1907 February Council Proceedings5-g vote upon the ayes and nays. As soon .as the hearing of the case is closed, the presiding officer shall put the .question: "Is the defendant guilty ?" the vote to be taken by the ayes and nays. If more than one charge is pre- ferred in the complaint, the question . shall be put separately on each. It . shall require an affirmative vote of two- thirds of all members elected to the council to find him guilty. If the defendant is found guilty as herein .provided for, the mayor or presiding • officer shall forthwith declare: "That by judgment of the city council the defendant is removed and expelled from the office heretofore held by Sec. 5. It is hereby made the duty of the recorder to enter upon his records a copy of all complaints filed under the ordinance, with a brief statement of the proceedings had in each case, and the final vote and de- cision with the ayes and nays there- on. Sec. 6. The removal or expulsion of any member of the board of - waterworks trustees under the pro- visions of this ordinance shall not ex- empt him nor his sureties from lia- bility on his official bond. Sec. 7. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage and publication in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald, the official . newspaper of the city of Dubuque. Adopted January 21st, 1907. Approved January 22nd, 1907. H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor. Attest: EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Published officially in the Telegraph - :Herald January 23rd, 1907. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Official Notices CITY COUNCIL Regular Session, February 7th, 1907. (Official.) Council met at 8:30 p. m. Mayor Pro Tem Clancy in the chair. Present -Alds. Closs, Hines, Hop- kins, Stumpf and Thomas. Absent -Mayor Schunk, Ald. Mc- Evoy. Ald. Hines moved that the council proceedings for the month of January be approved as printed. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were ordered p aid : P ete r J. Seippel Lbr. Co., lum- ber for road dept $ 20.35 Thos. Byrne, to rent of derrick for road dept. for 60 days 60.00 Dr. J. J. Brownson, to profes- sional services rendered Pat. McMullen, who fell while working on Bluff street ex- tension wall 10.00 M. J. G. LaNicca, paint and oil for road dept. .60 Chas. Giese, sharpening saws for road dept. 2.60 M. Hannan, hauling 12 loads of sand to city pound 15.00 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv- ice, sewer dept. horses, De- cember and January 1.84 John J. Powers, horseshoeing for road dept. 1.30 Dub. Wooden Ware & Lbr. Co , lumber for road dept. 89.73 F. A. Burns, 1 1 -2 cords sawed oak for road dept. 10.50 H. C. Milligan, brooms for road dept. 1.90 Geo. Bock, supplies and repairs for road dept. 3.95 Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies for road dept. 17.05 Peter Hanson, oil and hay for road dept. 2.55 Ed. Donuolly, glazing two lights of glass 2.50 Klauer & Kress, hardware for road dept. 3.70 F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for road dept. 29.55 John Ernsdorff Iron Co., sup- plies for road dept. 6.51 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road dept. 11.00 Hussmaun & Lies, supplies for road dept. 16.75 A. Tredway & Sons Hardware - Co., supplies for road dept 4.10 Mettel Bros., feed and cement for road dept. 8.55 G. F. Kleih, hardware for road dept. 8.15 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for road dept. • 5.60 Regular Session, February 7, 1907 25 Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co., Lumber for Mt. Carmel Ave.. 10.95 John Duggan, repairs for road dept. 8.10 C. W. Siegele, stove and pipes for road dept. 2.50 Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing for sewer and road dept..... 10.65 Peter Even, coal for fire dept.. 45.59 F. A. Burns, coal for fire dept.. .49 Fengler & Beutin, coal for fire dept.' 15.65 Pier Bros., coal for fire.dept... 12.60 T. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire dept. 22.58 F. G. Becker, coal for fire dept 36.48 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire dept. 22.15 Geo. W. Healey & Son, horse- shoe calks for fire dept 32.75 John J. Powers, horseshoeing for fire dept. 8.25 Phelan & Hanson, horseshoeing for fire dept. 4.40 Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for fire dept 14.75 Phil Heller, horseshoeing for for fire dept. 4.25 Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe- ing for fire dept. 12.70 Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co , lumber for fire dept .50 Dub. Wooden Ware and Lum- ber Co., lumber for fire dept 2.75 Key City Iron Works, repairs for fire dept. .50 H. Corrance, two 2 -gal. jugs for fire dept. .40 Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co , supplies for fire dept. 10.00 F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for fire dept. 1.15 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv- ice for fire dept. horses, Dec. and Jan. 22.08 Union Electric Co., power for city fire alarm system 2.00 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for fire dept. • .7 J. N. Juergens, painting 18th street engine house doors 13.70 Mettel Eros., feed for fire dept. 1.15 Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for fire dept. 406.01 Linehan & Molo, repairs for fire dept. 1.15 National Refining Co., oil for fire dept. 20.25 Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., sup- plies for fire dept. 12.00 Key City Gas Co., light for vari- ous departments $117.70 Union Electric Co , arc lights for January, 1907 2105.15 Phelan & Hanson, horseshoeing for police department 3.00 Collings & Pfiffner,. horseshoeing for police department 13.05 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv- ice to patrol horses for De- cember 'and January 2.76 Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for patrol horses 42.89 26 Regular Session, February 7, 1907 Pier Bros., coal for police quar- ters F. G. Becker, 1 cord of oak for police quarters 5.50 Thos. J. Mulgrew, 2 cords of oak for police quarters 11.00 Mike Morrissey, sawing and pil- ing wood for police department 1.50 Henry Grode, sawing and piling wood for police department .75 Ed Malloy, sawing and piling wood for police department 100 Theo. Smith, sawing and piling wood for police department 2.00 Ernest Besser, sawing and piling wood for police department 2.00 Chas. W. Katz, meals furnished prisoners during January 2.40 Geo. H. Davis Co., supplies for police matron's department 1.80 F. Schlo & Son, repairs for sew- er department .60 Klauer & Kress, hardware for sewer department 1.75 Linehan & Molo, coal for various departments C. A. Noyes, repairing map in Mayor's office Harger & Blish stationery for engineers office 1.35 Iowa Hbuse Furnishing Co., stove for engineers office 26.00 Lorenz Eberhardt stakes for en- gineers dept. Geo. F. Kleih hardware for City Hall . C. L. McGovern recording deeds from Fengler & Rhomberg to City of Dubuque 1.50 H. Corrance merchandise for var- ious dept. J. P. Buechele taking care of town clock from Sept. 1, 1905 to Sept. 1, 1906 123.50 Peter J. Seippel Lhr. Co., lumber for Mayor's office 16.15 M. S. Hardie to one half the cost of • new Registration books.... 39.25 M. S. Hardie stationery fcr Health, Sewer dept. & Treas. 33.50 W. Singrin, 1 load dry kindling 2.75 Fischer & Co., coal for various depth. 27.22 Mullen Bros., plumbing repairs at City Hall 2.55 Jas. Levi & Co , 2 roller shades Market Ma'ster's office 1:60 J. W. Wittmer, paint, oil, & brush for use at City Hall 2.80 Midland Chemical Co., 10 gallons Anti - Germine 25 00 R. L. Spellerberg repairing ash pails for City Hall 4.00 Larry Dailey, cleaning around market square Dec. and Jan. 28.00 W. S. Corrance stove for house of 1st ward scales 4.00 T. H. Schilling, repairs in market master office A. E. Bradley, glazing at City Hall 1.50 17.70 68.85 .40 2.80 1.70 6 20 .75 Palmer, Berg & Co., stationery Treas. office C. W. Katz, 1 roller shade for Market Master's office F- is Stumpf, assisting Market Master during Jan. 20.00 .25 46.50 PETITIONS AND COMMUNICAT- IONS. Petition of Matilda Elliott asking that the taxes on lots 1 and 9, Griggs sub - division of O'Hara's addition for the year 1906 be cancelled she being a widow and unable to pay said taxes was on motion granted and the Treas- uerer to be instructed accordingly. Petition of Cecelia Grosstick, asking that the taxes on her homestead for the year 1906 be cancelled she being a widow with five small children and unable to pay same, was on motion granted and the Treasurer to be in- stucted accordingly. Petition of H. Sussman, asking that the Treasurer be. instructed to accept $26 94 in full settlement for his taxes for the year 1906, his property having been destroyed by fire, was on motion granted and the Treasurer to be in- structed accordingly. Petition of Mrs. Elizabeth Heacock, asking that the special assessment of 55c levied Oct. 6, 1904, for repairing sidewalk abutting her property be cancelled as same is erroneous, was on motion granted and the Treasurer to be instructed accordingly. Petition of the Dubuque Altar Co., asking that their taxes for the year 1906 be assessed according to the ordinance passed Aug. 16, 1900, was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Communication from H. C. Kenline, asking that the city, when making the appropriations, would make provisions for payment of the judgment of $3,500 with interest to settle the damage ion referred to the committee of the. whole. Communication of F. W. Wieland, asking $50.00 as damages to his home, by reason of the storm sewer overflow- ing and filling his cellar, and claim- ing the storm sewer is defective, was on motion referred to the committee on sewers, city attorney and the city" engineer. Communication of the Iowa League of Municipalities asking that the city appoint a competent person to investi- gate the cost to the city of Protecting railroad property within the city of Dubuque, in hopes of getting the Leg-- Regular Session, February 7, 1907 islature to pass bill covering same was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Communication from Arnold T. Baumgartner, captain of the Governor's Greys, asking that the committee visit the Armory Ilall to investigate the condition of the building, and need of same being repaired at once, was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Linwood Cemetery Asso- ciation by Jas. Beach, president, ask- ing for the improvement of Windsor avenue and the extension of Queen street as per agreement, was on mo- tion referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of H. Gatena et al. asking that an arc lamp be placed on West Third street, midway between College avenue and Walsh street, was on mo- tion referred to the committee on Po- lice and Light. Petition of Herman Knoernschild et al. asking that a storm water sewer be constructed in Twenty- second street from Jackson street to Bee Branch Sewer was on motion referred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Herman Knoernschild et al. asking that the Bee Branch sewer be extended from Twenty - second to Twenty -third street was on motion re- ferred to the Committee of the Whole. Petition of Ira Lobdell asking that his assessment of tales for the year 1906 be reduced from $2,800.00 to $2,200.00 was on motion referred to the Delinquent Tax committee and City Assessor. Petition of John Foll et al. asking that an electric light be placed at the corner of Algona and Delaware avenue, was on motion referred to the com- tittee on Police and Light. Petition of Thomas Barry asking that Barry avenue in T. Barry's subdivision be vacated was on motion referred to the Committee on Streets and City En- gineer. Petition of Morrison and Kretschmer Mfg. Co., asking for the exemption from taxes for a period of five years on the property known as the Dubuque Turbine Roller Mill, and which they have now acquired, was on motion granted and referred to the committee on ordinance to prepare an ordinance governing conditions of said exemp- tion. Petition of Edward Monti et al, sub- 27 mitting plat showing streets which they petition to have opened, was on motion, referred to the committee of the whole. Petitions of the policemen, firemen and sewer men asking that their wages be increased, was on motion, referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Hopkins moved that nermission be granted to Rev. C. M. Steffens to address the council in relation to the necessity for extension of sewer along Delhi street to the ne* German Pres- byterian Theological College now be- ing built. Carried. Rev. Steffens then addressed the Council. Whereupon Ald. Hopkins moved that matter be .eferred to the committee on sewers• for immediate action. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: - -I herewith hand you statement of amounts advanced by me during the month of January, 1907, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: Interest paid on warrants out- standing $815 84 Excavation permits redeemed 5 00 New York exchange expense 2 85 Postage, etc., expense 11 50 Freight charges, fire 25 Receipts for improvement streets abutting city prop- erty 3778 27 Total $4613 71 Library orders paid $908 03 Respectfully, H. BRINKMAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the reports referred to the committee on finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: - Herewith find my re- port for the month of January. 1907, showing the receipts and disburse- ments for the month: Cash on hand Jan. 1st, 1907414A-8S 44 Receipts from all sources.. 93,921 05 $10'8,409 DISBURSEMENTS. Warrants redeemed $20,120 Regular bond ediupoiis re- deemed 3,330 Improvement bond coupoins redeemed 1,011 Improvement boards redeeth- ed 1,787 49 27 00 12 90 Total $26,249 29 28 Regular Session, February 7, 1907 Cash on hand Feb. 1, 1907.. $82,160 20 The above cash balance includes the improvement bond fund, improve- ment bond interest fund and library fund balances. Also report that there is due the city officers for the month of January, 1907, $2,781.50. Also the following is a record of all interest coupons and bonds re- deemed by the city treasurer during the past month and credited to him: Regular bond coupons re- deemed $3,330 00 Improvement bonds redeem- ed 1,787 90 Improvement bond coupons redeemed 1,01112 Total $6,129 02 The following list shows the ap- propriations and the amount of war- rants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1906, to February 1st, 1907: Appropriated. Expended. Expense $40,000 $31,971.03 Road — First district 16,000 14,389.37 Second district 20,300 17,332.44 Third district .. , 8,750 7,511.59 Fire 43,500 34,618.59 Police 29,750 24,649.69 Sewerage 5,000 4,444.33 Printing 2,500 2,485.45 Engineer 2,500 2,034.25 Street lighting 25,200 20,971.00 Interest 41,500 10,231.34 Board of Health 4,500 4,449.74 Grading 1,500 826.10 Bee Branch —Wash- ington street 8,000 5,104.63 Bee Branch — Fif- teenth and six- teenth streets 1,400 1,400.00 Special bonded pav- ing 4,000 1,814.06 Judgment 2,500 2,039.35 Special bonded debt and interest 4,000 3,333.77 Mt. Carmel avenue grading 1,000 863.00 Sidewalk repairing 1,000 996.79 Special sewer fund 2,000 1,967.27 Bluff street exten- sion wall 1,000 996.97 Booth street sewer. 750 714.00 $266,650 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the city officers, and the report re- ferred to the committee on finance. Street Commissioner Kearney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of January, 1907: Amount due laborers on streets $1077.20 Approved by committee on streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of Janu- ary, 1907: Amount due laborers on sew- ers $199.40 Approved by committee on sewers. Also beg to submit my pay roll for labor on grading garbage dump during the last half of January, 1907: Amount due laborers grading garbage dump $31.25 Approved by committee on streets. Also beg to submit my pay roll for labor grading Mt. Carmel avenue dur- ing the last half of January, 1907: Amount due laborers on Mt. Carmel avenue $116.95 Approved by committee on streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN KEARNEY, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Kearney also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque: Gentlemen— Reporting on the follow- ing bills which you have referred to me for collection; City of Decorah for unloading roller from cars $15.00 Standard Lumber Co., for 66 cu. yds. gravel at 35c 22 -10 Would respectfully state that the bill against the city of Decorah has been paid in full in the amount above named, and that the Standard Lumber Co. claim that but 42 yards were de- livered to them, upon the verification of which statement I accepted pay- ment of said bill in full in the sum of $14.70, and would respectfully ask the approval of my action. I attach hereto the receipts of the City Treasurer for the above named amounts. Yours respectfully, JOHN KEARNEY, Street Commissioner. On motion, the report of the Street Commissioner on the hills was ap- proved. Street Commissioner Kearney also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:— Herewith I submit the bills of the Union Electric Co. for ma- terial furnished the city amounting to $33.55, and bill of the City of Du- buque against the Union Electric Co. for macadam furnished and for rolling between the car tracks; amount of bills, $42.00, leaving a balance due the City of Dubuque of $8.45. Yours respectfully, JOHN KEARNEY. On motion bills against Union Elec- tric Co. were referred to the Street Commissioner for collection. Street Commissioner Kearney also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —The undersigned, to whom was referred the petition of Jacob Wildhaber asking that the spec- ial assessment for $2.25 levied July 12th, 1902, for cleaning alley adjacent to said lots, be canceled, claiming same was erroneous, would respectful- ly report that said work was done by order of the Board of Health and is therefore not an erroneous assess- ment, and would recommend said as- sessment remain as levied. Yours respectfully, JOHN KEARNEY, Street Commissioner. On motion, report of Street Commis- sioner on petition of J. Wildhaber was received and filed. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is the pay roll of the fire department for the month of Janu- ary, 1907: Amount due firemen $2,654.20 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by committee on fire. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the committee on fire. Chief of Police Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the police report for the month of January, 1907: Intoxication 19 Assault and battery Disturbing the peace Petty larceny Violating mulct law Committing a nuisance Vagrancy Total 44 Residents arrested 21 Doors found open 38 Lodgers harbored 69 Defective lights 36 Meals furnished 12 Cost of food $ 2.40 Police court costs collected 36.75 Patrol runs 38 Ambulance calls 1 Miles traveled 76 Regular Session, February 7, 1907 1 12 3 1. 7 29 Also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of January, 1907: Amount due policemen $2,251.65 Respectfully submitted, JAMES R. PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion the report and nay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the re- port referred to the committee on police. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of January, 1907: I find from the reports of the police department that the total hours that 36 lamps failed to burn would equal one lamp burning for one month, or $ 5.40. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the city auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric com- pany's bill for the month of January, 1907, the sum of $5.40. Sidewalk Inspector Mahoney report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —The undersigned would respectfully request your honorable body to cancel special assessment for $4.10 levied against Peter Kein, lot 432 East Dubuque add., December 6th, 1906, the same being erroneous, and to assess the same to A. L. Collier and L. H. Langworthy. trustees, East Dubu- que add., lot 372. Also would respectfully request the cancellation of the special assessment for 40c levied against J. Wildhaber in November, 1905, as same is erroneous. Also would respectfully request the cancellation of special assessment of 75c levied in September, 1905, against Catherine O'Rourke, as same is erron- eous. Yours respectfully, JOHN MAHONEY, Sidewalk Inspector. On motion the various recommenda- tions of the Sidewalk Inspector were approved and the Treasurer to be in- structed accordingly. City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:— According to your in- structions I have prepared a plan for a reinforced concrete arch bridge on Seventh street extension, for which the estimate cost amounts to $5,400.00. 3o Regular Session February 7, 1907 The estimate cost of filling is $1,400. Respectfully, PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion report of the City Engi- neer was referred to the committee of the whole. City Engineer Ilg also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —The undersigned begs your honorable body to correct assess- ment of a sanitary sewer in Lincoln avenue, on sub. 63 Cook's add., lot 3, amount $19.90. owned by Elizabeth Sill, to be changed to $9.95; also against sub. 63, lot 2. amount 4- 19.90. owned by Mary Wolf, to be changed to $9.95. Yours respectfully. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion, recommendations of the City Engineer were approved and the Treasurer to be instructed accordingly. City Engineer Ilg also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen:— According to your in- structions I have measured macadam in city pound and find there are 220.70 cubic yards macadam amounting to $165.50. Respectfully submitted. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion report was referred to the committee on streets. City Engineer Ilg also reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —I herewith present to you the annexed grade and profile of Heeb street from the south line of Kaufman avenue to the west line of lot 4 in L. H. Langworthy's addition. City of Dubuque, Ia., and I would recommend the grade as shown by red line, for your adoption. Respectfully submitted. 'PAilC 1LG, City Engineer. On motion the report of the City Engineer on Heeb street and grade and profile were referred to the com- mittee on streets. City Assessor Scherr reporter' as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —The undersigned City Assessor begs your honorable Lady to correct an error in the tax list for ?ear of 1906, of Morris Pochter owner of East Dubuque add., S 1 -2 of lot 148. Your Assessor by mistake assessed said property at $1,600, where Said as- sessment should be $800.00, making a tax of $9.60. Please instruct City Treasurer to receive this amount in full and oblige, Yours, C. B. SCHERR, City Assessor. On motion the recommendation of the City Assessor was approved, and the Treasurer to be instructed to make the proper correction on his books. City Attorney Kintzinger reported' as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: — Herewith attached Please find receipt of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) Dollars in full release and settlement of the claim and suit of $3,000.00 brought by Herman Bishop against the City of Dubuque. This case has been dismissed at plaintiff's costs. Also respectfully report: Herewith attached please find receipt of Fifty ($50.00) Dollars in full settlement and ' release of the claim of $50.00 of Au- gusta Besser against the City of Du- buque. Respectfully submitted, J. W. KINTZINGER. City Attorney. On motion the various reports of the City Attorney were received and filed. The following Weighmasters' and Woodmeasurers' reports of receipts for the month of January, 1907, were read and reports were received and filed: Thomas Faherty, First Ward Scales $ 5.00' Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque Scales Chas. W. Katz, Market Master, receipts J. H. Carroll, Woodmeasurer's receipts 1.91 37.45 1.40' Bids for printing the Index and binding the council proceedings for 1906 were, on motion, ordered opened. Bids are as follows: Telegraph - Herald, per book $2.75 Mathis -Mets Co., per book 2.75 M. S. Hardie Co., per book 2.45 On motion the contract was award- ed to M. S. Hardie Co., they being the lowest bidders. Bids for painting and papering the Mayor's and Assessor's offices, also for painting and papering the Council Chamber and varnishing the desks and railing, were ordered opened and read. On motion bids were then referred to the committee on public grounds and' buildings with power. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMIT- TEES. Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com- mittee on claims, reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: —The undersigned, com- mittee on claims and City Attorney, would respectfully report: That there is now rending in the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa, the case of Anna Monteith. plain- tiff, vs. The City of Dubuque, defend- ant, in which plaintiff claims of the City of Dubuque damages in the sum of $10,000.00 for personal injuries sus- tained by her in falling on a defective and icy cross walk on the east side of 17th and Clay streets in the City of Dubuque, Iowa, on or about the 21st day of February, 1906. The under- signed have examined into the facts relating to this case and believing that the same were meritorious and that a settlement should be made. they have effected a compromise thereof with the plaintiff by the terms of which the city is to pay the plaintiff Eight Hundred Twenty -five ($825.00) Dollars and to pay the court costs amounting to $20.60, and the plaintiff has agreed to receive said amount in full settlement, satisfaction and com- promise of all her claims against the City of Dubuque for said injuries and for the injuries and damages asked for in her petition filed in said case. We would, therefore, recommend that the action of this committee be approved and that said settlement he made by the Council. We would also recommend that warrants in the sum of $825.00 and in the sum of $20.60 be drawn in favor of the Mayor with Which to effect said settlement. Dated at Dubuoue, Iowa, this 31st day of January, 1907. J. A, STUMPF, MATT CLANCY, CHAS. T. THOMAS, Committee on Claims. J. W. KINTZINGER, City Attorney. Also your committee on claims begs to report as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: —The undersigned. com- mittee on claims and City Attorney, would respectfully report: That there is now pending in the District Court of Iowa, in and for Du- buque County, the case of Edward Blaise vs. the City of Dubuque, in which plaintiff claims damages of the City of Dubuque in the sum of Fix Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars. because of personal iniuries sustained by him as a result of falling on an apron lead- ing from the sidewalk to the street on 17th and White streets. on or about the 9th day of July, 1905. The under- signed have received an offer from Regular Session, February 7, 1907 3 plaintiff to compromise this case by the payment to the plaintiff of the sum of Twenty -five ($25.00) Dollars and the court costs amounting to $11.75, which settlement we hereby recom- mend to the Council to be made. We would therefore recommend that said settlement be effected and that warrants in the sum of $25.00 and $11.75 he drawn in favor of the Mayor with which to effect the same. Respectfully submitted this 7th day of February, 1907. CHAS. T. THOMAS, J. A. STUMPF, MATT CLANCY, Committee on Claims. J. W. KINTZINGER, City Attorney. Also your committee on claims re- ports as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council, Dubuque, Iowa: Gentlemen: —The undersigned, com- mittee on claims and City Attorney, would respectfully report: That the cases of Barbara Recker and Anthony Becker vs. The City of Dubuque, were pending in the Dis- trict Court of Dubuque County. Iowa, and were reached for trial during the January term, 1907. The case of Bar- bara Becker being a suit to recover from the City of Dubuque the sum of $2,500.00 for personal injuries received by her in falling on an icy sidewalk on the south side of Twelfth street be- tween Jackson and White streets in the City of Dubuoue on or about the 25th day of February, 1905. The case of Anthony Becker being for the loss of services to him by Barbara Becker, his wife, plaintiff in the case entitled Barbara Becker vs. The City. in which plaintiff claims of the City of Dubuque the sum of 41,000.00 damages to him by reason of the loss of services of his wife from being confined to her bed through illness, and also for medi- cal attendance and nursing required by said Barbara Becker, his wife. as a result of the injuries received by her in falling on the sidewalk hereinabove referred to. The undersigned would respectfully report that they have arranged a set- tlement of both of these cases by the payment to the plaintiffs therein of $75.00 and the court costs: the total amount of court costs in both cases amounting to the sum of $20.75. As the undersigned are of the opin- ion that the city would incur more ex- pense than this amount in contesting said cases through trial, and deeming - it the best interests that they be set- tled, would therefore recommend that the settlement arranged by and agreed upon by this committee with the plain- tiffs in said cases be approved and that a warrant for that amount be drawn in favor of th6 Mayor with which to effect said settlement; said 1 1 32 Regular Session, February 7, I907 amount having been advanced by Treasurer to make the same. Respectfully submitted this 7th day of February, 1907. CHAS. T. THOMAS, J. A. STUMPF, MATT CLANCY, Committee on Claims. J. W. KINTZINGER, City Attorney. Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of the various reports of the committee on claims. Carried. Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit- tee on streets, reported as follows• Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the bill of L. Hartman & Son, $84.70, for putting roof on steam roller house, beg to report we have investigated same and would recommend that a warrant be drawn in the sum of $84.70 with which to pay bill. THOMAS HINES, Chairman. -Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the report of the committee on streets. Carried. Ald. Hopkins moved that a commit- tee be appointed to confer with the Union Electric Co. in regard to the sprinkling proposition. On motion the sprinkling commit- tee was instructed to confer with Un- ion Electric Co. in this matter. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the com- mittee on sewers, reported the com- mittee would visit the German Pres- byterian Seminary property at once and investigate the necessity for im- mediate action for the construction of a sewer to said property. Ald. Hopkins, chairman of the spec- ial committee appointed to communi- cate with Adjutant General Thrift in the matter of getting a state armory in this city, reported that the committee had communicated with Adjutant Gen- eral Thrift and had been informed by him that the state does not make any ap propriations for armory purposes, and that therefore it would not be possible to build a state armory in Dubuque. The state, however, is willing to pay $500.00 a year rent for a suitable place for armory purposes. He also stated the firemen objected to the noise made by the Governor's Greys while drilling, and he further stated that if local capi- tal could be interested in the project of building an auditorium for this city, the $500.00 rent which the state would pay for rent of armory would help to defray running expenses of said building. Ald. Hopkins moved that the speeinl committee on state armory be dis- charged. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Hopkins offered the following resolutions of respect for the late Solomon Turck: whereas, Solomon Turck, a late resi- dent of New York City, New York, was, during the years 1868 and 1872, a member of the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, having served in the capacity of Mayor during said years, and • Whereas, he had during his resi- dence in our midst, materially assisted in the upbuilding of our city and the promotion of its interests, and Whereas, we learn with deep regret that his long and useful life has closed, therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That we deeply de- plore his death and extend our sincere sympathy to his bereaved relatives. Be it further Resolved, As a mark of our respect, that the portrait of the deceased in the Council Chamber be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days, and that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the records of the council proceedings. Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 7th day of February, 1907. Ald. Hopkins moved the adoption of the resolutions. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Closs, Hines, Hopkins, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Absent —Ald. McEvoy. Alderman Gloss offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby instruct- ed to prepare plans and specifications for the extension of the Bee Branch storm water sewer from the present terminus of said sewer to Twenty - third street, and to present the same together with an estimate of the cost thereof to the City Council at its next regular session. Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the resolution. • Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Gloss, Hopkins, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —Ald. Hines. Absent —Ald. McEvoy. Ald. Closs moved that Committee Clerk Lawler be instructed to pur- chase a stove for the Treasurer's of- fice. Carried. Ald. Close moved that the action taken January 17th in redistricting the city for road purposes be recon- sidered. After much discussion' mo- tion was lost by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Thomas and Gloss. Nays —Aids. Hines, Hopkins and Stumpf. Absent —Ald. McEvoy. Ald. Hines moved to adjourn until February 21st, 1907. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Attest: Recorder. Approved 190.. Mayor Regular Session, February 7, I907 33 CITY COUNCIL Regular Session Feb. 21st, 1907. (Official.) Council met at 8:15 p. m. Mayor Pro Tem Clancy in the chair. Present —Alds. Close, Hines, Hop- kins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Absent —Mayor Schunk. Mayor Schunk arrived at 8:30 p. m. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of M. Kassler asking that the assessments of taxes for the year 1906 on lots 309 and 310 be reduced was on motion referred to the com- mittee of the whole. Petition of Christina Wasser ask- ing that the assessment of taxes on lots 5 and 6, Brecht's sub. for the year be reduced, she being poor and unable to pay same, was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Mary Steiner asking that the assessment of taxes on lots 154 and 155, Marsh's addition be reduced from $5.000.00 to $3,500.00 as error has been made in the assessment, was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Communication from Jos. Morgan offering to dedicate a strip of ground through lot 24 in Morgan's sub. for street purposes if the city will vacate the strip of ground through lots 22 and 23 in Morgan's sub. which were dedicated by him to the city of Du- buque for street purposes and which he now finds are not needed, was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of Dubuque Commercial club asking that the city council grant the petition of the Dubuque Boat and Boiler Co., asking for additional ground at the foot of Third street was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Communication from Clara Wieland claiming damages to her property to the amount of $100.00 by reason of overflow of storm water sewer, was on motion referred to the city attor- ney. Ald. Hopkins moved that the street commissioner, Assistant Street Com- missioner White and the sewer in- spector investigate the condition of the storm water sewer at 19th and Couler avenue near the property of Clara Wieland and report to the com- mittee of the whole the conditions as found. Carried. Regular Session, February 21, 1907 35 Petition of the Illinois and Western railway by F. W. Hild, agent, asking for the use of the streets for rail- way purposes, with copy of ordinance granting them the rights asked for at- tached, was read, and on motion peti- tion and ordinance together with plats and profile were referred to the. com- mittee of the whole. Petition of the Dubuque Bridge Co. asking the council to enact the or- dinance necessary to reconstruct and make the alterations necessary on the. structure of the Dubuque Bridge Co. for adapting same for railroad pur- poses was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Hines moved the rules be sus- pended to allow Mr. Hi Id permission to address the council in reference to the proposed electric line from Platteville to Dubuque. Carried. Mr. Hi Id then addressed the council, stating the company had already made the first payment on the Dubuque High Bridge and were ready to begin the work of the construction of the new line and that as arrangements had been made with all the towns along the line for the immediate commenc- ing of the work with the sole excep- tion of the City of Dubuque he urged on the council the necessity of not delaying the necessary preliminaries, so that work could be commenced at as early a date as possible. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. Street Commissioner Kearney report- ed as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my pay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the first half of February, 1907: Amount .due laborers on streets $1,114.55 Approved by Committee on Streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the first half of Febru- ary, 1907: Amount due laborers on sew- ers $ 191.40 Approved by Committee on Sewers. Also beg to submit my pay roll for labor on grading garbage dump during the first half of February, 1907: Amount due laborers grading garbage dump $ 204.55 Approved by committee on streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN KEARNEY, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the vari- ous amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper committees. 1 36 Regular Session, February 21, 1907 City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: —I herewith present to you the plan for the extension of Bee Branch sewer from the present end to the North line of 23rd street in Wash- ington street a distance of 715 feet. The estimate cost per lineal foot is $18.00. Respectfully submitted, PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion the report of the City En- gineer and plan of the proposed Bee Branch sewer were referred to the Committee of the Whole. City Attorney Kintzinger reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen— Attached please find re- Iease and receipt of $25.00 being in full settlement of all damages due Edwarn Blaise in the settlement of his case against the city of Dubuque, a warrant for which amount was drawn at the last meeting of the Council. Attached please find receipt of Clerk of the District Court in the sum of $11.75_ in payment of the court costs of said case. This disposes of the case and the same has been dismissed. Also report herewith attached please find release and receipt in full from Isadore Huber in the sum of $300.00, which is in full payment of any and all damages due said Isadore Huber for the cause of action alleged in his petition in an action brought by him against the City of Dubuque, known as Law 14810 of the District Court of Dubuque County, Iowa. This was a case arising out of damages resulting from said Huber being thrown from his wagon by rea- son of a ditch dug by the Telephone Company in Julien Avenue of this City. Upon the Commencement of this case I served notice on the Tele- phone Company that they would be held liable for any judgement ob- tained against the City of Dubuque under their bond given to the City for tearing up the streets. The Telephone Company required the contractor dig- ging the trench to come in and defend this case. The same was settled by the contractor by the payment by him to the plaintiff of the sum of $300.00. receipt whereof is hereto attached. Said contractor also paid the court costs in this case and the same has been dismissed. The entire amount settled for in this case was paid by the contractor and without any costs to the city. Also report herewith attached please find release and receipts in full from Barbara Becker and Tony Becker for the sum of $75.00 in payment of all damages due them by reason of their claim against the City of Dubuque in their actions against said City, a war- rant for which amount was ordered drawn at the last meeting of the City Council. Receipt of Tim Sullivan, Clerk of the District Court, is also hereto at- tached in the sum of $20.75. Also report herewith attached please find release of settlement and receipt in full for $825.00, being the amount ordered drawn by you at the last meet- ing of the City Council with which to settle the case of Anna Monteith vs. the City of Dubuque. Attached also find a receipt of the clerk of the court for $20.60 for court costs in said case. This disposes of the case and the same has been dis- missed. Respectfully submitted, J. W. KINTZINGER, City Attorney. On motion the various reports of the City Attorney, were received and filed. Committee Clerk Lawlor reported as follows: Dubuque, Ia., February 19, 1907. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: —I herewith submit a statement of the amount expended for labor on streets in the different wards during the month of January, 1907: First Ward $ 96.25 Second Ward 448.50 Third Ward 134.20 Fourth Ward 330.80 Fifth Ward 210.10 Miscellaneous 321.80 Total $1,541.65 Respectfully submitted, JOHN W. LAWLOR, Committee Clerk. On motion the report of the Com- mittee Clerk was received and filed. City Assessor Scherr reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: —The undersigned begs your Honorable Body to cancel the personal 'assessment assessed .against P. S. Slocum of $200.00 and the per - sonal, assessed against E. Geeting of $150.00, as both of these assessments were made erroneously. Hoping that you will instruct Treasurer of same. Yours respectfully, C. B. SCHERR, City Assessor. On motion the Various recommenda- tions of Assessor Scherr were granted, and the Treasurer to be instructed ac- cordingly. Fire Chief Reinfried reported as follows:— Dubuque, Ia., Feb. 15, 1907. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Dubuque. Gentlemen: —I would respectfully call the attention of your honorable body to some of the needs of the Fire De- partment and urge upon you the ab- solute necessity for providing for the same. We need 2,500 feet of hose, to replace some that has been in use since 1891, and which is therefore liable to burst under pressure at any moment. We need a new truck; the present one we have had for about thirty years and use it at all hill fires -and in the resi- dence districts of the city. The men realize the great age of the truck and know that their lives are in danger every time they ride on it to a fire No. 2 Engine House should have a tower for drying the hose belonging to the company stationed there. At pres- ent they have to bring their hose to other houses to have the same dried out and this practice sometimes re- sults in confusion as to the ownership of the hose besides being very incon- venient. There are also two sets of new harness required; where the breaking of a strap or fastening is liable to result in a tragedy, no chances should be taken, and the harness that we desire to replace is so old that we can not tell just where the weakest point is, and where we consider it the strongest, might be just where it will break first; therefore repairs are use- less. Trusting that you will give these recommendations your favorable con- sideration, I am, Very respectfully, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. On motion the report of the Fire Chief was referred to the Committee or. Fire. REPORTS OF STANDING COM- MITTEES. Ald. Hopkins, chairman of the com- mittee on finance, moved that the Treasurer and Auditor furnish the chairman of the finance committee . complete data showing the amount of available funds for the appropriations to be made for the ensuing year, this statement to he furnished not later than February 25th. Carried. Ald. Clancy moved the matter of making the appropriations for the en- suing year be referred to the commit- Regular Session, February 21, 1907 37 tee of the whole to report back to the Council. Carried. Ald. Clancy spoke relative to the con- ditions and quarantine now being kept in the various eases of contagious dis• ease in Dubuque, and stated the Board of Health should be more rigid in the enforcement of quarantine. in order to. protect the public from the spread of the epidemic of smallpox. Whereupon he presented the follow- ing Your committee of the whole, deem- ing stringent measures taken at the present time to be the best preventa- tive of a further spread of smallpox, which, even in its present mild form, and with the small number of cases existing, has a tendency to kelp people away from the city, and believing that great harm may be done by unneces- sarily delaying the enforcement of the proper isolation of patients and their families, would respectfully recommend that the Board of Health be instructed to provide a strict quarantine for all places where the disease exists, by placing guards at such houses, and also that the City Physician see that all physicians pay strict attention to the quarantine regulations, and in case of failure on their part so to do, that measures be taken to compel the ob- servance of said regulations. Also, your committee of the whole would respectfully recommend that a contract be entered into for the pur- chase of fourteen voting machines, pro- vided that the Board of Supervisors will assume the payment of one -half the cost thereof, the other half to be paid by the city, and that a special committee composed of Alds. Hines,. McEvoy and Closs be appointed to con- fer with a. committee from the Board of Supervisors for the purpose of com- pleting arrangements for the purchase of said. machines. Also, your committee of the whole would respectfully recommend that the Mayor be instructed to compel the en- forcement of the ordinance relative to cleaning the sidewalks from snow and ice, and also the ordinance relative to obstructions on sidewalks. Also, your commit-tee of the whole would respectfully recommend that the iron bridge spanning the entrance to the slough on Seventh street be re- moved on the completion of the filling to grade of the street at that point. We would also reccomend that the Street Commissioner be instructed to notify the parties owning the logs in said slough to remove the same within sixty days from the date of service of notice. 38 Regular Session, February 21, 1907 Also, your committee of the whole, to whom was referred the petition of the Educational Division of the Wom- en's Club asking that a room in the City Hall be set apart foi the tempo- rary detention of children held for ex- amination under the law, would re- spectfully recommend that the prayer of the petition be granted and that the location and fitting up of said room be referred to the committee on police and light with power. MATT CLANCY. Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the various reports of the committee of the whole. Carried. Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit- tee on streets, reported as follows: Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the report of the City Engineer on the amount of macadam broken at the pound, would respectful- ly recommend that warrants be drawn in the amounts set out in said report for the purchase of said macadam. Also, your committee on streets, to whom was referred the profile showing a proposed grade on Cherry street, would respectfully recommend that said profile be approved and that the ordinance committee be instructed to prepare an ordinance properly estab- lishing said grade in accordance with said profile. T. B. HINES, Chairman. Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the various reports of the committee on streets. Carried. Ald. Hines, chairman of the com- mittee on police and light, reported as follows: Your committee on police and light. to whom was referred with power by the committee of the whole, the ques- tion of locating and fitting up rooms for the temporary detention of children held for examination under the law, would respectfully report that we have given the committee room and the small room adjoining it on the west for this purpose and would recommend that the city carpenter be instructed to make a doorway in the partition dividing said rooms. T. B. HINES, Chairman. Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the report of the committee on police and light. Carried. Ald. Hopkins moved that the police and light committee be instructed to provide a room to be used as a com- mittee room. Ald. Hines moved as an amendment, that the committee be given power to make expenditures necessary in pro- viding said committee room. Amend meat lost, original motion carried. Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the com- mittee on sewers, reported as follows: Your committee on sewers would re- spectfully state that at the session held February 7, 1907, Rev. Dr. Steffens ad- dressed the City Council in relation to a petition of the German Presbyterian Theological school, for an extension of the sewerage system to their new build- ing on Delhi street, which had been presented to the council on Novem- ber 1, 1906. The subject of Dr. Steffens' remarks was referred to this committee, because it was supposed that the original peti- tion was in our hands.. We find, on investigation, that the original petition was not referred to any committee, but was granted by the Council and the, proper resolutions ordered drawn. Owing to the fact that no route had been mentioned in said petition, nor outlined by the Council, it was impossi- ble to carry out the instructions given. However, we have taken the matter up and went over the grounds. We find that it is not feasible to con- nect with Dodge street sewer because the fall would be but two inches in one hundred feet. Such a scant fall would necessitate the use of flush tanks, which we do not deem the proper thing. Your committee then went over the grounds of the proposed sewer from St. Joseph's Mercy insane asylum to the end of the present sewer in West Lo- cust street, the plat and profile for which had been presented to the City Council on April 6, 1906, and we are of the opinion, gained from the statement of the City Engineer, that this is the most feasible route or a sewer to tap the district in which said German Pres- byterian school is located. We think the proper course for a sewer from said school would be from Delhi street by way of Algona avenue to West Fourteenth street, thence east to the alley between Auburn and At- lantic avenues, thence in said alley to Rosedale avenue, there to connect with the proposed sewer from the insane asylum. We have already instructed the Engineer to prepare an estimate of the cost of said improvement to each lot along the routes mentioned above, and would recommend that the entire mat- ter be now referred to the committee of the whole, with instructions to vigorously push all preliminary work in order that contracts may be let as early as possible. Also, your committee on sewers, to whom was referred the petition of Jacob Kessler et al, asking that they be refunded the amount paid by them under protest for the construction of n, sanitary sewer' in the alley between Jackson and Washington streets, and giving as a reason for said request that they were unable to connect with said sewer because the Bee Branch creek intervened between said sewer and their property, would respectfully re- port that we ascertained from the City Engineer, after he had run the levels •over the ground, that said creek as it is at pr or even after the storm sewer is constructed therein, would of- fer no hindrance to a connection with the sanitary sewer; we would there- fore recommend that said petition be received and filed. Also, your committee on sewers, to whom was referred the petition of M. Carney, stating that the sanitary sewer in Booth street was two feet higher than his basement, and therefore of no benefit to his property, for which rea- son he asks that the special assess- ment levied against him for the con- struction of said sewer be canceled, would respectfully report that the City Engineer, after running the levels over the ground in question, reports to this committee that the sewer is not lower than the basement and that connection can be made from the house to the sewer; we would therefore recommend that the said petition be received and filed. • Also, your committee on sewers, to whom was referred the notice of the City Treasurer to R. Flick in relation to the special assessment levied against the N. E. 1 -4 of lot 25, L. H. Lang - worthy's add., for the construction of a sanitary sewer in White street, would respectfully recommend that said notice be received and filed. . J. A. STUMPF, Chairman. Alci. Stumpf moved the adoption of the various reports of the committee on sewers. Carried. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS. Ald. Closs, chairman of the Board -of Health, offered the following: Whereas, the Federal government of the United States has enacted a law requiring a rigid inspection of all meats entering into interstate commerce, and Whereas, the enforcement of that law brought to light the fact that vast amounts of diseased meats had been put onto the markets and were con- sumed by the people prior to the law's enforcement, and Whereas, it has come to be general comment that diseased meats, meats wholly unfit for food, are regularly dis- posed of on the public markets of Du- buque and at private sale to retail dealers in meats, and that there is absolutely no protection to the general Regular Session, February 21, 1907 39 - public against such imposition„ there- fore be it Resolved, That the ordinance com- mittee and the City Attorney be in- structed to prepare all ordinance or re- vise present ordinances in such a way chat the citizens of Dubuque may have protection against the unscrupulous dealer and have assurance that- meats offered for sale in the markets of Du- buque are as pure and wholesome as those that enter interstate commerce under Federal laws. Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy moved that the Board of Health look into the matter of the inspection of milk under the Pure Food Law, of all milk being sold in the city of Dubuque. Carried. Alderman Clancy offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the north side of Jones street between Iowa and Warren streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: E. 186 ft. of block 3. Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add., by lay- ing down or relaying a permanent side. walk thereon composed of cement ma. terial. Said walk to be six feet wide and running the entire length of said E. 186 ft. of block 3, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution, Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- a s. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of six feet be and the same is hereby or- dered to be laid on the north side of Jones street between Iowa and Warren streets, and in front of the following described premises: E. 186 ft. of block 3, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add. Such sidewalk to be constructed in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. • 40 Regular Session, February 21, 1907 Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the north side of Jones street between Warren and Water streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, of block 4, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add., by laying down a permanent side- walk thereon composed of cement ma- terial. Said walk to be six feet wide , and running the entire length of said lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of block 4, Dubu- que Harbor Co.'s add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, ,McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None, Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of six feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Jones street between Warren and Water streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of block 4, Dubuque Harbor Co.'s add. Such sidewalk to be constructed in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the west side of Southern avenue between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lot No. 2, Bonson's sub., by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material. Alderman Clancy also offered the • following: Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of six feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the west side of Southern ave- nue between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lot 2, Benson's sub. Such sidewalk to be constructed in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Said walk to be six feet wide and run- ning the entire length of said lot No. 2, Bonson's sub. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays - None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the north side of Southern ave- nue between Valley and Samuel streets, and in front of and abutting the fol- lowing described premises: Lot 5, Breakey's add., by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length. of said lot 5, Breakey's add. Aid. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays - N one. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lot 5, Breakey's add. Such sidewalk to be constructed in accord -- ance with the plans and specifications prepared.by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the north side of Southern ave- nue between Valley and Samuel streets, and in front of and abutting the fol- lowing described premises: Lot S. W. 3 feet of lot 7, and all of lot 8, Breakey's add., by laying down a permanent side- walk thereon composed of cement ma- terial. Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said S. W. 3 feet of lot 7, and all of lot 8, Breakey's add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: S. W. 3 ft. of lot 7, and all of lot 8, , Breakey's Add. Such sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within twenty days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Regular Session, February 21, 1907 4 Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is. deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the north side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel street and Eng- lish Lane, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Southern Avenue addition, by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material.. Said walk to be five feet wide and run- ning the entire length of said lots 1, 2. and 3, Southern Avenue add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the - following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel street and Eng- lish Lane, and in front of the following. described premises: Lots 1, 2 and 3, Southern Avenue addition. Such side- walk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications pre- pared by the City Engineer and now on. file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays -None. Alderman Clancy also offered thb following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is. deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the north side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel street and Eng- lish Lane, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lot. 4, Southern Avenue add., by laying. down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material. Said walk to be five feet wide and running - the entire length of said lot 4, South- ern Avenue add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays - None.. 42 Regular Session, February 21, 1907 Regular Session, February 21, 1907 43 Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel street and English Lane, and in front of the following de- scribed premises: Lot 4, Southern Ave- nue add. Such sidewalk to be con- structed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the north side of Southern ave- nue between Valley and Samuel streets, and in front of and abutting the fol- lowing described premises: Sub. 29 of mineral lot 39, by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material. Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said sub. 29 of mineral lot 39. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Nays- -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the north side of Southern ave- nue between Valley and Samuel streets, and in front of the following described premises: Sub. 29 of Mineral lot 39, Such sidewalk to be constructed in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said side- walk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolu- tion, and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom- as. Na ys —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the West side of Southern ave- nue between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the fol- lowing described premises: Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Addition, by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement, said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said lots 3 and 4. Stout's Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays --N one. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the West side of Southern ave- nue between Dodge street and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 3 and 4, Stout's Addition, such sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office, said sidewalk to be begun within ten days, and completed within twenty days from the adoption and per- fection of this resolution, and the cost of same to be taxed against said prem- ises and collected in the meaner pre- scribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. • Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque that it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the West side of Southern ave- nue between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the fol- lowing described premises: Lots 15 and 16, Levi's Add., by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon composed of cement, said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said lots 15 and 16, Levi's Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the West side of Southern ave- nue between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises, Lots 15 and 16, Levi's Add., such sidewalk to be constructed in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office, said side- walk to be begun within ten days and completed within twenty days from the .adoption and perfection of this resolu- tion and the cost of same to be taxed .against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Clogs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council -of the City of Dubuque, that it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve the North side of Southern avenue be- tween Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lot 3, Randall's Sub., by laying down a permanent side- walk thereon composed of cement, said walk to be five feed wide and running the entire length of said Lot 3, Ran - dall's Sub. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the North side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises, Lot 3. Randall's Sub., such sidewalk to be constructed in accord- ance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office, said sidewalk to be begun within ten days, and com- pleted within twenty days from the adoption and perfection of this resolu- against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald, Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the West side of Southern Ave. between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: So. 40 ft. of lot 2, Stout's Add., by laying down a perma- nent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material. Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said lot So. 40 ft. of lot 2 Stout's Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the West side of Southern Ave. between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises So. 40 ft. of lot 2, Stout's Add. Such sidewalk to he constructed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engi- neer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to he begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolu- tion and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the West side of Southern Ave. between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lots 5 and 6, Union Add., and North 2 ft. of lot 1, Levi's Add., by laying down a perma- nent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material. Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said lot 5 and 6 Union Add. and North 2 ft. of lot 1, Levi's Add. 44 Regular Session, February 21, 1907 Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nay None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the West side of Southern Ave. between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 5 and 6, Union Add., and North 2 ft. of lot 1, Levi's Add.; such sidewalk to be constructed in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office, said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolu- tion and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises • and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the West side of Southern Ave. between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lot Sub. 2 of 229, Union Add., by laying down a perma- nent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material. Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said Lot, Sub. 2 of 229, Union Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the West side of Southern Ave. between Dodge and Valley streets, and in front of the following de- scribed premises: Sub. 2 of lot 229, Union Add., such sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfec- tion of this resolution, and the costs of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve the North side of Southern avenue be- tween Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lots 3 and 4, Breakey's Add., by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material. Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said Lots 3 and 4, Breakey's Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas. —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa: That a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet ,be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the North side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 3 and 4, Breakey's Add., such sidewalk to be constructed in ac- cordance with the plans and specifica- tions prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office, such side- walk to be begun within ten days and completed within twenty days from the adoption and perfection of this resolu- tion and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the manner prescribed by law: Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution - Carried by ins following vote: Yeas—Al ds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve the North side of Southern avenue be- tween Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lot 2, Breakey's Add., by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement,. said walk to be five feet wide and run- ning the entire length of said Lot 2, Breakey's Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Class, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. . Alderman Cl0ncy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the North side of Southern ave- nue between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lot 2 of Breakey's Add., such sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifi- cations prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office, said side- walk to be begun within ten days and completed within twenty days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution, and the costs of same to be taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deem- ed necessary and advisable to improve the North side of Southern avenue be- tween Samuel and Valley Streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lot 1, E 30 feet Breakey's Add., by laying down a per- manent sidewalk thereon composed of cement, said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said Lot 1 E 30 feet, Breakey's Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the North side of Southern Ave. between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises E. 30 ft. of lot 1, Breakey's Add., such sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said side- Regular Session, February 21, 1907 45 walk to be begun within 10 days, and completed witnin 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolu- tion and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in. the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the- following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to improve the North side of Southern Ave. be- tween Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of and abutting the following described premises: Lot 1 West 56 ft. Breakey's Add., by laying a permanent sidewalk thereon composed of cement material; said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said lot 1 West 56 ft., Breakey's Add. Aid. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the North side of Southern Ave. between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises West 56 ft. of lot 1, Breakey's Add., such sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and speci- fications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said side- walk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolu- tion and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and collected in the- manner prescribed by law. Ald Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,. Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays- -None. Alderman Clancy also offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that it is deemed necessary and advisable to im- prove the North side of Southern Ave. between Valley and Samuel streets, and in front of and abutting the fol- lowing described premises: Lots 9 and 10, Breakey's Add., by laying down a permanent sidewalk thereon composed 46 Regular Session, February 21, 1907 of cement material. Said walk to be five feet wide and running the entire length of said Lots 9 and 10, Breakey's Add. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Ald. Clancy also offered the follow- ing: Be it Resolved by the City Council of Dubuque, Iowa, that a permanent sidewalk of the width of five feet be and the same is hereby ordered to be laid on the North side of Southern Ave. between Samuel and Valley streets, and in front of the following described premises: Lots 9 and 10, Breakey's Add., such sidewalk to be constructed in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and now on file in his office; said sidewalk to be begun within 10 days, and completed within 20 days from the adoption and perfection of this resolution and the cost of same to be taxed against said premises and col- lected in the manner prescribed by law. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None. Alderman McEvoy offered the fol- lowing: Whereas it is deemed expedient by the City Council of the City of Du- buque to change the grade on Bluff street, between Eighth and Eleventh streets; therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the City Engineer be and he is hereby directed tc prepare from actial survey and re- port to the Council a profile showing the grade proposed, and to report whether or not a grade has been pre- viously established on said street, and if there has been a grade previously established, said profile to also show said established grade. And said En- gineer is further instructed to report whether or not any person has made improvement on said street according to said established grade. Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried by the following vote: Yeas - -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas. Nays —None; Hopkins not voting. Ald. Closs moved that after April 20th all ashes, manure and dry garbage be deposited at the Seventh street bridge for filling instead of on Fourth street extension. Carried. Ald. Thomas moved that all the ex- mayors of Dubuque be requested to furnish the city with their pictures, for the Council chamber. Carried. Ald. Hopkins stated that only one of the Water Works Trustees has been willing to act until such time as the new Trustees are appointed, and the Water Works affairs are being carried on. in an illegal manner. The superin- tendent of the Water Works asked the chairman of the Water Worlcs Auditing Committee and the chairman of the Special Water Works Committee to audit several bills and the payrolls of the Water Works, and that they had audited the pay rolls and instructed the Treasurer to pay the pay roll; where- upon Ald. Hopkins moved that the Council sanction the action taken by the chairman of the Water Works Auditing Committee and the chairman of the Special Water Works committee in auditing the pay rolls of the Water Works employees. Carried. Aid. Thomas moved that the council adjourn until February 28th, 1907. Car- ried. Attest: Approved EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. Recorder 190.. Mayor. Adjourned Session, February 28, 1907 CITY COUNCIL Adjourned Session, February 28 1907. (Official.) Council met at 8:50 p. m. Mayor Schunk in the chair. Preseht -Alds. Clancy, Closs. Hines, Hopkins and Stumpf. Absent —Ald. Thomas and Ald. Mc- Evoy. Ali. Clancy moved that action on the approval of the council proceed- ings for the month of February be laid over for the first regular meeting in March. Carried. BILLS. The following bills were Jrdered paid: H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv- ices fire horses for month of Febru Ge W. H calks and hardware for fire dept. Standard Lumber Co., shav- ings for fire dept. Linehan & Molo, supplies for fire dept. F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for fire dept. T. H. Clark, supplies for fire dept. Key City Gas Co., light for fire dent. Nosier & Hammel, plumbing at garbage clump Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for fire dept. W. B. Baumgartner, supplies for fire dept F. A. Burns, fuel fire dept Whelan & Crahan, bran for fire dept. T. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire dept. John Newman & Son, repairs for fire dept. Joseph Geisler, repairs for fire dept. Byrne Bros., • dept. Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co., 1 grate for fire dept. Thos. Connolly Estate, repairs for fire dept. Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe - ing,for fire dept. John Butt, repairs for fire dept. Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing for fire dept. Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for fire dept W. D. Deckert Co., supplies for fire dept. Jas. Walsh & Son, supplies for fire dept. Clark Roller Awning Co., sup- plies for fire dept. Pasturing fire 29 04 10 05 12 97 16 27 30 S 80 30 40 12 00 123 84 11 40 11 85 1 05 57 90 2 85 1 40 9 00 1 85 8 10 7 40 2 30 7 00 10 70 75 15 25 5 20 47 Fengler & Buetin, coal for fire dept. National Refining Co., oil for fire dept. Key City Gas Co., rental and inspection of 2 gas arcs for fire dept. Peter Even, coal for fire dept Union Electric Co., current for fire alarm system. Bros., bran for fire dept. Phil Heller, horseshoeing for fire dept. T. Mr. Ruete Drug Co., sup - lies for fire dept. L. Lindenberg, supplies for fire and road depts. Ellwanger Bros., repairs for fire dept. Fischer & Co., coal and wood for various depts. Key City Gas Co., supplies for city hall Kaep & Buechele, 1 box for market master Eciw. T. Cleaver, plumbing for various depts. Klauer & Kress, hardware for city hall Mullen Bros., plumbing at city hall Smith - Morgan Printing Co , assessments blanks for city assessor Union Printing Co., printing for assessor's office -. Duggan & Cota, grass seed for Phoenix Park H. B. McCarten, repairs foun- tain at 8th and Main Sts Gow & Curtis, repairing foun- tain at Arch St. G. B. Grosvenor, supplies for various offices C. H. Becker Co., supplies for various depts. I. S. Bigelow, examination and opinion in case of Herman Bishop 10 00 Frank Hardie. transcript of tes- timony in Langstaff vs. City of Dubuque case Emil Stumpf. assisting mar- ket master, 25 days at $1.50 Lagen & Sloan. horseshoeing for sewer dept. H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv- ices for sewer horses R. Hoffman, repairing rubber boots for sewer dept. 30 John Butt, repairs for sewer dept. 1 10 F. Schloz & Son, repairs for sewer dept. 70 Ellwanger Bros., supplies for police dept. 2 50 Pier Bros., coal for police dept 29 31 Thos Connolly Estate, repairs to patrol wagon 2 50 Key City Iron Works, repairs for police department 4 30 14 55 8 78 1 00 20 05 2 00 1 15 1 75 65 1 95 4 60 114 84 3 10 25 7 95 1 50 11 75 24 75 24 75 1 00 10 90 44 45 3 60 7 37 2 00 37 50 50 92 0 48 Adjourned Session, February 28, 1907 E. J. Mulgrew, supplies for po- lice dept. Martin, Strelau Co., wood for police dept. 11 00 John Graf, sawing wood for po- .. lice dept. 2 00 H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv- ices for police dept. Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe - ing for police dept. Chas. Oswald, repairs various depts. Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for police dept. Chas. W. Katz, 43 meals for prisoners, at 20c E. P. Smith, batteries for police dept. 12 00 W. J. Schneider, supplies for po- lice dept. 21 25 Union Electric Co., arc lights for February, 1907 2105 15 Jos. J. Rowan, supplies for po- lice dept. McCollins Express Co., wood for road dept. F. A. Burns, wood for road dept. 7 00 Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for road dept. Standard Lumber Co., lumber for road dept. John M. Lee, cinders for road dept. M. Hannan, sand for road dept. 35 00 G. W. Healey & Son, supplies for road dept. Ellwanger Bros., supplies for road dept. Byrnes & Saul, gravel for road dept. Hussman & Lies, supplies for road dept. John Butt, supplies for road dept. Mettel Bros., feed for road dept. Geo. F. Kleih, supplies for road dept. Klauer & Kress, supplies for road dept. Meuser Bros., lumber for road dept. F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road dept. Geo. Pfiffner, supplies for road dept. Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for road dept. Duggan & Cota, supplies for road dept. F. M. Jaeger, supplies for road dept. Thos. Byrne, rent of derrick on garbage dump Key City Gas Co., light for vari- ous depts. Thos. J. Mulgrew Co., wood for City Hall John McDermott, repairing plumbing at City Hall 4 09 1 38 6 25 7 15 3 10 9 60 2 82 6 00 1 25 9 54 21 00 4 10 3 60 15 75 4 45 8 10 7 05 5 40 1 75 55 85 5 35 30 3 70 2 25 14 85 17 00 103 70 5 50 10 05 Lyons & Lyons, supplies various depts. Schollian & McGovern, fuel for various depts. John Graf, sawing wood at City Hall Ernest Besser, sawing wood at City Hall Martin Strelau Co., coal for po- lice dept. 2 60 24 60 1 10 1 25 23 45 Bill of E. E. Frith' for removing dead animals during the months of Novem- ber and December, 1906, January and February, 1907, was referred to the Board of Health. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICA- TIONS. Petition of F. H. Weihe & Co. ask- ing that the assessment levied against them for the year 1898 on moneys and credits be canceled as same is er- roneous was on motion referred to the committee of the whole and City As- sessor. Petition of Leonard Buehler et al. asking that the northerly 2 feet of the sidewalk on the northeasterly side of Fengler avenue be vacated, as an 8 ft. sidewalk is all that is necessary for said street was on motion referred to the committee of the whole. Petition of the Julien Lodge No. 379 International Association of Machin- ists, asking that the Council select one of the members of the Board of Water Works Trustees from the list of names submitted was on motion referred to the Mayor. Petitions of F. A. Rumpf and the Standard Lumber Co. remonstrating against the proposed filling of the slough at the Seventh street bridge were read and on motion were ordered received. Ald. Clancy then moved that the council reconsider their action taken February 21st, 1907, in ordering the slough at the Seventh street bridge filled to level of the street. Carried. Whereupon Ald. Clancy then moved that the matter of filling the slough and removal of the bridge at the foot of Seventh street be referred to the committee of the whole. Carried. Petition of the Dubuque Commercial Co., signed by about 500 business men of the city asking that the Council adopt the ordinance asked for by the Illinois and Western Railway in order that the city may have an interurban line into Dubuque at the earliest pos- sible time was on motion received and filed. Adjourned Session, February 28, 1907 Petition of the Dubuque Commercial Club signed by about 150 business men, asking that the name of Main street be changed to State street was on mo- tion referred to the committee of the whole. Ald. Clancy moved that the rules be suspended to allow the members of the Commercial Club permission to ad- dress the Council on the matter of the change of the name of Main street. Carried. Mr. H. H. Blish then addressed the Council and stated that this petition had been presented to every business man on Main street from Eleventh to Jones street and with two exceptions, every business man had signed the petition. 98 per cent. of all these busi- ness men favored a change, although they differed on what the name should be, the majority, however, favored the name of State street. Ald. Hopkins moved the action of the Council in referring the petition of the Commercial Club to the committee of the whole be reconsidered. Carried. Whereupon Ald. Hopkins moved that the matter of changing the name of Main street be referred to the Commit- tee on Ordinances, City Attorney and City Engineer to draw up an ordinance. Carried. REPORTS OF OFFICERS. City Treasurer Brinkman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: —I herewith hand you statement of amounts advanced by me during the month of February, 1907, for which please order warrants drawn in my favor: interest paid on warrants out- standing $770.18 Excavation permits redeemed 30.00 New York exchange expense 7.20 Postage, etc., expense 10.00 Total $817.38 Library orders paid $434.22 Respectfully, H. BRINKIIIAN, Treasurer. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the various amounts, and the reports referred to the committee on finance. City Auditor Lyons reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council. Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the pay roll for the City Officers for the month of February, 1907; also report of the standing of the funds to February 28th, 1907: 49 Amount due city officers $2,781.80 The following list shows the ap- propriations and the amount of war- rants drawn on each fund since the beginning of the fiscal year beginning March 1, 1906, to February 28th, 1907: appropriated. Expended. Expense $40,000 $35,341.35 Road — First district 16,000 15,538.26. Second district 20,300 18,524.26 Third district 8,750 8,250.55 Fire 43,500 38,209.67 Police 29,750 27,156.39 Sewerage 5,000 4,835.18 Printing 2,500 2,485.45 Engineer 2,500 2,268.25 Street lighting 25,200 23,076.15 Interest 41,500 31,546.10 Board of Health 4,500 4,500.00 Grading 1,500 1,064.70 Bee Branch —Wash- ington street 8,000 5,129.63 Bee Branch — Fif- teenth and six- teenth streets 1,400 1,400.00 Special bonded pav- ing 4,000 3,877.57 Judgment 2,500 2,039.35 Special bonded debt and interest 4,000 1,875.86 Mt. Carmel avenue grading 1,000 1,000.00 Sidewalk repairing 1,000 - 996.79 Special sewer fund 2,000 2,000.00 Bluff street exten sion wall 1,000 996.97 Booth street sewer 750 720.00 $266,650 Respectfully, M. E. LYONS, Auditor. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the city officers, and the report re- ferred to the committee on finance. Fire Chief $einfried reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: The following is the pay roll of the fire department for the month of Feb- ruary, 1907: Amount due firemen $2601 70 Respectfully submitted, J. R. REINFRIED, Chief. Approved by committee on fire. On motion the report was received and warrants ordered drawn to pay the firemen, and the report referred back to the committee on Ore. City Electrician Hipman reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my report of defective lights for the month of February, 1907: I find from the reports of the police 5o Adjourned Session, February 28, 1907 department that the total hours that 22 lamps failed to burn would equal 3 -4 of one lamp burning for one month, or $4.05. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM HIPMAN, City Electrician. On motion the report was received and the city auditor instructed to de- duct from the Union Electric com- pany's bill for the month of February, 1907, the sum of $4.05. Chief Pickley reported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Duhuane: Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the police report for the month of February, 1907: Intoxication 28 Disturbing the peace 10 Threat to do bodily injury 2 Assault and battery 7 Assault to murder 2 Interfering with officer 1 Disorderly conduct 5 Breaking and entering 2 Profane language 1 Violating city ordinance 2 Vagrancy 5 Residents arrested Doors found open Lodgers harbored Defective lights Meals furnished prisoners Cost of food Police court costs collected Patrol runs for prisoners Committee Ambulance calls Miles traveled Also beg to submit the pay roll for policemen for the month of February, 1907: Amount due policemen $2,219 22 Respectfully submitted. JAMES R. PICKLEY, Chief of Police. On motion the report and pay roll were received and warrants ordered drawn to pay policemen, and the re- port referred to the committee on police. 65 41 26 66 22 48 $9.60 $36.75 61 .1 1 120 Street Cnirmissioner Kearney re- ported as follows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Council : Gentlemen :I herewith submit my nay roll for labor on streets in the different road districts during the last half of February, 1907: Amount due laborers on streets $1,140 55 Anproved by committee on streets. Also submit my pay roll for labor on sewers during the last half of Feb- ruary, 1907: Amount due laborers on sewers.$165.80 Approved by committee on sewers. Also beg to submit my pay roll for labor on grading garbage dump dur- ing the last half of January, 1907: Amount due laborers grading garbage dump $324 25 Approved by committee on streets. Respectfully submitted, JOHN KEARNEY, Street Commissioner. On motion the pay rolls on streets and sewers were received and war- rants ordered drawn to pay the var- ious amounts and the pay rolls re- ferred back to the proper committees. Street Commissioner Kearney also resorted as follows: ' To the Honorable Mayor and City Council: Gentlemen — Attached find receipt of City Treasurer for $8.45, also bills for steel rails to balance account against Union Electric Co. of $42.00 for ma- cadam and use of steam roller. Also attached find receipt of City Treasurer for $46.35 to settle account against C. A. Voelker for constructing brick gutter abutting Lot 1 of the S 2 -5 of City Lot 444. Respectfully. JOHN KEARNEY, Street Commissioner. On motion report of the street com- missioner on the bills of C. A. Voelker and Union Electric Co. were received and filed. City Engineer Ilg reported as fol- lows: To the Honorable Mayor and City Connell: Gentlemen:— According to your in- struction. I herewith present to you the attached grade and profile of Bluff street from the north line of 8th street to the south line of 12th street. The green line on said grade and profile indicates the original grade as pre- pared by City Engineer James Potter and established by the City Council on the 19th day of March. 1855, and I would recommend for your adoption the grade on the west side from 8th street to Station 2+85 as shown by blue line and from Station 2 +85 to the south line of 12th street the grade as shown by the green line and on the east side the grade as shown by red line from 8th street to 12th street. It appears that all buildings along said Bluff street have been erected ac- cording to the proposed grade. Respectful] submitted. PAUL ILG, City Engineer. On motion report of the City En- gineer also the grade and profile of Bluff street from 8th to 12th streets was referred to the Committee of the Whole. The following weighmasters' and woodmeasurers' reports of receipts for the month of February, 1907, were read and reports were received and filed. Louise Pitschner, West Dubuque scales $1 26 Adjourned Session, February 28, 1907 •Chas. W. Katz, market master's receipts 26 10 H. Haubner, First ward scales 3 01 City Recorder Linehan presented the _following communication from County Auditor Scharle: The Board of Supervisors have re- quested me to return the enclosed bills .amounting to $70 30, to your office. In- .asmuch as the City of Dubuque order- ed the work to be done they should pay the full amount, and then file a claim against the county for one -half of the bills ($35.40) and the county will pay the same to the city. Very respectfully, THEO. SCHARLE, Auditor. Ald. Clancy moved that warrants be .drawn to pay the election bills and a bill be sent to the county for ohs - half the amount of the hills. Carried. Ald. Hines, chairman of the com- mittee on ordinances, stated that the .committee on ordinances to whom the ordinances of the Illinois and Western railway and the ordinance of the Du- buque Bridge Co. were referred, have looked over the ordinances. Ald. Hines then moved that these .ordinances be read for the first time. Whereupon the Deputy Recorder was instructed to proceed with the reading of the ordinances. Aid. Hopkins moved that the City Attorney be instructed to put in the proper interlineation in Section 4 of the ordinance which would allow other companies the right to use its track. 'Carried. Ald. Hopkins moved the clause' be inserted in the ordinance "ten inter- urban trains be run daily beyond East Dubuque to Platteville." Carried. Aid. Hopkins moved that the City Attorney furnish the City Council an opinion as to the rights on the ground known as Market Square, the vacation of which is being asked for by the Illinois and Western railroad. Car- ried. Reading of the of dinance of Illinois and Western railroad having been fin- ished, Ald. Hines moved that the read- ing just had be considered its first reading. Ald. Closs moved as an amendment that the ordinance be re- ferred to the City Attorney and com- mittee on ordinances to be examined into and they to report back to the council at the session to be held Mon- day evening, March 4, 1907. Carried. The ordinance of the Dubuque Bridge Co. for the reconstruction of the high bridge was then read. Whereupon Ald. Hines moved that the reading just had be considered its first reading. Ald. Clancy moved as an amendment that the ordinance be referred to the 5 City Attorney and ordinance commit- tee to report to the council at the meeting Monday evening, March 4, 1907. •Carried. City Attorney Kintzinger stated that granting the bridge company exemption from taxation until such time as the earnings amounted to S per cent of the investment would be equivalent to perpetual exemption and asked the council if it was the intention to grant such exemption. Ald. Hopkins stated that the couficil would give the Illinois and Western railroad the $25,000 interest which the city has in the bridge and an exemp- tion from taxation for a reasonable time. Ald, Hines moved that the council relinquish the $25,000 equity in the Dubuque Bridge and exemption from - taxes for ten years, provided the load is built into Dubuque, and that the City Attorney embody same hi the ordinance. Ald. Class moved as an amendment that an exemption for five years be given the road. Amendment lost; original motion carried. Alderman Clancy, chairman of the Com- mittee on Fire, reported as follows: Your Committee on Fire would re- spectfully report as follows: That owing to the fact that the truck in the fire de- partment has become, through age and use, dangerous to the. lives of the men employed in said department, and that a large quantity of the hose has been in use since 1891, and is liable to burst un- der pressure at any moment, and also owing to the steamer, "J. J. Linehan" being put completely out of service, necessitating the purchase of a new en- gine, we have been compelled to recom- mend to the council an increase in the appropriation for fire purposes to take care of those extraordinary expenditures, and would respectfully ask that the same be granted. Also, your Committee on Fire, to whom was referred the bill of L. Hartmann & Son for $339.10 for labor and material furnished in repairing the No. 1 Engine House, would respectfully recommend that a warrant in said amount be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in settle- ment of the claim. Also, your Committee on Fire to whom was referred the bills of the American La France Fire Engine Co., for rent of two engines, would respectfully recom- mend that the rent for said engines be paid to February 25th, 1907, and that a warrant be ordered drawn on the City Treasurer in the sum of One Thousand Dollars in settlement of said ,rental. MATT CLANCY, Chairman. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the various reports of the Committee on Fire. Carried. Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Commit- 52 Adjourned Session, February 28, 1907 tee of the Whole, offered the following: Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the appropri- ation for the ensuing year for the differ- ent departments of the city be fixed as follows: For General Expense and Contin- gent Fund $ 40,000.00 For Expense of Fire Department 51,000.00 For Expense of Police Depart- ment For Care, Maintenance and Re- pairs of Sewers, Storm and Sanitary 6,000.00 For Printing 3,000.00 For, Expense of Street Lighting 30,000.00 For Interest on Floating and Bonded Debt 40,000.00 For Expense of Board of Health 5,000.00 For Grading Fund 3,000.00 For Intakes from Jackson Street to B. Branch Sewer 1,500.00 For taking up Improvement Bonds issued for .payment of Special Assessments against Parks and other city property for Paving and Macadamizing streets abutting thereon, and also bonds where the special as- sessment levied to cover same is invalid 2,500.00 For Payment of Judgments against the City 4,500.00 For District Road Funds, for Cleaning, Repairing and Sprinkling Purposes —lst Dist., $7,050.00; 2nd Dist., $12,000; 3rd Dist., $8,000.00; 4th Dist., $10,000.00; 5th Dist., $8,000.00 — total 45,050.00 For Interest on Special Bonded Debt 2,000.00 For Grading Mt. Carmel Avenue 2,000.00 For Repairing and Rebuilding Sidewalks 1,000.00 For Continuation of Wall, Bluff Street Extension 1,000.00 For Improvement of Davis Ave... 500.00 For Rearching Sewer on Eighth Street 1,500.00 For Improvement of Windsor Avenue 3,000.00 For Storm Sewer in Seventeenth Street 1,800.00 For Storm Sewer in West Locust Street 4,000.00 32,500.00 Total $280,850.00 Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Ald. Hopkins stated before he voted on the resolution fixing the appropriation at $280,850.00 for the ensuing year, he wanted to know whether the mayor would be agreed on the additional one -half mill levy necessary to meet the appropriation, and he asked the mayor if he was agreed with the council on the additional levy of one -half mill taxes making the levy for the ensuing year 12 / mills. Mayor Schunk stated he had and was agreed on the additional one -half mill levy. Ald. Hopkins stated that the object in increasing the lighting fund $4,800.00 was in order to get an all night, every night schedule of street lighting in place of the Philadelphia Moonlight schedule which is now in force in Dubuque, and which is the cause of considerable dissatisfaction among the general public. Ald. Closs stated he seriously objected to the appropriations as made on the grounds that no provision was made for the extension of the Bee Branch Storm Sewer and asked that the appropriation set aside for the improvement of Windsor Avenue be applied to the extension of the Bee Branch Sewer. Whereupon Ald. Hop- kins explained that said amount would not be sufficient to extend said sewer far enough to be of any practical benefit. Ald. Close stated $3,000 would carry the Bee Branch Sewer a distance of about 200 feet. Resolution carried by following vote: Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Hines, Hopkins,. McEvoy and Stump. Nays —Ald. Closs. Absent —Ald. Thomas. Alderman Clancy offered the following: Whereas, The Dubuque Boat and Boil- er Works has filed its petition asking for the vacation of a strip of public land ly- ing along the north side of the ice har- bor and extending from the westerly line of lot 7 in Block D to the easterly line of lot 12 in Block L, in Booth's Addition to the City of Dubuque, and represents that the property so desired to be vacated is required by reason of the increased out- put of the plant, therefore, Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Dubuque, That the City En- gineer be directed to make a survey and plat of that part of said strip proposed to be vacated, to be filed in said Engi- neer's office subject to public inspection, and to give the notice required by ordi- nance to all owners of property abutting said ground proposed to be so vacated and to publish the notice required by ordinance of said proposed vacation. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried. Ald. Clancy, Chairman of the Commit- tee of the Whole, also reported as follows: Your Committee of the Whole would respectfully recommend the adoption of the following resolution: Whereas, The Trustees of the Dubuque Water Works have all tendered their res- ignations, and Whereas, No person seems to be acting at present in the capacity of Water Works Trustees, and Whereas, The water works plant cost the City of Dubuque over one -half mil- lion dollars to purchase, and Whereas, Such a plant is too valuable to be allowed to continue to be run in such a lax manner, therefore Resolved, By the City Council of the City of Dubuque, that the Mayor be, and he is, hereby directed to appoint a full board of trustees without further delay. Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of the resolution. Carried. Ald. Hines moved to adjourn until Monday evening, March 4th, 1907. Carried. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, City Recorder. .Attest: Recorder. Approved 190.. Mayor List of City Warrants City Recorder's Office, Dubuque, Iowa, February 1, 1907. To the Honorable Mayor and City Council of Dubuque: Gentlemen: The following is a com plete list of all warrants issued by me during the month of January 1907. H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor..$116 70 H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 35 J. A. McKinley, salary, deputy Treasurer 100 00 Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's office 75 00 E. A. Linehan, salary, Recorder 116 70 Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy Recorder 80 00 M. E.Lyons, salary, Auditor... 116 70 C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00 A Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant Assessor 100 00 J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant Assessor 100 00 J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor- ney 150 00 E. E. Bowen, salary, Assistant Attorney 75 00 Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra- pher, Legal Department 20 00 Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Po- lice 100 00 Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire Chief 100 00 J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee Clerk .... 100 00 Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer.. 166 65 G. White, salary, Timekeeper.. 75 00 J. B. Taylor, salary, Superin- tendent of Street Sprinkling... 60 00 G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and Engineer's offices 75 00 Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec- trician 83 35 C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas- ter 50 00 P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00 H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park Custodian 40 00 T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus- todian 10 00 Dr. Chas. Palen, salary, Health Officer 50 00 F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa- trolman 60 00 T. Hackney, salary, Pound - master 40 00 Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00 John Mahony, salary, Sidewalk Inspector 75 00 Tom Jess, Rodman .... 50 00 J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master ... 20 00 John Kearney, Street Commis- sioner 83 35 M. Clancy, salary, Alderman .. 25 00 N. J. Closs, salary, Alderman.... 25 00 Yom Hines, salary ,Alderman .. 25 00 Brad Hopkins, salary, Alderman 25 00 E. E. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00 List of Warrants 53 Jon A. Stumpf, salary, Alder - rnan h 25 00i Chas. T. Thomas, salary, Alder- man 25 00 M. Eitel, fireman 70 00 J. Essman, fireman 75 00 J. Flynn, fireman 65 00 A Duccini, fireman 65 00 A. Heer, fireman 60 00 - w. Kannolt, fireman 55 00 B. Kirsch, fireman 566050 0 00 G. Beyer, fireman 65 00, J. Dailey, fireman 70 00 J. Barnes, fireman 75 00 T. Ryder, fireman 65 00 W. Ducey, fireman .. 65 00• F. Murphy, fireman 65 00 M. Kelly, fireman 60 00 W. McClain, fireman 60 00 J. Beakey, fireman 55 00'' D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00 P. Zillig, fireman GO 00 T. Flynn, fireman 65 00 M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00 H. Cain, fireman 60 00 J. Benzor, fireman 60 00 J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00 A. McDonald, fireman 75 00 J. Murphy, fireman 50 00 G. Gherki, fireman 65 00 T Kennedy, fireman 65 00 J. Smith, fireman 60 00 J. Keppler, fireman 55 00 C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00 J. Allen, fireman 65 00 M. Fahey, fireman GO 00 W. McConnell, fireman 60 00 R. Weston, fireman 65 00 F, Kenneally, fireman 55 00 E. McDermott, fireman 60 00 R. Kennelly, fireman 55 00 J. Roshin, fireman 05 00. F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00 J. Schoenberger, fireman i;0 00 J. Tschudi, fireman - 60 00 J. Connolly, fireman 100 00 M. Connolly, police 55 00 James Corcoran, police 55 Wm. Coleman, police 55 00 John Cody, police 55 0 0 • Wm. Donahue, police..... 55 00 Michael Duggan, police 55 00- Phil J. Dumpily, police 65 00 P. J. Furey, police 51 35 John Fox, police 65 00' James Flynn, police 55 00 M. Fogarty, police 55 00 Ben Gray, police 33 00' Pat Hanlon, police 67 80 N. Jarding, police 55 00' Emil Kahn, police 55 00 M. Kilty, police 55 0 0 John Kop, police 47 65 James Keefe, police 55 00 R. Ludescher, police. 60 00 Chas. Leist, police 60 00' Hugh Markey, police 49 8 5 Pat McCollins, police..... 55 00 M. McCormack, police 55 00• Chas. McDonald, police 54 15 Dennis McGrath, police 23 85 54 Pat McInerney, police Henry Mueller, police John Murphy, police John O'Brien, police John J. O'Brien, police M. O'Connor, police M. Ryan, police John Raesle, police Thomas Reilly, police Peter Scharff, police Peter Schmidt, police H. Schroeder, police F. Theisen, police Patrick Sutton, police Joseph Stoltz, police Frank Williams, police Miss Brennan, police matron Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron LABOR ON STREETS DURING THE LAST HALF OF DEC. 1906. Jos. Brouillette, 1st 1 50 Paul Becker, 3rd 75 Peter Cramer, 1st. 3 75 Jas. Callaghan, 1st 20 00 M. Carney, 3rd 7 50 IV. Coughlan, health 18 00 J. P. Cooney, 1st $5.40; 2nd $9. 3rd $3.60 John Dobler, 1st $6.00; 2nd $10.00; 3rd $4.00 20 00 Jos. Eberhardt, 2nd 2 25 Frank Frick, 2nd 2 25 C. Fultz, 1st 1 00 E. Fitzlaff, 1st $6.75; 2nd $11.25; 3rd $4.50 22 50 Barney, Glass, 1st 2 25 Jos. Gavin, 1st 20 00 John Hafey, 1st 75 Aug. Jass, 2nd 1 50 N. Kettenhofen, 2nd 1 50 Fred Lillie, 2nd 2 25 Tom Malloy, 2nd 3 00 M. McCarten, 1st 1 50 P. McPoland, 3rd 10 50 R. McGivin, 3rd 20 00 Bart. McDonnell, 1st $17.00; 2d $22.50; 3rd $10.00 50 00 Chas. O'Neil, 1st 2 65 W. Quinlan, 1st 1 90 James, Ryan, let 18 00 H. Rowland, 1st $26.25;. 2d $33.75; 3rd $15.00 75 00 Nick Sweeney, 1st 1 90 Tom Sheehan, 1st 75 Chris Sholl, 2nd. 13 50 John Sloan, 2nd 1 50 F. Scherr, 2nd 20 00 Matt Specht, 2nd 20 00 W. Tobin, 3rd. 6 00 H. J. Weber, 2nd 1 50 TEAMS. Frank Burns, 2nd A. Conrad, 2nd M. Hannan, 1st John Long, 2nd John McQuillan, 2nd Ed. Seely, 1st Art. Turner, 2nd Jas. Tobin, 3rd List of Warrants 55 00 49 50 49 50 55 00 55 00 55 00 5 50 67 20 39 00 55 00 49 50 49 50 51 35 49 50 55 00 55 00 30 00 30 00 18 00 3 00 3 85 5 10 3 85 22 95 3 00 22 95 37 85 LABOR ON SEWERS DURING THE LAST HALF OF DEC. 1906. D. Cunningham E. Daley F. Luchterhand W. Lillie J. Rooney J. Smith Con Sullivan J. Tacke J. Wells LABOR ON BEE BRANCH SEWER DURING THE LAST HALF OF DECEMBER 1906. D. Cunningham $ 1 60 E. DALEY 1 60 J. Hanson 15 75 F. Lillie 2 65 R. Love 1 75 F. Luchterhand 1 60 W. Lillie 1 60 J. Rooney 1 60 A. Scherr 14 00 J. Smith 1 60 J. Tacke 1 60 H. J. Weber 4 40 J. Wells 1 60 John Long 5 95 LABOR GRADING MT. CARMEL AVENUE DURING THE LAST HALF OF DEC. 1906. I P. Ahern, Mt. Carmel ...$ 18 00 P. Ahern, So. Locust 18 00 P. Carney, So. Dodge .... 15 30 P. Carney, Rush 17 10 James Doyle 18 00 John Grue 18 00 W. O'Brien 25 00 IV. Sheehan 18 00 TEAMS. $ 17 60 17 60 17 60 17 60 17 60 17 60 25 00 17 60 17 60 $ 3 85 22 95 15 30 22 95 W. Bradley J. Linehan Dennis O'Meara Ed. Seeley H. Brinkman, Interest on war- rants outstanding $526 65 H. Brinkman, Expense 1.00 80 H. Brinkman, Library Orders paid 768 63 BILLS. Iowa Telephone Co., telephone service for various depart- ments to March 31, 1907 $ 57 76 Dubuque Telephone Co., tele- phone service for various de- partments to Jan. 1, 1907 8 00 Smedley Steam Pump Co., re- pairs for fire department 14 60 Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co , 3 rubber coats for fire dept 13 50 Chas. Falkenhainer, supplies for fire dept. 1 35 Mettel Bros., bran for fire dept. 2 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for fire dept. 9 75 Thos. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire dept. 39 25 Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing for fire and sewer depts 6 50 John Butt, repairs for fire dept. 1 70 IVunderlich & Wiederholt, horseshoeing for fire dept 9 80 Pitts- Thompson Fdry. Co., re- pairs for fire dept. 1 50 Linehan & Molo, plumbing re- pairs for fire dept. 1 90 F. G. Becker, coal for fire dent. 20 42 Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for fire dept. 14 60 Union Electric Co., power for city fire alarm system 2 00 E. J. Voggenthaler Co., repairs for fire dept. 1 21 Standard Lumber Co., shavings for fire dent. 3 00 National Refining Co., oil for fire dept. 6 75 Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for fire dept. 169 99 Standard Lumber Co., ,lumber for fire dept. 3 30 Andrew Rub bran for fire dent 2 00 Duggan & Cota, hardware for fire dept. 1 00 Key City Gas Co., coke for fire dept. 16 70 Peter Even, coal for fire dept 46 69 Fengler & Beutin, coal for fire ' dent. 13 55 Fischer & Co., coal , fire dept. 39 79 Chas. IV. Katz. meals furnished prisoners during December 14 20 Felix Goodman & Co., carry- ing 1 cord wood to police matron's quarters 45 F. A. Burns, coal for police dent. Fischer & Co., coal for patrol house 21.31 Thos. J. Mulgrew, 1 cord oak wood for police dept. 5 50 Eichhorn & Bechtel; groceries for police matron's quarters. 1 95 M. Hannan, hauling 2 loads manure from patrol house 1 50 Chas. Osnald.'repairs and sup- plies for police dept. 3 70 Boston One Price Clothiers, - city's share for police over- coats 40 00 Union Electric Co., arc lights for December 2105 15 Key City Gas Co., light for various depts. 134 30 Jas. R. Pickley, expense police dept. 50 00 Thos P. Kane, hay for patrol house 9 45 Dne'p•nn & /Iota, nails for re- pairs to sidewalks 2 35 Chas. Oswald, hardware for road dept. 1 10 Mettel Bros., feed and cement for road dept. 9 55 E. .T. Voagenthaler Co.. repairs and supplies for road dept 12 95 Dun & Cota, hardware for road dept. - 1 85 List of Warrants 12 12 55" P. Schloz & Son, repairs for road dept. 1. 40 Standard Lumber Co., lumber for road dept. 61 75 Pitts-Thompson Fdry. Co., cast- ings for road dept. 43 F0 'Fischer & Co., coal for road dept. 3 41 Eichhorn & Bechtel, 5 gal. oil for road dept. 85 M. Hannan, hauling sand to City pound 13 75. H. Magdal, old iron used for heating sand at City pound 2 90 Duggan & Cota, hardware for road dept. 1 55 James Street, rock furnished for road dept. 16 25. Win. Marshall, grates for road dept. 6 50 Key City Roofing Co., cement and sewer pipe for road dept. 11 20 John Becker, rock furnished for building catch basins in Bee Branch sewer 2 50- John Spear, inspector of Bee Branch sewer last half Dec 9 25 Eichhorn & Bechtel, one bucket for sewer dept. 20 John Butt, repairs for Bee Branch sewer 40 Duggan & Cota, rope for Bluff Street Extension. wall 45 James F. Walsh & Son, storm blanket for sewer dept. 3 00 Duggan & Cota, hardware for garbage dump 4 30 Conlin & Kearns, 2 cords oak for police dept. 11 00 M. S. Hardie, Stationery and printing for various offices 67 25 Enterprise Printing Co., station- ery and printing for various of- fices John E. Hartig, repairs for En- gineer's office 1 75 Linehan & Molo, coal for various offices 31 68 Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for City Hall 1 83 Ed. Malloy, sawing 2 cords oak wood F. Schloz & Son, repairs for vari- ous departments 1 60 Chas. Oswald, supplies and re- pairs for various departments. 10 35 A. E. Bradley, 1 lt. glass and glazing, same in Police head- quarters . 2 75 Emil Stumpf, assisting Market Master during December 39 00 I. S. Bigelow, examination and testimony in case of Dempsey vs. City of Dubuque 25 00 Chas. T. Bush, 6 photographs of Ellis and Twelfth streets for legal department 7 50 Dubuque Woodenware and Lum- ber Co., lumber for various de- partments 24 66' Chas. Oswald, cleaning and re- pairing stoves in various of- fices 21 75 2 25 39 15 56 List of Warrants Official Notices O'Farrell Contracting Co., con- structing Sanitary Sewer in Lincoln Ave. from Johnson to Middle Ave ..$1190 80 Street & Steuck constructing Sanitary Sewer in Eagle Pt. and Windsor Ayes., from Queen St. to Slitter St. 1234 46 John Linehan, Mt. Carmel Ave. grading 19 85 Frank Mathis, Mt. Carmel Ave. grading 126 00 Bradley & Sullivan, Mt. Carmel Ave. grading ... 185 75 P. Evison, paper hanging in Market Master's office 14 00 H. A. Schunk, Settlement of Claim of Augusta Besser 50 00 H. A. Schunk, Settlement of Damage Claim of H. Bishop 250 00 LABOR ON STREETS IN THE DIF- FERENT ROAD DISTRICTS FOR THE FIRST HALF OF JAN. '07 Pat Ahern, 1st. (S. Locust Jos. Brouillette, 1st. Ben Bird, 1st. Paul Becker, 3rd Peter Cramer, 1st James Callaghan, 1st R. Caffery, 3rd. M. Carney, 3rd W, Coughlan, Health J. P. Cooney, 1st $5.40; 2nd 9.00; 3rd $3.60 18 00 John Dobler, 1st $6.00; 2nd $10.00; 3rd $4.00 20 Jos. Eberhardt, 2nd 1 Frank Frick, 2nd 3 E. Fitzlaff, 1st $6.75; 2nd $11.25 3rd $4.50 22 Barney Glass, 1st 3 Jos. Gavin, 1st 20 John Gau, 2nd 3 Peter Guenther, 2nd. 1 Fred Heck, 1st 4 John Hafey, 1st Nic. Kettenhofen, 2nd J. Kraus, 2nd Torn Melloy, 2nd Jas. McAleese, 1st P. McPoland, 3rd R. McGivern, 3rd Thos. McEvoy, 3rd Chas. O'Neill, 1st W. Quinlan, 1st. Frank Rowe, 1st James Ryan, 1st John Spear, 1st Chris Sholl, 2nd John Sloan, 2nd Frank Scherr, 2nd M. Specht, 2nd Nic Sweeney, 1st W. Tobin, 3rd TEAMS. Albert Conrad, 2nd M. Hannan, 1st John Linehan, 1st John McQuillan, 2nd Ed. Seeley, 1st 1 4 10 9 5 20 12 9 18 50 90 80 40 25 00 60 40 00 00 50 00 50 00 00 75 50 50 75 2 25 1 50 6 75 13 50 2 25 20 00 4 00 6 75 2 65 13 50 18 00 18 00 6 75 1 50 20 00 20 00 6 75 14 25 7 65 11 50 8 10 17 00 1 70 Arthur Turner, 2nd 17 00 James Tobin, 3rd 32 75 LABOR GRADING MT. CARMEL AVENUE DURING THE FIRST HALF OF JANUARY 1907. P. Ahern, (Mt. Carmel Ave.) 6 30 P. Ahern, (S. Locust.) 6 30 Peter Carney, (S. Dodge) 15 30 Peter Carney, (Rush St.) 17.10 13. Connelly 3 60 James Doyle 18 90 John Fury 12 60 John Grue 6 30 W. O'Brien 25 00 Geo. Reynolds 13 50 W. Sheehan .... 18 90 James Sweeney 12 60 D. O'Meara 40 40 LABOR ON SEWERS FOR FIRST HALF OF JAN- UARY 1907. D. Cunningham E. Daley F. Luchterhand W. Lillie J. Rooney J. Smith Con. Sullivan 7. Tacke J. Wells THE EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 2 -4 -3t. City Recorder. 11 11 11 16 11 11 25 12 16 20 20 20 00 20 20 00 80 00 LABOR ON BEE BRANCH SEWER DURING THE FIRST HALF OF JANUARY 1907. D. Cunningham 8 00 Ed. Daley 8 00 J. Hanson 23 65 Fred Lillie 16 65 F. Luchterhand 8 00 W. Lillie 3 20 Jos. Rooney 8 00 Al. Scherr 19 25 J. Smith 8 00 J. Tacke 6 40 H. Weber 1 75 J. Wells 3 20 John Long 9 35 F. L. Farwell, erroneous assess- ment refunded 1 55 I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct list of all warrants is- sued by me during the month of January 1907. EDMUND A LINEHAN, City Recorder. Notice to Painters and Paper Hangers. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7:30 p. m. Thursday, February 7th, 1907, for painting and papering the council room and varnishing all the desks. Sealed proposals will also be receiv- ed for painting and papering the mayor's and assessor's offices. For further information apply to Committee Clerk Lawler in Mayor's office. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 2 -2 -3t. City Recorder. Notice to Printers. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Recorder up to 7 :30 p. m. Thursday, Feb. 7th, 1907, for printing the index and binding in books twenty -five copies of the coun- cil proceedings for the year 1906. Sample and description of the work can be seen in the office of the City Recorder. Bidders will state the price per book. The city reserves the right to re- ject any and all bids. Dated at Dubuque, Feb. 4th, 1907. NOTICE. To Whom It May Concern: Thursday, February 28th, 1907, be- ing the close of the present fiscal year for the City of Dubuque, you are here- by notified that all claims against said city must be filed with the City Re- corder on or before noon on that date. EDMUND A. LINEHAN, 2 -25 -3t City Recorder.