West 15th Street 0180 180 W. 15th St, 11 0 -St. Pgtricks School C- !zymond Concrete Pile Co. Concrete Piles for foundation footings for school bldg. B.P. 450 7-12 -50 18,000.00 C -E -M Construction Co. Erect School Building. B.P. 381 12 -14-50 3009000.00 C -Heitman Const. Co•100p000.00 end floor Add. to School Bidg.,B.P. 256 5 -10-62 O -St. Patrick's School C -Frank Hardie Advertising Install metal letters comet bldg BP 1625 12/10/79 a ft 180 W. 15th St. 0 -St. Patrick's School C- Geisier Bros. Co. r_eroof_ school BP 5149 11/3/82 $26000.00 0 -St. Patrick's School C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install 12" cast alum. letters BP 14886 3/20/89 Board of Adjustment Docket 27 -90 for Conditional Use Permit to allow daycare center for 56 children, approved w /cond. 5/24/90 0 -St. Patricks School C- Gerardy Const. erect 17'x28' sunscreen bldg, open sides BP38427 4/9/98 $1950.00 0 -St. Patrick's Church C -Larry Weitz Sign Syst. install one set cast alum. letters BP41040 11/9/99 n/a sc