West 7th Street 0555 55.51isat vent v _ 0 -A1f. Rhomberg C -Joe Eisbeeh Co. Reroof stone dwell. E.P. 114 4/26/41 $187.00 0- James Geladas a_Rona'.d Kann Addition to side of S F - 100.00 ._ ,Frame PcreLla.B.F. 1063 10 -172 C. M. P. Kluck & Son 1,200.00 Const. Patio Side S.F. Frame DwellingB•P. 635 8 -10 -64 0 -Mrs. E. J. Geladas C- Mid -State Co. reroof SF res BP 10217 6/5/86 $2880.00 1 • • .4