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East 8th Street 0250
250 E. 8th St. 0 -Jeld -Wen C- Heitzman Remodel office area in brk ind bldg, B.P. 141, 3/10/78, 5000.00 0 - Jeld -Wen Inc. Erect office area in existing bldg, B.P. 897, 7/25/78 750.00 0 -Jeld Wen C -Giese Roofing Co. partial reroof comm. bldg. BP 8153 3/15/85 $131.00 0 -Jeld Wen Firbre Prod. C -Dick Loetscher Inc. install stell siding part. of brk comm. bldg. BP 8526 5/17/85 $9000.00 0 -Jeld -Wen Fiber Prod. C -Dick Loetscher Inc. erect freestanding masonry wall for bin, comm. bldg. BP 9046 8/16/85 $8000.00 Kr 250 E. 8th 0 -Jeld Wen Fiber Prod. C- Midwest Contractors reroof comm. bldg. BP 11230 12 /11/86 $90 ;000.00 0 -Jeld Wen Fiber Prod. C -Dick Loetscher -- erect 16x18 - frm garage; comm. bldg. BP 14870 3/13/89 $10000.00 0 -Je1d =Wen Fiber of Iowa C -Dick Loetscher IVc. alter___to inter. mfg facility BP18 220 -- 3/14/91-_$75000.00 0 -Jeld -Wen Fiber Prod. C -Dick Loetscher Inc. install fndn & wall for future bldg, comm. BP19315 9/17/91 $N /A 0 -Jeld Wen C -Dick Loetscher Const. enclose tanks if facility BP19578 11/15/91 $7800.00 ....._....... 250 E. 8th 3 0-Jel d Wen Fi ber C-Gei sl er Bros. �® tear -off, redeck, reroot power house comm BP27743 1/16/95 —$33- ,227 -.00 —0_J? 1 dr. 1Pn C- Raf-oth-- Sheet-Meta1 install rubber roof system, comm. BP37566 8/6/97 $8675.00 0 -Jeld -Wen C -D.C. Taylor t/o, reroof section, reroof part, rubber system, comm., — B P46644 8J1- 7f99 —$23, 7$E} 0 Jea- d- Wen -=i ber C-DC -ay1 or - - -- _ t /o, reroof west fan roof comm. bldg BP41246 2/2000 $8563.00 1 .r