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East 7th Street 0410
410 East 7th 5t. C.-Schaller Co, 0 M Co. 0-Morrison Bros Erect unloading platform B.P. 70 4 -14 -5o 1,200.00 0-Morrison Bres, Co, Construct canopy over unloading Dock, 1,100.00 0 M C- Schueler 0-Morrison Bros, Co. ter 8 & Coo 11 -3_50 Erect Addition to Mfg g Bldg., B.P. 442 8-15 -51 15,000.00 C-S Schueller & 0o. Alterations to Mfg Bldg. B.P. 879 12 -14-53 2,000.00 C. Richard Magnall Add. Mfg. Bldg. B.P. 376 7 -1 -68 4,500.00