West 11th Street 0718 718 W. 11th St. 0 g -M Construction Co.- • • _ Erect S,F,Frame Dwe11g,B.P. 41 2_20 -53 10,000.00 B.of A. Petn. for erection of Garage 1 from side lot lint line. & written consent of adjoining property owner. Granted Docket No. 21 -59 O. Howard Adams C. Beaver Roofing, Inc. Repair roof SF Fr Dw11g.B.P, 386 5/31/74 200.00 0 -Gary Duster Erect detached frame garage B.P. 438 5 - - 1500.00 A< 718 W 11th St 0- Gary Duster C- Owner__ New roof, SF & det garage sf frm, sd BP 25584 10/3/94 $1950.00 •