West 8th Street 0461 461 Liuhth "ve, L.of A. Petn. to spneel decision of 2. C. to continue business. Granted Locket No. 39 -35 0- Dubuque Leundry Co, C -Owner Repairing fire damaged bus. bldg. B.P. 571 8/20141 495.00 461- 8th Ave. 0-Dubu C-J.H. Schiltz & Sons B.P. 707 9 -22 -53 1,50000 Addition to rear of Brick Bus. Bldg. 0 Dubuque Laundry C Seh;ltz Construction Co. Repairs to Brick Bus.Bldg.,B.P. 698 9-17-55 500.00 C-John Luber & Son 12,000.00 Add. to rear of liasonry Bus.Building.B.P. ill 3 -28-60 C Winton Zwack .Inc. Alterations to Bus. Bldg., B.P. 779 9 -12 -61 3,000.00 451 8th 4yQ® 0*Lubuque_Lsundry- _ 0-Lt ouq. e :Roofing Co. Reroof pert of brick bus. bldg. B.P. 401 10/12/45 135.00 0 - Dubuque Laynd ry & Dry Cleaning C_R; chard K,Magnall Alteration to Bus, Bldg., B.P. 984. 11_1_61 16 0- Dubuque Lo enz Inc. C -dilly Const, Co. Addition to '`asonry Bus. Bldg. B.P. 46 1 -21-65 4 00 ErectAdd. Masonry Bus. Bldg.B.P. 926 10 -20 -65 38,000. • as i .