West 8th Street 0125 C Sub. Re&It: Co. 3— o aft
2st. br. ice bl d.c S.. 206 77 v 200.00
0-Dubuque Building & Loan 0-J H Schiltz 305,000.00
A71terations to 2 story Bus. Bddg. B.F. 186 5 -1 -53
0-Elroy Hinz
Alterations to interior of 2 story brick bus. Building
E p
_1103-11-85 40 0 0
0. Dubuque Savings & Loan C. Anton Zwack, Inc.
Alt Brk. Bus. Bldg.B.P.416 6/4/74 165,530.00
Add to mas bus bldg B.P. 92 5/3/76 25382 - 0D
125 W. 8th St.
0 -Dub. Savings & Loan C- Equatorial Comm. Co.
install roof mounted satellite dish BP 11336 2/3/87 $500.0
0- Harvest Savings Bank C -Mike Portzen
tear- off,- reroof comm. bldg. BP 14899 3/21/89 $4000.00
0- Firstar Bank C- McDermott Excavating
demo sh brk comm__ bldg .& drive -thru_ facility-BP38050
11/10/97 n/a
0- Firstar Bank C- Dennis Sharkey Wrecking
demolish 2 story w /bsmt comm. brk bldg BP38480 4/20/98 n/a