West 8th Street 0135 r 135 Liahth rwe. 0 —;E. and _Theatre. _0 -Hen schelnfg. Co._ Reroof Theatre Bide. h.r. 57 5/7/35 100.00 0- Bradley & Macla --- — y C -henry MuellerMueller r & Sons. Furr stage ceiling B.P, 874 12/10`40 4500.00 - - - -- — ._._----- C- Eenry Mueller & Sons Replace Display Panels B.P. 141 5/15/43 115.00 C. Henschel Rfg. Co. Reroof Br_ Bus. Bldg.B.P.423 5 -23 -63 1,124.00 • West -. 135 Eighth Ave. O. Bradley &Maclay C. Frank Hardie Advertising Inc._ Reface Theater Bldg .B.P, 710 8 -7 -63 10,000.00 O. Bradley Theatre C. Al Henschel Contr. Reroof rear part theatre bldg B.P. 673 9/10/71 99.00 Repair Roof Brk Theatre Bldg B.P. 226 4/24/73 _ 200.00 O. Grand Theater C. Beaver Roofing, Inc. Reroof Brick Theater B.P. 3 80 . 5 /31/74 2815. , _.__ 0- Dubinski Bros. Co. C- Geisler Bros. Co. reroo comet. bldg BR 8261 4/10/85 $3863700— 135 West Ei9hth St. 0-Barn Comm. Theatre C-Conlon Const. - antere to make restroom, assembly bldg. BP 15118 4/27/89 00 0-Grand Theatre C-Alan Jackson Tuckpt. t/o,reroof mas & frm assembly bldg BP34641 4/25/96 8 0-Grand Opera HOuse. C-Conlon Const— Co_ reroofing work, theatre BP42546 10/30/2000 $105,000.00 •