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West 9th Street 0125
125 ?iest Ninth 14, 0—ugust Radloff. Remodel for idens ..thletic Club, is.2.370 12/51/35 669.00 on e L.P. 417 9/28/57 200,05 C-Henschel Roofing Co. Repair roof brick bldg. D.P. 857 11/19/3S 275.00 - --Rerocf-4astory-brick-olub-hatse-R.P.--646-9/20/40 ____41ooaxa - - 0-Harry Schiltz --- Aitera - tiams to-club house B.P. 423- 7/9/4142000.00- • • • -4,t‘ 125 West Ninth St. 0- Y.M.0.A. C- Harry Schultz. Alterations to 4th floor of Masonry Bldg., B.P. 730 12 -13 -48 10,000.00 C -Tri State Blind Society Alterationto brk buliding B.P. 312 h June 75 300.00 0 -Iowa Inn C -H G Contractors repair roof, tar & patch, brk hotel BP 8998 8/5/85 $800.0( • • • ea,