East 13th Street 0360 00 a st
- ilc Dermot t. 0- Cc -ner .
epeir s. Lei-. 321 E/2 30.00
0- O.W.Bradley
Repairs to S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 683 9- 20- 5295.00
O. Christina Hentrick C. Platteville Roofing Co.
Reroof 2 Family Br DwellingB.P. 245 4 -24 -64 355.00
Construct open porch to Side of S.F. Frame Dwellg,
Erel 45210-67 90.00
Reside sf fr dwllg B.P. 568 5 Aug 75 1200.00
a I
360 E. 13th St.
0 -Tina Hendricks C�Steve Decker
erect 10x- 1- 6—dct. fry carport, SF r-e-s BP17 /163-8 -131-99