1993 June Council Proceedings 169 Regular Session, May 18, 1993 'I1teœ being no further busi...s, Council 14- VoetbeJ¡ moved to adjourn. Seconded by Counc:il Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vole: V--Mayor Brady, Counc:il Members Kluesner, Nagle, Nicbo11Oß, Voctbcrg. Nay.--None. Abscnl-COWlc:il Member Krieg. Meedng adjourned 01 5:40 p.m. Mary A. Davis ÇMC City CIcrlt Appoved :f¿.-ll..-¿¿cu..-.J ;<;/1994. Adopted :J;A"-d:~ vi'! 1994. / i/ ColU1cil Members Attest: d /1- .' ß"""".ü ? /t.. . City Clerk CITY OF DUBUQUE BOARD OF HEALTH OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Spcclal Board of Hca11b Mecdng, June 7, 1993 Board Mel 01 7:25 p.m., PoWc Ublary Auditorium Present CbaiJperson Brady, Board Members Kluesner, Krieg. Nagle, Nichol...., Voctbcq . VIC8RI: One Board Member Seal Chairperson Brady æad the call and stated this iJ a SpcciaI Meedng of the Board of Hca11b called fo< the purpose to approve an Agreemenl wilb Ibe Visidng Nurses Associadon (VNA). Communication of City Manager requesting approval of an Agreemenl between Ibe City of Dubuque and Ibe Visidng Nurses Associadon (VNA) for service in Fiseal Year 93-94, presented and read. Board Member Krieg moved tbal execudon of Ibe Agreemenl be approved. Scccnded by Board Member Nicholson. Carried by Ibe following vole: V...-chsirpcnon Brady, Board Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson. Voctbcq . Nays-None. There being no further bnsin..s, Board Member Krieg moved to adjourn Ibe meedng. Scccnded by Board Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: V...-cbairpcrson Brady, Board Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson. Voctberg. Nayo-None. Meedng adjourned at 7:36 p.m. Mary A. Davis CMC Secretary, Board ofHca11b 170 1994. Board of Hca11b Members Attest: ~ ~~£H~ of Hca11b 171 Regular Session, June 7,1993 DUBUQUE CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Regular Session, June 7, 1993 ColU1c:il Mel at 7:30 p.m., Poblic Ublary Auditorium Pioscnt: Mayo< Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson. Voctbcq , City Manager Michael Van Millig.., Corporation Counsel Bany A. Undah1. Vacanl: Third Ward Coonci1 Member. Mayor Brady read the call and stated this iJ the Regular Session of tbe City Council ca11cd for tbe J>UII>CO" to set upon such busine.. wbich may properly come bef<rc tbe Council. Invocation was given by Fstber Craig Welbaurn, Rector of SL John's Episcopal Church. PROCLAMATIONS -- June 13-19 as "Elderhostel Week" received by a _s..tative from tbe University of Dubuque: June 13-17 as "Dcllars Ag8Ìnsl Diabetes Days". There was a presentadon of a Cemficste of Appreciation for pardcipstion in tbe D.A.R.E. Program to Debbie Anderson by Police Officer Steve E88tvedL Cerdficstcs of Appreciation were presented to City Employees Jerry Al"'l of tbe Park Division and Carole Stahl of tbe Trsnsit Division. Interviews .nd appointment of Council Member rcpcscnting 3m Ward: (CoqxJration ColU1se1 submitting opinion regarding tbe eligibility of City Employees for City Council Appointment 0< Election). The following spoke requesting appointment as Third Ward Council Member representadve: Jeff Silles, 3018 Central; Robert O. Schmi~ Sr., 2528 Windsor, George Bcaves, 2473 Jackson, Rick Baumhover, 1203 Garfield, Judie Fjellman, 2132 Delicia Dr., Joseph T. Robbins, 2598 Elm SL, and Dave Baker spoke on behalf of Joseph Robbins. Vote on tbe appointmenl was as follows: Mayor Brady voted for Rick Baumhover. ColU1ci1 Member Krieg voted for Fjc:ilman. ColU1ci1 Member Kluesner voted for Fjellman. Cooncil Member Nagle voted for Robbins. Council Member Nicholson. voted for Silles. Cooncil Member Voctberg voted for Robbins. There being no majority, a second vote was taken: Mayo< Brady voted for Robbins. ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner voted for Fjellman. ColU1ci1 Member Krieg voted for Fjellman. Council Member Nagle voted for Robbins. Council Member Nicholson voted for Silles. Council Member Voclberg voted for Robbins. There being no majority, a thùd vote was taken: Mayor Brady voted fo< Robbins. ColU1cil Member Kluesner voted for Fjellman. Council Member Krieg voted for Fjcllman. Cooncil Member Nagle voted for Robbins. Council Member Nicholson voted for Silles. Cooncil Member Voclbcq voted for Robbins. There being no majority vote, a fourth vote was taken: Mayo< Brady voted for Robbins. Cooncil Member Kluesner voted for Fjellman. Council Member Krieg voted for Fjellman. ColU1cil Member Nagle voted for Robbins. Council Member Nicbolson voted for Robbins. Cooncil Member Voctberg fo< Robbins. Upon Ibis fourth and final vote, Joseph T. Robbins was appointed to be tbe TbinI Ward Council Member to ml Ibe unexpired term of tbe late Donald E. Dcich, Sr. and tbal term will expire November 2, 1993. Mayor Brady sw<rc in tbe newly appointed Council Member, Joseph T. Robbins, and also as Mayor Pro- Tem. Council Member Nagle moved to suspend tbe rules to allow anyone present to address tbe Cooncil if tbey so desire. Seconded by ColU1cil Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Brady, ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Proof of Publicadon ccrdfied to by tbe Publisher on Norice of Poblic Hearing 10 reclassify property located at 3400 Asbury Rd. from OR to OS Distric~ presented and read. TOOre were no written objccdons received and no craI objectors presenlat tbe dme of the Hearing. Council Member Kluesner moved tbal tbe )8'OOf and petidon be received and mod. Seconded by Council Mcffiber Nagle; Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--MayorBrady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicbolson, Robbins, VOCIbcq . Nayo-None. An Ordinance amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property located al 3400 Asbury Road from OR Office Residendal Dislricl to OS Office Service Distrie~ said Ordinance having been presented and æad at tbe Council Meedng of May 17, presented for final action. Regular session, June 7, 1993 172 (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 27-93 AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CllY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, lOW A, BE AMENDED BY REVISING APPENDIX A THEREOF, ALSO KNOWN AS THE WNING ORDINANCE OF THE CllY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY RECLASSIFYING HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERlY LOCA1ED AT 3400 ASBURY ROAD FROM OR OFFICE RFSIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO OS OFFICE SERVICE DISTRICT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Thsl the Code of Ordinances of Ihe City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising Appendix A tbcreof, also known as tbe Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, to reclassify hercinafter described property from OR Office Residendal District to OS Office Service Distric~ to wil: Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lol 3 of John P. M..tel's Subdivision No.2 and to tbe center line of tbe adjoining public right-of-way, all in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa. Secdon 2. Tbal tbe forcgcing amendment bas bcrctofore been reviewed by tbe Zoning Commission of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 7tb dRy of June, 1993. Attest: Mary A. Davis City CIeri: Poblished officially Herald newspspcr this 1993. James E. Brady Mayor in tbe Tekgraph 15tb dRy of June, Mary A. Davis CMC It 6/15 City Clerk Council Member Nagle moved final adopdon of the Ordinance. Scccnded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Proof of Poblicsdon ccrdfied to by tbe Poblisher on Norice of Poblic Hearing to reclassify propemes on Central and Milwaukee Street from L1 to C-3 Distric~ and petidon of Rnger Hess objecting to tbe rezoning al10 Milwaukee SL, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbsl tbe proof of publicarion and peddon be received and mod. Scccnded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctberg. Nays-None. An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying propemeslocated at 3270, 3370, 3400, 3450 Central Avenue and 10 Milwaukee Slrcct from L1 light Industrial to C-3 Geners! Commercial Distric~ ssid Ordinsnce having been presented and read at tbe ColU1cil Meedng of May 17, presented for final acdon. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 28-93 AN ORDJNANCE OF THE CllY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CllY OF DUBUQUE, lOW A, BE AMENDED BY REVISJNG APPENDIX A THEREOF, ALSO KNOWN AS THE WNING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY RECLASSIFYING HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERlY LOCATED AT 3270, 3370, 3400, 3450 CENTRAL AVENUE AND 10 MILWAUKEE STREET FROM LI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL TO C.3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE,IOWA: Section 1. Tbal the Code of OnIinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising Appendix A tbcreof, also known as tbe Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, to reclassify hereinafter described property from L1 Ught Indnsbial District to C-3 Goners! Conuncrcial Distric~ to wit: linehan Park Addidon Lots 16, 17, LI- 1.24, 1.2-1-24, Lot 25, Lot 32, Lot 33, Lol 39, Lot 40, Lot 41, Lol 47, Lot 48, Lot 49. Section 2. That tbe forcgcing amendment bas heretofore been reviewed by the Zoning Commi..ion of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted this 7tb dRy of June, 1993. Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk James E. Brady Mayor 173 Regular Session, June 7,1993 receipl of bids for projeci and communication of Cily Manager recommending to award con1rac1 for projcc~ presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbat the proof and commUJûcstion be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, ColU1cil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 15/ó-93 AWARDING CONTRACT Wbereas, sealed proposals bave been submitted by con1ractors for tbc SL Ambrose Storm Sewer Extension pursuant to Resolution No. 147-93 and notice to bidders published in a newspsper publisbed in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa on the 2Otb day of May, 1993. Wbereas, said scaled proposals were opened and read on tbe 25th day of May, 1993 and il has been determined tbat Ibe bid of McDcrmoll Escavating of Dubuque, Iowa in tbe amount of $45,211.63 was tbe lowest bid for tbe furnishings of all labor and materials and performing the work as provided for in tbe plans and specificadons. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFDUBUQUE,10WA: That the contrset for tbe above improvement be awarded to McDermott Excsvadng and the Manager be and is hereby directed to execute a con1ract on behalf of tbe City of Dubuque for tbe complete performance of the work. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That upon tbe signing of said contrsel and tbe approval of the con1ractor's bond, tbe City Treasurer is autborizcd and instructed to return tbe bid deposits of tbc IU1succossful bidders. Passed, approved and adopted this 71b day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Poblished officially in the Telegraph Herold newspaper this 15tb day of June, 1993. Mary A. Dsvis CMC City Clerk It 6/15 ColU1ci1 Member Kluesner moved final adoption of the OnIinance. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vole: Yeas-Mayor Brady, I Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Proof of Poblication ccrdfied to by tbe Poblisher on Notice of Hearing on PI... and Spcclfications for construction of SL Ambrose Street Storm Sewer Extension, presented and read. There were no written objecdons rcœived and no oral o~ectors present at Ibe time of tbe Hearing. Council Member Nagle moved tbat tbe proof of publicadon be rcœived and filed. Scccnded by Cooncil Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: YCIS-Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 155-93 RFSOLUTION ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Wbcrc88, on tbe 12tb day of May, 1993, pI..., spcclfications, form of con1rac1 and estimated cost were filed witb tbe City Clerk of Dubuque,lowa for tbe SL Ambrose SI<rm Sewer Estension. Wbcrc88, notice of hearing on plans, spcclfications, form of con1rac~ and estimated cost was poblished as required by law. NOW TIlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the said plans, specifiearions, f<rm of contracl and estimated cost are hereby approved as the plans, spcclfications, form of contrscl and esdmatcdoost for said improvements for ssid projecL Passed, adoptccl and approved tbiJ 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Nagle moved adoption of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vole: YCIS-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Communication of City Manager requesting approval to execute Iowa Deparlment of Natural Resources AdminiJtradve in tbe matter of tbe Wastewater Facility, presented and read. Attesl: Mary A. Duvis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved adoption of tbe Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vole: YCIS-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nichelson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Proof of Poblication cemfied to by ,tbe Poblisher on Notice to Bidders on tbe Regular Session, June 7, 1993 Council Member Krieg moved that tbe communiearion be received and filed. Seconded by CoW1ci1 Member Nagle. Csrried by the fo\1owing vote: Ycas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. RESOLUTION No. 157-93 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF IOWA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. 93-WW~ IN THE MATl'ER OF CITY OF DUBUQUE WASTEWATER FACILITY NO. 31-240-0.01. Whereas, tbe City of Dubuque owns and opcrates WasteW_FacilityN" 31-26-ß.01; wbich Wastewater Faci1ity has failed to comply witb certain requirements of Iowa law; and Whereas, tbe Iowa \Jcpartmcnl of Na- Resourecs and the City of Dubuque bave agreed to certain actions to abate and prevent furtber violations of Iowa law witb respect to tbe operation of the wastewater facility, as sel fortb in the attached Administradve Consent OnIer No. 93-WW-. NOW, THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Administradve Consent OnIcr No. 93-WW-, a copy of wbich is allacbed hereto, is hereby approved, and tbe Mayor is hereby autborizcd and directed to sign such Administrative Consent OnIer on behalf of tbe City of Dubuque. Section 2. The City isaware ofits appeal rights pursuanl to Iowa Code §455D.175, and the City Council hereby consents to tbe issuance oftbeattached OnIerand waives its appeal rights regarding such OnIer. Passed, appreved and adopted tbis 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Altesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adoption of tbe Rcsoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vole: Y --Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nichol...., Robbins, Voctbcq . Nayo-Nonc. Proof of Poblicadon ccrdfied to by the Poblishcr on Notice of Hearing on PI... and Specifications for construction of Dubuque Water Pollution Control Planl Pbasc I Improvements, presented and read. TOOre were no written o~ections received and no oral objectcn prcscnl al tbe dme of tbe Hcadng. Council Member Kluesner moved tbat tbe proof of psblication be received and filed. Scccnded by Cooncil Member Krieg. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 1511.93 RESOLUTION ADOPTJNG PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Whereas, on tbe 5tb day of April, 1993, pI..., specifications, form of contract and estimated cost were filed witb tbe City Clerk of Dubuque, Iowa, fo< tbe Pbasc I Improve- ments, Water Polludon Control PIan~ and Whereas, nodce of hcsrlng on plans, specificadons, f<rmof contracl and estimated cost was published as required by law. NOW T11EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secdon 1. That tbe said plans, specificadons, f<rm of contract and estimated cost are bereby approved as tbe pI..., specificsdons, form of contract and esdmated cost for said improvements for said projecL Passed, approved and adopted this 7tb day of June, 1993. Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk James E. Brady Mayor Council Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Krieg. Csrried by the following vote: YCIS-Mayor Brady, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson,Robbins, Voctberg. Nays-None. Proof of Poblication ccrdfied to by tbe Publisher on Notice to Bidders to Bid for above projccl and conununication of City Manager recommending to award con1rac1 for projec~ presented and read. Couocil Member Kluesner moved tbat tbe proof of publicadon and the communication be rcœived and filed. Seconded by Council Member Krieg. Csrried by tbe fo\1owing vote: Y CIS-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 159-93 AWARDING CONTRACT Wbe...., scaled proposals bave been submitted by con1ractors for tbe Ph... 1 Improvements, Water Polludon Control Plan~ pursuant to Resoludon No. 103-93 and 174 175 Regular Session, June 7,1993 nodce to bidders published in a newspaper in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, on tbe 9tb and 3Otb days of April, 1993; and Wbcrcas, said sealed pIqIOSaIs were opened and read on !be 18tb day of May, 1993, and it has been determined tbat Ibe bid of Indiana Construction Corp. of Fort Waync, Indiana, in the arnounl of $6,997,000 was the lowesl bid for tbe furnishings of sll labor and materials and performing tbe work as provided to< in tbe plans and spcciflcadons. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Thsltbecontraclf""theabove imp'Ovcmcnl be awarded to Indiana Construction Corp. and tbe City Manager be and is bereby directed to execute a conbacl on behalf of tbe City of Dubuque for tbe complete performance of the work. Section 2. That upon the signing of ssid conbact and the appreval of the conbactcr's bond, the City Treasurer is autbcrized and instructed to return tbe bid deposits of tbe unsuccessful bidders. Passed, approved SlId adopted this 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Kluesner moved adopdon of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Krieg. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voclbcrg. Nay>-Nonc. Council recessed at 8:50 p.m.; Council reconvened at 9:13 p.m. Communication of City MSIIager requesting authorization to execute agreement witb Strand AlIOCiates to supervise construcdon of improvements at Water Pollution Control Plant, presented and read. ColU1cil Member Kluesner moved tbal tbe communication be received and fI1ed. Scccnded by Council Member Voctberg. Carried by Ihe following vole: y...-council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nicbolson, Voclberg. Nay>-Mayo< Brady, Council Member Nagle, Robbins. RFSOLUT10N NO. J/íO-93 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH STRAND ASSOCIATES, INC. FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING ENGINEERING SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION FOR THE PHASE I IMPROVEMENTS AT THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT Wbcrcas, a construction conlIacl bas been awarded for Pbasc I 1mp'Ovements at tbe Duboque Water Pollution Control Plan~ and Wbercas, Stmnd Associates, Inc., has submitted to tbe City an agreement to conduct tbese services for an amount not to exœcd $406,000; and Wbcrcas, funds have been legslly appropriated f<r ibis expenditure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE,10WA: Secdon 1. Thai the City Manager be autborized to execute tbe agreement for engineering services witb Stmnd Associates, Inc., dated May 21, 1993, for tbe Phase 1 1mp'Ovement project at the Dubuque Water Pollution Control PlanL Passed, spproved and adopted tbiJ 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1cil Member Kluesner moved adopdon of the Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Voctberg. Csrried by tbe following vote: y...-council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nicholson, Voctberg. NaY>-Mayor Brady, Council Members Nagle, Robbins. Communicsdon of Greater Dubuque Development Corporation (G.D.D.C.) requesting clariflcadon on appointment of City Manager and Mayor to serve on tbe G.D.D.C. BosnI of Directors and also requestin8 affinnation of Council Member Dan Nicholson to serve to 6-95 and designate another Council Member to serve a tbrcc year tcnn to 6-96, (ColU1ci1 Member Krieg's teon), presented and read. Council Member Voctberg moved tbst Council Member Krieg be appointed to serve a tcnn to 6-96 and Cooncil Member Nicholson to 6- 95 on tbe GDDC Board and City Manager and Mayor's. appoinlmcnt affirmed. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nay>-None. Communicsdon of REAP Committee requesting a City rcprcsenunive to their committee, presented and read. Council Member Krieg moved tbat ColU1cil Member Kluesner be appointed as rcprcsenunive witb Regular Session, June 7, 1993 176 Council Member Joseph Robbi.. u sltcrnate to !be REAP Committee. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson,Robhins, Voctbcrg. Nayo-Nonc. Appointmcnl of Council Member to fill vacancy, as sI_ve, on Opcradon: New View Board of Directors, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbat Council Member Joseph Robbins be appointed as alternate on the Operation: New View BosnI of Dircctcrs. Seconded by Council Member Voctbcq . Csrried by the following vote: Y~ayor Brady, CoIU1c:il Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicbolson, Robbins, Voclbcq . Nayo-None. Communicadon of Cily Manager requesting approval of By1awl Qperadng Policies for tbe Hoosing Commission Trust Fund Committee, presented and æad. ColU1ci1 Member Voctberg moved tbat tbe communicadon be received and fI1ed SlId policies approved. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Brady, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nay>-Nonc. Communicadon of Cily Manager requesting approvsl of a "Coortcsy Parking Ticket" program, presented and read. Council Member Voctberg moved that tbe communication be received SlId fI1ed and approved program, as amended. Secondo<! by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nay>-Nonc. Communicadon of City Manager recommending to implemenl changes in tbe curbside recycling collection system by adding magazines, presented SlId æad. ColU1ci1 Member Voctbcq moved tbat tbe communicadon be received and fI1ed and recommendadons approved. Seconded by Council Member Krieg. Csrried by tbe following vole: Y--Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson,Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nay>-Nonc. Scott Dittmar of Environmental Resources Recycling, spoke to tbe matter. Communicadon of City Manager submitting an OnIinance providing for stop signs at intcrsecdon of Csrtcr Road SlId Hillcrest Rd., presented and read. Council Member Kluesner moved that the communication be received and fI1ed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y cas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nay.--None. An OnIinance Amending Code of Ordinances by modifying suhaccdon (b) of Section 32-214 providing f"" the addidon of "Stop Signs" at the intcrsecdon of Carter Road and Hillcrcsl Rood, prescnted and read. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 29-93 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORiOINANCES OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY MODIFYING SUBSECTION (b) OF SECTION 32-214 THEREOF PROVIDING FOR THE ADDITION OF STOP SIGNS AT THE INTERSECTION OF CARTER ROAD AND WLLCRFST ROAD NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORiOAlNED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF mE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That tbe Code of OnIinanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by adding Carter Road to Suhaccdon (b) of Secdon 32-214 thelOOf as follows: "Sec. 32-214. Stop 1ntersccdons. (b) ... Nortbboond and Sootbbound Carter Road and Hillcrest Road. Passed, appreved and adopted ibis 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Poblished offlcislly in tbe Tekgraph Herald newspaper this 16tb day of June, 1993. Mary A. Dsvis City Clerk It 6/16 ColU1cil Member Kluesner moved tbsl this be considered tbe first reading of tbe OnIi- nance, and tbat tbe requirement tbat a proposed OnIinance be considered and voted on for passage al two Council meetings prior to the meeting at which it is to be fInslly adopted be suspended and further moved finsl adoption of tbe Ordinance. Scccnded by Cooncil Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Brady, ColU1cil Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voclbcrg. Nay>-Nonc. Communication of City Manager submitting an OnIinance deledng tbe prohibiting of parking on perdons of N<rtb Grsndview Ave., presented and read. 177 Regular Session, June 7, 1993 Council Member Kluesner moved tbal the communicadon be received and fitcd. Seconded by Cooncil Member Voctbcrg. Csrried by Ibe following vote: Ycss--Mayor Brady, Coonci1 Members Kluesner, Kric¡, VoetbeJ¡. Nayo-Counc:il Members Nagle, Nicbolson, Robbins. An Ordinance Amending Code of Or- dinances by deleting parts of N<rtb Grsndview Avenue from subsection (d) of Sccdon 32-262 tbcrcof providing for tbe prohibiting of parking, presented and read. ColU1ci1 Member Voclberg moved tbal this be considered tbe firsl reading of tbe Ordinance, and tbat tbe requirement that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council mccdngs prior to the mccdng at wbicb it is to be finully adopted be Impended and further moved final adopdon of tbe Ordinance. Scccnded by Cooncil Member Kluesner. Vote on tbe modon was as follows: Y--Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Robbins, Voclbcq . NayS-Council Members Nagle, Nicholson. MOTION FAILED DUE TO LACK OF 3/4 VOTE NEEDED. ColU1ci1 Member Kluesner moved tbat Ibis be considered tbe first reading only of tbe Ordinance. Scccnded by ColU1cil Member Voclbcq . Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Voctberg. Nays-council Members Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins. Proof of Publicadon cerdfied to by tbe Publisher on Notice to Bidders on tbe Receipt of Bids for the ConslrUcdon of Peru Road Reconstruction Project from Jackson Sb'cct to the Nurtherly City Limits and communicalion of City Manager recommending to award contract for project witb asphall pavement alternative, presented and read. Council Member Nicholson moved tbat tbe proof of pablicadon and communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins. NaYS-COuncil Members Krieg, Voclbcq . Dan Sasbell, Asphall Assn. of the State of lows, requested to conslrUcl Peru Rd. witb asphalt. Council Member Voctbcq moved adopdon of a Resolution A warding Contract for project to Tschiggfrie Excavating Cof!IP8RY fo< the asphalt aItemadve in tbe amoont of $1,171,944.25. Seconded by Council Member Krieg. Vote on tbe motion was as follows: y...-council Members Krieg, Voctberg. Nays-Mayo< Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Nagle, Nicbolson, Robbins. Motion fsiled. RF3OLUTION NO. "1-93 AWARDING CONTRACT Wbereas, sealed proposals bave been submitted by conlractors for the Peru Road Reconstruction Project pursuant 10 Resoludon No. 124-93 and notice to bidders published in a newspaper published in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa on the 14tb day of May, 1993 and tbe 21st day of May, 1993.. Wbereas, ssid sealed proposals ,were opened and read on tbe 27tb day of May, 1993 and it has been determined !bal Ibe bid ofTscbiggfrie Excavating of Dubuque ,1 OWl in the amounl of $1,171,944.25 was the 10WCII bid fo< the fumisbings of uIl lsbor and mstcrials and perf<rming the work as provided fo< in tbe plans and specifications. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIm CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: ' That the contract for tbe above improvemenl be aw,.ntcd to Tscmggfri~. ExClvadng and the Manager be and Is' hereby directed to execute a contract on behalf of tbe City of Dubuque for tbe complete performance of the work. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That upon tbe signing of ssid conlrsel and tbe approval of tbe contractor's bond, the City Treasurer is autbori"" and instructed to return tbe bid deposits of the' unsuccessful bidders. ' . Passed, approved and adop\Çd this 7tb day of June, 1993. . James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1cil Member Nicholson moved adopdon of the Resolution. Seconded by ColU1eil Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Nagle". Nicholson, Robbins. Nays-Council Members Krieg, Voctbcrg. Coinmunicadon of City Manager recommendin8 to approve the issuance of General Obligadon Bonds, presented and read. Council Member Krieg moved tbat tbe communication be received and filed. ColU1cil Member Krieg moved tbat tbe communication be received and filed. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y --Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voclbcq . Nays-None. !leøular Session, June 7,1993 178 RESOLUTION No. 162.93 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $4,'15,000 GENERAL OBLIGA 110N BONDS, SERIES 1993A, AND LEVYING A TAX TO PAY SAID BONDS WHEREAS, tbe Issuer is duly inc<rporatcd, organized and exists under and by virtue of the laws and Consdtudon of tbe State of Iowa; and WHEREAS, tbe Issuer is in need of flUIds to pay coots of tbe cons_don, reconstruc- tion, and repairing of s- improvements; tbe cons_don, rcconstrucdon, ex1cnsion, improvemenl and equipping of storm sewers and facilides useful for the coIIecdon and disposal of surface waters and streams and Ihe reconstruction, exlension and improvement of tbe exiJting airpert, an essential corporate purpose, and it is deemed necessary and advisable tbat General Obligation Bonds in tbe amoonl of $2,000,000 be issned for ssid purpose; and WHEREAS, pursuanl to notice publisbed as required by Sccdon 384.25 of ssid Code, this Council has held a pablic meedng and hearing upon tbe proposal to insdlUtc proceedings to< the issuance of ssid Bonds, and the Council is tberefore now autborized to proceed witb tbe iJsnance of ssid Bonds; and WHEREAS, the City is in need of funds to pay costs of adjusdng and refunding existing general obligation indebtedness of tbe City as is more fully sel forth in the scbedule of Bonds to be refunded, hereinafter set forth as Exbibil "A", attacbed to this resolution, and il is deemed necessary and advisable !bat ssid City should iJsue il Essendal Corporate Purpose General Obligadon Bonds to tbe amoont of $2,615,000 for said purpose; and WHEREAS, it is found and determined !bal tbe aforessid adjustmenl and refunding of present indebtedness is ncccllary and in tbe poblic interest and will benefil tbe City and its taxpayers by reslrUcbuing one (I) outstanding iJsue of honds to< purposes of more efficient administradon tbcrco~ by cooforming tbe debl service requiremenls to the andcipated rcocipt of tax funds tbcreby reducing the impact of delays in tbe collection of future taxes upon tbe City's cash floW; and to adjust tbe requirements of tbe outstanding indebtedness so as to facilitate the <rdedy redrcment of hoods andcipstcd to be issued for future capital improvements; and WHEREAS, it presendy appears tbat tbe af<rcssid benefits may be realized and al tbe same time savings may be effected in tbe debt service fand requirements of the City by I refunding of the hoods set forth in tbc scbedulc set f<rtb u Exbibit"A ", attached to tbiJ Resolution and made a part hereof by this refcrcncc; and WHEREAS, pursuant to tbe provisions of Chapter 75 of the Code of Iowa, the above mendoned hoods were heretofore sold at public sale and sedon should now be taken to illue said honds conforming to tbe tentll and condidons of the best bid received at tbe advcrdacd poblic sale. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Sccdon 1. Definidons. TOO following tcnns shull have the following meanings in this Rcsoludon unless tbc texl expressly or by necessary impllcadon requires otbcrwisc: (a) "Bonds" shall mean $4,615,000 General Obligadon Bonds, Series 1993A, autborized to be issued by this Resoludon; (b) "Issuer" and "City" shull mean tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa; (c) "Poying Agent" shull be Norwcsl Bank Iowa, N.A., or such successor as may be approved by Issuer as provided herein and who sball carry out tbe duties prescribed herein as Issuer's agent to provide for tbe payment of priocipal of and interest on tbe Bonds as the same shall become due; (d) "Project Fund" sball mean tbe flU1d required to be established by this Resolution for the deposit of tbe proceeds of tbe Bonds; (e) "Rebate Fund" shall mean the fund so defined in and establisbed pursuant to tbe Tax Exempdon Ccrdficatc; (I) "Registrar" shull be N<rwest Bank Iowa, NA of Dcs Moines, Iowa, or such successor as may be approved by Issuer as provided herein and who shull carry oul tbe duties prescribed herein witb respect to maintaining a register of tbe owners of tbe bonds. Unlell otherwise specified, the Registrar shsll also act as Transfer Agent for tbe bonds: (g) "Tax Excmpdon Cemficate" shull mean tbe Tax Exempdon Ccrdficate executed by tbe Treasurer and delivered at tbe time of illuance and delivery of tbe Bonds; (h) "Treasurer" sball mean the City Treasurer or such otber officer as sball succeed to tbe same duties and responsibilides witb respect to tbe recording and paymenl of tbe Bonds illued hereunder, and (i) "Trustee" shall mean N<rwest Bank Iowa, N.A. of Des Moines, lows, or its successor as may be approved pursuant to tbe "Refunding Trust Agrccmcnt" referred to herein between tbe1ssuer and tbe Trustee for tbe purpose of insuring the payment of tbe outstanding bonds. 178 Regular Session, June 7,1993 Secdon 2. Levy and Ccrtificadon of Annual Tax; Otbcr Funds to be Used. (a) Levy of Annual Tax. Thai fo< tbe purpose of proViding funds to pay tbe priocipal and in_II of tbe Bonds hereinsftcr autborizcd to be iJsucd, tbcrc is hereby levied for each future year tbe following diIcct annual tax on all of tbe taxable property in Dubuque, Iowa, to-wit: FISCAL YEAR (JULY 1 TO JUNE 30) AMOUNT YEAR OF COlLECTION: $ 448,641.00 1993/1994 $ 355,377.00 1994/19115 $1,204,583.00 1995/1996 $1,069,575.00 1996/1997 $ 775,083.00 1997/1998 $ 198,710.00 1998/1999 $ 158,175.00 199912000 $ 403,975.00 200012001 $ 488,925.00 200112002 $ 444,125.00 200212003 (NOTE: Fo< example the levy to be made and cemfied against tbe taxable vsluations of lanuary 1, 1993, will be collected during tbe fiscal year commcocing July 1, 1994). (b) Resolution to be Filed Witb County Auditor. A cemfied copy of this Resolution shoold be mod witb tbe County Auditor of Dubuque Coonty, Iowa, and ssid Auditor is hereby instructed in and for each of tbe years as provided, to levy and assess the tax hereby autborizcd in Section 2 of this Resoludon, in like manner as other taxes arc levied and assessed, and such taxes so levied in and for each of tbe years aforessid be collected in like manner as otber taxes of tbe City arc collected, and when collected be used for tbe purpose of paying priocipal and interesl on said Bonds issued in anticipadon of said tax, and for no otber purpose whatsoever. (c) Additionsl City Funds Available. Principal and interest COßÙng due at any dme when tbe prccccds of said tax on band shall be insufficient to pay tbe same shall be promptly paid when due from current funds of the City available for tbat purpose and reimbursement shall be made from such spcclal fund in tbe amounts tbus advanced. Section 3. Bond Fund. Said tax shall be collected each year at the saroc time and in tbe same manner as, and in addidon to, all otber taxes in and for the City, and wren collccted tbey shall be converted into a spcclsl flU1d within the Debt Service Fund to be known as tbe "GENERAL OBUGA T10N BOND FUND 1993A NO.1" (tbe "Bond Fund"), wbich is bereby pledged for and shall be used only for tbe payment of tbe priocipal of and interest on the Bonds hereinafter autborized to be issued; and slso tbere shall be apportioned to said fund its proportion of taxes received by tbe City from railway, express, telephone and telegraph companies and other taxes ...essed by the Iowa State Dcpsrtmcnl of Revenue. Secdon 4. Applicadon of Bond Proceeds. Proceeds of the Bonds otber !ban sccrucd interest and except as provided in Secdon 15 of this Resolution shall be credited to tbe Project Fund and expended therefrom for the purposes of issuance. Any amounts on hand in the Projccl Fund shall be available for lb. paymenl of tbe principal of or interest on tbe Bonds at any time tbat other funds shsll be insufficient to tbe purpose, in wbich event such funds shall be repaid to tbe Project Fund at tbe earliest opportunity. Any balance on band in tbe Projecl Fund and not ' immediately required for ils purposes maybe . invested not inconsistent wilb limitations provided by law or this ResQlu1jon. Ac¡¡rucd " interest, if any, shsll be deposited ¡'¡IM.. Bond Fund. ' . Section 5. Investments of Bond FIU14 ,," Proceeds. All moneys bold in tbe Bond Fund, provided for by Secdon 3 of Ibis Resolution shsll be invested in investments pennittcd by Chapter 12B, Code of Iowa, 1993 (formerly Chapter 452, Code of Iowa, 1991, as amended) or deposited in financisl insdtutions wbich arc members of tbç Federal Deposit Insurance Corporadon and tbe deposits in which arc insured tbereby and. all such deposits exceeding the maximun.: amount insured from dme to time by FDIC' or its equivslent successo< in anyone financial insdtution shall be continuously secured by a vslid pledge of direct obligadons of the United States Government having an equivalent markel vslue. All such interim investments shsll mature before the date on wbieb tbe moneys arc requirc4 for payment of principsi of or interest on the bonds as herein provided. Section 6. Bond Details, Execution and Redempdon. (a) Bond Details. Gencrsl Obligadon Bonds of tbe City in tbe amounl of $4,615,000, shall be issued pursuant to tbe provisions of Section 384.25 of tbe City Code of Iowa for the aforesaid purpose. The Bonds shall be designated "GENERAL OBUGA nON BOND, SERIES 1993A", be dated June 1, 1993, and bear interest from tbe date tbereof, until paymenl tbereof, al tbe office of tbe Paying Agen~ said interest payable on November 1, 1993, and semiannually thereafter on tbe 1st day of May and November in each year unli! maturity at tbe rates hereinaftci provi<!cd. : The Bonds shsll be executed. by' th~ facsimile signature of the'Måyo< and _ste,1 ' by tbe fsesimile signature of tbe Clerk, and printed witb tbe sca1 of the City and shall be fully registered as to botb priocipsi and interest as provided in this Resoludon; Regular s,sslon, June 7,1993 180 principal, interest and premium, if any, shall Section 7. Rcgistmtion of Bonds; be payable at the office of the Paying Agent Appointmcnl of Registrar, Transfer, by rnaiIIng of a cbeck to the registered Owncrsbip; DelivCJY; and Cancellation. owner of thc Bond. TOO Bonds shall be in (a) Registradon, TOO owncrsbip of the denomiuation of $5,000 0< muldplcs Bonds may be tranJfcrrcd only by tbe tbereof. TOO Bonds shall mature and bear msldng of an entry upon the books kepi for interesl u follows: tbe registradon and transfer of ownersbip of Interest Rallo tbe Bonds, and in no otbcr way. Norwesl 265% Bank Iowa, NA is hereby appointed as 3.05% Bond Registrar under tbc terms of this 3.35% Resoludon and under the provisions of a 3.65% separate agrccmenl witb the IsslIe< med 3.85% herewitb wbich is made a part hereof by this 4.10% reference. Registrar shall maintain the books 4.20% of tbelsslle< for tbe registmtion of ownersbip 4.30% of the Bonds for tbe payment of principsi of 4.40% and interest on tbe Bonds as provided in this 4.50% Rcso1udon. All Bond, shall be negotiable as Principal Amount provided in Ardcle 8 of tbe Unif<rm $ 290,000 Cornrneroial Code and Section 384.31 of tbe 190,000 Code of Iowa, SUbjecl to the provisions for 1,045,000 registmtion and transfer contained in tbe 945,000 Bonds and in this resolution. 685,000 (b) Trsnsfer. The ownersbip of any 135,000 Bond may be tranJfencd only upon tbe 100,000 Registmtion Books kept for the registration 350,000 and transfer of Bonds and only upon 450,000 surrender thereof at tbe office of tbe 425,000 Regislrar together with an assignment duly Maturity May 1st executed by tbe hclder or bis duly authorized 1994 attorney in focI in sueb f<rm as shall be 1995 satisfsetory to tbe Regislrar, along witb tbe 1996 address and socisl security number or federal 1997 employer idendfication nurnber of such 1998 transfcrcc (or, ifregistmtion is to be made in 1999 tbe name ofmuldple individuals, of all such 2000 transferees). In tbe event tbat tbe address of 2001 tbe registered owner of a Bond (otber !ban a 2002 regis!Ored ownerwbich is tbe nominee oftbe 2003 broker or dealer in qucsdon) is tbat of a (b) Redcmpdon. Bonds maturing allcr broker or dealer, there mnst be disclosed on May 1, 2001, may be called fo< redemption tbe Registradon Books tbe information by tbe Jasner and paid before maturity on pertaining to the registered owner required said date or any date thereafter, from any above. Upon the transfer of any such Bond, funds regard1css of source, in whcle or from a new fully registered Bond, of any dme to dme in pari, in anyonlcr of maturity denominadon or denominadons pennittcd by and within an annual maturity by lot by this Resolution in aggregate principsi 8I1IO1U11 giving not less !ban thirty (30) no< m<rc tban equal to tbe unmatured and unrcdccmed sixty (60) days'noriceofredempdon by first priocipal amount of such transferred fully cl... mail, to tbe registered owner of tbe registered Bond, and bcadng interesl at tbe Bond. Failure to give sueb nodce by mail to same rate and maturing on tbe same date or any registered owners of tbe Bonds (or dates shall be delivered by tbe Regislrar. pardon tbcrcof) or any defect tbcrein shall (c) Registration ofTrsnsfcrrcd Bonds. In not affect tbe validity of any prccccdings for all esses of tbe transfer of tbe Bonds, tbe tbe redemption of otber Bonds (or pardons Regislrar shall register, at tbe earliest tbercof). The tcnns of redempdon shall be practicable time, on tbe Registmtion Books, par, pins accrued interest to date of call. tbe Bonds, in ac:cordancc witb tbe provisions If selecdon by lot within a maturity is of this Rescludon, required, tbe Regislrar shall by -dam (d) Ownersbip. As to any Bond, tbe selecdon of the names of tbe registered penon in whose name the owncrsbip of tbe owners of the en1irc annual maturity select same shall be registered on tbe Registration tbe hoods to be redeemed lU1ill the total Books of tbe RegiSIrar shall be deemed and amount of Bonds to be called bas been regarded as the absclute owner tbercoffo< all rcschcd. purposes, and paymenl of or on accounl of 181 Regular SØ8llon, June 7, 1993 the principsl of any such Bonds and the prcmiwn, if any, and interesl thereon &ball be made only to 0< upon the mIcr of the registcn:d owner tbcrcof 0< bis legal rcprcscntadve. All sueb payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and diseharge tbe liability upon such Bond, including tbe interest tbcreon, to tbe exlenl of tbe sum or sums 10 paid. ~)Can~adon. AllBoooswbi~h~e been rcdccmcd shall not be reissued bul shall be ClRcelled by tbe Registlar. All Booos wbich arc csn~ed by the Registlar shall be destroyed and a ccrdficstc of the des1rUCtion tbcreof shall be furnished prornpIIy to the Issuer, provided tbal if tbe Issuer shall 10 dircc~ tbe Registlar shall fOl'Ward tbe ClßCClled Bonds to tbe Issuer. (I) Non-Prcsentmenl of Booos. In tbe evenl any paymenl ebeek representing paymenl of principsi of er interest on tbe Booos is returned to tbe Paying Agenl or if any bond is not preICRted for payment of principsi al tbe maturity er redempdon date, if fuoos sufficient to pay such principsl of or intcrc&t on Bonds shall have been made available to the Paying Agent for tbe bencfil of tbe owner tbereof, all liability of tbe Issuer to the owner tbcreof for such interest or paymcnl of sueb Bonds shall f<rtbwitb CC81C, terminate and be complelely discbarged, and tbercupon it shall be tbe duty of tbe Paying Agent to hold sueb funds, witboulliability for intcrcal tbcrcon, to< tbc benefit of the owner of such Bonds who shall tbercaftcr be restricted excllllively to such funds for any claim of whalever natmc on bis pari under this Resoludon or on, or witb respeet to, such interesl or Bonds. The Paying Agenl's obligadon to hold such funds shall continue for a perind equal to two ycsrs and six montbs following the dste on wbich such interesl or principsl bccsmc duo, whctber 51 maturity, 0< at the dste fixed for rcdcmpdon tbcreof, or otbcrwise, al which dme tbe Paying Agen~ shall sum:nder any remaining fuoos so held to tbe Issuer, whereupon any claim under this RelOlution by tbe Owners of such interesl or Bonds of whatever natmc shall be made upon tbe Issuer. (g) Registration and Trsnsfer Fees. The Registrar may furnish to csch owner, at tbe Issuer's expense, one bond fo< csch annual maturity. The Registrar shall furnish addidoual bonds in 1csscr denominadons (but nolle.. !ban tbe minimum denorninadon) to an owner who so requests. Secdon 8. Reissuanco of Muillatcd, Destroyed, Stolen 0< Losl Bonds. In CISC any outstanding Booo shall become mutilated or be destroyed, stolol1 or los~ tbe Issuer shall at tbe request of Registrar authenticate and deliver a new Bond of like tener and amount as the Bond 10 muillatcd dellrOyed, stolen or los~ in exchange and substitution for such muillated Bond to Registrar, upon suncnder of such muillafcd Booo, or in lieu of and subsdtution for tbe Bond destroyed, stolen or los~ upon filing witb tbe Registlar evidence sadsfactory to tbe Registlar and Issuer tbal sueb Bond bas been destroyed, stolen 0< losl and proof of ownersbip thereof, and upon furnisbing tbe Registrar and Issuer witb sadsfactory indemnity and complying witb sueb otber reasonable rcguladons as the Issuer 0< its agenl may pre.scribe and paying such expenses as tbe Issuer may incur in connection tberewitb. Secdon 9. Record Date. Payments of priocipsi and intcrcs~ otbcrwise tban upon full redemption, made in respeel of any Bond, shall be made to tbe registcn:d holder tbereof or 10 tbeir designated agent as tbe same appear on the books of tbe RegislIar on the 15tb day of tbe montb preceding Ibe payment date. All such payments shall fully discharge tbe obligadons of the Issuer in respeel of such Bonds to tbe extenl of the payments 10 made. Payment of principsi shall only be made upon suncndcr of Ibe Bond to tbe Paying AgenL Section 10. Execution, Autbendcation and Delivery of the Bonds. Upon tbe adoption of this Resoludon, the Mayor and Clerk shall execule and deliver tbe Bonds to tbe RegislIar, who shall autbenticstc tbe Bonds and deliver the same to or upon order of tbe Purchaser. No Bond shall be valid or obligatory for any purpose or shall be entitled to any right 0< benefit hereunder unless the Registrar shall duly endorse and execute on such Bond a Cemficstc of Autbendcation substandally in tbe form of the Ccrdficstc herein sel f<rtb. Such Ccrdficate upon any Bond executed on behalf of the Issuer shull be conclusive evidence tbal tbe Bond 10 autbcndcstcd bas been duly usued under this Resoludon and tbat tbe holder tbcrcof is entitled to tbe benefits of this Resolution. No Bonds shall be autbcnticated and delivered by tbe Registlar unless and IU1til tberc shall hsve been provided tbe following: 1. A cemfied copy of tbe resoludon of Issuer autborizing tbe issuance of tbe Bonds; 2. A written order of Issuer signed by tbe City Treasurer of tbe l..uer dirccdng tbe authentication and delivery of tbe Bonds to or upon tbe order of tbe Purchaser upon payment of the purcbase price as sel fortb tberein; 3. The approving opinion of Ahlers, Cooney, Dorwci1er, Haynie, Smitb & Allbee, P.C., Bond Counsel, concerning the vaddity Regular Session, June 7, 1993 182 and legality of all the Bonds proposed to be I Section 12. Form of Bond. Booos shall ¡ssned. be printed in substantial compliance witb Secdon 11. Right to Name Subsdtute standards proposed by tbe American Paying Agenl or Registlar. Issuer reserves Standards Insdtule substantially in the f<rm tbe righl to name a subsdtute, successor as follows: Registrar 0< Paying Agent upon giving prompl written nodce to each registered hoooholder. I (6) I r (7) I I (6) I I (8) I I II} I GGGG I ~ I I (gal I lID) Continued on the back of this bond 00 FIGURE 1 (front) 183 Regular Session, June 7, 1993 ! I ! ! ! ! ! I ! I I ! Iii I I I ! ! I ! ! ! ! I I I I i ! I I I I ¡ I I I I i I ! I I ! ! I I I I I ! i I I I I (10) I (16) I (17) I ! (Continued) : ì , , , I I I ! I I I I I I ! I I I i I I I i I ¡Ii I I I i i I I i I I I I I I I I , , I ' I I , I I I i I , I I I I, , I I I I I ! I I I j I I ¡ , : I ! I I , : I : ¡ I , : I ¡ : ¡ i FIGURE 2 (back) ~ular Session, June 7, 1993 184 The texl of the Bonds to be located tbcrcon 01 tbe item numbers shown shall be as follows: Item1,figure1="STAmOF10WA" "COUNTY OF DUBUQUE" "CITY OF DUBUQUE" "GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND" "SERIES 1993A" "ESSENTIAL CORPORAm PURPoSE" Item 2, figure 1 = Rate: Item 3, figure 1 = Mstority: Item 4, figure 1 = Bond Date: JIU1C 1, 1993 Item 5, figure 1 = CUSIP No.: Item 6, figure 1 = "Registered" Item 7, figure 1 = Certificate No. Item 8, figure 1 = Priocipal Amount: $ Item 9, figure 1 = The City of Dubuque, Iowa, a municipal corporation organized and cxisdng under and by virtue of tbe Constitudon and laws of tbe State of Iowa (the "Issuer"), for value received, promises to pay from tbe source and as hereinafter provided, on the maturity date indicated above, to Item 9A, figure 1 = (RegiJtradon panel to be completed by Regislrar or Printer witb name of Registered Owner). Item 10, figure 1 = or registered assigns, tbe principal sum of (principal amoonl written oul) THOUSAND DOLLARS in lawful money of tbe United Slates of Amcrlca, on tbe maturity date shown above, only upon presentadon and sU11Cl1der hereof at tbe office of N<rwClt Bank Iowa, N.A., I Paying Agenl of this issue, or its successor, witb interesl on said sum from tbe date hereof unill paid at tbe rate per annum specified above, payable on November 1, 1993, and semiannually tbcrcaftcr on the 1st day of May and November in csch year. Interest and principal shall be psid to tbe registered holder of the Bond as shown on tbe rccooIs of ownership maintained by the Registrar as of tbe 15tb day of tbe montb nexl preceding sueb interesl payment dstc. Interest shall be computed on tbe basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day monilia. Tbis Bond is illued parsuant to the provisions of Sccdon 384.25 of tbe City Code of Iowa, for tbe purpose of paying costs of tbe construction, rcconstrucdon, and repairing of slrcet improvements; tbe COß81rucdon, rccons1ruction, extension, improvement and equipping of storm sewers and facilities useful to< tbe collecdon and disposal of surface wa- and slrcams and the reconstruction, extension and improvement of tbe exisdng aitport, and adjnsdng and refunding existing general obligation indebtedness of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, tbe proceeds of a pardon of this illue being deposited in 1rus~ pursuanl to tbe temUI of a Refunding Trnst Agreemen~ and invested in such manner as to pay, Wren due, tbe installments of priocipal of and interest on tbe City's presendy ootslanding general obligation bonds to be refW1ded from a p<rdon of tbe proceeds of this us... in conformity to a Rcsoludon of the Council of the City, duly p8IIcd and approved. Bonds maturing after May 1, 2001, may be ca11cd for redemption by tbe Issuer and paid bef<rc maturity on said date or any date tbercaftcr, from any funds regardless of source, in whole or from time to time in ~ in any <rdcr of maturity and within an annual maturity by lot by giving not less !ban thirty (30) DO< m<rc !ban sixty (60) days' nodce ofredempdon to tbe registered owner of the Bond. The terms of rcdcmprion shall be par, pI.. acaued in_I to date of call. Nod.. hereunder may be given by first cl... mail to tbe owner of record of tbe Bond at the address shown on tbe books of tbe Regislrar and shall be deemed complete upon mailing. Fallure ID give such notice by mail to any registered owners of the Bonds (or p<rdon tbereof) or any defect therein shall nol affccl tbe vslidity of any proceedings for the rcdcmpdon of other Bonds (or pardons tbcrcof). Ownersbip of this Bond may be transferred only by transfer upon tbe books kepi for sueb purpose by Norwcst Bank Iowa, N.A., tbe Registrar. Sueb transfer on tbe books shall occur only upon presenladon and sU11Cl1der of this Bond at the office of tbe Regislrar as designated below, Iogetbcr witb an assignmcnl duly executed by tbe owner bcrcof or bis duly autborized attorney in tbe form as shall be sadsfactory to tbe Registrar. Issuer reserves tbe right to subsdtute tbe Regislrar and Paying Agent but shall, however, prompdy give notice to registered bondholders of such ebange. All bonds shall be negodable as provided in Amcle 8 of Ibe Uniform Commercial Code and Sccdon 384.31 of tbe Code of Iowa, subject to the provisions for regiJtradon and transfer contained in the Bond Resolution. Tbis Bond is a "qualified tax-cxempl obligadon" designated by tbe City for purposes of Sccdon 265(bX3)(B) of tbe 1ntcmal Revenue Code of 1986. And it is hereby represented and ccrdfied tbal all acts, condidons and things requisite; sccording to tbe1aws and eonsdtution oftbe State of Iowa, to exis~ to be bad, to be done, or to be perf<rmcd prcccdcnt to the lawful issue of this Bond, bave been existen~ had, done and peñormcd as required by law; that provision has been made fo< the levy of a sufficicnl condnuing annual tax on all tbe taxable property within the tenitory of tbe Issuer for tbe payment of the principal and interesl of tbu Bond as tbe same will respectively become due; tbat tbe faitb, 185 Regular S888lon, June 7,1993 crcdi~ revenues and ......... and all die real and pcnonaI property of the 111uer arc iJrcvocably pledged for the _I paymenl bcrcof, both principal and interes~ and !be total indebtedness of tbe Issuer including this Bond, docs nol exceed tbe consdtudona1 or statutoly linitadons. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, Ibe Issuer by its Council, has caused this Bond to be signed by the fselimlle signature of its Mayo< and a1les!cd by tbe facsimlle signature of its City Clerk, witb the seal of said City printed bcrcon, and to be autbcndcstcd by the manual signature of an autborized _ICRtadve of the Regislrar, Norwcst Bank Iowa, N.A. Item 1\, figure 1 = Date of authendcadon: Item 12, figure 1 = Tbis is one of tbe Bonds described in tbe witbin mcndoned Rcsoludon, as registered by Norwest Bank Iowa, N.A.. NORWEST BANK IOWA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Regislrar By: Autborizcd Signature Item 13, figure 1 = Rcgìslrar and Trsnsfer Agent: Norwesl Bank Iowa, N.A. Paying Agenl: Norwesl Bank Iowa, N.A. COIpO1'IIIc Trost Opcradons 255 Scccnd Avenue Soutb MiMcapolis, MN 55479-01\3 SEE REVERSE FOR CERTAIN DEF1NmONS Item 14, figure 1 = (Seal) Item 15, figure 1 = [Signature Block] CITY OF DUBUQUE,10WA By: (fsesimlle signature) Mayor ATTEST: By: (fsesimlle signature) City Clerk Item 16, figure 2 = 11 U cemfied tbal tbe following is a correct and complete copy of the opinion of bond colU1sel issned as of tbe date of delivery of tbe illue of wbich this Bond is a perl (fac.simlle signature) City Clerk (Opinion of Bond Counsel] Item 17, figure 2 = (Aslignmenl Block] [lnf<rmation Required for Registradon] ASSIGNMENT For value received, tbe IU1dersigned hereby sells, ...igns and transfers unto (Social Security or Tax 1dentificadon No.) tbe within Bond and docs hereby iJrcvOClbly constitute and appoinl attorney in fact to transfer tbe said Bond on the boob kepi for registration of tbe within Bond, witb full power of subsdtudon in tbe premises. Dated (Pcrson(s) executing this Assignment sign(s) here) SIGNATURE ) GUARANTEED) IMPORTANT - READ CAREFULLY The signature(s) to this Power must COIrcIpeIId witb tbe name(s) as written upon tbe face of the cordficate(s) 0< hond(s) in every pardclÛar witboUI ai-on or enlargement or any change wbatever. Signature guarantee musl be provided in acoordance witb the prevailing standards and procedures of tbe Regislrar and Ttansfer AgenL Such standards and procedures may require signature to be guanmtced by certain eligible guarantor insdtudons tbat pardcipstc in a recognized signature gwuantee program. INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR REGISTRATION OF TRANSFER Name of Trsnsfcrcc(s) Address of Trsnsfercc(s) Social Security or Tax 1dcndficadon Number of Trsnsfercc(s) Trsnsfcrcc is a(n): 1udividual' Corpesntion Partnersbip Trust 'If tbe Bond is to be registered in tbe names of muldple individual owners, tbe names of all such owners and one address and social security number mUll be provided. The following abbrcviadons, wren used in tbe inscription on tbe fscc of this Bond, shall be construed as tbough written 001 in full according to applicable laws or reglÛations: TEN COM - as tenants in common TEN ENT - as tenants by tbe endrcties IT TEN - as joint tenants witb righl of survìvmbip and not as tenants in common IA UNIF TRANS MIN ACT - ..........Custndian.......... (Cnst) (Mino<) under iowa Unifoim Transfers to Minors ACL.................. (State) ADDITIONAL ABBREVIATIONS MAY ALSO BE USED THOUGH NOT IN THE ABOVE LIST Secdon 13. Contracl Between Issuer and Pnrcbascr. Tbis Resoludon consdtutes a contract between ssid City and tbe purchaser of tbe Bonds. ~ular Selalon, June 7, 1993 Section 14. Non-Arbilla ¡e Covenants. A portion of tbe pocceds from the sale of the Bonds shall be deposited in trust u provided in the following Section hereof. None of the proceeds of the Bonds, and none of the investment income tberefrom, will be used in a manner wbieb will ca... any of the Bonds to be classified as arbIlla ¡e bonds within tbe meaning of Secdon 148(0) and (b) of tbe Intcmsl Revenue Code of the United States, and tbat throughout !be IeJm of said Bonds it will comply witb tbe requirements of said statute and reguladons usucd tbcreunder. To tbe besl knowlcc1ge and belief of tbe Issuer, tbcre arc no facts or cin:umstanccs tbal would materially change the foregoing statements 0< tbe conclusion tbat it u not expected tbat tbe pocceds of tbe Bonds will be used in a manner tbsl would CIßIC tbe Bonds to be arbIlla ¡e bonds. Witboul limidng tbe genenùity of the f<rcgoing, tbe Issuer hereby agrees to comply witb tbe provisions of tbe Tax Exemption Ccrdficste and tbe provisions of the Tax Exempdon Cemficate arc hereby incorporated by reference u port of this Resoludon. The I Treasurer is hereby directed to make and insert all calclÛadons and detenninadons neœssary to complete the Tax Exempdon Ccrdficste in all respects and to execute and deliver tbe Tax Exempdon Cemficstc al issuance of tbe Bonds 10 cordfy as to the reasonable expectadons and covenants of the Issuer at tbat date. Any flU1ds received from the Truslec for use of tbe Paying Agen~ to pay principal and interest on tbe hoods to be refunded shall be bold in CIIh or non-intercsl bcadng demand deposits separate from all other moneys or accounts of tbe Issuer. Secdon 15. Deposit of Proceeds In Escrow. $- of tbe pmcccds derived from tbe sale of the bonds herein autborized, other tban accrued interest wbich shall be deposited in the Bond Fund created by Secdon 3 of this Rcsoludon and pmcccds derived from tbe sale of bunds herein autborized wbieb shall be deposited in tbe Project Fund crested by Section 4 of this Reso1udon, shall be pIsccd in escrow witb Norwest Bank Iowa, N.A., as Trustee under tbe Refunding Trust Agreement dated as of I June 1, 1993, which Truslec shall 1) hold such pmcccds in a special and irrevocable lrust fund, 2) invesl such pmcccds only in CIIh or direct obligadons of the United States, and 3) apply such pmcccds and earnings tbercon only in accordance witb tbe terms and coudidons of tbe Refunding Trust AgrccmenL All tbe terms and condidons of tbe ReflU1ding Trust Agrccmenl arc hereby inCOlpcrllted by reference in this Resolution as if set btb herein in full. The Refunding Trusl Agrccmenl is hereby appreved and confinncd u binding upon the Issuer, and tbe Mayo< and City Clerk arc hereby autborined to execUte tbe same on behalf of the Issuer. Section 16. Sevcrabi1ity CIa.... If any secdon, paragraph, cia... o<provision of this Rcsoludon be held invalld, such invalidity shall not affect any of tbe remsioing provisions hereof, and this Rcsoludon shall become effecdve immediately upon its psasage and approval. Section 17. Addidona\ Covenants, RcprcICRtadonsand Wamnties of the Issuer. The Issuer cordfies and covcnanls witb tbe purchasers and holders of the Bonds from dme to time '"'tstanding tbst the Issuer through its officers, (a) will make such furtber specific cove...Is, reproICRtations and asS1uaJ\OCS as may be necessary or advisable; (b) comply with all _sentadons, cove...1s and assurances contained in the Tax Exempdon Cemficate, which Tax Exempdon Cemficstc shall constitute a part of the contract between tbe Issuer and tbe owners of the Bonds; (c) consult witb bond counsel (as defined in tbe Tax Exempdon Cerdficstc); (d) pay to tbe United States, as necessary, such sums of money representing required rebates of excess arbitrage profits relating to tbe Bonds; (e) file such forms, statemcnls and suppordng documenls as may be required and in a dmcly manne~ and (I) if deemed neœssary or advisable by its offiocrs, 10 employ and pay fiscal agenls, financial advisors, attorneys and other persons to assut the Illocr in such compliance. Secdon 18. Amendment of Resoludon 10 Msintain Tax Exempdon. Tbis Resoludon may be amended witbout the consenl of any owner of tbe Bonds if, in tbe opinion of bond coonsel, such amendment is neœssary to maintain tax exemption witb respect to tbe Bonds under applicable Fcdcrs1 law or regulations. Section 19. Qualified Tax-Exempt Obligadons. Fo< the sole purpose of qualifying the Bonds as "Qualified Tax Exempt Obligadons" pursuant to tbe1ntemal Revenue Code of the United States, the Issuer designates the Bonds as qualified tax-cxempl obligadons and represents tbat tbe reasonably anticipated amounl of tax exempl govenuncntal and Cnde Secdon 501(c)3 obligadons wbich will be issued during the current calendar year will not exceed Ten (10) Million Dollars. Secdon 20. Repeal of Conflicdng Resoludons 0< Ordinances. That all ordinances and resolutions and parts of ordinances and resolutions in conßict herewitb arc hereby repealed. 186 187 Regular Session, June 7,1993 POlled, approved and adopted this 71b day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest Mary A. Davis CityClcrl< Council Member Krieg moved adopdon of the Rcso1udon. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Bnuly, Council Members KlUClner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, VoetbeJ¡. Nays-None. Communication of Cily Manager rcquesdng direcdon regarding recognition evenl fo< Board and CornmiJsion members, upon con...s.. it was directed to look 51 a picnic in tbe put (Eagle Pninl or Marshall) and ineludc apenses and families and tbal il be seheduled for a Saturday or Sunday evening: RFSOLUTION NO. 1~.93 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the following having complied witb tbe provisions of law rclsting to tbe sale of Cigaret1Cs within tbe City of Dubuque,lowa, be grsnted a pennit to sell Cigarettes and Cigaret1C Papers within said City. Airport Inn Ethel K. Scbwsrtz 574 E. 16tb SL Amnco Foodshop Mulgrew Oil Co. 1450 Loras Blvd. Angie's Angela Mangeno 1401 Elm SL Asbury Fastop Mulgrew Oil Co. 3300 Asbury Rd. Beecher Co. Inc. Beecher Co. Inc. 1691 Asbury Rd. 14010 Oil Co. 9tb & Central Ave. Big 10 Mart 14010 Oil Co. 2100 J.F.K. Rd. Big 10 Mart & Car Wash 14010 Oil Co. 1875 J.F.K. Rd. Buuer's Bar Miebael Sawvcil 1700 Central Ave Casey's General S- The Monday Co. 4003 Peru Rd. Casey's General S- Angcllnvestmcnl 2699 Rockdale Rd. C.K. of Dubuque, Inc. 3187 University Ave. Vendors Uolimited 1111 Dodge SL Dodge Honse Motel Dodge Honse Corp. 701 Dodge SL Dr. B's Bi1IiardslSpooners Robert Duster 2095 Kerper Blvd. Big 10 Mart Counlly Kitchen Days Inn Dubuque Greyhound Park AKA Leisure Services 1ne. 1855 Greyhound Park Rd. Dubuque Inn Best Westcm Vendors Unlimited 3434 Dodge SL Eagle Food Center H130 Eagle Food Centers 1nc. 1800 Elm SL Eagle Food Center H320 Eagle Food Centers Inc. 2050 J.F.K. Rd. Eagle Food Center /fO18 Eagle Food Centers Inc. 300 Sootb Locnsl SL Faroily Beverage Center Dennis & Jean AItbsus 3400 Central Ave. Faroily Mart Inc. Dennis & Jean AItbsus 3201 Central Ave. Fisber Bowling Lanes Vendors Uolimited 880 Locusl SL Grandview Milkhonse Sally Herrig 620 S. Grandview Happy's PIsco p.m.S.T. Inc. 2323 Rockdale Rd. Hy-Vee Food StooHy-Vee Food Stores Inc. 3500 Dodge SL Vendors Unlimited 200 Main SL K-Mart Corp. 2600 Dodge SL Curtis Gcrbanl 2186 Central Ave. MiIacle Car Wash 3199 University Monte Carlo Restaurant Chung Lirn Gee 378 Main SL Jerry L James 1899 Rockda1e Rd. Nelds Bennell 1091 Main SL Kahn Family EnL 359 W. 9tb SL Pipe Inn Belly Krcmor Kennedy Mall Plsza 20 Amoco Foodshop Mulgrew Oil Co. 2600 Dodge SL Riverside Bowl Riverside Bowl Inc. 1860 Hawtborne Sheeban Amnco David & Joyce Sheehan 205 Locust SL Sid's.Beverage Store Beverly R. MiI1cr 2727 Dodge SL Walnut Tap Craig J. Weiner 709 University Ave. POlled, approved and adopted tbiJ 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Julien Moler Inn K-Mart Knicker's MiIacle Car Wash Neighbor's Tap Old Shang Pasta O'Shea's Riverside Bowl Walnut Tap Attesl: Mary A. Davis City CIcrlt Regular Session, June 7, 1993 188 ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved adopdon of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Couocil Member Nicholson. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Yeas-May<.- Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. JlE<¡OLUTJON NO. 1"-93 Wbercas, applicsdons fo< Beer Pcnnits bave been submitted and filed to tbiJ Council for approvsl and tbe same have been examined and approved; and Wbercas, the premises to be occupied by sueb appliCIRts were inspected and foond to comply witb the Ordinances of tbiJ City and have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That tbe Manager be autborizcd to ..... to be issued tbe following named appliCIRts a Beer PcrmiL CLASS "B" BEER PERMIT Golinvaux IncPizza Hut of Dubuque HI Inc Sunday Ssles 2075 J.F.K.Rd. James V & John P Golinvaux Pizza Hut of Dubuque 112 Inc. Sunday Ssles 320 E. 2Otb SL Passed, approved and adopled this 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Nagle moved adoption of tbe Rcso1udon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vole: Yens-Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson,Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. JlE<¡OLUTION NO. 165-93 Wbercas, applications for Liquor Ucenses have been submitted to this Council for approvsl and tbe same have been examiued and approved: and Wbercas, tbe premises to be occupied by sueb appliCIRts were inspecled and found to comply witb the Stale Law and all City Ordinances relevant tbercto and they have filed proper bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the Manager be autborizcd to cause to be issued tbe following named appliCIRts a Liquor Ucensc. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LiQUOR LiCENSE Honse of Cbinn Co. Honse of Cbina Sunday Sales 801 Town Clock Plaza SPECIAL CLASS "C" (BW) LiQUOR LiCENSE Charles Weaver Paps Sarducci's Sunday Ssles 1895 J.F.K. Rood Passed, approved and adopted tbiJ 7tb day of JlU1e, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1cil Member Nagle moved adoption of tbe Rcsoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrricd by tbe following vole: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays--None. Communication of City Manager submitting documents providing for tbe bidding process fo< the construction of tbe Crescent Ridge and Starlight Drive 1993 PC Paving Projcc~ presenled and read. Council Member Krieg moved that the commlU1ication be received and filed. Seconded by ColU1ci1 Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yens-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nays-None. JlE<¡OLUTION NO. 166-93 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIF1CATIONS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE,IOWA: That the proposed plans, specificadons, form of contract and estimated cost for tbe Crescent Ridge & Starlight Drive Rcconstrucdon Projec~ in the estimated amoont of $1,790,478.47, are hereby approved and ordered filed in tbe office of tbe City Clerk for pablic inspecdon. Passed, adopted and approved tbiJ 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Krieg moved adoption of tbe Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrricd by tbe following vole: Yens-Msyor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson,Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. ~-~"~~~_.- ~~~ L~______L --,~-- Regular Session, June 7, 1993 Thor the City Council deems II advisable and necessary fo< tbe public welfare to make the herein mentioned improvements, and unles. property owners at the dme of tbe fina1 considcradon of tbiJ proposed resclution bave on file witb tbe City Clm objecdons to tbe resolution of necessity, they shall be deemed to have waived all objections pertaining to tbe regularity of tbe pmcccding and tbe legality of using tbe specia1 assellmenl procedure. Said improvements shall be conslIUCtcd and done in accordance witb tbe plans and specificatiòns wbich bave been approved by the City Council and now on file witb tbe City Clerk. That Ibe cool and expense of maidng sueb il1¥Ovement will'be ....ssed pattiaI1y or totally against pivatc1y owned property lying witb tbe asse..mcnl limits, and In an amounl not to exceed tbat provided by law, and in proportion to Ihe spcclal benefits conferred. The pardon of tbe coal wbich shall be borne by tbe City will be paid from tbe S1rcCt Construcdon Fund, tbe Road Use Tax Fund, and tbe Loca1 Opdon Sales Tax FlU1d, and special asse..ment bonds may be issned in anticipation of deferred payments of assessments when a contracl bas been performed and accepted, and tbe proceeds tbcrcof used to pay tbe contractor. The above resoludon was introduced, approved and oo1crcd placed on file witb tbe City Clerk thi. 7tb day of June, 1993. Approved and placed on file for final acdon. Jamos E. Brady Mayor 189 II&'iOLVTION No. 1'7-93 F1X1NG DATE OF IIEA1UNG ON PLANS AND SPECIF1CATtONS Wbcrcas, the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa bas given its pre1iminsry approval on Ibe proposed plans, specificadons, and f<rm of con_I and placed same on file in !be office of Ibe City Clm fo< public Inspccdon of the Cresccnl Ridge oft Starlighl Drive Rcconstrucdon ProjecL NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CnY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA: Thor on tbe 6tb day of July, 1993, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Ubrary Auditorium at wbieb time interested penons may sppear and be heard for 0< against Ibe proposed plans and specificadons, f<rm of contract and cost of ssid improvcmcn~ and the City CI...k be and Is bcrcby direcled to ca... a nod.. of time and place of such hcsring to be publisbcd in a newspaper having general ciICuladon in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, wbich notice shall be not less !ban foor days nor more !ban twenty days prior to tbe day fixed for its considcradon. At tbe bearing, any In_sled penon may sppear and file objecdons to tbe proposed plans, specificadons, contrac~ or estimated cool of the improvemenL POlled, adopted and approved this 7tb day of June, 1993. Jamos E. Brady Mayor Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adoption of tbe Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Msyo< Brady, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 168-93 RFSOLUT10N OF NECFSSI1Y Wbcrcas, proposed plans bave been duly prepared and approved by tbe City Council of the City of Dubuque and arc now on file in the office of City Clelk showing among otb... tbings the plans, specifications, form of contract, estimated cool and prcliminsry pial and scbcdule showing tbe amount proposed to be assessed against csch lot and Ihe valuation of csch 101 as filed by the City Council, for tbe Crescenl Ridge oft Starlight Drive Reconstruction ProjccL NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CnY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Attest: Mary A. Davis City Cierk ColU1ci1 Member Krieg moved adopdon of tbe Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctberg. Nays-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 169-93 FIXING DATE OF HEARING ON PLANS AND SPECIF1CATIONS Wbcrcas, tbe City Council of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa has given its preliminary approvai on Ihe proposed plans, specifications, and f<rm of con_I and placed same on file in tbe office of tbe City Clerk for public Inspection of tbe Crescent Ridge oft Statlighl Drive Reconstruction ProjecL NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CnY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Regular Session, June 7, 1993 190 That on the 6tbday of July, 1993, a public hearing will be held at 7:30 p.m. in tbe Poblic Ubnry Auditorium at wbieb time in_sted penons may appear and be heard for 0< against tbe proposed plans and specificadons, form of con_I and cost of said improvemen~ and the City Clm be and is bcrcby direcled II> canso a nndce of dme and place of such hcsring to be publisbcd in a newspaper having general ciICuladon in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, wbich notice shall be nol Ie.. !ban four days nor m<rc !ban twenty day. prior to the day fixed for its considcradon. AI the hearing, any in_led penon may appear and file objections to tbe proposed plans, specificsdons, conlrac~ 0< estimated cost of the improvcmcnL POlled, adopted and approved this 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Krieg moved adoption of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Brady, ColU1ci1 Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson,Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 178-93 II&'iOLUTION APPROVING PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE OF ASSESSMENTS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the attacbcd sheets, I to 4 inclusive, arc hereby determined to be the schedule of proposed ""ssments for tbe Crescent Ridge oft Starlighl Drive Reconstruction Project and tbe vsluadons set out herein arc hereby approved. POlled, approved and adopted this 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adopdon of tbe Reso1udon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by Ihe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson,Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Communicadon of City' Manager submitting documents providing for Ihe bidding proccBS fo< tbe construcdon of tbe 1993 Asphsll Paving Project, presented and read. Council Member Krieg moved tbal tbe cornmunicsdon be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Council Members KI.....r, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nays-None. II&'iOLVTION NO. 171-93 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF PLANS AND SPECIF1CATIONS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CnY COUNCIL OF THE CnY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA: Thor the proposed plans, specificadons, form of conlracl and esdmascd cost fo< tbe 1993 Asphalt Paving Projcc~ in the estimated amount 01'$656,292.06, arc hereby approved and ordered filed in tbe office of tbe City Clm for pablic inspection. Passed, adopted and sppreved this 7tb day of June, 1993. Jamos E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Krieg moved sdopdon of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y --Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesn..., Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctberg. Nays-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 172-93 FIXING DATE OF HEARING ON PLANS AND SPECIF1CATJONS Wbercas, tbe City Cooncil of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa has given its preliminary approval on the proposed plans, specifications, and f<rm of conlract and placed same on file in tbe office of tbe City Clerk for public inspecdon of tbe 1993 Aspha11 Paving ProjecL NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That on tbe 6tb day of July, 1993, a public hcsring will be bold at 7:30 p.m. in tbe Public Ubrary Auditorium at wbieb time in_sled penons may sppear and be heard for 0< against tbe proposcd plans and spcclficadons, form of conlract and cost of said improvemen~ and the City Clerk be and is bereby directed to cause a nodce of time and pIsco of such hcsring to be publisbcd in a newspaper baving general ciICuladon in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, wbich nodce shall be nol Ie.. !ban four days nor more !ban twenty days prior to the day fixed for its considcradon. At the hcsring, any interested person may appear and file objections to tbe 191 Regular Session, June 7,1993 Regular Session, June 7, 1993 192 proposed plans, spccificadona, contrac~ 0< estimated COIl of the i"¥""emenL Puscd, adopted and approved this 71b day of JIU1c, 1993. James E. Brady Mayo< Attcsl: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Council Member Krieg moved adoption of tbe Rcsoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Niebolson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nayo-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 173.93 ORDERING BIDS NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That tbe 1993 Asphalt Paving Project is hereby ordered to be adverdsed foc bids for construcdon. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tbat tbe amoonl of the security to accompany each bid shnl1 be in an amcunl wbich shnl1 conform to the provisions of tbe notice to bidders hereby approved as a pari of tbe pI... and specifications heretofore adopted. That tbe City Clerk is hereby directed to advcrdse for bids for tbe construcdon of tbe improvements herein provided. to be published in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, wbich nooce shall nol be less tban four days nor more Iban twenty dsys )rior to tbe receipt of said bids al 2:00 p.m. on tbe 23m dsy of June, 1993. Bids shnl1 be opened and read by tbe City Clerk at said dme and will be submitted to tbe Council for final action a17:30 p.m. on tbe 6tb dsy of July, 1993. Puscd, sdopted and spproved this 7tb dsy of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Krieg moved adopdon of tbe Rcsclution. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Communicadon of CilY Manager reqncsting to conduct a public hearing on Lcasc/Mooring Rights Agreemenl witb Dubuque County Historical Society, presented and read. Cooncil Member Voelbcq moved tbal the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Couocil Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nichol...., Robbins, VoetbeJ¡. Nays-None. RFSOLUTlON NO. 174-93 RESOLUTION SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED LEASEIMOORING RIGIITS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND THE DUBUQUE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY Wbcrcas, tbe Dubuque County Historical Society requested tbat tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa Jcasc to il 300 feel of water frontage fo< mooring of a vessel named The Wiltiarn M' Black and two related vessels, Ibe Tavem and Pipeline Barge: and Wbcrcas, Chapler 364.2 of tbe Code of Iowa requires tbat before il may dispose of an interest in real -rty. a city must set fortb its proposai and conduct a public hearing on ssid proposal pursuant to published notice tbcreof; and Wbercas, a _cd Lcasc/Mooring Ri8hts Agreement bas been prepared and is attached hereto and made a pari hereof; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secdon 1. Tbat tbe attacbed Lcase/Mooring Rights Agreement is hereby adopted for purposes of a public hearing on tbe disposidon of and intcrcsl in real -rty by I.... for a term of morc !ban tbrcc ycsrs. Secdon 2. That tbe City Council of tbe City of Dubuqnc, Iowa, shall conduct a public hearing at tbe Carnegie Stool Poblic Library Anditorium, IItb and Bluff SlrcCts, Dubuque, Iowa, at 7:30 p.m. on the twenty- first dsy of June, 1993 for tbe purpose of receiving pablic comment on tbe proposed Lcase/Mooring Rights AgrccmenL Section 3. That the City Clerk be and she is hereby authorized and directed to cause a nodce of ssid public hearing to be publisbed as prescribed by the Cnde of Iowa. POlled, approved and adopted tbiJ 7tb day of Júne, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: YCIS--o-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nay.--None. MINUTES SUBMITTED -- Five Flags Commission of 5-17; Handicsppcd Parking Review Committee of 5-81; Historic Prcscrvadon Commission of 4-14,4-28 & 5- 12; Honsing Code Appeals Board of 5-1g; Housing Commisslon Trnsl Fund Committee of 5-13; Housing Services Division of 5-11; Human Rights Commission of 4-12; Investmenl Ovcrsighl Commission of 4-29; PaD: & Recrcadon Commission of 5-11; Trsnsil Trustee Board of 5-13; Zoning Board of Adjustmenl of 4-29; Zoning Commisslon of 5-12; Zoning Commission and City Council of 5-18, presented and read. ColU1ci1 Memher Nagle moved tbal tbe minutes be received and filed. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Ycss-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetbcrg. Nays-None. 1nvestmenl Oversight Commission submitting tbcir second quarterly repM, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbal tbe report be received and filed. Scccnded by Council Member Niebolson. Csrried by tbe following vole: Y--Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Printed City Cooncil proœcdings for tbe month of June, 1992, presented and æad. ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved tbal tbe proceedings be approved as )rinted. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vole: Y --Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays--None. NOTICES OF CLAJMS¡SUITS -- Central Stales, Sootbcsst and Soutbwest Areas Hca1tb and Welfare Fund, on behalf of Daniel J. Burds, for bodily injury and disability; Pamela Gagne in amount of $297.00 fo< personal injuries: Beverly Ann and Leonard Gregory in unknown amclU1t for penonal injuries; Irving C. Hubbanl in unknown amounl for vebic1e damages; Patricia A. Huekels in unknown amoont for penona! injuries; Intemadonal Union of Opersting Engineers, Loca1 No. 758 submitting Probibited Pracdce Complnin~ Iowa Oil Company in amoont of $68.90 for wrecker services; Mindi McDermott in amount of $82.63 for vebic1e dsmages; Mercy Hca1tb Center, IU1dcr subrogadon for Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Voctberg moved adoption of Ibe Resolution and furtbcr sel il for Poblic Hearing on Monday, June 21, 1993 01 7:30 p.m. in tbe Public Ublary Auditorium and tbal tbe City Clerk publish notice in the manner prescribed by law. Janet LoBianco in amclU1t of $254.23 for pcrsonaIlnjuries; Dean Mi1Iius in estimated amounl of $224.71 for vebicle damages; Randy Pool in unknown 1oIa\ amount for vehielc damages; Florence Rinikcr in unknown amounlfo<pcrsonaI injuric.s; Diane TeKlppc in amounl of $35.00 for penonal injuries; Dale W, Vcsch in amounl of $485.00 for backed up sewer dsmages; Riebard Vast in amounl of $291.50 for property damages, presented and read. CoW1cil Member Nagle moved tbat tbe claims be referred to the Corporadon Counsel for invesdgation and repM, Seconded by Council Member Niebolson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y --Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voelbcq . Nays--None. Communicarions of Corporation Counsel advising following claims have been referred to Crawfonl & Company, tbe agent for tbe Iowa Communities Assurance Pool: Truck dsmage of Jeffery A. Harry; Car/dre damage of Amy 14...; Se- backup of Richard A. Meyer, Tire dsmage of Karen A. Reuler, Property dsmage of Bsird & Kim Sessions, presented and read Council Member Nagle moved tbat tbe communicadon be received and filed. Scccnded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetberg. Nayo-None. Communicarion of Corporation Counsel advising of decision rcacbed regarding McFadden el al VI. City of Dubuque, presented and read Council Member Nagle moved tbat tbe communication be received and filed. Scccnded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Niebolson, Robbins, Voelbcq . Nayo-None. REFUNDS REQUESTED -- James W. Keegan $633.75 on unexpired Uquor License; Pat Kelly $75.00 on unexpired Class "B" Beer Pcrmi~ Agnes Po..1cri $150.00 on uncxpiredO... "B" BccrPcrmi~ presented and read Council Member Nagle moved tbat tbe refunds be approved and Finance Director to illue proper checks. Seconded by ColU1ci1 Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Coonci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Proofs of Publicadon ccrdfied to by tbe Publisher on Nooce of Finding of No SignificsnlEffecton tbe Environmcnt forW. 193 Regular Session, June 7,1993 C. Brown Communications, Inc., Anasazi Exclusive Salon Producl8, Inc., Poblic Facililies (Neighborhood Relaled 1mpovcmcnll projects; Advising of Request for Rei.... f<r abuve projects, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved that !be proofs be rccdved and med. Seconded by COWIciI Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vole: Veas-Mayor Brady, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-Nonc. Cornmunicsdon of Zoning Commission advising of their approval of final plat of Loll 1-6 ineluslve of Quality PIsco 1ocatcd N<rtb of 2670 Sbiras Avenue, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved that !be communicsdon be received and fitcd. Seconded by ColU1ci1 Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: V--Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctberg. Nays-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 175-93 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT OF LOTS 1-6 INCLUSIVE OF QUALITY PLACE IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Wbercas, tbcrc has been mod witb the City Clerk a final plat Loll 1 - 6 Inclusive of Quality PIsco in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Whereas, said final plat has been examined by the Zoning Commission and placed the conditions tbat sanitary sewer and water be provided to csch 101 and a 20 foci building selback line be placed on tbe pIaL Whereas, said final plat has been examined by the City Council and tbey find tbat it conf<rms to tbe stalules and ordinances reladng to i~ and Wbercas, tbe City Cooncil concurs in tbe condidons of approval established by tbe Zoning Cornrnission. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That tbe final plat of loIS 1 - 6 Inclusive of Quality PIsco U bereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk arc heœby autborizcd and directed to endo<sc tbe approval of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon said final pl~ provided Ibe owners of ssid property bercin named, execute their written scccptancc bereto attsched agreeing: a. To provide sanitary sewer and water to each 10L b. To place a 2D-foot building setback line on tbe pIaL Section 2 That in tbe event Lorino V. Strumbcq er shall fnil to execole tbe scccptance and furnish tbe secority provided in Section 1 hereof within forty-five (45) days after !be date of tbe Resolution, tbe provisions hereof shall be null and void and the scccptance of the dcdicsdon and approval of tbe plat shall not be effective. P888cd, approved and adopted this 7tb day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION NO. 175-93 1, the undersigned, Lorine V. SlrUmbcrger, baving read tbe terms and conditions of the Resolution No. 175-93 and being familiar witb the couditions thereof, hereby scccpl this same and agree 10 tbe conditions required tberein. Dated in Dubuque, Iowa Ibis day of - - - - -,1993. By (NOT SIGNED) Lorine V. SlrUmberger ColU1cil Member Nagle moved adopdon of tbe Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Voss-Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetbcrg. Nays-None. Communicsdon of Corporation Counsel recommending any proposed setdement witb Steen Ronlov is premature, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbat the communication be received and mod and approved rccommendadon. Seconded by ColU1cil Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vole: Veas-Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetbcrg. Nays-None. Petition of Delos D<rwci1er requesting assutancc and relief regarding a severe drainage problem in the 2105 JFK Rood area, presented and read. Cooncil Member Nieboloon moved tbat the petition be received and filed and referred to Staff and expecl Staff 10 report to tbe Council within six weeks. Scccnded by Council Member Voctberg. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Klnosner, Krieg, Nagle, Niebolson, Robbins, Voctberg. Nays-None. Communicsdon of Steven Neyens on behalf of Dubuque Audubon Society requesting permission to erect a small s_ture on City property located al tbe Soutb end of, and on HIlt side of Marsh S1rcC~ presented and read. Cooncil Member Nagle moved tbat tbe cornmunicadon be Regular Seaalon, June 7, 1993 194 rccc!ved and filed and reqllCll approved. Seconded by COWIciI Member Niebolson. Csrried by the following vote: Ycu-Mayor Brady, Council Members KlllClner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Rabbi".. Voctbcrg. Nay.--None. Communicadon of Cily Manaser requesting Mayor be autbcsizcd to execute an addendum to U.S. Relocsdon projec~ presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbat tbe communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member NiebollOll. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nayo-Nonc. RESOLUTION NO. 17'-93 RESOLUTION APPROVING ADDENDUM TO PRECONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RELATED TOU.S.WGHWAY'1 PROJECT Wbercas, tbe Iowa Dcpsrtmcnt of Trsnsportation is CUIrcßtly constrocting relocated U.S. 61 within tbe City of Dubuque from Grsndview Avenue n<rtbcrly and easlerly to tbe U.S. 61 Mississippi River Bridge; and Whereas, J.D.O.T. Agreemenl *87-4-210 was previoosly executed for tbe above projecl by both tbe City and tbe Iowa Department of Trsnsportadon in 1989; and Wbcrcas, Addendum 1193-A-138 provides for tbe eliminadon of City pardcipadon in tbe re1ocadon of two storm sewer Ii..s and tbrcc storm lOwer intakes; provides for J.D.O.T. funding of tbe rcconslrucdon and widening of tbe MUlphy Park enlrancc road from Grsndview Avenue; and provides that I.D.O.T. will accept jurisdiction and mainlenan.. responsibility fo< the 911 HIli Connector 01 no cost or obligadon to tbe City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OFDUBUQUE,10WA: Secdon 1. Tbal Addendurn 1193-A-138 to Prcconstrocdon Agreemenl *87-4-210 witb tbe Iowa Dcpsrtmcnt of Tran8porladon be I approved. Section 2. Tbat the Mayor be autborizcd and directed to execute two copies of this addendum and forward tbe executed copies to the Iowa Departmenl of Transportadon for tbcir approval. P888cd, approved and adopted this 7tb day of JIU1C, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City CIcrlt Council Member Nsale moved adopdon of the Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Communicadon of Cily Manager requesting autborization to publish Nod.. of Environmental Finding for projecll, presented and road. Council Member Nagle moved tbal tbe communicadon be received and med. Scccnded by Council Member Niebolson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Veas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Niebo1oon, Robbins, Voetbcrg. Nays-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 177-93 RFSOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF ENVJRONMENTAL REVIEW FINDING FOR CERTAJN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS Wbercas, tbe City of Dubuque has entered into a Grsnt Agreement fo< tbe fiseal year commencing July 1, 1993 witb the U.S. Departmenl of Housing and Urban Developmcn~ providing for financial assutancc 10 tbe Cily under Title 1 of Ihe Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended; and Wbercas, pursuant to tbe rules and regulations as promulgated by Ihe U.S. Dcponmcnl of Housing and Urban Developmcn~ an cnvironmenW review has been processed for tbe heœinaftcr dcscrihed projecll proposed to be financed witb Community Development Block Grsnt flU1ds; and Wbercas, on May 18, 1993, after due considcrstion, a detcrminadon was made tbst tbe projecll arc nol major federal acdons significsntly affecting tbe quality of tbe human environmenL NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. Tbat tbe City Clerk be and she is bereby autborizcd and directed to pablish a Notice of Finding of No si8IÛficsnt Effect on the Environment for tbe following projects, and to make tbe Environmental Review Rcca-d for said projects avuilab1e for public inspectinn. Such nodoe shsll be in 195 Regular Session, June 7,1993 the f<rm of Exhi¡'¡1 "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. Four Mounds Foundation Road Impovcmcnta HiIkrcsI Family Scrvioc CIasaroom Construcdon _on 2. Tbal the City of Dubuque hereby dceIarcs ita intent to adopt a reød.udon at its meeting of June 21, 1993, authorlling the submission of a requesl to tbe U.S. Departmenl of Hoosing and Community Dcvelopmen~ to< rei.... of flUIds to undertake the above mentioned projects. POlled, approved and adopted this 7tb day ofJune, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Nagle moved adopdon of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: y.........Mayor Brady, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Communication of Cily Manager requesting to execute a conttacl for funding Loca1 AIDS Coalition Program, presented and read. Cooncil Member Nagle moved tbal tbe communicadon be received SlId filed. Scccnded by Cooncil Member Niebolson. Csrried by the following vote: Ycas-Mayor Brady, COIU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Niebolson, Robbins, Voctbcq . Nays-None. RFSOLUTION NO. 178-93 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CI1Y MANAGER OR IDS DESIGNEE TO SIGN A CONTRACT WITH THE IOWA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH FOR FUNDING A LOCAL AIDS COALITION PROGRAM. Wbcrcas, tbe Iowa Dcpsrtmcnt of Public Hca1tb bas offered to provide financial support for local AIDS Programs in tbe City of Dubuque; and Wbcrcas, tbe City of Dubuque desires to establish and maintain such local AIDS Programs; and Wbcrcas, tbe Iowa Department of Poblic Hca1tb has presented tbe City Hca1tb Services Division a proposed conlIaCt for funding, a copy of wbich is attached hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, BB IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: _on 1. Thai the City of Dubuque, Iowa, bcrcby approves the attached AIDS coaddon conttact between the Iowa Department of Public Hcaltb and the City of Dubuque, Iowa. _on 2. That tbe City Manager or bis designee Is bcrcby autborized and directed to execute ssid conlIaCts on behalf of the City of Dubuque, Iowa. Passed, approved and adopted tbiJ 7tb day of June, 1993. Mary A. Davis City Clerk Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Nagle moved adoption of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: y.........Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Communication of City Manager requesting to execute a CLG wilb State Historical Society of Iowa, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbat tbe communication be received and filed. Scccnded by Cooncil Member Nicholson. Carried by tbe following vote: Y --Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voelberg. Nays-None. RESOLUTION NO. 179-93 A RFSOLUT10N AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT (CLG) CONTRACT WITH THE STATE HISTORICAL SOCIE1Y OF IOWA Wbercas, tbe U.S. Dcpamnenl of tbe Interior, in cooperation witb the National Park Service, has made grsnl funds availnble to Certified Loca1 Govemments to assiSI in tbe development and implementadon of a vsriety of bistoric preservation activities; SlId Wbercas, the City of Dubuque, Iowa, a Certified Loca1 Govemmen~ was awarded said flU1ds on March 19,1993 to assist in tbe development of public educadon program; and . . Wbcrcas, tbe City Cooncil of Dubuque, Iowa considered said project on December 7, 1992 and determined tbat il wi11enhance tbe community's awareness of the economic, social and cu)tora! benefits of bistoric preservation SlId heighten its apprcciadon of its arcbitcctora! and cu)tora! heritage. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: R~ular Session, June 7, 1993 196 _on 1. Tbat tbc Mayor is hereby authorized to execute tbe attached Ccrdfied Loca1 Government GranI-1n-Aid Agreemenl and forward said documenl to the State Historical Society of Iowa, togctbcr witb sueb documcnta as may be required. POlled, spprovcd, and adopted this 7tb day of June, 1993. Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk James E. Brady Mayor ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved adopdon of tbe Resolution. Scccnded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Communicadon of City Manager requesting antborization to execute Purch... of Services Agrecmcnl witb Substance Ab... Scrvioe Center for year beginning 7- 1-93, presented and read. ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved tbst tbe communicadon be received and filed and autborizadon approved. Seconded by Cooncil Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetberg. Nays-None. Communicadon of City Manager requesting autborizadon to execute Purch... of Services Agreement witb RSVP fo< Fiscal Ycsr 1994 in tbe amoonl of $6,750.00, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved tbal tbe communication be received and filed SlId autborization approved. Scccnded by ColU1cil Member Niebolson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y --Mayor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetbcrg. Nays-None. Communication of City Manager recommending to scccpt property located at 745 Davis SL, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved Ihat the communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Niebolson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y --Mayor Brady, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetbcrg. Nayo-Nonc. RESOLUTION NO. 180-93 RFSOLUTION ACCEPTING A CONVEYANCE OF PROPER1Y LOCATED AT 745 DAVIS STREET, DUBUQUE, IOWA, TO THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Wbcrcas, tbe City ofDubuque has agreed to purcbasc tbe following legally described real property: Lots Ninety-Five (95) and Ninety-Six (96), O'Neill's River View in the City of Dubuquc, Iowa, Dubuque COWIty, Iowa, OCCOJding 10 the recorded plat tbcrcof from Uoyd and LoIs Gudcnkauf; and Wbcrcas, the owners bave prepared a Wsmonty Deed naming tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, as holder of all righta, dtlc and interests in said property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: -on 1. The City Council of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby approves of, accepts and consents to the Warrsnty Deed from Uoyd and LoIs Gudenkauf as required by Iowa Cude Section 569.7. Secdon 2. The City Clerk be and she is hereby autborizcd and directed to cause said Warrsnty Deed to be recorded in the office of tbe Dubuque County Recorder, togetber witb a cemfied copy of tbiJ Resoludon. Secdon 3. The City Clerk be and she is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Resolution to tbe Dubuque County Assellor and tbe Dubuque County Auditor. POlled, approved and adopted this 7th day of June, 1993. James E. Brady Mayor Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved adoption of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayo< Brady, ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Communication of City Manager submilting copy of report from HUD summarizing tbeir April monitoring visit to tbe City, presented and read. Council Member Nagle moved that the communicadon be received and filed. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Msyor Brady, Cooncil Members Kluèsner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctberg. Nayo-None. There being no further business, Couocil Member Nagle moved to adjourn. Seconded by Cooncil Member Kluesner. Csrried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Brady, ColU1ci1 Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Meedng adjourned at 10:46 p.m. 197 Regular Sel8lon, June 7,1993 Council Members -~ ¿J~~ City Clerk !leøular Sel8lon, June 21,1993 (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 3O-U AN ORDJNANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BE AMENDED BY REVJSING APPENDIX A THEREOF. ALSO KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY RECLASSIFYING HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED PROPERTY LOCATED NORTH OF 3735 PERU ROAD FROM C-3 GENERAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO R-I SINGLE- FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. DUBUQUE CITY COUNCIL OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Regular Session, JlU1e 21, 1993 Council Mel at 7:30 p.m., Poblic Ublary Auditorium Pioscnt Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Robbins, Voetbcq , City Manager Michael C. Van Milligen, Corporation Coonsel Barry A. Undah1. Abacnl: Mayo< Brady. Mayor Pro- Tem Robbins read tbe call and stated this U the Regular Session of tbe City ColU1ci1 called to< tbe Purpose to act upon sueb bnsiness wbieb may properly come before tbe Council. 1nvocadon was given by Rev. Dr. James Dotson, Pastor of Gnodview A venue United Metbodist Church. ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved to suspend tbe rules to allow anyone presenl to address tbe Council if tbey 10 desire. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctherg. Nays-None. Abacnl-Mayor Brady. Proof of Poblication ccrdfied to by tbe Publisher on Nodce of Public Hearing to reclassify property located n<rtb of 3735 Peru Rei. from C-3 to R-1 Distric~ presented and read There were no written objecdons rcccived and no <raI objectors present at tbe time of tbe Hearing. Council Member Nagle moved tbat tbe proof of poblication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pro- Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voetbcrg. Nays-None. Abacnt-Mayor Brady. An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property located Nortb of 3735 Peru Road from C-3 General Commereisl Districi to R-1 Single-Family Residcndal Distric~ said Ordinance having been presented and read at tbe Council Meedng of 5-17-93, presented for finsl sedon. 198 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Sccdon 1. That the Code of OnIinanœs of lite City of Dubuque, Iowa be amended by revising Appendix A tbcrcof, slso known as tbe Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, to reclassify hercinst\cr described property from C-3 General Commcrcisl Districi to R-1 Single-Family Residendsl Distric~ to wit: Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Lol 4 of Lot 1 of Lol 1 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 snd Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 1 of Mineral Lot 324, snd tbe nortb 40 feel of Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot 4 of Lot 1 of Lol 1 of Lol 1 of Lol 1 and Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot I of Mineral Lot 324, and to tbe center line of tbe adjoining public right-of-way, all in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, Secdon 2. That tbe foregoing amendment has beretofore been reviewed by tbe Zoning Commillion of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, Passed, approved and adopted litis 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Poblished officially in tbe Tel<graph Herald newspaper this 28tb day of June, 1993. It 6128 Msry A. Davis CMC City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved final adopdon of the OnIinsnce. Scccnded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voetbcrg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. 199 Regular Se88lon, June 21,1993 POlled, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Proof of Poblicadon certified 10 by the Pobliabcr 011 Notice of Poblic Hearing ID amend Zoning OnIinance pertaining to "Roof Signs", prcacnted and read. There were no wri- objections received and no cn1 objectors prcacnl 51 tbe dmc of the Hearing. Cooncil Member Kluesner moved tbat the proof of publicadon be received and fI1cd Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Carried by Ihe following vole: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson. VoetbeJ¡. Nays--Nonc. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by adopting in lieu tbcrcof a new Sccdon 4-3.3(G) pertaining to prohibiting Roof Signs, said Ordinance having been prcacnted and æad 01 the Council Mcedng of 5-17-93, presented for finsl acdon. Au.sl: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Council Member Kluesner moved final adopdon of the Ordinance. Seconded by Cooncil Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voetbcrg. Nays--None. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. Proof of Poblication ccrdficd to by tbe Poblisher on Notice of Public Hearing providing f<r tbe adoption of a Conceptual Development Plan for Terrace Heights, presented and read. There were no written objections received and no oral objectors presenl 51 the time of tbe Hearing. Council Member Kluesner moved tbst tbe proof of publicadon be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayo< Pro- Tem Robbins, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voelberg. Nays--None. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 31-93 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, lOW A, BE AMENDED BY REVISING APPENDIX A THEREOF, ALSO KNOWN AS THE WNiNG ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY REPEALING SECTION 4- 3.3(G) AND ADOPTING A NEW 4- 3.3(G) IN LIEU THEREOF PERTAINING TO PROHIBmNG ROOF SIGNS. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA: Secdon 1. Appendix A of the City of Dubuque Code of OnIinances is hereby amended by repealing Sccdon 4-3.3(g) and adopting tbe following new Secdon 4-3.3(g). Roof signs as defined in Sccdon 4-3.2 of tbiJ ordinance, except tbat anv on-,..mise roof sian ofless !ban 100 snuarc feel and localC4 An OnIinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by adopting a Conceptual Development Plan for the Tenace Heights PR Planned Residential Districi on Pcru Road in tbc City of Dubuque, 10wL, said Ordinance having been presented and read at tbe Council Mccdng of 5-17-93, presented for finsl ..don. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 32-93 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA PROVIDING THAT THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CITY OF DUBUQUE, lOW A, BE AMENDEIO BY REVISING APPENDIX A THEREOF, ALSO KNOWN AS THE WNiNG ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, BY ADOPTING A CONCEPTUAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE TERRACE HEIGHTS PR PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT ON PERU ROAD IN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Wbcrcss, Windsor Pad< Properties/ROC, owner, bas filed an app1icadon for approval of a conceptual development plan for hereinafter described property in accordance witb provisions of the PR Planned Reaidentia1 District regulations as sel fortb in take Regular Seulon, Jun. 21,1993 200 Sccdon 3-5.4 of tbe Code of OnIinanccs, Appendix A tbcrcot of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Wbcrcas, the Zoning Commission bas held a public hearing on said appIicadon for a conccptua\ developmenl plan psrsuant to required publisbed nodce; and Wbcrcas, tbe Zoning Commission bas approved said oonceptual development plan subject to specific condidons and restrictions having found tbat said plan oonf<rms witb tbe review standards applicable to such plans as set fortb in Section 3-5.4E of tbc Code of Ordinances, Appendix A tberoof, of the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Wbcrcas, tbe Zoning Commission recommended tbe concurrence of tbe City Council and approval of said conecptual devclopmenl plan; and Wbercas, the City Council bas received tbe rccommcndadon of the Zoning Commillion and held its own public hearing on said conceptual development plan pursuant to required publisbed nodce; and Wbcrcas, tbe City Council has approved said conceptual developmenl plan subject to tbe same specifie conditions and restrictions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secdon 1. Thst the Code of OnIinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, be amended I by revising Appendix A tberoof, slso known as tbe ZolÙng OnIinance and Zoning Map of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, by adopdng and approving tbe conceptual development plan for the following described -rty, to wit: Lot 2 of 1 of D of Tenace Heights Subdivision in tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa and extending to tbe center line of any abutting public right-of-way. Secdon 2. That in crder to sccomplish tbe purposes of tbe PR Planned Residentisl Distric~ and tbe Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, the use and improvement of tbe hercinubove described PR Planned Residentisl Dismci shall be subject to tbe submitted conceptual developmenl plan and to the following conditions and resmctions: A. Use Re.uIadons The following reguladons shnllapp1y to nil uses msde ofland in tbe above described PR Planned Residendsl Dismct 1) The priocipal permitted use shsll be limited 10 mobile home padrJsubdivision as permitted by Sccdon 3-5.4(C) of tbe Zoning I Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, 10wL 2) Acccss(J<y uses shnl1 be limited to any ... customari1y incidental and subon1inatc to tbe principal use il serves. 3) No condngcncy.... will be nIIowed. B. Bulk Rcou1adoRl TOO bulk rcguIadons in tbiJ psmcu1ar PR Planned Rca1dcndal District shnl1 be u follows: Lot Area 5,000 aq. fL Lol Frontage 50 fL Lot Coverage as % Lol Area 40% Setbacks: Front 10' Side 6' Rear 10' Building Height 20' C. Parldn. Rcouirements TOO following reguladons shall apply to nil parking areas in tbe above described PR Planned Residendsl Dismct 1) The otT-sb'cct parking requirements for tbe principal permitted ... shnl1 be two (2) spaces/dwelling uniL 2) No on-sb'cct parking will be permitted in this PR DismcL The property owner shnl1 install signs to this effect slong the sb'cct in this PR DismcL D.~ The sign reguladoRl in tbiJ psrdcular PR Planned Residendsl Dismct shnl1 be tbe same as that wbich is nIIowed in tbe R-4 Multi-Family Residentisl Dismcl as estahlisbed in Secdon 4- 3.11 Scbedule of Sign ReguladORl of tbe Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, 10wL E. Site Develooment Standards The site development standards for this PR Planned Residendsl Dismct shsll be as follows: 1) A final site development plan shall be submitted in accordance witb Section 4-4 of tbe Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, 10wL 2) All ootside rubbish, stcrage and garbage collection areas shnl1 be permanently screened from view to a heighl of at least six (6) fce~ as sel fortb in Secdon 4-4.6(3) of tbe Zoning OnIinancc of tbe City of Dubuqne, 10wL 3) All slopes wbieb exceed ten (10) percent shnl1 be stabilized witb appopriate ground cover as set f<rtb in Section 4-4.6(2) of tbe Zoning Ordinance of tbe City of Dubuque, 10wL 4) All utility transmission systems shnl1 be plaocd underground. 5) Adequate illuminstion shnll be provided ID sb'ccts, sidews1ks, and nil areas fo< vebicular and pedestrian circuladon, and shall be directed so 201 Regular Session, June 21, 1993 u not to interfere witb the ... and enjoyment of adjsccnl properties. 6) Landacaping shall be Installed u 101 forth in Sccdon 4-5.3 of the Zoning OnIinancc of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa. In _don, tbe conccptus\ developmcnl plan shall show, and ins1ol\ation shall be required, the ..tablishmenl of screening adjaocnl to Peru Road running behind mobIie home Iota 111-14 and 33 and along the side of Lot 15, except where a visibility triangle mnsl be maintained at s-lldriveway in_dons, to COßIÌJI of a 3 foot bigh cartben bcnn 1andscaped witb tccbny arborvitae plantings spsccd 3 feel apart of at least 50% opacity 01 the time of installadon and 75% opacity within tbrcc (3) years of installadon and of at1...t five (5) feet in hcighl at the dme of installadon and wilb !be potendal to grow in exOClS of IOn (10) feel within five (5) years to be planted along the top of the berm. F. Performance Standards The developmcnl and maintenance of...s in this PR Planned Residcndal Dislrlci shsU be established in conformance witb the standards of Sccdon 3-5.4E of tbe Zoning OnIinance of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, G. Time Umilation The timetable for consttucdon and submittal of a final site development plan shall be established in conformanoc witb tbe following standards: 1) The c:onc:cptuaI developmenl plan shall be valid for a period of tbrcc (3) years from tbe date of adopdon of this ordinance. H. Trsnsfer of Owncrsbip Trsnsfcr of owncrsbip or 1.... of property in this PR Planned Residendal Dislrlci shall inclode in tbe transfer or I.... agreement a provision tbat tbe purchaser or Ie.... acknowledges awanme.. of tbe conditions aulhorizing the establishment of this dislrlcL I.~ Those areas designated on tbe conceptual dcvelopmcnl plan for this pardcular PR Planned Residential Dislrlct as "Open Spscc" shall be maintained as open spscc as defined by Sccdon 8 of tbe Zoning OnIinancc of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa and shsU be planted witb appropriate coniferous or deciduous trees. J. S_1a --no cul-de-sac "_I instal1cd in this pardcular PR Planned Residential Dislrlcl connecting to Peru Road at the nortb eod of this projec~ shsU be conslrUClCd and maintained as a paved, pinte sbcc~ wilb curb and guucr, in scccrdancc witb the City of Dubuque spcclfications by tbe property owner and/or association. If not 10 maintained, the City of Dubuque may do 10 01 tbe expense of the property owner an<Vor usociadon. K. Utilitv and Drainlllle PIAns Utility plans mull be submitted before final site developmenl plan appoval. All utility extensions shall be constructed and maintained in scoordancc witb tbe City of Dubuque spcclficadoßl by tbe property owner an<Vor associadon. A grading and drainage plan wbich meets tbe City of Dubuque specifications, including design plans for culverts, must be submitted before final site deve1opmenl plan approvsl. Sccdon 3. A final site developmenl plan shsU be approved by tbe City Planner if found to be in conformance witb tbe conceptual development plan. If fouod to be in conf<rmancc witb said plan, tbe i..uancc of building permits shsU be pemùtted. Following approval of a final silo development plan, no construction may take pisco except in substantial conformance witb sueb plan. P888cd, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk ACCEPTANCE OF ORDINANCE NO. 32-93 I, W. L. Moreland, baving read the terms and conditions of the foregoing OnIinancc No. 32-93 and being familiar witb tbe condidons thereof, hereby acccpl this same and agree to tbe condidons required Ibcrcin. Dated in Dubuque, Iowa this 91b day of July, 1993. . Wiodso< Park Properties 3 By: Roc Properties, In.., Managing Agenl By Isl W. L. Moreland, Vice Prcsidenl Poblished officially in tbe Tekgraph Herald newspaper this 21s1 day of July, 1993. Mary A. Davis CMC It 7fl1 City Clerk Regular Session, June 21,1993 202 COIDlcil Mccdng Klucsncr moved fina1 adopdon of the OnIinancc. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle, Csrried by the following vote: Y--.Mayo< Pro-Tcm Robbin.. CounciJ Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. Proof of Poblicatinn ccrdfied to by !be Poblishcr on Nodcc of Poblic Hcadng to consider a LcasctMooring RighI> Agrccmenl between the City and the Dubuque County Historical Society, presented and read. There were no written ubjecdons ICCCÌved and no <raI objecton prcsenl 01 tbe time of tbe Hcadns. CounciJ Member Nagle moved tbal !be proof of pablicadon be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Niebolson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbin., Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voetberg. Nayo-None. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. RESOLUTJON NO. 181-93 RFSOLUTJON APPROVING THE LEASEIMOORING RIGHTS AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CI1Y OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, AND THE DUBUQUE COUNTY HISTORJCAL SOCIETY Wbcrcas, pursuant to duly publisbcd public notice tbe City Council of Dubuque, low.. mel on the 21st day of JlU1e. 1993, at 7:30 in the Carnegie-Stout Poblic Ublary Auditorium, IItb and Bluff Sbccts, Dubuque, Iowa, to consider a propessl to I.... 300 feet of waler frontage in the Ice Harbor, City of Dubuque, Iowa; Wbercas, sueb property is to be lcssed to Dubuque County Historical Society in scoordance witb a LcasclMooring Rights Agrecmen~ a copy of wbieb U attacbcd hereto and made a part hereof; and Wbercas, tbe City COWIci1 of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, has ovemJ1ed any and all objections, oral or written, to tbe propossl to dispose of tbe inlerest of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, as set forth in the LcasclMooring Rights AgrccmenL NOW, THEREFoRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. That tbe attacbcd LcasclMooring Rights Agreement by and between the City of Dubuque,lowa, is in tbe public in_II of tbe citizens of the City of I Dubuque and is hereby approved. Sccdon 2. That the Mayor be and be is hereby autborizcd and directed to execule the LcasclMooring Rights Agrccrncnt on behalf of tbe City of Dabuque, Iowa, P888cd, approved and adopted this 21s1 day of June, 1993. Attesl: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem ColU1ci1 Member Nagle moved adopdon of the Remudon. Scccnded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbin.. Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. Communicadon of City Manager rcconuncnding approval of MCßIOI8ßdum of Agreemenl between tbe City and tbe Fiscber Co. reladng to the sUey rcpsiIs bcbind tbe Fiseber Building at 9th and Main Sbccts and requesting a public bcadng be bold grandng an HIIemcnl fo< said property, presented and read. Council Member Kluesner moved tbal tbe communicadon be received and filed. Scccnded by Coonci1 Member Voctbcq . Carried by the following vole: Yoss-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voetberg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. RFSOLUTION NO. Ig2-93 RESOLUTION APPROVING MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT AND SETTING PUBLIC HEARING ON GRANT OF EASEMENT TO PLASTIC CENTER, INC. RELATING TO THE ALLEY REPAIR WEST OF MAIN STREET, FROM 9TH TO 10TH STREET Wbcrcas, tbe City of Dubuque and Plasdc Cenler, Inc. have been negooating witb respeel to tbe repair of tbe alley WCst of Msin Sbcc~ from 9tb Sbcct to 10tb SIrcc~ and Wbercas, a Memorsndum of Agreement has been reached between tbe two pardes witb respect to tbe necessary sttuctursl repairs to tbe basement of tbe Fiscber Building, located at tbe comet of 9tb and Msin SIrcc~ which extends into ssid alley; and Wbcrcas, tbe City Council has determined tbat tbe Memorsndum of Agreement is acocptable and should be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE,IOWA: Sccdon 1. Thst tbe Mem<randum of Agrccmenl relating to rcpsirs to tbe alley between Msin and Locus~ from 9tb to 10th 203 Regular Se8llon, June 21, 1993 S_~ and repairs to the bascmenl of the FiJcbcr building located bcncatb said alley be approved. Sccsion 2. That tbe Grsnl of Eascmcnl from the City to Plasdc Center, \nc. fo< 1hc JIU1POIC of owning and maintaining the building bucmcnl beneatb the said alley be approved, and sol fo< public hcariDa, __I to Iowa Code Secdon 364.7 on July 6, 1993 at 7:30 o'clock p.m. in the Carnep Stœl Poblic Uinry AudilŒium. Sccsion 3. That the Mayo< be authorizccl and directed to cxecote two ccp1cs of the Mcmcnndum of AgrecmcnL POlled, approved and adopted dtis 21s1 day of June, 1993. Attest Mary A. Davis City CIcrlt Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem CoW1cil Member Kluesner moved adoption of the Resolution and further set tbe Hearing sel Tuesday, July 6, 1993 al 7:30 p.m. in tbe Poblic Ublary Auditorium and direcl tbal tbe City Clerk publish nodce in tbe manner prescribed by law. Seconded by COWIciI Member Voetbcq . Csrricd by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voetberg. Nays--None. Absent-Mayor Brady. Cornmunicsdon of Dean R. Mi1Iius appealing decision of Crawfonl &; Company to deny bis car daroage clsim and communication of Dean Mi1Iius requesting this item be tabled to the ncxl Council Meedng and communicátion of Corporadon ColU1se1 advising Cooncil of basis of Crawfonl denisl and recommending further denial, presented and read Council Member Niebolson moved tbal the request for tabling to the July 6tb. meedng be approved. Seconded by Cooncil Member Kluesner. Carried by Ihe following vote: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. Communicadon of City Manager submitting amendments to the Residendal Housing Code, presented and read. Council Member Voetbcq moved tbal tbe communicadon be received and fitcd. Scounded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vote: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg. Nagle. Nichol...., Voctbcq . Nayo-None. Abacnl-Mayor Brady. An Ordinance Amending Code of 0rdbwI0cs by rcpeadng and enacting new -ODS in lieu tbcrcof for certain -ODS of Chapter 26 rcladng to the Residentisl Housing Code, presented and read. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) ORDINANCE NO. 33-'3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCI!S, CI1Y OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, CHAPTER, 2', HOUSING REGULATIONS, BY AMENDING SECTION U-IO(b)(l) BY REPEALING PARAGRAPH (I) RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT FOR SANITARY FACn.ITIES AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW PARAGRAPH (1) RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE REQ VIREMENT FOR SANITARY FACn.ITII!S; AMENDING SECTION 26-IO(d)(2) BY REPEALING PARAGRAPH (2) RELATING TO ACCEPT ABn.ITY CRITERIA FOR OCCUPANCY STANDARDS AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW PARAGRAPH (2) RELATING TO ACCEPTABn.11Y CRITERIA FOR OCCUPANCY STANDARDS; AMENDING SECTION 26-100)(1)0. BY REPEALING PARAGRAPH.. RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT FOR ABATEMENT OF LEAD- BASED PAINT HAZARDS AND ADOPTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW PARAGRAPH.. RELATING TO THE PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT FOR TESTING AND ABATEMENT OF LEAD- BASED PAINT HAZARDS; AMENDING SECTION 26-100)(3) BY ADOPTING A NEW PARAGRAPH.. RELATING TO THE DEFlNmON OF ELEVATED BLOOD LEVEL; AND AMENDING SECTION 2'-10(J)(3) BY ADOPTING A NEW PARAGRAPH r. RELATING TO THE DEFINITION' OF LEAD-BASED PAINT. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secdon 1. Secdon 26-1O(b)(1) oflbeCity of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is hereby rcpcaIed, and the following new Secdon 26- 1O(b)(I) is hereby adopted: Regular Session, June 21,1993 (1) l'erfonnanœ RccuircmenL Each dwelling unil shall include ita own sanitary fad1idcs wbieb Ole in J"" IC1' opcradng condidon, can be DIed in privacy, and Ole adcq.... fo< pcrsona\ clcanlinoas and tbe disposaJ of human waste. Sccsion 2. Secdon 26-10(d)(2) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is bcrcby rcpcaIed, and the following new Secdon 26- IO(d)(2) is bcrcbyadopted: (2) ACOCIItabllitv Critaia. A living room, kitchen area. and bathroom shall be presen~ and the dwelling unit shall contain 01 least one sleeping or living/sleeping room of appropriate size for csch two (2) persons. Persons of opposite sex, otbcr !ban husband and wife 0< very YOWlS children, may nol be required to occupy tbe same bedroom or living/slccping room. Exterior doors and windows acœssible from outaide the unil shall be lockable. Section 3. Section 26-1O(j)(1)a. of tbe City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is hereby rcpesied, and tbe following new Secdon 26-IO(j)(I)a. is hereby adopted: .. The dwelling unit shall be in compliance witb HUD Lead Based Psinl regulations, 24 CFR Pan 887, issued I pun_I to the Lead Based Psint PoiJoning Prevention Ac~42 U.S.C. 4822, and the owner shall provide a cemficadon tbat tbe dwelling is in sccordance witb sueb HUD reguladons. Section 4. Secdon 26-1O(j)(3) oftbe City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adopûng tbe following new paragraph e.: e. Definidon of Elevated Blood Level. A confirmed concentration of lead in whole blood of 20 ug/dl (micrograms of lead pcrdccilitcr of whole blood) or greater. Section 5. Section 26-1O(j)(3) of the City of Dubuque Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adopûng the following new paragraph f.: f. Dcfinidon of Lead-Based PsinL A paint surface, whether or not defccdve, idendfied as baving a lead conlon! greater tban or equal to I mg/cm' as identified by X-ray fluorescence; or 0.5% by wcighL Section 6. Tbis ordinance shall take effecl immediately upon publicsdon. 204 Palled, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayo< Pro-Tem Attesl: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Poblished officially in the Tekgraph Herald newspaper this 28tb day of June, 1993. Mary A. Davis CMC It 6I2g City Clerk COWIciI Member Voctbcrg moved tba! this be considered the first reading of tbe Ordinance, and that 1hc requircmenl tbal a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage 01 two ColU1cil meedngs prlo< to the meeting at wbich 11 U to be finally adopted be suspcndccl and further moved fiual adopdon of Ihe Ordinance. Seconded by Council Member Nasle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayo< Pro- Tem Robbins, Cooncil Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle. Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. Communicsdon of City Manager advising of HUD's rcducdon in Fair Market Units, presented and read. COIU1ci1 Member Voetbcq moved tbsl tbe communicsdon be rcœived and filed. Seconded by Council Member Kluesner. Csrried by Ibe following vole: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, ColU1ci1 Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. RESOLUTION NO. 183-93 RESOLUTION PROTFSTING A PROPOSAL BY THE US DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) TO REDUCE THE DUBUQUE FAIR MARKET RENTS STANDARD. Wbereas, tbe City has administered, since 1976, a HUD Secdon 8 Rental Assistance Program, now totaling 900 units, fo< low- income families in need of housing subsidy, for whieb a reasonable economic return is necessary in onIer to retain tbe.psrdcipadon of area rental property owners on tbe program; and Regular Session, June 21, 1993 Wbcrcu, the City bas administered, since VoetbeJ¡ moved tbal the communicadon be 1984, vorl- œntal rehabilitadon loan rcocived and filed. Seconded by Council usistancc programs, totaling hundreds of Member Nagle. Csrried by the following units, in bcnelil oflow-income families, and vote: y.-Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, fo< wbieb a reasonable economic return iI Cooncil Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, necessary in <rdcr to induce local property Nicholson, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. owners to psrdcipate; and Abscnl-Mayor Brady. Wbcrcu, the adminisl1alion of the Section 8 Program Is dependent upon reven... railed An Ordinance Amending certain Sections by adninisl1alive f... through the leasing of of Cbaplcr 32 of the Code of Ordinances; the 900 prosrarn units; and Molar Vebicles and Traffic relating to and Wbcrcu, HUD bas proposed to reduce revising tbe current Parldng Ordinance, the Dubuque Fair Market Rents Standard, presented and æad. wbich will result in fewer owners wisbing to (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) pardcipstc in the Secdon 8 usistance ORDINANCE NO. 34-93 programs, fe_owners wisbing to invest in AN ORDINANCE AMENDING imprcvemcntoftbeirœntalunlts,areduction CHAPTER 32 OF THE CITY OF in the number of assisted units cooscquendy DUB U QUE COD E 0 F available to low-income fami1ies, economic 0 R DIN A N C E S , MOT 0 R banlsbip to low-income households unable to VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC, BY obtain housing subsidy and inadequate REPEALING SECTION 32-2, funding for condnucd City adminis1radon of UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH tbe Secdon 8 assistance programs; HOLIDAYS. AND ADOPTING NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED NEW SECTION 32-2, BY THE CITY COUNCn.. OF THE CITY UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH OFDUBUQUE,10WA: HOLIDAYS, DEFINING Sccdon 1. Tbal the City of Dubuque, "HOLIDAYS"; BY REPEALING Iowa opposes the proposed reduction in tbe SECTION 32-301 AND ADOPTING Fair Market Rents Standard. NE W SEC T ION 32 -3 0 1 Sccdon 2. Thst tbe US Dcpartmcnl of RESTRICTING PARKING TIME Housing and Urban Dcvelopmcnl be IN MUNICIPAL PARKING requested to reconsider its proposal and GARAGES AND PROVIDING FOR instcad to scta fair markelrcnt standard for RESERVED SPACES; BY Dubuque wbich is reflective of actual ADOPTING A NEW SECTION 32- hoUlingmarkelcondidonsandwbichallows 301.5 PROVIDING FOR for coodnued opcradon oftbe City Secdon 8 RESERVED PARKING SPACES and housing rehabilitadon assistance AND PROHIBITING THE USE programs. THEREOF BY PERSONS OTHER Secdon 3. That this resoludon be sent to THAN TENANTS; BY REPEALING tbe US Dcpartmcnl of Hoosing and Urban SECTION 32-311(8) AND DcvelopmcnL ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32- Sccdon 4. Thai tbe City Manager is 311(8) DESIGNATING CITY autborized and directed to work wilb all PARKING LOT NO.9; BY respective agencies to acbieve a resolution to REPEALING SECTION 32-311(9) this issue. AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION POlled, approved and adopted this 21s1 32-311(9) DESIGNATING CITY day of June, 1993. PARKING WT NO. 10; BY Joseph T. Robbins REPEALING SECTION 32-311(11) Mayor Pro-Tem RELATING TO CITY PARKING LOT NO. 12; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-312 AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-312 PROVIDING FOR THE INSTALLATION OF PARKING METERS IN MUNICIPALLY OWNED PARKING LOTS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-314(1) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-314(1) ESTABLISIDNG THE FEE IN CERTAIN MUNICIPALLY OWNED PARKING LOTS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-314(2), SECOND UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, AND ADOPTING 205 Regular Session, June 21,1993 NEW SECTION 32-314(2), SECOND UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, PROVIDING FOR RESERVED PARKING ON PARKING LOT NO.4; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-314(2). FOURTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32.314(2), FOURTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, PROVIDING FOR RESERVED PARKING ON PARKING LOT NO.9; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-314(2), FIFTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-314(2), FIFTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, PROVIDING FOR RESERVEIO PARKING ON PARKINGWT NO. 10; BY REPEALING SECTION 32- 314(2), SIXTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-314(2), SIXTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH. PROVIDING FOR RESERVED PARKING ON PARKING LOT NO. 11; BY ADOPTING SECTION 32- 314(2), NEW SEVENTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF RESTRICTIONS FOR MUNICIPALLY OWNED PARKING LOTS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-314(3) PROVIDJNG FOR RESERVED PARKING ON PARKING WT NO. 10; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-314(4) PROVIDING FOR RESERVE PARKING ON PARKING WT NO. 12; BY REPEALING SECTION 32- 315 AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-315 REQUIRING THE DEPOSIT OF COINS IN PARKING METERS AT CERTAIN TIMES; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-317 AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-317 PROHIBmNG DEFACING OR TAMPERING WITH PARKING METERS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-331. SECOND UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH. DEFINING "PARKING METER"; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-331, THIRD UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-331, THIRD UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPH, DEFINING "PARKING METER DISTRICT"; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-331, FIFTH, SIXTH, SEVENTH AND' EIGHTH UNNUMBERED PARAGRAPHS, Attesl: Mary A. Dsvis City Clerk ColU1ci1 Member Voetbcq moved adopdon of tbc Rcsoludon. Scccnded by CO1U\ciI Member Kluesner. Csrried by tbe following vote: y.-Mayer Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner. Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voetherg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayer Brady. Communication of City Manager submitting reviling Psrlång Ordinance, presented and read. Cooncil Member DEFINING "ROADWAY," "SIDEWALK," "STREET" AND "VEHICLE"; BY REPEALING SECTION 32.332 AND ADOPTJNG NEW SECTION 32-332 AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF PARKJNG METERS IN THE PARKING METER DISTRICT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ASSIGN TIME RESTRICTIONS FOR SUCH PARKING METERS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-335(0) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-335(0) PROVIDING THAT CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE CODE SHALL NOT APPLY ON HOLIDAYS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-3341 AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-336 ESTABLISHJNG A MUNJCIPAL PARKING METER DISTRICT AND DEFINING TIlE STREETS JN SUCH DISTRICT; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-337 AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-337 ESTABLISHING A FEE SCHEDULE FOR PARKJNG METERS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-338 AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-338 ESTABLISHING MAXIMUM PARKING TIMES; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-339(a) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTJON 32-339(0) DEFINJNG "RESIDENT PARKING STICKER"; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-339(b) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTJON 32-339(b) GOVERNING THE JSSUANCE OF RESIDENTIAL PARKING STICKERS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-339(c) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-339(0) RELATING TO THE INFORMATION ON A RESIDENTIAL PARKING STICKER; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-342(0) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32- 342(0) PROVIDING FOR PARKING METER HOODSIPLACARDS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-342(0) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-342(0) LIMITING THE PARKING OF VEIDCLES WITH PARKING METER HOODS PLACARDS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32.342(h) AND ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32- 342(h) AUTHORlZJNG THE CITY MANAGER TO REVOKE 206 207 Regular Sel8lon, June 21, 1993 PARKING METER HOODSIPLACARDS; BY ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32- 342(1) RELATING TO A REQUlŒT FOR A PLACARD; BY ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32-343 GOVERNING OFFICIAL VEHICLE STICKERS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-367 AND ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32oM7 DECLAIUNG FINDINGS OF FACT BY THE CITY COUNCIL RELATING TO PARKING SPACES FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS; BY ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION M7.5 AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO DESIGNATE SPECIAL PARKING SPACES FOR HANDICAPPED PERSONS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-368(b) AND ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32- 368(b) REGULATING PUBLIC. ANGULAR PARKING; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-370 AND ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32-370 PROHIBITING THE IMPROPER USE OF HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES OR IDENTIFICATION DEVICES; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-373 AND ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32-373 ESTABLISHING A BUSINESS DISTRICT; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-374(8) AND ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32- 374(0) RELATING TO TEMPORARY HANDICAPPED METER HOODS; BY REPEALING SECTION 32-374(0) AND ADOP'I1NG NEW SECTION 32- 374(0) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH FEES FOR TEMPORARY HANDICAPPEIO METER HOODS; AND BY ADOPTING NEW SECTION 32-375 PROVIDING FOR RESERVED TIME- DESIGNATED HANDICAPPEIO PARKING STALLS. NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNcn.. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA: Sccdon 1. TOO Code of Ordinances oftbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, is amended by repealing Section 32-2, unnumbered psmgraph Hclidays, and adopdng new Sccdon 32-2, unnumbered psmgraph Holidays, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: Holidays shall be January firs~ Memorial Day, July Fourth. tbe first Monday in September, any day proclaimed by tbe 8ovcrno< u a day of tbanksgiving, Dcœmber twenty-fifth and tbe following Monday wbcncver any of the f<rcgoing named holidays falls on a Sunday. Sccdon 2. TOO Code of Ordinances oftbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, iJ amended by rcpca11ng Section 32-301 and adopdng new Sccdon 32-301, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: See. 32-301. Parking time reslricted; reserved 1p8CCI. Use of tbe municipal parkins garages shall be limited to tbe parkins and slol'age of motor vebic1es for a pedod nol to exceed tbe maximum of twenty-four (24) hours in a single porkins pedod, except thai the city manager may reserve certain parking spsccs Ibcrcin to tenants upon a montb-to-montb basis upon payment in advance of tbe monthly rental eharge. For a fee of five dollars ($5.00) per twenty-four (24) hour day, paid in advance, and tbe dme period not to exceed one hundred twenty hours (120) or five (5) days, tbe city manager may autborizc ovcrnisht slol'age of motor vebicles. Arrangements shall be made in advance for such ovcrniSht slol'age of motor vebicles in tbe municipal parking garages. Secdon 3. TOO Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, is ameoded by adopdng tbe following new Section 32- 301.5: Sec. 32-301.5. RClCrved parking Ip8cc reslricdo... Reserved parking spscc tenants shall be assigned spcclfic numbered spsccs. A reserved parking spscc te...1 shall not paIl< in a spscc otber tban tbe spscc assigned to tbsl tenanl ulÙess duly autborized and directed by tbe Parking System Manager, and any tenant who 10 parks shall be liable fo< a fine as provided in Sec. 32- 279. No penon otber tban tbe tenant assigned to a spcclfic numbered reserved Ip8cc shall park a vebic1e in such 1pICC. any penon oilier tban tbe te...1 who parks in a reserved spscc shall be liable for a fine as provided in Sec. 32-279. Secdon 4. TOO Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by repealing Secdon 32-311(S) and adopting new Section 32-311(S), in lieu tbcrcof as follows: (S) Lot No.9: TOO lot situated on Fiftb Street and vscated Main Strccl and running psrsllel to vscated Main SIICCI from Fifth .to Sixtb Streets to Ibe soutbcrn tcrminns of tbe alley between Iowa Streel and vacated Main Strcct. Secdon 5. TOO Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-311(9) and adopting new Section 32-311(9), in lieu tbcrcof as follows: (9) Lot No. 10: Tbe 101 sitoatcd on Fiftb Street and tbe alley ...1 of Locust Street and running parallel to Ibe alley from Fifth to Sixtb Streets. ~ular Session, June 21, 1993 208 Sccdon 6. TOO Code of Ordinancca of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-311(11). Sccdon 7. TOO Code of Ordinancca of the City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by rcpca11ng Secdon 32-312 and adopting new Sccdon 32-312, in lieu tbcreof as follows: See. 32-312. Metcrs--iJutalladon authorized and directed. TOO city manager is bcrcby authori.... and directed to install parking meters in tbosc mnnicipally owned porlång lots designated numerically as lots number 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, S and 10 for the purpose of, and in such numbers and at such places as may be necessary to tbc regulation, control and inspccdon of tbe paddng of molar vcbicles tbcrcin. Seedon 8. TOO Code of Ordinancca of the City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by repealing Secdon 32-314(1) and adopting new Secdon 32-314(1), in lieu tbercof as follows: (I) On parking lots nurnbcrs 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, S, and 10, the amount of fee shall be displayed on csch parking meter and shall indicate the pedod of dme allowed for tbe I pardcu1ar United Slates coin dcposil after tbe meter bas been placed in operation. The maximurn parking time allowed shall be indicated on tbe parking meter assigned to tbe meter space to wbich it applies. Sccdon 9. TOO Code of Ordinances oftbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-314(2), second unnumbered paragrsph, and adopdng new Secdon 32-314(2), second IU1nurnbered paragrsph, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: On Psrldng Lol No. 4, reserved parking upon condidons and rates as approved in writing by tbe city manager. On and after July 1, 1993,lCscrved parking for all paddng Ip8CCs shall be at a monthly rate of eighteen dollars ($IS.00), payable csch montb. Seedon 10. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-314(2), fourth unnumbered paragrsph, and adopting new Sccdon 32-314(2), foortb unnumhcrcd paragrsph, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: On Psrldng Lol No. 9, reserved parking for csch spscc shall be between tbe hours of 6:00 I Lm. and 6:00 p.m. daily, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays at a monthly rate of twenty-eight dollars ($28.00), payable csch montb. Seedon 11. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-314(2), fifth unnumbered paragrsph, and adopdng new Seedon 32-314(2), fiftb IU1numbered paragrsph, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: On Psrldng Lol No. 10, reserved parking for non-mctcrcd spsccs shall be between the hours of 6:00 Lm. and 6:00 p.m. daily, excluding Saturdays, SlU1days, and holidays at a monthly rate of twenty-eight dollars ($28.00), payable each montb. Seedon 12. TOO Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by repcalins Section 32-314(2), sixtb unnumbered paragnoph, and adopting new Seedon 32-314(2), sixtb unnurnbered patagraph, in lieu thereof u follows: On Psrldng Lot No. 11, reserved paddng upon conditions and rates as approved in wridng by the city manager. On and after July 1, 1993, rcscrved parking for all porking spsccs shall be at a monthly rate of eighteen dollars ($IS.00), payable csch montb. Seedon 13. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by adopting Secdon 32-314(2), new IOventb unnumbered paragnoph: Nodoe of such restrictions, as provided for in Secdon 32- 314, shall be displayed at csch 10L The owner 0< operato< of any vebicle who shall rcœive notice eitber penonally or by tbe attacbing of such nodce to said vehicle if said vebicle is psrItcd in violadon of this subsecdon shall, within seventy-two (12) hours from the time when such notice is served npon such owner 0< operalar or attached to said vehicle, pay to tbe city treasurer as a penalty for such violadon tbe sum of five dollars ($5.00). Secdon 14. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-314(3). Section 15. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-314(4). Section 16. The Code of OnIi...ces of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Secdon 32-315 and adopdng new Secdon 32-315, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: Sec. 32-315. Metcrs--Dcposit of coins required at certain times. When parking spsccs src establisbcd and marked and paddng meters installed adjsccnt thereto in municipally owned paddng lots, it shall be unlawful for any person to be parked within suob space for tbe dme during wbich tbe meter iJ showing a signal indicadng tbat suob spscc is illegally in use. Such meters shall be placed in operadon by deposit of tbe appropriate coin tberein between tbe hours of S:OO a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday throngh Saturday of csch week, except holidays. Secdon 17. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-317 and adopdng new Section 32-317, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: See. 32-317. Samc--Defscing, tampering. It shall be unlawful to< any unauthorized person to open, or for any person to deface, injure, tamper witb, or wilfu1\ y break, deslroy, or impair the usefulness of any 209 Regular Session, June 21,1993 poddng meter instll1ed punuanl to this division. SccIion 18. TOO Code of 0rdin0nccI of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Is amended by repcallna Section 32-331, second unnumbered paragroph. SccIion 19. TOO Code of 0rdin0nccI of the City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by rcpcaIIng Section 32-331, thin! unnumbered paragroph, and adopting new Secdon 32-331, thin! unnumbered paragroph, in lieu thereof as follows: Parldng Meter DistricL Those streets in Ibe city upon wbieb parking me- arc located and parking meter - arc madœd off. SccIion 20. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by rcpeadng Section 32-331, fifth unnumbered paragroph. SccIion 21. TOO Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Secdon 32-331, sixtb IU1numbered parsgrsph. Secdon 22. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Seclion 32-331, seventh unnumbered parsgrsph. SccIion 23. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by rcpcaIIng SccIion32-331, cighlb IU1numbered parsgrsph. SccIion 24. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by rcpcaIIng Section 32-332 and adopting new SccIion 32-332, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: See. 32-332. 1nstll1ation autbcrized and directed; time restricdons. The city manager is hereby autbcrized and directed to instll1 parking meters in the Parking Meter District established by tbe city cooncil from dme to time. The city manageris hereby autborized and directed to establish and assign specific dme restricdons for all parking meters and to direct tbelnstll1adon and assignmenl of dme restricdons fo< all parking me- within tbe parking meter distrieL Upon petition to tbe city manager by any person for meter time restriction changes, removal of poddng me- from specific mctcrcd areas, or instll1ation of additional parking melers within tbc parking meter distric~ the city manager 0< the city manager's designee shall review such requests in terms of cxísting parking ~ and policies and make such changes as arc deemed necessary and authorized by the city manager. Sccdon 25. The Code of Ordinances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa Is amended by rcpcaIIng Sccdon 32-335(c) and adopting new Secdon 32-335(c), in lieu tbcrcof as follows: (c) TOO provisions of this division shall 001 apply on holidays, as defined in Sec. 32-2. SccIion 26. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by rcpca1Ing Secdon 32-336 and adopting new SccIion 32-336, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: See. 32-336. Municipal parking meter diJlrlcl established. There is hereby estab\ishcd a municipal parking meter districi to be corr.,nscd of slrccts and/or pardons tbcrcof as follows: EAST-WEST STREETS First S1rccI, bolb sides, between LocuSI Street and extending 10 the coonector cast of Msin StreeL Scccnd Stree~ botb sides, between Iowa Slrccl and Locust SIrccL Third SIrcc~ botb sides, between Locust Streel and Bluff SIrccL Foortb S1rccI, n<rtb side, between Locust Streel and Bluff SIrccL Fourth S1rccI, IOUtb side, between Locust Streeland Bluff Stree~ montbs of December tbrongh March only. Foortb SIrcc~ hotb sides, from Centrnl Avenue to Locusl SIrccL Fiftb Stree~ nortb side, from Bluff Slrccl to a point one hundred ninety six (196) feet west of Bluff SIrccL Fiftb SIrcc~ hotb sides, between Wbile Slrccl and Bluff SIrccL Sixtb SIrcc~ botb sides, from Locnsl Slrcct to Bluff SIrccL Sixtb SIrcc~ botb sides, between Wbite Street and Central Avenue. Seventb SIrcc~ botb sides, between Wbite Slrcct and Iowa SIrccL Sevenlb SIrcc~ botb sides, between Locusl Streel and Bluff SIrccL Eightb SIrcc~ botb sides, between Locust Slrcct and Hill SIrccL Eightb Stree~ hotb sides, between Wbite Slrccl and Central Avenue. Nintb SIrce~ botb sides, between Wbite Slrcet and Central Avenue. Nintb Stree~ n<rtb side, from Iowa Slrcet to Locust StreeL Nintb SIrce~ soutb side, between Iowa Slrcct and tbe alley west of Iowa StreeL Nintb SIrce~ IOUtb side, between Locust Slrcet and Bluff StreeL Tentb Stree~ nortb side, between Wbite Slrcet and Locust SIrccL Tentb SIrcc~ soulb side, between White Slrcet and Centrnl Avenue. Tentb Stree~ soutb side, between Iowa Slrcct and Locusl SIrccL Eleventb S1rccI, botb sides, between Wbite Slrcet and Bluff StreeL Twelftb SIrce~ botb sides, between Main Streeland Bluff StreeL Twelftb Stree~ IOOtb side, between Wbite Streel and Main StreeL Thirtccnlb SIrcc~ botb sides, between Wbile Streel.and Locust Street. Fiftccntb Stree~ botb sides, belween White Slrcel and tbe alley cast of Iowa SIrccL Sixtccntb Stree~ botb sides, between tbe alley...1 of Central Avenue and the alley west of Central Avenue. Seventccntb SIrce~ soolb side, between tbe alley cast of Central A venue and tbe alley west of Central Avenue. Eightccntb SIrce~ soutb side, between Central Avenue and tbe alley cast of Central Avenue. ~ular Session, June 21,1993 210 NORTH-SOUTH STREETS Bluff Stree~ botb sides, between Third SIrcCI and Seventb StreeL Bluff Street, west side, between Sevcntb Streel and Nintb SIrcCL Bluff Strcc~ bodt sides, between Tentb Streel and Twelfth S1rccI, Locusl SIrcC~ botb sides, between Firsl SIrccI and LoIu Boulevard. Msin Stree~ hotb sides, between Firsl SIrccI and Fiftb StreeL Main Stree~ ...1 side, between Nintb Streel and Tentb Street. Msin SIrce~ botb sides, between Tentb Streel and Loras Boulevard. Central Aven... hotb sides, between Fourth Streel and Ninetccntb StreeL First to Second Street conneckJr, casl of Msin Street, casl side, between Firsl SIrccI and Second StreeL Iowa Strcc~ botb sides, between Third Street and Fourth Street. Iowa Street, west side, between Fiftb SIrccI and Tentb StreeL Iowa SIrcC~ botb sides, between Tentb SIrccI and Loras Boulevard. Wbite Stree~ west side, between Elevendt Street and Tbirtccnth StreeL Wbite Stree~ wesl side, between EIIt Fourtccntb Slrcct and EIIt Fiftccntb StreeL Secdon 27. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Secdon 32-337 and adop~ng new Secdon 32-337, in lieu thereof as follows: See. 32-337. Fcc schedule, Subject to tbe limitadons provided in this division, parkin8 meters, when instll1ed and properly operalcd, shall show legal parking upon and after deposil of United Stales coin in accordance witb the following sebedule: (1) One hOOf parking meters shall show legal parking for twenty-five cents ($.25) per hoor, bul not more !ban a total of sixty (60) minutes 01 anyone dmc. (2) Two hour parking meters shall show legal parking for twenty-five cents ($.25) per hoor, but not more tban a total of one hundred and twenty (120) minutes al any one dme. (3) Foor hour parking meters shall show legal parking for twenty-five cents ($.25) per hour, but not more tban a total of foor (4) hours al any one dme. (4) Ten hour parking meters shall show legal parking fo< fifteen cents ($.15) per hour, but not more !ban a total of ten (10) hoors 01 anyone dme. (5) Twenty minute parking melers shall show legal parking for Iwenty cents ($.20) for twenty minutes, but nol more tban a tota1 of twenty I (20) minutes 01 anyone dme. Section 2S. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Secdon 32-338 and adopting new Sccdon 32-338, in lieu tbcrcof as follows: See. 32-33S. Maximum parking times. Between tbe hours and on tbe days stated in Secdon 32-335, no person shall allow a vebicle to be parked in a parking meter spscc for a period of time greater !ban tbe maximum time limit indicstcd for such meter. SccIion 29. TOO Code of 0nIinanccs of tbc City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by repealing SccIion 32-339(0) and adopting new Secdon 32-339(0), in lieu thereof as follows: (a) "RMdenl parking sdckcr" defined; dil)Ùy lCC uJrcd. A "resident parking sdckcr" iJ a permit to pad a motor vehicle upon the slrccts of tbe city in tbe parking meter diJtricL When a valid parking sdckcr is displayed upon a vehicle, tbst vehicle shall be exempt from tbe provisions of secdons 32-337 and 32-338 in the porIång meter districL SccIion 30. TOO Code of 0nIinanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa Is amended by repealing Secdon 32-339(b) and adopting new Secdon 32-339(b), in I\cu tbcrcof as follows: (b)Sdckcr Issuance. A residenl parking sdcker shall only be issued to an individual who is occupying a housing unit as tbat person's principal abode. The honsing unit must be located within tbe parking meter districL No more !ban one parking sdcker shall be issued for each housing unil and shall be issued subject to tbe following condidons: (I) The place of residency of tbe applicsnt shall be verified by the parking system manager. (2) Stickers shall be illoed at tbe rale of one per block in tbosc blocks having ten (10) or fewer parkinS - at tbe rate of two (2) per block in tbosc blocks containing eleven (11) or more porIång spsccs.(3) In tbe esse of multiple applications, the dale of sdckcr application shall be tbe determinadon factor and preference shall be given tbat applicsnt witb the longesl time on tbe resident parking sdcker waiting IisL Secdon 31. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Secdon 32-339(c) and adopting new Secdon 32-339(c), in lieu tbcrcof as follows: (c) Iuformstion on sdckcr, manner of display. The resident parking sdcker shall indicate a control nurnber, the location for which tbe sdckcr is valid, dte expiradon date and tbe license number of tbe vcbicle for wbich it is iJsoed. The block in wbieb tbe residenl parking sdckcr is valid shall be determined by tbe porIång system manager or his!hcr duly autborizcd _scntadve in acoonIance witb paragraph (b)(2) above. The residenl parking sdckcr shall be placed in tbe upper pardon of the rear window on tbe driver's side of tbe vehicle. Secdon 32. The Code of Ordinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by rcpesiing Sccdon 32-342(0) and adopting new Sccdon 32-342(0), in lieu tbcrcof as follows: (a) Parking meterhoods~lacardsarc permits to pad vebicles at parking meters upon the slrccts in any porIång meter district 211 ~ul8r S818lon, June 21,1993 0< In a mun1cips1 public parIdD¡ lot. When a validly lsaucd poddng ..-. hoocIIpI-m iJ displayed upun a poddng me..., the penon openIing such vcbiele sbaI1 be exempt from the pmvisioas of ibis chaplcr rcquiJIn the dcpcsIting of coins In the parking ..-. 10 covered. Sccdon 33. TOO Code of 0Idi....... of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by rcpca1Ing Sccdon 32-342(e) and ado Itin¡ new Sccdon 32-342(e), In H.. tbcreof u follows: (e) No penon &ball pad< a vcbielc using a parking met« hood/placanl at such penon's pIaœ of busi...s. An exccpdon may be authorized by the city manag'" 0< the city manager's designee for placards and the rcstrIcdons shall be 10 nOlcd on the p1acanIs. Sccdon 34. TOO Code of OIdinanccs of the City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by repealing Section 32-342(h) and adopting new Secdon 32-342(h), In lieu Ibcrcof as follows: (h) TOO city manager or tbe city manager's designee is autborized to revoke tbe parking meter hood/placard of any penon who violates any condidon under wbieb tbc hood/placard was IlIoed witbOOI maldng any reflU1d 0< _don of tbe prcpsId fee. Sccdon 35. The Code of OIdinanccs of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by adopting the following new Section 32- 342(i): (i) A penon requesdng a placsnl 01 such penon's place of business shall submit a requeslln writing to tbe city manag'" 0< the city manager's designee stadng tbe necessity for tbe placard and spccllic dates and dmes required. A placanl shall not be issued fo< m<rc tban seventy-two (72) hoors per montb. Sccdon 36. The Code of OIdinanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa Is amended by adopting tbe following new Secdon 32-343: See. 32-343. Official vebicle stickers. (a) Official vebicle sticker shall be defined as a prcpsId psrIdng sdckcr issued to a city, county sheriff 0< postal vebicle aligned to tbe parking melor distticL (h)An official vebic1e sdcker &ball excmpl the person opcradng such vebicle from the provisions of this cbaptcr requiring tbe deposidng of coins in the parking meter of. the mctcrcd stall where such vebicle is parked. (c) An official vebic1e sdckcr shall only be nsed In areas away from tbe principal site of the official bwõneu. ~)Anofficialvebicles~kcrshall be valld at only one, two, or four hour meters. No ten hOOf melor shall be occuptcd by an official vebic1e unleu tbe operator pays the met« fee required. (e) TOO city manager II hereby autbcrized to establish a fee fo< the iJsuancc of an official vebicle sticker. Such fee shall bear a reasonable reladonsbip to tbe income received by tbe city from the opcradon of the meters in tbc poddng meter diJtticL (0 A dckcl shall be lsaucd to the opc:rat<r of an official vebic\e fo< the improper nsage of an official vebic1e sdcker. Secdon 37. The Code of OrdInances of the City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-367 and adopting new Section 32-367, in lieu Ibcrcof as follows: See. 32-367. Findings of fseL The city council finds tbcrc is a need for pcrmancnl parking places fo< handicapped persons in CIder tbat various facilities, buslncascs, and residences witbin the city will be IICCCIsible to, and be functional fo<, handicapped penon" Secdon 38. TOO Code of OnIInanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by adopting Ibe following new Sccdon 32-367.5: Sec. 32-367.5. Special poddng p1aocs designated. The city manager iJ hereby authorized to designate sueb spccia1 parking pIsces for handicapped persons as may be ncccllary to carry out tbe provisions of this division. Section 39. The Code of OIdinanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Secdon 32-368(b) and adopting new Section 32-368(b), in lieu Ibcrcof as follows: (b) Angular parking places designated for handicapped parking shall have a parking place widtb of allcast eight (8) feel witb an additional adjaccnl scœss aisle of a minimum live (5) feet in widtb to provide for scœss to and from Ibe parking spscc by handicapped persons who are con\ined to whcclchnirs or need tbe use of walkers 0< crutches for mobility. Where sueb angular parking spsccs are designated "Van Accessible", tbe widtb of Ibe angular parking place shall be at ""1 eighl (8) feet witb an addidonal adjaccnl SCCCIS aisle of a minimurn eighl (8) feet in width. Secdon 40. The Code of OIdinanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa Is amended by rcpcaIlng Section 32-370 and adopting new Sccdon 32-370, in Ii.. tbcrcof u follows: See. 32-370. Prohibited use of parking places 0< idendfication devices. TOO use of a handicapped parking space, located ou eitbcr pabllc or private property, by a motor vebicle 001 displaying a spccia1 identilication device Issued by the Iowa Dcpsrtmcnl of Trsnsportation, or by a motor vebicle disp1àying such a device bul nol being used by a handicapped person, as operstor or plllCngcr, iJ prohibited and iJ a miadcmcano< for wbich a fine may be imposed upon the owner, operstcr or les... of the motor vcbic1e. The fine for csch violadon shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). Secdon 41. The Code of OnIinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by repealing Section 32-373 and adopdng new Sccdon 32-373, in lieu tbcrcof u follows: See. 32-373. Business distticL (a) There is R4Igular Session, June 21, 1993 hereby establiabcd a busincss disllÏcl pursuanl to Jowa Code Secdon 321L.5(4Xa), fo< tbe pUI]JC8C of allocadng handicapped psrIdng spscca within said diJttieL (h) The said business diJttiCI sball be dc1incd as municipsl paridng 1011 and the parldng meter disttici u described in Sccdoas 32-312 and 32-336 rcspccdvc1y. Sccdon 42. The Code of OnIinanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa iJ amended by repealing Section 32-374(a) and adopting new Secdon 32-374(a) In Ii.. tbcrcof as follows: (a) Temporary handleappcd melor hoods may be leased to ebom:hcs and nonprofit orgardzations for services 0< events in the paridng meter diJttict only, when additional temporary parldng stalls arc required to accommodate handicapped penons. Section 43. The Code of OnIinanccs of tbe City of Dubuque, . Iowa II amended by I repealing Secdon 32-374(c) and adopting new Section 32-374(c), in Heu tbcrcof as follows: (c) The city manager shall establish f... for udlizadon of the hoods. A deposil fee of fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hood to COVer tbe cost of Ihe hood and lock shall be paid prior to tbelcssing of tbe hood. Section 44. The Code of OnIinances of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa is amended by adopting the following new Section 32-375: See. 32-375. Reserved dmc-designated handicapped parldng stalls. Pamng places posted u reserved time-designated handicapped parldng stalls shall be idendlied witb a handicapped parking sign hearing tbe intcrnadonal symbol of SCCCIsibility and Ihe day and/or boors of the reserved handicapped parking. Secdon 45. Tbis ordinance shall take I effect July 1, 1993. POlled, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Mary A. Davis CityClcrk Poblished officially in tbe Telegraph Herald newspaper Ibis 30th day of June, 1993. Mary A. Davis CMC City Clerk Council Member Voctberg moved tbal this be considered the firsl rcuding of Ihe OIdinance, and tbat tbe requircmenl tbat a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two Council meetings prior to the meedng 01 wbieb it is to be finsl1y adopted be suspended and further moved final adoptinn of tbe Ordinance. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe 1t6ßO 212 following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tcrn Robbins, Council Memhcrs KI-.., Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Abscni-Mayo< Brady. An Ordinance Amending tbe Code of OIdinanccs by deleting psrta of N<rtb Grsndview Avenue from subsccllon (d) of Section 32-262 tbcrcof providing for the probibidng of paridng, said firsl rcuding only given al the meeting of June 7tb, presented for further action. Cooncil Member KI...n", moved that this be considered tbe second reading of tbc Ordinance. Scccnded by Council Member Krieg. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Ycas-Mayo< Pro-Tcrn Robbins, Council Mcmhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Voctbcrg. Nays-cooncil Members Nagle, Niebolson. Abscnt-Mayor Brady. RESOLUTION NO. 184-92 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCu.. OF TIlE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the following having compHed witb tbe provisions of law reladng to tbe sale of Cigarettes within tbe City of Dubuque,lowa, be grsnted a pcnnit 10 sell CigarcUcs and Cigarette Pspcrs within said City. Aragon Tap Myra Woodman 1103 Iowa Bunker IßU Snsek Bar George Stephenson 2200 Bunker 1IiI1 Rd Busy Bee George Arvunitis 1958 Central Myra Woodman 1046 Central Holiday Oil 1401 Central Holiday Oil 1685 JFK Rd David Ungs 2987 Jseksoo Cremer Grocery Co. Ralph Cremer 731 Rhomberg Crcsl...s Bowling Crcsl...s BowHng 1nc 255 Soutb Main Cue Master Billiards 14... Rapp 900 Central Nuh-Finch 3355 JFK Circle FDL Foods 1nc. 701 EIII 16tb SI Central Tap Inc. COIIIII Service Station COIItaI Service Station Copper Kettle Econo Foods N 471 FDL Foods Inc. Gene's Main S1rcct Tap EugenclCatherine Beehen 1007 Main SL James W. GoclZinger 2776 Jsekson Hartig Drug Co. 703 Town Clock Plaza Hartig Drug S- Hartig Drug Co. 157 Locust Goctz's Hartig Drug S- 213 Regu18r SØ8slon, June 21,1993 HarII¡ Dru¡ Co. 2255 John F. Kennedy HarII¡ Dru¡ Co. 2225 Cen"" Ave. lOCO Spccdc Shoppc Iowa Oil Co 2335 Univcraity Ave lOCO Spcodc Shoppc Iowa Oil Co 3250 Dodge SI Iowa Oil Co 3200 Central Iowa Oil Co 1387 Dodge SI lOCO Spccdc Shoppc lows Oil Co 2150 Twin Valley Dr lOCO Spccdc Shoppc Iowa Oil Co 1481 Dodge SI loco Spccdc Shoppc Iowa Oil Co 1998 Jackson St Kwik Stop Food Mart Rainbow Oil 2320 Highway 61 Kwik Stop Food Mart Rainhow Oil 2360 Central Kwik Stop Food Mart Rainhow Oil 2255 Kerper Blvd Rainhow Oil 2297 University Rainhow Oil 1075 Dodge SI Sam Chiu 2600 Dodge St Phillip Love 481 Locust Pride Service 1nc 280 LocUli Mardns Automadc Car Wdllide Service Inc 2175 Central Mc Conn's loco Mc Conn's Service Inc 690 W LocUli Mike Remakel 2205 Carter Rd Loren Zihlkc 2311 Windsor Laura Murphy 55 Locnsl JFTLtd 250 W Isl JFTLtd 51 W 32nd TFMCo 1256 Iowa B oIIt 14 Convenienl Mart 3301 Pennsylvania Kristins Chapman 1050 University lENA Inc 1101 Rhombcrg Trsns Miss Investment 2010 Kerper Blvd Targel Stores 1nc 3500 Dodge LIsa M' Too 3457 Jsekson Walgrccn Co. 555 JFK Rd. HarII¡ Dru¡ S.... HarII¡ Dru¡ Sun lOCO Spccdc Shoppc lOCO Spccdc Shoppe loco Spccdc Shoppc Kwik Stop Food Mart Kwik Stop Food Mart Kwik Stop Food Mart Long Yucn The Loonge MardnOil Mike's 76 Auto Center Milk House Murph's Soutb End Tap Oky Doky *1 Oky Doky *2 Oky Doky If6 Oky Doky *7 Oky Doky *14 Oky Doky *15 Oky Doky 1121 Targel Stores Tott's Tap Walgrccns Warcco System of Iowa 700 Rhombcrg Lee W. Potter Sr. 408 Wcsl LocUlt David Hoffman 450 W Locust St LeroyMil1er 2616 Windsor Ave. G oIIt J's Inc. 2401 Windsor Ave. GilmO 1ne. 3200 Jsekson SL A It B Tap KIm B..slrup My-Cap 2600 Central American Legion Dubuque POSI 6 My-Cap 1305 Dclbi Billy Bucks E. SL Tap Billy Buck's 1nc My-Cap 521 EII122nd St Clssion Hold Blue Moon Deve1opmcnl My-Cap 450 Main SI Dcany's Lux Club Beverly Larson My-Cap 3050 Asbury Dog Hoose Lounge Robert Lcytcm My-Cap 1646 Asbury Dottie's Csfe Dorotby Thomas My- Cap 504 Cen"" Ave Dubuque Mining Co Apartments Unlimited My-Cap Kennedy MsI1 Fal Tuesday's Perron EnL My-Cap 1121 University Finale Leunge T oIIt T Welsh Inc My-Cap \701 Central Fraternal OnIcr Eagles *568 My-Cap Century Drive The Grand Tap James Kohl My-Cap 802 Central Ground Round Ground RolU1d My-Cap 50 JFK Rd Hcardand Inn Joe Minard My-Cap 4025 Dodge St Idle Hour Jcannene Kersch My-Cap 1555 Central Ave Jimmy B's James Bauer My-Cap 431 Rhomberg King of Clubs Sheryl Ann Sbircman My-Cap 1902 Central Ave Midway Motor Lodge WCB Hotels 1nc My-Cap 3100 Dodge Mike"s Ton Pin Tap Mike Weber My-Cap 601 Rhombcq Myers-Cox Co Myers-Cox Co My-Cap 175 W. 3200 St Noonan's Tap John Noonan My-Cap 1618 Central Ave Pad<: Square Tavern Debra George My-Cap 600 Con"" Ave p J's Peggy Schaller My-Cap 500 Rhomberg River City Tap oIIt Grill David Lyons My-Cap 1406 Pine St Sehroby's Jodi Blewett My-Cap 1445 Cen"" Ave Town Clock Inn Stephanie Nelson My-Cap Town Clock PIsza W- 662 Wcsl Locust Mart The Wbite House Wbitey's Bar-X WiOOIO< Tap Ye Old BrW1swick R~u18r Session, June 21,1993 WbceI House WbceI House Inc My-Cap 1630 E. 16tb Whis1œy River Chad Streff My-Cap 1064 University Ave POlled, appoved and acIoped dùs 21st dayofJunc, 1993. Attest Mary A. Davis City C1crk Joseph T. RobIW Mayo< Pro-Tem Council Member Nagle moved adopdon of tbe Resolution. Seconded by Council Member Nicbolson. Csrried by !be fo\1owing vote: Y~yo< Pro-Tcm Rabbi... Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voclbcrg. Nays--None. Abacnl-MayOir Brady. JtE<¡OLUTlON NO. 1&5-'3 Wbcrcas, applications for B- Pcnnits have been submitted and filed to this Council for approval and tbe same have been examined and approved; and Wbcrcas, tbe premises to be occupied by sueb applicants were inspected and foond to comply witb the Ordinances of this City and have fi1cd proper bundL NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNcn. OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Thst tbe Manager be autborizcd to cause to be issued tbe following named applicsnts a Beer PcrmiL CLASS "BE" BEER PERMIT. Hy-V.. Food Stores, Inc. Hy-Vee Food Store Sunday Sales 3500 Dodge Sbccl CLASS "C" BEER PERMIT Jena Inc. Oky Doky *15 Sunday Sales 1101 Rhomhcrg Ave. POlled, approved andadoptcd this 21s1 day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Council Member Nagle moved adopdon of tbe Resoludon. Scounded by Council Member Nicho1son. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robl>i... Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NichollCÌl, Voelbcrg. Nays-None. Abacnl-Mayor Brady. RESoLUTION NO. 1"-'3 Wbcrcas, applicsdons for LIquor Ucenses bave been submitted 10 this Council for approvsl and tbe same bave been examined and approved; and 214 Wbcrcas, the prcnœ, to be occupied by such appIicsnla were inspcclod and foond to comp1y witb the S.... Law and all City o..u- mIevanl thereto and they have filed proper bonds. NOW, TIIBREFoRE,BEITRESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNcn. OP THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: That the Manager be autbesizcd to CIDIC to be wued the following named appicsnts a Uquor Ucensc. CLASS "C" (COMMERCIAL) BEER AND LIQUOR LICENSE Americsn Legion PosII/6 American PosIIf6 Sunday Sales Micbael John SaWVC\\ Carolyn K. Fonck 1306 Delbi Butter's Bar 1700 Central Ave Cbannellnn 2010 Kerper Blvd. Creal...s Bowling 1nc Crealanes Bowling Sunday Sales 255 S. Main James R. Ferrlng Dubuque Bowling Lanes Sunday Sales 1029 112 Main SI Eugene Bccben Gene's Main St Tap 1007 Main SI Pauls Tavem 176 Locust P. J.'S 500 Rhomberg Ave Ye Old BrW1Swick Thomas 14 Kocb Sunday Sales Peggy A Scballer Sunday Sales GilmO'S Inc. 3200 Jackson Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Council Member Nagle moved adopdon of tbe Rcso1udon. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voelbcrg. Nays-None. Abacnt-Mayor Brady. Communicsdon of Zoning Commission advising of tbcir approval to rezone and revise tbe amended Conceptua1 Development Plan as requested by Mercy Hca1tb Center and Medical Associates, presented and æad. Council Member Kluesner moved tbat the communication be received and filed. Scounded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following Vole: Yeas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voelberg. Nayo-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. An Ordinance Amending Code of Ordinances by reclassifying properties Regular Se88lon, June 21,1993 located at 250 MClCY Drive, 1000 property at 2235 Central Ave. from R-2A to Langw<rtby and adjoining Jll"l'Crdes from C-4 Distric~ presented and read. Council R-2 Two-Family Residential District to ID Member Voclberg moved that tbc Insdtutiona1 Distriel and to approve an communication be received and filed. amended ConccptuaI Developmenl Plan fo< Seconded by Council Member Nagle. the Mercy Hcaltb Center and Medica1 Carried by the following vole: Associates Clinic ID Institutional Distric~ Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council prcscnled and read. Cooncil Member Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, KI...ner moved tbsl this be considcrcd the Voctbcq . Nayo-None. Absenl-Mayor fust reading of the OnIinance, and that the Brady. reqnircmenl that a proposed Ordinance be considered and voted on for passage at two An OnIinance Amending Zoning 0nIi- Council meedngs prior to tbc meeting at nancc by reclassifying property located at wbich il is to be finally adopted be 2235 Central Avenue from R-2A Alternate suspended and further moved that a Poblic Two-Family Residential Districi to C-4 Hearing be held on the OnIinancc at the Downtown Conuncrcial District, presented Council Meeting of July 6, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. and read. Council Member Voctbcrg moved in tbc Poblic Ubrary Auditorium and that tbe that this be considered tbe first reading of City CIcrlt publish nodce in the manner tbe Ordinance, and that tbe reqnircment tbat prescribed by law. Seconded by Council a proposed OnIinance be considered and Member Nagle. Csrried by the following voted on for pillage at two Council vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, mccdngs prior to tbe mccdng at wbich it is Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, to be finally adopted be suspended and - Nicholson, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. further moved tbat a Public Hcadng be bold Absent-Mayor Brady. on tbe Ordinance at tbe Council Meeting of July 6, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the Public Communicsdon of Zoning Commission Library Auditorium and tbat tbe City Clerk advising of their approval to amend publish notice in Ibe manner prescribed by Conceptual Developmenl Plan for Emmaus law. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Bible Cd1ege, presented and read. Council Carried by the following vole: Member Voclberg moved tbal tbe Yeas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council communication be received and filed. Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Voctberg. Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Carried by the following vote: Brady. Y cas--Mayor Pro- Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Communicsdon of Zoning Commission Voctbcq . Nays-None. Absent-Mayor advising of tbeir denial to reclassify property Brady. located at 1598 McPoland Strcel fromR-1 to C-1 District and communication of Artbur Winldebaus, requesting Council to consider rezoning of this property, presented and read. Council Member Klnesner moved tbat tbe communications be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Carried by the following vole: Yeas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson. Nays-Council Member V""tberg. Absenl-Mayor Brady. An Ordinance Amending Zoning Ordinance by reclassifying property located 011598 McPolsnd Avenue fromR-1 Single- Family Residential District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial DisiriCI, presented and æad. Council Member Voclberg moved tbat Ibey concur witb Zoning Commission's denial. Scccnded by Council Member NichoisolL Vote on tbe motion was as fd1ows: Yeas-Council Member Voctbcq . Nays-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, NichoisolL Abscnl-Mayor Brady. Motion filled. 215 An Ordinance Amending Zoning OnIinance by approving a Conceptual Development Plan for tbe ID 1nsdtutional District for Emmaus Bible College, presented and read. ColU1ci1 Member Voctbcq moved tbal this be considered tbe firsl reading of the OnIinance, and tbat tbe reqnircmenllhat a proposed OnIinance be considered and voted on fo< pillage at ~o Council mccdngs prior to tbe meeting al wbich il is to be finally adopted be snspended and - further moved tbat a Poblic Hcadng be bold on tbe OnIinance al tbe Council Mccdng of July 6, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in tbe Poblic Library Auditorium and tbat tbe City Clerk publish notice in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voclberg. Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. Communicsdon of Zoning Commission advising of tbcir approval to reclassify Regular Se88lon, June 21,1993 216 Council Member Kluesner moved that this be considered the first reading and tbsl il be 101 fo< Poblic Hcssin¡ on July 19, 1993 at 7:30 p.m. in the Poblic Library Auditorium and tbat tbe City Clerk pablish notice in the manner prescribed by law. Seconded by Council Member Nicholson. Csrried by tbe following vote: Ycas--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Klucancr, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson. NayS-Council Member Voctbcq . Absenl-Mayor Brady. MINUTES SUBMITTED -- AiIport Commission of 3-16, 3-31, 4-19, 5-3; Community Development Commission of 5- 13: Housing Commission of 6-8; Human Rights Commission of 5-10; Long Range Planning Commission of 5-12; Plumbing BoanI of 5-15; Zoning Commission of 6-2; Zoning Board of Adjustmcnl of 5-17, presented and read. Cooncil Member Voctberg moved tbat tbe minutes be received and filed. Seconded by Cooncil Member Nagle. Csrried by Ihe following vote: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. Printed Cooncil Proceedings for monilia of July, Angus~ September and October, 1992, presented fo< approval. Council Member Voctbcq moved tbsl tbe council precccdings be approved as printed. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vote: Y cas-Mayor Pro- Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. NOTICES OF CLA1MS/SUITS -- Mary Burke in amount of $610.18 for car damages; Jeffrey A. Gruber in amount of $747.87 for vehicle dsmages; Mary A. and Vere L. Hagemen vs. Timothy R. Scbuster and City of Dubuque in unknown amount for vehicle damage;s Sister Rits Clare McDonald in amolU1t of $157.00 fer penonal injuries, presented and read. Cooncil Member Voctbcq moved tbsl tbe claims and suits be referred to Legal Staff for invesdgation and reperL Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. Communicsdons of Corporation Counsel advising tbe following claims bave been referred to Crawford & Company, tbe agent for tbe Iowa Communides Assurance Pool: Personal injury by Central Ststes SE and SW Areas, Hca1tb & Welfare Fund fo< Daniel J. BunIs; Pcrsona1 injury of Pamela Gagne; Car damage of bving C. Hubbard; Personal injury of Patricia A. Huekels; Tow Charges of Iowa Oil Company; Pcnonal injury of Janel LoBianco; 1ìrc damage of Mindi McDermott; Car damage of Randy Pos~ Personal injury ofFl<rcnce Rinikcr; PcrsonaI injury of Diane TeKippc; Sewer hsckup of Dale W. Vcacb; 'Iìoc damage of Richard Vng~ presented and read. Cooncil Member Voctbcq moved that the communicsdons be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Abscnt-Mayor Brady. Communicadon of Cily Manager recommending scccptance of property located at 851 Kaufmann Ave., presented and read Couocil Member Voctberg moved tbat tbe communicsdon be received and filed. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nayo-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. RESOLUTION NO. 187-93 RESOLUTION ACCEPTJNG A CONVEYANCE OF PROPER1Y LOCA1ED AT 851 KAUFMANN AVENUE, DUBUQUE, JOWA, TO TIlE CITY OF DUBUQUE,IOWA. Wbe...., tbe City of Dubuque bas agreed to purchase the following legally described real property: Lot 2 of Lot 1 of Lot SO, Lol2 of Lot 1 ofLol2 ofLol50, Lot 1 of Lot I of Lot 1 ofLol51, and Lot 2 of Lot 2 of Lot I of Lot 51, all in "Burton's Addition in Langw<rtby's Hollow" (sometimes called "Burton's Addition"); Lol 2 of Mincrsi Lot 343; Lot 2 of Lot I of Lol 2 of Mineral Lol 344; and Lot 2 of Lot 1 of "Fitzgcrsid Place"; all in tbe City of Dubuque, Dubuque COlU1ty, Iowa, sccording to tbe rcconIcd plats Ihereof, subject to casements of rcconI, from Russell and Dawn Vandennculen; and Wbe...., tbe Seller has delivered a Wsrranty Deed to the City of Dubuque, Iowa, grsndng to tbe City of Dubuque all rights, dde and interests in said property, a copy of wbich Wsrranty Deed is attacbed hereto. Regular Session, June 21, 1993 rcccIved and filed. Seconded by Council 14- Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nichelson, Voctherg. Nays-None. Abocnl-Mayor Brady. Commumcadon of CilY Manager rcoommcnding approval of Pnrcbasc of Service Agrccmcnl witb Operation: New View in tbe amount of $12,150 and requesting Mayor be autborized to execuœ, presented and read. Council Member VoetbeJ¡ moved tbst the communicadon be received and filed and approved AgrccmenL Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vole: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. è Communicadon of City Manager recommending approvs! of Purchase of Service Agreemenl witb Dubuque Arcs Laber Managcmenl Council in tbe amounl of $13,334.00 and requcsdng Mayor be autborized to execute, presented and read. ColU1ci1 Member Voctberg moved tbal tbe communication be received and filed and execudon approved. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Memhcrs Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nieholson, Voclbcrg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. Communication of Cily Manager submitting Pnrchase of Service Agreement between tbe City and Dubuque Humane Society, presented and read. Council Member Voclbcq moved Ibal tbe communication be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voclberg. Nays-None. Absen..-Mayor Brady. RFSOLUTION NO. 188-93 APPROVING A PURCHASE OF S£RVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE AND THE DUBUQUE HUMANE SOCIETY AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE SAID AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Wbcrcas, the City of Duboque docs not nperate its own shelter for dogs, cats and otber animals wbich may be taken up or 217 NOW, 1'IIEREroRE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 01' THE crrv OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Section 1. TOO City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, hereby oppoves of, aoccpI8 and oonscnta to the Warranty Deed from Rusaell and Dawn Vandcrmou1cn .-bed _to. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and dIrcctcd to cause said Warranty Deed to be rccœ1cd in the office of the Dubuque County ReconIcr, togetbcr witb a certified copy of this ResoIUliOlL Section 3. The City CIcrlt iJ hereby directed 10 forwsrd a copy of this Resolution to the Dubuque County Asscs- and the Dubuque County Audit«. Passed, approved and adop4ed this 2\s1 day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro- Tem Attesl: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Voctbcq moved adopdon of the Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. REFUNDS REQUESTED: Delmer O'Hca, $18.75 on unexpired Class "C" Beer Pcrmi~ presented and æad. Council Member Voctbcq moved that tbe reflU1ds be approved with Finance Director 10 issue proper ebeck. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Yeas-Mayor Pro- Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. Proofs of Poblicadon ccrdfied to by tbe Poblishcr on Ust of Claims paid to< montb of April, 1993; Nndce of Availability Fins! Statement of Community Development Objecdves and Projccl Use of Funds 19tb Program Year (7-1-93 106-30-94), presented and read. ColU1ci1 Member Voctbcrg moved that tbc proofs be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vole: Yeas-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nays-None.. Abscrtt-Mayor Brady. Cornmunicadon of Finance Director submitting Financial Reports for May, 1993, presented and read. Council Member Voctbcq moved tbsl the comnnmicadon be !leøular Session, June 21,1993 218 rcccIved »U1'8Uan1 to Ardele ß of chapter 7 of tbc Code of Ordinances of the City; and Wbcrcu, the Dubuque Humane Society iJ an incoq>oratcd society to< the _endon of cruelty of anima1s and docs maintain a shelter fo< the custody of 1..~ sbayed 0< homel... doss, cats, 0< otbcr anima1s and fo< tbe dispooidon IIIId.« dcstrucdon of such animals not redeemed and/or diJcascd; and Wbcrcu, it iJ deemed to be in the bcsl in_I of the City of Dubuque to enter into an agrccmcnl witb tbe Dubuque Humane Society to provide animal shelter services for tbe City. NOW, THEREFoRE, BE rr RE8OL YEn BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE crrv OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Scedon 1. Thai tbe attached Pnrcbasc of Services Agreement by and between the City of Dubuque, Jowa and Dubuque Humane Society be and tbe same is bcrcby approved. I Section 2. That the Mayor be and be is hereby autborized and directed to execute said Agrccmenl for an on behalf of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa. POlled, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Attest: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem ColU1ci1 Member Voctberg moved adopdon of the Resolution. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Abacnt-Mayor Brady. Communicadon of City Manager recommending approvs! of Purchase of Service Agreement witb Helping Service for NE 1A.,lnc. in the 8mOOni of $1,620.00 and requesting tbe Mayo< be autborized to execute, presented and read. Council Member VOClbcrg moved tbal tbe communicadon be received and filed and approved. Seconded by ColU1ci1 Member Nagle. Csrried by the following vote: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nayo-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. Communicadon of City Manager requesting authorizadon to publish Rcquesl for Rei.... of Funds fo< certain Community Developmcnl Block Grsnl Funds, presented and read. ColU1ci1 Member Voctbcrg moved tbst tbe communicadon be received and filed. Scccnded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vote: Ycas-Mayor Pro-Tem RobIUs, Council Members KlUClncr, Kriog, Nagle, Nicholaon, VoetbeJ¡. Nayo-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. RESOLUTION No. 119.93 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF A IlEQUEST FOR RELEASE OF FUNDS FOR CERTAIN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECTS Wbcrcu, the City of Dubuque convened an ad hoo cornnå- on May 18, 1993, which completed an environmental assessment of tbe following pojects to be funded in tbe Community Development Blook Grsnl: Four Mounds Foundation Road Improvements Hillcrcsl Family Services C1asaroom Construction; and Wbercas, pursuant to RelO1ution No. 177- 93, adopted JlU1e 7, 1993, public nodce of a "Finding of No SignifiClRt Effecl on tbe Environment" fo< the above projects was published June 10, 1993, in tbe Dubuque Te1e.....h Herald and provided for a public COmment pcrlod unill 12:00 noon, Friday, May 21, 1993; and Wbcrcu, public nndce of a "Finding of No SignifiCIRI Effecl on tbe Environmenl" for tbe projects was sent by regular mail to various federal, ltaœ and local public agencies and. to tbe local news media, individuals and groups known to be interested and believed to be appropriate to receive sueb a public nodce; and Wbercas, any and all objections, if any, to sueb proposals bave been duly considered; and Wbercas, il is tbe inœnl of tbe City Council to autborizc the submission of a rcqueSI to tbe U.S. I>cpsrorncnl of HOusing and Urban Developmcnl for tbe reI.... of funds to carry oul Ihe above identified Jll'!Íects. NOW, THEREFoRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCn, OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secdon 1. That the environmental review rcconI for each of tbe projects shall continuè to remain on file in the Office of the City Clerk wbcrc said rcconI may be examined and copied by any interested party. Scedon 2. That the Mayor of tbe City of Dubuque iJ hereby autborized and directed to submit to the U.S. Dcpanmcnt of Housing and Urban Development seven (7) days after publication of appropriate notice a Rcquesl for ReI.... of FlUIds to IU1dcrtakc tbe said Jll'!Íects. 219 Regular Session, June 21,1993 MAYOR TO AGREEMENT. SIGN THE Scedon 3. That the Mayo< of the City of Dubuque iJ bcrcby autbcsizcd 10 _I to UlIUIIC the staIu8 of a æaponsiNe fcdaa1 official under the National Enviroomcntal _don Ac~ insofar as the povisions of the said Acl apply to Ibe U.S. Dcpsrtmcnlof Housing and Urban Dcvelopmcnl responsi- bilities for review, decision making, and acdon assurned and csrried 001 by the City of Dubuque as to environmental issues. Scedon 4. That the Mayo< of the City of Dubuque iJ bcrcby autborizcd to COßICßt personally, in bis official cspscity and on behalf of the City of Dubuque, to acocpl the juriad1C1ion of the federal courts if an acdon iJ broughl to enfm:c responsibilities in relation to environmental review, decision making, and aClÌon. Scedon 5. That tbe Mayor of the City of Dubuque be and he is hereby autborizcd and directed to execute a ocrdfication pertaining to !be environmental review procedures. Secdon 6. That the City Clerk be and she is bcrcby authorized and dilected to pablish a pablic norice for a Request for Rei.... of Funds and Ccrdficadon attacbcd bereto and made a pari hereof. Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Wbereas, tbe Sixty-Fiftb General Assembly adopted tbe Pobllc Employment ~ons A~ Cbapter 20, Code of 10'1'5 W_, tbe City of Dubuque is a public employer within tbe meaning of Secdon 3 (I) of tbe Poblic Employmenl Reladons Ac~ and Wbcrcas, tbe General Drivers and Helpers Union, Loca1 *421, is an employee coganization within tbe meaning of Section 3 (4) of Ibe Poblic Emp1oyrnenl Reladons Ac~ and Wbcrcas, tbe General Drivers and Helpers Union, Loca1 11421, submitted a request to bargain coIIecdvely on behalf of tbe employees within its --sentadon; and Wbercas, bargaining between tbe parde. has occurred and an agreemenl has been concluded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Scedon 1. Tbal tbe tentll of tbe agreement be approved and the Mayor autborized and directed to sign tbe collective bargaining agreemenL Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro- Tem Attesl: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attest: Mary A. Dsvis City Clerk COWIciI Member Voctberg moved adopdon of tbe RelOludon. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Yeas--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nayo-None. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. Council Member Voclbcq moved adoption of the Resolution. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas--Msyo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctherg. Nayo-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. Communication of Cily Manager requesting approval of agreements between City and vorloos union and approval of Wage Plan for non-bargaining unit employees, presented and read. Council Member Voclbcq moved tbal tbe communicsdon be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vole: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nichol...., Voctbcq . Nayo-Nonc. Absent-Mayor Brady. RESOLUTION NO. 191-93 APPROVING TIlE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND THE AMALGAMATED TRANSIT UNION. LOCAL 1329, AND AUTHORIZING TIlE MAYOR TO SIGN TIlE AGREEMENT Whereas, tbe Sixty-Fifth General Assembly adopted tbe Poblic Emp1oymenl Reladons Ac~ Chsptcr 20, Code of Iowa; and Wbcrcas, tbe City of Dubuque is a public employer within tbe meaning of Secdon 3 (1) oftbe Public Employment Reladons Ac~ and RFSOLUTION NO. 190-93 APPROVING TIlE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, AND THE GENERAL DRIVERS AND HELPERS UNION, LOCAL 11421, AND AUTHORIZING THE Regular Session, June 21,1993 220 Whereas, the Ama1gamslcd Trsnsil Union, Loca1 *329, iJ an employee cr¡anizadon within the meaning of Secden 3 (4) of the Pohlic EmpIoymenl Relations Ac~ and Whereas the Amalgamated Traruil Union, Loca1 *329, submitted a requesl to bargain co1Iccdvely en behalf of !be employees within its rcprcsentadon; and W_, bargaining between tbe pardes has occurred and an agreement has been concluded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Scedon 1. That tbe terms of tbe agreemenl be approved and the Mayor autborizcd and directed to sign !be collective bargaining agrccmenL Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro- Tem Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Voctbcq moved adopdon of the Resoludon. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Yeas-Mayo< Pro- Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nichol...., Voctherg. Nays-None. Absent-Mayor Brady. RFSOLUTION NO.I92.93 APPROVJNG TIlE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA AND THE DUBUQUE POLICE PROTECflVE ASSOCIATION, AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN TIlE AGREEMENT Whereas, tbe Sixty-Fifth General Assembly adopted tbe Poblic Employmenl Relations Ac~ Chspter 20, Code of Iowa: and Wbcrcas, tbe Cily of Dubuque is a public employer within tbe meaning of Secdon 3 (I) of tbe Poblic Employment Relations Ac~ and Whereas, tbe Dubuque Police Protccdve As&ociadon, is an employee cr¡anizadon within tbe meaning of Secdon 3 (4) of tbe Poblic EmpIoyrnenl Relations Ac~ and Wbcrcas, tbe Dubuque Police -tive As&ociadon, submitted a request to bargsin collecdve1y on behalf of tbe employees within its rcprcsentadon; and Wbercas, bargaining between tbe pardes has occurred and an agreemenl has been concluded. NOW, THEREFoRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE. IOWA: Scedon 1. That the terms of tbe agrccmenl be approved and the Mayor authorize and directed to sign the collective bargaining agrccmenL Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attest Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt Council Member Voctberg moved adoption of the Resoludon. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Csrricd by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Pro- Tem Robbins, Coonci\ Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcrg. Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. RESOLUTJON NO.193-93 APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, AND THE DUBUQUE PROFESSIONAL FIREFlGHTERS ASSOCJATJON, LOCAL 1353 AND AUTHORJZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT Whereas, tbe Suny-Fifth General Assembly adopted the Public Employment Reladons Ac~ Chapter 20, Code of Iowa; and Wbercas, tbe City of Dubuque is a puNic employer within tbe meaning of Section 3 (I) of tbe Poblic Employment Reladons Ac~ and Wbcrcas, tbe Dubuque Professional Firefighters Associadon. Local *353. is an employee orgsnization within tbe meaning of Secdon 3 (4) of tbe Public Employment Relations Ac~ and Wbcrcas, tbe Dubuque Professional Firefighters Associadon, Loca1 *353, submitted a request to bsrgsin collecdvely on behalf of tbe employees within its _sentation; and Wbcrcas, bargaining between tbe pardes has occurred and an agreement has been concluded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OFDUBUQUE,10WA: Scedon 1. That tbe terms of the agreemenl be approved and tbe Mayor autborizcd and directed to sign the collective bargaining agrccmenL 221 Regular S818lon, June 21,1993 Passed, --ed and adopted IbiJ 2hl day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins MaY"" Pro-Tem CouncI1 Member Voclbcrg moved adoption of the RcsoIudon. Scccnded by CounclI Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem RobIJinJ, Council Members Klueancr. Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Abocnl-Mayor Brady. ItE8OLUTION NO. 19$-93 APPROVING THE COMPENSATION PACKAGE AND WAGE PLAN FOR NON- BARGAINING UNITEMPLOYEFS Altc8t Mary A. Davis City CImk CouncI1 Member VoetbeJ¡ moved adoption of the Rcsdudon. Scccnded by CounclI Member Nagle. Csrried by the fol1owlll vote: Ycu-Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Klucancr, Krieg, Nagle, Nlcholsoo, Voctbcrg. Nays-Nonc. Abocni-Mayo< Brady. Wbcrcas, it has been tbe practice to provide a compensation package to non- bargaining unil enq>loy... similar to tbe ~on package to be received by bargaining unil employ...; and Wbcrcas, the proposed componsadon package and ws Ìe plan for non-bargaining unil employees represents an increase of tbrcc (3) percent across tbe board effecdve July 1, 1993, wbich is consistent witb tbe componsadon package to be received by sI1 of tbe City's bargaining units. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secdon 1. Thai tbe compensadon package and wage plan for non-bargaining unit employ... wbich provide f<r an inc:rcasc of tbrcc (3) pcrccnl across the board effccdve July 1, 1993, Is hereby approved. Passed, approved and adopted this 21s1 day of June, 1993. ItE8OLUTION No. 194-93 APPROVING TIlE AGREElIIENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA, AND THE INmRNA110NAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS, LOCAL 11758, AND AUTHORIZ. ING TIlE MAYOR TO SIGN THE AGREEMENT Whereas, tbe Sixty-Fifth General Assembly adopled tbe Poblic Employment Relations Ae~ Chapter 20, Code of Iowa: and Wbcrcas, tbe City of Dubuque iJ a public employer within tbe meaning of Section 3 (1) oftbe Poblic EmploymenlRcladons Ac~ and Wbcrcas, tbe Intcmationa1 Union of Operating Engineers, Loca1 1f758, is an employee organization within the meaning of _on 3 (4) of tbe Poblic Employmenl Re1adons Ac~ and Wbcrcas, tbe Intcmadona1 Union of Operating Engineers, Loca1 *758, submitted a requesl to bargain col1ccdvely on behalf of tbe employ... within its representation; and Wbcrcas, bargaining between Ibe pardes bas occurred and an agreement bas been concluded. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: _on I. That tbe terms of tbe agtOcmenl bu approved and the Mayor authorized and directed to sign tbe collective bargaining agreemenL Passed, approved and adopted this 21st day of June, 1993. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro- Tem Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Council Member Voclberg moved adoption of the Resolution. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayo< Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. Communicsdon of Zoning Commission advising of tbcir approval of final pial for Wal-Mart Subdivision, preICRted and read. ColU1ci1 Member Voctberg moved Ibal tbe communicadon be received and filed. Seconded by Council Member Nagle. Carried by Ihe following vole: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctbcq . Nays--None. Absent-Mayor Brady. Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Attesl: Mary A. Davis CityClcrlt RESOLUTION NO. 1"-93 A RESOLUTION APPROVING TIlE FINAL PLAT OF LOTS 1, 2, 3 AND A OF WAL.MART SUBDIVISION IN TIlE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA. Wbcrcas, tbcrc has been filed witb tbe City Clerk a fina1 pial of Lots 1,2, 3 and A of Wal-Mart Subdivision in the City of Dubuque, Iowa; and Wbcrcas, said final plat bas been examined by tbe Zoning Commission and had its approval eodorscd thereon; and Wbcrcas, said final plat bas been examined by the City Council and tbcy find tbat it conf<rms to the statules and ordinances reladng to i~ and NOW, THEREFoRE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DUBUQUE, IOWA: Secdon I. Tbal tbe final pIal of Lots 1, 2, 3 and A of Wal-Mart Subdivision is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk arc hereby autborizcd and directed to endorse tbe approval of tbe City of Dubuque, Iowa, upon said final piaL Passed, approved and adopted this 21st dayofJune, 1993. Attest: Mary A. Davis City Clerk Joseph T. Robbins Mayor Pro-Tem Council Member Nieboloon moved adoption of the Resolution. Scccnded by ColU1ci1 Member Nagle. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y--Mayor Pro-Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctherg. Nays-None. Abscnl-Mayor Brady. There being no further bnsiness, Council Member Voctbcq moved to adjoum tbe meedng. Seconded by Council Member Nieboloon. Csrried by tbe following vote: Y cas--Mayor Pro- Tem Robbins, Council Members Kluesner, Krieg, Nagle, Nicholson, Voctberg. Nays-None. Absenl-Mayor Brady. Meedng adjoumed al 8:22 p.m. Mary A. Davis CMC City Clerk ColU1cil Members Attest: /J ~ ß~ IL,. "H4 . Ci lerk