East 16th Street 1215 1 1215 East 16th St. 0- Amoco - Mulgrew Oil Co. C -Ron Smith & Sons Const. install conc..fndn for future comm. bldg BP36537 1/21/97 n/a 0- Mulgrew Oil Co. C -Ron Smith & Sons erect bldg shell on exist. fndn, comm. BP36554 2/4/97 $n /a 0- Mulgrew Oil Co. C -Ron Smith & Son erect frm comm. bldg on exist. fndn /shell BP36611 3/6/97 $160,000.00 0- Mulgrew Oil C- Central Petroleum Equip. install ftgs & canopies over gas pumps, comm. BP36736 4/8/97 $40700.00 Y • • • _ 3 I 1215 E. 16th St. 0-Mulgrew Oil Co. C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. install twin pole fs sign & free standing hi -rise sign - DP3 6 9 0 3-- 5/5-1-97—n/a 0- Muigrew 0il Co C -Gene Bird Sign Ser. 2 bldg signs & 2 on canopies BP36915 5/7/97 n/a Board of Adjustment Docket 19 -97 for Variance to allow - 14 wal l moanted signs. -- Approved w /cond ition - (1 imi ted - to - - -- 2 fr_eestand_i_ ;n.g Signs- w /35.0__sq_._ft_.__max) _5- /22/97 O- Mulgrew Oil Co. C -Frank Hardie Adv. install 12'x25' sgl face illum. billboard BP37728 9/3/97