East 12th Street 0555 555 E. 12th
0-Steel Mart C -Neil Spoden Cons t.__ — _
construct concrete foundation for future comm. bldg
-BP 40 5-23 2 /-99 -n /a
_O -Steel Mart_ -C- Neil -- - -
Spoden-Const - -- - - --
erect steel bldg on exist. fndn, comm. BP40641 8/17/99
- - 0 Steed Mart- - C =Larry t eitz Sign - Sy st
install two sets of non_i11 um. ltrs,. 400 sq._ft total_
BP40895 10/6/99 n/a
0 Stet Mart - - -
C- Gerardy Con st.
comPlete i n ter .- of new -off ice /warehouse - BP40997 117'r/99