assignment of City Lease to Dubuque Yacht Basin eto.(9/20) .................. 371 First & Main St. (Bishop's BUt), housing project commitment. (1/18X3/15)(4/5)(8116) ......................... 19,97,98,111,320 Fiseh, Bob, splxlnted to CD Comm. as liaison persue from Housing Comm.(2/15) ................................... 45 Fischer Bowling Lane, Plastic Center, 880 l.~cost. Ltq. ~c.; Cig. Per.(Tt~X6/7) .................................. :250,187 Fischer Co. re: alley repairs at 9th & Main, Easement etc.(6/21) .... 202,203 Fitch-Bregmen, Dorothy, reappointed to Zoning Comm.(7/~) ......... 232 FIVE FLAGS CIVIC CEN~R COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (I/4)(211X3/1X4/5)(SI3)(617)(8/2)(917)(1 l/DO 1/15(12/6) ...................... 6,34,69,111,148,192, 290, 346, 411,422, 452 Five Fiags re: ice elimination and fees.(I/4) ....................... 4 Five Flags Cante~ cout~ct with Dl~t. Fighting Saints.(9/7) ........... 342 Five Flags Civin Center Comm. resignation of Risa Anderson.(9/20) .... 371 Five Flags Comm., year end report for FY 93.(11/1) ............... 411 Five Yerx Capital Improven~nt Prngram.(2/15)(3/4) .......... ' .... 52,73 Five Ye~ Sue. et Cueslxuction Program.(4/5) ..................... 113 Five Yenx Plan, ndmlnis~'~fed by ECIA.(12/20) ................... 467 Fixed Base Operator, re: Ah~xrtt Commission & objecficos.(4/5) ...... 105 Fjelhnan, ludte, applicant for Third Werd Council seat. (6/'7) ......... 171 Flag of City given to Boy Scout Troop g,48.('/t~) ................. 223 Flexsteel Drainage Improveruent Agreement, formstion of Couler Valley Urban Drslnage District (9/'/)(12~) ............ 337,430 Flood aid to Corelvilie, IA. (10/4) ............................ 384 .Flood damage problems on Kensington St etc.(12/20) .............. 468 Flood Damnge of City re: included in Fedenti Disaster Deularatoty; re:help etc.; update o~ damage and cost recovery. (7/19XO/2O)(10/4X 12/6) ........................ 268,354,388,431 Fiuedwali, Volunteers for Building, Prociamatlon.(9/7) ............. 334 Floodway Pumping Station, 16th St., Rehnbilitatiue.(12/20) ....... 472,473 Flyue, Samenthn by Mefletta (hex mother), CLAIM; referral. (8/16X9/7) ........................................ 322, 346 Flynn Estates, finai plat approval of Lots 1-9; amendment. (IO/4X 12/20) ................................ 387,388,477,478 Fiyue Co. awarded contract for 1993 P.C. Concx~te Alley Reconstructiou.(12/20) ................................... 465 Foley, Lisa, CLAIM; referrci.(5/3)(5/17) .................... 148,162 Fonck, Carolyn K., Chnrmul'Inn, 2010 Kexper, Cig. Per.(6/21) ....... 214 Fondell, Donald, re: CYescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction. (7/~) ............................................... 230 Forgiving Certain Indebtedness of DRA (Dubuque Racing Assn.) (2/15) .......... ..................................... 50 FosteF Grandparent Purchase of Serviced Agree.(T;~) ............... 255 Four Way Stop requested at comer of Staffced & Lincoln; Dedici.(l 1/1)(12/6) .................................. 412,462 Four Mounds Foundation Road lmpmvemcots, cp2 Program. (5/17X6/7)(6/21 )(7/I 9) ......................... 159,195,218,273 Fouflennth & 13th Sts., between Elm & Washington, requested alley vacation by C. Wolff (Selco) eto.(9/'20) ................... 371 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Fomluenth & Central Ave., coflstn~rou schedule fro' addilion to Main Bank (12~) .................................... 453 Fourth Distsibmiou System. Cuetract executed with Fox En~ineeaing for engiuee~ing design etc.(1014) .................. 383 Fora'th St. Poulnsula Study Group requesting month extension fo~ ~ Alt. Develop. to Uffcen RenewaL(l/18)(2/15) .......... 18,48 Fourth & White Sts., Stop Signs added.(8/16) .................... 305 Fowl, Dogs, Cats, Livestock e~c., Amended Animal Ord.(l/18) ....... 13-19 Fowler, Gmdou, ~ppetnted to the Inveslment Oversight Cemm.(4/5) .... 105 Fc~, Bernie, ~que~ting money for RAGBRAI; p~sen~d money fo~ t~4mbursement of Police ExpenSes m: RAGBRAI. (7/19)(9/20) ....................................... 268,355 Fc0~ Engineering Assn., nsme changed from Clapsaddle-G~hnr Ass. (5/3) .................. : ............................ 150 Fc~ Bngineefing, contract for Design of pump station at Fourth Dis. System.(lO/4) ..................................... 383 Fouborengh Court, dedication re: final plat of Lots 5-9 of Blk 2 & Lot $ of Eas~idge Estetes.(l/l$) ......................... 24,25 Franchise Agreement with Interstate Power Co.(9/7)(10/4) .... 345, 376, 381 Fnmchise Agreement with Peoples Nateral Gs.s.(7/6)(7/19) ........ 250,266 Fnmk Itantin Advertising, Inc. re: vacation of alley adjacent to property at 14th & Washington Sts. by C. Wolff.(9/20) ........... 371 Fraterred Order of Eagles, 1175 Centmy Dr., Liquor Lic.(3/15) ........ 86 F~eeway 611151, north of 16th St. end west of Keq~er Blvd., rezoning.(4119)(5/17) ................................ 127,156 F~eway 611151, west of, & east of White, south of 12th, north of 5th, reaoning from HI to C-4 and MHI Dis~cts.(ll/15) ..... 419. Freeway Corridor Plan, approval and denial of rezoaing of prope~es etc. ou S. Locust & Dodge St. (2115)(3115X4119)(8/16X9/20) ................. 55,84,91,118,322,358 Freeway Conidor Landscaping Project-(12/20) ................... 470 Freihuefer, Arthur & Patricia, re: Peru Road Recousl=mctio~.(5/3) ...... 139 Fx~elsinger, Earl J., CLAIM; dcoiaL (8/16)(9/7) ....... ; ........ 322,346 Fremout Ave. & Cedar Cross Road, grading project. (9,r/)(9/20)(I 2/~) ................................ 344,359,456 Frey, Palsicia C., applicant to CD Comm.(2/15) ................... 46 Ftiodmlm. James W., CLAIM.; referrsl.(5/3)(5/17) ............. 148,162 Fsiehofer, Art & Patricia, re: Peru Road Reconstxuctiou Project-(4/5) .... 102 Fringe areas of city, n~: z~ing jurisdiction, ~ of planning by Long Range Planning Comm.(l/4) ............................ 6 Fiyburger, DOn, resigned fi-om Cable Comm. TuleI~ng Comm.(9/20) ......................................... 371 FrA Section 9/3 FY 1994 Opere6ng/Capitul Assistance Apldicaron for Keyliue.(4/l 9) ............................. 116 Fuhrman, Ma~ McAieece, CLAIM; dedial.(8/2)(9/7) ........... 290,346 Fuller, John, requesting Z~ing change at Romevcit Rd. prope~es (910 thru 1040) from R-I to R-2.(8/2) ....................... 280 Funding of equipment & supplies for D.A.R.E. Program.(4/3) ........ 106 Funding application fer Dbq. Housing Initiative e~(2/15) ............ 48 Funds released fo~ CDBG Projects.(4/5) ........................ 112 Funding requested fo~' Kaleidoscope project by R. Nash.(5/17) ........ 159 Funding A~xeement with Washington Neighbo~ood Tool Library. (7/19) .............................................. 275 FY 1994 Budget.(2/15) ..................................... 51 FY 1995 Budget Guideliues.(12/6) ............................ 462 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE O G & $'s, Windsor Tap, Cig. Per.(5/3)(6/'21) ................... 144,213 G.O. Bunds, issuance of $4,615,000.(6/7) .................... 17%187 G.O. Bonds, $2,000,000.(2/IX3/4) ........................... 32,73 O.O. Bunds, $2,800,000 & Parking Rev. Bonds in amount of $2,720,000.(5/3)(5/17X5/18) ........................ 145,154,168 Ongne, Pamela, CLAIM; refarral:(6f/)(6/21) .................. 192,216 Gnilinrt' Lyle R., reapp~futod to Park & Recxeation Comm.(7~) ....... 232 O~mgzling re: am~ndmcnt~ needed and request to Governor for Spenini Leginintive Session.(7/2l)(g/16) ................... 278,304 Gangs re: multidlsniplinaxy ~un made up for prevention of gangs & drug problerm eto.(8/16) .......................... 304 Gantz, Thomas, petition re: weight limit enfmecn-~nt on Kennedy Rd.(5/3) ...................................... 150 Gantz, D~n, CLAIM; refen'al.(2/15)(3/l) ...................... 56,69 Garbage Colleodon, Delinquent Aecounts, Cetc to County for collection.(2/l) .................................... 36,37, Garbege~ Trash, Refuse, Solid Waste, re: Ord. amending Ch. 22.(9/7)(9/20) .................................. 340, 362 Oarlow, Margaret, CLAIM (by Atty, J. Roth); referred. (ll/IXI1/15) ...................................... 411, 422 Gm Fraechi~ (Peoplm).(7]6)(7/19) .................. 250, 251,262-266 Gm - U6litcorp, United Inc. for 25 Ye~ for DisUibufiun System.(7/19) ........................................ 266 Omell, Daniel, CLAIM.(12/6) ............................... 452 Gmsman, Molia, Crescent Ridge/Stsdight Dr. Reunm~uction Projecc(7~) ......................................... 230 Gmsman, Todd, CLAIM; denini.(8/16)(10/18) ................ 322, 400 Gatherings, Parades or Marches, re: Ordinance changing.(7~) ........ 246 GDDC re: DMATS, County, Chamber of Commerce, to IA Dept. of Transpertaiiun, re: U.S, Highway 20 Final Design.(9/20) ........ 360 GDDC re: Board Members clarification; Pu~hme of Set. Agree.; endorsing Downtown Urban Renewal.(6fl)(9/7)(12/6) ...... 175,342,437 GDREC & DRA re: amendments to le~e agreements etc.(10/18) ...... 392 GDREC re: B. Wentworth & Sun Zwack prmenting check to the City.(8/16) ...................................... 298 Gune's Main SL Tap, E.& C. Becben, 1007 Main, Cig. Per.(6.t21) ........................................ 212 Genexal Drivors& Helpers Union, Local #421, ConFensation AgrecmunC(6/21) ...................................... 219 Geographic Infco'natiun Services development.(10/4) ............... 383 George, Debea, Park Square Tar., Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per.(3/l $)(6/21) .................................. 86,213 George, David, CLAIM; referral.(4/5)(4fl 9) .................. 111,129 George, Erieen M., applicant for CD Comm.(2/15) ................. 46 Geraldine Dr., re: final l~at of sunet (Mama Ridge).(4/19) ........ 132,133 Gerhard, Henry & Petricia, CLAIM; denial.(8/16)(gf/) .......... 322,346 Gerhard, Curtis, Knickers, 2186 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic, (6/7)('7,~) ........................................ 187,250 Gerhard, Benjamin, CLAIM; reforred.(9fl)(9/20) ............... 346, 370 Gibbs, Lain, re: Peru Road Recomtsuofion.(415)(5/3) ......... 1ff2,139,140 Giegerioh, Brenda, CLAIM; seffiement.(8/16xgfl) ............. 322,346 Giesun, Jim, re: CHAS (Comprehunsivo Homing Affurdability Strategy).(l 2/20) ...................................... 467 Giger's SUM., Lot 4 of SuM. of Lot 3, re: 2534 Windsor acqnisiflun.(l 1/15) ..................................... 416 Ginger, Denun M., Special Event - 5 day, Beer Pon'aiL (4/19X5/17)(8/16) ................................ 127,159,321 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Ginter, Donna, West Dhq. Tap, Liquo~ Lic.(4/19) ................. 127 GIS, re: Geographic Infommfion Serviuns devdopm~nt(lO/4) ......... 383 Giunm, Francis, endowing J. Peolmn fc~ Civil Service Comm.; unme change of Rivarview park.(2/15)(l 2~) ................. 45,443 Gizn~'s loc,, Ye OM Brunswick, 3203 Jacl~on, Cig. Per.(6/21) ....... 213 Giab, Julia, re: lnvoslment Oversight Comm. Rupo~ & mqnest for Commission expenslon.(2/I 5) ............................ 47 Giundale Addn. No. 3, re: 2658 Jacksun, i~x~aorty sold to City from Wm. Munmlim; snie of property Io Jennifer Harmr, er.(4/19)(5/l 7)(10/18XI 1/1 ) ................. 124,166,397,405 Godfather's Pizza, Rigel Corp., 1575 JFK, Beer Par. O/15)(10/18) .... 86, 395 Gun~z's, J.W. Gnetzingar, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per. (2/1)(6/21) ......................................... 31,212 Guntningor, J~anm, Guntz's, 2776 Jackson, Liq. Lic. (2/1) ............. 31 Golf & Cmmt~y Club, re: fireworks display permission; Lk1. Lic. (4/19)(5/3) ........................................ 130,145 Gott Course, Buo~r Hill, Operating Agreoment with G. S~phonson (pro).(2/15) ................................ 5g Goliall~ Inc. CLAIM; referred.(8/16)(9fl) .................... 323,346 Goliath, lnc., &niai of allowing mol/canopy or awning mounted signs. O/15) .................................... 86 Golfuvanx Inc. Pizza Hut #1, 2075 Penn., Cig. Per.(6fl) ............ 188 Goodmann, Nick, reqamting to pu~hme land in Dubuque Harbor Co.'s Addn.(4/5) .......................... ....... 112 Go~s Holding Co., CLAIM.(12f20) ........................... 475 Go,z, Richard & M~ry, CLAIM; denial.(9/20)(10/iS) ........... 370,400 Government by Commfttee~ re: Eldon Pfohl addressing Couneri. .............. 414 M~'. S. lohnmn; n:qumte~l to lift betting ~ lorn limil~ on Iowa g~ablfug ©ndiin~.(2/1){8/16) ........................ 29,304 Oovemor'~ AIlian~ oo Substsnne Ab~ D.A.R.E. Pmgnnn.(4[~ ...... 106 Go~ernor'~ Trot'fie ,~futy Bme~, re: ftmdiog ~ i~..~tin~ clerical po~tiun.(gfl) ................. · ........................ 349 Gra~, Kevfu, Cert. of Al~e~afion.(11/1) ...................... 402 Gmdlng i~oject It Fremont & Cre~cunt Ridg¢.(gf/) ................ 344 Gr~h~, Tom, ~ndo~ing Downtown Urban Renewni Di~.(ll]l) ....... 411 Gmh~ ~dw~.d T.,by T. Trip, CLAIM; (11/1)(11/15) ...................................... 411,422 Cn~ad View Park, diapering of in~re~t in Lot 29A, of Mo~n St. & Mount V~'non C[ P~rkway), to Thom~ & Connie Ciarlc(7~)(?/19) ......................... 252,260'261 Gnmd I~land Pmlner~, (R. Kinec0 accep~nce of finni piti of F~trldg~ I~.t~.(l/18) ................................. 24,25 Grand TUP, 802 C~n~ai, Cig. Per.; Liq. Li¢.(6/21)(gf20) ......... 213, 369 Gnmdn~'~ Penwj, I~., $fil~ Rm, 401 C~ntsal, Cig. P~r.(7/6) ....... 249 G~md~inw Milk Itou~, Saily Jo lt,rtig, Be~ Pen~t.(4/19) .......... 127 Gnmdview, N., la~ohibifion of ix~'klog on ~id~. (bf/)(6/21)076) .............................. 176,177,212,245 Gnmdvi,w Mrikhunse, S. Iten'ig, 620 S. Cmmdview Cig. Per. (6fl) ............................................... 187 Grant ~pplicafion to U.S. Jmtic~ for 7 polica officor~.(10/4) .......... 382 Gnmt ngr~me~t fo~ funding a d~'ical po~ition ~t Police Dept.(gfl) .... 349 Grant, IA Del~. of Pnblic Itealth, Childhood Le~ Poisoning Prevention Prngmm.(l 2/6) ................................ 432 Grant for Drag T~k Fon~ for Polic~.(3/15) ...................... G~mt, re: Fe~al Hazed Mitigation Grant 0~MA), di~ca~ion.(9/20)(12t~) ............................... 353,431 Gram Alri~.cafiun$ for K*71ine Bm to UIVITA.(3/15) ................ Grant~ P~'fonmn~ Report to Dept. of HIJD.(9/20) ............... 362 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBmCT PAGE Cne. stor Dubuque Devalopme~t Corp. re: Board Member clarification; Purchase of Services Agree.(6f/xgf/) ........... 175,342 Greater Dubuque Development Coq). re: Purchase of Services Agrce.(9fl) ........................... ......... 342 Gregory, Beverly Ann & Leonaid, CLAIM.(6/7) .................. 192 Gremmei, Jen% re: Crencent Ridge Reconntmction.(7/~) ............ 230 Greyhound Perk, ARA Leisme Services, Liquor Lie.(4/5) ........... 109 C-fievnnors of Eldon Pfohl, ~: Racism et~.(ll/15) ................. 414 Grimes, John, Real Estet~ Mgr. of Wal-M~m, amendment to Ordbumce, re: PC Planned Comm~ralal Dis. for Wal-M~ut Stores etc.(10/lg) ................................... 391,392 Gross, Jim S., CLAIM; Ref~rral.(7/~)(7/19)(8/2) ............ 254,273,290 Grote, Penny, repreren6ng T. Spurling, re: rezoalng of 3219 Asbmy Rd.(I/18) ................................... 22 Ground Round, 50 IFK Rd., Cig. Pet.; Liq. Ltc.(6/21)(l 1/15) ...... 213, 419 Group Day Care Centers, re: text amendments etc.(2/15X3/15) ....... 56,84 Graber, Jeff~y A., CLAIM; refenv, d.(6/21)(7~i) ............... 216,254 Gudenkauf, Lois & Lloyd, re: sale of real estate at 745 Davis to City.(5/3)(6/'7) ................................... 144,196 Oudenkfauf, Alfred & Bernice, re: final plat approval of laeget Heights Sub.(5/17) ............................. 163,164 1993 SUBJECT PAGE H H & W Motor Exp~sa Co., appreciation for help from Des Mcines, dining flood.(9/7) ............................ 334 Haas, Sam, of lnte~stale Powet Co., endorsing 25 year eicctfical franchise.(10/4) ....................................... 376 Hahel, Tim, re: vacant seaI on Cable Comm. Taleprogramming Comm.(lO/18) ........................................ 400 Hafkemeyer, John, Chamber of Comr~rce, re: Downtown Ur~n Renewal Plan.(12t~) ............................... 437 Hageman, Mary A.& Vere L., suit against T. Schuster & City.(6f21 ) ........................................... 216 Hall, John re: objection to rezoning s of Jones St., e of Bluff St. & e of Locust St.(4/5) ............................ 101 Hall, City, nominated es Historic Landmalk; Fiber Optic Link with Annnx.(l/18Xl2~) ........................... 18,443 Hall, John, Bridge Rest., 31-35 Locust, Liq. Lic.(7/~) .............. 250 Hall, City Annex, Renovation Project.(12/6) ..................... 451 Hallaban, Peggy, CLAIM; referred.(4/5)(4/I 9) ................ 111,129 Ham House (Mathias), nominated as Histc~ic Landmark. (1/18)(5/3) ............... ' ....................... 18,137,138 Hamrrel, Kristine L, CLAIM.(10/18) .......................... 399 Hammel, Dan, reappointed to the Electrical Code Bd. (7~) .......... 231 Hand Held Computerized Parking Ticket Sgstem.(12/20) ............ 469 Hnndan, China, Sister City, Agrcewent.(5/3) ..................... 137 Handicapped parking, re: Ordinance chnnges.(6/21) ............. 20%211 HANDICAPPED PARKING REVIEW COMMITTEE SUBMITTING MINUIES: (114),(4/5)(6/7)(9/7) ........................ ;... 26,111,192346 Handrail requirements on steps, objections by Kaufmann Ave. residents etc.(l 1/1) ................................. 406 Hannnn, Thomas, applinted to Housing Code Appeals Bd. (3/15) ............................................... 85 Hansel Builders, Inc. re: vacation of utility easement in Cedar Lnke Subd.(8/2xg/16) .... ............................ 287,301 Hanson, Henry A., Disposal of in.rest in Lot lA to Raymond & Anna Mae Hanson.(12/'20) ................ ' .............. 474 Hanso~, Stephen, CEO of Finley Hospital, m: arnnndod Concept. Development plan for hospital and rezonings of nearby ~eas.(l/4) ........................... ........ 1 Hanson, Cynthia S., CLAIM; mfetral.(4/19)(5/3) ............... 129,148 Hantelmann, Helen appointed to the Library Bal.(7/6) .............. 232 Happy Joe's Pizza & Ice Ch~un Parior, J & P O'thira's, Beer Pet,(10/18) ....................................... 395 H~ppy's Place, P.M.S.T, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6f/X9/20) .......... 187,369 Harbor Co.'s (Dubuque) Addu, portion requested to he purchased by client of Nick Ooodmam(4/5) ........................... 112 Harbor Co.'s Addition (Dubuque), Accep6ng Conveyance of Lot 10A of the W 1/2 of Blk I from IDOT.(8/16) ............... 328 Hardie, Steve, objecting to NW Arterial Sign Overlay Dis.(10/4) ...... 374 Hardie, Frank, Advertising re: vacation of alley near 14th & Washington as requested by C. Wolff.(9/20) ................. ~. 371 Harmon, Darren, for Jeid-Wen objecting to rezoning from HI to C-4 for property east of White St. and w~at of alley between White& Jackson and between 5th & llth Sts. from HI to C-4.(12/~) ....................................... 441 Harmon, St~ve, Chamber of Commerce, in favor of Mercy & Medical Associate rezoalng. Ch'6) ......................... 223 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Hanison St., rezuning of ~ west of, East of Locust St. and south of Jones St.(ll/15X12/6) ...................... 419, 440 Harrison & Cunvp St., ne comer, rezoning requested by M&SLeasing.(3/15)(4/5)(4/19) ...................... 91,100,118 Harrison St., west of, and so~th of RR AVE. rezonlng for Preeway Corr. Plan.(3/15X4/19)(8/16X9/20) ........ 91,118,322,357,358 Harry, Jeffury, C~AIM; refem~l.(5/17)(6/7) .................. 162,192 Hartig Drag Sto~s, Cign~etto Permits.(6/21) .................. 212,213 Hurlig, David Ir. requesting City wcata & ~H porfon of 1500 Southern Ave.(10/18) ............................... 400 Hn~ig, David S., Jr. not ~N~plyiog for Zoning Comm.(7/~) .......... 232 Hnsfg, David, xx~quesfing NW Anesial Sign Overlay Dis.(10/4) ....... 374 Harvest Savings Bank, named City Depositmy.(4/19) .............. 135 Hanpa~t, Dr., from the Fanmcy, re: amended Animal Ordinance.(I/4) ..... 4 Hawk Drvciopers, re: purchase of vacated alley between Peru Rd. & Excelsior St. south of Walker St.(g/2)(8/16) ........ 289,302 Hawkeye Bank of Dubuque, named City Depositories; assignment of Lease of Dbq. Yacht Basin etc~(4/19)(9/'20) ............... 135,371 Hawkeye Stock Farn~ final plat of Subd. of Lot 1-1-1-2-1.(4/19) ...... 132 Hawthorne St. Boat Landing area, re: Dbq. Syn~hony Orchestxa requesting to &se for Labor Day Pops Concert.(8/16) ............. 331 Hazard Mitigation Associates, Disaster Assist., re: flood help avnilability.(9/20) ...................................... 354 Hazard Miligalion Grant (FEMA), and Economic Deval. Adre. Grant.(9/20) ..................................... 353 Hazardons Waste re: Ozd. Changing Ch. 22 ete,(9/20) ......... , ..... 363 Health & Sanitation, Code, new Subsection for Ambulance Fees ete.(3/4) .......................................... 74 Health, re: Conlzact with State for Local AIDS Coniilion Program; Local AIDS Preventative Health Program (6f/)(12t~) ........................................ 195,455 HEALTH BOARD, Quarterly Me, lings. ( 1/1 gX6f/)(7/19)(10/lg)(12~) ................... g,170,256,390,432 Health Bd, re: Lead Poisoning Grant.(12/6) ..................... 432 Health Board application for state funds for Public Health Nursing Servicas.(4/19) .................................. 115 Health Bal. re: Swimming pool/spa program centiflcation-(12/6) ....... 432 Health Ministries Month, Prociamation.(2/1) ...................... 29 Hearing Board decision through District Court et~. for Sohroby's bar.(4/5) ..................................... 109 Hearings set for Budget, Five Year Capital Impmvercent, CD Funds.(2/15) ....................................... 51 Heartland Inn, J, Minard, Cigarette Per.(6f21) .................... 213 Heath, Chuck of Hcsizon Invest. re: Pennsylvania Ave. devniopment. (3/1 X5/3) ......... ................. 60,141,143 Hcathoote, Carl, applicant for Community DeveL Comm. Censos Tr. #10; applicant for Zoalng Comm.(2/15)(12f20) ....... 46,468 He. dley's Subd., (754-756 w. gth), property acquired from D. Schumecker.(g/l 6X9/7) ............................ 327,348 Hedrick, Mazy & Frank, re: Peru Road Reconst~netion Project. (4/5)(5/3) ........................................ 102,139 Heeb St. to Harold St., Clarke Dr. no~h, parking l~Ohli:ited etc.(12/6) ................................... 447 Hefel, Rand},, re: vacating of 20' alley &hurling Lots 641, 642 & 643 of N.Dbq.(5/17) .............................. 163 Hofel, Randy, Doug & Bernie, re: Peru Road Reconslxuction Project.(5/3) ........................................ 140 Hnight limitalioas on towers, objectioa to Celini~ phone one on Cedar Cross Rd. by S. So~nson,(ll]15) ................... 415 Height zestrictions for E-911 communications eqoipment.(12/20) ..... 468 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Hnight of gig&s, Ord, re: NW Arterial.(9/20)(10/4) ............. 369,376 Heiss, Eric~ requesting four-way stop at Staffo~l & Linceln.(l 1/1) .... 412 Heitzman, Wro., rezoalng of 3400 Asbmy Rd property (5/17~ Helle, Marry & Ixa~s Pope, Westside Dovniopment Assn., · ·. 254 re: approval of final plat of Blk 1, Lots 13-15, Blk 4, Lots 17-21 and Blk 4, Lots 21~2g of Embassy West No. 2.(1/18) ... 26,27 Hehnke, Rev. Kenneth, of Wartbutg, Gave lnvooatioa.(l/18) ........... 9 Helping Service fur NE IA, lec:, Purchase of Service Agree.(6/21) ..... 218 Heunner, Jennifer A., ~e: DREAMS home recipient, 2658 Jackson (10/18)(11/1) ...................................... 397,405 Hen&y, John, of The Adams Co., re: Fourth St. Peninsula.(2/15) ....... 48 Hemy, Virginia, CLAIM; referred.(9/20)(10/4) ...... 370,385 Her&rd. Msgr se0h (7~) .......... · Jo , Gave Invocation .......... 223 Hen~ Sally Jo ' ' ' , , Gnmdvinw Milk House, Beer Permit; Cig. Per.(4/l 9)(6/7) ................................ 127,187 Hentg, Penney & Fritz lnsurame on behalf of T. Mess, CLAIM.(1/18) ......................................... 23 Hess, Roger, objecting to rezoning of 10 Milwaukee St.(6f/) ......... 172 Heston, Richunt & Joan, objecting to storm sewer in easement NE corner of Ashory & Clarke Dr. rezoning etc.(2/15) ............. 43 Heyer, Lind&, endorsed Lon Ann Stapleton for CD Cemw.(2/15) .. 46 Hicks, Scott, CLAIM; referral.(3/1)(3~15) ...................... 69,93 High Bluff St., vacation of portion of Sehliler St.(10/18) ......... 397,398 Highway 861 Traffic, re: mo~ficatlon of traflic ete.(8/16) ........... 304 Highway #61 l~oject; paints for l~'operties ecqnixed from State.(8/16) ........... Highway 20 & NW Arterial, traffic signal concerns.(12~) ........... 453 Hilkin, Tom, CLAIM; rofetral.(gf2)(8/16) .................... 290,323 Hili S~. Plaza, Oky Doky #8, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(2/15)(7/6) ........ 51,249 Hilic~st Family Services Ciassxoom Construction, CDBG Environmental Review.(6f/X6f21 )(7/6) ................. 195,218,273 Hilicrest and Catt~ Rd. intersection, Stop Sigas.(6/7) .............. 176 Hillcrest Family Services: Therapeutic Alternatives, re: Comm. Partnership Pmg.(cp2 monram~ (5/17~ sury .(~) ..... 386 Hiring police, re: Grant with U.S. Dept. of gustice.(10/4) ............ 383 Historic Improvement Co., Dbq., Redstone Inn., Liq. Lie.; Early repayment of funds.(3/15Xgf2) ...................... 86,293 Historic Landmarks designated: Wm. Black, City Hall, Courthoose, Jail, Julien Duboqne Monument, Mathias Ham Home, & Shot Tower. (5/'3)(7t~) ..................... 137,138,255 HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION SUBMITrlNO MI~: (2/15)(3/i )(4/5)(4/19)(6f/)(gf/)( 10/I 8)( 1 ~-~)(12/2O) 56,69,111,129,192,346,399,452,475 Historic Pi'esetvation Commission nomination of 4 city properties as historical landwaxke.(l/18) .............................. 18 Historic Preservation Comn~ appointments of Barney Bishop & Jerry Weloh.(7/6) .......... Historic P~serva~on Comm. re: Kevin Eipporie & D. Plisak appointments.(12/6) .................................... 441 Historio Prese~ation Officer xe: CLG Grant Project approved.(4/5) .... 112 Historic Preservation Officer, State. & Advisory Council, re: Memorandum of Agreement.(9/7) ....................... 350 Historic P~servafion Week, Prociamation.(5/3) .................. 137 Historical Society, Lease]Mooring Rights Agreement fur Wm. M. Black etc.(6/TX6/21) .......................... 191,202 Historical Society, State, exooation of Cor~find Local Govenm~nt Comract.(6f/) ............................... 195 Hockey Team re: apl~xexiation and congratulation.(10/18) ............ 391 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Hodgn Transit Warehonse, assignment of City Lea~(gf0 ........... 350 Hoff, Ardell, ClaIM; vfferred.(4/5)(4/19) ................... 111,129 Hoffiunn, David, The White House, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/21)(12/20) ...................................... 213, 472 Hoffrnan Honse Res., WCB Howls, Liq. Lic.(l/4) ................... 5 Hogan, Durlcne, CLAIM; re: Kensington Phic~ aew~ back up p~blem; Refen'al; Resubmission of Claims. (7/19)(8/2)(8/16)(9/20)(12/20) .............. 273,290,304,335,357,468 Holiday Oil, Coastal Service Stnlions, Cig, Permits.(6/21) ........... 212 Holy Trinity Urban ReviC Dia., re: tax exemptions approved etc.(2/15) ...................................... 57 Home Occupttiona, Day Care Centers, Child Ca~ erG., re: zoning ch~ngn e~(2/15)(3/15) ......................... 56,84 HOlvfl~ Rental Rehab. Program, Agteen~nt for administration; ameedtoent, (7,t6X 11/1 ) ............................... 255,412 Horcetown Month, (Boost Your), Proclamation.(3/15) ............... 78 Hunkun~, Amin of Airport Con-fin. ~e: Aiq~rt consultant support & expense for lottofing changns.(12/20) ................ 468 Hoods for Parking Meters, re: Ordinance chunges.(6/21) ......... 207-211 Hooper's Adda., re: Diapering of Lot 35A to City of Dubuque.(10/18) ...................................... 398 Hopper's Addn., vacation of portion of Schiller St. from Lincoln Ave. to High Bluff.(10/l$) ...................... 397,398 Horizon Investment, re: Pennsylvania Ave, development (e.~t of Butt~fi¢ld Dr.)(3/1)(3/15)(4/5)(4/19)(5,t3) ,. 60,79,101,119,141,143 Hnsch, Matlhew, CLAIM; Refurred.(9/20)(10/4) ............... 370,385 Hnsier, Tim, CLAIM; seidement.(10/4)(ll/15) ............... 385,422 Hospital Week, National, Px~0eAanmtion.(5/3) ..................... 137 Hoaltitci, The Fininy, ~: Revenue Refonding Bonds.(l 1/1) ........... 408 Hotel (Downtown), ~paymcet ii'oject.(12/20) .................... 469 Hough, Peggy S., CLAIM.(7/19) ............................. 273 Honse of Chiun. Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per,(6/7)(7/19)(8/2) .......... 188,2/0,285 Honslng, re: CHAS Ropc~t, (3/15) ............................. 93 Housing Act. Fair, re: City achieving "substantial by h'UD.(1/4) .......................................... ? Housing, affordable, re: application te IA Finance Authority, refennl to Long Range Hunulng.(1/18) ........................ 19 Housing Ce~fic~tes, Section 8, Amended Annual Contributions Contort; contr~t amendment with HUD. (11/15)(1~6) ...................................... Housing Coalition, re: C. laenhart requesting finuncisi support ete.(11/1) ...................................... 407 Housing Cede of Appeals Board reaHx~ntn~nt of Sehn J. Bonnett(1/18) .................................... 12 Housing Cod~ Apes Bd. resignalion of Donn~ Bauerly.(3/15) ........ 85 Housing Code, (Residential), an-~ndmen~s, ~e: Lead Imsed imint etc.(6/21) .................................... 203-204 HOUSING COMMISSION SUBMITHNG MINUTE~: (211)(2/15)(311)(4./5)(6/7)(6/21)(7119) (8/2)(10/4)(10/15)(11/1)(1~/6)(12/'A)) ................ 34,56,69,111,192,216,272,290,385, 399,411,452,475 HOUSING COMMISSION & HOUSING TASK FORCE SUBMITTING MINUTES: (3/1)(9/7) ......................................... Housing Comn~ Trust Fund re: Ruth Clark liaison person from Housing Cum.(10/4) ................................ 382 Housing Comm. recomm~ndndon to have Ruth Ciark r0prnsent thom on Housing Coram. Trust Fund Committee. (10/4) .............................................. 382 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Honalng Conmission Trust Fund Comm. re: Bylaws/Oparming Policies apl~ovsi.(6/'/) .................................. 176 H~ ~s~ ~n~nt of Ann ~ch~s~ ~d ~ ~ ~d a~n~nt ofP~ New~.(~16) .......... H~ ~s~n~ B~ F~h ~n~ ~ CD C~ ~ H~ ~n ~ Ho~ing C~(~15) . .................... 45 H~SING ~DE ~ BO~D S~M~G Mi~8: (1/4)(2~5~11~(41~(5~7)(6~) (a/~6)(gB)O0/~a)(~ ~/~(~) ...................... · . 6~56,92,111,162,192,322,3~,422,475 H~ ~ enfant iss~s, ~ p~ ~.(1~) ......... 472 H~ ~v. ~ ~D, su~ng A~t ~ f~ ~ ~3~9Z(7~) ................................... 255 H~ M~ F~, ~om(4/~ ....................... H~athg ~fion ~ ~. 8 M~em~ Reh~. Slain R~m ~u~cy ~g~,(8~) ................... 283,284 H~ ~, ~: Rev. D. ~ & ~n~ f~ P. ~, ~s~ng au~ f~ ~ ~,(8~) .......... 284 H~ ~ ~s ~ nsmb~sh~nt of I~ oun.(l I/1);.. ~ H~i~ ~oj~t l~nfives ~ F~ds f~ Bis~'s B~ ~t & M~n).O/~a) .................................... H~ Re~o~ ~: Fi~ng of No SigMfi~t Eff~t ~ ~v~nt(4/5) .............................. 111 H~SI~ Re~ ~1~ of fun~ f~ CD Bilk ~t e~.(4/5) ........................................ 112' HOUSING ~UST ~D COM~E: (4/~(5~)(~) .................................. 111,14~,192 H~ Vo~e~, ~on 8, A~d~ ~n~ Con~om ~n~c(l 1/15)(1~) ~ ..................... 41~,~ H~ Vou~ ~ ~. 8, ~on of ~.(8~) .... H~SI~ Von~en, ~nd~nt ~ Ann~ ConMbufiom Con~ ~ ~D.(3/15)(~16~1~) ............. ..... ~,3~,~ Hove~, S. C~, m~n~ ~ ~e C~le Co~u~ Tel~.(g~) .................................. 281 Howns, L~ L., CL~M; ~e~nt(ll/l)(11/15) ............ 411,4~ Hu~, S~y A., ~M; ~f~(9~)(10/4) ............. 370~85 HubS, ~i~ C., C~iM; ~fe~.(6D)(6~l) ............... 192,216 HubS, ~ne M., C~I~ ~o~.(9D)(9~0) ............ 3~70 ~, ~: Ci~ h~ ~Mev~ ~suMm~ ~Mv~cy' un~r F~ Homing Act(l/4) ................................ 7 ~, ~nt m ~n~ ~nMbu~ons C~t f~ ~. 8 Ho~ing,(3/15) .................................... 97 ~, ~: C~S ~n~ ~d~ R~(3/15) ................ 93 ~ ~: CD~'s ~on f~ 1~.(3/15) ...................... ~'s ~u~ in F~ M~ket UM~ ~nt $m~s).(6~l) ........ ~, ~: ~c ~ng ~v., A~t R~ f~ en~ng 6~2.(7~) ................ 255 ~, ~pt of G~'a Obj~fiv~ & U~ of Fu~ f~ ~ ~, CDBG ~(7/19) .................................. 273 ~, ~: Co~. ~vd. Bl~k ~t A~nt f~ ~ ~.(~) ...... 292 ~ ~: ~ P~ R~ f~ I/1D2 ~ 6~3.(9~) .... 362 ~, Re: Ci~'a H~ ~ A~inm~ U~ of CDBG F~'.(I~) ...... 439 ~, ~n~t ~nd~nt f~ ~Ms~fion ~ Hous~g C~ & H~sing Vo~ ~(12~) ..................... ~3 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Hnekdis, PaUicia, CLAIM; Refnn'al; Reconsideration requested; Denial.(6fl)(6/21X9f0(10/18) .................... 192.216,347.400 Huewe. Sr. Helen. CEO of Mercy Health Center, in favor of ble~y & Medical As~ctates rezoning.(7/~) ................... 223 Huff, Mery, apliicont for Human Rights Comm.(l/4) ................ 4 Hughes, Attorney ~ for George Kennedy's re: Ufl~an Revitalization Proptmy T~x Exemption.(4/19) ........... 134 Hnghes, Raymond, re: Peru Road Rseonem~fion Project; rezoning of i~.~my n. of 3735 Peru Rd.(4/5)(5/3×5f17) .... 102,139,1~0 HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMITHNG MINUTES: (9/7)(10/4)(11/15×12/6)(12/20) .................... 34,92.148,192,216,290.346,385,422,452,475 Human Rights Commission appe/ntrnents of Kerin Br~tg, Klm Clayton, Ruby Sutton and Robert SI2gnols.(l/4) .............. 4 Hutton Rights Comm. rusignation of Robe~ Spagno~ discussion as to filling vacency.(9/20×10/4) ............... 371.386 Hunch Rights Commission. Agreement with Iowa Civil Rights comrc.(11/15) ................................... 417 Huh'urn Rights Comm. Annual Ropo~(12/20) .................... 466 Honmn Relations Ordinance, amended to be consistent with S~ate Code.(4/19) ................................... 120-124 Humane Society, P~chme of Service Agree.(6/21) ................ 217 Humboldt St, to Ferley St., Lincoln Ave. S~mita~y Sewer Reconstruction Project.(11/15) ............................. 427 Hunger Clenonp Student CanOn ngalnst Hunger, supper by Clarke C~lnge.(4/5) ............................ 100 Hunt, Merle, CLAIM; rof©tral.(8/2)(8/16) .................... 290,323 HVAC. re: Airline Tem~nel replaecment.(11/15) ................. 415 Hwy. 61, re: H~rber Co.'s Addition (Dub~qne), ACCel~ing Conveyance of Lot 10A of the W 1/2 of Blk 1 from IDOT.(8/16) .... 328 Hy-Vee Food Sto~s, Inc. 3500 Dodge, Clozs "E" Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.: Clsss "B" Beer Per.(2/15×6/7)(6/21) ............ 51,187.214 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUB.{ECT PAGE IA Dept. of Tmnspol~ion, Addendum to Preoons~.~uetion Agree. forU$ 61.(6/7) .................................. 194 Ice discontinuation at Civic Center, di~ussion ete.(1/4) ............... 4 Ice Herbor Urban Renewal Dizlrict Plan, amended ete.(2/15) .......... 48 Ice Herin~, re: lease/mooting rights with City & Hist~icel Sec.(6/21).., 202 ldonlogy of Malticultmism, re: Eldon Pfohl canummts.(l 1/I) ......... 407 Idle Hour, J, Knrsch, 1555 Central, Cig, Per. (6/21) ................ 213 Idlebrook Eslates, final plat approval; amendment of acceptsuee of Lot B.(1/I 8×4/19)(9/20) .................. 24,131,372 IDOT, re: Contract for Transit AssisUmce.(3/15) ................... 90 IDOT re: intent to sell ce~in pmonls of mai estate.(4/19) ........... 130 IDOT, re: Addendum to PrecoasUuetion Agreement for U;S. 61.(6/7) ......................................... 194 IDOT re: conveyance of Lot 10A of the I 2/3 of Blk 1 of Dubuqt~ Herbor Co.'s Addn. in thc City.(8/16) ................. 328 IDOT re: U.S. Highway 20 Final Design,(9/20) .................. 360 IDOT, purchase proper~ for U,S. 20 Conldor right-of-way.( 10/18× 11 fl ) ............................. 399,406 IDOT re: sale of l~erty no longer nended.(12]6) ................ 453 IDOT re: Patent Deed for property to City ete,(12~) ............... 460 IIW Engineur~, for Storm Water Study & design of Fle~teal Ind. Project.(12/6) ............................... 430 Irmnunization Week, (Pruschoel), Pruelamndon.(4/19) .............. 116 Incentive Program Funds, Housing Project at First & Main (Bishop's Blk).(1/18) ..................................... 19 ' Indebtedness of Dubuque Racing Assn., L~d. re: waiving payments and forgiving del~.(2/15) .......................... 20 Indiana CeosUuetion Co~. ofF. Wayne, IN awarded contract for Phere I lmprovements, Water poilution Control Plant.(6/7) ... 174,175 Industrial Preueatment Prngram, cinmges,(7/6) ................... 233 infilm~tinn/Inflow Study on Catfish Creek Senltery Sewer Berin.(8/2) ... 282 Information & Referral, releuse of funds for CDBG I~ nto.(5/3) .. 149 Inland Moinssez Place, Warranty Deed of potion by Tscbiggfrin ete.(l/18) .................................... 28 Ins~nt Rellay, Inc., 1602 Central, Liq. Lin.(12~) ................. 448 International Fair Day (Kaleidoscope), Pruelamation.(4/5) ........... 100 International Union of Ope~ting Engrs., Loc. 758 submitting Prohibited Practice Complnint.(6/7) ................. 192 ln~rsecfion of Fremont Ave. & Cnder Cro~s Rd., grading project for sight distance.(9f/) ............................. 336 Intersection of NW Arterial and Asbury Rd., County mqnezting Traffic Light,(12]6) ..................................... 453 Interstate Power Co., CLAIM; Referral.(2/15)(3/15) ............... 56,93 Inm'~ate Power CO., energy savings study at Water Poll. Control Plant.(gf/) ................................. .... 336 Interstate Power CO., Franchise Agnmment,(9/7)(10]4) ..... 345,346, 376-382 INVESTIV~NT OVERSIGHT COMMISSION SUBMH'riNG MINUTES: (2/15)(3/15×6/7)(8/16)(9/20×1216) ............ 56,92,192, 322,370,422 Investment Oversight Comm. resignation of Thomas Qnigg.(2]l) ....... 32 Inveslment Oversight Comm. expansion of Commission to 5 members,(2/15) ..................................... 47,48 Invustment Oversight Con.an. appointment of Paul Lasssnce.(2/15) ...... 47 Investment Oversight Comn~ anlnr, itting Qanrmrly (2/15)(3/0(8/2) ................................... 47,70,292 InvesUmnt Oversight Comm. nppeintrnents of Gordon Fowler and ~ Melendez,(4/5) ................................ 105 Investment Oversight Contax submitting Qumlerly report(6/7) ........ 192 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Inv~tment Oversight Comm. appointment of Thomas H. Kersch.(7/6) .................................. ; ...... 231 Investment Pelicy of City, amended.(l 2/20) ..................... 469 Investment Repr~ Quaxterly, submitted by Fin. Dir.(5/17)(ll/l) ... 163, 412 Inwoed Ave. Sanitary Sewer, proof of final plat & schedule of assess.(1/18) ........................................ 23 IOCO Speede Shoppa, IA Oil, 3200 Central, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(l/4X6/21) ................................... 5,213 IOCO, Iowa Oil, 1481 I~dga, Beer Per,; Cig. Per.(1/18X6/21) ...... 21.213 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co., 2150 Spring Valley Rd., Cig.per.(3/15X6/21) , i~' ............................... 86,213 IOCO Speede Shoppe, IA Oil, 2335 University, Cig, Per. Beer Per.(6/21)(7/19) ................................ 213,269 IOCO Speede Shoppe, IA Oil, 3250 Dodge, Cig. Per,; Beer Per. (6/21X11/1) ....................................... 213, IOCO Speede Shoppe, IA Oil, 1998 J~k~on St., Cig. Per.; l~er Per. (6/21)(7/19) ................................ 213,269 IOCO Spaede Shoppe, IA Oil, 1387 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/21X9/7) .... ~ ................................... 213,344 IOCO Speede Shoppe, Iowa Oil Co., 2150 Twin Valley, Beer Per.(12/~) ....................................... 448 Iowa Civil Rights Comm. ngreen~nt with Dubuque Human Rights Comm.(11/15) ........................................ 417 Iowa Dc*pC of Public Health, re: Swimming pool and spa program is oimy.(12/6) ..... : .................................... 432 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, re: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevon.fion Pmgmm.(12~) ........................................ 432 Iowa Dept. of Public Health, funding for AIDS Preventative Health Prograre.(l 2ill) ........................................ 455 Iowa Dept. of Transpomtion, sale of proper~ no longer needed. (4/19X12~) ....................................... 130,453 Iowa Dept. of Transporlatlo9 ~e: U.S. Highway 20 Final Dcsiga.(9/20) ......................................... 360 Iowa Finance Authmity application to develop affordable housing etc.(l/18) ...................................... 19 Iowa Finance Authofity's Housing Assistance Fund Program, re: Housing Initiative Funding re: proposed Rockdale Rd. Housing Devalopreent etc.(2/1 ) .................................... 29 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO, 3200 Cenlmi, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(l/4X6/21) .... 5,213 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO, 1481 Dodge, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (1/18)(6/21) . . 21,213 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Spaede Shoppe, 2150 Spring Valley Rd., Cig. Per.(3/l 5X6/21 ) .................................. 86,213 Iowa Oil Co., CLAIM; mfenal.(6/7X6/21) ................... 192,216 Iowa Oil, IOCO Speede Shoppc, 3250 Dodge, Cig. Per. (6/21Xll/1) ....................................... 213, 408 Iowa Oil, IOCO Slgede Shoppa, 1387 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/21)(9/7) ................................ 213, 344 Iowa Oil, IOCO Speede Shoppa, 2335 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per. (6/21) .................................... 213,269 lowa Oil, IOCO Spaede Shoppa, 1998 Jackson St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/21 )(7]19) ................................ 213,269 Iowa Oil Co., IOCO Speede Shoppa, 2150 Twin Valley, Beer Per.(12/~) ....................................... 448 Iowa Polatoe & Produce House, Inc., Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (1/4)(10/18) ......................................... 5, 395 Iowa Public Assistance Program re: Prognun updates.(9/20) .......... 354 Iowa Trust Litigation, re: settlereent~ og.(2/1)(3/1) ............... 35,71 Iowa Trust Receiver & Bankers Trust, propo6ed settlement etc. (I/18){3/1)(8/2)(1 Iff) ............................ 21,71,284, 412 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE lo*aa Racing md Gmnbling A~n., Preehumtion to ~ny ~] ~ng ~ m W~m.(l/4) ............................... 1 Io~ ~v~, ~fi~ ~v. B~ ~ Uti g~ng R~.(~I6) .......................................... 3~ Io~ S~ ~s~c ~. ~. & Ad~ Cmn~ ~: Mc~ of A~nc(9~) ........................ 350 Io~ S~ P~ ~, ~nt ~ U.S. Pos~ ~i~ f~e ~ng s~s.(9~) ............................. 351 i~ ~u~ ~u~fing fi~ ~s~ f~ ho~ing ~; En~g C~S (Co~. Ho~ng ~, Study). (1VDO~O) ...................................... ~7,~7 l~h~ Bud, m: m a~fica of ~m~ Ur~ Renew~ ~g T~ ~.(1~)(1~0) ........................ 437,~9 lss~ of SZ~,~ C~m ~ ~ Bo~a.(~l) ........... 32 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 1993 SUBJECT PAGE d $.J.D., Inc,, Dtggexs, Liq, Lie,; Cig. Per,(10/4)(12~) ............ 385,448 Jack, Tom B., C~AIM.(9t'7) ................................ 346 Jackson & 19th, two hour parking requested by L. Kennedy.(12/20) .... 475 Jacicson Park Urban Revitalizmion District, applications. (2/15) ........ 57 Jackson St., ~658, ptope~y purcha~ from Wm. Montelius; sale ofpro~rty to Jennifer Hemmer.(4/19)(5/17)(10/lg)(ll/1). 124,165,397,405 Jackson St., 3195, rarone from C-2 to C-3.(8/16)(9/7)(9/20) .... 321,335,355 Jackson St., between that & White, rezontng of nearby property from HI to C-4.(11/15)(12,'~) ........................... 419,441 Jackson SC, east of, s. of 13th St., e~ of niley between White St. & Ja~k~on SC between 5th & llth St,, to Freeway 61/151 fiom HI to MHI.(12~) ............................. 441 Jaoc~, Charles, Attorney rap, Schinssl's, x~: sale of prope~y to T~chiggfrie and annexation ete.(1/18) ....................... 11 Jacobs, Chaflns, of Library Bd. w: tax levy for support of Library.(g/2) ......................................... 281 Jacobsen, Lisa, Ryan House, Liquor Li¢.(3/15) .................... 86 Jaeger D~ive, ~e: Jaeger Hghts. Subd. No. 3, final plat approvni.(5/l?) ....................................... 163 Janger Heights Subd. No. 3, final plat approvni.(5/17) .............. 163 Jail, County, listed as historical landmark dnsiganfion,(5/3) .......... 137 James, Jm'ry L., Neighlxyt's Tap, 1899 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7X9/'/) .................................. 187, 344 Samison, Wm., Pres. of Betbeny Home, re: vacating of portion of Schiller Sc and sale to Bethany.(ll/l) ..................... 404 January, 1992, Council Proceedings approved,(2/15) ................ 56 January 1993, Financial Reports submitted; Claims proof; Printed Council Ixoceedings approved.(2/15)(3/15Xg/'/)(2/15) . . . 57,93,346 Jnyeee's, Beer Permit; Special Event at Town Clock Plaza, Beer Per.; requnst forFirewo~kscelabration.(5/l?)(7/6)(8,r2).. 159,250,292 Jeld-Wen, ~: Dax~n Harmon objncfing to xezoning of Inopexty e. of White and west of alley between White & Jackson & between 5lb & llth f~om HI to C-4.(12/6) .................. 441 JENA, Inn., Oky Doky #15, 1101 Rhomberg, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/21) .................................... 213,214 JFT., Ltd. Oky Doky #2, W. 32nd SC, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/15X6/21) ........................................ 51,213 JFT Ltd., Oky Doky #1,250 W. Ist, Cig, Pex.; Beer Per.; Liq. Lie. (6/21)(8/16) ................................ 213,321 Jimmy B's, Liq, Lie.; Cig. Par,(5/17)(6/21) ................... 160,213 Jotd, Shirley A., CLAIM; Refened.(2/15)(3/l) .................. 56,69 John George Subdivision ~ezoning on Cedar Cross Rd, for tennis courts for Bisanils.(7~) ............................. 251 Johnson, Carol, i1~: Jackson Park basketball playing,(9/7) ............ 335 Johnson, Chiis, CLAIM; danial,(7/19)(8/2) ................... 273,290 Johnson, Stephani, (Aas't Mgr.), letter of appreciation from Gev. Branstad.(2/l) ..................................... 29 JOINT CITY/COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING COMM. SUBMITTING MINUTES: (5/3) ............................................... 148 JOINT MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL AND COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS RE: Coular Valley Uxtmn Drainage Distzict.(9/20) ............... 353 Jones St., sonth of tezoning of protxa'fies from C-3 and R-2 and R-1 to POS Public Open Spaces. (2/15×3/15)(4/5)(8/16)(9/20)(11/15)(12/6) .... 55,85,101,322,358,419,440 Jones & Wntex St., re: nsslgnment of Lease f~om Arcadian Crop. ~ ~ F~r.(4/19) ................... 135 J~ns, ~c, E~, end~i~ p~s f~ ~e Finny Hos~, ~p~ ~vd~nt ~nd~nt ~d ~ of n~ng ~,(114) .................................... 1 ~ SC & ~ge SL, ~fion ~ ~ow ~ ~ ~t Side of BI~ e~.(9~) ....................................... 371 J~d~ Review ~: S~ A~ ~'~ ~,(gD) ............. 342 J~d~ Review ~: B~a6~ of ~ ~g~.(10118) ......... 394 $~, ~1~ L., ~I~ ~nt(l~lS) ................... 3~ ~on Du~ ~n~ ~: M~o ~is Q~ R~ ~ ~.(~15) .......................................... 59 J~an Mo~ ~n, Ve~ U~., ~ ~ Cig. P~.; ~8n Cent: ~q~c.(6~12~0) ...................... 187,472 l~en Ad~., ~v~ of Plat of S~ey of L~ 1 of 141.~) ........ 254 J~an Du~ ~ve, ~: ~vey~ of T~e ~ m ~.(l/18) .......................................... 28 J~en Du~q~ Monu~n~ n~n~on ~ ~s~ ~k.(l/18)(5~)(7~) ........................... 18,137,255 J~n, ~ CL~M; ~ffie~nC(7/19)(8~) ................. 273,2~ J~y 1993 Fin~ R~; ~ ~d.(9~)(9~0) ............ 347, 370 ~y 1~2 ~n~ Co~l ~ngs, a~v~ ~ ~n~.(6~l) ..... 216 J~o, l~, of 1534 low~ ~: l~m P~k ~t~l p~ng.(9~) ... 335 J~sdic6on ~: ~ng f~ ex~ ~.(1/4) ................ 6 l~cfion of M~o ~s Q~ Rd. ~fe~ ~m Coif m ~.(2/15) .................... ................ 59 J~fi~ ~C ~: ~t A~li~on f~ 7 ~ offi~. (1~4) ........................................... 382383 l~an ~, ~: s~ifics of ~ ~at a~v~ of ~ ~m~.(~l) .. 39,~ INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE K K-M~t Corp., K.Mart, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Pe~,(6/7) ................ 187 Kshn Falmily Enl., Peata O'Shea's, 359 W. 9th St., Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/TXl 1/15) ................................. 187,419 Kaiser, Judy, re: Peru Rd. RecousUuctlon Preject.(5/3) ............. 140 Kaleidoscope Inl~nafiomd F~' Day, Pecol~mudon; ~qunst for funding.(415)(SIlT) .................................. 100,159 Kailoway, Helen F., CLAIM; refer~d.(9/20X10/4) ............. 370,385 Kune, Shown P., sppointed to Zoning Comm.(7/6) ................ 232 Kunn Swe~t acceus to Castle Ridge Estates ate,(10/4) ............... 382 K~I, Shawn, CLAIM.(5/3XS/17) ........................ 148,162 Kathy Drive, re: final plat of $~eger Hgts. Subd. No, 3.(5/17) ......... 163 Kaufnvmn & Chunny Rds., re: Renaissance Oak final plat alrg~oval.t3115) ........................................ 93 Kunfmmm Ave., 851, p~rch~ of InopeflY from Vundermonlen'm(5/17)(6/21 ) ........................... 158,216 Kunfmunn Ave. access to Castle Ridge Estates eto.(10/4) ............ 382 Kaufmaun Ave, residents re: code rsqni~munt for handrail on s~pm(ll/l) ........................................ 400 KC, 781 Locus~ Liquo~ Lie.(4/5) ............................ 109 KDTH Radio atc, requesting fireworks dlsplay.(7/6) ............... 254 KDTH Radio Report On,lie Kilgore 9bjectlng to di~cosslon being beyond Open Meetings L~w.(3/15) ...................... 86 KDUB-TV, Clo~ed Captioning ~ecommondatious etc.(2115) ........... 42 Keating, Tom & Jodl, CLAIM; ~fen~l.(8/2XS/16) ............. 290,323 Keegun, Jan~s W., Budiun's Lg., Ltq. Lie.; Refund, (2/15X6/7) .:... 51,192 Kellehnr, Donovun, CLAIM.(9/7) ............................ 346 Kelley, Nell, applicant for CD Comm.(2/15) ...................... 46 Kelley, Pat, CLAIM; refo~al.(2/15)(3/l) ...................... 56,69 Kelly, Pat, Refund on Be~r Per.(6/7) .......................... 192 Kelly, Riohasd & Alice, vacate ufiBty easement in Sunset Park 7th Addn.(l/4)(l/18) ................................. 5,9 Kelly's Bluff, plat of l~OlX~ud vacated po~ion approved. (8/2X8/16) .................................. 287,288,303,326 Kelly's Subd., po~ion conveyed to City (642 Udlverslty).(2/1)(10/4) . · 38, 387 Kelly's Subd., re: pro~rty from R. Kunpp, at 692 UniverSity.(9/7) ..... 340 Ken~, Margaret by Joseph Ken~, CLAIM; Settlement.(l/4)(l/18) ..... 6,23 Keeps, Elaine ~: CLAIM.(8/2) ............................. 290 Kennedy Aquasium, comments etc. about amended Animal Ord.(l/4) ..... 4 Kenmaiy, Bo~h, CLAIM;reformi.(3/15)(4/5) ................... 92,111 Kennedy, George & Gary, re: uxbun revitalization tax exemption requust.(4/19) ................................. 134 Kennedy, L~nsxd, ~uestlng 3 ho~ parking in area of lgth & Jaak~on.(12/20) ....................................... 475 Kennedy Road, northwest corner & NW Afunial from AG to R-I Dis., rezouing requnsted by Dlxt. Soccer Alliance. (4/19X5/17) ....................................... ~28,155 Kennedy Rd., South of and N. of NW ~ re: rezoniag. (5/3)(5/17) ........................................ 137,~55 Kennedy Rd., wnight limit ordlnunce, request by T. Oantz fo~ enfor~ment.(5/3) ...................................... 150 Kennedy Rd., 2105, Delos Do.zwoller requesting drainage ix-oblom ~llef.(6/7) .................................... 193 Kennedy Read and NW Afiefial, purchase of property from Dubuque Comm. School Dis. to use as Water Tower. (10/4) ........................................... 383,384 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Kensington Plw~e, homeowner, re: usv*~t inollnn~; objection to rezoning of 3280 Penusylwmia Ave. (8/16)(9/7)(9/20)(12/20) ........................ 304,335357,468 Kenyon, Wm., zonin~ of Pennsylvania Ave. property by Horizon Development.(4/5) ............................... 101 Kexnall, Gene, Horizon's Davelopment of Pennsylvania Ave. (3/1)(45))(5/3) ................................... 60,101,141 Ke~p~r & 16th St., proposal re: development of site etc.(9/7) .........337 Ke~p~ Blvd., granting fights-of-way for SO0 Line RR for tracks.(2/15)(3/1) ..................................... 54,62 Kex~er Blvd., rezoning of inopertles west of & east of Freeway 61/151 (f0m~r A.Y. McDonald plato ~ea). (4119)(5/17) ....................................... 127,156 Ke~cl~ Jusonine A., Idle Hon~, 1555 Central, Liquor Lie.; Cig,Per.(4/5)(6/21 ) .................................. 109,213 Kexsoh, Thomas, applicant for Investment Ovexsight Conmdssion; appointed; Applicant to Long Range Planning Comm. (4/5)(7/~) ...................................... 105,231,232 Key Club Week. Proclam~iom(l 1/1) .......................... 402 Keyline Gas~ge F~cllity, Locker/Brenia~om Rehab. Peoject.(2/l) ....... 29 Keylln~ Transit Pe~ility, Shop Floor Replacement Projeot.(2/1) ......... 30 Keyllne Transit, Grant applications to UMTA.(3/15) ................ 90 Keyline Transit Div. Budget Amendment for FY 1993.(4/5) .......... 114 Keyllne Transit, S~ato Transit Assistance & FTA Section 9/3 FY 1994 Operating Cepitai Assist. App.(4/19) .................. 116 Keyllun Transit, ADA Com~llunce Plan Annual Repo~(4/19) ........ 136 Keyline Transit Advisory Boa~d rasiguntlon of Bill Hllvers.(10/4) ...... 386. Kids World Pizza Place & Fun Center, Beer Per.(3/1) ............... 66 Kllgore, Gordie of KDTH objecting to discussion beyond Open Me~tlngs Law.(3/15) ................................ 86 King of Clohs, S. A. Shi~num, 1902 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/21)(8/16) ................................. 213,321 Kins~th Hotel, Clarion, Liq, Liv.(12/20) ........................ 472 KirchbexX, Gereld, Ye Old~ Brunswick Tavern, 3203 Jackson, Cig. P~.; Special 'BW" License Refund on Liq. Lie. (415)(8/2) ...................................... 108,109,290 Kivlahun, John, objecting ~o sidewalks for rezoning of prepeny n. of NW Att. & S of Kennedy Rd.(5/3) ...................... 137 Klauer, John, County Zoning Adm. re: Soccer Convplex In~)eay rezoning ~)propriate; speaking re: height ltmi~nious for E-911 eqnipment (12/20)(5/17)(12/20) .................. 155,468 Klauer, Rohe~ E., (Grand Island Permers), acceptance of approval of finni plat of pordon of EasUidgn Estatus,(1/18) ................ 24 Kleiner, Maureen, CLAIM; denini.(7/19)(8/2) ................. 273, 290 Kiunk, Thcs'ms & Dnvid, re: rezoning of NE corner of Asbury Rd. & Clarke Dr. from ID to PR, also Conceptual Devel. Plsm(2/15) ...................................... 43 Kiunsner, Council Member, nppointed to REAP Commiltoe.(6/7) ...... 175 Kiunsner, David, CLAIM; relented,(7/19)(8/2) ................. 273, 290 Knicke~'s, Cmsis Gerhard, 2186 Cenual, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/7)(7.,5) ......................................... 187,250 Knights of Columbas Conncil 510, 781 Locust, Liquor Lin.(4/5) ....... 109 Knowlus, J~mal, CLAIM; referrel.(9/TX9/20) ................. 346,370 Knupp, Robert, property at 692 University, conveyed to City. (9/7)(1014) ........................................ 340, 387 Koch Place, re: rezoning of Roosevelt Rd, e~(8/2) ................ 280 Knob, Thomas, Pani's Tavern, 176 Locust, Liq. Lic.(t/21) ........... 214 Kochle~, Elleen, CLAIM; refnn'ni.(2/lX2/15) ................... 34,57 Kunthe, 1~, of Eagle Pt Apts., ruquustlng to porchase city p~rty near 2200 block und 2300 block of Lincola.(3/1) .......... 70 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Kohl, i., The Onmd Tap, 802 Centod, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/21 X9/20) ....................................... 213, 369 Kohl, Robo~t, CLAIM; settlement.( 11/1 ×11/15) ............... 411,422 Kolmen, Karl, applicant for CD Comm.(2/15) ..................... 46 Koimen, Pearl, CLAIM; refemlL(4/5)(4/19) .................. 111,129 Koppln's Market, Kraas, T., 1098 University, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(10/4)(11/1) ................................. 384,408 Krun~r, Stovun & Bonnie, CLAIM; refarrul.(7/6×7/19) .......... 254,273 Knur~r, Wayne, The Clubhouse, Cig. Par.; IJq. Lic. (7~)(7/19) ........................................ 249,270 Krapfl, Rev. Dan of Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Gave Invneation.(12~) ...................................... 434 Krans, Thomas ]., Kopgles Market, Cig. Per.(l 1/1) ................ 408 Kruns, William, CLAIM; referred to Poztzon Gon.(4/5)(4/19) ...... 111,130 Kremer, Betty, Pipe Inn, Kennedy Mall, Cig. Par.(6f/) ............. 187 Kring, Barbara, CLAIM; refenai.(5/3)(5/17) .................. 148,162 Kring, Kathlyn, Council Member, re: OD]DC Board Appeintmen~; Abslract of votes.(6/7)(11/15) .......................... 175, 423 Kringle, James A.; CLAIM; referral.(9/7)(9/20) ................ 346,370 Krum, Robert, petition re: parking ban lifted on west side of N, Orandview from Bunker Hill to Clarke Dr.(4/19) ............. 130 Kruser, Merlin & Elaine re: Peru Road Reconstruction Project. (4/5)(5/3) ........................................ 102,139 Kumbara-Allen, Kamn, CLAIM; refeaved.(9/20)(10/4) ........... 370, 385 KWIK Stop Food Mart, Rainbo Oil, 2320 Hwy. 61, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/21 )(12/20) ............................... 213,472 KWIK Stop Food Mart, Rainbow Off, 1075 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Par.(6/21)(10/18) ............................... 213, 395 KWIK Stop Food Mart, Rainbow Off, 2360 Central, Cig. Per.; Beer Par.(6,r21 )(9f20) ................................ 213,368 KWIK Stop Food Mart, Rainbow Off, 2255 Ke~er, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/21)(8/16) ............................... 213,321 KWIK Stop Food Mart, Rainbow Off, 2297 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/21×l 1/1) ............................... 213,408 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE l. Labor (Dbq. Fed,), renaming of Miller-Rivarview Perk.(12~) ......... 443 Labor Day Weekend Pops Conce,, Symphony Orch. getting penoission In use Hawthorne St Boat Landing.(8/16) ............. 331 Labor Management Council, Purchase of Service Agreement(6f21) ..... 217 LaMont, Hugh, endorsing: C. Stninhaueer for CD appointmcat; Marcy/Medicni Assoc. rezoning; Downtown Urban Development. (2/15)(7,~)(12~) ................................. 46,223,437 Lamp~ Todd M., CLAIM; referred.(gfl)(9/20) ...... 346,370 Land of Festivals Purchase of Service Agreement. (9/7) ............. 342 Landmarks, HistoHcni, designated of City Hail, Julien Dubuque Monument, Mathins Ham House, Shot Tower. (1/18)(4/19×5t3)(7~) ........................ 18,1281137,138,255 Lange, Jay, of Horizon Investments, for develop, of Pennsylvania Ave. east of Buttorlield.(3/1) ............................... 60 Lange, Rayreamd, owner of Pennsylvania Ave. lXtx~party, rezoning for Horizon. (5,t3) ................................... 141,143 Lange, Paula, app~nted to Civic Center Comm.(11/1) .............. 406 Langworthy, 1000, rezoning of Mercy & Medical Assoc. etc. (7,~)(9f/)(9/20) ................................. 223,345355 LaQuinta, CA re: Iowa Trust Settlement etc.(8/2) ................. 284 Lacmon, Beverly A., Denny's Lux Club, Liq. Lin.; Cig. Per. O/17)(6/21) ....................................... 160,213 Lasmanca, Paul, appointment to Investment Oversight Comm.(2/15) ...... 47 Latham, Angeline & Donald, re: Peru Road Reconstruction Project. (4/S)(5/3) ...................................... 102, I39,140' LaVista Esmte~, Pmul plat aplnoval of Lot 9 in DIx]. County.(2/1) ....... 35 Law Eaforeement vehicles, re: purehase of 3 in.cz~ cameras.(9/7) ...... 340 Lawnmca, Guy r~: vacation of property between W. 17th St. N. to alley between 17th & Angeila.(Sf2) ....................... 291 Lead Based Hazards, re: Paints, etc. Housing Cede Amended,(6/21) ... 203 Lead Poisoning Pmvenilon Orant Application, IA Dept. of Public Health.(12,~) .................................... 432 League of Citias, National, re: policy proposals; designation of Dan IVicbohon as voting delngate.(9/7)(10/4) ............... 340~388 Lease Agnmmunt with Dbq. Racing Assn., Audit Submitted; Amendment. (1/18)(10/18) ....................................... 23,392 Lease Agmemcat with Dubuque Racing Assn., waiving of payments & forgiving of cem~aln indebtedness etc.; Ameedmcat to Lea~ Ag.(2/15)(10/18) .............................. 50, 392 Leme asaignn~nt with Arcadian Corp. to Arcadian Ferlilizt~r. (4/19) .............................................. 135 Lease etc., r~: Dubuque Yacht Basin tc Wm. Brown, The Wheel Hoase.(4/19)(9/20) ..: ....................... 134,371 Leases with Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc., assignment to Small Business Adminimation.(8/19) ........................ 332 Lease assignment for properly to Hodge Transit Warehouse Co. to First National Bank (Hawkeye Bank).(9f/) ......... 350 Le~ing Rivarfront requns~d by Mary Miller.(9/7) ................ 335 Lease, City, ~signmont to Dubuque Yacht Basin to First National Bank, or Hawkeye Bunk.(9/20) ...................... 371 Lea~ assignments of Dubuque Tank Terminal Co.(12/6) ......... 460,461 LeasefMoorings Rights Agreement with Historical Society. (6/7)(6/'21) ........................................ 191,202 Legal ~ r~: question whether to dismiss pending Petition fct Judiciul Review re:litigation with T. Sehrobligun~(10/18) .......... 394 Legion (American), Po~t 6, CLAIM; referral; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic..(2J1)(2/15×6/21) ..................... J... 34,57,213,214 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Lngiflatu~ asked to call Special Session re: Gambling & Machinery & Computer Ptope~7 Tax exemption.(7/21) ........... 278 Leibuld, Tom re: rezouing of property east of Cast~ from R-4 to PR Dtstrict.(g/16) ................................. 298-300 Leifive palm,hip, rezoning of progerty e. of Carun frem R-4 to PR Dis.(g/16) ....................................... 300 L~isure Services, ARA, Dubuque Greyhound Park, Liquor Lin.(4/5) .... 109 Leisure Services I~ Fencing Projcec(12/6) .................... 457 Leonard, Msgr. Wry, Gave lnvecation.(g/2) ..................... 280 Leytem, Robert, Dog House Lounge, 1646 Asbusy, Cig. Per. (6/21) .... 213 LIBRARY BOARD SUBMITrlNG MINUTES: (114)(2/15)(3115)(4119)(5/17)(7/19) (8/2)(9/20)(10/4)(11/15)(12/6) ....................... 6,56,92,129,162,272, 290,370,385,422,452 Library Week (Nntionei), Ptoclamation.(4/5) ..................... 100 Library Bd. al~nm~nts of Edward Eve~ts & Helen Hanteimann to 6 year ~errm.(7/~) .................................... 232 Library referendum reqcest (levying 27 cents per thousand).(8/2) ...... 281 License for underground pipelines, cable and conduits re: water main censtmction of n water main beneath Chicngo~ Control and Pacific Rall Road Co.(8/2) ............................... 294 Limitations for tower height on Cedar Cross Road,(ll/15) ........... 415 Lincoln Ave. & Rhomburg, Alley between, Sanitary Sewer ~ooustsuetion.(2/l)(2/15)(11/15) ....................... 31,42,427 Lincoln Ave., west property line, Bethany Bd. of Di~ctors ~equusting vacation of 25' Schiller St.(7/19X10/18)(ll/l) .... 274, 398,404 Lincoln Ave. to High Bluff, ne~, re: plat approval of proposed vacated Ix~don of Sehiller St(lO/18)(ll/1) ................. 397,404 Lincoln Ave. & Stafford St., request for fou~-way stop. (ll/IX12/~) ....................................... 412,462 Linebun Perk Addn,, rezouing of 3400 etc. Central Ave. & 10 MIlwaukee St.(6f/) .................................. 172 Link, Jce, Dlxl. Community Schools, zoning for Soccer fields (N of NW Att. & S of Kennedy Rd.(3/15)(5/17) ............. 85,155 Link, Dave, re: Peru Road Ruconstruction Preject.(4/~) ............ 102 Liquor License refused for Scin~by's Bar;, Denial of Li¢.,OWI Convlefion,(l/l 8)(4/5) ................................ 22,109 Liquor Licensees, Nolice re: uuiawfal for underage individuals to he in bar after 9 p.m..(4/5) .......................... 107,108 Litigation re: Closed Session of Couneil discussing etc. (10/18)(1~420) ..................................... 401,479 Little Maqueketa River, concerns of county with flow into MIsalssippi.(4/l 9) .................................. 130 Livestock, animals, etc. within the City, an~nded O~dinance.(1/18) ...... 12 Loan Agreement wi~h Anaanzi Exclusive Salon Products, Inc.(4/19) .... 120 Loan Agreement with Engineering Data Systems (EDS).(7/~) ......... 248 Loan Agreement with Bishop's Block, a Maine Ltd. partoership.(8/16) .. 320 Loan Agrcemont, CDBG & EDA Revolving Lean Fund etc. for Vessel Systems.(11/15) .................................. 415 Loan Agreement with Cooper Wagon Factory ate.(12~) ......... 439,440 Lean, DNR, not to proceed etc.(I/4) ............................ 4 Loan Pool (Low Inters0 in Downtown Urban Renewal Dis.(12/20) .... 469 Loan P~ngram, Commercial Industrial, re: Notice of No Significant Effect on Environment.(4/5) .............................. 111 Loan prig-am ~: Downtown U~ban Revit. ~a etc.(l 1/1)(12/6) .... 410,437 LoBiance, lanet, CLAIM; refetrel,(6/7)(6/21) ................. 192,216 Local 94 UAW, 3450 Centrei, Beer Fer.(12~) ................... 448 Local Government Ann~ Relent FY 92~(3/1) .................... 70 Lo~buer, Don a~licant for the Zoning Comm.; app~nted. (7,~)(12/20) ....................................... 232,468 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Locker/Btealtmom Rehabilitation of Keyline Transit Oarage.(2/l) ....... 29 Locust St., 1320, teanuing from OR to OC.(1/18) ................ 10,11 Locust St., south & Dodge Sts,, ~ezouing in F~eeway Corr. Plan, (2,t15)(9/20) ..................................... 55,357358 Looust St. Paddng Ramp Oflicc renov&tion.(3/l 5)(4/5) ........... 89.103 Locust St., west of, East of Bluff, south of Jon~s, rezming of Ixoperdes.(4/5) ...................................... 101 Locust St. (South), east of, west of Haninon, south of Railroad Ave., rezouing.(4/19)(9/20}(l 2/~) .............. 118358,440 Lecuat St. (West), 787, rezotdng for Ludovissy-Stoffan Ins. Office ete.(2/15)(3/l) .................................. 55,60 Locust St., south from V~ey St. Ext. to Railroad Ave., vacation & disposal of ~.(12/20) ............................. 473 Lodging, HiXl., Inc. Days Inn., Liq. Lle.(3/l) ..................... 67 Lincoln Ave., ~ near Eagle Pt. Apts,, requust to pmchase by ltv Kcethe.(3/1) ...................................... 70 Long Range Comlxehensive Plan, re: David Rusk spoke; Also support of sign overlay dis~ct.(10/4)(12/20) ................ 374,468 LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMISSION SUBMITFING MINUTES: (1118)(2/15X311)(4119)(5/3)(6/21)(1O/4)(12/6) ................................ 23,56,69,129,148,216385,452 Long Range Planning re: repo~ on planning for ~ fiinge gees. eto.(1/4) ..................................... 6 Long Range Planning Conma., referral of application to IA Fitmnco Authority for development of affordable housing.(l/18) ...... 19 Long Range Planning Comm. re: Dbq. Housing iuilialive's proposed Ro~kdale Rd. Development.(2/1) ...................... 29' Long Range Planning Comm. appointments of Anna O'Shea and David Rusk.(7/6) ................................... 232 Long Range Planning Cormn. Ord., providing for eto.(7/19)(8/16) .. 269305 Long Range Planning Cotton. appointment of leff~y P. Mozen~(9/20) .. 360 Long Range Planning Comm. Inesantation of Riverftont Plen,(12/~) ... 443 Long Yuen, Sam Chiu. 2600 Dodge, Cig. Pg.; Liq. Lie. (6/21)(11/15) ..................................... 213,419 Longevity Piques given to City employees with 25 yema of sen, ice.(12/$) ........................................ 434 Lceas Bird. 464, ~ purchased from MIchael & Rebecca O'Ro~ke.(4/19)(5/17) ............................... 125,166 Loess Blvd,, 553 & 561, City buying 2 unit townhouse from O~o~ke's.(5/3X9f/) ................................ 143349 LOr~ Blvd., 464, DREAMS Program Hom~ to Gteg & Melissa Tuthill.("//~X7/19) .................................. 251,259 Loras Esmes Subd,, Ron Smith's requesting extension for secmity.(2/1)(8/2) ............................... 39,40,291 Lees of computcr infcemmion, claim of Milton Boyes.(10/4) ......... 386 Lot 642A in N. Dubuque Addn., Dispo~l of City Into~sL(8/2) ....... 289 Lotsering changes ©to., Alxpofl Comm. and its expense eto.(12/20) ..... 468 Lounge, The, P. Love, Liq. Lie., 481 Lucust, Liq. Lie,; Cig. Per.( 1/4) (12/20) (6/21 ) ........................... 5,472,213 Love, Kenneth, J. Kohl, The Grand Tap, Liq. Lie.(9/20) ............ 369 Love, Mary L,, endorsing G. Perry for CD AI~ntmeat.(2/15) ......... 46 Love, Phillip R., The Lounge, 481 Locest. Liq. Li¢.(1/4)(12/20) ...... 5,472 Low Interest Loan Po~ in the Downtown Urban Renewal Dis.(12/20)... 469 Luchsinger, Chris, re: Peru Road Reconstruction Project.(4/5)(Sf3) . . 102,139 Lucky "13", D. H~ickson, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(7/6)(8/16) .......... 250321 Lucy Dr., esst of, re: Ord. rezoning property on Pennsylvania Ave. (10/18)(11/1) ...................................... 396,402 Ludovissy, Dave, rezoaing of 787 W. Looust from R-2A to OR. (2/15)(3/1) .......................................... 55,6O INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Lumbenmn's Mutual Casualty Co. for E. T. Graham, CLAIM refen'al.(l 1/15) ................................. 422 Lax Club, B. Larsen, Liq. Lic. Cig. Per. (5/17)(6/21) ........... 160,213 Lynch, Rev. Mtck of Waldert High Gave lnvocatioo.(9/20) .......... 355 Lynch, Mary Jane, C~AIM; deninL(10/4)(10/18) ............... 385, 400 Lyness, Km~n C., applicant for Civic Center Comm.(Il/l) .......... 406 Lynn, Todd M., CLAIM.(9/'/) ............................... 346 Lyons, David, River City Tap & Grill, 1406 Pine, Cig. Per.; Liq. Li~.(6/21)(11/I ) ................................. 213,408 Lyons, l~vtd J., IA Trust Receivership relx~(ll/1) ............... 412 Lyons, Le~ley, CLAIM.(4/$) ................................ 111 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE M M M & H, inc., Silver Dollar Canfinn, Liq. Lic.(5/17) .............. 160 M & S Leasing, xequest rezoning properties at NE comer of Harrison & Camp St.(3/15) ................................ 91 Maas, Amy, ~IM; refetral.(S/17)(6f/) .................... 162,192 Mans, Emestine, re: Memorandum of Understanding with NAACP.(3/15) ....................................... 85,86 Machinery & Con~utcr Eqtdpn~nt Property Tax Exen~tioa, re: ~quest to call speolal sessio~ of the Legislator.(7/21) ......... 278 Madison St. Hill Steps of R. Schinesl, asseesrrent for cost of repsir, suit.(2/l) ........................................ 35 Magazine corbaide recycling implementcd.(6f/) .................. 176 Main St. Board, resignation OfR. Nagle.(7/6) .................... 232 Matin St. Ltd., Funding Agreement. (7/19) ...................... 274 Main & Third Sts., Stop Signs at intersection: Traffic Signals.(5~17)(8~16) ................................. 157330 Main & First Sts., Bishop's Blk, Housing Project(I/18) .............. 19 Main, Old, re: Urban Renewal Revitalization Dis. etc. (11/1)(12~) ....................................... 411,437 Males with sexually Uunsnitted diseases, ~exluest by County for facility.(10/18) ..................................... 390 Mungeno, Dorothy, CLAIM; Denlal.(l 1/15)(12~) .............. 422,452 Mungeno, Angels, Angle's, 1401 Elm, Cig. Pox.; Liq. Lie. (6f/)(9/20) ........................................ 187,369 Mapluwood Pl., Lot 3, Falrmount Park SuM. re: D~w & Ten'a Cook requesting sale of pmperty.(12t~) ................... 453' Mnquokete River, Little, flow concerns, discussion by County etc.(4/19) ...................................... 130 March 1993 list of claims; Printed Council Proceedings. (5/17)(10118) ...................................... 163,399 March 1992 Council l~oceedings, approved as printed; Financial ~pom.(2/15)(4/19) ................................... 56,130 Marches, G&thetings, Parades etc., Ordinance change permit sm~to~ etc.(7/~6) ................................... 246,247 Marco's, Inc., Marco's Italian Res., Liquor Lie.(4/19) ............... 127 Maritd, David, Pres. of Dubuque Main St. re: Old Main Urban Revit. Dis.(ll/1) .................................. 411 Mmto's, A.Bertolini, Cig. Per.; Ltq. Lie.(7/~X12/20) ............ 250,472 Ma0o Hills Quarry Rd., tomsfer of judediction to City.(2/15) .......... 59 Mama Ridge Estatcs II, final plat approval.(4/19) ................. 132 MarNa Ridge, final plat of Lms 1-10, of BIk 2 & Lot E. (9f/) ........ 347 Marsh St., re: nearby erection of small slxuntore for Audubon Society.(6/7) ......................................... 193 Mnrshelltown, settlement in Iowa Trust case.(3/1) .................. 71 Martin Oil Co, Price Se~ice, 280 Locust, Cig. Per.(6/21) ........... 213 Martin, James & Catherine, re: City getting their 2534 Windsor Ave. propeny.(l 1/15) ................................... 416 Martin, Satins P., Voluntaxy fo~eclosore Veocess - CLAIM.(ll/I) ...... 411 Martin Luther King Day, Prodamatioo.(1/4) ....................... 1 Martins Automatic Car Wash, Pride Se~. 2175 Central, Cig. P~.(6/21 ) ........................................ 2i3 Marx, irvla H., CLAIM; refen'ai.(2/15)(3/l) .................... 56,69 MatlfiesHamHouse, l~storicLandmnrkdesignation.(l/18X5/3) .. 18,137,138 Mathy Construction, River City Paving, awarded contract for 1993 Asphalt Paving Projnct.(9/20) ......................... 360 Matous, Melvin, re: Bnmsklil Road Sanltaty Sewer Extension. (4/19) .............................................. 116 Munss, Police Chief, objecting to S~hroby's Liq. Lie.(l/18) ........... 22 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE May 1992 Counoil inoceedinge, approved as printed.(2/15) ........... 56 May, 1993 Financial Reports; Claims Proof.(6/21)(7/19) ......... 217,273 Mayor, salasy relsed.(1/18)(2/15X3/l) ...................... 21,50,65 McKay, Att~ney Tom, for FDL Foods, re: Subordination Agreement e~0.(7/6) .................................... 249 MECHANICAL CODE BOARD SUBMrrTING MINUTES:C/~) ..... 253 Me~cal Services Week. Ewetgency, Prechimedon.(5/17) ............ 152 Medical Directo~ for the Fire DcpL(5/17) ...................... 164 Medical Associates Clinic re: NW Arterial Sign Overlay Dis.(10/4) .... 374 Medical Associates Clinic & Meroy Health Cen~r, rezoning:~ Conceptual Development Plan. (6/21XT,~)(9/7)(9,r20) ................. 214,215,223-226,345,355-357 Meehan, Marie A., CLAIM.(3/1) .............................. 69 Meetings, open, re: Eldon Pfobl's eemment.(10/18) ................ 391 Meitel's SUM., (3400 Asbury) rezoning of potlion of lot. (6/7) ........ 172 Melende.z, Hiram, aplnfinted to the lnvesunent Oversight Comm.(4/5) . .. 105 Mellum, Vickt, CLAIM; refen-el.(9/7)(9/20) .................. 346,370 Members inoreased for Investment Oversight Comm.(2/15) ........... 47 Memorandum of Agreement, Seotlon 106, with IA State Historic Pres. Officer & The Advismy Conncil of Historic Pros. (9/7) ............................................... 35O Memorandum of Agreement with Fisher Co.'s, re: alley repairs near 9th St.(6/21) ...................................... 202 Memorandum of Understanding with NAACP.(3/I 5) ................ 85 Monard Corot, !~operty west of rezoned f~m CS to C-3 Dis, (9/20X 10/4) ..................................... :. 369,375 Mental Health Month, ProclamaSlon.(5/3) ....................... 137 Mer~y Health Cent~ & Medical Associates, rezoning: Conceptual Development Plan.(6/21 ) (7/6)(9/7X9/20) .... 214,215,223-226,345,355-357 Mercy Health Center, CLAIM.(6/7) ........................... 192 Merles, John, CLAIM; RefemO.(7/19)(g/2) .................. 273,290 Mess, Tim, CLAIM; ReferraL(I/18)(2/1) ...................... 23,34 Metcnif, Adelln, CLAIM; Refetrel.(7/19Xg/2) ................. 273,290 Metcnif, Ro~e, CLAIM; aeniement (2/15X3/1) .................. 56,69 Metdx Co., re: NW Axteriel Sign Overlay Distsict conur~nL(lO/4) ..... 374 Meyer, Codey, CLAIM; ~ferxed,(10/18)(l 1/1) ................ 399, 411 Meyer, Cindy, CLAIM; settlement.(8/2)(9/7) ................. 290, 346 Meyer, Sally Ann, CLAIM; refenvat(9/20)(10/4) .............. 370, 385 Meyer, Richard, CLAIM; refenni.(5/17)(6/7) ................. 162,192 Meyers, Carol & L. Tort, Tott's Tap, Liq. Lie.(9/7) ................ 344 Miebuel Drive name changn to Piynn Dr. (12/20) ................. 478 Michalski, Ann, spoke on the proposed budget; spole on Merey & Medical Assoo. rezoning; reappointed to Housing Comrad objecting to night basketball Flaying in Jackson Park; Endorsing CItAS Program. (3/4)(7/6)(8/16)(9/7X12/20) .; ........... 72,223,304,335,467 Micbels, Lynn, of Quick Lube, rezoning of property e of White & w of alley between Jackson & White, between 5th & 11th, from HI to C-4.(12/6) ................................... 441 Midway Motor Lodge, WCB Hotels, Inc. 3100 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/21) .. 213 Mierson, Aifrieda, CLAIM; refen'al.(4/SX4/19) ................ 111,129 Mihalakis, Elizabeth, appointed to Comm. Develop. Corem,; Abstract of votes for Conncil Member At Large.(2/15)(11/15) ..... 46, 423 Mihalalds, Donna, CLAIM; referrel.(3/15)(4/5) ................. 92,111 Mihalalds, Phil, re: ri:zoning of ne come~ of Hanison & Camp Sts.(4/53 ........................................ 100 Mike's 76 Auto Center, M. Remalel, 2205 Carter,Cig. Per.(6/21) ...... 213 Mike's Ten Pin Tap, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per,; Liq. Lic. (1/4)(6/21)(12/20) .................................. 5,213,472 Milk House, 2311 Windsor, L. Zilhkn, Beex Per.; Cig. Per. (2/15X6/21) ........................................ 51,213 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Miller, Frank & 'fhonms re: ~aec. Assess. Defem~nt Notice f~ ~ R& (5/17) ....................................... 163 ~, ~. ~, n~ E~ency MM. ~y~(5AT) ........ 165 ~, A~ T~ f~ ~v~ ~ Pavi~ ~d ~ ~ ~ Cen~ Ave.(9fl) ...................................... 335 ~, M~, ~sfl~ 1~ of ~vo~t ~m ~v~ew P~ m B~ ~,(9~ ................................. 335 ~, ~y, W~y's B~-X, ~16 W~, ~. ~.; ~q, Lie. (6~1)(9~) ....................................... 213~69 ~, Berry R., Sid's Bev. S~, 2727 ~g~ ~. ~,(~) ....... 187 ~, Berry, ~I~ ~fe~.(4/5~4/19) .................. 111,129 ~m, ~, ~ ~ - A~.(~)(6~1)~) ...... 192~,~2 ~w~ Ira. f~ B~b Ro~ ~fe~.(l/4) .................... 6 ~w~, 10, ~g ~u~t of ~ Wdff, ~m LI m C-3.(5/1 ~(6~) ................................... 1~,172 ~n~ J~, ~d In~ ~ ~e, ~g. P~.(6~I) ............ 213 ~ee~ ~ 158 ~d ~n~ ~t ~, &s~ of ~ of m I~T.(IO/18)(H/1) ................................. ~ne~ ~ 3~, ~ving U~ ~t f~ U.S. West Co~ons.(7~9) .................................. ~nes of S~n ~: M~o ~s Q~ Rd., ~sf~ of j~sdiedon ~-~s Con~t ~ ~t C~ne-A-~e~.(5~7) ....... 165 ~ng C~, Ap~. U~, Kenny M~, ~g. P~.(6~I) ......... 213 ~ole C~ W~ 31~ U~ve~i~, ~g. ~r,(6~) ................ 187 ~ssi~ C~d, W~k of, ~on. (4/~ .................... ~s~s~ ~ver, ~: flow of M~uo~m ~v~ in~, ~s.(4/19) .... 130' ~s~k A~ ~: Pen~ylv~a Ave. ~ng f~ H~n ~vel.(4/5) .. 101 ~gg~on ~t f~ ~exs~l ~n~e l~ve~nc(12~) .......... 431 Molo ~ ~., Big 10 M~ & C~ W~h, 1875 ~ ~,, ~g. Per4 B~ P~. (6~) ..................................... 187, ~8 Molo ~ Co., Big 10 M~ ~s "B" B~P~ 21~ John F. ~n~y R~; C~. ~r,(3/1)(6~) ....................... ~,187 Molo ~ ~., B~ 10 M~ 9~ & Con~ ~. P~.(6~) ........... 187 Money ~., ~e, C~y's ~n. S~, ~ Peru R~, ~g. ~.; B~ P~.(~)(9~) .................................. 187~44 Mon~ C~o ~s~ ~u~ L~ ~, 378 ~n, ~. Per. (6~) .... 187 M~us, W~ B., ~s ~ at ~58 ~ ~d ~ CiF. M~ ~h~ A~nt e~. f~ Co~ ~sc ~e~ f~ W~ Bilk & ~e Tavern ~d ~ee B~: f~ ~' of ~n~e in I~ H~(6~6~1) ........................ 191~02 H~.(6~l) ......................................... M~ ~e ~355, 11~ M~, ~qu~ Lie.(4/19) ................ 127 M~ C~ e~ng ~u Ann S~le~n f~ ~ ~vel. C~,(~I~ ..................................... M~, Inc. 1413 R~k~e, ~q. ~c. (12~0) .................. 472 M~I~, W.L of W~d~ P~k ~ f~ Cm~ ~v~. PI~ f~ T~ H~h~ PR. ~s,(6~l) ...................... 201 M~g~ S~ & ML Vernon CC P~ay, v~on ~ ~u~ by ~ & Co~e ~,(7~)(7/19) ................... ~2,2~1 Mo~e ~ c~m of M. P~, seffie~c(~lg) .......... 130 Mo~ Jeff, of ~ R~ge P~, ~ ~: Ur~ F~ge a~n~ m ~ ~ge ~.(1/4)(7~)(9~0) ............... 6,23~3~ ~. P~'s, Refu~ on ~q. Lic.(l/18) ........................... 24 by ~ & Con~o ~k(7~)(7/19) .................... 252~ INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Mt. Carmel sre~ request at Budget Hearing for buses to transfer Point.(3/4) ...................................... 72 Muig~w Oil Co., Plaza 20 Oil Co. 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per,; Bant Per.(6/7)(10/l 8) ................................ 187,395 Mal~rew Oil Co., Asbuty F~top, 3300 Asbury, Cig. Per,; Beer Per.(6/7)(9/20) ................................. 187, 358 Mal~ew Oil Co., Amoco Foodshop, 1450 Loras, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/7)(8/2) .................................. 187,285 Mnlticaltoralism, false ideelogy, Eldon Pfohi's cermnents eto.( 1 i/1 ) .... 407 Mallidis~piianry Teem for l~evention of gang or drag problems in Conmmnlty.(8/16) ..................................... 304 Munei~l, Rev. ~horces W., re: Environmental Comm.(Il/15) ........ 414 Mualcipaily owned Perking Lots, Meto~ change in Parking Ord. (6/=1) .............................................. 205 Mmph's South End, Laura A, Mmphy, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per. (4/5)(6/21) ........................................ 109,213 Murphy, Lam~ A., Murph's South End, Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per. (4/5)(6/21) ........................................ 10~,213 Murray, Roger & Anne, CLAIM; Referral.(9/7)(9/20) ........... 346,370 My-Jo Investments, The Ceddie Shack, 48 Main. Beer Per (7/19) ...... 269 Myer's Cox Co. 175 W. 32nd St., Cig. Per.(6/21) ................. 213 1993 SUBJECT PAGE N N. Dubuque Addn., Lot 642A, re: disposnl of internist to Hawk Devel~,(8/2) .................................. 289 N. Crrandview, pro~ibilion of l~'tlng an lxmlm~s.(6/7) ........... 176,177 N. Onmdvtew re: s~ce~s to Castle Ridge Estatos eto.(10/4) ........... 382 N. Grandvlew, 486, and The Finley Hospital, rexonlng from C-2 to ID and amended Conceptual Development l~an.(l/4) .......... I N. Main SC, Madison St. Hill, re: repair of Wall for Schiesl pmpeny.(2a) .......................................... 35 N. Main St. & Ror~ne, request by P. Sohissel fee Residential Pndting Per. Dis.(5/17) .................................. 163 NAACP, Memorandum of Understanding executed with City; discussion requested by Eldon Pfohl etc(3/15)(11/15) .......... 85, 415 Nabb, Angels, CLAIM; referral.(5/3)(5/17) ................... 148,162 Nngln. Jeffery, re: vacation of pr~erty dedicated to the City, re: Kelly's Bluff &rea.($~) ............................. Nngle, Jeffery, re: final Nngln. Rol~t resigning flora Board of Dubuque M~in St. Ltd.; appnlnted to the MultteiSeil~inn~y Team for prevention of Gann and/or Drug prublems; Abstract of votes for Council Election. (7/6)(8/16)(10/18) ................................ 232,304,400 Nngle Publications, re: recipient of sale of Lot 1 of A in Kelly's Bluff No. 2.(8/16) ..................................... 303 Nails, Eltr~r, Dir. of Washington Neighborhood Tool Libra, apl~'eciatlve °f faneing'(7/19) ............................. 276' Nash, Ruth, re: Kaleidoscope.(5/17) ........................... 159 Nash-Finch Co,, Econofoods ~tT1, BE Beer Per. & 'E' Liq, Lic,~ Cig. Per.(2/15X6/21) ....................... 51,212 Natioanl Hospital Week, Proclamation,(5/3) ..................... 137 Na~ooal Lengan of Cities, policy lx~oporals Potmitted; Dan Nicholson appointed delngate.(~/"/X10/4) .......................... 340, 388 National Assn. for Advancement of Celored People, Mem. of Undermnding.(3/15) .................................... Natural Re~oerces re: rulas for protected strcams.(~/20) ............. 353 Nanghton, Gall, requesting 4 prope~ies nomi~ted as Historic l.amhmrl~: for K,E~pperle & D. Pllsak appoinUnent to Historic Pre~. Comm.(1/l g)O 2..~) ................................... 18,441 Ne. al, Nancy LOn. CLAIM; referral.(lO/4)(10/18) ............... 385,399 Nelets, Beth, reimbursement for police costs for RAGBRAI.~9/20) ..... 355 Neighbor's Tap, Jerry L. James, 1899 Reckdele Rd., Cig, Per.; Liq. Lic(6~/)(9/7) .................................. 1g?,344 Neighborhood Reinvestment Progrem.(8/16)(11/1) .............. 304,407 Neighborhood Related Improvements, re: CDBG Progrem etc. (5/~)¢11/1) ........................................ 149, 4O7 Nelson, Jubn E., re~luestlng water sen, ice to 1080 Ro~cvdt Rd. (4/5) ............................................... 111 Nelson, $~'phanie, Town Ciook Inn, Cig, Per.(6/21) ............... 213 Nelson, Attorney Scot~ re: Pere Road Reoonstmetion.(4/SX5./3) .... 102,139 Network, Fiber Ol~c Commuhications.(10/4) .................... 382 Nanmcister, Mary Lyan, re: C~escent Ridge & Stsrliglit Dr, Reconstruct. Ptoj.(7~) .................................. ~0 Nanmcister, Dr., re: prolx~ed revised Animal Ordinance.(1/4) .......... 4 Neuwanhncr, Robert A. reqansting ex~nslou of time for Quality PInce plat aPl~oval(8/16) ................................. 323 Newrmn, Paul, app~nted to the Housing Con's1.; CLAIM; Sottlan~nt. (g/16)(~/20) ............................ 304,323,347 Neyens, Leslie objecting to access fo~ Castle Ridge Estate.(10/4) ...... 382 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Neyens, Stove, re: structure on City la,perry near Marsh St for Audubon Sec.; Cezfificato of Apl~ueiation; Environmental Comm.(6/7)(ll/1Xll/15) .......................... 193, 402,414 Nicholsnn, Council Member appointed to Operation: New View board and Dubuque Racing Assn; appointed to GDDC Board of Direct(ws; voting delegate for National League of Cities. (2/15X6/7)(10/4) ................................. 47,175, 388 Nineteenth St and Jackson, two hour parking requested by L Kenuedy.(12/20) .................................... 475 Ninth St, re: SOO Line RR getting rights-of-way for tracks.(3/1) ....... 62 Ninth & Main, alley behind: repair & Mem. of Agrue. with Flshe~ Co, (Pinudc Center, lue.); Grent of Easement(6/21)(?/6)... 202,229 Nites of the Square Table, Beer Per.; Special Event.(5/3)(8/16) ..... 144,321 Noel, Kelly & Rim, refen'al of CLAIM.(1/4) ...................... 6 Neigh, Wm., appointud to Transit Beset(8,/2) .................... 281 Nen-ber~alning Con*~ensation Plan approvud.(6/21) ............... 221 Nonconformities, Ord. an~nthng Sec. 4-~ of Zoning Ord, (3/15X4/19) ..................................... 92,118,119 Noonnn's Tap, J. Noouen, Liq. Lic. (4/5) ....................... ]09 Norby, Attorney (]my fee E. Tschiggfrie, re: ueuexation of ~e/.(1/lg) ......................................... 11 Norby, Attorney Gray, Nouexciusive Sublease Agreement between Dbq. Racing Assn. & Roberts River Rides.(12/6) ................ 455 Northoure, Robert, re: C~scent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction Prujcct.(?/l 9) ......................................... 230 NORTtIWEST ARTERIAL: also see ~__ Artosial listings. Noflhwcst Arterial re: Sign Overlay Dis.(9/20) .............. ' ..... 369 Northwest Altolial, annexation of prol~rty no~h of W. 32nd St., no interference ete.(~l) .................................. 41 Northwest Ridge Sulal. final plat, extension of time for bending by M, Rcmakct.(3/15)(8/16) ............................... 95, 324 Northwesteru Development, Inc. Awarded Contract for the 1993 P.C. Paving Project - C~scent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Rcoonstructinn.(7/19) ................................... 268 Notice of Explralion of Right on redcmptlon on various properties in City (Attorney J. O~Brien of Tax Invnstments).(4/19) ........... 130 Novak, Rev. Ed., (]ave Invueatien,(10/4) ....................... 374 November, 1992, Financial reports submittud; proof of Claims paid; Council Proceedings approved as pfinted.(l/4)(l/18)(7/19) ...... 6,23,2?3 Nursery Seboot etc., re: Zoning Ord. Changes.(3/15) ................ 84 Nurses Day, Emergency, Pruelamatien.(10/4) .................... 374 Nur~ng Services, Pchlic ttenlth, approval of application for State fuuds.(4/19) ...................................... 115 NW Artcrlal, s~mth of Kennedy Rd., rezoning from A(] to R-l, with conditions.(4/19) ................................... 128 NW Arterial, North & South of Kennedy Rd., rezoning of propc~cs from AG to R-1.(5/3)(5/17) ............................ 137,155 NW Artsrial, Water Main Project(8/2)(9/7) .................. 286,334 NW Arterial re: Sign Overlay District.(9f20X10/4) ............. 369,374 NW Arterial & JFK Road intorsuetien, construction of Water Tower.(10/4) .................................... 384 NW Arterial & Asbmy Rd., intersection tru~c light(12/6) .......... 453 NW Arterial & Highway 20 intersection, traffic signal discussion. (12/6) .............................................. 453 1993 SUBJECT PAGE O'Brlen, Attoruey James, for Tax Investments, Ltd., Notice of Expiration of Right of Redemptinn on various pr~erties in the City.(4/19) ............................... 130 O'Cnnnnll, Daniel F., appointment to Cahie TV Telepro~ng.(12/20) ................. : .............. 468 O'Hur~ J & P, Happy Joe's, Beer PUt.(10/18) .................... 395 O'Hea, Delmer, refund on lleer Per.(6/'21) ...................... 217 O'Nnill*s River View, property at 721 Davis St., accepted by City from lt. Webster.(9/20Xl0/4) ..................... 361,386 O'Neill's River View, property at 745 Davis St., accepted by City.(6f/) ........................................... 196 O~Rourk~, Kaxea, Ex. Dir., C~nter fc~ Public Ministry, CDBG budget.(3/4) ..................................... 72 O~Ronrk~, Michael & Rebecca, property at 464 Lo~s sold to City.(4/19)(513)(5/17) ............................. 125,143,166 O~onrkc, Miclmel & Rebecca, property at 553-561 Loras sold to City.(9/7) .......................................... 349 O'Shea, Anna, endorsed Andrea Sehickies for CD Comrrg; appointed to Long R~nge Planning Commission; support sign disUict for NW Ar~rlal.(2/15)(7/6)(lO/4) ................ 46,232,374 O'Shea, Marty, endorsed Andrea Schickies for CD Comm.(2/15) ....... 46 O'Sheas, Pasta, Kahn Family Ent. Inc., 395 w.gth, Liq. Lic.(l 1/15) .... 419 Oak St. to Cleveland, Quince St., vacation of potion etc. (12/6)(12/20) ...................................... 449,463. Oath taken by new City Manager Michael Van Milligen.(l/4) .......... 1 Oberman, John, endorsed Lou Ann Stapleton for Comm. l~vel. Comm.(2/15) .......................................... 46 Octobca' 1993 Financiai Ropom submitted; List of clalma paid, (11/15)(12/20) ..................................... 424,475 October, 1992, printed Cotmcil proceedings approvud.(6/21) .......... 216 Offien Renovation at Locust St. Parking Ramp Project. (3/15)(4/5) ... 89,103 Oky Doky #8, Hill St. Plaza, 535 Hill, Be~r Per.; Cig. Per. (2/15)(7/6) ......................................... 51,249 O1~ Doky #2, TFM Co., W. 32nd St., Cig. Per.(3/l)(6/21) ......... 66,213 Oky Doky #7, B & M Convenient Mart, 3301 Pennsylvania, "BE" Be.~ Permit; "LB" Liquur Lie.; Cig. PUr.(3/15)(6/21) ....... 86,213 Oky Doky #14, F,.zistina Chapman, 1050 University, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/21 X7/6) ................................. 213,250 Oky Doky #15, JENA, lng., 1101 Rbomberg, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6/21X6/21) ................................ 213,214 Oky Doky #1, JFT Ltd., 51 W. 32ud St., Cig. Per.; Beer Per.: Liq. Li~.(6/21)(8/16) ................................. :213,321 Ok), Doky ~6, TFM Co., 1256 Iowa, Cig, Per.; Bcex Per, (6/21)(11115) ...................................... 213, 418 Oky Doky #21, Trims Miss Invest, 2010 Kerper, Cig. Per.; Buex Per.(6/21X8/16) ................................ :213~321 Old Main St. aren, re: am0ndment to Downtown Urban Renewal Dis. for lenn program creatinn,(11/l)(l~J20) ............. 410,411,469 Oki Shnng, N. Bennett, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/7)(10/18) .......... 187, 396 Oki Brunswick Tavcru (Ye), O. Kirchberg, Cig. Per.; Class "C" BW Lie.(4/5) ...................................... 108,109 Old Highway Road, negated fur access e~ to final plat of Lots 1-6 of Eugene Tigges Subd.(12/20) ...................... 477 Okiham, Inc., Avenue Tap, Liq. Lie.: Cig. Pur.(4/5)(9f/) ......... 109,343 Olympic Heights residents requesting City scndces for their are~ (11/1)(11/15) ...................................... 407,415 Oue*yenr Plan for 1994, amendment.(12/20) ..................... 467 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Open Butnlng re: Prohibiting etc.(9/7)(9/20) .................. 341, 367 Open Meetings Law, Eldon Pfohl questioning legality etc.(l 0/18) ...... 391 Ope~ming Engineers, Prohibited Practice Con~lnint (CLAIM?). (6/7) ... 192 Operating Beginners, Local #758, Ag~ement with City.(6/21) ........ 221 Opermion: New View Bd. appeintmants of C.M.'s Nioholson & Nngle and Assist Mgr. S. Johnson; appointment of C.M. See Robbins.(2/15)(6/7) .................................. 47i176 Operation: New View, Purchase of Services Agreement.(6/21) ........ 217 Optimists, 3 Chibe, re: Youth Appreciation Week Proolamations.(11/1) .................................... 402 Ordinance No. amending Zoning Ord. by reclassifying propel~es located south of Jones St, East of Bluff St. and west of Loct~t St. from C-3 General Comm., R-2A Alternate Two-Family Resid~ntini and R-1 Single Family Res. Dis. to POS Public Open Spaces.(2/15)(3/15)(4/~) ............................. 55,85,101 Ordinance No. Amending Zoning Ord. by rezoeing Propur~y at 3219 Ashnry Rd. from R-1 to C-1.(1/18)(4/19) ............. 22,23,117 Ordinance re: Weight lintits on Kennedy Rd., petition by T. Oantz on enforcen'~nt (5/3) ............................ 150 Ordinance No. amending Zoning Ord. by reclassifying Propurty at 1598 McPoland St. from R-1 to c~1.(6/21) ............ 215 Ordinance No, amending Zoning Code by rezoning property East of S. Leeust, West of Hanison & South of Railroad Ave. fsom LI Dis. to C-3 Dis.(3/15)(4/19)(8/16) ............. 91,92,118,322 Ordinance No. amending Zoning Code by rezoeing properly at 3280 P~nnsylvania from R-1 Single Family Residential Dis. to C-3 General Comm. Dis,(8/16)(9/20) ................. ~. 322,357 Ordinance No. amonthng Zoning Code by rezoning property west of Harrison St., e~st of Locust SC and south of Jones St. from C-3 general Comm~eini ms, to LI (Area #3 denied by Zoning Comm.)(8/16X9/20) ................................. 322,358 Ordinance No. Amending Zoding Code by rezoning property on Bonson Road noah of Seville Dr. from R-I to PUD Dis. with a PR Planned Res. Dis. designation and adopting a conc~tu~ Devni. Plan.(8/16) ............................. 322 Ordinance No, Amending Zoning Code by adding a new See. 4-3.13, Northwest Ar~tini Corridor Sign Overlay Dis. re: Sign Height fcc on and off premis~ signs in the Northwest Ar~ni.(9/20×10/4) ................................. 369,374 Ordinance No. Amending Zoning Code by ~zoeing property located at 3195 Jaokson from C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Contur Dis. to C-2 Genetni Comn~rclni Dis,(8/16)(9/20) ....... 321,355 Ordinance No. Amending Zoning Ordinance by rezoning property e~st of S. Locust St,, west of Haninon St. and south of Raih'oed Ave. from LI to C-3. (Area #1 Denied by Zoning Comn~)(s/16X9/20) ................................. 322,357 Ordinance No. Amending Ch. 42, Subd. Regulations, of the Code by enacting new definitions in Sec. 42-1 fes Ihivate and Private Dr. and amending See. 42-20 re: regttiatioas for ixlvate siS'nets and Private drlves.(lO/18) ...................... 396 Ordinance No. Amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning property S. of 12th St., east of the alley between 5th & 1 lth Sts. to Freeway 61/151 from HI Heavy Ind. Dis. to MHI.(II/15) .......... 419 Ordinance No. Amending Zoning Ord. by rezoeing property east of White St. & west of tho alley between White St. & $ackson St. and between 5th & 12th Sts. from HI Heavy Ind,to C-4 Downtown Comm. Dis. (11/15) ............................ 419 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Oadiannee No. Amending z~ning Ord. by rezoning propmy south of 12th St., east of Ja~k~m St. & mt of alley between While St & Jackson St., betwmn 5th & llth St. to F~eeway 611151 from HI to MH/.(12~) ............................. 441 Ordinance No, Amending Zoning Ont. by rezoning grope~y E. of White St. & W. of alley between White & gnckson and between 5th & llth St. from HI to C-4 Downtown Comn~ Dis. (12/~) ........................................... 441 Ontinanee No. Amending Code by ndHng Bryant St. to the Two Hour Time Zones designated in Subvention (e) of Section 32-262 (Bryant St., both sides, from Mt. Lc~tta to S. C-randvlew Ave.) (12/6) ............................... 443 Ordinanee No. Vncating Lots lA & 2A of Hemy A. Robinson Ind. Subd.(12/20) ............................... 474 Ordinance No. 1-93 Rezonlng 486 N. Crtandvinw from C-2 Neighborhood Shopping Center Dis. to ID institotiouni Dis. & Amending Ord. 45-91 ai~noving Amended Conceptual Devei. Plan for The Finley Hospital. (1/4) ...................... 1-3 Ordinance No. 2-93 Reeoning property east of Cedar Cre~s Rd. & south of 198 Cedar Cross Road from Ag to CS,(1/18) ........ 10 O~dinanee No. 3-93 rezonin8 Properly at 1320 Locust St. from OR to OC,(I/18) ................................... 11 Ordinance No. 4-93 Amending Ch. 7, Animals and Fowl, Providing Restriod0~s on Maintaining Livestock within the City et~.(l/4)(l/18) ............................... 4,12-17 O~dtnanee No. 5-93 Amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning Prope.rty on NE corner of Asbury Rd. & Ciurke Dr. from iD to pR and adopting a Conceptual Development Plan.(1/18X2/15) ...... 22,43-45 O~dlnanee No. 6-93 Amending Article VIH of the City Code re: the Investment Oversight Commission & adopting a new Sec. 2-232, re: app~ntm~nt and terms of the Members of the Commission; and by adopting a new Seetiott 2-236(c) providing for the Quorum of the Comm.(2/15) .......................... 47 Ordinance No. 7-93 ar~nding Zoning Ord. by rezoning lnOge~y at 787 W. Locust St. from R-2A Alternate Two-Family Res. Dis. to OR Office Res. Dis.(2/15)(3/l) ................... 55,60,61 Ordinanee No. 8-93 Granting to SO0 Lines RR Co. Rights-of-way ove~ l~t'tioas of 6th St., Washington St., the alley between 6th St and Washington St., Wall St., 7th St., 8th St., the alley hntween 7th St. and 8th St., Pine SC, K~ Blvd. & llth St.(3/l) .. 62,63 Ordinance No. 9-93 Adopting a new Sec. 2-21 providing for compansmion for Mayc~ and Council Members. (1/18)(2/15X3/I) ................................... 21,50,65 Ordinance No. 10-93 amending Ch. 23 of the Code, Health and Sanitation, Article 11, Ambulances, by edding a New Subsection 23-31(5) eatablishlng rah-s and charges fee City Ambulance Sezvice for Responthng to Emergency Calls outside the City Limits, but wbezc no service is provided.(3/4) ............. 74 O~lieance No. 11-93 amending Sec. 11-2 of the Cod~ by adopting a new Tabie No. 3A- Building Permit Fees,(3/4) .......... 75 Ordinance No. 12-93 amending Zoning Cede by enacting a new Sec. 3-5.4 PUD by ara~nding Sec. 2-1 Spec. Porp~c Dis. & Sec. 4-3.11 Sign Regulations. (2/15)(3/15) ............... 56,79-83 Ordinance No. 13-93 amending ZO~ng Cede by adopting a new definition in Sec. g Definitions for Day Cmn Home and Cnoup Day Cate Center and adopting a new Section 4-7.2(0 pertaining to a Day Care Home as a Permitted Hom~ Occupation. (2/15)(3/15) ......................................... ~6,84 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Ordinnace No. 14-93 amending Zoning C. ode by rezoning portio~ of propeity at NE comer of Hanison nad Camp S~ts from LI Light Ind. Dis. to CS Commercial Service & Wholesale Dis.(3/l 5X4/5) ......................... '. ............ 91,100 Ordinance No. 15-93 amending Zoning Ord. by rezomng propanties . g. of Jones St., E. of Bluff St. and W. of Locust St~ from C-3 O~nend Comm. R-2A Alternate Two Family Residential and R-I Single Family Residenlial And R-1 Single Family Residential Dis~icts to nC Office Comm. and POS Public Open Space Dis. (denied by Zoning Comm).(~dl$)O/15)(4/5) ............... 55,85,101 Ordinnace No. 16-93 Amending Code by adding W. 3rd. St., South Side, from St. Mary's St. to Bluff St., to subsection (a) of Sec. 32-395, eatablishing Residential parking Permit Dis. "B".(3/1)(4/5) ...................................... 63,104 Ordtnnace No. 17-93 Amending Sec. 5-7.6(c) of the City Code re: Notice posted by Licensees or pannittces of business timt sails Alcoholic Liquor, Wine or Beer for on.prerrdse consumption and adopting in lieu thereof a new Sec. 5-7.6(¢) providing for the notice ~e, quirod to h~ peered by licensees or permittnes of nay business that sells alcolmlin Liquor, Wine or Beer for On-Premise Consump~on.(4/5) .................... 108 Ordinance No. 18-93 amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning property north of 32nd St. nad East of Bvaeck Rd. from AG Agricultural Dis. to R-1 Single Family Res. Dis.(3/15)(4/19) ...... 91,117 Ordinance No. 19-93 atnending Zoning Ord. by repealing Sec.4-6.7 and adopting in lieu thereof new Sections 4-6.3, 4-6.4, 4-6.5, 4-6,6 pertaining to elimination of the change f~om one nonconforming use to another, the expansion of realdential nonconformities, and reconsffuction of certain lawful nonconformities. (3/15)(4/19) ........................... 92,119 Ordinance No. 20-93 Amending Ch. 27, Human Relations, by adopting new Sec. 27-21 providing for removal of Members for Unexcesed Absences; by adopting new Sec. 27-23 re: Meetings; by adopting new Sec. 27-24 re: Quoram; by adopting Sec. 27-27 re: Powars nad Dusies; by adopting new Sec. 27-61 providing for Prohibited Practices in tho area of Public Accemmodasions; by adopting now Sec. 27-71 providing for Prohibited Practices in the area of Employn~nt; and by adopting a now Sec. 27-121 re: Rules of Constru¢lion.(4/19) ........... 120-123 Ordinance No. 21-93 providing that the City Code be amended by enacting new Sections 18-1 nmi Articles 82 and 83-3(3) pertaining to revising and reenacting an Electrical Code for the City.(4/19) ..................................... 125,126 Ordinance No. 22-93 amending Ch. 25 by adding now Sections 25-6.6, 25-6,7, 25-6.8, 25-6.9, 25-6.10, 25-6.11 and 25-6.12 providing for tho designation of rations Landmarks (Wm. Black, City Hall, Courthouse, Jail, Jniian Dubuque Monument, Mathles Ham House, Shot Tower).(4/19)(5/3) ...... 128,138 Ordinnace No. 23-93 amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning propexty on Pennsylvania Ave, East of Butterfiuld from R-1 Single Fsmlly Res. to PR Planned Resident. Dis.& sdopting a Concoptnal DeveL Plan.(2/15X3/1)(4/5)(5/3) ............ 55,60,101,141 O~dinance No. 24-93 ar~nding Zoning Ordinance by rezoning property north of the NW Arterial and South of Kennedy Road from AG to R-I, with conditions.(4/19)(5/17) ........... 128,155 Ordinance No, 25-93 an~nding Code by rezoning properties located East of Frceway 61/151, North of 12th St., South of 16th St., and west of Kerr Blvd. from HI Heavy Ind. to POS Public Open Space Dis~(4/19XS/l?) ...................... 127,156 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUB.rECT PAGE Ontinmce No. 26-93 Amending tbe Co& by modifying Subsnetion Co) of Sec. 32-214 providing for removal of Stop Signs at Intarsectina of Main St. & 'flfitd St(5/17) ..................... 158 O~dinance No. 27-93 remding propany nt 3400 Asbary Rd. flora OR to OS.(5/17)(6/'0 ................................ 160,172 OnJinnace No. 28-93 amending Zoning etd. by rnzoding leX)parries located et 3270, 3370, 3400, 3450 Coned & 10 Milwaukee St. from Li to C-3.(5/17)(6/7) .......................... 160,172 Oniinance No. 29-93 Amending the Code by modifying Subsection Co) of Sec. 32-214 thereof providing for Stop Signs at the interaction of Ca~r Rd. and Hillcreat Rd.(6/7) ............ 176 O~dinnace No. 30-93 amending Z~ing Get, by rezoning property N. of 3735 Peru Rd. from C-3 to R-1.(5/17)(6/21) ............ 160,198 Ordinance No, 31-93 amending Zoning Ord. by adopting a new Section 4-3.3(0) m: prohihiting Roof Signe.(5/17)(6/21) ........ 161,199 Oniinance No. 32-93 amending ;txming Gal. by adop~ng a Conceptual Development Plan t'or Terrace Heights PR Planned Res, DIS. on Peru Rd. in the City,(5/17X6/21) ............... 161,199 Ordinance No. 33-93 Amending tho Code, Ch. 26, Housing Rngniations, re: Pnfformance Requirement for Sanitary Facililies; Acceptability Critefi~ for Occupancy Standards; Performance Reqdimmont for Abatement of Lond-besed Paint Hazards; otc,(6/21) ................................. 203 Ordinnace No. 34-93 Amending Ch. 32 of the City Code, Motor Vehicles and Traffic, re: Holidays, Res~cting Parking Time in Parking Garages and providing for Reserved Spaces designating of City Parking Lots, Et~. (6/21) ................ 205-211 ' Ordinance No, 35-93 amending Code by mzontng properties located at 250 Mercy Dr.,1000 Lnagwottby and adjoining properties from R-2 to ID Dis. and to approve na emended Conceptual Development Plan for the Mercy Health Center & Medical Assn. Oinin. (6/21)(7~) ................... 215223-226 Ordinance No. 36-93 Amending Zoning Ord. by approving at Concelmial Development Plan for the ID Institutional Dis~ct for Emmans Bible College (2570 .Mbary).(6/21)(7/6) ........ 15,227+228 Ordinance No. 37-93 amending Zoning ORi. by rezoning prope~ located at 2235 Ccemti from R-2A to C-4 Downtown Comm. Dis.(6/21)(7~) ............................... 215,229 Ordinnace No. 38-93 Amending the Code by Repealing Ch. 44, Div. 6, Industrial Pm-trontm~nt Program, & adopling in lice thereof, a new Div. 6, Industrial Pmtreamlent Program, providing General Provisions nad Rngnintions, establishing Peen, Providing for Administration and enfo~cna~nt, and establishing penalties nad costs for violations thereof. (7/~) ..................... 233-244 Oalinance No. 39-93 amending Code by deleting parts of N. Grandview Ave. from subseclion (d) of ,geo, 32-262 thereof providing for tbe prohihiling of parking,co/'/)(7/6) ....... 177,245 Ontinnace No. 40-93 Amending the City Code by repealing San. 33-21, re: Permits for Gatherings, Parades or Marches upon ~ Sin'.ets or Public Places and adopting in lieu thereof a new Section 33-21, requiting a Permit for Oatbeflngs, Parades or Marches upon the Streets or public places of the City;, by adopling new Sec. 33-21.1 providing for the Permit ApFlicatlon; by adopting New Sec. 33-21.2, se~ing for the contents of the Applicafico form for a pannit otc.(7/6) ......... 246-248 Ordinance No. 41-93 Amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning Lot 4, John George Sobd. on Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to PUD with PC Planned Comm. designation for indoor and outdoor tennis facilities nad adopting at Concepttod Development Plan. (7/~)(7/19) ..................................... 251,2~7,258 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Ordinance No. 42-93 Vacating the disposal and sale of a purlton of Murgan SI. & Mt. Vernon Court Parkway.(7H)(7/19) ,. 252,260 Ordinance No. 43-93 Provithng for 25 Year Franchise Agreement with Peoples Natural Gas.(7H)(7/19) ..................... 251,262, Ordinance No. 44-93 Amending Zoning Ord. by rezoning pro, es at 910 through 1040 Roosevelt St. from R-I to R-2 Two Fan~ly Residential Dis.(7/19)(8/2) ................... 272,280 Ordinance No. 45-93 Amending Code of Ordinances by rezoning Woperty East of Cutter Read from R-4 Multi-Family Residential Dis, to PUD with PR and approving a Conceptual I~velopment Pinn.(8,r2x8/16) ................................. 289, 298-300 Ordinance No. 46-93 Vacating an alley between Peru Rd. and Excelsior St. South of Walker SL(8,r2xg/16) ................ 289, 302 Ordinance No. 47-93 Vacating a posen of Keliy~s Bluff at its emterly ~minus.(8/2X8/16) ........................... 288,303 Ordinance No. 48-93 Amending the Code by modifying Subsection (b) of Section 32-214 providing fo~ the Addition of Stop Signs at Fourth SC and Walker St.(8fl6) ................ 305 Ordinance No. 49-93 Amending Sec. 36-4 of the Code by adopting a new S~. 36-4 providing fur a Long Range Planning Comm., and the composition therecf.(7/19)(8f2)(8/16) ............... 269,305 Ordinance No. 50-93 Amending Sec. 18-2 of the Code providing for amendments to tbe National FAectric Code, 1993 Edition, by unending Sec. 225-26 re: the Support of Overhead Conductor Spans by Live Vegetation, to permit Decurative Lights in Washington Park & Town Clock Plaza under certain Circumstances. (9/7) ............................................... 341 Ordinance No. 51-93 Amending Ord. No. 35-93 rezoning propexty located at 250 Mercy Dr., 1000 Langwurthy Ave. and adjoining prope'aies from R-2 Two Family Residential Dis. to ID Institutional Dis. and approving an amanded Conceptual Development Plan fur Mercy Health Center & Medical Asso. Clinic.(9/7)(9/20) .... 345,355 Ordinance No, 52-93 rezohing property located south of Dodge St., west of Salins St. and east of Locust St. from LI Light Industrial to C-3 General Commercial Dia.(Arcs #2 Dealed by Zoning Comnx)(8/16)(9/20) 322357 Ordinance No. 53-93 amending Zoning Code by rczoning psoperty west of Freeway 61/151 and south of First St. from HI Heavy Industrial to LI (area #4 approved by Zoning Comm.) (8/16X9/20) ....................................... 322,358 Ordinance No. 54-93 Amending the Code by Repealing Ch. 22 "Garbage, Trash and Refuse" and enacting a new Ch. 22 "Solid Waste: providing for the regulation of Solid Waste and establishing penalties for the vioiation thereof.(9/7)(9/20) .... 341,362 Ordinance No. 55-93 Amending Ch. 19 "Fire Prevention and Protection" by adopting new Sections 19-9 through 19-11 prohibiting Open Burning.(9f/)(9f20) ..................... 341,367 Ordinance No. 56-93 Amending Code by reclassifying property lecated ut 2042 Elm St. and adjoining Iota from R-2A Alternate Two Family Residential Dis. to C-2 Nnighborhoed Comm. Dis.(9/'20X 10/4} .................................... 369,375 Ordinance No. 57-93 Amending Zobing Code by rczoning gropexty West of Menard Court from CS Comm. Ser. & Wholesale Dis. to C-3 General Commercial Dis.(9f20)(lO/4) ..... 369, 375 Ordinance No. 58-93 Granting to Interstate Power Co., a Deinwas~ Corp. etc. a non-exclusive autliority for a period of 25 yeats to maintain and operate its existing electrical system in the City.(9/7)(lo/4) ............................... 346, 376-381 Ordinance No. 59-93 P~oviding fur the amendment of Ord. No. 31-92 - Ord. adopted the PC Planned Comm. Di~. for Wal-Mart Stain, lec.(9/20X10/4)(10/18) ............. 370, 375391 Ontinance No. 60-93 Amending Code by deleting pax~ of Bluff St. from Subz. (d) of Section 32-262 thatv, of providing fur tho Pmhihiting of Paddng.(l 0/18) .............. 393394 Ontinance No. 61-93 Amanding Zoning O~d. by rezoning pr~t~riy on Pennsylvania Ave. ce~t of Lucy Dr. fram R-3 Moderate Density Multi-Family Res. Dis. to PUD with a PR Planned Res. Dis. and adopting a Conceptual Devni. Plan. (10/18)(11/1) ...................................... 396,402 Ordinance No. 62-93 Vacating a portion of Schiller St. from Lincoln Ave. to High Bluff to be known as Lot 35A in Hoppers Adds.( 10/I 8)(11/1 ) ........................... 398,404 Ordinance No. 63-93 Amending Zoning Ord. by rczoning propexty West of Harrison, East of Locust & South of Jones St. from C-3 to FOS.(II/15)(12H) ................... 419,440 Ordinance No. 64-93 Amending the Code by adding a new Ch. 1gA, Environment, Establishing an Environtrental Comm. and providing fur composition thereof, etc. (11/1)(11/15)(12/6) ........................... 411, 414, 441-443 Ordinance No. 65-93 Amending the Code by adding Pa~ of Clarke Dr, to the Two-Hovx Time Zones Designated in Subsection (c) of Sec. 32-262 Providing for Two Hour Paddng.(12~) ........................................ 447 Ordinance No. 66-93 Amending the Code by d~leting parts of Clarke Dr. from Subsection (d) of Sec. 32-262 thereof providing far the prohi~ting of Paddng.(12/~) .................. 447 Ordinance No. 67-93 Vacating a portion of Quince St. from Oak St. to Cleveland Ave.(to be known as Lot 50A & 5lA in Union Addn.).(12flS)(12/20) .......................... 449,463 O~dinance No. 68-93 Amending Code by adopting a new Section 34-112 Descrihing Miller-Rivet'view Padt. (12/20) ......... 470 Ordinance No. 69-93 Amending the Code by adding & new Div. 5 Entitled "Cable Se~ices Cestort~r Service Standards" to Article IV in CH. 44 of thc CoOt requiring the Grantee of a Cable Services Deliver/Franchise which serves Residential, Commercial, and Institutional Locations within thc City Ltmita, to adhere to Certain Customer Service Standards adopted by the Federal Communications Cumin. re: Dubuque Cable Franchise Ord.(12/20) ................................ 470+471 Overhead Conductor Spans re: to permit Decorative Lights in Washington Patk & Town Clock Plaza.(9/7) ................... 341 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE P P.J.'s, Peggy Schailer, Cig. Per.; IAq. Lie.(6/21) ............... 213,214 P.M.S.T. Inc., Heppy'm Place, 2323 Rockdale, Cig. Per.; Ltq. Lie.(6flxg/20) ................................. 187,369 Paint, lead-hazed, an~ndmonts to Housing Code etc.(6/21) .......... 203 Painting of Eagle Point Water Tank, Project(2/1) 38 Palrrer, John, Nagie Signs, wanting changes in sign regulations for Wul-Mart & Sam's. (10/4) ................... 376 Papa Sarduc~i's, C. Weaver, 1895/FK., BW Liq. Lie.(6fl) .......... 188 Pape, Lor~ (& M. Helle), Wnslside Development, ar~epting Res. re: approving final plat of IXSlion of Embmsy West No. 2.(1/18) ..... 26 Palm, Maur~n, approving rezoning of Peansylvania Ave. propa~vj E. of BuO~'fiold from R-1 to PR.(3]I) ........................ 60 Panvies, Gatherings, or Marches, re: Permits, application process. (7~) ............................................... Perediso, Mike, CLAIM; seulemont.(4/SX4/19) ................ 111,130 PerlMutuel Track Legislation, amendments to legislation.(7/21) ....... 278 PARK & RECREATION COMMISSION SUBMITTING MINUTES: (1118X2/15)(3115X4119)(5117)(6/7) (7119X8116)(9/7)(11/15)(12/20) '. ...................... 23,56,92,129,162,192,272,322,346,422,475 Park & R~fion Commission appclntn~nt of Lyle Oalliart & Gene Tho~pson.(7/~) ................................. 232 Perk & Rec. Dept. Fencing Projcet(7/19)(12/6) ............... 270,457 Park Square Tavern, D. Geese, Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per.(3/15)(6/21) t.. 86,213 Parker, Jill, CLAIM; rofen'ed.(7.~)(7/19) .................... 254,273 PARKING REVIEW (HANDICAPPED) COMMITTEE SUBMITTING (6/7) ............................................... 192 Parking Permit District, Residential, expanded in St. Mary's and Emm~tt St. amas.(2/l)(3/l)(4/5) ...................... 33,34,63,104 Parking price ieeream for lots, l~Otnsted.(3/4) ..................... 72 Parking Ran~ (Locust St.), Office Renovation Project.(3/15)(4~5) .... 89,103 Parking Revenue Bonds, $2,720,O00.(5f3XS/17)(5/18) ..... 145,146,154,168 Perking ban lifting ~..qu~ted for W. side of N. Cnandviow from Bunker Golf Course to Clarke Dr. from R. Kmse.(4/19) ....... 130 Perking Permit designation requested for N. Main & Romlinc SC by P. Schissel etc.(S/17) ................................. 163 Perking Ordinance, re: Clarification of Vehicles & Traffic; Municipal Garages; Rnserved Spaces; Meters; Lots; Defining Rosdway, Street, Sidewalk, Vehicle; Handicapped Spaces, etc. (6/21) ........................................... 206-211 Perking Prohibition on portions of N, Grandview Ave., deletion of prohihition,(6/7)(6/21 ) ........................... 176,177,212 Parking Tickets, Cout~sy Prosram; Hand held computerized equipment etc.(6/7)(12/20) ............................ 176,469 Perking spaces added for Emmans Bible Collnge.(Tfll) .............. 227 Perking on Grandviow, deletion part from Code re: Graedview Ave., nmih side bom Audubon St. to Clarke Dr.; both sides portions of Kaofmann Ave. (7,~) ........................... 2415 Parking ntmp, rental of spaces for U.S. Postal Service.(9/7) .......... 351 Parking on Bryant St., request for 2 hour linlted.(9/20) ............. 371 Parking requested on E. side of Bluff St. between Dodse 8: Jones St, (9/20X10/18) ...................................... 371,393 Parking limit (2 hour) from 1749 Clarke Dr. to 1687 Clarke Dr. ~xtenaion requested.(10/18) ............................... 401 Parking, re: adding Clarke Dr. to the Two Hour Tim~ Zones, designated to Subsection (c) of Sec. 32-262.(12fli) ............... 447 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Perking me: deleting lx~ts of Clarke Dr. furm Snix{~ction (d) of Sec. 32-262 l~ovid{ng for the Ptobihiting of Pedfin8.(12/~) ......... 447 Peddng in area of 19th & Jackson, request fee two hour limit by L. Kennedy.(12/20) .................................. 475 Perks re: Meetings, Gatherings, Ord. changing procuss.(7/~) .......... 246 Part-tln~ help requested for Convnanicetions con~'.(9/7) ........... 350 Pasta O'Shea's, Kahn Family F~t., 359 W. 9th, ClS. Per, (6/7) ........ 187 Pe~onts accepted for l~mpanins from Sta~e as ~ of Highway ~61. (8/16)(12/6) .................................... 328,329,460 _Pattenon' Tim, re: abandoned buildings in City,(12/6) ........... 437,453 Fnttorson, M~k, objecting to chan~es st A~(4/5) ........... 105,106 Paul's Tavern, T. Koch, 176 Locust, Liq. Lie.; ClS. Per. (6/21)(7t~) ........................................ 214~.50 Paving Project for Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr.(6f/) ............. 188 Pay Seawice of TCI Cable, re: change in Scramblin8 Metheds.(4/5) ..... 107 Pearson, Alan, requesting Soccer field rozoning fees waived. (3/15)(4/19X5/3) ................................. 85,128,137 Pearson, Peggy, eedorslng Leu Ann Staplcton for Cor~a, Devel. Comm.(2/15) .......................................... 46 Pennsylvania Ave. Roadway & U~ility Improven~nt ConUact, Dbq. ~tc Center Office Pa~, acecptance of projcet; ussessn~nts etc.(1/18)(2/15) .............................. 19,57 Pennsylvania Ave., i~o~h of and east of Butterfiuld Dr. rezoulng flora R-1 to PR requus~ed by Horizon Devel. (2/15)(3/1 )(3/I 5)(4/5) (4/I 9)(5/3) ................ 55,60,79,101,119,141 Pennsylvania Ave., 3280, rezoulng from R-1 to C-3.(8/16) ........... 322 Peansylvania Ave., 3280, rezoning from R-1 to C-3, for s. Selcherc(9/20) .............. ........................ 357 Peoples Natural Gas, Franchise Agreoment.(7,~)(7/'lg) ........ 250,262-266 ~t Fees for Bulldinss, amended.(3/4) ............... 75 Perry, Bugone appointed to Comm. Devcl. Corena, Censns Tract #1. (2/15) ..................... . ....... 46 Peru Road Reconstruction Pro~ect. .................. (3/15)(4/5X5/3)(5/17)(6/7) ............. 87,88,102,139,140,141,163,177 Peru Rd., re: Terrace Heights rezoulng.(5/17)(6/21) ............. 161,199 Peru Rd., 3735, rezoning from C-3 to R-l, ~'equnst of R. Hughes.(5/17)(6/21 ) ............................... 160,198 Pcim Rd, & Excelsior Ave,, vacation and dlspceing of alloy between. (8/2)(8/16) ..................................... 288,289,.302 Peterson, William, Arch. fur Uulvenity Park Villa development. (11/1) .......... ; ................................ 402,403 Petition of J. Walters re: ice discontinuation at Five Flags Civio Center.(I/4) ............................................ 4 Potilion of O. Chavanelie for Fourth St. Peninsula Study Group, re: one month cxl~nsion for reporL(1/18) ...................... 18 Petition orR. Stecher for exteastoo to provide security for ldlebrook Estates.(1/18) .......................................... 24 Petition of M. Wffiging for Westside Devciopment re: easement release in Embassy West No. 2.(2/1) ......................... 35 Petition re: City vs. Roger & Gloria Scbiesl, assessment co~t of wall repair on MaSson St. Hill (N. Male).(2/1) .................. 35 Petition of Richard & Joan Heston objecting to sto~rn sewer in easement of rezoulng of NE corner of Asbury and Clarke Dr.(2/15) .... 43 Petition objecting to re, zoning of 3219 Asbury Rd.(2/15) ............. 45 Petition of Thomas & Connie ~ for property purchase next to 835 S. Grandview.(2/l) ................................... 70 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Petition ofE. Pfohl re: cameras installed in police cards; 'Sec~t Dubuque Goveremont & Definition of 'Raeism" discussion"; ~Govemment by Conur~t~e & False Ideology of Multicultoralism'; NAACP nremburship etc.. (311)(1014)(1111)(11115) ...................... 63,382,407,414,415 Petition of hv Koethe of Eagle Pt. Apamuents for property pm'chase next to apanmenis at 2200 & 2300 Lincoln.(3/1) .......... 70 Petition objecting to parking lot price incxea~.(3/4) ................ 72 Petition for waiver of zooin8 costs for Suecex fields.(3/15) ............ 85 Petition of ~e Remakel for extension of security for Northwest Ridge Snbd.(3/15) ...................................... 95 Petition of John E. Nelsan for water main at 1080 Roosevelt.(4/5) ..... 111 Petition for enfo~em~nt of truck weight limits on Kennedy Rd.(5/3) .... 150 Petition of Nick Goodrrum, request to purchase land in Dubuque llurb~ Co.'s Add.(4/5) .................................. 112 Petition of Dbq. Golf & Counl~y Club for Fi~works Dinplay, (4/19)(7/19) ....................................... 130,273 Petition of Robert Kruse re: pexking on W. side of N. Grandvinw from Bunker Hill Goff Course to Clarke Dr.(4/19) ............... 130 Petition requesting Peru Rd, improvements.(5/3) .................. 139 Petition of P, Schissei for Residential Parking Per. area for N. Main & Rosaliue.(5/17) ............................... 163 Petition of Hada Boothby re: adjacent to 967 Thonu~ Place prope~y purchase,(4/19) ................................. 130 Petition of Delos Do'weilur for drainngo relief situation at 2105 JFK.(6/7) ........................................ 193 Petition of KDTH Radio for fireworks display permit.(7/6) .......... 254 Petition of Bethany Hone wanting wtcation of Ix~on of S~hilier St.(7/19) ...................................... 274 Petition of Rev, David Seotehmer, of Center for Public Ministry, requesting support for CHDO program.(8/2) ................... 284 Petition re: Tax Levy to support Pu~ic Librnty.(8/2) ............ 281,282 Petition of R. Smith for extansioo of secmity for Loras Estates Su~d.(8/2) ..................................... 291 Petition of M. Burke for vacation and purchase of property between 841 & 833 Cleveiand.(8/2) ........................ 290 Petition of Jeff Nagle requesting vacetim of property on K&ly*s Bluff.(8/2) ..................................... 987 Petition of Hansel Builders re: vacation of utility easement in Cedar Lake East ~d Addn. and Cedar Lake Addn.(8/2) ........ 287 Petition of Cl. Lawrence re: vacation and pm~hase of l~rpel~y between W. 17th S. North to alley between W. 17th & Angella. (8/2) ............................................... 291 Petition with 82 signatures re: rezonin8 of 1~ west of Bonson Rd.. Blk 2 Buena Vista Sub. No. 5.(8/16) ............... 321 Petition of R, Neuwcehuer requesting extension of ~ for security for plat aplnovni of Quality Pl.(8/16) .................. 323 Petition of P. Huekeis re: claim denial teconsiduradon requested.(9f/) . . . 347 Petition of Mary Miller re: leasing Riverfront.(9/'/) ................ 335 Petition of C. Wolff, of Seico, requesting to vacate alley between 14th & 13th Sts.,butween Elm & Washington Sts.(9/20) ........... 371 Petition reqecstiog FOrking on E. side of Bhfff St. between Dodge & Jones.(9/20) ................................... 371 Petition of Kev. David Scotchmer re: PEW Parmership for Civic Change.(9/20) .................................... 360 Petition ~,xiuesting 2 hour lintitcd ix~rking on Bryant SC (9/20)(12/6) ....................................... 371,443 Petition for Judicial Review re: litigadon of T. Schrobilgen. (10/18) .... 394 Petition re: 2 hour parking extension from 1749 Cla~e Dr. to 1687 Clarke Dr.(lo]IS) ...................................... 401 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Petition of Olyrapie Heights residents n:.qnesting City sew~ & wa~r.(l 1/1) ...................................... .... 407 Petition of Kaufmann Ave. residents re: code requirements for handrails on stepe.(I 1/1) ................................. 406 Petition of C, lsenhart re: financial support of housing conference. (1111) .............................................. 4O7 Petition of Ericke Nni. requesting foor-way stop at Stafford & IAncoln.(l 1/1) ........................................ 412 Petition of Drew & Tm~ C~ for vacation & sale of property in Fnirment Park Subu,, po~ion of Maplewcod Place ete.(12/~) ...... 453 Petition of Carol Duninp re: reuenlng of Rive~vinw Park te Milinr-Rivarview Park.(l 2/6) .............................. 443 Petition of Shula Soronson re: notification for photo tower on Cedar Cross Rd.(l 1/1) .................................. 407 Petition of Kensington Pl. residents, property less claims for flooding. (12/20) ............................................. 4~S Petty, Jeff, C~t. of Appreciation.(gf/) ......................... 334 PEW Parmurship for Civic Change, Rev. David Scotchmer, shvaing infcmmtlon.(9/20) ................................ 360 Pfeiler, Gary, & D. Roling, Liq. Lic.(11/15) ..................... 419 Pt'old, Eldon, requesting cameras in police cars; requesting discussion of "secret Dubuque Goveren~nt Definition of 'Racism" discussion; re: legality of open meetings law;, 'Government by Committee & False Ideology of Multicultmsilsm". (3/1)(1014)(10118)(11/1) ......................... 63,382,391,407 Phase I lnqnovercents, Water Pollution Comro~ Plant.(6f/) ........... 174 Phase I! Construction of Wate~ Pollution Conuol Plant etc.(9f/) ....... 336, Phone A Friend Fozter C, randl~m~nt Purchase of Services Agrec,(7,~) ... 255 Phone tower on Cedar Crees Road, objectious.(l lfl) ............... 407 Phoue-A-fliead, Project Concern, Mini-bus contracl; Pureh, of Services Agree.(5/17)(9f/) ................. 165,343 Physicians, Ercergenoy, D. Reisen & T. Miller, now Medical Directcr's of Emurgency Ambulance Service.(5/17) .............. 165 Picnic for Boards and Commisalon's Members scheduled.(6f/) ........ 187 Pine St,, plat & disposal of for SO0 Line Railroad for Railroad mw.k placement,(2/15)(3/1) .............................. 54,62 Pine View Drive ~: final plat ec~ss of posen of E. Tigges Subd.(12/20) ......................................... 477 Pins, Devid & PaUinia, CLAIM; Settlement.(8/2)(gf/) ........... 290,347 Pipe inn, Betty Krem~, Cig. Per. (6f/) ........................ 187 Pipeline Barge, Lease/Mooring Agreement with Hist. Society & City.(6f/) .......................................... 191 Pipelines, cable & conduits re: Wa~r Main beneath Chicago, Central & Pacific RR.(8/2) ............................... 294 Pitcher, Dearie, Finance Director, submitting Qua~rly Investment Report(2/l) ................................... 36 Pizza Hut, 320 E. 20th, Golinvaux, Beer Per.(6/7) ................. 188 Plncarde and Hoods for Parking Meters, defined in Ord. etc.(6/21) ..... 207 PLANNING & ZONING COMM. (crrYfl2OUNTY), SUBMITTING MINUTES: (5/3) ............................................... 148 Planning re: zoning jurisdiction on urban fringe areas of City, report etc.(l/4) .......................................... 6 Planning Div.'s lack of notilication re: i~one tower on Cedar Crazs Rd,, objection.(ll/l) ............................... 407 Piasfic Center, Inc. re: Alley Repair West of Main St, from 9th to lOth; Easement granted etc.(6/'21)(7~) ............... 202,229 Plastic Center, Inc., Fischc~ Bowling Lane, Liq. Lie.(7/6) ............ 250 Plat, final, and Schedule of Asecss. etc,, proof, of lnwoed Ave. Snn. Sewer.(l/18) ....................................... 23 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Plat approval of Lot 9 of LaVista Estates in the County.(2/l) .......... 35 Plat hi.oval of Renals~mce O~k~ (Lots A & B) e~(311)(3/15) ...... 70,93 Plat approval, exlennlon of lime for security reqnusted for Northwest Ridge.(3/l 5) .......................................... 95 Plat (Final) approval of Idlehi'oo~ Estates.(4/19) .................. 131 Plat aplaoval of M~rNn Ridge Estates !I,(4/19) ................... 132 Plat (Final) appmvul of pottioo of ltawkeyc Stock Esrm.(4/19) ....... 132 Plat approval for Lots 1-6 of Quality Pl.(6/'7) .................... 193 Plat of Wal-Mmi Subd. &ppreve~L(6t'21) ........................ 221 Plat of survey of Morgan St. & Mt. Vernon Ct. Parkway.(7/6) ....... 252 Plat approval of Kelly's Bluff No. 3.(8/16) ..................... 326 plat' final, of Lots 1-10 of Blk 2 & LOt E of Mama Ridge.(9/7) ...... 347 Plah final, of Notice of filing for 1992 P.C, Conclete Paving Projcet.(9/20) ........................................ 371 Plat, final of "l~lynn Estates".(10/4) .......................... 387 Plat for Sunset Pa~k 8th Addn., &pproved.(l 1/15) ................ 424 Plat for Lots 1-6 of Eugene Tiggas Subd, approved.(12/20) ......... 477 Plats of lights-of-way on 6th, alley between 6th & Wash., Washington St., 7th, Wall, Alley between 7th & 8th Sts., 8th, Pine, 9th St., llth St. & Kerpor. O/l) ...................... 62 Plaza 20 Amoco Foodshop, Mulgrew Oil Co., 2600 Dodge St., Cig. Per.(6/7) ......................................... 187 Pleinces, Rev. Robert, Invncation.(gf/) ......................... 334 Pltsak, Dan, re: appointed to Historic Pxes. Comm.(12/6) ............ 441 PLUMBING BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES:(6/21)(10/4) ..... 216, 385 Plumley, Eugene, CLAIM; Settlement.O/l)(3/15) ................ 69,93 Poison {Lead) Prevention Pregesm.(12t~) ................. ' ...... 432 Police ChiefS. Manss, disappxoval of Sehroby's Lie.(1/18) ............ 22 Police cars, request for cameras by Eldeo Pfold; pumha~ of cameras etc. O/1)(9/'/) ................................. 63,340 Police Dept., Grant Application for Drag Task Foree.(3/15) ........... 98 Police Protective Assn., Agreement with City.(6/21) ............... 220 Police Retirement System (& Fha) subn'fitling report(8/2) ........... 290 Police Dept. funding of pt clerical help with gr~nt agreement.(9/'/) ..... 349 Police Costs for RAOBRAI, reimbursement.(9/20) ................ 355 Police Officers, Grant appli~tion for hiring mo~.(10/4) ......... 382,383 Police Dept., copy machine cost dusting with Sbefiff.(10/4) .......... 389 policiasandBylnwsforHouslngCommlsstonTmstFuodComm.(6f/) .. 176 Policy Proposals submitted to Nafiooul League of Cities.(9/7) ........ 340 Pools (Swimming) & Spas, Boant of Health validation.(12/6) ......... 432 Pops Conce~% Labor Day, Hawthorne St. Bent Ramp, requested by Symphony.(g/16) .................................... 331 Pomide, Roberts River Rides, Ino., Liquor Lie.(3/15) ............... 86 Pottzon Construction, Wm. Kxaus claim referred to them(4/19) ....... 130 Post, JoAnn, applicant for Comm. Devel. Cooun.(2/15) .............. 46 Post, Dennis, re: Peru Road Reconstruction Project. (4/5)(513) .................................. 102,139,140,141 Post' Vickie, re: Pere Road Reeo~stmefion Projcet.(5,r3) ............ 140 Posh Randy, CLAIM; Referral.(6/'/)(6/21) ................... 192,216 Postal Service, 3 Year Agreement for rental of 55 stalls in IA St. Ramp.(9/'/) ..................................... 351 Potter, Lee W., West Locust Mart, 408 W.Locust' Class "B" Beer Per,(2/15) ........................................ 51 Precenstruction Agreement with IDOT for US Hwy. 61; An~ndment.(6/'/) ...................................... 194 Progler, Walter A, ~l~ceinted to Comm. Dovel. Corrina.; endorsing Loan Agreement for Cooper Wagon Factory. (2/15X12t~) ........................................ 46,439 Pres~hooi Immunization Week, Proulamatlon~(4/19) ............... 116 Pmtreatrcent Program, (Iodustdul), Changei e~.(7/6) ............... 233 ~'993 SUBJECT PAGE Price tncaease fo~ Lot 9, la'otesting.(3/4) ......................... 72 Pride 8ervlce Inc., Mmin Oil, Cig. Pe~.(6/21) .................... 213 Pdvata Ddw & Pdv~ Street' aplroval of d~flnltious ~: Zoulng.(10/18) ..................................... 396 Pmjnct Pence, Dbq. Comm. Schoois, re: Comnt Pmnes'sldp Preg. (q)2XS/I 7) ...................................... 159 Projnct Conusm/Phooe A l~innd Fust~ C, mndp~ont I~ch. of 8entices Ag-a~.(7/6) .................................. 255 Prejm Co.em, Inc. We~k, Prnclam~lioo.(11/1) .................. 402 Project Co~-n0Phoo~-A.Ffiend, Mini-bus oontra~t.(S/17) ........... 165 l~ sale by IDOT.(4/19) ............................... 130 Prelnaty east of 967 Thongs ~ n~tncst for pu~ol~s~ by L. Boothby.(4]lg) ...................................... 130 1~ at 1353 Bluff St., pmobesod by City.(2/15) ................ 49 Prell'ny lan~l~s~ at anetim f~ DREAM8 Inogrem, authorized. O/l) ........................................ 64 i~ l~rehase in Dbq. Hafner Co.'s Addn., n'Xlcested by Nick Ooodn'~,n.(4/5) ........................................ 112 for Census Trnct #2.(2/15) ................................. 46 Public He~ing on Papal Year 1994 Budget.(3/4) .................. 72 Puldic Health Nursing Services, m:lncSt for State fuads.(4/l 9) ........ 115 Public ussi~tance I~'Ognun nlul~tus, State of IA.(9/20) .............. 354 PUD District, an'-~adi~g Zcei~g On1.(3/15) ........ ' ............... 79 Puls, Timothy, Dbq. Houshig Ildtialive re: Rnckdulc Rd. Afford. Housldg Develop.; applicant to Comm. D~vul. Cooing; apl~icant to the }Io~iag Camm.(2]l)(2]lS)(g/16) .......... 29,46,48,304' Pua~ Stalioo for Fon~h l~ssu~ Zone, e~atreot with Fox Engince~iag.(l 0/4) ..................................... 383 Pusulm~ of ~ices Ag~oment with RVgP.(6f/) ................. 196 Pumlman of 8e~ic~ Ag~ement with Sulntance Abu~ Service Caner.(6/7) .................................... 196 Pumha~e of S~vicus Agn~mmt with Ol~raflon: Nnw View.(6/21) ..... 217 Pu~hase of 8e~rlces Agn~mmt with Humane Snctnty.(6/21) ......... 217 Pumbean of Serious Agreement with Hnll~ag Sexvices of NE IA. (6/21) .............................................. 218 Pu~baan of S~rvices A~cement with Dubuque ~ lab~ Management Co. null.(6/21) ............................... 217 Pumhuse of 8~xvlces Ag~emant with the Chamber of Co~. (7/19) .............................................. 275 Purelms~ of ~'vices Agn~mant with Land of Fuslivals.(gf/) ......... 342 Pm~h~o of Sea'vices Agn~mant with Project Concemt~hone A Fflnnd.(gf/) ........................................ 343 PminaDr. gtorm,e~w~Project.(4/19)(5f3Xll/15).. 128,129,138,139,426,427 Pusateai, Agnca, refand on Be~' P*r.(6f/) ....................... 192 Pusat~i's, Pusat~ Eat. Inc., Be~r Per.(ll/15) .................... 418 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Quality Place, final plat of Lots 1-6, property N. of 2670 Shiras Ave. for I. Sm~rge~ request for cxtensi~m of lime f~ secmity.(6/7)(8/16) .......................... 193,323 Quarterly Investment Repoxt suim'fitted by Fin. Dir. (5/17X8/2)(11/1) ................................ 163.295,412 Quick Lube r~: Lynn Michels objecting to rezouing of im~aexty E. of White St. & W. of aiiny between White & Jackaon St. & between 5th & llth Sts. from [] to C-4.(12/6) ........................................... 441 Quick Clean Laundry, C. Clark, Cig. Per.(7/6) ................... 249 Quigg, Thomas L., reaiguntioo from Invesm~nt Oversight Comn~(2/1) ........................................... 35 Quigley's Subd., re: DREAMS Program sale of 683 Angelin.(7/19) ..... :271 Quince St. from O~k St. to Cleveland Ave., vacation of poflion and disposition to M. Burke etc.(12/6)(12/20) ............ 449,463,464 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Rabies vaccination, re: new Animal Ord. requirements etc.(l/18) ....... 14 R~-'ing Assn. suhi~tling 1992 Audlt.(l/18) ....................... 23 Rncing Assn. objecting to Wateriun's additional racing dates.(l/4) ........ 1 Racism, re: Einon Pfohi's comments.(10/4) ...................... 382 Rndlologie Technolngy Week. Ptunl~,,unlion.( 11/1 ) ................ 402 RAOBRAi, request for financial assislunce e~; Pruninmalion unpressing aplneoinlion; ~eimbuesemont for police costs etc. (7/19)(8/16X9/~20) ................................ 268,298,355 Railroad Ave., S., W. of Harrison, S. of Dodge, W. of Selion, and E. of Locust. rezontng of lm~e~'ty.(4/19) .................. 118 Railroad, re: granting rights-of-way to SOO Line for l~esment of teacks.(2/15X3/l) ................................... 54,62 Rainbo Oil Co., KWIK Stop Food Ma~ 9955 Kerpar Blvd., Besx Pex.(8/16) ....................................... 321 Rainbo Oil Co. KWIK Stop, 2360 Asbmy, Beer Per.(9/20) .......... 368 Rainbo Oil Co., KWIK Stop Food Ma~t, 2297 Uuiverslty.(ll/1) ....... 408 Rainbo Oil Co. KWIK St~ Food Mast, 2320 Hwy. 61, Bee~ Pe~.(12/20) ....................................... 472 Rainbow Lounge, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic. (4/5)(6/21)(11/1) ................................ 109,213,408 Ramp, Locust St. Parking, Office Renova6on.(3/15)(4/5) .......... 89,103 Ramp (IA St. Parking), U. S. Pest Office, 3 Ye~ Ag~ement for 55 stuils.(9/7) ...................................... 351 Rampson, Dean re: Solu'oby's Liquor Lie.(4/5) ................... 109 Randolph, (3ayln 1I, applicant for Comm. Development Comm.(2/15) .... 46 Rapp, Mm, v, Cue Mastex Billiards, Cig. Pe~.(6/21) ................. 912 Ready, Stevon, CLAIM; referral.(4/5)(4/19) .................. 111,129 Real Estate di~ees~ion re: Council Closed Sossion.(9/7) ............. 351 Real Estate acquisition at 3257 Sheridan Rd.(3/I) .................. 65 Real Estate Mestgnge Lien relesse wilh Dbq. Stamping & MfS. Co. (5/3) ........................................ 149 REAP Corm~ nppuintnmnt of C. M. Klunsunr (nil C,M. Rob~ins) to thdr committee.(6/'/) .................................. 175 Reardon, Jim, recuived Cart. of Appr~'iabon.(9/'7) ................. 334 Recommendation of Zooing Comm. presen~l by Chair of Commission to CounciL(7/19) ............................. 268 Recreation Dept. Chain Link Fence Project.(8/16) ................. 300 Rceychibhi materials re: Ord. Changing Ch. 22.(9/7)(9/20) ........ 341,363 Recycle magazines, cmbside.(6/7) ............................ 176 Red CYes~Juivers~ty Park Sohil. ~e: E~s Bible College rezoning,(7/6) ........................................ 227 Red Ribboo Week. Proelamalion.(lO/4) ........................ 391 Red Crms Month, (American), Pro~lanmlion~(3/15) ................. 78 Redevelopment Ove~l&y Dis. & Rivnrfvont Strategic Plnn, update on stetus.(10/18) ................................. 401 Redmun, Garry, CLAIM; duniai.(8/2)(8/16) .................. 290, 323 Redstooe Inn, Chiss "Bm Liquor Lio.; early repayment CDBG funds etc.(3/15)(8/2) ............................. 86,293 Reed, Joe, of Sunofi, re: F~vironraentai Comm.(11/15) ............. 414 Referendum etc. for Peoples Natural Gas Frunchi~.(7/19) ........... 267 Referendum etc. for Tax to supp~ to the Library.(8/2) ............. 282 Refuse CoBeclion Accounts, Delinquent, cext to County for ~olle~lion.(3/l ) ....................................... 37,38 Rnfu~e, ~Tresh & Garbnge), new Ord. re: Ch. 22, "Solid Waste". (9/7)(9/20) ........................................ 341,362 Regional ~ re: Mast~ Plan etc.(12/6) ...................... 4.53 Reh&b Peogram, HOIV~ Rental, A~cemenL (7/6) ................. 255 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Rahab of 464 Lor~ for DREAMS Program Home ate.(7/6) .......... 251 Rehabilitation of 16th St. Floodwall Pumping Smion.(12/'20) ...... 472,473 Rehabilitation Loan Progn~m for Downtown for the Urban Renewal Project Area.(l~20) ............................. 469 Rehabilitation, Single Room Occupancy Program, Sec. 3 Housing eta.(8/2) ...................................... 284 Reichal, Ten'y, CLAIM; referral.(5./3)(5/17) .................. 148,162 Ralfstuek's SUM., re: 2042 Elm St. Rezoning.(10/4) ............... 375 Reinvoslmet&t Prngram for Nalghborbeod, report.(3/16)(l 1/1) ...... 304,407 Reisdorf, Terry, applicant to Human Rights 'Comn~(I/4) .............. 4 Raison, Dr. Deborah, named Emergency Dept. Physiclan.(5/17) ....... 165 Reject bids for 1993 Asphalt Paving Project.(7/6) ................. 231 Reliable Dmgstose 5209, Cig. Per.; Refund.(7/6)(8/2) ........... 249,290 Rnmakal, Mike, re: extension for security for Nmthwest Ridge Subd. final pint.(3/15X8/16) ............................ 95,324 Renmkal, Mike, Mike's 76 Auto Contel, 2205 Car~r, Cig. Per.(6/21) ... 213 Remakel, Mike, objecting to NW Arterial Sign Overlay Dis.(10/4) ..... 374 Remsborg Dr. re: final Plat approval of No~hwest Ridge Subd. (3/15X8/16) ........................................ 95,324 Renaissance Oaks (S. Bnge), final plat approval atc.(3/lX3/15) ....... 70,93 Rental Agreements of DRA (Dubuque Racing Assn.) wsived.(2/15) ..... 50 Rental of 55 stelis in the Iowa St. ramp for U.S. Post office.(9/'/) ...... 351 Rental property re: Code requireruents for handrails on steps, etc.(Il/l) ........................................... 4O6 Rents Standard, Protesting proposal by US Dept. of Hud to reduce etc.(6/21) ...................................... . ..... 204 Repair &Peinting of 5~0,000 Gal. Eagle Pt. Water Tank Project. (2/1) .............................................. 38,39 Report of Fourth St. Peniusaln Study Cnoop, extension of time. 0/13) ............................................... IS Reports (Audio for 1992 submitted.(2/1) ........................ 36 Reserve Parking Stalls .for Post Office employees, at IA Street Ram~(9/7) .......................................... 351 Residential Parking Permit Dis. Designation requested by P. Schtssal for N. Main St. & Rosallue St. (5/17) ............... 163 Residential Parking Permit Dis. for St. Mary's/Emmott St. ~, expan sion.(2/l )(3/1X4/5) ......................... 33,63,103 Residential Housing Code, amendments.(6/21) ................... 203 Roselution Detennialng (4th St. or Ice Harbor area) to be a blighted area, and aplnopriate for Urban Renewal Project, and adopting amended and restated Ice Harbor Urban Renewal District Urban Renewal Plan. (1/18)(2/15) ................... 18,48 Resolution, Joint, with DMATS, County Supervisors, Chamber of Co~ & GDDC, re: final design of Hwy 20 (Dedge ST.).(9/20) ..................................... 360 RESOLUTION Approving final plat of Lots A 8; B of Renaissance Oaks.(3/l) ................................... 70 Ressinr, Fr. Wayne, Gave Invocation.(2/1) ....................... 29 Restmctere Loan, E.C.LA. Business Growth, to Dubeque Data Son, ices.(10/l 8) ...................... ~ ................ 393 Resurfacing Project, Central Ave. from 4di to llth & 20th to 32nd St.(lO/18) .................................... 394,395 Rettenmaler, Craig, lm~erty from him at 2190 Farley SO(9/20) ....... 361 Reuter, Karen, CLAIM; refemni.(5/17)(6/7) ................. 16'),192 Reynolds, Dolores, CLAIM: referral.(8/2)(8/16) ............... 290, 323 Rhomberg Ave & Lincoln Ave., alley between, San. Sower recoustruedonpre~uet.(2/l)(2/15)(ll/15) .................. 31,42,425 Rigd Cc~p., Godfather's Pizza, Beer Per.; Ben' Per.(3/15)(10/18) .... 86, 395 Rigbi of Redemption, finpiration Notice, DRG Invustment.(5/I 7) ...... 163 Ring, Glmta, endorsing rezooing of lnopeliy W. of Bonson Rd., Bueaa Vista Sub.(8/16) .................................. 321 Riniker, Finreane, CLAIM; referral.(6fl}(6/21) ................ 192,216 Rite Rite Corp., re: NW Arterial Sign Overlay Dis.(10/4) ............ 374 River City Tap & Grill, D. Lyons, Cig, Per.; Liq. Lic. (6/21)(11/1) ....................................... 213,408 River City Paving, re: rejection of bids for 1993 Asphalt Paving Project; request to ,'l~scuss bidding irocess etc.; awarded bids eta.(7/6)(9/'7)(9/20) ..................... 231,335,360 Riverboat Garn~ling re: request to call Special Legislative Session; requesting to raise Batting limits.(7/21XS/16) ......... 278,304 Riverfrent Plan, coolr~ct with RTKL Asecc~&tus; Extension; Preannmfion of plato of Long Range Planning Comm. (4/~)(3/~6)(12/6) ................................ 107,32~,443 Rtverfront St~ngin Plan ete.(10/lg)02/6) ................... 401,443 Rivnrfront re: requust for leasing by Mary Miller.(9/'/) .............. 335 Riverfront Sobd., Lot 1, No. 4, re: disposition of l~operty at 16th & Ketper,(9/7) .................................. 333 Riverside Days, re: Transfer of Beer Lic.of West DIx[. Tap,($/16) ...... 321 Rivnrside Bowl, Inn., 1860 Hawthorne, Liq. Lie4 Cig. Per. (5/17)(6/7) ........................................ Riverview Park Rest Reom/Shnwer Project(12/6) ................. 455 Rivet'view Park name change to Mliler-Rive~iew Park. (17~)(12/20) ...................................... 443,47O Robbius, Jo~el~ T., appointed for Third Ward Couecli ldembe~, Abstract of Votes.(6/'/)(10/I 3)(11/15) .................. 171,400,423 Ro~bins, Council Member, appdint~ ~o Operation: New View fin.(6/7) ........................................ 175 Robert, Ray, m: Bryant parking site~fion.(12/6) .................. 443 Robem River Rides, Nouex¢lusive Su~ea~ Agreement with Dnhnqec Racing Assn,(12~) .............................. 455 Robem River Rides, Inc. Pomids, Liquor Lie.(3/15) ................ 36 Robey, C~rl, endorsing E. Mthalakis fc~ CD Comm. appointment.(2/15) ...................................... 46 Robinson, Ms. Ba_~b, C~ damage claim of Milwaukee Ins.(I/4) ......... 6 Re, Jason, Hen~ A. Industrial Subd., plat approved o£ Lots IA & 2A.(12/.)0) ...................................... 474 Rue Pro,es, Inc., Windsor Park Properties, Inn,. re: rezoalng of Terrace Helghts.(6/21 ) ............................. 200,201 Rcchelle Foods, Inc., Sub~lination Agreement with Dbq. Foods, Inc,(7/6) ....................................... 249 Rockdsle Road Affordable Honsing Development, recommendstion~, etc.(2/1)(2/15) .......................... 29,48 ROD re: 4th St. Peninsula Riverfront Status.(10/18) ............... 401 Roling, Donna & Gary Pfe~ler, Donna's Dip Tap, CLAIM.(II/15) ...... 419 Ronlov, Steen, r~: discussion of pmpose.~l settlemenL(6/7) ........... 193 Roof ~igns, Ze~ng text amendment.(5/17)(6/21) ............... 161,1~9 Root/canopy or awning n~unted s~gns, denied for Goliath.(3/15) ....... Roosevelt Road, 1080, request for water main extension of John Nalson.(4/5) ...................................... Roosevelt Rd., rezooing of 910 throush 1040, from R-I to R-2. (7/19)(3/2) ........................................ 272,280 Rosaline St. & N. Main, ~queat for Res. Parking Pe.m~t Dis. by P, Sobissel.(5/l ?) ...................................... 163 Resenow, Bob, re: Sm:ets & hnpmvem~nts. (11/15) ............... 415 Roth, Attm'uey Jamos, for Margaret Garlow, CLAIM,(I l/I) .......... 4Il Ro~h, Auorney Jim, for Cedey Meyer, CLAIId.(10/18) ............. 399 RSVP, Purchase of So,vices Agreement.(6f/) .................... 196 RTKL Associates, re: contract for Riverfront Pian.(4/5)(8/16) ...... 107,325 Rnden, Steve, CLAIM; Referral.(2/l)(2/15) .................... INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Rudon, Gary, al~cant for Investment Oversight Cotton. (4/5)(7/~) ........................................ 105,231 Ruff, Io~ph A., CLAIM; mfemil.(7/~)(7/19) ................. 254,273 Rusk, Dnvid, re: C~v~cent Ridge & Starlight I~. Rcoons~ucfion Project.(7/6) ......................................... 230 Rusk. David. appointed to the Long Ronge Planning Comm.; addiessed the Council; Rtverfront Plun presentation; Draft Comprehensive Plan - Phase L (?~)(10/4)(1~)(1Z/~0) ....................... ~32, 3?4, 443, 468 RUST Environment & Infrse~ucture re: Ahpon Master Plan eto.(12~) ........................................ 453 Ryun House, L. Jacobsen, Liquor Lic.(3/15) ...................... 86 Ryan Hunse, The Caterer's Inc., Liq. Lic.(7/19) .................. 270 1993 SUBJECT PAGE RESOLUTIONS 1-93 Autbettzing issuance for Beer Purmits.(l/4) ................... 4,5 2-93 Authorizing i~seunce of Liq. Licunses.(l/4) .................... 5 3-93 Approving plat to vacate th~ W. four feet ofu 10' Wide Utility Easement along the E. Line of Lot 21 of Blk 1 of Sunset Park 7th Addn.(l/4) ................................. 5 4-93 Of Intent to d~spo~ of interest and vacate the W. Four Feet of a 10' Foo~ Wide Utility Eamn~nt in Blk I of Sunret Padr Seventh Addn.(1/4) ................................. ~. 6 5-93 Disposal of interest of ixoperty (W. 4' of a Iff wide Utility Ensemen0 along E. Line of LOt 21, BIk I of Sunset Pafl~ 7th Addn. to R. & A. Kally,(1/18) ........................ 9 6-93 Annexing Lot I of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 and of S. Hnif of SE 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 10, Township 89 N., R 2 East of the 5th p.m. in Dbq. County.(l/l 8) ..................... 11 7-93 Authorizing the nomination of ~e Dubuque City Hnli, the Sulien Dubuque Monument, the Mathins Ham House and the Sho~ Tower se Lundnmrks.(1/18) ......................... 18 8-93 Accepting Improvement for the Dbq. Corporate Center Office Park & Pennsyl. Ave. Rood & Utility In~provements.(1/18) ..... 19 9-93 Final Estimate for the Dbq. Conoo~te Center Office Punk & Fonnsyl. Ave. Road & Utility Improvements. (1/18) ......... 19 10-93 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for Dbq, Cmporate Center Office Pa~k and Pennsylvunia Ave. Roadway & Utility Improvements e~(l/18) ......................... 19,20 11-93<Authorizing issuance ofBe~ Pennlts.(l/l 8) .............. 21' 12'93 Authurizins issuunce of Liqu°r Licenses.(1/18) ............... 22 13-93 Amending Res. 361-92 Aplnoving the Final Fiat of Idlebroek Esmtes.(1/18) .......................................... 24 14-93 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 5-9 Inclusive of Blk 2 & Lot J of Emtzidge Esta~s.(l/18) ............................ 24 15-93 Apl~oving the Final Plat of Blk 1, Lots 13-15, Blk 4, Lots 17-21, and BIk 5, Lots 21 -28 of Emhnssy West No. 2.(1/18) .... 26 16-93 Accepting Improvement for the Eagle Point Water Plant Sludge Handling Building Wall Replacement.(1/18) ............... 27 17-93 Final Estinmm for Eagle Point Wutur PI. Sludge Handling Building Wall Roplacem~nL(1/18) ...................... . 27 18-93 Approving the Conveyance of Property on ]ulien DIxt, Drive by Tsehlggfrle Excavating.(l/18) ........................ 28 19-93 Accepting improve, for the Locker/Breakroom Rehab. of Keyline Tramit Garage.(2/l ) ............................. 29 20-93 Final Estimate for the Lockur/Breakroom Rehab. of Keyliun Transit Gurnge.(2/l) ............................... 30 21-93 Accepting Improvement for the Keyliun Transit Facility Shop Floor Replacement Preject.(2/l) ......................... 30 22-93 Final Esilnum,- for the Keyliun Transit Facility Shop Floor Replacement Project.(2/l) ............................. 30 23-93 Authorizing issuunce of Liquor Licenses.(2/l) ................ 31 24-93 Prel. Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Alley Sen~tury Sewer Reconstruction between Rhcmberg & Lincoln from Farley to Manhall.(2/l) ............................... 31 25-93 Fixing Date of Heating on Plans and Specs for the AHey Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction between Rhombus & Lincoln.(2/1) .... 32 26-93 On~fing hids for the Allay Senitury Sewer Runons~ruction between Rhomberg and Lincoln from Farley to M~a'shall.(2/l) ....... 32 27-93 Fixing Date of a Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of $2,000,000 GO Bonds f Dubuque, and Providing for Publication of Notice theteof.(2/l) ........................ 32 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 28-93 Se~ing a Public Hearing on Amending Rasidenfini , Pm'king Pemlt District "B' to include the South Side of W. 3rd. St. from St. Ma~y's to Bluff SL(2/I) .................. 33,34 29-93 Approving th~ Final Plat of the Subd.of Lot 9 of LaViste Estates No. 2 into Lo~ 1-9 to 9-9, in Sec. 9 Township 89 N, Range ZE of the 5th P.M.(2/1) ................. 35 30-93 Autherining collection of Delinquent Sewer Account in accord, with Sections 44-83 and 44-86 of the Code of Oral,(2/1) ... 36 · 31-93 Authollzing the City to Collect Delinquent Gm,huge & Refuse Coliecfion Accounts in Accord. with Sec. 22-36 & 22-37 (d) of the Cedc.(2/l) ............................... 37 32-93 Accepting a Conveyance of Property Located at 642 University Ave. to the City.(2/l) 38 33-93 Accepting Imlxovemcnt for Repnir & Painting the 500,000 Gal. Eagle PL Water Tnek.(2/l) ........................... 38,39 , 34-93 Final Estinmte for the Rel~ir & Painting of 500,000 Gal. Eagle IR+ Water Storage Tank.(2/1) .......................... 39 35-93 Reaffirming the Approval of the Final Plat of Loras Estates.(2/1) .. 39 36-93 Adopting Plans and Specs for the Alley San. Sewer Reconstructinfl between Rhomberg and Lhicoln.(2/15) ............. 42 37-93 Awasddng Contract for the Alley San. Sewer Reconstruction · ~etweun Rhomberg and L,ine~ln to Tschiggfrle Ex.(2/15) ......... 42,43 38-93 Supp~t~ng Application of Dbq. Housing Initiative for Funding under the lows Elunece Authority's Housing Assistance Fund Prngram.(2/15) ........................... 48,49 40-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 1353 Bluff St. (2/15) .., .... 49,50 41-93 Waiving Payments and Forgiving Cumin Indebtedness of tho Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd. (2/15) ...................... 50 42-93 Authorizing i~sannce of Beer Permits.(2/15) ............... 50,51 43-93 Auth~xi~ing issuance of Liquor Liccn~s.(2/15) ............... 51 44-93 Setting Date of P.Hcm-ing on the FY 1993 Budget(2/15) ........ 51 45-93 Setting Date of P. Heating on the Five Year Caplini luq~rovement Pr.(2/15) ................................... 52 46-93 Authorizing publtcmio~ of No6ce of P. Hearln8 for the Use of CDBG Funds.(2/15) ................................ 52 47-93 ' Prcltminm'y Approval of Plans and Specs. for the · W~shingtun St. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(2/15) .............. 53 48-9'3 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for thc Washingtxyfl St. Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction.(2/15) ............. 53 49-93 Ordering bids for the Washington St. San. Sewer ReonmYxection from 28th to 30th St.(2/15) .................... 53 50-93 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Vacate thc Unused E. 4' of 10' Wide Utility Easement Along the W Lot Line of L 13 of BIk 3 in Embassy West No. 2.(2/15) ................ 54 51-93 Of Intent to Dispo~e of Interest in real properly by granting fights-of-way to the Soo Line RR f~ the placement of RR Tracks on portions of 6th St-, Washington St-, the alley between 6th St- & Washington St-, Wall St. 7th St., 8th St., the alley between 7th ST. and 8th ST., Pine St. Ke~cr Blvd. and l.lth St(2/15) ..................................... 54 52-93 Approving Residential Property Tax Exon~ption Applications 'Submitted by Propet~y Owners in Recognized Urban Revitalization Areas and Authorizing the Transmitull of the Approved Applicatiom to the City Tax Assessor.(2/15) ........... 57 53-93 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1 -4 inclusive of Bradley Family Subd.(2/15) ............................... 58 54-93 Aceopmnne of MarJo Hills Quarry Rd. to the City from the County.(2/15) .................................. 59 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 55-93 Approve disposal of interast of City in properly, E. 4' of existing 10' Utility Easement niong Westerly Bonnda~ Line of Lot 13 ofBIk 3 in Embassy West No. 2.(3/I) ................... 61 56=93 Al2s~roving Plats of Rights-of-Way un 6th, AHey between 6th and Washington St., Washington St., 7th, Wall, Alley between 7th and 8th Sts., 8th, Pine, 9th St., llth St. and KesTer Blvd.(3/l) ....................................... 62 57-93 Authorizing tho Filing of a Conununity Eonnomio Betterment Account Application on behalf of William C. Brown communications Inc. (3/1) ................................. 64 58-93 Autbe~ing the Housing Se~ines Division Mun~er to Plirobean Pl~porty at Auction for the Dl~ams Pt~ms.(3/l) ....... 64 59-93 Of APlxoval of Acquisition of Real Estate and Acceptance of I~ at 3257 Shesidan Rd.(3/l) ........................ 65 60-93 Authmi~tng Issuance of Cisaret~ Permits to TFM, Oky Doky #2, W. 32nd St.(3/l) ............................. 66 61-93 Authottzlng issuance of Bee~ permits.(3/l ) .................. 66 69-93 Autho~zlng issuance of Liquor Licensos.(3/l) .............. 66,67 63-93 P~niimine~ AplwOVal of Plans and Specs. for tho Bronskill Road Sanitary Sewer Extension.(3/1) .................. 67 64-93 Fixin8 Date of Hea~ing on Plans and Specs. for the Bronsktil Road Sanltaty Sower Extensiun.(3/1) .................. 67 65-93 Resolmion of Necessity for the Brunskili Rd. Senits~y Sewer ExL(3/1)68 66-93 Fixing Date of iteasing on Rasoluliun of Necessity for the Bnmsidll Road Senitety Sewer Extension.(3/1) ............. 68 67-93 Apln'ovtng Preliminary Schedule of Asasasments for the Branskill Road Sanitory Sower Extension.(3/I) ............. ..... 69 * 68-93 Accepting a Cunveyance of Property located ut 1353 Bluff St. from Dubuque County to the City.(3/l) ............. 70 69-93 Adopting the Annual Budget as amended for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1994.(3/4) ....................... 73 70-93 Adoption of Five Yolt~ Caplial Imp~ovon~nt Pro~ran~(3/4) ....... 73 71-93 Instituting Proneedings to take Addi6onal Action for the Issuance of $2,000,000 General Ob{igution Bonds.(3/4) .......... 73 72-93 Rasulndin8 Rcs~mion No. 68-92 which app~ved a Sobednie of Plannlng ~ Zoning Fees, and providing for tho establishment of a new Fne for Spedini Exceptions. O/4) ......... 76 73-93 Ad~tlng Plans and Specs. for the Washington St. Senttety Sewer Reconstruction. O/15) ......................... 78 74-93 Awarding Contmot for tho Washington St- Sanitasy Sower Reconsffuodon from 28th St. to 30th SL(3/15) .............. 78 75-93 Authorizing issuance o£ Ci~ Permite,(3/15) .............. 86 76-93 Autho~zin8 issuance of Beer Penuits.(3/15) ................. 86 77-93 Authorizing lssuanc~ of Liquor Licenses.(3/15) ............... 86 78-93 Fi~limiun~y Aplx-OVal of Plans and Specs. for tho Porn Road Recomumctlun P~ojec~(3/15)(4/5) .................... 87,102 79-93 Fixing Date of He4utng on Plans and Specs. for the Peru Road Rneonst~ction Project for tho Jackson SL in the no.herly City Limits.(3/15)(4/5) ......................... 87,102 80-93 Resulmion of Necessity for the Porn Road Recunst~ctiun Pro, eot from Jackson St. to the northerly City limits. (3/15)(4/5) ......................................... 87,102 81-93 Fixing Date of Heating on Resolution of Necessity for the Peru Road Recunst~uotion Project ~om Jaoksun St. to the nerthedy City limits.(3/]5)(4/5) .......................... 88,102 82-93 Alrprovin8 Prniimlnezy Schedule of Assessments for the Porn Road Recomtmction Project dom Jackson St. to tho no.burly City llmits.(3/15)(4/5) .......................... 88,102 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 83-93 Prelim. Al~'ov~l of Plans and Specs. for the Offi~ Renovation Project - Locust St. P~rking Remp.(3fl5) .............. 89 84-93 Fixing Date of Heating on Plans and Specs. for the Offi~ Renovation Project - Locust St. Perking Ramp.(3]lS) .......... '..,, 89 85-93 Grde~ng Bids for the Office Renovation Project - Locust Stscot Parking Ramp. (3/15) .............................. 89 86-93 Authorizing the Filing of App. with the Dept. of Transport~tlon, USA. for Grants undex the Udmn Muss Tranqm~tndon Act of 1964. ~s amended.(3/15) .................. 90 8%93 Authc~-izlng the Filing of a Cooaelidated Grant Applicatioo for Operating Assistance from the State Transit Assistance Program and auth~zizing the Entering into of a Conm~ot with the IA Dept. of Tran~ortetlon. O/15) ............... 90 88-93 Approving the Final Fiat of Lots A and B of Renaissanc~ Oaks in the City.(3/15) ................................... 93 89-93 Rescinding Resolution No. 345-92 and Reaffirming the Final Plat of Northwest Ridge in the City.(3/15) ................. 95 90-93 Adopting Supplen~nt No. 13 to the Code of Ordinances.(3/15) ... 96 91-93 Authorizing Execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Seotion 8 Housing Vouchers. Prog. No. IA 05-VO87-013 (Replacing Prog. No. IA 05-VO87-003). (3/15)' ............................................... 97 92-93 Authorizing Publleatio~ of No6ce of Environmental Review Finding for Certain Community Development Block Grant Project(3/15) .......................................... 97 93-93 Authorizing Pebllcafion of Nofce of Environmental Review Finding for Certain Community Development Block Grant Projects.(3/15) ......................................... 98 94-93 Adopting Plato and Sgccs. for Office Renovation Project, Lceust St. Parking Project.(4/5) ............................ 103 95-93 Awarding Contract for Office Renovation Project. Locust St. Parking Remp.(4,5) .................................... 103 96-93 Authorizing th~ Execution of a CDBG Loan Agreement with William C. Brown Comm. [ec.(4/5) ..................... 106 97-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 2120 Washington St. fnsm estate of Irene Besithaopt.(4/5) ......................... 107 98-93 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Purmits.(4/5) .............. 1~6 99.93 Authorizing issuam~ of Beer Permits.(4/5) ................. 108 100.93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Liceuses.(4/5) .............. 109 101-93 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phase I Improvements.(4/5) .............. 110 102-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Finns and Specs. for the Water Pullutico Control Plant Phuse I In~tovements.(4/5) ......... 110 103-93 Ordering bids for the Water Pollution Control Plant Phas~ I Improvements. (4/5) .............................. 110 104-93 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for CDBG Projects.(4/5) ............................ 112 105-93 Approving a Tentative Five Year Snoot Construction Project. (4/5) ......................................... 113 106-93 Authorizing the Executioo ofa CDBG Loan Agreement with Aansazi Exclusive Salon Projects, Inc.(4/19) ............... 120 107-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 2658 Jackson St. fnsm Wm. Montelius.(4/19) ............................... 124 108-93 Of futent to Acquire Real Estate at 464 Lotus Blvd. from Michael & Rebecca ORourke.(4/19) .................... 125 109-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(4/19) ............... 127 110-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Lfuenses.(4/19) ............. 127 111-93 Preliminary Approval of Finns and Specs. for Purina Drive Storm Sewer Ext.(4/19) ............................. 128 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 112-93 Fixing Dale of Heating on Finns and Specs. for the Pudn& Drive Sl~m Sewer Ext.(4/19) ........................ 128 113-93 Oninfing bids for the Purina Drive Storm Sewer Ext.(4/19) ..... 129 114-93 Appeoving the Final Plat of Idlabrook Esta~s; Ar~ndnd.(4/l 9X(/'20) 131,371-372 115-93 Al~proving the Final Plat of LOt I of Lot I of Lot I of Lot 2 of Lot 1 Hawkeye Stock Purm.(4/19) .................... 132 1 I6-93 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-19 inclusive of Blk I, Lot A, Lot B, Lot C and Lot D of Mama Ridge Estates 2 in the City.(4/19) ..................................... 132 117-93 Cnanthlg autheclzation to Dubuque Yacht Basin to Sublease property leased from the City to Wm. A. & Joy L. Brown, dba the Wheel House, Inc.(4/19) ...................... 134 118-93 Approving Aszignmont of Lease Prope~y of the City of Dubuque from the Arcadian Corp. to Arcadian Fmllize~, a Ltd. Petmership.(4/19) ...................................... 136 119-93 Naming Depositories (Financial Institotions).(4/19) ........... 135 120-93 Adopting Plans and specs, for the Purina Drive Ste~n Sewer Extension.(5/3) ................................... 138 121-93 Awarding Contract for the Purina Dzive Storm Sewer Ex~nalon.(5/3) ........................................ 139 122-93 Adopting Finns and Specs. for PUre Road Rec~nstmchon Project from Jackson St. to the northerly City limits.(5,r3) .......... 140 123-93 With Respect to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Proposed for the Pesu Road Reconstruction Project from Jackson St. to the Ncn~hedy City Limits.(5/3) .............. 140 124-93 Grdedng bids for the Peru Rood ReconsUuction Project.(5B) .... 141 ' 125-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate ~t 553 and 561 Lotus Blvd. from Michael & Rebecca ORourke.(5/3) ................. 143 126-93 Of Intent to Acquise Real Estate at 745 Davis.(5/3) .......... 144 127-93 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(5/3) ............. 144 128.93 Authorizing issuance of Beer PernUts.(5/3) ................ 144 129-93 Autholizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(5/3) .............. 145 130-93 Dil~cting the City Clerk to publish proposed Amendment to the FY 93 Budget and Date of P. Hearing.(5/3) ............... 145 131-93 Fixing Date for Meeting on the Proposition of the Issuance of Not to Exceed $2,800,000 GO Bonds (Parking Revenae).(5./3) ..................................... 145,146 132-93 Fixing Date for a meeting on the Proposition of the issuance of not to exceed $2,720,000 Parking Revenue Bonds.(5f3) . . . 146 133-93 Sethng the Date of a Public Heating on the pmposnd Statement of CD Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the CDBG 19th Program Year.(5/3) ............................ 148 134-93 Authorizing publication of Notice of Envisonmontsl Review Finding for Certain CDBG Projects (W.C. Brown, Anasazi, Neighborhood Facilities).(5/3) ............................. 149 135-93 Authorizing the release of Real Estate Mortgage between the City & Dubuque Stamping & Mfg.(5.t3) ................... 150 136-93 Accepting a Conveyance of Property located at 2120 W~shington St. from estate of Irene Breithanl~(5/3) ......... 150 137-93 Amending the Cur~nt Budgnt for the FY ending June 30, 1993.(5/17) .................................... 153 138-93 Instituting Proceedings to take Ad~fitional Action for the Issuance of not to exceed $2,800,000 GO Bonds.(5/17) ......... 154 139-93 Instituting Proceedings to take additional action for the isstmnce of not to exceed $2,620,(XX) P~king Revenue Refunding Bonds.(5/17) ......................................... 154 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 140-93 Autbe~zing the filing of a Final Stetemant CD Objectives and Projected Use of Fands for the CDBG 19th Year.(5/17) .......................................... 157 141-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 851 Kaufmann Ave.(5/17)... 158 142-93 Authorizing the award of Cemmanity Permenbip Program (cp2).(5/17) ................................... 158 143-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Pennits.($/17) ............... 159 144-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Liceuses.(5/17) ............. 160 145-93 Pmiimin~j appmvzi of Plans and Specs. for the St, Ambrose St, Smon Scwer.(5/17) ......................... 161 146-93 Fixing l~te of Hearing on Hans and Specs. for the St, Ambro~ Storm Sewer Extension.(5/17) .................... 162 147-93 Ordering bids fe~ the St, Arub~se Storm Sewer Extension.(5/17) ....................................... 162 148-93 Api~oving the Final Plat of Jaeger Heights Subd. No. 3.(5/17) .......................................... 163 149-93 Apinuving Medicai Directors for the City Advanced Emergency Medical Care Ambalaece.(5/17) ................... 164 150-93 Approving Addendum to Purchase of Services Agreement with Project Concern Phone-A-Friend.(5/17) ................... 165 151-93 Accepting a conveyance of Property Located at .2~58 Jaelu{on St, from Wm. & l~o~ie Monteliu~.(5/]7) .......... 166 152-93 Accepting a conveyanc~ of property located at 464 Loras from Michael & Rebecca O~ourkc.(5/17) .................... 166 153-93 Authorizing subn',iszion of a Request for release of funds for Cettein CDBO P,-ojects. (5/17) ..................... 166 154-93 Directing Sale of $4,615,000 Essential Corp. Purpose GO Bonds, Series 1993A. (5/18) ........................... 168 155-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the St. Ambrose Storm Sewer Extension.(6fl) ................................... 173 156-93 Awarding Conlract for the St. Ambrose Storm Sewer Ext. to McDennou Exc.(6fl) ................................. 173 157-93 Authorizing the execution of IA Dept. of Natural Resources, Adm. Order No.93-WW, in the n~tter of the City Wustewater Facility No. 31-26-0~1.(6fl) ..................... 174 158-93 Adop6ng Plans and Spec~. fo~ the Phase I Improvements, Water Pollution Control Pl. (6fl) ........................... 174 159-93 Awarding Contr~t for the Phase I Improvements, Water Pollution Control Pi. to Indiana Construction Corp. of Ft. Wayne, IN.(6fl) ................................. 174,175 160-93 Authorizing the City Manager to execute a Contract with Strand Asso., for the purpo~ of providing Engineering Services During Construction for the Phase I Improvements at the Water Pollution Control Plant.(6fl) ..................... 175 161-93 Awarding Comract for th~ Peru Road Recouslmuction Project to the Tschiggfrie Excevating of Dubuque, lA.(6/7) ........ 177 162-93 Authorizing and providing for the Issuance of $4,615,000 GO Bonds, Series 1993A, and Levying a Tax to Pay Said Bonds.(6flJ77-187 163-93 Authorizing issuance of 50+ Cigamtle permits,(6/7) .......... 187 164-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(6/7) ................ 188 165-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(6/7) .............. 188 166-93 Preliminary approval of Fiitus and Specs. for the Crescent Ridge &Stadight Drive Reconstruction Project.(6/7) ............. 188 · 167-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Cruscent Ridge & Starlight Drive Reconstruction.(6/'/) ............ 189 168-93 Of Necessity for the Crescent Ridge & Starlight Drive Reonust. Proj. (6fl) .................................... 189 169-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for Crescent Ridge & S{mtight Dr. Reconsttuction.(6fl) ................. 189,190 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 170-93 Approving Prolimlnnty Schedule of Assessments for tbe Crusannt Ridge & Starlight Dr. Recons~,-anlion Project,(6/7) ..... 189,190 171-93 Pmiimianry api~oval of Plans and Spec~. for the 1993 Asldndt Paving Project, (6fl) .............................. 190 172-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the 1993 A~phalt Paving Project. (6/7) .......................... 190 173-93 O~dming bids for the 1993 A~phalt Paving Project,(6/7) ....... 191 17493 Scning n Public Heating on a P~oposnd Leme/Moctlng Rtght~ Agn~cmant between thc City & County H~stmtcal Society.(6/7) ......................................... 191 175-93 Approving tho Final Plat of Lots 1-6 Inclusive of Qusiity Plaan,(6/7) ........................................... 193 176~93 Approving Addsndmn to Fiwconstruction Agn~ment with the IA DOT re: US Highway 61 Project.(6/7) .................. 194 177-93 Authorizing Publicat4on of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for CDBG Projects.(6/7) ..................... 194 178-93 Authorizing tho City Manager or His Designee to sign n Contract with tho lA DepL of Health for Funding a AIDS Coalition Profane(6/7) ............................. 195 179-93 Authorizing the Execution of a Certifind Local Govemmant (C~G) Confiner with thc State Historicai Society of IA.(6/7) ..................................... 195 180-93 Accepting of Conveyance of Property Located at 745 Davis to the City. (6/7) ............................... 196 181-93 Approving the Louse/Morning Rights Agrceracnt between the City and the Dubuque County Histozical Society. (6/21) ........................................ 202' 182-93 Approving Momorandttm of Agreement and Setting Public Hearing on Grant of Easemant to Plastic Canter, Inc. re: Alley Bopeir West of Main St., from 9th to 10th St.(6/21) ....... 202 183-93 Prutesting a Proposal by tho US Dept. of HUD to Reduce tho Dubuque Fair Market Rents Stsndard.(6/21) ........... 204 184-93 Authmizing issuance of 100+ Cigareue Phnnlts.(6/21) ........ 212 185-93 Authorizing isstmnce of Boer Permits,(6/21) ................ 214 186-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licanses.(6/21) ............. 214 18'/-93 Accepting a conveyance of property located at 851 K~ufrman Ave.(6/21) ................................ 216 188-93 Approving a Purchase of Services Agreement between the City & Dbq. Humane Society etc. (6/21) ................ 217,218 189-93 Authorizing Submission of a Reqecat for release of Funds for Certain Community Devalopment Block C-runt Projects.(6/21) ........................................ 218 190-93 Approving tho Ag~cmant between the City & the General Drives and Halpers Union, Local ~421 Ete.(6/21) ......... 219 191-93 Approving the Agreement between the City & tho Amalganmted Transit Union, Local #329 Et~.(6/21) .............. 219 192-93 Al~proving the A~r. cment between tho City and the Dubuque P~dice Protective Assn. Ete.(6/21) .................... 220 193-93 Approving the Agreement between the City and the Dubeque Prof. Firefighters.(6/21) 220 194-93 Approving the Agrccraent between the City and the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local #758 Ete, (6/21) .............................................. 221 195-93 Apiyroving the Compensation Phckngc and Wage Plan for Non-Bargaining Unit Er~loyeex.(6/21) .................... 221 196-93 Alyproving the Final Plat of Lots 1,2 and 3 and A of Wal-Mart Subd.(6/21 ) ................................... 222 197-93 Approving Grant of Easement to Plastic Center, Inc.(7~) ...... 229 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 198-93 Adolthng Plans and Specs. for the Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Recott(7/6) ............................... 230 19993 With Reupaot to the Adoption of the Resolution of Necessity Pro~ far the Crescent Ridge & Stariight Drivu Reconstruct. Project(7/6) ............................ 230 200-93 Ordering bids for the Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruct. Project.(7/6) 231 201-93 Authorizing the Execution of a CDBG Grant Loan Agreement Data Systems Corp.(7,~) ......................... 248 202-93 Authorizing the Filing of a Community Economic Bettem~nt Accoant (CEBA) Application on behalf of Englnce~ng Data Systems Corp.(7/6) ........................ 248 203-93 Authorizing and directing the Mayor to execute a Subordin~on Agreesnent with Dubuque Foods, Inc. & Rochelle Foods, Inc.(7/~) ................................ 249 204-93 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(7/6) ............. 249 205-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(7,~) ................ 250 206-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(7/6) .............. 250 207-93 Of Intention to Dispo~e of City-owned Property, the W. 1/1 of Lot 6, and E. 2' of Lot 7 in A.L. Brown's SuM. of the N 86' of Out Lot 666 and NE Part of Outlet 685. (7/~) 251 208-93 Approving Plat of Survey of Morgan St. and MC Vernon Court Parkway.(7/6) .................................... 252 209-93 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 29A in GrandVinw Park.(7~) ........................................... 2~2 210-93 Of Intent to Dispose of Inter, at in real Property by Chant of Ensoment.(7~) ................................. 253 211-93 Approving Plat uf Storey of Lot 1 Of LOt 141 Julian Addn.(7/6) . 254 212-93 Approving the Disposal of City-owned Property, the W. 1/1 of Lot 6 of E 2' of Lot 7 in A.L. Brown SuM.of the N. 86' of Out Lot 666 and NE Pa~ of Out Lot 685 in the City. to Cyteg & Melissa TuthflL(7/19) ........................... 259 213-93 Approving the Disposal and Sale ufa Pe~llon of Morgan St~et and Mt. Vas-aaa Court Parkway.(7/19) ................... 260 214-93 Approving a Utility Easement on Part of Mineral LOt 324 for U.S. West Comm., Inc.(7/19) ..................... 261 215-93 Calling a Special City Election on the Question of Approving a Franchise to Peoples Natural Gas Co., Div. of Utilicorp United Inc. for a Gas Distributi~ System for a period of 25 Yea's.(7/19) ................................ 266 216-93 Awarding Contract for the 1993 Paving Project - Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruct. to Northwestern Devel.(7/19) ......................................... 268 217-93 Authorizing issuance of Cigarette Permits.(7/19) ............ 269 218-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(7/19) ............... 269 219-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(7/19) ............. 270 22093 Preliminary Approval of Plans and Specs. for the Park & Rec. Chain Link Fence Proj.(7/19) .................... 270 221-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans & Specs. for Park & Rec. Chain Link Fence Proj. (7/19) .................... 270 222-93 Ordering bid~ for the Park & Rec. Dept. Chain Link Fence Project.(7/19) ................................ 271 223-93 Of Intention to Dispose of City-owned property, the E. 38' of LOt 20 of Qthgley's Subd. of OutLets 712 & 711, ute.(7/19) ........................................ 271 224-93 Authorizing publication of Notice of Environmental Review FindIng for Certain CDBG Plojects.(7/19) ............... 274 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 , SUBJECT PAGE 225-93 Aplsoving a Funding Agreement between the City & Dbq, Main St., Ltd., and authodzing the City Mgr. to execute,(7/19) ....................................... 274 226-93 Funding Agreement between City & Washington Neighborhood Tool Llixary. (7/19) ......................... 275 227-93 Authorizing the Execution of a Co~nwaunity Economic Betteament Account (CEBA) Loan Agreement with the IA Dept, of Economic Davelopment & Wm. C. Brown Co., 1n0.(7/19) .. 276 228-93 U~ging Govnsnor Brensmd to call a Spacisi Session of IA Leglsiature.(7/21) .................................. 278 229-93 Submitting to the Vote~, at the Next Regular City Election the Question of Whether a Tax should be levied for support of the Public Library.(8/2) .......................... 282 230-93 Approving exeeation of a Contract with ADS Environmental Services, Inc. for flow monitoring study of Cattlsh C~ek Sanitary Sewer basin.(8/2) ..................... 282 231-93 Authorizing the Mayor to execute an applicatico to participate in the Sec. 8 Housing Voucher Program.(8/2) .......... 283 232-93 Authorizing thu Mayor to execute an Application to pacdcipate in the Sec. 8 Moderate Rahab. Single Room Occupancy Pmgram.(8/2) ................................ 284 233-93 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Punnits to House of China (2).(8/2) . 285 234-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permit~.(8/2) ................ 285 235-93 Authorizing issuance of Class "B" (Hotel-Motel) Beet & Liquor Lie.(8/2) ................................. 285 236-93 Prel. approval of plans and Specs. for the NW Arterial Water Main Project. (8/2) ................................ 286 ' 237-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the NW Al~etial Water Main Project.(8/2) ....................... 286 238-93 Ordering bids for the NW A~esial Water Main Preject.(8/2) .... 286 239-93 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest and Vacate an Unused 10' Wide Utility Easement in Cedar Lake East Second Addn. & Cedar Lake Add.(8/2) ................................... 287 240-94 Approving plat of Proposed Vacated Portion of Kelly's Bluff at the E. Terminus.(8/2) ............................. 287 241-94 Of intent to Dispose of City Interest in Lot 1 of A in Kelly's Bluff No. 2 in the City & sethng for Public Heming.(8/2) .... 288 242-93 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Alley between Peru Rd. & Excelsior St. Smith of Walker St.(8/2) ............... 288 243-93 Of Intent to DiSlx~e of City Interest in Lot 642 in N. Dubuque Addn. in thu City & Sethng for Public Heating.(8/2) .... 289 244-93 Reaffirming tho Approval of the Final Plat of Lorm Estates in the City.(8/2)291 245-93 Authorizing the Execution of a CDBG Agreement with the Dapt. of HUD Development for FY 94.(8/2) ................ 292 246-93 Approving the Early Repayment of CDBG Funds Loaned to the Dubuque Historic Improvement Co.(Redstone) in amt. of $28,501.20.(8/2) ............................... 293 247-93 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain CDBG Project.(8/2) ....................... 294 248-93 Authorizing the City Manager to sign License for Underground Plpalines, Cable and Conduits ~einfing to construction of a Water Main beneath Chicago, Central & Pacific Railroed Co.(8,r2) ................................. 295 249-93 Adopting Supplement No. 14 to the Cede of Ord.(8/2) ........ 295 250-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Park & Rec. Departrcent Chain Link Fence Project.(8/16) ................... 300 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAnE 251-93 Awmting Comrnct far tbu City Pank & Rnc. I~t Chain Link Pence to D & N Fence Co. ]nc. of Cedar Rapids.(8/16) .................................. 300 252-93 Disposing of City Interest in Uffiity Easement in Cedar Lnke East Second Addition and Cedar Lnkz Addn.(8/16) ..... 301 253-93 Appioving the Dispceul and SUle ofa Vncated Alley between Peru Rd. & Excelsior Street South of Walke~ St,(8/16) ..... 302 254-93 Approving the Dispceal and Sale of Lot 1 of A in Kelly's Bluff No. 2.(8/16)303 255-93 Accepting Improvement far the 1992 P.C. Concrete Paving Projnct,(8/Hi) ................................... 306 256-93 Final Estin~te of the 1992 P.C. Concrete Paving Project,(g/16) .. 306 257-93 Adol~ng the Final Assessment Schedule for 1992 P.C. Concrete Paving Projnct,(g/16) ...................... 306-320 258-93 Autharizing the execution of a Loan Agreement with Bishop's Block, n ]~minc Ltd Ps~Inership.(8/]6) ................. 320 2~9-93 Authorizing Issuance far Ber~ Permits.(8/16) ............... 320 260-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licem~s.(8/16) ............. 321 261-93 Reaffirming the Fihal Plat of Lots 1-6 Inclusive of Quality Place in thn City. (8/16) ........................... 323 262-93 Rescinding Res. No. 89-93 and reafiinm~lng the Final Plat of Northwest Ridge in the City.(8/16) .................... 324 263-93 Authorizing Exncution of an Amunded Ann~ Contributions Contract far Sec. 8 Homing Voucbers, Prng. No. IA05-VO87-015 (Replacing Prog. No. IA 05-VO87-004) (8/16) ............................................... 328 264-93 Approving the Final Plat of Kelly's Bluff No. 3 in the City.(8/16) ...................................... 326 265-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 754-756 W. 8th Dubuque, IA in the City.(8/16) ............................ 327 266.93 Accepting Conveyance of Lot 6A of tho W 1/2 of Blk I of Dubuque H~bor Co'.s Addn. in the City ate.(8/16) ........ 328 267-93 Accepting Conveyance of Lot 10A of the W1/2 of Blk I of Dubuque H~bor Co.'s Addn. in the City etc.(8/16) ........ 328 268-93 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 537A in the City etc.(8/16) .. 329 269-93 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 604A in the City ute.(8/16) .. 329 270-93 Accepting Conveyance of City LOt 556A in the City rite.(8/16) .. 329 271-93 Accepting Conveyance of City Lot 540A in the City, etc.(8/16).. 330 272-93 Accepting imlnOvement far tho 3rd & Main St. Traffic Sigrmis.(8/16) ........................................ 330 273-93 Final Estimate for the 3rd & Mcin St, Traffic Signals.(8/16) .... 330 274-93 Authorizing the assignment of Certain Leases between the City and Dubuque Yacht Basin, ]nc. to the Small Business Administration for Sccmity.(8/19) .......................... 332 275-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. fee the NW Artesiul Warn- Main Projnct,(9/7) ................................. 334 27&93 Awerding Contract for the NW Aaefiul Water Main Projnct.(9/7) ...................................... 334,335 277-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. for Ordering bids for 1993 Asphalt Paving Project.(9/7) .............................. 335 278-93 Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Contract with Strand Assoc., Inc. for Providing Engincertng Design Services for Phme II lml~ovements at the Water Pollution Control Plant,(9/7) .................................. 336,337 279-93 Authorizing the Execution of an Agreement between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque County, estebEshing the Cooler Valley Urban Drainage Dis.(9fl) ...................... 33/ INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 280-93 (1) approving the Minimum Ruquireraems, Coropntitive Criteria, Offering Documents, and procedtu~s for Disp~sillon of City Property located at 16th St. and Kerper Blvd. and (2) Soliciting Prolx~als.(9/7) ................................. 338 281-93 Of Intent to Acqul~ Real Estate at 692 Unive~ity Ave., to the City.(9/7) ....................................... 340 282-93 Approving an Agreement for Economic Development Services with the Cnua~r Dubuque Devnlolxnent Cmperation and Fi~cul Year 1993-1994 ute.(9/7) ......................... 342 283-93 Approving a Par~hme of Services Agreement between the City and Pmjnct Concem/Phoan A Friand, ]nc. ete~(9/7) ........ 343 284-93 Aathodzing issuance of Cigarett~ Permits.(gfl) ............. 343 285-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Parmits.(9/7) ................ 344 286-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(9/7) .............. 344 28%93 Preliminary apl~oval of Plans and Spece. for the Fremont Ave. & Cedar Cro~s Road ]nte~ew~ion Sight Distance Improvement Ptoject.(9fl) ................................ 344 288-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the Fremont Ave. & Cedar Crms Road Inte~ectlon Sight Distance Improvement Projnct.(9/7) ...................... 344,345 289-93 Ordering bids for the Frement Ave. & Cedar Cross Rd. Intersection Sight Dis. Improvement Project,(gfl) ............ 345 290-93 Approving The Final Plat of Lots 1-10 inclusive of BIk 2, and Lot 2 of Mama Ridge Estates in the City.(9/7) ......... 347 291-93 Accepting a Conveyance of property located at 754-756 W. 8th St, to the City.(9/7) 348,349 292-93 Accepting a Conveyance of Property located at ' 553-561 Loras Blvd.(9/7) ................................ 349 293-93 Authorizing the Execution of a Sect. 106 Mem. of Agreement with the IA State Historic Preservation Officer and the Advisory Council on Historic Prin.(9/7) ................ 350 294-93 Authorizing the Assignment of Certain Leases between the City and Hedge Transit Warehouse Co. to First National Bank of Dubuque for secority.(9/7) ............... 350 295-93 Authorizing the City Manager to enter into a Three yea~ Aga'cement with the U.S. Postal Service for Reserve Pafldng Stalls in the Iowa St. Parking Ramp. (9/7) ............... 351 296-93 Ar,~nding an Agteemant between the City and the County mtabiisbing the Coaler Valley Urban Drainage Dis.(9/20) .... 353 297-93 Adopting plans and Specs. for the Fremont Ave. & Cedar Cross Rd. Intersection Sight Distance In~provement Project,(9/20) ......................................... 359 298-93 Aw~ux{ing Contract for the Fremont Ave. & Cedar Cro~s Rd. lntsrseefion Sight Distance Improvement Project to McDermott Exeav~ing.(9/20) ............................. 359 299-93 Awarding Contract for the 199~ Asphalt Paving Project to Rive~ City Paving, a Div. of Mathy Comtrucfion.(9/20) ......... 360 300-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 721 Davis St., Dubuque, from Helen Webster. (9/20) ....................... 361 301-93 Of Intent to Acqdi~e Real Estate at 2190 Farley St., Dubuque, IA by the City. (9/20) ........................... 361 302-93 Authorizing the Submission of a Granlee Performance Report for the Period Commencing January l, 1993 and concluding June 30, 1993.(9/20) ............................ 362 303-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Permits.(9/20) ................ 368 304-93 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Licemes.(9/20) ............ 368,369 305-93 Authorizing the Assignment of Certain Lea~es between the City and Dubuque Yacht Basin, Inc. to First N~fionul Bank of Dbq. for Sccmity.(9/20) ........................... 371 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 306-93 Amending R~s. 114-93 to accept dedication of Lot B of ldleinook Estates. (9/20) ............................... 372 307-93 Calling a Special City Election on the Question of Approving a Frauein~e to Intrastate Power Co., a Delaware Corp., for an Ele~trlanl System for a period of 25 years.(10/4) ...... 381 308-93 Authorizing the City Mgr. to execute a Contract with the US Dept. of Ju~tiec fec the porpe~ of Inoviding Funds Awarded in the Police Hiring 5upplam~nt Prograr~(10/4)383 309-93 Authorizing the City Muenger to execute a Contract with Fox Engineering for the purpose of Providing Engineering Design Sss'vices for the Design of n Pump Station and Dis~bution Improvetrents for the Pomth Distribution Systenn.(10/4) ....................................... 383 310-93 Approving an Offer to Buy Real Estate from the Dubuque Community School Disuict for a Water Storage Tank.(10/4) ......................................... 384 311-93 Authorizing issuance of Cig. Per.(10/4) .................. 384 312-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Ponnits.(10/4) .............. 384 313-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(10/4) 385 314-93 Accepting a Conveyance of Property located at 721 Davis St, to the City.(10/4)386 31~-93 Accepting a Conveyance of Property located at 692 University Ave.(10/4) ................................ 387 316-93 Adol~ng Supplement No. 15 to the Code.(10/4) ........... 387 31%93 Approving the Final Plat of Hynn Estetes.(lO/4) ........... 388 318-93 Approving the City of Dubuque Fiscal Year 1993 Street Finance Report,(10/4) ............................. 389 319-93 Aplnoving Second Amendment to Lease Agreement between the City & the Dubuque Racing Assn., Ltd. and consenting to the tertm etc. of a Sublease Agreement between the Dubuque Racing Assn. Ltd. and Greater Dubuque Rived~oat Enm'tnlnment Co. L.C.(10/18) ..................... 392 320-93 Authorizing E.C.I.A. Business Growth, Inc. to Re~t~cte~ Loan to Dubuque Data Services for $122,400.(10/18) ............. 393 321-93 Accepting improvement for the Conrail Ave. A.C.C. Resudeclng Project.(10/18) ............................... 394 322-93 Final Estimate for the Central Ave. A.C.C, Resurfacing Project from 4th St. to llth St. and from 20th St. to 32nd St. (10/18) ............................................. 395 323-94 Authorlzing isananan of Cig. Permits.(10/18) ............... 395 324-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Pormits.(10/18) ............... 395 325-93 Authorizing issuance of Liquor Licenses.(10/18) ............ 396 326-93 Approving Plat of Prope~.d Vacated Po~don of Schiller St, from Lincoln Ave. to High Bluff $t.(10/18) ........... 397 327-93 Disposing of City Interest in Lot 35A in Hoq~er's Addn. (10/18) ............................................. 398 328-93 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in S. Balance of the South Part of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 158 and the Southerly 100 FL of Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Mineral Lot 66.(10/18) ...... 398 329-93 Of Intention to Dispose of City-Owned l~operty, the N. 1/2 Of LOt No. 226 in Glendale Addn. Number 3 in the City.(10/18) .......................................... 397 330-93 Disposal of City property, L~t 35A in Hooper's Addn, to Bethany Hon~ for sum of $2840.~0.(11/1) .................. 405 331-93 Approving the Disposal of City-owned property at 2658 Jackson (N 1/2 of Lot No. 226 in Glendale Addn. No. 3, in the City, to Jennifer A. Hen,aner.(ll/1) ................ 4(35 332-93 Approving dlsgcaal of City intsarest in S. Balance of S. Part of Lot 2 of Lot 3 of Mineral Lot 158 md the S. of Lot 2 of LOt 2 of Mineral Lot 66 to IDOT.(11/1) .............. 406 333-93 Of Intanlion to Apply to the Nelghborlmod Reinvestment Corp. fro' Assistance in Developing n Ndighborhued Housing Sca'vices P~gram in Dubuque.(ll/l) ....... 407 334-93 Authorzing issuance of Cig. Per.(11/1) ................. 408 335-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per. ts.(11/1) ............... 408 336-93 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Lie.(11/1) .................. 408 337-93 Regarding the issuance of Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds (The Finley Hospital) of the City and anthorzlng execution of a Mem. of Ag~0cement,(11/1) .................... 409 338-93 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-3 of Equestrian Heights Sund. No. 4 in the City.(l I/1) ...................... 412 339-93 Authodzing publication of Notice of Environment Review Finding for Ce~tin CDBG Project,(Il/I) .............. 413 340-93 Authorizing ECIA Business C-rowth, Inc. to Proceed with a Loan, from the City of Dubuque's Potion of the EDA Revolving Loan Funds, of $77,000 to Vessel Systems, Inc.(11/15) ........................................... 415 341-93 Authogizing the Execution of a CDBG Loan Agreement with Vessel Systerm, Inc. (11/15) .......................... 416 342-93 Of Intent to Acquire Real Estate at 2534 Windsor Ave. and 510E. 22nd St-(ll/15) ............................... 416 343-93 Approving the Agreement between the Dubuque Human Rights Comm. and the Iowa Civil Rights Comm. etc. (11/15) ............................................. 417' 344.93 Authorizing execution of an Amended Anntud Contrlbutiotm Contract for Sec. 8 Existing Housing Certificates, Prng. No. IAOS-E087-015 (replacing Program No. IAOS-EO87.004.)(11/15) .............................. 417 345-93 Authorizing execution of an amended Anntutl Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Housing Vouchers, Prngrum No. IAOS-VO87-017 (Replacing Program No. IAOS-VO-87-005).(11/15) ............................. 418 346-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Purmits.(11/15) ............... 418 347-93 Authorizing issuance of Liq. Licenses.(11/15) .............. 419 348-93 I~1. approval of Fians and Specs. for the 1993 P.C. Concrete Paving Project.(ll/15) ........................ 420 349-93 Fixing Data of Hea~ing on Plans and Specs. for ~ 1993 P.C. Concrete Paving Project.(l 1/15) .................... 420 350-93 Ordering bids for the 1993 P.C. Concrete Paving Project,(11/15) ........................................ 420 351-93 Prel. approval of Fians and Specs. for the 1993 Asphalt Paving and Alley Reconstruction Project- (11/15) .......... 421 352-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the 1993 Asphalt Paving & Alley Reconstruction Project. (11/15) ............................................. 421 353-93 Ordering bids for the 1993 Asphalt Paving & Reconstrection Project,(11/15) ............................. 421 354-93 Selling the Date of a Public Hearing on an Amendment to the Final Statement for the CDBG 19th Program Year.(l 1/15) ................................... 422 355-93 Approving the Final Plat of Sunset Park 8th Addn.(l 1/15) ...... 424 356-93 Accepting tmllrovement for the Alley Sanitary Sewer Reconstruction between Rh~-nberg & Lincoin fxom Farley to Marshall.(11/15) ..................................... 425 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 357-93 Final Estimate for the Alley Saoitm-y Sewer Reconstruction between Rhomberg and Lincoln gem Farley to Maralmll.(l 1/15) ........................ . ............ 425 358-93 Anceptiag ln'~provan~nts for the Washington St Saoit~ Sewer Reeons~ucflon flora 2~th Sc to 30th Se.(ll/15) ..... 426 359-93 Final Estimate for the Washington St Seoitary Sewer Reconatrnc6on.(11/15) .................................. 426 360-93 Aceepting Improvement for the Purina Drive Stom~ Sewe~ Extenalon.(! 1/15) ................................ 426 361-93 Final Eslirrutte for the Purina Drive Storm Sewer Extension.(11/15) ..................................... 427 362-93 Acenpting In~provement for the Lincoln Ave. Sanita~ Sewer Reconstruction from Humboldt St. to Farley S~.(11/15) ...... 427 363-93 Final Estimate for the Lincoin Ave. Sewer Reconstruction from Humboldt St. to Farley St(Il/15) .......... 427 364-93 Authorizing Submission of n Request for Release of Funds for Ceflaln CDBG Project(l 1/15) .................... 428 365-93 Authorizing Publication of Notice of Environmental Review Finding for Certain CDBG Project.(l 1/15) ............. 429 366-93 Aplnoving Contract for Engineering Services for Flexsteel Induslries Drainage Iml~ovemcnt.(12/6) .............. 430 367-93 Amending the Flexsteel Drainage Improvement Agreement.(12]6) ...................................... 430 368-93 Approving Subn~t6ng the Childhood Lead Pelsoning Prevention Grant Application to the IA Dept. of Public Health and Authorizing the City Board of Health Chairperson to Sign a Letter of Intent to Fulfill the reqdi~ements of the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Prngraw.(12/6) ............ 432 369-93 Authorizing and Providing for the issuance of Not to Exceed $8,000,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of Hospital Refunding Revenue Bonds (The Finley Hospital) ¢tc.(12/6) .. 434 370-93 Of Necessity Finding that "Old Main" is both a blighted and an Economic Development Area and that Development of Said Area is Necensary in the Interest of the Residents of the City.(12/6) ...................................... 437 371-93 Amending the Urban Renewal Plan for die Downtown Urban Renewal Project, lows R-15, to allow the City to establish a Loan Program for the Rehabilitation of Pwperlies Located within the Distzict.(12~) ........................... 437 372-93 Approving and Authorizing the Filing of Final Statement of CD Objectives and Projected Use of Funds for the CDBG 19th Program (Amend.#1X12,~) ................... 439 373-93 Authorizing the Execution of a Block Grant (CDBG) Loan Agreement with the Cooper Wagon Factory Development Crop.(12/6) ................................ 440 374-93 Authorizing Execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Sec. 8 Existing Housing Certificatesl Program No. IA05-E087-O16.(12/6) ...................... 443,444 375-93 Authorizing Execution of an Amended Annual Contributions Contract for Section 8 Housing Vouchers, Program N. IAO5-VO87-O16.(12~) ......................... 444 376-93 Adopting the Final Assessment Schedule for 1993 Sidewalk Repairs etc.(12/6) ............................... 445 377-93 Authorizing issuence of Cig. Pur.(12/~fi) ................... 448 378-93 Authorizing issuance of Beer Per.(12/6) .................. 448 379-93 Authorizing iseuance of Liq. Lin.(12/6) ................... 448 380-93 Approving Plat of Proposed Vacated Poxtinn of Quince St. from Oak St. to Cleveland Ave.(12/6) ............... 449 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 381-93 Disp~ing of City interest in Let 50A and Lot 5lA in Union Addn.(12~) ............................. 449 382-93 Prelimlnnv/approval of Plans and specs for the Farley SUeat Sanitery Sew~ Reconstruction.(12~) .............. 450 383-93 Fixing Date of Heating on Plans and Specs. for the Exdey St~.et Sanitary Sewex Reconstruc4ion.(12~) ............ 450 384-93 Ordering rids for die Farley Sueet Sanitary Sewer Rnconctrucgon.(l 2R~) ................................... 451 385-93 Prel. Approval of Ham nmi Specs. for the City Hall Annex Renovation Project.(12/6) ........................... 451 386-93 Fixing Date of Hearing on Plans and Specs. for the City Hall Annex Renovation Pmject.(12~) .................... 451 387-93 Oniering Ifids for the City Hall Annex Ranovation Project.(12~) ......................................... 452 388-93 Authorizing Submission of a Request for Release of Funds fex Certain CDBG Projncte.(12/6) ...................... 453 389-93 Authorizing publication of Notice of Envhonmentel Review Finding for Certain CDBG Project.(Cooper Wagon Work Project.).(l 2/6) ................................... 454 390-93 Approving the AIDS Pr~ventalivn Health Contract between the Iowa Dept. of Public Health and the City and to sign a Contract with IA Dept. of Public Health for Funding of a Local AIDS Pseventative Health Progntm.(12,~) ............. 455 391-93 Accepting imlnovemeat for the Riverview Park Rest Room/Shower Facility Reco~strnction Project.(12/6) ............. 455 392-93 Final Eslimate for the Riverview Park Rest Room Shower Facility Reconstruction Project.(12/~) .................. 466' 393-93 Final Estimate for the Fremont Ave. & Cedar Cross Road Sight Distance Irr~provement Project.(12/6) ................ 456 394-93 Final Estimate for the Fremont Ave. & Cedar Cross Sight Distance Improvement Project.(12/6) .................... 456 395-93 Accepting Improvement for the Park & Recreatinn Depl. Chain Link Esnen.(12/6) 457 396-93 Final Estimate for the Park & Recreation Dept. Chain Link Fence.(12/6) ...................................... 457 397-93 Accepfng Improvement for the Canter Grove Sanitary Sewer Extension.(12/6) ............................ 457 398-93 Final Eslimate for the Center Grove Sanitary Sewer Extension.(12/~6)458 399-93 Adopting the Final Asmss. Schedule for Center Grove Sanitary Sewer Extension.(12/6) ........................... 458 400-93 Accepting Convcyence of Senger's Brewery Place in the City.(12/6) ........................................... 46O 401-93 Authorizing the Assign. of a Lease between the City of Dubuque and Dubuque Tank Terminal Co. to Dbq. Terminals, In¢.(12/6) ........................................... 460 402-93 Authorizing the Assignment of Lease Between the City and Dubuque Tank Terminal Co. to Dubuque Terminals, Inc. (12~) .............................................. 461 403-93 Authorizing the Assignment of a Sublease between the City and Dubuque Tank T~ninal Co. to Dubuque Terafinals, Inc. (12/~) ........................................... 461 404-93 Authorizing disposal of property described as Lot 51A in Union Addn. to Michael L. Bu~e (portion of Quince St.)(12/20) .... 464 405-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1993 Concrete Alley RnconsUuclion Projnct.(l 2/20) ............................. 464 406-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the 1993 Asphalt Paving and Alley Reconstrnction Project.(12/20) ..................... 465 407-93 Awarding Contract for the 1993 Concrete Paving Project to Flynn Co.(12/'20) .................................... 465 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 409-93 Adopting Plans and Specs. for the Farley St~et Sanitary Sewes Rncomtmotion.(12/20) ....................... 466 410-93 Awarding Comraet for the Farley Street Sanitary Sewes Recomtruction to McDermott Excavatlng,(12/20) ........... 466 411-93 Authorizing the Submission of a Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) and Annual Purformanc~ Report to tbe US Dept. of HUD.(12/20) ............. 467 412-93 Authorizing the Establishment of a Downtown Rehabilitation Loan Program for the Downtown Urban Renewal Project Area Project Iowa R-15 and the Capttaliza~on of sa.id Prngrum.(12/20) ....................... 469 413-93 Authorizing the City Manages to execute Agreements with Sanott Bto-lndastrlns and Swiss Valley Farms for Sewes Use Charges.(12/20) ............................... 471 414-93 Authorizing iesuance of Beer Pennits.(l 2/20) ............... 472 415-93 Authorizing iesuance of Liquor Licemas.(12/20) ............ 472 416-93 PreL approval of Plans and Specs. for the Rehabilitation of 16th St. Floodway Pumping Station.(12/20) ................. 472 417-93 Fixing Date of Heauing on Plans and Specs. for the Rehabilitation of the 16th Slreet Floodwall Pumping Station. (12/20) ............................................. 473 418-93 Ordering bids for the 16th St. Floodwall Pumping Station.(12/20) ........................................ 473 419-93 Approving Plat of Proposed Lots lA and ZA of Henry A. Robinson ladusuial Subd.(12/20) ......................... 4'74 420-93 Of Intent to Dispose of Interest in Lot lA of Henry A. Robinson Industrial Subd. to Raymond & Anna MM ltansen.(12J20) ....................................... 474 421-93 Approving the Final Plat of Blks. 1, 2 & 3 and Lot C of Tiffany Ridge.(12/20) ................................. 475 422-93 Approving the Final Plat of Lots 1-6 of Eugene Tigges Subd.(12/20). ................................... 477 423-93 Amending Resolution No. 317-93 for the Final Plat o£ Flynn Estates in Dubuque Co. to change the Street Name from Michael Dr. to Flynn Dr.(12/20) ........................... 4'/8 424-93 Adupling Sul~lement No. 16 to the City Code.(12/20) ........ 478 425-93 Authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds for Certain CDBG Project (Cooper Wagon Factory Projec0. (12/20) ............................................. 479 1993 SUBJECT PAGE S S & D Concessions, Inc., Beer Pex.(4/5) ........................ 108 S. Gnmdview, 835, request by Clark's for pm'chasc of adjacent property.(3/1) ................................... 70 $. Locust and Dodge Streets, rezontng of prol~rty in Freeway Corr. Plan. (2/15)0/15)(4/19)(8/16) ............ 55,91,118,322 S. Locust St. from Valley Si. Extensiol to Railroad Ave., vacation and dispoml of prupeWj.(12/20) ..................... 473 Sabers, John, CLAIM; sefesrad.(9/20)(10/4) .............. ~... 370385 Sad Cafe, Inc., Rainbow Lounge, Liq. Lie.(4/5) .................. 107 Saints (Fighting) Hockey Tcan~ re: ice eliminadon at Five Flags; Congratulations & Appmciadon.(l/4)(lO/18) .......... 4,391 Salarte~ of Mayor & Council Members, upgraded. (1/18)(2/15X3/1) ................................... 21,50,65 Selary increase for City Mannger.(8/l 6) ........................ 305 Sale of pwpe~ty from Iowa Dept. of Tranepottation.(12JS) ........... 453 Sale of real estate from IDOT.(4/19) .......................... 130 Salins, west of, re: Freeway Conidor mzonlng. (4/19)(8/16X9/20) ............................. 118,322,357,358 Salon Products, Anasazi, re: CDBG Loan Agreement.(4/19) .......... 120 Sam Chiu, Long Yunn, 2600 Dodge, Cig. Per.(6/21) ............... 213 Sam's Stores, re: sign rnguladons.(9/20)(10/4) ................. 370,376 Sand, Michael W., appointed to Transit Bd. of Trestees.(g/16) ........ 304 Sanita~ Sewer Extension, Inwood Ave.(1/18) ..................... 23 Senita~, Sewer, alley between Rhomberg & Lincoln.(2dl)(2/15) .... 31,32,42 Sanitary Sewer, Washington St, Reconstruction project. (2/15)(3/15XI 1/15) 52,53,78,426 Sanitary Sewes Extension for Branksill Road,(3/1) ............... 67,68 Senitary Sewer Extension, Bruasldil Road Projnct.(4/19) ............ 116 Sanitary Sewer brain m: Catfish Creek infiltration/inflow stody.(8/2) ........................................... 282 Sanita~ Sewer of Center Grove, Acceptance & Assessment Sebedule.(12/6) .................................... 457,458 Sanitary Sewer Rcconstrection of Farley St.(12/6)(12/20) ......... 450,466 Sanman, Carl, CLAIM; referral.(9/7)(9/20) ................... 346,370 Sanofi Co. m: Environmental Commission; Sewer usc contracts.(l 1/15)(12/20) .............................. 414,471 Sasbell, Dan, Asphalt Assn. requesting to construct Peru Rd. with asphalt.(6/7) ...................................... 177 Sawvcll, Micbecl J., Butter's Bar, 1700 Central, Cig. Per., Liq. Lie.; (6/7)(6/21) ................................. 187,214 Scenic Valley Area VIII Agency on Aging, supporting sezoning of property on Pennsylvania Ave. east of Butterfiald Dr. for Horizon Devel. O/1X3/15) .......................... 60,79 Schaefer, Father Richmd, of Loess, Gave lnvocation.(l 1/1) ......... 402 Schaller, Peggy A., P.J.'s, Liq. Lie.(6/21) ...................... 214 Sehardi, R~v. Ronald, Gave Invoc~on of Wa~burg Theological Seminesy.(lO/18) ............................ 391 Sc. hiesi, Wm. & Pat, sewes backups claim, referral.(1/4) .............. 6 Schiassl, Robert F. & Christina Sehiessi, Irrevocable Trust, re: sale of propsrty to Tscblggffin and annexation.(l/18) ............ 11 Schiasl, Roger & Gloria m: repair cost of wall on N. Main (Madison Hill),(2/1) ..................................... 35 Schiller St., vacation of 25', petitionad for by Bethany Home; pintappsovadeto.(7119)(lOIl8)(llll) ............... 274,397398,404 Schilz, Richard l., appointed to the Zooing Comm.(7t~) ............. 232 Schisael, Penny ~:iuesfing Parking Pennlt Dis. for N. Main & Rosaline Sts.(5/17) ................................... 163 Schmal, Ron, CLAIM; clo~me.(4/19)(5/3) ................... 129,148 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Schn-~ider, Anne M., CLAIM; ~fetral.(7/~)(7/19) .............. 254,273 Schn~dt. Victor. objecting to ice elirrlnalion at Five Flngs.(l/4) .........4 Schn~t. Robe~ O.. applicant for vacant Thhd Wnxd Seat; Abstract of votes.(6f/Xl0/18) ...................... 171.400 Schn~tt. Bruce & Slutron. sale of Lot 50A. 51A in U,i~ Addn. Quince SL(]2~)(12/20) ....................... 449.450,464 Schneider, Mark, applicant to CD Comm.(2dlS) ................... 46 School Bonxd Member Recognition Week, Proclama6on.(5/3) ........ 137 School District Project Peace, op2 Program.(5/17)... ~ ............. 159 School. Dubuque Community re: Soccer Complex ~zonhig, N ofNW Armfial & S of Kennedy Rd. from AG to R-1.(5/17) ...... 155 School (Dbq. Community) District, purchase of l:~eperty N. of intersection of JFK & NW A~totial, for water storage tenk.(10/4) ........................................... 383 Schrobilgen, Thomas re: litigation, Petition for Judicial Review.(lO]lS) ............................. ~ ......... 394 Sehroby's, re: Liq. License disapproval by Police Chief & Council; Cig. Per.; Liq. Li¢.(1/18)(4/5)(6121)(7/19) ~... 22,109,2i3,270 Schroeder, David, 233 Main, requested adoption of Downtown Urban Renewal Distfict.(l 1/1) ............................. 411 Schrceder, Lucilie, CLAIM; refeo~ed.(lO/4)(lO/18) ............. 385,399 ScMoeder, Vera E., CLAIM; referred.(5/3)(5/17) .............. 148,162 Schelte, St. Angelica, CLAIM; referral.(1/18)(2/1) ............... 23,34 Schulz; Paal re: Environmental Commission comments.(11/15) ........ 414 Schumacker, Curtis, CLAIM; referral.(3/15)(4/5) ....... ......... 92,111 Schumacber, Daniel & Mary Beth, sold property (754-756 W. 8th St.) to City.(8/16)(9/7) ................ '327,348,349 Schute; Brenda S., CLAIM; refenui.(3/15)(4/5) ................. 92,111 Schwartz, Ethel K., Aiqxm Inn, 574 E. 16th St., Cig. Per.; Liq. Li¢.(6/TX7/6) ............. ~ .................... 187,250 Schwegmann, Bill, Cerc of APlneciation.(9f/) ................... 334 Schwers, Mr. re: Arbor Oaks Subd. convpletion, settlement of ngreement+(10/l 8) ................................... 392 Scotehmer, Rev. David G. re: PEW Partnership for Civic Chang©.(9/20) ..................................... 360 Scotchmer, Rev. David, Pres. of Center for Public Ministry, re: C. enter's Housing Prngram.(8/2)(9/20) .................. 284, 360 Scrambling Methods, Changes in TCI Cablevisien Pay Service.(4/5) ......................................... 107 Sec. 9 of Federal Transit Act, for operating assistance etc. fec projects.(1/4) ........................................ 7 Sec. 8 of Zoning Comw., text amendment re: Child Care, Day Care Centers ete.(2/15) ............................... 56 Secret Dubuque Government & Definition of Racism, Eldou Pfobl requesting discussion ete.(10/4) ................... 382 Section 8 Program Housing Vouchers, participation application, amendment to Annual Caouibufioas Con. (3/15X8/16)(11/15) ............................. 97,283,326;418 Section 8 Moderate Rehab Program, Single Room Occupancy Program.(8/2) ........................................ 283 Section 8 Housing Certificates, Program, an~ndments.(11/15) ........ 417 Sccmity Beading entension for Smith's for Loras Estates.(2/l ) ......... 39 Seeger's Brewery, conveyance to IDOT.(12~) ................... 460 Sclckert, Stephen, re: rezouiv_g of 3280 Pennsylvania Ave.(9/'20) ...... 357 Sclen, Inc. re: C. Wolff, re: vacation of alley bemecn 14th & 13th SC(9/20) ........................................ 371 Scnmni, Melvin, for Peoples Natural Gas Franchlse.(7/19) ........... 266 Senate legislation re: Aitpo~ funding for support & lotteaing changes.(12/20) ...................................... 468 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Senior Power Day, Proclamation.(5,r3) ......................... 137 September, 1993, financial report; Claims paid.(llll)(ll/15) ...... 412,423 S~tember Council im~ceedings, epproved.(6/21) .................. 216 Se~tonm Candy Days, Proclamafiou.(5/3) ....................... 137 S~vices (Sewer & Water) reqans~ed for Olyml~ic Heights residents.(l I/1) ....................................... 407 Sessions, Baird &Kim, CLAIM; refemd.(5/17)(6/7) ............ 162,192 Setter, David, Attorney for F. Becket re: Castle Ridge Estates final plat.(9/20)(10/4) .................................... 360,382 Settlement between Iowa Ttast Receiver and Bankers Trust.(1/18) ...... 21 Settlement of Tax As~assment appeal by CyCa~ SysWam, In¢,(2/1) ..... 34 Seventh St., re: disposing of real estate fc~ SOO RR for tmcke. (2/15)(3/1) .......................................... 54,62 Scvtfie Dr., rezouing of pmpany N. of Seville, on Bonson Rd. from R-I to PUD.(8/16) ................................. 322 Sewer (Sanitary), alley between Rhomberg & Linenln.(2/IX2/15) ..... 31,42 Sewers, stcrm, etc. issuance Of GO Bonds, $2,000,000.(2/1) ........... 33 Sewer accounts, delinquent, certifying to County for coliectiou.(2/1) ..... 36 Sewer, Washington SUeet Sanitary, Reconstruction project (2/15)(3/15X11/15) ............................... 52,53,78,426 Sewer Project (S~r~n). Purina Dr. (4/19)(5/3)(11/15) ....................... 128,129,138,139,426,427 Sewer basin, re: Catfish Creek Infiltration/inflow study.(8/2) ......... 282 Sewer backup problems on Kensington Place.(8/16)(12f20) ....... 304,468 Scwer& water re~quesw, d for Olympic Hcights residents.( 11/1) ........ 407 Scwer (Sanitmy) Reconstruction of Fasiey St.( 12J6)(12/20) ........ 450,466, Sewer Use Contract with Swiss Valley Farms & Sanofi-Bio Indastfies.(12/20) ...................................... 471 Sexually h~asm~t~d diseases, re: County reXlUesting City help with facility for treatment ete.(lO/18) ........................ 390 Sfikas Rea., Grandma's Pantty, Inc., 401 Central, Cig. Per.(7,~) ....... 249 Shaffer, Mike, re: Peru Road Construction Project.(4/5)(5/3) ....... 102,139 Shaffet, Thomas C., CLAXM.(12/'20) .......................... 475 Sheehan, David & Joyce, Sheehan Amoco, 205 Locust, Cig. Per.(6/7) ... 187 Sbefidan Rd., 3257, acquisition for DREAMS Home project; Easement for US West.(3/l)(7/6)(7/19) .................. 65,253,261 Sheriffs sale, po~party for DREAMS pregrem.(3/l) .............. 64 Shesiffs Del~. co-paying a copy machine with Police Dopt.(10/4) ...... 389 Shickles, Andrew J. Ps~-os, resignation on CD Comm.(9/30) ......... 371 Shickles, Andrea, appointed to CD Comm.(2/15) ................... 46 Shims Ave., north of 1670, final plat approval of Lots 1-6 of Quality P1.(6/7) ....................................... 193 Shiras Ave., acceptance of preperty from Dale & Shirley Wilming for rlght-of-way.(7/6) ............................. 254 Shireman, Sheryl Ann, King of Clubs, 1902 Central, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(6/21 )(8/I 6) ................................. 213,321 Stop Floor Replacement Project, Keyllne Tranalt Facility Shop.(2/l) ..... 30 Shot Tower, desigmted as Histmic Landmark.(1/l 8)(5~) .......... 18,137 Sid's Bev. Store, Beverly Miller, 2727 Dodge, Cig. Per.; Beer Pe~.(6f/)(8/2) .................................. 187,285 Sidewalk Repni~s. final plat and schedule of assess. (1/18)(12/~) 23,444,445 Sidewalk las~a~lati~m in Sunset Park Sub. No. 4, R. Donovan, CLAIM.(I/18) ......................................... 23 Sidewalks spoken to re: development of Soecex fields etc. N of NW Art. & S. of Kennedy Rd.(5/3) ..................... 137 Sight distance at intera~clion of Fremont & Cedar Cmzs Rd., grading project.(9f/)(l 2/6) ............................. 344,456 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Sign Overlay, NW Arterial Cmfidor, re: height of signs, (9/20X 10/4) ................. ...................... 369,374 Sign Regulations re: WaI-M~t & Sam's Stoses.(9/20)(10/4) ....... 370,376 Sign Regulations, re: zoning text amcndto~nt. (2115X3/15XIO/4) .................................. 56,79,374 Signs, Roof, re: zoning Ord., armndment.(5/17)(6/'/)(lO/4) ..... 161,1~9,374 Signs, awning mounted or roof/canopy, Zoning Comm.'s denial for Ooliath,(3/l 5) ....................................... 86 Sliver Dollar Cnnfina, Liq. Lie,; Cigarette Per.(5/17)(7/19) ........ 160,269 Single Room Occupancy Program, Section 8 Moderete Rehab Peo~r~(a/2) ........................................ Siam City of Handan, China, re: Agseernont.(5/3) ................. 137 Sixteenth St Floodway Pumping Station,(12/20) ............... 472,473 Sixtcendi St., South, rezontng of properties e~t of Freeway 611151, N of 12th St., west of Kcq~r frem HI to POS eto.(5/17) .... 156 Sixteenth St. & KerFer Blvd., Disposition of City Property to Developer, Cfitefia etc,(gD) ............................ 338 Sixth St., portions etc. granting SOO Line RR fight of way for tracks otc, O/l) ...................................... 62 Sktnny's C~fe, Para McKinley, CLAIM.(9/7) .................... 346 Sludge Hanuling Building at City Water Plant, seplacement .of walls.(l/18) ......................................... 27 Smedley's Sub., Lot 2 re: rezoalng of 2042 Elm eto.(10/4) ........... 375 Smith, Ron& Jan, to: for security bonding for Lores Estates, (2/1)(a/2) ....................................... 39,40,291 Smith, Donna of County Bd. of Supe~isor~ requesting light et NW Arterial & Aabury Rd.(12;~) ..................... 453 Smyth, Mtchuel, re:OlymplcHnightssequest forCityservices.(ll/1)... 407 Seueer Alliance, re: rezo~ltng fees waiver requested,O/15)(4/19) ..... 85,128 Soccer fields devel(~_.d etc., N of NW A~t. and S of Kennedy Rd. from AO to R-1.(5/3) ......................... 137 Social Work Month, Professional, Proclnnmtion, O/I) ............... 60 Soil & Watoc Stewardship Week+ Proclnnmtion.(4/19) .............. 116 Solid Waste regulation, (Also Garbage & Trosh) ete.(9/"/)(gDD) .... 341,362 SOO Line PR, fights of way for poflions of 6th St., Washington etc.(2/15X3/1) .............................. 54,62 Sotonson, Shula, ob~cting m 200' cellular phone tower on Cedar Crnss Rd.(l 1/1)(11/15) ........................ 407,415 Southern Ave,,D. Hertig Jr. requesting vacation & sale of city property in 1500 block,(10/18) ......................... 400 Southwest Artesini, ~: ronto alignment, DMATS & County requesting review. O/l) ................................... 69 Spagnola, Robert, alapointod to Human Rights Comm.; Resignation; Filling of vacaney.(l/4)(9/2OX10/4) ............ 4,371,386 Spas re: Dept. of Public Health re: Swimming poois ctc.(12t~) ........ 432 Spoclul Assessment Deferment Notice for Peru Rd. submitted by Tbonms & Frank Miller,(5/17) .......................... 163 Special Session of Lcglsiaturc, Urging Gev. Breasted to cull.(7/21) ..... 278 Special Exceptions, re: Zoning, uew fcc schedule ere, O/4) ............ 76 Special Meeting at Cobblestone Room at Days Inn.(5/3)(5/17) ..... 147,168 Special Assessment bonds. (11/15) ........................... 418 Sprint Cellular tower on Cedar Cross Rd,, discussion ete.(ll/15) ...... 415 Spmiing, Todd, re: zoning of 3219 Asbury.(l/l$)(2~lS)(4/19) ..... 22,45,117 St. Mary's Place No. 3, Lot 2, rezoning from R-4 to PUD with Planned Resid. to allow 16 condomiulums.(7/19)(8/2)(8/16) . , 272,289,298 St. Rase Place to: Conceptual Devni, Plan for Emmaus Bible Collage.(716) ......................................... 227 St. Mary's/Emmctt Streets, Residential Parking Permit Dis. O/1)O/1×4/5) 33,63,104 1~93 SUBJECT PAGE SL Ambrose St. Strum Sewer Ext~-asion Project(5/17)(6/7) ....... 161,173 St. Stephen's Food Bank re: Comn~ Peflnership Peogrim. (ci)2) (5/17) .......................................... 159 Stackts, la~k & Kim, CLAIM; Senietuent.(3/IX3/15) ............. 69,93 Stafford & Lincoln, request by E. Nalss for four-way atop; Deniul.(l 1/1)(12/~) .................................. 412,462 Stafford'a, Addn., 676 University, ExplnUlon of Right of RedemlY, ier~(7/19) ..................................... :273 Stahl, Ceroln, Certificate of Apptcul&tion.(6/7) ................... 171 Stamping & Mfg. Co., re: reul estate mortgage lien.(5/3) ............ 149 Stapleton, Lea Ann, ~Fpllcant to CD Comm.(2/15) ................. 46 Starlight Dr. & Crescent Ridge Rcconstsuction Pro, ecL (6F/)(7/6)(7/19) 188, Hi9,230,268 State of low~t Public Assistance Pro,ram re: Program Updates. (9/'20) .............................................. 354 SMto funding etc. for Keyliue Transit.(4/19) ..................... 116 State Historic Preservation Office, Memorandum of Agreement with Advisory Couueli for Historic Pseservatlon.(gF/) ............. 350 State Budget Appeal for FY 94, recommendations re: findings etc. (8/2) ............................................... 281 State of lows, patcnts acquired from for ixtrt of Highway #61.(8/16) .... 328 State Appeals Board Decision, re: Manager not requesting.(9/7) ....... 342 Status of Fottrth Street Peninsula (ROD) Redevelopment Overlay District & Riverfront Smttcglc Flan.(lO/18) .................... 401 Status of Vacant Buildings report.(8/2) ......................... 294 STD, (Sexuully faansmittod disesses), se: County requesting City help with facility for Ue~tment eto.(10/18) ..................... 390' Stocher, Randy, requesting extension of time for security for Idiebro~ Est.(l/18X4/19) .............................. 24,132 Stecldcin, Russell, Ce~tificate of Apprueiation.(2/1 ) ................. 29 Stulchen, Robert & Loretta, ~.eing to fin~ plat conditions of portion of Subd. of Lot 9 of LaVista Estates No. 2. (2/1) ....... 35,36 Stein, Richard, applicant to CD Cemm.(2/15) ..................... 46 Stclnhanser, Cindy, itppointment to CD C~'nm.; requesting Downtown Urban Renewal Armndment; se: Final Statement of CD Objectives & use of Funds for CDBG 19di Ye~. (2/15)(11/IXI2/~) ........................... 46,410-411,437,439 Stninhoff, R.R., CLAIM; sefencd.(9/20)(lO/4) ................. 370,385 Stfmiond, Peule M., re~pl~nted to the Housing Comm.(8/16) ......... 304 Stopflug, Jim, from Kennedy Aquarium, re: proposed Animal Ordinance.(1/4) ......................................... 4 Stpphcnson, George, 2200 Bunker Hill, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/15)(6/21) ........................................ 51,212 Stephenson, George, Golf pro, operating agreement with Bunker Hill.(2/15) ...................................... 5g Steps, 4 tier, se~tulsing Handntil, Ord. questioned etc.(Il/I) .......... 406 Stove, Buff, re: C~scont Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstruction Project.(7/6) .......................................... 230 Stove's Hanlwum requesting re~alng of 3280 Pennsylvania Ave.(9/20) ........................................... 357 Stowart's Subdivision, Helen E.& Mary H., rezoulng of property for Soccer Fields, N of NW Art. & S of Kennedy Rd. from AG to R-1.(5/17) .......... 155 Stiles, Jeff, applicant for vacant Tlfird Ward Seat.(6/'7) .............. 171 Stipulation of Settlement of Tm Assess. appeal by CyCere.(2/l) ........ 34 Stock Farm, Haw~ye, final pl~t of LOt 1-1-1-2-1.(4/19) ............ 132 Stop sign, four-way, requested at Stafford & Lincoln; Denial. (11/1)(12~) ....................................... 412,462 Stop Signs at intenection of Carter Rd. & Hlllcrest Rd.(6/7) ......... 176 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUB~ PAGE Stop Signs, mmovni, at 3~1 & Main Sts. (5/17) ................157,158 Stop Si~ns at Fourth & White Sts.(8/16) ....................... 305 Storm Sewer Project, Pmiea Diive Ston~ (4/19X5/3)(11/15) ....................... 128,129,138,139,426,427 Storm Sewer Exteoalon Project for St. Ambrose St. (5/17X6/7) ..................................... 161,162,173 Storm Wat~- Study and design of Flexsteel Industries; contract with IIW Engineea's.(12t~) ................................ 430 Straley, Ann, Liin'a~ Employee, Given Cert. of Aplareniation.(7/6) ..... 223 Suead Associates re: engincefing services for Phase 1 Imlytovements at Wa~r Pollution Cont~ol Pleat; Phase II Consb-uction ete..(4/$X6/7)(9/7) ...................... 109,175,336 Sueea~, (protected), DNR communicatioa for rule~ ete.(9/20) ........ 353 Street Construction Program, 5 Yce~r.(4/5) ...................... 113 Street Fineace Ropo~ 1993.(10/4) ............................ 389 Stre~ Ptiva~, re: definifione in Zoning Code clarified ete.(lO/18) ..... 396 Succt Overlay Projects, in Downtown Area.(l 1/15) ................ 420 SUe, ets, re: Bob Rosenow comments.(11/15) ..................... 415 SUcff, Chad A., Whiskey River, Liq. Lin.; Cig. Per.; Refund 0a Liq. Lic.(5/3)(6/21)(7t~) ................... 145,214,254 St~ub, Terry, petition re: 3195 Sacksoo.(9/20) .................... 355 Strub Constreclioo, awmded conb*act for Office Renovation, Locust St. Paddng Ramp.(4/5) 103 Sttuctote erectio~t approved on City property for Audubeo Soc., reqecst by S. Neyea~.(6/7) .......................... 193 S~umberger, Lmine, approval of final plat of Lots 1-6- of Quality Fl., (north of 2670 Shiras Ave.(6/7)(8/16) ......... 193,323, 324 Stuart, C~n'ge, CLAIM; Refertal.(9,r/)(9/20) ................. 346,370 Subdivision Regulations, Ch. 42 ~c: new definitions n~: lnivate street, inivate drive,(10/18) ............................... 396 Sublease betwnen Dbq. Yacht Basin & Wheel House, Iac.(4/19) ....... 134 Sublea~ Agreement between Dubuque Racing Assn., Ltd. & Gn~ater Dubuque Riverboat Entertainment Co.(10/18) .......... 392 Sublease between City & Dubuque Teak Terminal Ce. to Dubuque Terminals, Inc.(12/~) ............................ 461 Sublease Agreement between Dbq. Racing Assn. & Roberts River Rides.(12.~) ..................................... 455 Subordination Agreement with Dubuque Foods, Inc. & Rochelle Foods etc.(7/~) ................................. 249 Substance Abuse grant from Governor' Aflieace, funding for supplies eto.(4/5) ...................................... 106 Substance Abuse Services Cente~, ~e: Comm. Partnership Pr~ram. (op2) (5/17) ................................... 159 Substance Abuse Service Center, Purehase of Services Agreement.(6/7) ....................................... 196 Substantial F. quicaleacy achieved by City (by HUD) under Fair Housing ACL(I/4) ....................................... 7 Sunset Park 7th Addn., sale of W 4' of u 10' wide Utility Fasernent along E line of Lot 21, Blk 1.(1/18) ................... 9 Searet Park Subd. No. 4, re: sidewalk installatioo, claim by R. Donovea.(1/18) ............................... 23 Sunset Park Seventh Add., ~proving plat to vacate the Westerly 4' of a 10' wide Utility F. ascn~nt along Easterly Line of Lot 21 of Blk 1.(1/4) ............................... 5 Sunset Park Seventh Add., Res. of Intent to Dispose of Intc~st & Vacate the w~terly 4' of a 10' Wide Utility Easement in Blk I.(1/4) ................................... 6 Sunset Park 5th Addn, rezoning from R-3 to PUD eto.(ll/1) ......... 402 Sunset Park 8th Addn., final plat approvni.(ll/15) ................. 424 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Supo~sor~ (ceeaty) conco'n with Li~e Muquoketa River flow. (4/19) .............................................. 130 Sutxn'visor~, County & City, define beundmins of Coulcr Valley Urban Drainage Distdct.(9/'20) ........................ 353 Supervisors (County) mqueating City help with facility for ueatment ete. of males.(lO/18) .......................... 390 Supet~iaors (County) t~quesli~g traffic fight at NW Asterinl & Asbuty Rd.(12,~) .................................... 453 Supervisors requesting I. Klauer speak @ height x~qnirements for E-911.(12/20) ...................................... 468 Supplennent No. 13 added to the City Code of Ordineaces; Supplement No. 14 added; Supplement No. 15; Supplement No. 16 added.(3/15)(8/2)(lO/4)(12/20) ................ 96,295387,478 Sm'river's Day, Cancer, l~oclamation.(5/17) ..................... 152 Sutton, Ruby, reappointed to Human Rights Corem.(1/4) .............. 4 Sweeney, Diane, 321 Olympic Hgts., requested City sea-vices.(l 1/1) .... 407 Swift, Tom, ~: Rockdale Rd. affc,Mahie Housing development.(2/l) ..... 29 Swimming Pools and spas Program, re: State Dept. of Pul~ic Health eto.(12/6) ...................................... 432 Swiss Valley Farms Co., approval of Sewer Use Contract.(12/20) ...... 471 Swiss Valley Farms App-~ecintion Day, Proclea:ation expressing thanks flora the City of Des Moines.(9f/) ..................... 334 Swiss Valley subn~tted audit for year ending 9-30-92.(3/15) .......... 93 Symphony Orchestra ~: Pops Conce~ at Hawthorne St. ramp for Labor Day Wnekead.(8/16) ........................ 331 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE T T & M, Inc., Marie's Italian Res., 1298 Main, Liq. Li¢.(12/20) ........ 472 T & T Welsh, ][nc., Finale Lounge, 1701 Central, Cig. Per.(6/21) ...... 213 Tabor, Paul, 2499 Knob Hill, re: Environmental Comm,(l 1/15) ....... 414 Takes, Frank, Pros. of Univ. Pe~k Villa, rezoning of prepe~y un Pennsylvania Ave. E. of Lecy Dr. fr~n R-3 to PUD with aPR Planned Res. Dis. etc.(Il/l) ....................... 402,403 Taluntt' Jan-es R., re: Peoples Natural Gas.(7/19) ................. 266 Tank Terminal Co,, Lense assignments. (12~) ................ 460,461 Target Sto~es, 3500 Dodge, Cig, Per.(6/'21) ..................... 213 Tnak Feline, Drug, fcr Police.(3/15) ............................ 98 Tax Assessment appeal by CyCare Systun~, Inc., Stipulation of Settlun~nt (2/1) ...................................... 34 Tax exemptions aplnoved for owners in certain Urban Revit Districts,(2/l 5) ......................................... 57 Tax Investments, Ltd, re: Notice of Expiratiun of Right of Redemption on various properties in City.(4/19) ................ 130 Tax exemption, re: George & Gary Kennedy, re: urban revit. timely filing.(4/19) ..................................... 134 Tax of 27 cents per thousand for support of public tibraty.(8,r2) .... 281,282 Taxes doubled in Olympic Heights area with no City services grovided, objeetions,(l 1/1) ............................... 407 Taxi enb operating permit, name change to A-OK Shuttle Service, hc.(l/4) ........................................ 7 TCI Cablevision, Annual Report of 1992.(4119) ............. ~ .... 134 'ICl Cablevlsion Pay Services, Changes, Scrambling Methods.(4/5) ..... 107 TeKippe, Diane, CLAIM; setflerrent; CLAIM; Refunat; CLAIM; Refun'al. (3/15X4/5)(6/7)(6/21)(11/15)(12/6) ............ 92,111,193,216,422,452 Television re: Closed Captioning of KDUB-TV. (2/15) .............. 42 Tennis facilities, outdoor, rezoning of property on Cedar Cross Rd. for Bisselis.(7/6))7/19) ........................ 251,257 Terminal, Airline, re: HVAC repiaenment.(l 1/15) ................. 415 Termination of employment of 372 employees from Dubuque Casino Belle.(2dl ) ...................................... 35 Terrace Heights PR Planned Res. Di~, en Peru Rd., Conceptual Devel. Plan.(5/17X6/21) 161,199 Text amendment, zoning, re: Planned Unit l~vclopment 0~UD), also Special Pmpos~ Districts and Sign Regulations etc,(2/15) ............................................ 56 TFM Co., Oky Doky ~6, 1256 Iowa, Cig~ Per.; Beer Per. (6/21X11/15) ...................................... 213,418 TFM Co., Oky Doky #2, W, 32ed St., Cig, Per. O/l) ................ 66 The Tavern, Lense/Mooting Rights of Agreement between the City & Hist. Society.(6/7) ................................ 191 The Monday Co., Cig, Per.(6/'/) ............................. 187 Thlil, Halen, re: Bnmskill Rd. Sanitary Sewer Extcnsion.(4]19) ....... 116 ThilL Jnn re: Schroby's Liquor Lie.(4/5) ........................ 109 Third St Pa~king Le~ fa Riverfest days, transfer of Beer Lie.(8/16) .... 321 Thhd Ward Council Member vacancy (due to death of D. l~ich), appointment etc.(5/17X6/7) .................... 152,171 Third Ward Conncli Members, Election, Abstract of Votes.(10/18) ..... 400 ThL, d & Main Sts., Stop Signs; Traffic Signals. (5/17X8/16) .................................... 157,158,330 Tht~t~nth & Fourteenth, Elm & Washington Sts., reqecstcd alley vacation by C. Wolff (Selco). (9/20) ..................... 371 Thiny-aecond St., pmpe~.y north of for annnxafion.(2/1) ............. 41 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Thirty-Second St., north of and East of Bmeck Lmm, rezotdng.(3fl 5X4/19) ................................. 91,117 Thonms Place, 967, ndjaeem property, rcque~ to be pe~cbused by L. Boothby.(4/19) ................................... 130 Thomas, Dorothy, Dotlie's Cafe, Cig. Par,(6/21) .................. 213 Thompson, Gene, reeppointed to serve on the Park & Rec. Comm. (7/6) ............................................... 232 Thurlow, Kathy Flynn, applicant to CD Comra.(2/15) ............... 46 Tickets, Courtesy Parking; Hand held computerized parking tickets.(6/7)(12/20) .................................. 176,469 TW District, re: Old Main etc.(12/6) .......................... 437 Tiffnny Court, re: final plat of port/on of Tiffeny Ridge.(12/'20) ....... 475 Tiffany, Jean, resignation from Zoning Ceomx(12/20) .............. 468 Tiffany Ridge, final plat of Blks 1, 2 & 3 and Lot C,(12/20) ......... 475 Tigges, Jennifer L., appointed to Cable Taleprogramm/ng Comm. (4/5) ............................................... 105 Tigges, Runald, aI¥licnnt for Cable Regulatory Comm.; appointed.(4/5)(8,r2) ................................. 105,281 Tigges, Engene, Subd., fienl piat of pofliun.(12/20) ................ 477 Tilp, Timothy (Ins, Co.), Edward Graham, CLAIM.(ll/1) ........... 411 Tittle, Parrela, CLAIM; refermi.(3/15)(4/5) .................... 92,111 Tivoli Addn., re: 2235 Central rezuning.(7/6} .................... 228 Tdlbfidge Inn, Eagle Pt. Asseciates.(9f/) ....................... 344 Tool Library (Washington), Notice of No Significant Effect on Environment; Release of funds; Approval of Funding Agreement; appeeciatiun for money.(4/5)(5/3)(7/l 9) .............. 111,149,275,276 Tott's Tap, L. Tort, 3457 Jackson, Cig. Per.; Ltq. Lic. (6/21)(7/19X9f/) ................................ 213,270,344 Tourism Week, Prechimation.(5,r3) ............................ 137 Tower, re: height limitations, objection to phone one on Cedar Cwss.(ll/1Xll/15) .................................. 407,415 Town Clock Plaza, re: Elec~cul Code pennisalon of decorative lights etc,(9/7) ........................................ 341 Town Clock Inn, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per,(1/18X6/21) ................ 22,213 Toxic Cleanup Day, Proclamation.(4/19) ....................... 116 Tracks for SO0 Line RR, acquisition of necessary property from City.(2/15) ........................................ 54 Tracy, Mark, CLAIM; referral.(8/16)(9/7) .................... 323,346 Traffic Signals at Thixd & Main Sts.(8/16) ...................... 330 Traffic Safety Butenu (Governor's) ~e: funding Police pt clerical positinn.(9/7) ................................... 349 Traffic Ordinance for modification of Highway #61 TraHic.(8/16) ...... 304 Traffic Ontinances revised re: Paddng etc,(6,r21) ............... 205-212 Trans Miss Investments, Oky Doky #21, 2010 Kexper, Cig. Per.; Beer Per.(6,r21) ............................. 212,321 Tn~nsfer of jurisdiction of MarJo Hills Quan'y Rd. from County to City,(2/15) .................................... 59 TRANSIT TRUSTEE BOARD SUBMITTING MINUTES: (l/18)(2/15XS/3)(6fl)(8/16)(12/6)(12/20) ...... 23,56,148,192,304,452,475 Transit Dept. CKeylinn) Facility Shop Floor Replacement Project.(2/1) .......................................... 30 Ttanalt Dept. (Keyline) Locker Room/Bmakn~m Rebub. of Gantge,(2/l) ......................................... 30 Tnmsit Dept., Grant applications for Keyline.(3/15) ................ 90 Transit Div,, Keylthn, FY 1993 Budget amendment.(4/5) ............ 114 Transit Assist. Application SFY 94 and FTA See.gl3 Operation Capital Assist. for Keyline.(4/19) ........................... 116 Transit Union, Agreetr~nt with City.(6/21) ...................... 219 Transit Bo~trd of Trustees aplmintment of Wm. Nolan; appolntment of Micbe¢l Seed.(8/2)(8/l 6) .................. 281,304 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Tmmit Board resign~tlnn of Bill Hilvers.(10/4) ................... 386 Transport Oil, KWIK Stop Food Mart, 1075 Dodge, Be~ Per.(10/l$) ....................................... 395 Trash & Refuse Ord., Changing Ch. 22, Gmbage etc.: Solid Waste. (9/7)(9/20) ........................................ 341,362 Tmatmcot altercatives evaluations, Phase II Construction at Water P~lutico Control Hant.(9/7) ......................... 336 Trick or Ttmt Day, Pro¢larcation.(9/20) ........................ 355 Tfimpler+ Wm., re: Bnmsktll Rt. Senitmy Sewer Extcnsion.(4/19) ..... 116 Troupe, AHen L, Ab~tn~t of vo~s for Ward One Council Member.(11/15) ....................................... 423 Tmmen,Dtm, objecting to 2 hour parking tm Bryant St.(12/~) ........ 443 Tschtggfrie Excavating Propr~ty, (Lot I of 1 of 1 of lniand Molnsuea Pl.) conveyance to City.(1/18) ....................... 28 TschiggMe F. xcavaltng of Dbq. awarded contract for Alley Senitr~J Sewer Reconstruction between Rhomberg & Lincoln from Farley to Marshall.(2/15) ............................ 42,43 Tschiggfrie Excavating Co. awarded contract for Washington Strcot Senitmy Sewer Project.(3/15) ............. ; ............ 78 Tschiggfile, Ed, l~uesting rezoding for property n of 32nd St. & e of Bmex. k Lane from AG to R-1.(3/15)(4/19) ............. 91,117 Tsohiggfrie Excavating awarded Purina Dr. Storm Sewer Ext. Project.(5/3) ...................................... 139 Tselfigghie Excavating awmded Peru Rcad Reconsmlction Project.(6/7) ......................................... 177 Tscniggfiie Excavating re: 1993 Asphalt Paving m: rejection of all bide eto.(7/6) ..................................... 231 Tscniggfile Excavating Co. re: final nsseesn~nt process of 1992 P.C. Ccocretc Paving Project.(8/16) ..................... 307 Tschiggffie Curmnereial, Lot 1 of Blk 2, re: rezoniag of Woperty west of Mnnards.(10/4) ........................... 375 Tuthill, Grog & Melis~a re: DREAMS Hon~ pmchase of 464 ~ Blvd.(7/~)(7/19) .......................... 251,259 TV re: Cloud Captioning of KDUB-TV.(2/15) .................... 42 TV Cable re: Changes, Pay Services, Scrambling Method~.(4/5) ....... 107 TV Cable Raguintory Commlselco appointment of Floyd Cook.(4/5) .... 105 TV Cable Teleprogesmming Commission appolnmlent of Jennifer Tigges.(4/5) .................................... 105 TV Cable Community Teinprogmmnfing appointrnent of Sr. Ca~ol Hovarman.(8/2) ....................................... 281 TV Cable Ragalato~y Comm. appointment of Walter Webster & Ronald Tiggns.(8/2) .................................... 281 Twelfth St., north of, (propextins east of Frcoway 61/151) rezoning.(4/19)(5/17) ................................ 127,156 Twelfth SC, propenins south of & east of White, north of 5th & West of Ftnnway 61/151 from HI to C-4 and MHI Dis., rezoning request eto.(ll/15)(12j6) ....................... 419,441 Two Twenty-five Ltd., Liquor Lic.(4/5) ........................ 109 Two Hour P~king on B~yant St. (12~) ........................ 443 1993 SUBJECT PAGE U U.M.T.A., re: Keylinn Gnmt Applications.(3/15) ................... 90 U.S.S. Dubuque, commending it for 25 years of servicns.(10/18) ...... 391 U.S. DOT re: Fed. Transit Adm.; applications for financial nsslst., Ch. 9.(1/4) ....................................... 7 U,S. 61, re: 1DOT Preconstractitm Agreement, Amendment.(6f/) ...... 194 U.S. West - Coranmnicatieos, Inc., 3257 Sheridan, perpetual utility ensement.(7/l 9) ....................................... 261 U.S. Postal Service rental of 55 stalls in Iowa St. Parking Rarr~.(9/7) . . . 351 U.S. Highway 20, Dodge St, final deaign, Joint Reaoiutinn.(9/20) ...... 360 U.S. Justice Dapt., re: grant for hiring 7 police officers.(10/4) ........ 383 U.S. Highway 20 Corridor, nearby property (Mineral Lot's) to IDOT.(I 1/1) ......................................... 406 UGC selection, of comultnnt to provide services re: City wide Geographic lnftmnation Systom.(10/4) ....................... 383 Ulstad, Steve, Architect fc~ Ace Muffler, rezoning of property E. of Cedar Cross Rd. & $. of 198 Cedar Croes.(l/18) ............... l0 UMTA Fending, re: Keyline etc.(4/19) ......................... 116 Underage persons not allowed to be in liquor licensed premises after 9 p.m.(4/5) .................................... 104,105 Underground pipelines, cable and conduits re: construction of a Water Main beneath Chicago, Central and Pacific RailRoad Co. (8/2) ............................................... 294 Ungs, D., Copper Kenie, 1987 Jackson, Cig. Per., Liq. Lic, (6/7)(12/20) ....................................... 212,472 Union Label Week, Proclamation.(9/7) ......................... 334' Union Addn., Lot 50A and 5lA, vacation of a pc~itm of a Quince St. from Oak St. to Cleveland Ave. (re: M. Beske teques0 (12~)(12/20) ...................................... 449,464 Union agreements for Wage Hans.(6/21) ....................... 219 United Way Campaign Time, Proclamatitm.(8/2) .................. 280 University Ave. 692, purchase of property from R. Knupp. (gl/)(I0/4) ........................................ 340, 387 University, 642, conveyance of property to the City.(2/1) ............. 38 University, 676, re: Expirafinn of Right ofRedemptinn, Notiue.(7/19).., 273 University Park Villa, Inc., re: rezoning of property on Pennsylvania east of Lucy Dr. from R-3 to PUD etc,(Il/l) ...... 402,403 Up With Families Weekend, Proclamalion.(2/15) .................. 42 Update on flood damage end cost recovery efforts.(lO/4) ............ 388 Uflx~n hinge areas, Planning Comm. making report on zoning jes~diedons, eto.(l/4) ..................................... 6 Urban Renewal re: Ice Harbor or 4th St.(l/18X2/15) .............. 18,48 Ufonn Revitalization applications, tax exempticos, approvaL(2/15) ...... 57 Urban Revit. Tax exemption "timely filed" of Gary & George Kennedy.(4/19) ....................................... 134 Urban Reuewel Disuict Downtown, Old Main area. (11/1)(12/6X12/20) ............................ 410,411,437,469 USA International Dragonboat Fnstival,(gf/) ..................... 334 Utility easement vacation and disposition of po-lion of Sunset Park 7th Addn. to R. & A. Keliy.(1/18) ........................ 9 Utility Easement vacation in Embassy West Subd. No. 3. (2/15)(3/1) ........................................ 53,54,61 Utility Easement disposed of in Cedar Lake Eazt 2nd Add. & Cedar Lake Addn.(8/2)(8/16) ........................... 287,301 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Vacant buildings in the City, report; Quarterly rupert(8/2)(11/1) .... 294,412 Vacant scat declared on Cable Community Teleprngrunm~ng Comm.(10/lg) ........................................ 400 Vacate Westerly 4' ufa 10' wide Utility Easnment in Blk. I of $enret P~ck Seventh Addn.(l/4) .............................. 6 Var. at~ utility easement in Sunset Park Seventh Add. rcqneat by R. & A, Kelly.(l/4)(l/l$) ................................. 5,9 Vacate Utility Easement in Emimasy West Sub& No. 2 for WusMde Devel.(2/15) .................................. 53,54 Vacation of 20' alley ubuuing Lots 641, 642, 643 of N. Dubuque, requested by R. Hefel.(5/l?) .............................. 163 Vacation of lamtion of Morgan St. & Mt. Vemen Ct. Parkway for Tom & Connie CiarkC//8) ............................. 252 Vacation and purchase of Property for O. Lawrence, located betwnen WA?th St` North to alley between W. 17th & Angalla SC(8/2) ....................................... 291 Vacation of Utility Easement in Cedar Lake Subd. re: Itsnsel Builders et¢.(8/2) ...................................... 287 Vacation and purchase of property located between 841 & ~33 Cleveland.(8/2) .................................... 290 Vacation and disposal of alley between Peru Rd. & Excelsior Ave. (8/2)(8/16) .................................. 288,289,301,302 Vacatten of portion of Kelly's Bluff for J. Nngle.(8/2Xg/16) .... 287,302,303 Vaento alley located between 14th & 13th Sts. between Elm & W~hington, requested by C. Wolff (sclco).(9/20) ............. 371 Vaca~ City property on Southern, Requested by David Hartig, Jr.(10/l 8).. ......................................... 400 Vacate portion of Falrment Pgk Subd., Maplewood Pl. crc, petition of Draw & Terra Cook et¢.(12/6) ........................... 453 Vacate & dispose of property between S. Locust fix~m Valley St. Ext. to Railroad Ave.(12/20) .............................. 473 Vacate portion of Quince St. from Oak St. ~o Cievelend Ave. and sale to M, Burke cto.(12/~)(12/~0) ....................... 449,463 Vacate and dispesc of Lots lA & 2A of Hcory A. Robinson Ind. Subd.(12/20) ...................................... 474 Vacation of 25' of Schiller St.fwm wpl of Lincoln to epl of High Bluff, ~tnested by Bethany and sold to them etc. (7/19X10/15)(11/1) .............................. 2/4, 398, 404 Valentine, Wayne, se: Peru Road Reconstruction Project. (4/5)(5/3) ........................................ 102,140 Valentine Drive, re: final plat of Lots 1-10 of Blk 2 & Lot E of Mama Ridgc.(gf/) ................................... 347 Valley St` Extension to Rall_,oad Ave., vacation & d~sposal of property between S.Lacuat St. ute.(12/20) ................... 473 Van Milligen, Michael, City Manager swum in; Salary increase; amendment to Employment Agree.(1/4)(8/20)(12/20) ......... 1,305,475 Van Mllh'gen, Michael (City Mgr.) submitting 1994 Budget documents.(2/l) ........................................ 31 Vandermenien, Russell & Dawn, sale of property at 851 Kanfmann to City.(5/17)(6/21) ...................... !58,216 Veach, Dale W., CLAIM; rcfenal; CLAIM; referral. (6/7)(6/21) (S/16)(9,q) .......................... 1~2,216,3Za,346 Venture Stem #27, Cig. Per.(7/6) ............................ 250 Ves~l Systems, Inc., CDBG Loan Agreement` (11/'15)(12/6)(1200) ........................ 415,416,429,453,4/5 Viner, Dr. reccivnd "World AIDS Day" proclamation.(l 1/15) ......... 414 VNA, Visiting Nurses Assn., Agreement with City.(6/`7) ............ 170 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Vongexs, Kevin, VIa of The Finley Hospital, re. zoning and moaended Conceptual Developrmnt Plan.(l/4) .................... 1 Ventborg, Coun~l Member appointed to the Dubuqan Rsctng Assn.; Appein~l to thc Long Range Planning Comm,~ appointed to the Mnitidi~ciplinary Team for prevention of Gangs e~; Abstract of votss for Mayoral election. (2/15)(7/6)(8116)(10/18) ......................... 47,232304,400 Vngt, Don, Operations Supv. re: Timing Incentives question for budget.(3]4) ........................................ 72 Vngt, Richard, CLAIM; Refenal.(6f/)(6/21) ................. 192,216 Valuntoers for Building Floodwall, Praclanmtion.(gf20) ............ 334 V~tAh, Rick, CLAIM; Refen~L(7/~)(7/19) ................. 254,273 VonDnm, Douglas, CLAIM; Refe~ral.(3/lX3/15) ................ 69,93 Vorwald, Wayne, re: Peru Road Rneonstructien Project`(4]5) ........ 102 Verwald, Helen, re: Peru Road Reoon~truction Project`(4/5)(5/3)... 102,139 Voto, Abstract of, for City Council Election.(10/18) ............... 400 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE W W. llth St. Urban Revitalization Dis., tax exemptions approved.(2/15) ........................................ 57 W. Locust Mart, L. Pot~r, 408 W. Locust, Beer Per.; Cig. Per. (2/15)(6/21) ................................. 51,213 W. 17th St. Narth, re: fi. Lawrence requesting vacation 8: purchase of Wopen'y near Angella St etc.(8/2) ................. 291 W. 8th, 754-756, acceptance of conveyance of property from Daniel & Mazy Beth sehnmacber.(9/7) ....................... 349 W. C. Brown Comm. Ine., re: CDBG Project Funding, Envivon. Revinw Etc.(llll)(llll5) ....................... 413,428 Wage ngreen'~nts with Unions ete.(6/21) .................... 219-221 Wage of City Manager, increased.(8/16) ....................... 305 Wngener, Ri~hald F., appointed to the Ele~. Code Bd.(8/2) .......... 281 Wainwright, Thomas C,, appointed to CD Comm. (2/15) ........... 46,47 Wal-Mart Sub., final plal approval etc.; Amended Conceptual Devel. Plon.(6/21XI0/18) .......................... 221,222,391 Wal-Mart & Sam's Club, Sign Reguialions; Cig, Per. (9/20X 10/4)(10/18) ............................... 370,376,395 Walgreen's, 555 JFK., Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(4/19)(6/21) ........... 127,213 Walker St., south of, vacation & disposal of nllny between Peru Rd. & Excelsior St. to H~wk Developers.(8/2)(8/16) .... 288.301,302 Wall repeir on Roger Schiesl's prol~rty on N. Main or Medi~on St. Hill.(2/l) .................................... 35 Wall St., re: SO0 Line RR Co. ruquesfing fights-of-way.(3/15) ......... 62 Wall replacement in Sludge Handling Building at Water Plant, Ftoject flnaiization.(l/18) ................................. 28 Walnut Tap, C. Wainer, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/TXT/19) .......... 187,270 Welsh, T.T., Inc., Finale Lounge, Liq. Lic.(l 1/1) .................. 408 Welsh, Jim, re: Pennsylvania Ave. devnloprnent by Horizon.(4/5) ...... 101 Walters, Jim, re: concern @ "ice" discontinuation at Five l~lngs.(l/4) ............................................. 4 Ward, Venlte, CLAIM; refnn'aL(415X4119) ................... 111,129 Ward Auto Brokers, re: NW Axtorial C~4dor Sign Overlay Dis.(10/4) ........................................... 374 Ward One, Abstract of Votes.(ll/15) .......................... 423 Wamco 662, 700 Rhomberg, Beer Per.; Cig. Per.(4/5)(6/21) ....... 108,213 Warranty Deed for inope~y: Lo~ 2 of 1 of 1 of Inland Molasses Piaco.(l/16) .................................... 28 Washington St. Sanitary Sewer (from 28th to 30di St.).Reconstruction. (2115)(3115)(11115) ............................... 52,53,78,426 W, Third St., south side, from St. Mary's St. to Bluff St., included in Residential Parking Permit area.(2~1)(3~15)(415) .... 34,63,104 Washington Naighb~hond Council: Nnlghbo~ood Center.(5/17) ...... 159 Washington St., re: SO0 Line RR Co. requesting rights-of-way. (3/15) ............................................... 62 Washington Park Decorativn Lights permitted; also amendment to Elee. Code.(9/7) ..................................... 341 Washington St., 2120, property purchased by City from I. Brelthaupt.(4/SX513) ............................ 106,107,150 Washington Neighborhood Tool Library; Funding Agree. etc. (415)(5/3X7119) .............................. 111,149,275,276 Washington St. & 14th, adjacent property re: F. Hardi¢ have no objection to requested nearby vacation.(9/20) ............ 371 Waste, Solid, regulation, new Ch. 22.(9/20) ..................... 362 Wnstewater Plant, Plmse I Impl'overmnts.(4/5)(6/7) .......... 110.174.175 Wastewater Facility, Execution of IA DNR Admlnlstretive Order (failure to comply with Ia requirements et¢.(6/7) ........... 174 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Wustewater Compliance Sampling Evaluation hispnefio~ for Wastewater Plant.(7/6) ................................ 255 Water Plant, Wall repincement in Sludge ltand~ing Building, project finelizalion.(l/1 g) ................................. 28 Water Tank, Eagle Point, Repair & Painting Project.(2/l) ........... 38,39 Water Pollution Control Plant, Phase 1 Iml~'ovemonts. (4/5)(6/7) ................................... 109,110,174,175 Water Plant, Eagle Point, Phaa~ II ImFtovnment~.(4/5) .............. 107 Wa~r main service to 1080 Rooa~vnlt, request by John Nelson.(4/5) ...................................... 111 Water Pollution Control Plant, re: Pebmary's Operation Raport, letter fxom DNR.(4/5)(6/7) .................... 112,173,174 Water Pollution Control Plant, Ag~.~ment with Suand Assoc. for Engineering Services for Phase I Improvements.(6/7) .......... 175 Water donated to the City of Des Moinus (flood lnoblen~ there).C//19) .............................. 268 Water main beneath CMeago, Contrai & Penlfi¢ RR, re: underground pipelines, cable etc. for license.(8/2) ............ 294 Water Main Pioject, Northwest Aztarial.(8/2)(9/7) .............. 286, 334 Water Pollution Control Plant, Phase II Construction, hiring of S~and Assn.(9/7) .................................... 336 Water Tower, re: purchase of property f~n Dubuque Community School District located n. of intersection of JFK Road & N'W Arteriai.(10/4) ........................ 383,384 Water: re: Engineering serviee~ for design of Pump Station and DisMbution imlnovements.(lO/4) ........................ 383 Waterloo Racing, Proclamation donlai of additional ra~ing dates.(1/4) ............................................. 1 WCB Hotels, hie. Hoffman House Res., Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per. (1/4)(6/21) .......................................... 5,213 Weaver, Charles, Papa Sm'ducci's, Liq. Lie. (6/7) ................. 188 Weber, Michael J., Mtkn'a Ton Pin Tap, Liq. Lie.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lie.(l/4)(6/21 )(12/20) ............................ 5,213,472 Webster, Walter, reappointed to Cable Regulatory Comm.(8/2) ........ 261 Webs~r, Helen, her praperty at 721 Davis St. purehased by City.(9,r,~)(10/4) ................................. 361,386 Weidemann, Janet E., CLAIM; referred.(8/16)(9/7) ............. 323346 Weight ResUictions for trucks on John F. Kennedy Rd.(5,r3) .......... 150 Weiner, Craig, Walnut Tap, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/7)(7/19) ........ 187,270 Weitz, Lan'y, r~: NW Arteriui Contdce Sign Overlay Dis.(lO/4) ....... 384 Wnlhaum, Father Craig, of St John's Episcopal, Gave Invocation. (6/7) ............................................... 171 Welch, Jerry R. ~rappointed to Hi~torle Preservation Comm.(7~) ...... 231 Wnlfare re: Iowa Public Assistance Program Upde~s.(9/20) .......... 354 Wnlty, Buster & Dorothy, re: Peru Road Reconstrnetion.(4/5)(5,t3) .. 102,139 Wnlu Drive, re: final plat approval of Sunset Park 8th Addn.(ll/15) .... 424 Wentworth, Brace, WXluesting Council to petition the Governor to raise betting and loss limits on Rivcdmat Gambling.(8/16) ....... 304 Weralnger sebd., re: rezonlng of Roosevelt St. property nte.(8/2) ...... 280 West Dubuque Tap, Donna Ointer, Liquor Lie.; Cig. Per.; Transfer of Liq. Lie. to Riverfest Days at 3rd St. (4/19)(7/6)(g/16) ................................ 127,250,321 West 8th St., 754-756, pttreha~ of in'qmrty from Dan & Mary i~th sehumacher.(8/16) ............................. 327 West Side Athletic Club, C. Wustphal, Beer Refund.(9/7) ........... 347 Wust~rfield, Janet, apglieant for lnvustmoat Over~ight Comm.(4/5) ..... 105 Wnathoff, Ronnld & Petricia, CLAIM; Refenal.(2/1)(2/15) .......... 34,57 Weaunatk, Lynn, CLAIM; referral of Claim.(2/15X3/1) ............ 56,69 Wcstmark Co. ~: NW Asterial Sign Overlay DisMct.(lO/4) .......... 374 Westphai, Charles, West Side Athletic Club, Beer Rnfund.(9f/) ....... 347 INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Westside Development Assn., (Helle & Papo) accepting Res. of final plat of Blk 1, Lots 13-15, Blk 4, Lots 17-21 & Blk 5, Lots 21-28 of Embassy West No, 2.(1/18) ................... 26,27 Wnstalde Development Assn., request release of a portion of easement in Embassy West No. ~(2/1) ........................ 35 Wheel House, Ir~., 1630 E. 16th, Liq. Lic.; Cig. Per.; Outdoor Ser.; Cig, Per.(2/15)(4/5)(6/21) .............. 51,108,109,214 Wheel House, lec, Dbq. Yacht Basin, sublease of p~pe~y.(2/lX4/19) 35,134 Whiskey River, C, Streff, Liq. l.lc.; Cig. Per.(5/3)(6/21) ......... 145,214 White House, D. Hoffnmnn, 450 Locust, Cig. Per.(6/21) ............ 213 White St,. & Foerth St., Stop Signs.(8/16) ...................... 305 White St., properties east of, south of 12th, north of 5th and west of F~eway 61/151 from HI to C-4 rezoning etc.(11/15)(12/6) 419,441 White St., between that & Jackson, between 5th & llth, s. of 12th St., rezoning fix~n IH to MHI.(12/~) ..................... 441 Whitehonee, The, D. H. Hoffman, Liq. Lic.(12720) ................. 472 Whitey's Bar X, 2616 Windsor, Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(6/21)(9/20) .... 213, 369 Whiltenbaugh, Wayne, (pester of Apostolic Christian Church), Gave Invecation,(2/l 5) ................................... 42 Wied~rholt, Carolyn Sue~ CLAIM; Rofermi.(7/6){7/19) .......... 254,273 Wild, Robert $., CLAIM; referral.(3~15)(4~5) .................. 92,111 Wild, Robert & Anita, CLA1M; Referrtd.(7/19)(8/2) ............ 273,290 Willging, Mark J., for Westside Devei., release of easement in Embassy West #2.(2/1) ................................. 35 Willson, Mesedith, Week, Proclamation.(7/19) ................... 257 Wilming, Dale & Shirley, re: property accepted on Shlxas Ave.(7/6), .... 254 Windsor Ave., 2534, real estate acquired from James & Catherine Martin.(l 1/15) ................................. 416 Windsor Tap, C & J's, Inc. Liq, Lic; Cig. Per..(4/19)(5/3)(6/21) . 127,144,213 Windsor Tap, re: D. $. Bukex, refund for Liq. Lic.(7/19) ............ 273 Windsor Park PtopoUins, re: Terrace Heights Conceptual Devei. Plan.(5/l 7)(6/7)(6/21 ) ........................ 161,199,201 Wine Licensees, re: Notice to persons underage @ being in premises after 9 p,m.(4/5) .............................. 108 Winldehans, Arthur, rezoning of property at 1598 McPoland. (6/21)(7/19) ........................................ 215,257 Winner, Cliff, objecting to Kaofmann Ave. access to Castle Ridge Estates.(10/4) .................................... 382 Winters, Harold, re: Crescent Ridge & Starlight Dr. Reconstrectlon.(7~) .................................... 230 Winterwood, Charles, 1555 Monirose Terr., re: Environmental Comm.(l 1/15) ........................................ 414 Wm. C. Brown Co., approval and execution of CDBG Loan Agreement for sam of $300,000. (4/5)(5/3)(5/17) ....... 106,149,166,167 Wm. C. Brown Co., filing of Community Economic Bet~rmont Accoant Applica#on.(3/1 )(7/19) .......................... 64,276 Weft, David, Chair of Cable Telaprogramming Comm., declaring vacant Tim Habel's seat(lO/18) ..................... 400 Wolff, Lasty, rezoning of properties on Cenlral Ave. & Milwaukee St(5/17) .................................... 160 Wolff, Clark W. of ,%Ice, Inc. requesting alley vacation between 14th & 15th.(9/20) ..................................... 371 Woodman, Myra, Aragon Tap, Cig. Per.(6/21) ................... 212 Woodman, Myra, Central Tap, Cig. Per.(6/21) ................... 212 Woodman, Laura, applicant for Human Rights Comm.(l/4) ............ 4 Woc~werth, F.W, Cig. Per.(Tt~) ............................. 250 Workers Comp. Cltdm of J. McLangldin setlled.(12/6) .............. 455 World's AIDS Day, Proclamation.(11/15) ....................... 415 Wuertzer, Mrs. Doris, objecting to l~nsent handrail Ord. for steps ete.(ll/1) .................................... . 406 1993 SUBJECT PAGE X INDEX - BOOK 123 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Y Yacht Basin & Wheel House, Sublease; Beer Per.; Ansignmeet of Lcasns. (4/19)(5/17)(8/19)(9/20) ........ 134,159,332,371 Yard Wasto, re: OUf. changing Ch. 22 etc.(9,r20) .................. 363 Yardarm Restaurant/Bar, Liquor Lie.; Outdocr Ser.(3/15)(4/5) ...... 86,109 Ye Olde Brunswick, G. Kirchberg; Special BW Lic.; Cig. Per.; Liq. Lic.(4/5)(6/21 ) .............................. 109,213,214 Youth Appreciation Week, Proclamations for Optimtats.(l 1/1) ........ 402 Yonth member reqeested for Environmontal Comm.(11/15) .......... 414 Youth in Govermnont swearing in of students etc.(4/5) ............. 116 Youth Art Month, Proclamadon.(3/1) .......................... 60 Youth Leadership Week, Preelamation.(gf/) .................... 334 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Z Zihlke, Loren, Milk House, 2311 Windsor. (2/15) .................. 51 Zihlke, Cberi A. & Lo~n, CLAIM; referral; CLAIM; Referral. Sewer problems on Kensingtoa Place. (1/18)(2/1)CI/19)(8/'2)(8/16)(9fl) ............... 23,34,273,290,304,335 Zinkula, Father Thomas of St. Joseph*s, Gave Invocation. (7/19) .............................................. 257 Zirkelbech, Sendra, Liq. Lie. refund (Kennel Club).(8/2) ............ 290 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SUBMITTING MINUTES: (2/15)(3/15X4/5)(5/17)(6,r21 ×7/19)(9,r20x11/1) ............................... 56,92,111,162,216,253370,411 ZONING COMMISSION SUBMITFING MINUTES: (2/1)(2/15X3/15)(5/17)(6,r21)(7,~)(7/19X8/16)(9/20)(11/1)(11/15) ....................... 34,56,92,162,216,253,273,322,370,411,422 2nndng Jurisdiction of ex~rato~itoriei urban fringe area~, planning by Long Range Planning Comm. etc.(l/4) ................ 6 Zoning re: property at 486 N. Grandview, amended Concept. Develop. Plan of Tho Finley Hospitsl.(1/4) ...................... 1 Zoning, property E. of Cedar C~oss Rd. & S. of 198 Cedar Cross Rd. from AG to CS.(I/18) ............................ 10 Zoning, property at 1320 Locust St. from OR to OC Dis.(1/18) ...... 10,11 Zoning, denial of request for 3219 Asbury Rd. from R-I to C-1 Neighborhood. (1/18)(2/15X4/19) .................... 22,45,117 Zoning, re: prope~y at NE c~-eer of Asbury Rd. & Clarke Dr. from ID to Pr, and apl~oving Concept~ Devci. Plan. (1/18)(2/15) ~ ........................................ 22,43 ' Zoning Comm. denial ~ install beech billboards at City's bus stop~.(2/15) ........................................ 58 Zoning Ord. amended by repealing Sec. 3-1.6 PR Planned Reald. Dia., Sec, 3-3~8 PC Planned Comm. Dis., and Sc, 3-4.3 PI Planned Ind. Dis. and enacting Sec. 3-5.4 PUD Planned Unit Develop. Dis~ by stranding Sec. 2-1 Special Pu~ose Dislricts and Sec. 4-3.11 Sign Regulations. (2/15)(3/15) ......................................... 56,79 Zoning re: property N. of Ponnsylvania Ave. & E. of Butterfleld as reqeested by Horizon Investment Corp. flora R-I to PR and adopting a Conceptual Deveiopm~nt Plan. (2115)(3/1)(3115)(4/5)(4119)(5/3) .......... 55,60,79,101,119,120,141-143 Zoning, approval and denial of rezoning or properties on S. Locust & Dodge Sts. in the Freeway Corridor Plan. (2/15)(3/15X4/5)(8/16) .................... 55,84,85,91,101,102,322 Zoning, at 787 W. Locust from R-2A to OR Dis. for D. Ludovissy.(2/15X3/l) ............................... 55,60 Zoning, final l~at approval of Lots 1-6 of Bradley Family Addn. on Chaney Rd.(2/15) .............................................. 58 Zoning fees for Special Exceptions.(3/4) ........................ 76 Zoning, ~c: property S. of Jones St, E. of Bluff St. and W. of Locust St. (3/15) ................................... 85 Zoning Board of Adjustment re. appointment of James W. Bauerly. (3/15) ............................................... 85 Zoning, re: an-~nding re: definitions of Child Care, Day Care Center, Nur~ry Seiaool, Group Day Care Center.(3/15) ............ 84 Zoning fees requested to be waived for Soccer fields.(3/15) ........... 85 Zoning, amondmont of Sec. 4-6of Ord. re: Noeconfonuftles. (3/15)(4/19) ...................................... 2,118.119 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Zoning, lnopertles at NE corner of Harrison & Camp St. LI Dis, to CS and Wholesnic Dis. as requested by M & S Leasing.(3/l 5)(4/5) ................................... 91,100 Zoning, re: denial to allow roof~anopy or awning-mounted signs as ~exluested by Goliath. (3/15) ......................... 86 Zoning re: ixmina of property located N. of 32ed St. and E. of Brueck Lann from AG to R-I (reqansted by E. Tachiggfrle). (3/15X4/19) ........................................ 91,117 Zoning: property E. of S. Lonust, W. of Hanis~ & S. of Railroad Ave from LI to C-3., and property W. of F~way 61.151 and S. of 1st St. from HI to L[ and property W. of Ha~son, E. of Loonst & S. of Iones St. from C-3 to LI.(3/15X4/19) ...... 118,119 Zoning: property N. of the NW Arterial and S. of Kennedy Rd. from AG to R-1 Single Family Residential Dis., with condlitooa.(4/l 9)(5/3) ............. ; .................. 128,137 Zoning: W. of Knrper Blvd. and E. of Freeway 61/151 (forn~r A. Y. McDonald Plant area) from MHI to POS. (4/19X5/17) ....................................... 127,156 Zoning, re: final plat of portion of Hawkeye Stock Farm.(4/19) ....... 132 Zoning, re: final plat approval of Idlebrook Eata~s.(4/19) ........... 131 Zoning, re: final plat of porllon of Mama Ridge Estates.(4/19) ........ 132 Zo0ing: property E. of Prceway 61/151, N. of 12th St. S. of 16th St. and W. of Keq~er Blvd. from HI to POS.and property E. and S. of Prceway 61/151, N. of 16th St. and W. of Knrper Blvd. from HI to MHL(4/19)(5/17) ...................... 127,156 Zoning change at 3400 Asbuty from OR to OS. (5/17)(6/7) ....... 160,171 Zoning rnquest orR. Hayes for property N. of 3735 Peru Rd.(5/17) .... 160 Zoning request by L. Wolff for 3270, 3370, 3400, 3450 Central & 10 Milwaukee.(5/17)(6/7) ............ . ............... 160,172 Zoning amondraant re: Roof Sigm.(5/17) ....................... 161 Zoning change for 2235 Central Avn.(Tj6) ................... 228,229 Zoning re: approving a Conceptual Development Plan for ID l~stitationa~ Dis~at fa Emmans Bible Collnge.(7/6) ........... 227 Zoning Commission apl~ntmants of Dorothy Fiteh-Bregman, Shawn P. Kann & Richard I. Schiltz.(7/~) ..................... 232 Zoning Commission, re: David Hartig Ir. not reapplying.(7/6) ........ 232 Zoning re: reclassifying Mercy Hospital & Medinal Ass~. , Properties and arcend~ng the Conceptual Deveiopm~nt Plan. (7/6)(9/'/) ..................................... 223-226, 345 Zoning re: "Bisrell" property on Cedar Cross Rd., AG to PUD for tennis courts.(7/6) ............................... 251 Zoning change for ~ at 1598 McPoland St.(7/19) ............ 257 Zoning, re: Cba~on of Commission to present their xv~onm~edation at Coundl meetings. (7/19) ................... 268 Zoning, re: St. Mary's Place No. 3 from R4 with a PR Planned Res. to allow 16 condos on 2,5 acres, property of Cartor Rd.(7/19)(8/2)(8/16) ....................... 272,290,298 Zoning, reclassification of 910 thru 1040 Roosevelt.(7/19)(8/2) ..... 272,280 Zoning, re: property W. of Boo~oo Rd., Blk 2 Buena Vista Sub. No. 5.(8/16) .......................................... 321 Zoning, re: 3195 Jackson from C-2 to C-3. (8/16X9/7)(9/20) ................................ 321,335, 355 Zoning, re: altemalivn fee schedule for special exceprinns using a pr~sed limited setback waiver.(9/7} ...................... 340 Zoning re: 3280 Pe~msylvania frown R-1 to C-3, a'equ~ated by S. Selchert.(9f20) ...................................... 357 Zoning, re: property S. of Dodge St., W. of Salins and E. of Loanst from LI to C-3, known as Area 2,(9/9.0) ................. 358 Zoning re: la~pe~ty W. of Freeway 61/1512 and S. of First St. from HI Heavy Ind. Dis. to LI, shown as Area ~4.(9/20) .......... 358 INDEX - BOOK 123 1993 SUBJECT PAGE Zoning, re: $i~n Overlay District, NW Arterial ete.(9/20) ............ 369 Zoning, re: 2042 Elm St. from R-2A to C-2.(9/20)(1O/4) ......... 369, 375 Zoning, re: W. of Manasd Ct. from CS to C-3 Dia.(9/20)(IO/4) ..... 369, 375 Zoning, re: ~ located W. of Hartlson St., E. of Locust St. and S. of Jones St. from C-3 toLl known as Area #3.(9/'20) ........ 358 Zaning, re: Wni-Matt Sto~s, Inc., amendment of PC Planned Co~ Dis.(10/18) ...................................... 391 Z~ing, re: Ch. 42 of the Code, Psivate Drive & Private Street definitioos.(lO/18) ..................................... 396 Zoning, re: lno~rty oo Pennsylvania Ave. E. of Lucy Dr. from R-3 to PUD.(lo/18XI1/1) .......................... 396,402,403 Zoning, re: lnopew/in Univenity Park Villa from R-3 to PUD. (10/18) ............................................. 396 Zoning, re: proprnty W. of Hanls~m St, E. of Loeaat and $. of Jones from C-3 to POS.(11/15)(12~) ..................... 419,440 Zoning, re: height limitation requested on phone towers eto.(ll/15) ..... 415 Zoning re: prope~ty E. of Whito St. & W. of alley batween White & Jackson & batwcen 5th & ll~h St~. from HI to C-4. (12/6) .............................................. 441 Zooing re: rezoning of property S. of 12th St., E. of lankson & E. of alley between White St. & Jackson, batwcen 5th & llth Sis. to Freeway 61/151 from HI to MHI.(12/6) ................. 441 Zoning Comm. resignation of Jean THiany.(12J20} ................ 468 Zoning Height restrictions for E911 towers etc. (12/20) ............. 468 Zooing Comm. appointment of Do~ Lochner.(12/20) ............... 468 Zwank, Atton~y Jo~gh, zequestlng Governor to lift batting limits on gambling enatias.(8/16) ........................... 304 '