East 14th Street 0610 `.
610 East 14th Street
0 —Don Hersbt
Erect_Masonary_ garage _ building 3-23-71- $9,200.00 - --
Erect Adaition_Masonry Bus Bldg B.P. 243 59000.00
0- Donald Herbst C -John Hedley
repair roof, brk comm. bldg. BP 9423 11/4/85 $400.00
0-Don Herbst C- Owner
erect add. to - -mas & -frm - comm, - bldg, fndn only-- BP27952
2/17/95 n/a
610 E 14th
0- Don Herbst C- Owner
a to masonfrbuelding, Comm P29s54
-2-7-95—$3-9,00-0,-00- -
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