1907 March Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL
Adjourned Session March 4th, 1907.
Council met at 8:25 a. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy and Stumpf.
Absent —Ald. Thomas.
Mayor Schunk stated that the meet-
ing was called to consider the ordi-
nances of the Illinois and Western
Railway and the ordinance for the re-
construction of the Dubuque bridge.
Ald. Clancy also moved that the
meeting he called to consider any other
matters which may come up. Carried.
Petition of the Farley & Loetscher
Mfg. Co. asking that they be granted
permission to erect and maintain a
four -story brick building across the
alley between city lots 373 and 374 in
block bounded by Seventh and Eighth
streets and White and Jackson streets,
said building to cross the alley about
twelve feet above the grade of the alley
was on motion, granted and the ordi-
nance committee to be instructed to
prepare an ordinance accordingly.
Petition of Wm. Schneider et al, ask-
ing that the southern end of College
avenue between W. Third and W. Sec-
ond streets, be macadamized and that
the alley running west off of College
avenue between West Third and West
Second streets, be graded and made
passable in muddy weather, was on
motion, granted and the proper resolu-
tions to be prepared covering same.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on ordinances, reported as follows:
Your committee on ordinances and
City Attorney to whom was referred the
ordinances of the Dubuque Bridge Co.
and the Illinois and Western Railway
Co., beg to report that we have gone
over both the ordinances carefully and
have had all corrections as asked for
by the Council at the session Febru-
ary 28th, made and the ordinances are
now in shape for the approval of the
Whereupon Ald. Hines presented and
read an ordinance granting to the Illi-
no's & Western Railway, its successors
and assigns, the right of way along
certain streets and alleys, and to use
and occupy for railway purposes cer-
tain public grounds in the city of Du-
buque, Iowa, and moved that the read-
ing just had be considered its first
Ald. Hopkins stated that before vot-
ing on the ordinance he wanted to ask
Adjourned Session, March 4, 1907
The ordinance is as follows:
for the opinion of the City Attorney
as to whether the City Council' could
grant the Illinois and Western railroad
a perpetual franchise.
City Attorney Kintzinger stated that
Section 955 of the Code of Iowa pro-
vides that no city shall have the pow-
er to grant or authorize a franchise to
any railway for a longer period than
25 years, and also that no franchise
shall be granted or authorized, until
after notice of the application therefor
has been published once each week for
four consecutive weeks in some news-
paper published in such city, and he
did not think the City of Dubuque
could grant the Illinois and Western
Railway a franchise for a Ionger period
than 25 years, neither could the fran-
chise be granted until the proper publi-
cations were made in the official news-
Mr. Hild stated that this section of
the code does not apply to this class
of railway franchises, and that no
financial concern would finance a rail-
road for such an enormous amount as
this road will require on a short time
grant, and unless the Illinois and
Western Railway can get a grant in
perpetuity it was no use going any
further with the ordinance.
City Attorney Kintzinger informed
the Council that should the four weeks
notice by publication of the Ordinance
be necessary under the law, and should
said notice not be given, the risk of
having the franchise declared invalid
would be with the railway company,
for both the failure to give said notice
and also for accepting an Ordinance
granting them a perpetual franchise.
Mr. Hild then stated he was positive
that this section of the code did not
apply to them.
Vote was then taken on the first
reading of the ordinance.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids, Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy and Stumpf.
Na ys —None.
Absent —Ald. Thomas.
Ald. Hines then moved' that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
reading the ordinance by its title for
the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy and Stumpf.
Nays - -None.
Absent —Ald. Thomas.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy and Stumpf.
Nays —None.
Absent Ald. Thomas.
6o Adjourned Session, March 4, 1907
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque
hereby grants to the Illinois and West-
ern Railway, a corporation, its suc-
cessors or assigns, the right of way
and the permission and right to lay
down, construct, and forever maintain
and operate lines of railroad with sin-
gle or double track, the necessary
switch tracks, turnouts, signals and
accessories, for the transportation of
night, into, over, across, along and
upon public streets, highways, alleys,
and public grounds in said city as fol-
lows: Starting at the westerly end of
the High Bridge, over and across the
express at all hours of the day and
passengers, freight, baggage, mail and
levee, into, along, upon, over and across
the easterly part of Fourth Street,
diagonally into, along, upon, over and
across Bell Street, Pine Street, into,
along, upon, over and across the public
grounds known as Market Square and
Public Square, diagonally into, along,
upon, over and across Wall Street,
Market Street, Washington Street, Ce-
dar Street, into, along, upon, over and
across Sixth Street, on Jackson street,
thence along (6) Sixth Street, cross.ng
all intersecting streets and alleys to
and upon Main Street and Sixth Street,
also a branch line commencing at a
point on the main line of said railway,
at or near Cedar Street, into, along,
upon, over and across Cedar Street,
Sixth Street and the alleys next north
and south of Sixth Street, into, alo ^g,
upon, over and across that part of he
"one hundred foot strip" so- called,
lying between Fourth Street and the
alley next south of Sixth Street ar•
easterly between the right of way of
the Chicago, Burlington and Northern
Railroad Company and Booth's Addi-
tion. The main line of said railroad
running from the west end of the high
bridge to Main and Sixth (6) Streets,
connecting with the tracks of the Union
Electric Company; provided: That said
Illinois and Western Railway, its suc-
cessors or assigns shall build, operate
and maintain, not more than two
tracks on Fourth Street, nor more than
a single track with one turnout west
of White Street on Sixth Street. The
rights and permission aforesaid are
only those rights and permissions
which the City of Dubuque has the
power and authority to grant.
Section 2. For the purpose of con-
structing and maintaining and oper-
ating its lines of railway, said Illinois
and Western Railway, its successors
or assigns shall have the right to go
upon all of the streets, alleys, high -
ways and public grounds named and
described in Section 1 hereof, and make
such excavations and grades, erect,
construct and forever operate and
maintain such trestles, bridges, via-
ducts, water -ways, storage and side
tracks, depots, platforms, power sta-
tions, and railroad structures as said
railway may deem necessary, and shall
have the further right and authority
to make track and overhead wire con-
nections with power houses, railroad
structures and other railroads, and at
all intersections, and to erect, construct
and forever maintain such overhead
wires and poles as said railway may
deem necessary to conduct electrical
power to and from its power stations,
its offices and its other structures, and
along the lines of said railway, and
for signals and dispatching purposes;
Provided: That said railway shall at
all times construct and maintain be-
tween, and one foot on each side of
its rails on Sixth Street and all the
streets, alleys and highways where
its tracks are laid on the surface there-
of, the same kind of surface, finish or
pavement, that the City maintains on
said street, alley or highway, said pav-
ing or macadamizing shall be done at
such times and with such material as
the said City shall pave or macadamize
the remaining portion of the street,
alley or highway, and provided further
that the said construction work of the
said railway, insofar as relates to the
traffic and drainage facilities of Fourth
Street and Sixth Street, along the lines
of said railway, and to the streets,
alleys, and highwa intersecting said
Fourth Street and Sixth Street along
the lines of said railway, and on all
other streets, alleys or highways where
its tracks are laid on the surface there-
of, shall be subject to the supervision
of the City Engineer, who shall render
a decision within a reasonable time and
in case of disagreement between said
City Engineer and said railway, the
particular matter in dispute shall be
submitted in writing to arbitrators in
the following manner: The City and
the railway each shall select a compe-
tent outside Engineer, and if the two
so chosen cannot agree, they shall
select a third. The written signed de-
cision of a majority of said arbitrators
to be final and binding on said City
and said railway.
Section 3. The tracks of said rail-
way on Sixth Street between Main and
Clay Streets, and on all other streets,
alleys or highways where its tracks
are laid on the surface of the street
shall not be elevated above the surface
of said street, alley or highway, and
shall be so laid that carriages and
vehicles can easily and with the least
obstruction cross the same. Such
modern approved pattern of Tee rail
may be used on such tracks as are laid
on the surface of the streets, as shall
be approved by the City Council.
During the winter in the event of
heavy snow, said Railway, its success-
oars or assigns on removing the same
from said tracks shall not obstruct
the remaining portion of said street,
but in such cases shall remove there-
from any excess of snow thereon or
swept from its tracks. Any excess of
snow so thrown from its tracks which
is not removed within ten hours, may
be removed by the City at the expense
.of said Illinois and Western Railway,
its successors Or assigns.
Section 4. Said Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns shall
repair all damages that may be done
to the streets, alleys or highways by
the construction or maintenance of said
railway; shall also keep the space be-
tween said railway track and one foot
on each side thereof in good repair at
all times. The City Council shall have
the right to determine the necessity
for repairs and whenever said Railway,
its successors or assigns, shall refuse or
neglect to make the same within a
reasonable time after being notified in
writing, the City Council shall have the
right to make such repairs at the ex-
pense of said Railway, its successors
or assigns.
Section 5. The said railway lines
where they are laid on the surface of
the streets, alleys or highways shall
be constructed on the established
grades of such streets, alleys or high-
ways, except where the tracks are laid
on elevated structures. The tracks laid
upon the surface of the streets, alleys
or highways shall be raised or lowered
from time to time without expense to
the City to correspond with any change
that may be made in the grade of said
sti eets. The gauge of said railway
shall be known as the standard gauge,
to -wit, four (4) feet eight and one -half
-(8 1 -2) inches, and the center line of
the spaces between the tracks of said
railway shall coincide as nearly as
practicable with the center line of said
sides whereon the same are located.
Section 6. Nothing in this ordinance
nor any privilege granted hereby shall
be construed to prevent the proper
authorities of the City of Dubuque
from grading, paving, severing,
macadamizing, improving, alter ;ng or
repairing any of the streets, alleys or
highways over which the privilege of
constructing, maintaining or operating
a railway is granted by this ordinance
Adjourned Session, March 4, 1907
or upon which any railway may be
constructed under its provisions, but
all such work must be done so as to
offer as little obstruction as possible
to the passage of cars, and the owner
or owners of the railway shall have
the privilege of raising or shifting the
rats so as to avoid as much as possi-
ble the liability of obstruction during
the progress of street repairing, im-
proving or altering, consistent with the
conveniences of said City, its employees
or contractors; Provided: That when
said Railway shall have once paved
the space between the rails and one
foot on each side thereof as herein -
before required, it shall not be required
to change the same so long as it is
maintained in good order, unless the
City shall repave the remainder of the
street with a pavement of the same or
a different character in which the Illi-
nois and Western Railway, its suc-
cessors or assigns shall repave the
space between its rails and one foot
on each side thereof.
Section 7. Whenever practicable the
City of Dubuque shall have the right
to use any poles or posts set by said
Railway, its successors or assigns, for
the extension, construction or main-
tenance of any telephone, telegraph,
or fire alarm system when such wire
or wires are used solely for the benefit
and use of said City of Dubuque for
which use there shall be no compensa-
tion to said Railway.
Section 8. The Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns,
hereby agrees to and does waive any
and all illegalities or technicalities to
any special assessment levied by the
City of Dubuque for the improvement
of streets occupied by its tracks where
said improvement shall have been done
in good faith and in compliance with
the terms of this ordinance.
Section 9. Said Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns
shall have the right to make such rea-
sonable rules and regulations for the
management of its railway and the
conduct of its business as it may deem
requisite, and the City of Dubuque
hereby reserves the right to make and
enforce the usual and ordinary police
Section 10. The rights and privileges
herein granted are on the provision
that the motive power of said railway
west of White Street be electricity, and
that the repair and car shops of said
Illinois and Western Railway shall be
located in said City of Dubuque.
Section 11. Nothing herein contained
shall -be so construed as to deprive the
City of Dubuque of the right to author-.
ize any other railway or street railway
to cross the tracks laid down and
maintained under the authority of this
62 Adjourned Session, March 4, 1907
Section 12. Any and every railroad
and street railway which shall build
its roadway and tracks to connection
with the said Illinois and Western Rail-
way, shall have the privilege of oper-
ating its cars and trains along and
over the streets, alleys and highways
named herein on the tracks of said Illi-
nois and Western Railway, upon pay-
ment of reasonable compensation to the
said Illinois and Western Railway, its
successors or assigns; Provided: That
only railroads operated by electricity
shall have the right to use the tracks
of said Illinois and Western Railway
which lies west of White Street.
Section 13. Passenger service of said
Illinois and Western Railway shall
consist of interurban trains and local
trains, and shall be not less than ten
(10) interurban trains daily in and
out of said City of Dubuque to and
from the city of Platteville, Wiscon-
son, or the vicinity thereof, and shall
operate not less than two (2) local
trains to and from the City of East
Dubuque, Illinois, hourly between the
hours of 0 a. m. and 7 p. m. Said Illi-
nois and Western Railway, its suc-
cessors or assigns, shall not in any
instance charge more than five (5)
cents for each passenger between its
terminal in Dubuque and any point
within the present limits of East Du-
buque, Illinois. Said City of Dubuque
shall not require said Railway, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to charge Iess than
five (5) cents for transporting any pas-
senger within the limits of said city.
Section 14. Said City of Dubuque
hereby agrees that it will remit each
year, for a period of ten (10) years to
said Illinois and Western Railway. its
successors or assigns, all taxes levied
and collected for city purposes on said
Illinois and Western Railway. The
period of such remission shall continue
for ten (10) years from the date of the
acceptance of this ordinance.
Section 15. The said Illinois and
Western Railway, its successors or as-
signs shall hold the city of Dubuque
harmless from any liability to any per-
son injured by reason of any negligence
in the construction, maintenance or
operation of its railway, and shall be
liable for and make proper defense to
any and all claims against the City
of Dubuque for damages caused to
any person or property by reason of
any change of grade over any part of
the streets or alleys occupied by said
tracks, or by the construction of its
said railway across or along any street
in the said City of Dubuque, and shall
be liable for the amount of any judg-
ment recovered against the said City
of Dubuque in any action for damages
in any such claims.
Section 16. Said Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns shall
be liable to persons injured by reason
of its neglect in the construction, main-
tenance and operation of said railway.
And should any action be commenced
or prosecuted against the City of Du-
buque upon any such claim for dam-
ages, said Railway, its successors or
assigns, shall, upon being notified of
such suit, defend the same; and should
any judgment be rendered against the
City thereon after such notice, the
amount of such judgment with costs
shall be recovered against said Rail-
way on a proper proceeding and the
record of the final judgment against
the City shall be conclusive evidence
to entitle the City to recover against
said Illinois and Western Railway, its
successors or assigns.
Section 17. The said Illinois and
Western Railway, its successors or as-
signs shall complete and operate its
main line or other tracks from the
levee to Main Street within the said
City of Dubuque and to the City of
Platteville, Wisconsin, or the vicinity
thereof, within two (2) years from the
passage of this ordinance and accept-
ance of same, and upon failure to
complete and operate said railway as
above provided, then all rights hereby
granted and vested shall terminate.
Provided: That if said corporation,
its successors or assigns is delayed in
the completion and operation of said
lines of railway, or any part thereof
by order of injunction of any Court of
Record, or by strikes, or by any act
of Providence without the collusion of
said Illinois and Western Railway,
then the time of such delay shall he
excluded from the computation of time
herein described. It is expressly pro-
vided that should said Illinois and
Western Rahway, its successors or as-
signs for any reason fail to use every
one of said named streets, alleys, high-
ways or public grounds, its failure to
use such street, alley, highway or pub-
lic ground shall in no way impair its
right in any of the other streets, alleys,
highways or public properties herein
referred to; Provided: That its main
line is completed and in operation by
that time.
Section 18. The said Illinois and
Western Railway, its successors or as-
signs shall, before constructing any
portion of its road or tracks across or
along any street, alley or public place
within the City of Dubuque, ascertain
and compensate abutting property
owners for any injury that may be
caused to such property by the con-
struction and operation of said rail-
way, or by any change of grade made
in any part of any street thereby.
Section 19. The aforesaid Illinois
and Western Railway shall be deemed
to have abandoned all rights and privi-
leges conferred by this ordinance un-
less it shall within thirty (30) days after
the passage and approval thereof by
the Mayor, file in the office of the City
Recorder a written acceptance of the
privileges hereby conferred subject to
the conditions and terms herein con-
Section 20. This ordinance shall take
effect and shall be in force from and
after its passage, and publication in
the Telegraph- Herald, the official news-
paper of Dubuque, and upon the filing
with the City Recorder by the Illinois
and Western Railway, of its written
acceptance of this ordinance.
City Recorder.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the com-
mittee or ordinances, presented and
read an ordinance authorizing addi-
tions and alterations of the Dubuque
High Bridge for railroad purposes over
the Mississippi river between the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, and the city of East
Dubuque, Illinois, and moved that the
reading just had be considered its first
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas. —Alds. Clancy, Class, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy and Stumpf.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. • Thomas.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas. —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy and Sturppf.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Thomas.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy and Stumpf.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Thomas.
The ordinance is as follows:
Whereas, The City of Dubuque
through its City Council by ordinance
adopted August 2, 1886, granted to the
Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Company, a
corporation the right "to construct and
maintain from the Iowa shore of the
Mississippi River at or near the foot
of Pine Street, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, across said river to the town of
Adjourned Session, March 4, 1907
East Dubuque, in the State of Illinois,
a bridge adapted and - suitable for the
crossing of vehicles, horsemen, foot-
men and animals, and all ordinary
uses and purposes of highway
bridges; and
Whereas, The Dubuque Pontoon
Bridge Company did construct and
maintain such bridge; and
Whereas, Said bridge is now oper-
ated by the Dubuque Bridge Company;
Whereas, The Bubuque Bridge Com-
pany desires to make such additions
and alterations in said bridge, abut-
ments and approaches, and to acquire
such rights as may be necessary to
enable said Dubuque Bridge Company
to permit also the operation over its
structure of railroads and railroad
cars. Now, therefore, on the petition
of said Bridge Company and in con-
sideration of the benefits to be derived
therefrom by the City of Dubuque,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That the City of Dubuque
hereby grants to the Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
the permission and right to erect, con-
struct and forever maintain upon and
along its piers, structure, abutments
and approaches, a line of railroad with
single or double track, switch tracks,
turnouts, signals, and accessories, for
the transporation of cars, passengers,
freight, baggage, mail and express at
all hours of the day and night, on con-
dition that the Illinois and Western
Railway or its successors- and assigns
build, operate and maintain a line
of railway from Main Street Dubuque,
Iowa, to Platteville, Wisconsin, or
Sec. 2. That for the purpose of con-
structing and maintaining said lines
of railroad, said Dubuque Bridge Com-
pany. its successors and assigns shall
have the right to make such alterations
and additions to its structure, abut-
ments, and approaches as said Bridge
Company may deem necessary: —to lay
down, erect, construct and forever
maintain such tracks, trestles, electri-
cal power conductors and wires and
make such track and electrical connec-
tions with railroads as said Bridge
Company may deem necessary for the
operation of railroads and electric rail-
roads and for power transmissions, sig-
nals and despatching purposes.
Sec. 3. That the said Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors and
assigns is hereby granted the right to
lease its tracks and railroad facilities
to railroads and electric railroads on
condition the Illinois and Western Rail-
way its successors or assigns operate
a line of railway as set out in Section
(1) one hereof.
Provided: That any and every duly
64 Acljourned Session, March 4, 1907
authorized railroad and electric rail-
road, which shall build its roadway and
tracks to connection with said bridge,
may have the privilege of using said
bridge tracks and bridge railroad
facilities, and operating its cars and
trains thereon upon payment of reason-
able compensation to Dubuque Bridge
Company, and under reasonable regu-
lations established by said Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors and
Sec. 4. The rights and permission
herein granted are upon the express
condition that the Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
shall preserve full and ample facilities
for wagon, team and foot traffic; that
said Bridge Cornpany shall provide on
its bridge and approaches, a separate
walk for foot passengers and operate
roadway or roadways for wagon and
team traffic, such that two teams may
conveniently pass each other when
travelling in opposite directions.
Sec. 5. The reconstruction work of
said Bridge Company in so far as re-
lates to the facilities of foot and wagon
traffic, street highway and drainage
purposes, shall be subject to the super-
vision and approval of the City Engi-
neer of the City of Dubuque, who shall
render a decision within a reasonable
time and in case of disagreement be-
tween said City Engineer - and said
Bridge Company, the particular matter
in dispute shall be. submitted in writ-
ing to arbitrators in the following man-
ner: The City' and Bridge Company,
each, shall select a competent, out-
side Bridge Engineer and if the two
so chosen cannot agree, they shall se-
lect a third. The written signed decis-
ion of a majority of said arbitrators to
be final and binding on said City and
Bridge Company.
Sec. 6. The said Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns,
shall observe and practice all reason-
able precaution in and during work of
reconstruction, so that traffic shall be
as free from interruption as practicable
during said period. The Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors and
assigns shall hold the City of Dubuque
harmless from any liability to any
person injured by reason of negligence
in the construction or maintainence
of its bridge and approach or the oper-
ation of railroads on it, and shall make
proper defense to any and all claims
against the City of Dubuque for dam-
ages caused to any person or property
by the construction of its bridge and
approach, and shall be liable for the
amount of any judgment recovered
against the City of Dubuque in any
action for damages in any such claim.
Sec. 7. The said Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
shall complete its construction, alter-
ations, additions and improvements
to said bridge, abutments and ap-
proaches suitable for the successful
operation of railroads and railways
and cars and the passage of team and
foot traffic within two years from and
after the passage and acceptance of
this ordinance and upon failure to com-
plete said reconstruction, alterations,
addition and improvements as above
pr ovided, then all rights hereby grant-
ed and vested shall cease and termi-
Provided; that if said corporation,
its successors and assigns are delayed
in the completion and - operation' of
said . bridge work or. any part thereof
including abutments and approaches,
by order or injunction of any court-of
record or by strikes or act of Provi-
dence without the .collusion of said
Dubuque Bridge Company, then the
time of such delay shall be excluded
from the computation of time herein
Sec. 8. The City of Dubuque hereby
agrees to release to the said Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors- and
assigns, and to forever forego all right,
claim and title in ' the said Dubuque
Bridge Company and said Bridge Com-
pany's property which exited by vir-
tue of said City having donated to
said Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Corn-
pany the sum of Twenty -five Thou-
sand ($25,000) Dollars as expressed by
ordinance of the City of Dubuque,
adopted August 2, 1886, and said City
hereby agrees to forever relinquish all
claim to repayment by said Dubuque
Bridge Company, of the said sum of
Twenty -five Thousand ($25,000)) Dol-
lars on condition that the Illino :s and
Western Railway or its successors or
assigns will build, operate and main-
tain a line of railway over said bridge
from (6) Sixth and Main streets Du-
buque, Iowa, to Platteville, Wisconsin,
or vicin.ty thereof.
Provided; That the said Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors or as-
signs shall complete its reconstruction,
alterations, additions and improve-
ments to its bridge abutments and- ap-
proaches suitable for the successful
operation of railway cars and the pass-
age of team and foot traffic, and that
there shall be constructed and in oper-
ation a line of railway from Main
Street, Dubuque, Iowa, over said bridge
to Platteville, Wisconsin, or vicinity
thereof within two years from and
after the passage and acceptance of
this ordinance, and upon failure to
complete said reconstruction, alter-
ations, additions and improvements as
above provided, and upon the failure of
construction and operation of said line
of railway, then all rights hereby
granted and vested shall terminate,
and this Ordinance shall be null and
void and of no effect; but also pro=
vided, that if said Bridge Company,
'its successors or assigns is delayed in
the completion and operation of said
bridge work or any part thereof, in-
eluding abutments and approaches,
and if the completion and operation of
.said line of railway be delayed by order
or injunction of any Court of Record
or by strikes or any act of Providence
without the collusion of sa.d Bridge
Company and said railway, then the
time of such delay shall be excluded
from the computation of time herein
described. .
Sec. 9. Sections 5, 7, 8 and 9, of
ordinance relating to Dubuque Pon-
toon Bridge Company, passed August
2, 1886, are hereby repealed and the
said City of Dubuque hereby agrees
.that it will remit each year for a
period of ten (10) years to the said
Dubuque Bridge Company, its suc-
.cessors or assigns, all taxes levied or
collected for city purposes on said
bridge. The period of such remission
.Shall continue for ten years from the
acceptance of this ordinance.
Sec. 10. This ordinance is granted to
the Dubuque Bridge Company, its suc-
.cessors and assigns on condition that
the Illinois and Western Railway or its
successors and assigns shall complete
and operate a line of railway from
Dubuque, Iowa, over said bridge to
Platteville, Wisconsin, or vicinity
thereof, within two (2) years from the
acceptance hereof, allowance for delays
to be made as set forth in Section 8
Sec. 11. Nothing herein contained
shall be construed as an admission by
the City of Dubuque, tnat said Dubu-
que Bridge Company now has any
rights under an ordinance granted to
the Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Company
passed August 2, 1886.
Sec. 12. The Dubuque Bridge Com-
pany hereby agrees to all the provis-
ions of this ordinance.
Sec. 13 The said Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
may charge toll not exceeding the fol-
lowing amounts:
Each wagon, hack, or buggy with
one or two horses and driver mover
and back 25c
Automobiles each and driver 25c
Man and horse over and back 15c
Each wagon, hack or otner vehicle
with four horses and driver, over
and back 40c
Each foot passenger over and back. 5c
Each led horse 10c
Cattle, each 5c
Hogs, each
Sheep, each .. 5e
Each passenger in cars one way
including railroad fare not to ex-
ceed 5c
Sec. 14. The City of Dubuque shall
not require said Dubuque Bridge Com-
pany to charge less tolls than those
set forth Section 13 hereof.
Adjourned Session, March 4, 1907
Sec. 15. This ordinance shall domi-
nate all ordinances relating to the
Dubuque Bridge Company or its pre-
decessors, previously enacted by the
City of Dubuque, but all provisions in
prior ordinances not inconsistent here-
with nor in conflict with the provisions
of this ordinance shall continue in full
force and effect upon condition that the
Illinois and Western Railway or its
successors and assigns shall have a line
of railway over said bridge complete
and in operation and extending from
Dubuque, Iowa, to Platteville, Wis-
consin, or the vicinity thereof within
two (2) years from the acceptance
hereof, allowance for delays to be made
as set forth in Section 8 hereof.
Sec. 16. This Ordinance shall take
effect and be in force from and after
its passage and publication in the Du-
buque Telegraph- Herald, the official
newspaper of Dubuque, and upon the
filing with the City Recorder by the
Dubuque Bridge Company, of its writ-
ten acceptance of this ordinance, said
acceptance to be filed within sixty days
after the date of the passage of this
City Recorder.
6 5
Ald. Clancy moved that the street
committee and city attorney see the
Iowa Telephone Co. and compel them
to rut all the streets which they have
torn up in proper condition just as
soon as the frost is out of the ground.
Ald. Clancy moved that the proper
committee have the names placed on
the pictures of the various ex- mayors
of the City of Dubuque. Carried.
Ald. Hines moved that the commit-
tee on police be authorized to have
the rooms of the police matron painted
and papered. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the matter
of repairs to the garbage dump be
referred to the committee of the whole.
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn until
March 7th, 1907. Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
Regular Session, March 21st, 1907.
Council met at 8:20 D. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —A1ds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Absent —None.
Petition of the German Theological
Seminary et al, asking that the ordi-
nance relating to cattle running at
large be amended so as to include the
hill district west of Grandview avenue,
was on motion granted, and . the ordi-
nance committee instructed to draw up
the proper ordinance.
Petition of Mrs. Annie King asking
that the city accept $63.00 in full settle-
ment of special assessment for improv-
ing Grandview avenue abutting her
property, was on motion granted and
the treasurer to be instructed accord-
Petition of Patrick Sullivan asking
that his salary be paid for December,
1906, and January and February, 1907,
as he had not resigned nor had not
been asked to resign as member- of the
police force, was on motion, referred
to the committee on police and light
and City Attorney.
Petition of Wm. C. Laube et al,
asking that a sanitary sewer be con-
structed along Grace street to Louisa
Street, thence northerly along said
Louisa street to Delhi street, thence
along the route as petitioned for by the
German Presbyterian Theological
School of the Northwest, down to the
present sewer in West Locust street,
was on motion, granted and the proper
resolutions to be drawn.
Petition of Roshek Bros, asking for
permission to construct a sanitary
sewer in Eighth street from their
building to the alley between Main
and Iowa for the purpose of mak-
ing sewer connections to their new
building now being built, was on mo-
tion, referred to the City Attorney,
City Engineer and sewer committee to
make arrangements whereby street
will be put in the same condition it
now is, when sewer is completed.
Petition of Jas. A. Hayes, adminis-
trator of the estate of Mary A. Mul-
kern, deceased, asking that the city ac-
cept $56.05 in full settlement of special
assessment levied for the improvement
Regular Session March 21, 1907 67
of Iowa street, was on motion, refer-
red to the committee of the whole and
City Attorney.
Petition of B. F. Richardson, assig-
nee of E. J. Price & Co., asking that
the City refund to him $50.00 which he
paid for an auctioneer's license, and
which he did not use, was on motion,
granted and a warrant to be drawn in
the sum of $50.00 to refund said money
paid for license.
Claim of Margaret Metz, claiming
the sum of $4,000.00 as damages for in-
juries claimed to have been sustained
by falling on an icy sidewalk on the
east side of Clay street between 14th
and 15th streets, was on motion, re-
ferred to the City Attorney.
Mayor Schunk presented the follow-
Dubuc!ue, Ia., March 18, 1907.
State of Iowa, City of Dubuque:
I, H. A. Schunk, Mayor of the City of
Dubuque, Iowa, do hereby appoint the
following electors and residents of the
City of Dubuque, Trustees of the Water
Works, and do hereby constitute them
the Board of Water Works Trustees
of said city.:
Jos. J. Ott for the term of one year
ending March 18th, 1908.
Geo. W. Kiesel for the term of two
years ending March 18th, 1909.
Joseph T. Scanlan for the term of
three years ending March 18th, 1910.
Witness my hand and Seal of the
City of Dubuque, this 18th day of
March, 1907.
Mayor of the City of Dubuque.
On motion, the communication of the
Mayor was received and filed.
Ald. Clancy asked the Mayor if
the resignations of John Ellwanger and
Philip Ryder as Water Works Trustees
had been accepted by the Mayor.
Mayor Schunk stated that they had
been accepted by him and also stated
that Joseph T. Scanlon was the only
appointee of the Water Works Trustees
who had notified him that he would ac-
cept. Ald. Hopkins then asked that
the Mayor appoint Joseph T. Scanlan
as Water Works Trustee to succeed
Henry B. Gniffke, Mayor Schunk stat-
ed that he would do so.
Mayor Schunk asked to be excused
at 8:45 p. rn., and asked Mayor Pro
Tem Clancy to take the chair during
his absence.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
68 Regular Session M'trch 21, 1907
Gentlemen: — Herewith find my re-
port for the month of February, 1907,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments, including everything to the be-
ginning of the fiscal year March 1st,
Cash on hand Feb. 1st, 1907 $ 82,160.20
Receipts from all sources 109,308.95
Warrants redeemed $ 74,960.81
Regular bond coupons re-
Improvement bond coupons
Improvement - bonds redeem-
$ 83,436.94
Cash on hand Feb. 28, 1907....$108,032.
The above cash balance includes
the improvement bond fund, improve-
ment bond interest furld and library
fund balances.
Also the following is a record of
all interest coupons and bonds re-
deemed by the City Treasurer during
the past month and credited to him:
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed $7,192.38
Improvement bond coupons re-
deemed $ 283.75
Improvement bonds redeemed 1,000.00
On motion the report of the Auditor
was referred to the committee on fin-
ance. -
Street Commissioner Kearney re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith subunit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the first
half of March, 1907:
Amount due laborers on streets..$522 SO
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of
March, 1907:
Amount due laborers on sewers.$191.40
Approved by committee on sewers.
Also beg to submit my pay roll for
labor on garbage dump during the first
half of March, 1907:
Amount due laborers on garbage
dump $94.50
Approved by committee on streets.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay rolls on streets
and sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the proper committees.
Street Commissioner Kearney also
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: — Attached find bill
amounting to $107.25 against Key City
Gas Co. for rolling trenches during the
year 1906.
Also beg to report herewith please
find bill for $53.20 for macadam sold to
the Key City Kas Co. during April,
1906, macadam located at 23rd and Pine
streets, and bought by the city from
John Twcig.
This bill was referred to former City
Engineer Jas. H. Boyce for collection,
but still remains unpaid.
Also beg to report herewith please
find hill of $4 50 against Iowa Telephone
Co. for rolling trenches during year
Also beg to report herewith please
find bill of $4.50 against Dubuque Water
Co. for macadam and rolling trenches.
Respectfully submitted,
Street Commissioner.
On motion the various bills were re --
ferred to the Street Commissioner for
Street Commissioner Kearney also
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I desire to call your at-
tention to the condition of Ninth street,.
which is badly in need of repairing.
To remacadamize it would require
the expenditure of a large sum of
As it is one of the leading streets to
the Chicago Great Western passenger -
and freight depots, and has an enor-
mous amount of heavy travel thereon,
I would respectfully recommend that it
be paved with brick from the railroad
tracks to Bluff street, where not al-
ready _,aved.
Street Commissioner.
On motion the report was referred
to the committee of the whole.
City Engineer Ilg reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith present to.
you the grade of 18th street from the
west side of alley between Jackson_
street and Washington street to the
west side of Elm street, and I would
recommend the same for your adoption.
Also please find attached grade of
Dodge street from South Dodge street
to Grandview avenue, which I would
recommend for your adoption.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On notion the report of the City
Engineer with the grades and profiles
were referred to the committee on ordi-
nances to draw up the proper ordi-
City Engineer Ilg also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: — Herewith please find at-
tached a plat showing the proposed
vacation of a strip of land lying along
the north side of the ice harbor and
extending from the westerly line of lot
7 in block D, to the easterly line of lot
12 in block L, in Booth's add. in the
City of Duhur_ue, Iowa.
Notice was served on the respective
property owners.
Respectfully submitted.
City Engineer.
On motion report of the City Engi-
neer was received and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Mahoney reported
as follows:
To the 'Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —The undersigned re-
spectfully requests your honorable
body to cancel assessments against
Jas. Lee, lots 10, 11, 12, Gilliam's sub.,
as the same is erroneous amount as
sessed in May $1.00, in September $4.40,
' and Dec mmbor 55 cents. Also request
that the same be assessed to John W.
Norton, lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,
Gilliam's sub.
Respectfully submitted,
Sidewalk Inspector.
On notion the various recommenda-
tions of the Sidewalk Inspector were
accepted and the Treasurer to be in-
structed accordingly.
City Assessor Scherr reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: —The undersigned„ to
whom was referred the petition of A. L.
Pier asking that the personal tax as-
sessed against him in 1902 for furniture
in the Huss House, be canceled because
the same was erroneous, would re-
spectfully state that I find that this
property had been sold by him before
said tax was levied, and I would there-
fore recommend that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that the City
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Yours respectfully,
City Assessor.
Regular Session March 21, 1907
On motion the report of the City As-
sessor was received, the petition to be
granted, and the Treasurer to be in-
structed accordingly.
City Recorder Linehan presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the council's intention
to vacate a certain strip of land lying,
on the north side of . the ice harbor and
extending from the westerly line of lot
7 in block D, to the easterly line of lot
12 in block L, in Booth's add.
Remonstrance of Ernest J. Buchet
remonstrating against the said vaca-
tion, was then read, and on motion the
notice and remonstrance were received
and filed, and the ordinance committee
to be instructed to draw up the proper
o dinance.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified to
by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment for
the repairing of sidewalks during the
months of January and February, 1907.
No remonstrance being filed, and no one
in the room objecting to the said spec-
ial assessment, the notice, on motion,
was received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Thomas offered the
Resolved r by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for side-
walk repairing during January and
February, 1907, by the city in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots and parts of lots and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Jan 18. —H. & E Calahan, sub. of
min. lot 63 and east part of
Union add., lot 69, 42 feet lum-
ber, $1.25; 1 hour labor, 50c;
total $ 1 75
Jan. 18 —Frank A. Scott, Finley
add., lot 155, 7 feet lumber, 20c;
1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total 45
Jan. 18 —C. E. Wales, Prospect
Hill add., lots 24 -25, 8 feet' lum-
ber, 25c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
total 50
Jan. 18— German Bank, Dorgan's
sub , lot 1, 37 feet lumber, $1.10;
1 hour labor, 50c; total 1 60.
Jan. 18 —R. Langworthy Est ,
Glendale Add., lot 271, 15 feet
lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
total 70
Jan. 1S— Gabriel Weis, N. 50 feet
of N. 3 -5 of city lot 444, 8 feet
lumber, 25c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
Jan. 18 —C. A. Walter, city lot 269,
8 feet lumber, 25c; 1 -2 hour la-
bor, 25c; total 50,
7o Regular Session March 21, 1907
Feb. 18 —Joe Marshall, Glendale
add., lots 161 -162, 37 feet lumber,
$1.10; 1 hour labor, 50c; total 1 60
Feb. 18 —Jas. A. Mullen Est., East
Dubuque add., lots 44 -45, 10 feet
lumber, 30c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
total 55
Feb. 18 —J. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co. add., block 13, lot 8,
12 feet lumber, 35c; 1 -2 hour la-
bor, 25c; total 60
Feb. 18— Dubuque Malting Co., S
21.6 feet of city lot 1, 23 feet
lumber, 70c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25e;
total 95
Feb. 26— German Trust and Sav-
ings Bank, sub. 4 of city lot 673,
lot 2, 10 feet lumber, 30c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 55
Feb. 26— Nicholas Glab, Finley,
Waples & Burton add., lots 129-
130, 10 feet lumber, 30c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 55
Feb. 26 —A. L. Collier & L. H.
Langworthy (Est.), East Dubu-
que add., lot 372, 103 feet lumber,
$3.10; 2 hours labor, $1.00; to-
tal 4 10
Total $14 90
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Closs, Hines, Hopkins,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
The following weighmaster's and
woodmeasurer's reports of receipts for
the months of January and February,
1907, were read, and reports were re-
ceived and filed
J. H. Carroll, woodmeasurer $1 20
Robt. Hay, Eighth street scales 3 68
Thos. Faherty, First ward scales 4 39
The following bills were ordered
C. Lawrence, painting and pa-
pering matrons quarters, jail
and kitchen $ 75 00
Chas, Reilly, 12 1 -2 cu. yds
macadam 12 50
John Mullen, 106 1 -2 cu. yds
macadam 100 60
Mike Carney, 52 cu. yards ma-
cadam 39 00
Barney Glass, 10 1 -3 cu. yds. ma-
cadam 7 75
Fred Keck, 26 1 -2 cu. vds. ma-
cadam 19 90
Paul Becker, 31 1 -2 cu. yds. ma-
cadam 23 70
The annual reports of the City Treas-
urer, City Auditor, City Engineer, City
Attorney, Fire Chief and Chief of Po-
lice, were presented, and on motion re-
ferred to the finance committee to have
the same embodied in the finance re-
port for the year 1906.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the petition of A
A. Cooper, Jr., asking that the assess-
ment on the north 43 3 -4 feet of city
lot 117, be placed at Five Thousand
Dollars, would respectfully recommend
that the said petition be received and
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the First - Universalist Society of Du-
buque, asking that the taxes for the
years 1905 and 1906 on city lot 638 be
canceled because said lot was bought
and is being held by it for the purpose
of erecting a church thereon, would
respectfully recommend that said pe-
tition be referred to the City Attorney
for an opinion as to whether said lot
is exempt under the statute.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Altar Company, asking
that the taxes on its plant for the year
1906 be accepted in accordance with
the action of the City Council of Aug-.
ust 16, 1900, would respectfully report
that the exemption from taxation
granted at that time, expired with the
year 1906, we would therefore recom-
mend that said petition be received
and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
M. Kassler, asking that the valuation
on city lots 309 and 310 be reduced,
would respectfully recommend that
said petition be referred to the City
Also your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the report, plans
and specifications of the City Engi-
neer on the Bee Branch sewer in Wash-
ington street, would respectfully rec-
ommend that the same be referred back
to the City Engineer, there having been
no appropriation made for doing said
work during the present year.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mary S. Steiner, asking that the valua-
tion of lots 154, 155 and 156 in Marsh's
sub - division be reduced, would re-
spectfully recommend that said peti-
tion be referred to the City Assessor
for a report thereon.
Also your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Christina Wasser, asking that the
valuation for assessment purposes on
lots 5 and 6 in Brecht's sub. be re-
duced from $300.00 to $250.00, would re-
spectfully recommend that said petition
be received and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the A. A. Cooper Wagon & Buggy Co.,
asking that the assessment on the
Cooper Wagon Works Block be re-
duced and that their personalty be as-
sessed as returned by them, would re-
spectfully recommend that said petition
be received and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the report of the
City Attorney and the City Engineer
on the petition of Arnold Kemps re-
gardin• his sidewalk on Washington
street, would respectfully recommend
that said report be received and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Annie Webb, asking that the valuation
on lots 13 and 19 in Bradstreet's add.
be placed, for the year 1905, on the
same basis as for 1906, would respect-
fully recommend that said petition be
received and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
D. W. Rand for the Trustees of Odd
Fellows Temple, asking that the valua-
tion fol' assessment purposes on city
lot 633 be reduced, would respectfully
recommend that the valuation on said
lot be placed at Ten Thousand Dollars
($10,000.00), and that the City Treas-
urer be instructed to accept the taxes
for the years 1905 and 1906 on that
Also, your committee of the whole,
- to whom was referred the petition of
Herman Knoernschild et al, asking that
the construction of the Bee Branch
sewer be continued from Twenty -sec-
ond to Twenty -third street, would re-
spectfully recommend that said peti-
tion be received and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Herman Knoernschild et al, asking
that a storm water sewer be construct-
ed in Twenty- second street from Jack-
son street to the Bee Branch sewer,
would respectfully recommend that the
prayer of the petitioners be granted
and that the City Engineer be instruct-
ed to prepare plans and specifications
for said sewer and to submit the same
to the Council at the earliest possible
Also, your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that the
general terms of the attached propo-
sition of the Union Electric Company
Regular Session IViarch 21, 1907
relative to the sprinkling of streets
along their lines be accepted, and that
the City Attorney and ordinance com-
mittee be instructed to draw up the
proper contract after said Union Elec-
tric Company and the sprinkling com-
mittee have reported to them an under-
stand as to the rate to be charged per
day for service on days on which
sprinkling is done, and also the rate
per day for days on which no sprink-
linZ is done.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Joseph S. Morgan, asking that a strip
of land intervening between lots 22,
23 and 24 in Morgan's sub. and West
Seventeenth street be vacated, and
proposing in the event of favorable ac-
tion being taken in the premises to
dedicate to the city a strip of land
through lot 24 in said sub. for the pur-
pose of making a street from Cornell
street to West Seventeenth street,
would respectfully recommend in favor
of granting the prayer of the petitioner
and adopting the proper resolutions for
s aid vacation.
Also, your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Attorney he directed to instruct
the Mayor in all the duties of his of-
fice, and also to instruct the Treasurer,
Auditor and Assessor in the duties of
their respective officers, especially in
retard to the road funds.
Also, your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Engineer be instructed to prepare
profiles showing grades on Fourth and
Sixth streets, and to submit the same
to the City Council at its next session.
Also your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that a
sum not to exceed $250.00 be expended
fr om the Health Fund for the purpose
of continuing the work on the garbage
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Peter Gregory, relative to the special
assessment levied against lots 17 to
21 in Union addition, for the improve-
ment of Oak street, would respectfully
recommend that the City Treasurer be
instructed to accept the sun- of One
Hundred Dollars in full settlement of
said assessment.
Also, your committee of the 'whole,
to whom was referred the sworn to pe-
tition of F. H. Weihe & Co., stating
that they bad been erroneously assessed
during the year 1898 for monies and
credits, and asking therefore that the
same be ordered canceled, would recom,
mend that the prayer of the petitioners
be granted and that the Treasurer be
instructed accordingly.
Also your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the report of
the City Engineer on the grade of Bluff
street from Eighth to Twelfth street,
together with a profile thereof, would
respectfully recommend that said re-
port be referred back to the City Engi-
Also your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Leonard Buehler et al, asking that the
northerly two feet of sidewalk on the
northerly side of Fengler avenue be
vacated, would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that the
committee on fire be instructed to pur-
chase 2,000 feet of cotton. hose at a
price of not to exceed eighty -five cents
per foot, and with a guarantee of not
less than four years..
Also, your committee of the whole
also begs to report tnat the Union
Electric Co. are the only ones who are
now paying their share toward the sal-
ary of the City Electrician, and we
would recommend that the matter of
collecting the electricans salary from
the other companies be referred to
the City Attorney. .
Also, your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that the
following list of salaries be established
for appointees of the City Council, the
same to take effect April 1, 1907:
Pounclmaster, $45.00 per month.
City Electrician, 31,200.00 per year.
Sewer Inspector, $65.00 per month.
Employes on sewers, 31.75 per day.
Janitress, $25.00 per month.
Ward Foremen, 350.00 per month.
Park Custodians, 345.00 per month.
Chief of Police, $125.00 per month.
Police Captains, $75.00 per month.
Police Sergeants, 370 00 per month.
Police Detectives, 370.00 per month.
Patrol Driver, $65.00 p er month.
Patrolmen, $60.00 per month.
I\larketmaster, $55.00 per month.
Police :Matrons, 335.00 per month.
Committee Clerk, 3125.00 per month.
Sanitary Policeman, 365.00 per month.
Superintendent of Sprinkling, $65.00
per month.
Carpenter, $55.00 per month.
Driver of carpenter wagon, $45 00 per
Rodman, 355.00 per month.
We would further recommend that
the ordinance committee be instructed
to provide by .ordinance for such
changes as the foregoing may require.
Also, your committee of the whole
Regular Session March 21, 1907
beg to report that Mr. G. Gmehle be
employed to collect the delinquent per-
sonal tax, he to receive 15 per cent. of
all monies collected by him as his com-
pensation_, and that the Treasurer be
instructed to furnish him the bills for _
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the various reports of the committee
of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee on fire, reported as follows:
Your committee on fire beg to report
that we have ordered 2,000 feet of hose
from the Dubuque Rubber and Belting.
Co. for the fire department.
Ald. Clancy moved that the action
of the fire committee be approved.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on ordinances, presented an ordi-
nance amending Chapter 23 of the Re-
vised Ordinances of the City of Dubu-
que of 1901, being an ordinance fixing
the salary and compensation of officers
and appointees, and moved that the
reading just had be considered its first
readin r. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Closs, Hines, Hopkins,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Closs, Hines, Hopkins,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
The ordinance is as follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, 'Iowa:
Section 1. That Section 1 of an
Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance
amending Chapter 23 of the Revised
Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of
1901, being an Ordinance fixing the
salary and compensation of officers
and appointees, be and the same is
hereby amended as follows:
Chief of Police -- $1500.00 per annum..
Police Captains - $75.00 per month.
Police Sergeants- $70.00 per month.
Detectives - $70.00 per month.
Patrol Driver - $65.00 per month.
Patrolmen - 360.00 per month.
Police matrons- $35.00 per month.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect on and after
.April 1. 1907, and after its publication
in the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald, the
official paper of the City of Dubuque.
Adopted , 1907.
Approved , 1907.
Regular Session March 21, 1907
City Recorder.
The ordinance is as follows:
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit -
tee' on ordinances, presented and read
an ordinance amending Chapter 23 of.
the Revised Ordinances of the City of
Dubuque of 1901. fixing the salary and
compensation of officers and oppointees,
and moved that the reading just had
be considered its first reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Closs, Hines, Hopkins,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following, vote:
Yeas -Aids. Closs, Hines, Hopkins,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
The City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Sec. 1 of Chapter 23
of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of
the City of Dubuque, being an ordi-
nance fixing the salary and compensa-
tion of officers and appointees be and
the same is hereby amended by strik-
ing out "31,000" after the words "City
Electrician" and inserting in lieu there-
of "31,200" and also by striking out
"3600" after the words "Sewer In-
spector" and inserting in lieu thereof
"3780 ".
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect on and after
April 1, 1907, and after is publication
in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald, the
official newspaper of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Adopted , 1907.
Approved , 1907.
City Recorder.
The ordinance is as follows:
)Mayor Schunk returned at 9:20 p. m.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on ordinances, presented and read
an ordinance for the vacation of a strip
of public land located between the north
side of the ice harbor and the south.
line of blocks D, E and L, of Booth's
addition to the city of Dubuque, and
extending from the westerly line ex-
tended of lot 7 of block D, easterly to,
the westerly line extended of lot 13 of
block L, of said Booth's add., and
moved that the reading just had be
considered its first reading.
Ald. Hopkins stated that he was op-
posed to the city vacating land to the
Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, for
the building of boilers, and he moved
that the clause, on the 22nd line of Sec-
tion 1, reading as follows: Said Dubu-
que Boat and Boiler Works, its success-
ors and assigns should cease to use the
premises above vacated for the purposes.
therein mentioned for the period of
one year, be changed to read, said
Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, its
successors and assigns should cease to
use the premises above vacated for the
purposes of steel boat building therein
mentioned for the period of five years.
On motion, rules were suspended to
allow i\Ir. J. Schreiner permission to
address the Council in relation to
change in the ordinance.
Clause having been changed in the
ordinance, Ald. Hines then moved that
the reading of the ordinance just had
be considered its first reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines than moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of reading
the ordinance by its title for the sec-
ond time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays -None.
74 Regular Session March 21, 1907
Whereas the Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works, a corporation organized under
the laws of Iowa, has petitioned the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to grant and vacate to them a
strip of public land located between
the north side of the ice harbor and
the south line of Blocks D, E & L of
Booth's Addition to the City of Du-
buque and extending from the westerly
line extended of Lot 7 of Block D east-
erly to the westerly line extended of
Lot 13 of Block L of said Booth's Ad-
dition, said strip being a portion of
the levee on the north side of the ice
harbor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
Whereas said ground has been set
apart for levee, street and other pub-
lic purposes; and
Whereas the use of said ground has
been in the greater part abandoned
for such public purposes; and
Whereas the Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works are extensively engaged in the
manufacture of steel boats and boilers
upon the adjoining said property and
have machinery and buildings thereon
especially adapted to the building of
boats and boilers; and
Whereas said Dubuque Boat & Boil-
er Works employ a large number of
men in building boats and boilers; and
Whereas it is to the public interest
that said Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works continue in the manufacture of
steel Boats and boilers in the City of
Dubuque and thereby continue to give
employment to a great number of cit-
izens of the City of Dubuque; and
Whereas there is no other place in
the City of Dubuque suitable for the
construction of such boats as are built
by said Dubuque Boat &. Boiler Works
and which is of less use to the public
than said herein above described
property; and
Whereas said above described prop-
erty has for a great number of years
been used for the same purposes; and
Whereas said Dubuque Boat & Boil-
er Works have on January 2nd, 1907,
petitioned the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to vacate and grant to
them said above described property on
condition that the same be used for the
purposes of manufacturing of steel
boats and boilers; and
Whereas by direction of the City
Council of the City or Dubuque the
City Engineer has made a plat show-
ing said portion of said property pro-
posed to be vacated and filed the same
in his office for public inspection and
due notice has been given to all abutt-
ing property owners, and ten days
notice of said proposed vacation has
been published in the official paper of
the City and said proposed action has
been submitted to the City Council at
two regular sessions; and
Whereas it appears that no valid ob-
jections have been made to the vaca-
tion of said portion of said property
and said portion of said above describ-
ed property is not required for street
or other public purposes, now there-
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Sec. 1. That that portion of the levee
property between the north side of the
ice harbor and the south line of Blocks
D, E & L of Booth's Addition to the
City of Dubuque and extending from
the westerly line extended of Lot 7 of
Block D, easterly to the westerly
line extended of Lot 13 of Block
L of said Booth's Addition,
said strip being a portion of the levee
on the north side of the ice harbor in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the
same is hereby vacated and annulled
and the permanent use thereof is
hereby granted to the Dubuque Boat
& Boiler Works and its successors and
assigns for the purpose of manufactur-
ing and building steel boats and boilers
on condition and for the consideration
that said property be used for the pur-
pose of building steel boats and boil-
ers, and that said Dubuque Boat &
Boiler works erect buildings and struc-
tures thereon suitable for the purpose
of carrying on said work, and on the
further condition that said Company,
its successors or assigns employ con-
tinuously throughout the year an aver-
age of not less than 25 men, unless
they be prevented from so doing by
fire, strikes or accident, in which event
they shall have a reasonable time in
which to overcome same by recon-
structing its machinery, buildings, etc.
provided that if at any time the said
Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, its suc-
cessors and assigns should cease to
use the premises above vacated for
the purposes of steel boat building
therein mentioned for the period of
five years, except on account of fire,
strikes or unavoidable accident, then
the property so vacated shall revert
back to the City of Dubuque and
this ordinance shall be null
and void; provided further that the
City of Dubuque hereby reserves and
retains the right to lay any and all
sewers or drains which it deems nec-
essary over and across said property;
provided further that any boats using
the ice harbor shall when permitted
by the Harbor Master & Harbor Com-
mittee have the privilege of tying up
o ver winter on any of the above de-
scribed vacated property not used and
occupied by the said Dubuque Boat &
Boiler Works, its successors and as-
Sec 2. This ordinance shall be in force
and , take effect from and after its ac-
ceptance by the Dubuque Boat & Boil-
er Works and after its passage and
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald, the official news-
paper of the City of
, 1907.
, 1907.
City Recorder.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com-
mittee ob claims, reported as follows:
Your committee "on claims would re-
spectfully report that there is now
pending in the District Court of Du-
buque County, Iowa, the case of Bridg-
et Madden vs. the City of Dubuque,
in which plaintiff claims damages in
the sum of $5,000.00 for injuries sus-
tained in falling on a defective and
slippery sidewalk on the west side of
Bluff street immediately north of Sixth
street, on March 1906, from which she
suffered a fracture of one of her limbs
at the hip from which she was laid
up and confined in a hospital for sev-
eral months. Your committee having
examined into the facts of this case,
deeming it to the best interest of the
city that the same be compromised and
settled with plaintiff. They have ac-
cordingly made and received an offer
of compromise with plaintiff by the
payment to her of the sum of $800.00
and the court costs amounting to about
$12.00. We therefore recommend that
said settlement be approved and that
warrants be drawn in favor of the
Mayer for said amounts to effect same.
Committee on Claims,
City Attorney,
City Attorney Kintzinger presented
the followinz:
The undersigned City Attorney, to
whom was referred the claim of Nell
Hennessy for $750.00 for injuries sus-
tained by falling. on a. sidewalk would
respectfully report that in my opinion
there is no legal liability on the part
of the city to pay the same, the com-
mittee on claims, however, deemed it
best to settle same as per their report.
City Attorney.
Regular Session March 21, 1907
On motion the report of the City At-
torney was received and filed.
Also, your committee on claims, to
whom was referred the claim of Miss
Nell Hennessy, claiming the sum of
Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars for
injuries sustained by her in falling on
a defective sidewalk on West Seventh
street, would respectfully recommend
that she be allowed the sum of Five"
Hundred Dollars,_provided said amount
be accepted in full settlement of her
Committee on Claims.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the various reports of the committee
on claims. Carried.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets, to whom
was referred the petition of Thos. Bar-
ry, asking that Barry avenue be va-
cated, would respectfully recommend
that said petition be received and filed.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the report of the committee on streets.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com-
mittee on public ground and buildings,
reported that the parks are in bad
shape and in need of being reseeded in
many places, and moved that $200.00
be appropriated to the committee on
public grounds and buildings with pow-
er to expend same where necessary for
the beautifying of the public parks.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the com-
mittee on police and light, reported as
Your committee on police and light
would respectfully recommend that
the Chief of Police be instructed to
interview the merchants along the route
of the improvement herein proposed,
and find out if they would be willing to
maintain two 16 c. p. incandescent
lamps in each block in the alley be-
tween Locust and Main streets and
also in the alley between Main and
Iowa streets, provided the city pay the
cost of installin= same.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
report of the committee on police and
li =ht. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy, chairman of the com-
mittee on printing, moved that the La-
bor Leader be appointed an official
paper to publish the proceedings, and
they receive $25.00, the same compensa-
76 Regular Session March 21, 1907
tion as the National Demokrat, for said
publication. Carried.
Ald. Stumpf,. chairman of the com-
mittee on sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on sewers would re-
spectfully recommend that the special
assessment levied against M. Spielman,
owner of lot 2 of sub. of mineral lot
67, for the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Dodge street, be canceled be-
cause we find that said assessment was
levied without taking into consider-
ation the question of benefits.
Also, your committee on sewers
would respectfully recommend that
about 600 feet of old hose which the
fire department have discarded, be
hauled to the basement of the City
Hall to be used by the sewer men.
Ald. Stumpf moved the adoption of
the reports of the committee on sewers.
Ald. Closs, chairman of the Board of
Health, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —Your Board of Health,
to whom was referred the bill of E. E.
Frith for removing dogs and dead ani-
mals during the months of November
and December, 1906, and January and
February, 1907, amounting to $45.00,
would respectfully report that we have
investigated said bill and found same
to be correct, and would recommend
that a warrant in the sum of $45.00 be
drawn to pay said bill.
Also report your Board of Health
Las placed guards over all places where
smallpox cases are confined, that strict
quarantine is being maintained day
and night. The Health Physician has
notified the principal or party in charge
of the different schools within the city
limits to strictly enforce the vaccina-
tion order of the Board of Health, and
in this way to prevent any further
spread of the disease, and from present
indications smallpox is on the decrease.
Also, your Board of Health begs to
submit for your consideration, an ordi-
nance entitled, "An Ordinance requiring
the making of connections with sani-
tary sewers." Also an ordinance en-
titled "An Ordinance for carrying into
effect certain rules, regulations and
provisions of the Board of Health of
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and provid-
ing a penalty for violations thereof,"
and we respectfully recommend that
said ordinances be adopted.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the
various reports of the Board of Health.
Whereupon Ald. Closs presented and
read an ordinance requiring the mak-
ing of connections with sanitary sew-
ers, and moved that the reading just
had be considered its first reading. Car-
Ald. Closs then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the •
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds, Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
Ald. Gloss moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following' vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Thomas. -
Nays —None.
The ordinance is as follows:
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section; 1. That whenever it shall ap-
pear to the City Council that any prop-
erty owner on any street, alley, avenue
or public highway, along which a Sani-
tary sewer has been constructed, has
failed, neglected or refused to make
proper and necessary house connections
therewith, in accordance with the order
of the Board of Health, the City
Council may by resolution order such
sewer connections to be made by such
property owner, and said resolution.
shall state the name of the owner or
owners of the property to be thus con-
nected by sewer, with a description of
the property and fix the time in said
order within which connections shall
be made, and shall also recite that if
said connections are not made by the
time specified, the Council shall order
such work and connections made and
assess the costs and expenses thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected by sewer.
Sec. 2. A copy of said resolution
duly attested by the City Recorder
shall forthwith be served upon such
property owner or owners, or his or
their duly authorized agent or attor-
ney; the service thereof shall be made
by the City Chief of Police or Sani-
tary Officer, who must endorse thereon
his return and file the same with the
City Recorder. Whenever it appears
that such property owner or owners
are non - residents and have no duly au-
thorized agent or attorney upon whom
service can be made, then the City Re-
corder shall give ten days' notice
thereof by publishing same in the of-
ficial paper of the City of Dubuque for
three consecutive times and the serv-
ice of the copy of said resolution, as
herein provided by publication, shall
be deemed sufficient to require such
property owner to make said sewer
Sec. 3. Whenever any property
owner who has been duly served with
notice to make such sewer connections
shall neglect or refuse so to do, in ac-
cordance with the notice in the time
therein stated, then, and in that case,
the Council may order plans and speci-
fications of the sewer connections con-
templated to he made with an esti-
mate of the cost thereof by the City
Engineer, which plans and specifica-
tions and estimate shall be submitted
to the City Council for approval, and
if approved by said Council, an order
shall be made that such plans and
specifications and estimate shall be
served upon the persons refusing to
make such sewer connections, with a
notice that if such connections are not
so made within ten days after the time
of such service, that said work shall
be done by the City in accordance with
the plans and specifications so served
and submitted and shall be taxed
against the property of the person thus
failing to make such sewer connec-
Sec. 4. Whenever any property own-
er who has been thus duly served with
—plans and specifications and the es-
timate of the work to be done to make
such sewer connections, —shall neglect
or refuse to so make such sewer con-
nections then, and in that case, the
Council may, by resolution, order the
same to be done by contract in ac-
cordance with such plans and specifica-
tions, and for that purpose shall ad-
vertise in the official paper of the City
for three times within a period of ten
days for proposals for constructing
said house drains or connection sew-
ers; said work to be done under the
supervision of the City Engineer and
Committee on Sewers, and upon the
completion of said work and accept-
ance thereof by the City Council the
City Engineer shall report to the Coun-
cil the cost thereof and the City Coun-
cil shall levy an assessment against
the specific property of the owner
thereof in an amount equal to said
costs and expenses.
Sec. 5. The Council shall then di-
rect the Recorder to give ten days' no-
tice either by two publications in the
official newspaper or by mailing a no-
tice to the owners of the property that
the proposed assessment is to be made,
stating the amount and for what
cause the expense was incurred and
that objections may be made in writ-
Regular Session March 21, 1907
ing and filed with the Recorder dur-
ing said ten days, and the Council
having considered such objections shall
make the assessment which shall be
collected in the same manner with
like penalties as general city taxes.
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
passage and publication in the Du-
buque Telegraph- Herald, the official
newspaper of the City of Dubuque,
Adopted 1907.
City Recorder.
Alcl. Closs also presented and read
an ordinance for carrying into effect
certain rules, regulations and provis-
ions of the Board of Health of the City
of Dubuque, and providing a penalty
for violations thereof, and moved that
the reading just had be considered its,
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Closs then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the -
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
' Hopkins McEvoy, Stumpf and
Nays —None.
Ald. Closs moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Nays —None.
The ordinance is as follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
That the rules, regulations and provis-
ions of the Board of Health of the
City of Dubuque, be and are hereby
ratified, adopted and confirmed as an
ordinance of the City of Dubuque, the
same being as follows:
WORDS. 2. Whenever the word own-
er shall be mentioned in these rules,
it shall be construed to mean lessor,
lessee, managers, agents and occu-
pants or persons who in any capacity
have the care or the custody or the
charge of the premises referred to in
any rule in connection therewith.
Whenever the word householder is
mentioned in these rules, it shall be
construed to mean any person acting
in any capacity under whose care and
.control the house is kept. Whenever
the word property is mentioned in
these rules, it shall be construed to
include real and personal property.
Whenever the word sanitary officer is
mentioned in these rules, it shall be
,construed to mean any person author-
ized by the Board of Health to carry
into effect its orders and this ordi-
nance. Whenever the word person is
used in these rules, it shall be con-
strued to include corporations. When-
ever the word law is mentioned in
these rules, it shall be construed to
mean the laws of Iowa found in the
Code of 1907 and the Supplement and
Amendments thereto.
Whenever anything is commanded to
be performed or forbidden and en-
joined to be done in connection with
any premises within the jurisdiction
of the Board of Health of the City of
Dubuque, it shall be the duty of the
lessee, occupant, owner, person or
corporation having control of such
premises to cause a compliance with
such regulation by doing such acts as
are commanded and preventing the
doing of acts that are forbidden, and
to put and keep the premises in the
condition enjoined.
4. Owners, lessees, occupants and
those having the care and control of
buildings within the jurisdiction of
this Board shall keep such buildings
together with the alleys adjoining
thereto in a clean and wholesome con-
dition and free from filth, stagnant
water and other unsanitary conditions
which tend to promote or cause dis-
ease, and shall at any reasonable hour
permit the Board of Health or sanitary
officer to freely and fully inspect such
premises, building and buildings, and
shall answer all pertinent questions in
reference to the sanitary condition of
such premises and anything thereon
or therein.
Privy vaults, cess pools and other con-
duits - and reservoirs of filth within the
City of Dubuque into which any water
closet, sink or stable is drained, shall
not unless the sane be made water-
tight be allowed within fifty feet of
any source of water used for drinking
or culinary purposes, and such vaults,
cess pools, conduits and reservoirs
shall not be allowed to in any manner
discharge their contents in any quan-
tity upon the adjacent surface or into
any street, alley, lot or common except
by special permit of the Board of
Health, and no privy vault, water
closet or cess pool shall be construct-
ed within two hundred and fifty feet
of a public sewer unless connection be
made with such sewer.
Regular Session March 21, 1907
USED. 6. Whenever any privy vault
or cess pool within the City of Dubu-
que shall cease to be used for such
purpose the owner thereof shall im-
mediately notify the sanitary officer of
the discontinuance of such use and
such officer shall see that the contents
of such vault shall be removed and
the vault cleaned and disinfected as
directed by the Board of Health, and
no privy vault shall be of less depth
than 10 feet, nor shall such vault be
allowed to fill to a greater height than
3 feet from the surface of the ground.
ODORS. 7. Privy vaults, cess pools
and reservoirs of filth within the City
of Dubuque shall at all times be kept
free from offensive odors and the con-
tents thereof shall be removed at least
once a year or so often and in such
manner as the Board of Health may
Prescribe, and such vaults, cess pools
and reservoirs of filth, after the re-
moval of the contents thereof, shall
be thoroughly disinfected in such man-
ner as the Board of Health may direct,
and any vault, cess pool and reservoir
of filth may be disinfected whenever
the Board of Health deems it neces-
Householders, owners, lessors, lessees,
keepers, managers, and agents of any
tenement house, lodging house, board-
ing house, house or manufactory with-
in the City of Dubuque shall provide
for the use of tenants, lodgers, board-
ers, employes or occupants thereof
adequate water closets or privy ac-
commodations, and said closets shall
be kept clean -and well ventilated.
Water closets compartments must
open to the outer air or be ventilated
by means of a shaft or an air duct
and such shaft or air duct shall be
constructed so as not to emit the fumes
or odors of said closet in such manner
as to be a source of trouble or nuis-
ance to adjacent residents.
shall not throw or permit or cause to
be thrown into any privy vaults, cess
pools, sink or vault within this city,
any garbage, offal, swill or other
household refuse, nor shall any per-
son discharge or cause to be discharg-
ed into any privy vault the slops or
water running through or from any
sink or drain or waste pipe within
any dwelling or building.
MOVED. 10. Householders, owners,
lessors, lessees, managers and agents
of any building or tenement, restaurant
or hotel within the City of Dubuque
where slops, kitchen offal or decaying
vegetables accumulate, shall provide,
keep and cause to be used an iron
can with tight cover or other proper
receptacle for such waste in a con-
venient place for removal at least
twice a week between the 1st day of
M and the 1st day of November of
each year from premises designated
by the City Council as the scavenger
district, the collecting thereof to be
done by the City Scavenger.
Manure and other waste matter in-
cluding any solids and liquids of what-
ever kind not removed by the scav-
enger must be disposed of in such
manner as not to cause offense or
unsanitary conditions and may be de-
posited at such places as the Board
of Health and the City Council may
IN STREAMS. 12. No person or per-
sons shall throw or cause to be
thrown into any gutter, lake, pond,
stream, creek or any other body of
water or upon the banks thereof with-
in the limits of the City of Dubuque,
any animal or vegetable matter, gar-
bage, rubbish, slops, offal, butcher's
waste, street sweepings, manure,
straw, hay, animal bedding, ashes,
night soil, contents of cess pools or
privy vaults, or any other nauseous
or unwholesome substance, fluid or
thing, except at the garbage dump
designated by the city.
ASHES, ETC. 13. Ashes and
street sweepings when free from ani-
mal and vegetable matter, night soil,
and all noxious substances may be
used for filling purposes in such places
as the Board of Health or the City
Council may designate.
14. All wells within the City of Du-
buque wherein the water is perceptibly
or demonstrably impure or which are
situated so as to be liable to contam-
ination from drainage or other cause,
shall not be used for drinking or cul-
inary purposes or for any purpose
which may endanger the public
health, and the use thereof therefore
shall be discontinued upon the order
of the Board of Health.
TERIALS. 15. Materials which emit
offensive odors during combustion
shall not be burned within the City
of Dubuque without permission from
the Board of Health.
ITED. 16. No meat, fish, game, fowl,
fruit, vegetables, milk, ice or any ar-
ticle of food or drink intended for
human food and consumption which
is stale, unhealthy, unsound, tainted,
putrid or unwholesome shall be sold,
bartered or kept for barter or sale in
any public or private market, store,
shop or place within the corporate
limits of the City of Dubuque. And
it shall be the duty of any person hav-
ing knowledge of the violation of this
Regular Session March 21, 1907
section to r °port the same to the Board
of Health:
sheep and other animals intended to
be slaughtered and used for human
food shall not be confined in any stable
or place within the City of Dubuque
in which, in the judgment of the Board
of Health, the supply of fresh air,
water and food is insufficient for the
Preservation of their health and whole-
some condition as human food, and
no milk which has been obtained from
cows that are sick or diseased, or
that have been fed on swill, offal or
other refuse shall be sold or offered
for sale within the corporate limits
of the City of Dubuque.
18. Stables, stalls and places within
the City of Dubuque in which horses,
cows and other domestic animals are
kept must be maintained in a clean
and sanitary condition, and the owner,
lessors and lessees of said stables,
stalls and places, and the owners of
such domestic animals shall be jointly
and severally liable for the violation
of the rule.
BANKS. 19. No person or persons
shall deposit or cause to be deposited
any manure, offal or other night soil
from any barn, livery or feed stable
or from any other building or place
upon the banks of or in the Mississippi
river at any place within the limits
of the City of Dubuque other than the
place designated therefor by the Board
of Health or the City Council.
ETC. 20. No person shall bring or
cause to be brought or aid in bringing
into the City of Dubuque any person
sick with or any person infected with
Asiatic cholera, smallpox, varioloid,
diphtheria, yellow fever, typhoid and
typhus fever, scarlet fever, measles or
any other contagious or infectious dis-
ease. No public owner or other person
or corporation shall deposit or leave
within the City of Dubuque the dead
body of any pauper or emigrant en
route through the city unless death
occurred after leaving the station stop-
ped at before reaching this city.
21. Every physician practicing within
the City of Dubuque shall give imme-
diate notice to the Board of Health
on blanks presented by such Board of
every case of Asiatic cholera, small-
pox, diphtheria, membranous croup,
scarlet fever, scarlatina, typhoid fever,
typhus fever, yellow fever or other
infectious and contagious diseases or
diseases dangerous to the public health
of said city which he may be called •
to attend professionally. Where no
physician is in attendance it shall be
the duty of the nurse or any person
8o Regular Session March 21, 1907
having charge of the patient or being
the head of the family of which the
person sick is a member, or having
the care, custody or control of the
house in which the person is sick to
give notice in like manner as required
herein of physicians. And every sub-
sequent case of contagious or infec-
tious disease which may occur in the
family or at the same residence while
the same is under quarantine shall in
like manner be reported to the Board
of Health.
REPORT. 22. Every householder
within the City of Dubuque in whose
dwelling there shall occur a case of
smallpox, cholera, yellow fever, scarlet
fever, diphtheria, membranous croup,
typhoid or typhus fever, measles or
other dangerous contagious diseases,
shall immediately notify the Board of
Health of the same, and until instruc-
tions are received from said Board,
shall not permit clothing or any other
article that may have been exposed to
infection to be removed from the
house and no occupant of such house
shall take up residence elsewhere with-
out consent of the Board.
23. No removals of persons sick with
any of the diseases specified in Section
20 of these rules and regulations shall
be made at any time within the City
of Dubuque, except with consent and
under the direction of the Board of
Health, and when necessary the Board
will direct the removal of such person
to some proper place for the care of
such persons to some proper place for
the care of such person. Persons af-
'flicted with any such disease shall be
kept separate from all persons liable
to contract or communicate the dis-
ease, and access to such person or
persons shall only be allowed to phy-
sicians and nurses.
QUARANTINE. 24. It shall be the
duty of the Board of Health, through
the sanitary officer, immediately on
receiving notice of the existence of a
case of Asiatic cholera, smallpox, vari-
oloid, diphtheria, membranous croup,
typhoid fever, typhus fever, yellow
fever, scarlet fever, scarlet rash, scar -
letina, measles, or other dangerous
contagious diseases within the City of
Dubuque, to take such measures as
may be necessary and proper for the
restriction and suppression of such
disease and to investigate all the cir-
cumstances attendant upon the oc-
currence of the same, and provide for
the proper care and maintenance of
all quarantined persons. In case of
doubt as to the true nature of the dis-
ease or for other good reasons, the
physician and Board of Health shall
have power to call to their aid any
competent physician with whom to ad-
vise with reference to the course
Proper to be pursued for the public
safety; and the reasonable fees of any
physician so called upon for advice
shall be audited by the Board of
Health and paid in the same manner
as required by law in other expenses
of quarantine. Where the disease is
measles, whooping cough and chicken
pox the premises shall not be quar-
antined, but they shall be placarded
with a danger card unless otherwise
ordered by the Board of Health. And
it shall be the further duty of the
Board to disinfect or cause to be dis-
infected the premises whereon such
quarantined diseases shall occur, to-
gether with all such furniture, bed-
ding, clothing or other articles as
provided by the regulations of the
State Board of Health, which disinfec-
tion shall be done under the super-
vision of the health physician.
SAME — SAME. 25. The mayor and
sanitary officer, immediately on re-
ceiving notice of the existence of a
case of smallpox, varioloid, diphtheria,
membraneous croup, scarlet fever, or
any other dangerous contagious dis-
ease within the City of Dubuque, shall
post or cause to be posted in a con-
spicuous place, upon the outside front
of any building wherein such disease
exists, a placard showing in plain
letters the name of such disease, etc.,
such placard to be maintained during
the existence of the disease and until
the premises have been properly clean-
ed, disinfected and purified and until
quarantine is released.
the purpose of these rules and ordi-
nance, quarantine within the City of
Dubuque shall be deemed to be:
(1) The placing upon some con-
spicuous place on each building, hall,
lodging room or place wherein exists
a contagious or infectious disease, as
will best protect the public health, of
a card not less than 18 inches square,
having printed thereon in large letters
the word "Quarantine," the name of
the disease, and the words, "No per-
son shall be permitted to enter or
leave these premises except as provid-
ed by law while it is quarantined, un-
der the penalty provided by law."
(2) The separation of the sick
from all other persons, if possible, and
from all persons except those in
actual attendance thereon.
(3) The complete exclusion of all
persons from the premises except as
permitted by the Board of Health.
(4) That no person shall leave said
premises except the attending physi-
cian without permission therefor sign-
ed by the Mayor.
(5) That no article that has been
used on or about said premises, or
on or about the person sick with a con-
tagious or infectious disease, shall be
removed from the premises or the sick
room until the same has been prop-
erly disinfected.
(6) Nurses who have been employ-
ed to care for persons sick with con-
tagious or infectious diseases may be
released from quarantine when their
services are no longer required upon
the order of the Mayor. Before leav-
ing the premises there must be thor-
ough disinfection of their person and
(7) Isolation means the complete
exclusion of all other persons from the
sick except the nurse and attending
physician; that the nurse shall be re-
strained from going from the premises
or mingling with the family; that all
well persons shall be prevented from
contact with bedding, clothing, food
or other articles that have been used
about the sick.
(8) When a family is quarantined
for diphtheria, the head of the fam-
ily, or bread winner, may, at the dis-
cretion of the Board of Health, have
the privilege of attending his reg-
ular business, and of going to and
from his house only when complying
with the following conditions, and the
mayor shall issue a permit therefor:
First —He shall change his clothing
before going to his place of business
and leaving his home to go to his
place of business.
Secondly —He shall wash his hands,
face, head and beard with a two per
cent solution of carbolic acid each time
before leaving his home before going
to his place of business.
Thirdly —While in the house he shall
not act as nurse or live in the same
room as the sick person.
Fourthly —He shall not attend any
public meeting or attend any place
where persons are congregated.
Fifthly —This privilege shall not be
granted to school teachers, nor to any
person whose business brings him in
intimate contact with children, nor to
any person before signing a card with
these rules of permission endorsed
thereon by the Mayor and attested by
the clerk of the Board of Health.
Quarantine shall be established and
maintained within the City of Dubuque
in each and every case for the period
named herein, to -wit:
Smallpox, forty days.
Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina, Scarlet
Rash), thirty -five days.
Diphtheria (Membranous Croup),
thirty -five days.
Asiatic Cholera, twenty -one days.
Yellow Fever, twenty days.
ever there is complete recovery or
death of persons who have been sick
with a contagious disease, and there
are no further exposures thereto, the
quarantine may be released from the
order of the Board of Health, although
Regular Session March 21, 1907
the period prescribed herein has not
elapsed, providing no release of quar-
antine shall be permitted until at least
seventeen days have elapsed after the
recovery of the last case and proper
disinfection of persons and premises
is made as herein provided.
After death or recovery of persons
sick from contagious or infectious dis-
eases, the room, furniture, property
and other contents not to be destroyed
shall be thoroughly disinfected accord-
ing to these rules and the regulations
made by the State Board of Health.
If the disease was scarlet fever
(scarlatina, scarlet rash), or smallpox,
the paper on the walls and ceiling,
if any there shall be, shall be remov-
ed completely and burned. If the dis-
ease was diphtheria, typhoid fever or
measles the paper on the wall shall be
thoroughly dusted and brushed.
TICE. 30 No person or persons shall
remove, deface or in any way inter-
fere with any placard or danger sig-
nal placed on any quarantined prem-
ises within the City of Dubuque by
the Board of Health. No such pla-
card or clanger signal shall be remov-
ed except by order of the mayor, sani-
tary officer or other authorized per-
During the existence of any contagious
or infectious disease in any family,
household or place in this city and
until after the recovery of the sick
and the disinfection of the premises
where such disease shall have existed,
no person residing in such house, fam-
ily or place, shall be permitted to at-
tend any public or private school,
church, theater or place without writ-
ten permission from the mayor. And
no superintendent, teacher or officer
of any school shall permit any children
or person from any such family, house-
hold or place to attend such school
without a permit from the Board of
Health on recommendation of the at-
tending physician showing thorough
disinfection of person, clothing and
premises. The disinfection of apart-
ment houses or premises and property
quarantined by the Board of Health
for contagious diseases shall be done
in a manner satisfactory to the Board
of Health and under the direct super-
vision of the Health Physician or other
authorized person.
TO BE USED. 32. No superintend-
ent, principal, teacher or officer of any
school within the jurisdiction of this
Board of Health shall permit to be
returned. to or used in any school,
school books, slates or other school
room articles that may have been be-
come infected by being kept or used
82 Regular Session March 21, 1907
in any family or house quarantined
by this Board for contagious or in-
fectious disease, and is hereby made
the duty of every school teacher and
school officer who discovers or who
has knowledge of a case of contagious
or infectious disease to cause the fact
to be immediately reported to the
HOUSES. 33. No room or place with-
in the City of Dubuque in which there
has been any of tn2 contagious or in-
fectious diseases, named in Section 20
of these rules and regulations shall be
rented or occupied unless the same
has been thoroughly cleaned and dis-
infected. and such cleaning and disin-
fection be approved by the health phy-
sician and Board of Health. And it
shall be the duty of the sanitary officer
to maintain a danger signal on any of
such premises until such disinfection is
HACKS —USE OF. 34. No hack,
Omnibus, street car or other closed
vehicle used for the conveyance of
living passengers within the City of
Dubuque shall be used or employed to
carry any one dead with any con-
tagious or infectious disease; nor with
the knowledge of the owner or driver
thereof carry any person or article
liable to communicate such disease ex-
cept by a special permission from the
Board of Health. No public funeral
shall be held of any person who has
died from any of the diseases named
in Section 20 hereof and no public
funeral shall be held in the house nor
in any premises where there is a case of
nor where a death has recently oc-
curred from any of said diseases.
WAGONS. 35. When Asiatic cholera,
smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever
(scarlatina, scarlet rash), membran-
ous croup, typhoid fever or typhus
fever, measles, or any other contagious
disease, exists in any dwelling place
of a dealer in or seller of milk within
the City of Dubuque, he shall immedi-
ately discontinue and cease to give,
sell or distribute milk to any person or
family, or to creameries or butter fac-
tories, or in any wise handle such milk
until a permit is granted from the
Mayor on recommendation of the phy-
sician. And no person who attends
COWS and the milking, or who has the
care of mill: vessels, or the sale or dis-
tribution of milk, shall be permitted to
enter any premises or place where ex-
ists any of the diseases named herein,
nor have any connection, direct or in-
direct, with any person who resides
in or is an occupant of any such infect-
ed place; nor shall any milk or butter
be given away, sold or distributed with-
in the City of Dubuque from such in-
fected place.
CARED FOR. 36. The body of a per-
son who has died from any of the dis-
eases enumerated in Section 20 of these
regulations, shall not be removed from
the sick room until it has been wrapped
in a cloth saturated with a solution of
corrosive sublimate (one ounce to six
gallons of water), and then tightly en-
closed in a case or coffin. The body
then shall be buried immediately with-
out the attendance of any person other
than is necessary for the interment
PERMIT. 37. No person shall remove
or cause to be removed or cleaned, or
carried within the City of Dubuque, the
contents of any privy vault or cess - pool
without first having obtained a written
permit or order to do so from the
Board of Health or sanitary officer of
said City, and it shall be the duty of
such person or persons to comply with
all the requirements and conditions of
such order or permit.
WAGONS. 39. Every owner or driver
of any scavenger wagon, cart, tank or
vessel within the City of Dubuque shall
submit the said wagon, cart, tank or
vessel for inspection to the sanitary of-
ficer of said city once each month and
oftener when so required by said of-
ficer, and if the condition of said wagon,
tank or cart is not approved by said
officer it shall be the duty of such own-
er or driver to keep the same out of
service until it is cleaned or repaired
as directed by the Board of Health.
IZED. 40. No night soil or the con-
tents of a cess pool shall be removed
unless previously deodorized by some
recognized system approved by the
Board of Health and during such re-
moval the sane shall be covered with a
layer of fresh earth, unless such re-
moval be by the odorless excavation
process, or in a water -tight tank or
KEPT IN REPAIR. 41. It shall be
the duty of every owner or driver of
any scavenger wagon, cart or tank
within said city, to keep such wagon,
cart or tank in good repair; to avoid
overloading the same or spilling its
contents and to keep a close cover over
such cart, wagon or tank while driv-
ing the same upon the public streets
and alleys, and if any of the contents
shall be .spilled or fall from any such
vehicle upon any sidewalk, street or
premises, it shall be the duty of such
owner or driver to replace the same
immediately and remove all traces
42. It shall be the duty of every per-
son who is engaged in the removal,
loading, unloading or conveying with-
in said city of the contents of any
privy vault, cess pool or any other of-
fensive filth or noxious substance, to
do the same neatly and with dispatch
and avoid all unnecessary offense in
doing so; and no person shall cause
any vehicle carrying such filthy and
offensive matter to stand or remain
near any building or upon any street,
alley or lot or other public place, for
any longer time than is actually neces-
sary in doing such work, or loading
Such matter.
The price for removing the contents
of any privy vault or cess pool shall
be set forth in each annual contract
therefor and shall not exceed the sum
of Twelve cents within the corporate
limits of the City of Dubuque.
Every veterinary surgeon who is called
upon to examine or attend profession-
ally any animal within the City of Du-
buque, which has, or is suspected of
having glanders or farcy, pleuro -pneu-
monia, hydrophobia or any other com-
municable disease, shall report in
writing to the Board of Health of said
city within twenty -four hours after the
first visit thereto, the location of such
diseased animal, the name and ad-
dress of the owner thereof and the
nature of the disease or susPected dis-
ease afflicting such animal.
SAME — SAME. 45. No person shall
buy, sell or keep, or cause to be kept
within said city, any horse, ass, colt,
or any other animal afflicted with
glanders or farcy, anthrax, pleuro-
pneumonia, or hydrophobia, and any
animal so afflicted shall, after due
notice, from this Board, be immediate-
ly killed and buried without removing
the hide from the carcass.
SAME. 40. It shall be the duty of
any and every person owning, keeping
or caring for, or knowing any animal
afflicted with glanders or farcy,
anthrax, pleuro- pneumonia or hydro-
phobia, to report the fact and the
whereabouts of such animal promptly
to the Board of Health of this city.
47. Any physician who shall vaccinate
any person within the City of Dubuque,
shall, within 20 days thereafter,
furnish such person with a certificate,
giving the name, age and residence of
the person vaccinated, the date of such
vaccination, and the kind of virus mat-
ter used, the date of the examination
of the result of such vaccination, and
the result thereof, together with the
date of the last prior vaccination, if
any, and the result thereof, which cer-
tificate shall be signed by the physician
Performing the vaccination and exam-
ining the result.
CLEAN. 44. Every person keep-
ing, maintaining or being in
Regular Session March 21, 1907 83
charge of any public ware-
house, storehouse, cart, wagon,
sleigh, or private market, dairy, stall,
shop, store or other vehicle within the
City of Dubuque, in or about which
any -meat, fish, oysters, birds, fowls,
vegetables, fruit, milk, or other pro-
visions are held, kept, stored or of-
fered for sale, or other disposition,
shall keep such public or private mar-
ket, stall, shop, store, warehouse, store-
house, cart, wagon, sleigh, or other
vehicle in a clean, pure and wholesome
condition. And if any such person
shall allow or permit the same to be-
come or remain unclean, impure or un-
wholesome, he shall be guilty of a vio-
lation of this rule.
SALE. 49. No dead animals, above
the size of a rabbit, nor any meat
thereof shall be taken or exposed for
.sale, as food, in any public or private
market within said city, until the same
shall have been fully cooled after hav-
ing been killed and until all the blood
shall have ceased dropping therefrom
and until the entrails, head( unless the
same be skinned), hide, horns and feet
shall have been removed, and no gut -
fat or any other unwholesome or of-
fensive matter or thing shall be
brought to or near any such market.
SAME. 50. It shall be the duty of
any and every person knowing of any
fish, meat, bird, fowls, vegetables, milk
or other articles intended for human
food, being bought, sold or offered for
sale, or being in any market, public or
private, in said city or in possession of
street vendors or hawkers or other per-
son and not being sound, healthy and
w holesome for such food, to forthwith
report such facts, and particulars re-
lating thereto, to the sanitary officer or
other proper officer.
Every calf, sheep or other animal con-
veyed to the City of Dubuque to be sold
or slaughtered for food shall be so con-
fined in the vehicle that it can stand on
its feet and shall not be tied or hob-
bled so that it cannot have free action
of its limbs and head, or retain them in
a natural position.
ED. 52. No person shall offer or ex-
pose for sale, or sell or deliver for sale
or consumption within the city of Du-
buque any unclean, impure, unhealthy,
unwholesome or adulterated milk.
IMPURE MILK. 53. No person
shall keep cows for the production of
milk for sale or consumption within
the City of Dubuque in an overcrowded
condition, or in stables which are not
properly ventilated, or which are filthy
from an accumulation of animal re-
fuse, or from any other cause; nor shall
milk for such purposes be drawn from
cows which are of themselves in a con-
dition of filth or uncleanliness, nor
84 Regular - Session March 21, 1907
from cows which are affected with
tuberculosis or any other form of dis-
ease, or from cows which are fed
either wholly or in part upon distillery
waste or brewery grains, or the waste
of vinegar factories, in a fermented
condition, or upon any other form of
food which will produce milk which
is unhealthy or unwholesome or from
cows which are supplied with water
which is impure or unwholesome; and
all milk thus produced is hereby de-
clared to be unclean, impure, un-
healthy and unwholesome mills.
ENFORCED. 54. Rules and regula-
tions made by the State Board of
Health and by the local Board of
Health of this city concerning Asiatic
cholera, smallpox, diphtheria (mem-
- branous croup), typhoid fever, scarlet
fever (scarlatina, scarlet rash), or
other contagious or infectious diseases,
shall be enforced by the Board under
the supervision of the 'sanitary officers
and it shall be the duty of all police
and other public officers of this city in
their proper capacity to report to the
Mayor or sanitary officer any violation
of such rules and regulations, and to
assist the Board of Health, the Mayor
and sanitary officers in the enforce-
ment of said rules and regulations.
It shall he the duty of every public of-
ficer to observe the sanitary conditions
of his district, to report to his chief or
the sanitary officers promptly any
nuisance or accumulated filth found in
any portion of the City of Dubuque.
POLICE. 56. The Mayor shall have
authority to appoint the necessary
number of sanitary officers for the
proper enforcement of the quarantine
regulations herein provided for by the
local Board and which may be provid-
ed for by the State Board of Health.
Such sanitary officers shall maintain
the quarantine directed to be main-
tained by the Board of Health in strict
accord with the provisions thereof, and
shall immediately report any violation
of the rules of said quarantine to the
Mayor. The sanitary officers shall not
enter any dwelling or place where con-
tagious or infectious diseases exist un-
less requested by the occupant thereof,
nor shall they disturb the inmates or
sick unless they have good and suf-
ficient reason to believe that there is a
wilful violation of the quarantine regu-
lations therein, and they shall be vest-
ed with full power to make arrests for
any and all violations of quarantine or
health regulations. The mayor shall
require strict quarantine to be main-
tained and everything essential for
the public safety and health per-
formed, and shall exact reports from
the sanitary officers of the condition
of the quarantined districts daily, and
submit such reports to the Board of
Health at stated meetings.
57. These rules and regulations shall
be taken, when treating on the same
subjects, to be cumulative to the ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque not in
conflict herewith, and Sections 1025,
1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032,.
1032, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039,
1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046
and amendments thereto of the Code
of Iowa, and all persons shall comply
in all respects with the ordinances of
said city relating to plumbing, sewer
connections and sanitary conditions,
and said Sections of the Code of Iowa
in relation to the Board of Health and
the powers thereof in cities acting un-
der special charter.
NANCE. 58. Whoever shall violate the
provisions of the foregoing rules and
regulations of the Board of Health of
the City of Dubuque, or this ordinance
shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
ineanbr and upon conviction thereof,
shall be fined a sum not to exceed One
Hundred Dollars or be imprisoned in
the city jail until said fine is paid, not
to exceed a period of thirty days.
Board of Health shall also have au-
thority to abate any violation of these
rules and of this ordinance and upon
such notice as it shall deem necessary
and proper having regard for the
health of the community and the wel-
fare of the public at large, or may
abate such violations without notice
and report the costs to the Council,
which shall assess the same as pro-
vided for the assessment of special
PARTS THEREOF. 60. All ordi-
nances and parts of ordinances of the
City of Dubuque in conflict with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
61. This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
and publication in the Dubuque Tele-
graph- Herald, the official newspaper
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
City Recorder.
Alderman McEvoy offered the fol-
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to construct a_
sanitary sewer in Grace street, Louisa
street, Algona avenue, West 14th
street, Auburn avenue, as follows, to --
wit: an eight -inch tile pipe Sanitary
Sewer from a point 10 feet west of the
lot line between lots 5 and 6 of Reche's
Subdivision No. 2 in C_-race street,
thence easterly to Louisa street, thence
northerly in Louisa street to Delhi
street, thence northerly in Algona
avenue to West 11th street, thence
easterly in `Brest 14th street to Auburn
avenue, thence a 10 -inch tile pipe Sani-
tary Server northerly in Auburn avenue
to the intersection of Rosedale avenue
and to assess the cost of said sewer
against the abutting property.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Nays —None.
Alderman McEvoy also offered the
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer he and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat and specifications
for an eight -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in Grace street from a point 10
feet west of the lot line between lots
5 and 6 of Reche's Subdivision No. 2
in the City of Dubuque, thence easterly
to Louisa street, thence northerly in
Louisa street to Delhi street, thence
northerly in Algona avenue to West
14th street, thence easterly in West
14th street to Auburn avenue, thence
with a 10 -inch tile pipe Sanitary Sewer,
northerly in Auburn avenue to the in-
tersection of Rosedale avenue, showing
the location and general nature of such
improvement, the extent thereof, the
size and kind of material to be used,
and to prepare an estimate of the cost
thereof and the amount assessable
upon each lot or parcel of land ad-
jacent to or abutting thereon per front
foot or square feet in area, and to file
such plat, specifications and estimate
in the office of the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in
three consecutive issues of the official
paper of the City of Dubuque, stating
that such plat is on file, and generally
the nature of the sewer, its location,
size and kinds of material to be used,
and the estimate of its cost, and fixing
the time before which objections can
be filed, which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of said notice and after the com-
pletion of the publication of said notice
he shall at its next session notify the
Council thereof in writing with a
printed copy of said notice accompany-
ing the same.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following' vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Regular Session March 21, 1907
Nays —None.
Alderman McEvoy also offered the
fallow 1n
Whereas, Joseph S. Morgan has filed_
his petition asking for the vacation of-
a strip of land intervening between_
the south line of) West SeVenteenth
street and the north line of lots 22, 23_
and 24 in Morgan's Sub., and proposing
in consideration of said vacation to
deed to the city a strip of land through
lot 24 in said subdivision for; street
_,urpeses, therefore
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to make a survey and plat of said strip
of land so proposed to be vacated, ttt
be filed in said Engineer's office subject
to public inspection, and to give the
notices required by ordinance to all the
owners of property abutting said
ground proposed to be vacated, and to
publish the notice required by ordi-
nance of said 'proposed vacation.
Ald. ,McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
I7opkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Nays —None.
Alderman McEvoy also offered the
Whereas, it is deemed expedient to
adopt a new grade on Bluff street
from Eighth street to Twelfth street;
therefore, be it
Resolved, That the City Engineer be
and he is hereby instructed to prepare
a profile showing a proposed plat or
even grade or change of grade on said
street and report to the next meeting
of the Council if there is an established
grade on this street now, and if so to
report the names of the property own-
ers, who have made improvements on
this street with reference thereto.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas—Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Thomas. •
Nays —None.
Alderman Stumpf offered the fol-
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Recorder be and he is hereby directed_
to advertise for bids for the construc-
tion of a storm water sewer and gutter
in Seventeenth street according to the
plans and specifications for said sewer
and gutter prepared by the City Engi-
neer, and to submit said bids to the
City Council at its next session.
Ald. Stumpf moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas- -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Nays —None.
Alderman Hopkins offered the fol-
13e It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That it is
deemed necessary and advisable to im-
prove Willow street from the easterly
line of the present improvement to the
easterly line of Willow street, and it is
hereby proposed to grade, curb, gutter
and macadamize said street, and to
assess the cost of such curbing, gut-
tering and macadamizing against the
abutting property.
Ald. Hopkins moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
Nays —None.
Alderman Hopkins also offered the
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to prepare a plat showing generally the
nature and extent of the proposed im-
provement on Willow street from the
easterly line of the present improve-
ment to the easterly line of Willow
street, and the kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of the entire cost
thereof, and the amount and cost of
such improvement, and the amount as-
sessable upon any railway or street
railway, and the amount and cost
thereof to be paid by the City, if any,
and the cost thereof and amount as-
sessable upon each lot or parcel of land
adjacent to or abutting upon such im-
provement per front foot, and to file
such plat and estimate in the office of
the City Recorder; that after the filing
of such plat and estimate in his of-
fice. the City Recorder shall publish
in three consecutive issues of a news-
paper published in this city a notice
stating that such plat and estimate are
on file, the location and nature of the
improvement, kind of material to be
used, and an estimate of its cost, and
the time before which objections there-
to can be filed, and the time fixed for
hearing which time shall not be less
than five days after the last publica-
tion of such notice, and after such
publication shall have been made, the
City Recorder shall, at the next regular
session of the City Council, notify the
Council thereof in writing with a print-
ed copy of such notice accompanying
the same.
Ald. Hopkins moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Regular Session March 21, 1907
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas-- -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf, and
Nays —None.
Alderman Hopkins also offered the
Be It Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That it is deemed
necessary and advisable to construct
a sanitary sewer in West Locust
street, Alta Vista street, Rosedale
avenue, Willow street and Asbury
street, and it is hereby proposed to
construct a sanitary sewer in said West
Locust street, Alta Vista street, Rose-
dale avenue, Willow street and Asbury
street as follows, to -wit: a twelve -inch
tile pipe sewer from the present man-
hole in West Locust street at the inter-
section of Union avenue, thence in
West Locust street and Alta Vista
streets to Rosedale avenue, thence
westerly in Rosedale avenue to Willow
street, thence an eight -Inch tile pipe
sewer in Willow street and Asbury
street to the City Limits, and to as-
sess the cost of said sewer against the
abutting property.
Ald. Hopkins moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and
No ys —None.
Alderman Hopkins also offered the
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instructed
to prepare a plat and specifications
for a twelve -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in West Locust street, Alta Vista
street and Rosedale avenue to its junc-
tion with Willow street, thence an
eight -inch tile pipe sewer in Willow
street and Asbury street to the city
limits, showing the location and gen-
eral nature of the improvement, the
extent thereof, the size and kind of
material to be used, and to prepare
an estimate of the cost thereof and
the amount assessable upon each lot
or parcel of land adjacent to or abutt-
ing thereon per front or square foot
in area, and to file such plat, peci-
fications and estimate in the offi c of
the City Recorder.
That after such plat is so filed, the
City Recorder shall cause to be pub-
lished notice of the intention of the
Council to make such improvement,
which notice shall be published in
three consecutive issues of the official
newspaper of the City of Dubuque,
stating that such plat is on file, and
generally the nature of the sewer, its
location, size and kinds of material
to be used, and the estimate of its
cost, and fixing the time before which
objections can be filed, which time
shall not be less than five days after
the last publication of said notice, and
after the completion of the publication
of said notice, he shall at its next ses-
sion, notify the council thereof in writ-
ing with a printed copy of such notice
accompanying the same.
Ald. Hopkins moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thorn-
Nays —None.
Alderman Hopkins also offered the
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be and he is hereby directed
to ascertain whether or not there is a
grade established by ordinance on
Ninth street from Bluff street to the
eastern end of said street, and if not
to prepare a profile showing a grade
on said street and submit the same
to the City Council at its next session.
Ald. Hopkins moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
Alderman Closs offered the follow-
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That Adams
avenue from the southerly lot line of
First avenue to the northerly lot line
of Second avenue, be improved by
grading, curbing, guttering and ma-
cadamizing the same in accordance
with the plat and specifications for
such improvement prepared by the
city engineer and now on file in the
office of the city recorder, and be it
.further -
Resolved, That said improvement
shall be completed on or before the
1st day of July, 1907, and shall be
paid for in the manner prescribed by
Chapter XXXII of the Revised Or-
dinances of the City of Dubuciue for
the payment of the cost of street im-
The proposals for doing said work
shall be acted upon by the council on
the 4th day of April, 1907, and the city
recorder is hereby ordered to give ten
days notice by publication asking for
proposals as provided by ordinance.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Hopkins, McEvoy, Stumpf and Thom-
Nays —None.
Regular Session March 21, 1907
8 7
Ald. Thomas stated that the matter
of grade for sidewalk on Washington
street near Sanford street, has not been
settled and residents are anxious to
lay sidewalks. Ald. Clancy moved that
the matter be referred to a committee
consisting of Alds. Thomas, and Closs,
City Engineer, City Attorney and
Street Commissioner. Carried.
Ald. Thomas moved to adjourn until
April 4th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
List of City Warrants
City Recorder's Office,
Dubuque, Iowa, March 1st, 1907.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of February, 1907:
H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor...$116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30
J. A. McKinley, salary, deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 75 00
E. A. Linehan, salary, Recorder 116 65
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 80 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor... 116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
A Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
E. E. Bowen, salary, Assistant
Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher, Legal Department 20 00
Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire
Chief 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer 166 65
G. White, salary, Timekeeper... 75 00
J. B. Taylor, salary, Superin-
tendent of Street Sprinkling 60 00
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's offices 75 00
Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec-
trician 83 35
C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas-
ter 1 50 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park
Custodian 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus-
todian 10 00
Dr. Chas. Palen, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolman 60 00
T. Hackney, salary, Pound -
master 40 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00
John Mahony, salary, Sidewalk
walk inspetor 75 00
Torn Jess, Rodman 50 00
J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master ... 20 00
John Kearney, Street Commis-
sioner 83 30
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman .. 25 00
N. J. Closs, salary, Alderman.... 25 00
Tom Hines, salary, Alderman 25 00
Brad I- Iopkins, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
List of Warrants
John A. Stumpf, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
Chas. T. Thomas, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
A Duccini, fireman 65 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
W. Kannolt, fireman 55 00
B. Kirsch, fireman 50 00
G. Beyer, fireman .. 65 00
J. Dailey, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 65 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 65
W. McClain, fireman 60 00
J. Beakey, fireman 55 00
D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
T. Flynn, fireman 34 65
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzor, fireman 62 50
J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T Kennedy, fireman 65 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 55 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman .. 65 00
M. Fahey, fireman GO 00
W. O'Connell, fireman 60 00
R. Weston, fireman 65 00
F Kenneally, fireman 65 00
E. McDermott, fireman. 60 00
R. Kenneally, fireman 55 00
J. Roshin, fireman 05 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00
J. •Schoenberger, fireman CO 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
J. Connolly, fireman 50 00
J. Peecl, fireman 24 75
T. O'Meara, fireman 6 65
M. Connolly, police 55 00
James Corcoran, police 55 00
Wm. Coleman, police 7 35
John Cody, police 53 15
Wm. Donahue, police 55 00
Michael Duggan, police 55 00
Phil J. Dunphy, police l 65 00
P; J. Furey, police \ 52 25
John Fox, police 65 00
James Flynn, police 55 00
M. Fogarty, police 55 00
Ben Gray, police 55 00
Pat Hanlon, police 67 80
N. Jarding, police 47 65
Emil Kahn, police 55 00
M. Kilty, police 55 00
James Keefe, police 55 00
R. Ludescher, police... 60 00
Chas. Leist, police 60 00
Hugh Markey, police 68 25
Pat McCollins, police. 55 00
M. McCormack, police 55 00
Chas. McDonald, police 55 00
pat McInerney, police 55 00
Henry Mueller, police 53 55
John Murphy, police 49 50
John O'Brien, police 55 00
John J. O'Brien, police 55 00
51. O'Connor, police 65 00
-I, Ryan, police 55 00
John Raesle, police 65 00
Thomas Reilly, police 65 00
Peter Scharff, police 55 00
Peter Schmidt, police 55 00
H. Schroeder, police 55 00
F. Theisen, police 55 00
Patrick Sutton, police 51 35
M. Stapleton, police 44 00
Joseph Stoltz, police 55 00
Frank Williams, police 55 00
Miss Brennan, police matron 30 00
Mrs. K. Hibbe, police matron 30 00
JANUARY, 1907.
F. Arthofer, 2nd $ 7 20
Ben Hurd, 1st 21 60
Jos. Brouillette, 1st 1 15
Paul Becker, 3rd 10 50
Jerry Cahill, 1st 5 25
Tom Cahill, Its 1 50
R. Caffery, 1st 23 40
P. Cramer, 1st 13 15
Jas. Callaghan, 1st 20 00
F. Carney, 2nc1 18 00
H. Connolly, 2nd 1 80
81. Carney, 2nd, $2.25; 3rd, $9.75 12 00
51. Corbett, 3d 3 60
W. Coughlan, Health 21 00
J. P. Cooney, 1st, $6.30; 2nd,
$10.50; 3rd, $4.20 21 00
John Dobler, 1st, $6.00; 2nd,
$10.00; 3rd, $4.00 20 00
J. Eberhardt, 2nd 7 90
John Fannon, 1st 12 15
Frank Frick, 2nd 6 00
W. Flynn, 2nd 11 70
E. Fitzlaff, lst, $6.75; 2nd $11.25
3rd, $4.50 22 50
Barney Glass, 1st 16 90
Jos. Gavin, Ind 20 00
Jos. Guenther, 2nd 3 75
Peter Guenther, 2nd 2 25
P. Galle, 2nd 18 00
John Hafey, 1st 8 25
J. Hanson, 2nd 75
Herman Heier, 2nd 6 30
W. Hennessy, 3rcl 14 40
August Jass, 2nd 2 65
Fred Keck, 1st 21 60
N. Kettenhofen, 2nd 3 00
J. Kraus, 2nd 5 65
John Lowery, 1st 3 00
Fred Lillie, 2nd 75
John Malone, 3rd 5 80
J. Martinek, 3rd 19 40
James McAleese, 1st 20 70
J. McNulty, 1st 10 50
P. McPoland, 3rd 4 90
P. McPoland, 3rd 10 40
R. McGivern, 3rd 20 00
Thos. McEvoy, 3rd 28 00
John McGrath, 3rd 22 90
List of Warrants
B. McDonnell, 1st, $17.50; 2nd,
$22.50; 3rd, $10.00 50 00
J. Noonan, 2nd 6 00
M. O'Meara, 1st 3 00'
Chas. Oneil, 1st 11 65
W. Quinlan, 1st 9 00
Frank Rowe, 1st 23 40
Phil Reddin, 1st 4 15
James Ryan, 1st 21 00
A. Raab, 1st 90
H. Rowland, 1st, $26.25, 2nd,
533.75; 3rd, $15.00 75 00
N. Sweeney, 1st 19 50
John Spear, 1st 26 00
Chris. Sholl, 2nd 4 90
John Sloan, 2nd 2 65
Al. Scherr, 2nd 17 40
Frank Scherr, 2nd 20 00
M. Specht, 2nd 20 00
G. Schuster, 2nd 16 20
-W. Sommerville, 2nd 1 80-
P. Smith 3rd 4 80
W. Tobin, 2nd, 90c; 3rcl $21.00 21 90
H. J. -Veber, 2nd 19 60'
J. -Willman, 3rd 21 20
Jos. Calvert, 1st 7 65•
A. Conrad, 2nd 2 15
M. Hannan, 1st 28 05
J. Linehan, 1st 20 85,
John Leicht, 2nd 3 85
J. McQuillan, 2nd 7 65
Ed. Seeley, lst 19 15
Ott. Turner, 2nd 12 75
James Tobin, 2nd, $1.70; 3rd,
$42.10 43 80
P. Ahern 4 50
W. Barrett 13 05
H. Connolly 13 05
Frank Carney 2 25
John Furey 1 80
W. O'Brien 25 00
Geo. Reynolds 13 05
W. Sheehan 13 95
Jas. Sweeney 1 80
W. Bradley 24 65
Dennis O'Meara 3 85
D. Cunningham 22 40
E. Daley 22 40
I`. Luchterhand 22 40
W. Lillie (Booth St. Sewer —
.I. Rooney
J. Smith
C. Sullivan
I. Tacke
J. Wells (Booth St. Sew— $3.20)
JANUARY, 1907.
P. Ahern
W. Barrett
H. Connolly
Geo. Reynolds
-W. Bradley
W . Sheehan
17 60
22 40
22 40
25 00
22 40
22 40
5 40
5 40
5 40
5 40.
4 25
5 40
H. A. Schunk, settlement dam-
age claim of Anna Monteith
and Court costs $845 60
H. A. Schenk, settlement and
Court costs in damage claim
of E. Blaise 36 75
H. A. Schenk, settlement and
Court costs in damage claim
of Barbara and Anthony
Becker 95 75
Peter J. Seippel Lbr. Co., lum-
ber for road dept $ 20 35
Thos. Byrne, to rent of derrick
for road dept. for 60 days 60 00
Dr. J. J. Brownson, to profes-
sional services rendered Pat.
McMullen, who fell while
working on Bluff street ex-
tension wall 10 00
M. G. J. LaNicca, paint and oil
for road dept. 60
Chas. Giese, sharpening saws
for road dept. 2 60
M. Hannan, hauling 12 loads of
sand to city pound 15 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ice, sewer dept. horses, De-
cember and January 1 84
John J. Powers, horseshoeing
for road dept. 1 30
Dub. Wooden Ware & Lbr. Co ,
lumber for road dept 89 73
F. A. Burns, 1 1 -2 cords sawed
oak for road dept 10 50
H. C. Milligan, brooms for road
dept. 1 90
Geo. Bock, supplies and repairs
for road dept 3 95
Geo. W. Healey & Son, supplies
for road dept. 17 05
Peter Hanson, oil and hay for
road dept. 2 55
Ed. Donnolly, glazing two lights
of glass 2 50
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
road dept. 3 70
F. M. Jaegar & Co., supplies for
road dept 29 55
John Ernsdorff Iron Co., sup-
plies for road dept. 6 51
F. Scholz & Son, repairs for
road dept 11 00
Hussmann & Lies, supplies for
road dept. 16 75
A. Tredway & Sons Hardware
Co., supplies for road dept 4 10
Mettel Bros., feed and cement,
for road dept 8 55
G. F. Kliih, hardware for road
dept. 8 15
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
road dept 5 60
Peter J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
lumber for Mt. Carmel Ave 10 95
John Duggan, repairs for road
dept. 8 10
C. W. Siegele, stove and pipes
for road dept. 2 50
Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing
for sewer and road dept. 10 65
List of Warrants
Peter Even, coal for fire dept 45 59
F. A. Burns, coal for fire dept 49
Fengler & Beutin, coal for fire
dept. 15 65
Pier Bros., coal for fire dept 12 60
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire
dept. 22 58
F. G. Becker, coal for fire dept.. 36 48
Key City Gas Co., coke for
fire dept. 22 15
Geo. W. Healey & Son, horse-
shoe calks for fire dept. 32 75
John J. Powers, horseshoeing
for fire dept. 8 25
Phelan & Hanson, horseshoeing
for fire dept. 4 40
Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for fire dept 14 75
Phil Heller, horse shoeing for
for fire dept. 4 25
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe-
ing for fire dept. 12 70
Peter .J. Seippel Lumber Co ,
lumber for fire dept. 50
Dub. Wooden Ware and Lum-
ber Co., lumber for fire dept 2 75
Key City Iron Works, repairs
for fire dept. 50
H. Corrance, two 2 -gal. jugs for
fire dept. 40
Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co ,
supplies for fire dept. 10 00
F. M. Jaeger & Co., supplies for
fire dept. 1 15
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ice for fire dept. horses, Dec.
and Jan. 22 08
Union Electric Co., power for
city fire alarm system 2 00
F. Scholz & Son, repairs for
fire dept. 75
J. N. Juergens, painting 18th
street engine house doors 13 70
Mettel Bros., feed for fire dept. 1 15
Thos F. Kane, hay and oats for
fire dept. 406 01
Linehan & Molo, repairs for fire
dept. 1 15
National Refining Co., oil for
fire dept. 20 25
Dub. Rubber & Belting Co., s p-
plies for fire dept. 12 00
Key City Gas Co., light for vari-
ous departments 117 70
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for January, 1907 2105 15
Phelan & Hanson, horseshoeing
for police department 3 00
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe-
ing for police department 13 05
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ice to patrol horses for Dec.
cember and January 2 76
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
patrol horses 42 89
Pier Bros., coal for police quar-
ters 17 70
F. G. Becker, 1 cord of oak for
police quarters 5 50
Thos. J. Mulgrew, 2 cords of oak
for police department 11 00
1llilce Morrissey, sawing and pil-
ing wood for police depart.. 1 50
Henry Grode, sawing and piling
wood for police department.. 75
Ed Malloy, sawing and piling
wood for police department.. 1 00
Theo. Smith, sawing and piling
wood for police department.. 2 00
Ernest Besser, sawing and pil-
ing wood for police depart-
ment 2 00
Chas. W. Katz, meals furnished
prisoners during January ... 2 40
Geo. H. Davis Co., supplies for
Police matron's department.. 1 80
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
sewer department 60
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
sewer department 1 75
.Linehan & Molo, coal for vari-
ous departments 68 85
C. A. Noyes, repairing map in
mayor's office 40
Harger & Blish stationery for
engineers office 1 35
Iowa House Furnishing Co ,
stove for engineers office 26 00
Lorenz Eberhardt stakes for en-
gineers dept. 2 80
Geo. F. Klieh, hardware for
City Hall 1 70
C. L. McGovern recording deeds
from Fengler & Rhomberg to
City of Dubuque 1 50
H. Corrance, merchandise for
various dept. 6 20
.J. P. Buechele, taking care of
town clock from Sept 1, 1905
to Sept. 1, 1906 123 50
Peter J. Seippel Lbr. Co., lum-
her for Mayor's office 16 15
M. S. Hardie to one half the cost
of new Registration books 39 25
M. S. Hardie, stationery for
Health, Sewer dept., &
Treas 33 50
W. Singrin, 1 load dry kindling 2 75
Fischer & Co., coal for various
depts. 27 22
Mullen Bros., plumbing repairs
at City Hall 2 55
-Jas. Levi & Co., 2 roller shades
. Market Master's office 1 60
-J. W. \Vittnier, paint, oil, &
brush for use at City Hall. 2 80
Midland Chemical Co., 10 gal-
lons Anti- CI ermine 25 00
R. L. Spellerberg, repairing ash
pails for City Hall 4 00
Larry Dailey, cleaning around
market square, Dec. and Jan. 28 00
Mr. S. Corrance, stove for house
of 1st ward scales 4 00
T. H. Schilling, repairs in mar-
ket master office 75
A. E. Bradley, glazing at City
Hall 1 50
Palmer, Berg & Co., stationery
Treas. office 20 00
'0. W. Katz, 1 roller shade for
Market Master's office 25
List of \`Tarrallts
Emil Stumpf, assisting Market
Master during Jan. 46 50
L. Hartman and Son, putting
roof on Steam Roller house 84 70
H. Brinkman, interest on war-
rants outstanding 815 84
H. Brinkman, expense 19 60
H. Brinkman, special bonded
paving 3778 27
H. Brinkman, Library orders 908 03
F. Arthofer, 2nd 14 40
Ben Hurd, 1st 12 15
John Brachtenbach, 2n 1 50
Paul Becker, 3rd 14 25
Thos. Cahill, 1st -4 90
Jerry Cahill, 1st 7 50
Peter Cramer, 1st 15 40
J ames Callaghan, 1st 20 00
R. Caffery, 1st 22 05
Frank Carney, 2nd 14 00
Thos. Coffee, 2nd 14 85
M. Carney, 3rd 17 50
M. Corbett, 3rd 11 40
W. Corbett, 3rd 8 20
J. Canavan, 3rd 9 00
W. Coughlan, Health 19 50
J. P. Cooney, 1st, 35.85; 2nd,
$9.75; 3rd, $3.90 19 50
Ed. Donnelly, 3rd 9 00
John Dobler, 1st, 36.00; 2nd,
$10.00; 3rd, $4.00 20 00
J. Eberhardt, 2nd 8 25
Frank Frick, 2nd 12 00
1V. Flynn, 2nd 6 30
Pat. Farrell, 2nd 12 60
Ed. Fitzlaff, 1st, $6.75; 2nd,
311.25; 3rd, 34.50 22 50
Barney Glass, 1st 16 90
Jos. Gavin, 1st 20 00
John Gau, 2nd 75
Peter Guenther, 2nd 7 50
Peter Galle, 2nd 20 10
John Hafey, 1st 10 50
H. Heier, 2nd 11 25
W. Hennessy, 3rd 16 80
J. Kraus, 2nd 4 50
Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd 11 25
Fred Keck, 1st 16 20
John Lowery, 1st 15 75
Thos. Melloy, 2nd 1 50
Thos. Madden, 2nd 4 35
James Malloy, 2nd 5 40
J. Martinek, 3rd 22 20
N ic Martin, 3rd 14 40
J. McNulty, 1st 1 50
Jas. McCarron, 1st 14 25
Jas. McAleese, 1st 14 40
P. McPoland, 3rd 4 90
R. McGivern, 3rd 20 00
J ohn McGrath, 3rd 22 20
Thos. McEvoy, 3rd 26 00
Thos. Needham, 2nd 2 70
P. S. Norton, 3rd 9 00
J. T. Noonan, 3rd 7 20
NI. O'Meara, 1st 5 65
Chas. O'Neil, 1st 16 90
W. Quinlan, 1st 6 75
James Ryan, 1st
Phil Reddin, 1st
Frank Rowe, 1st
A. Raab, 2nd
P. Reilley, 3rd
John Spear, 1st
John Sloan, 2nd
F. Scherr, 2nd
Jos Schafetel, 2nd
M. Specht, 2nd
Al Scherr, 2nd
Geo. Schuster, 2nd
N. Sweeney, 1st
J. Sassman, 3rd
P. Smith, 3rd
Bert Smith, 3rd
W. Tobin, 3rd
H. J. Weber, 2nd
Jos. Willman, 3rd
Frank Bouk, 2nd
Jos. Calvert, 1st
M. Hannan, 1st
John Leicht, 2nd
John McQuillan, 2nd
Ed. Seeley, 1st
James Tobin, 3rd
D. Cunningham
Ed. Daley
F. Luchterhancl
W. Lillie
J. Rooney
J. Smith
C. Sullivan
J. Tacke
J. Wells
P. Ahern
W. Barrett
W. Breen
Thos. Barrett
H. Connolly
Thos. Cahill
W. Carter
M. O'Meara
Thos. O'Brien
W. O'Brien
Geo. Reynolds
W. Sheehan
Walter Bradley
Dennis O'Meara
E. Melloy, macadam
John Kness, macadam
Peter Jacobs, macadam
Ernest Schmidt, macadam
John Pullens, macadam
John McLaughlin, macadam
List of WTarrants
13 20
11 90
34 00
4 25
3 85
39 55
48 05
20 80
20 80
20 80
20 80
20 80
20 80
25 00
20 80
20 80
H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor..$116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 35
J. A. McKinley, salary, deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 75 00
E. A. Linehan, salary, Recorder 116 70
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 80 00
M. E.Lyons, salary, Auditor... 116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor 125 00
A Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
E. E. Bowen, salary, Assistant
Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher, Legal ,Department 20 00
Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 100 00
Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire
Chief 1(0 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 100 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer 166 65
G. White, salary, Timekeeper... 75 00
J. B. Taylor, salary, Superin-
tendent of Street Sprinkling 60 00
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's offices 75 00
Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec-
trician 83 35
C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas-
ter 50 00
P Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 40 00
H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park
Custodian 40 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus-
todian 10 00
Dr. Chas. Palen, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
tt olma.n 60 00
T. Hackney, salary, Pound -
master 40 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Janitress 20 00
John Mahony, salary, Sidewalk
walk inspector 75 00
Tom Jess, Rodman 50 00
J. H. Carroll. Harbor Master 20 00
John Kearney, Street Cm iis-
sioner - 83 35
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman .. 25 00
N- J. Closs, salary, Alderman.... 25 00
.Torn Hines, salary, Alderman 25 00
Brad Hopkins, salary, Alderman 25 00
E. E. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
John A. Stumpf, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
Chas. T. Thomas, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
A Duccini, fireman 65 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
W. Kannolt, fireman 55 00
B. Kirsch, fireman 50 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
J. Dailey, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 65 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 00
W. McClain, fireman 60 00
J. Beakey, fireman 55 00
D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00
p. Zilli�', fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 30 50
J , Benzor, fireman 65 40
J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman :5 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
J. Peecl, fi reman 50 00
fir Somm erville, fireman 21 20
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T Kennedy, fireman 65 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 55 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 65 00
M. Fahe fireman 60 00
yV. O 'C o n nell, fireman 60 65 00
P.. Wston, fireman 00
F Kenneally, fireman 5 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
R. Kenneally, fireman 55 00
J. Roshin, fireman 65 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00
J. Schoenberger, fireman 0 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
Theo. Bauer, police 18 35
J . Connolly, fireman 50 0 0
M. Connolly, police 55 00
James Corcoran, police 55 00
John , police 56 85
Wrn. DonahueCody , o police 55 00
Michael Duggan, police 55 00
Phil J. Dumphy, police 67 55 00 20
P. J. Furey, police
John Fox, police 65 00
James Flynn, police 55 00
M. Fogarty, police 55 00
Ben Gray, police 51 35
Pat Hanlon, police 55 0 0
N. Jarding, police 31 20
Emil Kahn, police 55 00
M. Kilty, police 55 00
James Keefe, police 55 00
B. Ludescher, police 60 0 0
Chas. Leist, police 60 00
Hugh Markey, police 65 00
Pat McCollins, police..... 55 00
M. McCormack, police 55 00
Chas. McDonald, police 27 50
Pat McInerney, police 55 00
Henry Mueller, police 55 00
John Murphy, police 55 00
John O'Brien, police 56 85
John J. O'Brien, police 53 15
T. O'Meara, police 11 0 0
M. O'Connor, police 55 00
M. Ryan, police 55 00
John Raelse, police 69 35
Thomas Reilly, police 65 00
Peter Scharff, police 55 00
Peter Schmidt, police 45 85
H. Schroeder, police 51 35
Patrick Sutton, police 55 00
Joseph Stolz, police 49 50
M. Stapleton, police 55 00
John Spielman, police 55 00
Frank Williams, police 56 85
Miss B. Brennan, police matron 30 00
List of Warrants
Miss K. Hibbe, police matron.. 30 00
Ben Burd, 1st 17 10
J. Brenner, 2nd 1 50
Paul Becker, 3rd 9 00
Jerry Cahill, 1st 3 75
Peter Cramer, 1st 6 40
J. Callaghan, 1st 20 00
R. Caffery, 1st 17 10
M. Carney, 3rd 10 35
W. Corbett, 3rd 16 60
J. Canavan, 3rd 19 80
W. Coughlan, Health.... 16 50
J. P. Cooney, 1st, $4.95; 2nd,
$8.25; 3rd, $3.30 16 50
E. Donnelly, 3rd 5 40
J. Dobler, 1st $6.00; 2nd, $10.00;
3rd, $4.00
J. Eberhardt, 2nd
M. Farrell, 1st
John Fannon, 1st
Frank Frick, 2nd
P. Farrell, 2nd
E. Fitzlaff, 1st, $6.75; 2nd,
$11.25; 3rd, $4.50
Barney Glass, 1st
Jos. Gavin, 1st
John Gau, 2nd
Peter Galle
John Hafey, 1st
E. Herbst, 3rd
\V. Hennessy, 3rd
Aug. Jass, 2nd
Fred Keck, 1st
N. Kettenhofen, 2nd
J. Kraus, 2nd
C. Kupferschmidt, 2nd
John Lowery, 1st
Ed. Malloy, 2nd
Jas. Malloy, 2nd
John llartinek, 3rd
N. Martin, 3rd
Jas. McCarron, 1st
John McNulty, 1st
Jas. McAleese, 1st
P. \IcPoland, 3rd
R. McGivern, 3rd
John McGrath, 3rd
\1. :McKeown, 3rd
Thos. McEvoy, 3rd
B. McDonald, 1st $17.50; 2nd,
$22.50; 3rd, $10.00
Thos. Neeham, 2nd
P. S. Norton, 3rd
J. T. Noonan, 3rd
James Noonan, 2nd
Chas. O'Neil, 1st
J. Peryon, 2nd
W. Quinlan, 1st
James Ryan, 1st
Frank Rowe, 1st
A. Raab, 2nd
20 00
7 50
9 00
4 50
4 50
1 80
H. Rowland, 1st $26.25; 2nd,
$33.75; 3rd $15.00 75 00
N. Sweeney, 1st 16 50
John Spear, 1st 20 00
Chris. Sholl, 2nd 6 00
Smith assess Mmorgas n Printing Co.,
ent blanks for ci 24 75
Union Printing Co., printing
for assessor's office 24 75
D & Cota, grass seed for
Phoenix Park 1 00
E. B. McCarter, repairs foun-
tain at 8th and Main Sts 10 90
Gow & Curtis, repairing foun-
tain at Arch St. 44 45
G. B. Grosvenor, supplies for
various offices 3 60
C. H. Becker Co., supplies for
various depts. 7 37
I. S. Bigelow, examination and
opinion in case of Herman
Bishop 10 00
Frank Hardie, transcript of tes-
timony in Langstaff vs. City
of Dubuque case 2 00
Emil Stumpf, assisting mar-
ket master 25 days at $1.50 37 50
Lagen &Sloan, horseshoeing
for sewer dept. 50
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ices for sewer horses 92
R. Hoffman, . repairing rubber
boots for sewer dept. 30
John Butt, repairs for sewer
F. Scholz & Son, repairs for
sewer dept.
Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
police dept. 2 50
Pier Bros., coal for police dept 29 31
Thos. Connolly Estate, repairs
to patrol wagon 2 50
Key City Iron Works, repairs
for police dept. 4 38
E. J. Mulgrew, supplies for po-
lice dept. 4 09
Martin, Strelau Co., wood for
police dept. 11 00
John Graf, sawing wood for po-
lice dept. 2 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ices for police dept. 1 38
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing for police dept. 6 25
Chas. Oswald, repairs various
depts 7 15
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies
for police dept. 3 10
Chas. W. Katz, 48 meals for
prisoners, at 20c 9 60
E. P. mith, batteries for police
dept. S 12 00
W. J. Schneider, supplies for po-
lice dept. 21 25
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for February, 1907 2105 15
Jos. J. Rowan, supplies for po-
lice dept. 2 82
McCollins Express Co., wood for
road dept. 6 00
F. A. Burns, wood for road dept. 7 00
Eichhorn & Bechtel, salt for
road dept.
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for road dept.
List of -Varrants
1 10
1 25
John M. Lee, cinders for road
dept. 21 00
M. Hannan, sand for road dept 35 00
G. 1\T. Healey & Son, supplies
for road dept. 4 10
Ellwanger Bros., supplies for
road dept. 3 60
Byrnes & Saul, gravel for road
dept. 15 75
Hussman & Lies, supplies for
road dept. 4 45
John Butt, supplies for road
dept. 8 10
Mettel Bros., feed for road
dept. 7 05
Geo. F. Klieh, supplies for road
dept. 5 40
Klauer & Kress, supplies for
road dept. 1 75
Meuser Bros., lumber for road
dept. 55 85
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for
road dept. 5 35
Geo. Pfiffner, supplies for road
dept. 30
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs for
road dept. 3 70
Duggan & Cota, supplies for
road dept. 2 25
F. M. Jaegar, supplies for road
dept. 14 85
Thos. Byrne, rent of derrick on
garbage clump 17 00
Key City Gas Co., light for vari-
103 70
ous depts.
Thos. J. Mulgrew Co., wood for
City Hall 5 60
John McDermott, repairing
plumbing at City Hall 10 05
Lyons & Lyons, supplies vari-
ous depts 2 60
Schollian & McGovern, fuel for
various depts. 24 60
John Graf, sawing wood at
City Hall 1 10
Ernest Besser, sawing wood at
City Hall 1 25
Martin Strelau Co., coal for po-
lice dept. 23 45
L. Hartman and Son, new doors
and repairs at 18th St. En-
gine House 339 10
Amer La France Fire Engine
Co., Rent of 2 Fire Engines,
to Feb 25th, 1907 1000 00
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairs elec-
tion booths 11 75
Geo. F: Kleigh, repairs elec-
tion booths 60
J. J. McCollins hauling booths
to be repaired 1 00
Ellwanger Bros., repairs elec-
tion booths 1 75
Rider, Wallis Co., repairs elec-
tion booths 3 90
L. Fay, repairs election
booths 15 10
J. Geisler, repairs election
booths 36 65
H. Brinkman, interest on war-
9 54 rants outstanding
770 18
F. Scherr, 2nd 20 00
M. Specht, 2nd 20 00
Al. Scherr, 2nd 15 75
G. Schuster, 2nd 15 75
J. Scheuer, 2nd 13 95
P. Smith, 3rd 10 35
Bert Smith, 3rd 19 80
Thos. Taylor, 2nd 10 80
W . Tobin, 3rd 15 00
H. J. Weber, 2nd 20 00
Jos. Willmans, 3rd 4 60
F. A. Burns, 2nd 11 50
F. G. Becker, 2nd 9 80
A. Conrad, 2nd 7 65
M. Hannan, 1st 11 90
J. Linehan, 1st 11 50
John Leicht, 2nd 2 15
John Long, 2nd 19 15
J. J. McCollins, 1st 7 25
J. McQuillan, 2nd 9 35
Louis Pell, 2nd 2 15
Ed. Seeley, 1st 13 60
John Stoltz, 2nd 7 65
W. Singrin, 2nd 5 95
Ott. Turner, 2nd 33 15
Jas. Tobin, 3rd 38 25
D. Cunningham 17 60
E. Daley 17 60
F. Luchterhand 17 60
V. Lillie 17 60
J. Rooney 17 60
J. Smith 17 60
C. Sullivan 25 00
J. Tacke 17 60
J. Wells 17 60
P. Ahern 18 00
W. Barrett 16 20
W. Breen 18 00
Thos. Boyce 5 40
Thos. Cahill 18 00
W. Carter 17 10
11. O'Meara 18 00
Thos. O'Brien 18 00
John O'Meara 10 80
W. O'Brien 25 00
Geo. Reynolds 18 00
\ \T. Sheehan 16 65
V\T. Bradley 38 25
J . Linehan 17 00
Dennis O'Mera 38 25
Jerry Sullivan 13 60
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary serv-
ices fire horses for month of
February 29 04
Geo. W. Healey, calks and
hardware for fire dept 10 05
Standard Lumber Co., shav-
ings for fire dept. 12 97
Linehan & Molo, supplies for
fire dept. 16 27
F. M. Jaegar & Co., supplies
for fire dept. 30
T. H. Clark, supplies for fire
dept. 8 80
List of Warrants
Key City Gas Co., light for
fire dept. 30 40
Nesler & Haumiel, plumbing
at garbage dump 12 00
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats
for fire dept. 123 84
W B. Baumgartner, supplies
for fire dept. 11 40
F. A. Burns, fuel fire dept 11 85
- Whelan & Crahan, bran for
fire dept. 1 05-
T. J. Mulgrew, coal for fire
dept. 57 90
John Newman & Son, repairs
for fire dept. 2 85
Joseph Geisler, repairs for fire
dept. 1 40
Byrne Bros., pasturing fire
dept. horses 9 00
Pitts - Thompson Foundry Co ,
1 grate for fire dent. 1 85
Thos. Connolly Estate, repairs
for fire dept. 8 10
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing for fire dept. 7 40
John Butt, repairs for fire
dept. 2 30
Lagen & Sloan, horseshoeing
for fire dept. 7 00
'Wunderlich & Wiederholt,
horseshoeing for fire dept 10 70
W. D. Heckert Co., supplies
for fire dept. 75
Jas. Walsh & Son, supplies
for fire dept. 15 25
Clark Roller Awning Co., sup-
plies for fire dept. 5 20
Fengler & Buetin, coal for fire
dept. • 14 55
National Refining Co., oil for
fire dept. 8 78
Key City Gas Co., rental aty d
inspection of 2 gas arcs for
fire dept. 1 00
Peter Even, coal for fire dept 20 05
Union Electric Co., current for
fire alarm system 2 00
Mettel Bros., bran for fire
dept. 1 15
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for
fire dept. 1 75
T. W. Ruete Drug Co., sup-
plies for fire dept. 65
L. Lindenberg, supplies for
fire and road depts. 1 95
Ellwanger Bros., repairs for
fire dept. 4 60
Fischer & Co., coal and wood
for various depts. 114 84
Key City Gas Co., supplies for
city hall 3 10
Kaep & Buechele, 1 box for
market master 25
Edw. T. Cleaver, plumbing for
various depts. 7 95
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
city hall 1 50
Mullen Bros., plumbing at city
hall 11 75
H. Brinkman, expense 47 20
H. Brinkman, Library orders
paid 434 22
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued
by ine during the month of February,
City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the City of Dubuque
hereby giants to the Ilhia,_s and West-
ern Railway, a corporation, its suc-
cessors or assigns, the light of way
and the permission ant: right to lay
down, construct, and forever maintain
and operate lines of railroad with sin-
gle or double track, the necessary
switch tracks, turnouts, signals and
accessories, for the transportation of
night, into, over, across, along and
upon public streets, highways, alleys,
and public grounds in said city as fol-
lows: Starting at the westerly end of
the High Bridge, over and across the
express at all hours of the day and
passengers, freight, baggage, mail and
levee, into, along, upon, over and across
the easterly part of Fourth Street,
diagonally into, along, upon, over and
across Bell Street, Pine Street, into,
along, upon, over and across the public
grounds known as Market Square and
Public Square, diagonally into, along,
upon, over and across Wall Street,
Market Street, Washington Street, Ce-
dar Street, into, along, upon, over and
across Sixth Street, on Jackson street,
thence along (6) Sixth Street, cross.ng
all intersecting streets and alleys to
and upon Main Street and Sixth Street,
also a hranch line commencing at a
point on the main line of said railway,
at or near Cedar Street, into, along,
upon, over and across • Cedar Street,
Sixth Street and the alleys next north
and south of Sixth Street, into, alo ^g,
upon, over and across that part of the
"one hundred foot strip" so- called,
lying between Fourth Street and the
alley next south of Sixth Street arm
easterly between the right of way of
the Chicago, Burlington and Northern
Railroad Company and Booth's Addi-
tion. The mane line of said ralroacl
Official Notices
running from the west end of the high
bridge to Main and Sixth (6) Streets,
connecting with the tracks of the Union
Electric Company; provided: That said
Illinois and Western Railway, its suc-
cessors or assigns shall build, operate
and maintain, not more than two
tracks on Fourth Street, nor more than
a single track with one turnout west
of White Street on Sixth Street. The
rights and permission aforesaid are
only those rights and permissions
which the City of Dubuque has the
power and authority to grant.
Section 2. For the purpose of con-
structing and maintaining and oper-
ating its lines of railway, said Illinois
and Western Railway, its successors
or assigns shall have the right to go
upon all of the streets, alleys, high -
ways ant public grounds /named and.
described in Section 1 hereof, and make
such excavations and grades, erect,
construct and forever operate and
maintain such trestles, bridges, via-
ducts, water -ways, storage and side-
tracks, depots, platforms, power sta-
tions, and railroad structures as said
railway may deem necessary, and shall
have the further tight and authority
to make track and overhead wire con-
nections with power houses, railroad
structures and other railroads, and at
all intersections, and to erect, construct
and forever maintain such overhead
wires and poles as said railway may
deem necessary to conduct electrical
power to and from its power' stations,
its offices and its other structures, and
along the lines of said railway, and
for signals and dispatching purposes;
Provided: That said railway shall at
all times construct and maintain be-
tween, and on foot on each side of
its rails on Sixth Street and all the
streets, alleys and highways where
its tracks are laid on the surface there-
of, the same kind of surface, finish or
pavement, that the City maintains on
said street. alley or highway, said pav-
ing or macadamizing shall be done at
such times and with such material as
the said City shall pave or macadamize
the remaining portion of the street,
alley or highway, and provided further
that the said construction work of the
said railway, insofar as relates to the
traffic and drainage facilities of Fourth
Street and Sixth Street, along the lines
of said railway, and to the streets,
alleys, and highways intersecting said
Fourth Street and Sixth Street along
the lines of said railway, and on all
other streets, alleys or hlgirways where
its tracks are laid on the surface there-
of, shall be subject to the supervision
of the City Engineer, who shall render -
a decision within a reasonable time and
in case of disagreement between said
City Engineer and said railway, the
particular matter in dispute shall be
submitted in writing to arbitrators in
the following manner: The City and
the railway each shall select a compe-
tent outside Engineer, and if the two
_so chosen cannot agree, they shall
select a third. The written signed de-
cision of a majority of said arbitrators
to be final and binding on said City
and said railway,
Section 3. The tracks of said rail -
way on Sixth Street between Main and
Clay Streets, and on all other streets,
alleys or highways where its tracks
are laid on the surface of the street
shall not be elevated above the surface
of said street, alley or highway, and
shall be so laid that carriages and
vehicles can easily and with the least
obstruction cross the same. Such
modern approved pattern of Tee rail
may be used on such tracks as are laid
on the surface of the streets, as shall
be approved by the City Council.
During the winter in the event of
heavy snow, said Railway, its success-
ors or assigns on removing the same
from said tracks shall not obstruct
the remaining portion of said street,
but in such cases shall remove there-
from any excess of snow thereon or
swept from its tracks. Any excess of
snow so thrown from its tracks which
is not removed within ten hours, may
be removed by the City at the expense
of said Illinois and Western Railway,
its successors or assigns.
Section 4. Said Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns shall
repair all damages that may be done
to the streets, alleys or highways by
the construction or maintenance of said
railway; shall also keep the space be-
tween said railway track and one foot
on each side thereof in good repair at
all times. The City Council shall have
the right to determine the necessity
for repairs and whenever said Railway,
its successors or assigns, shall refuse or
neglect to make the same within a
reasonable time after being notified in
writing, the City Council shall have the
right to make such repairs at the ex-
pense of said Railway, its successors
or assi-^,'ns.
Section 5. The said railway lines
where they are laid on the surface of
the streets, alleys or highways shall
be constructed on the established
grades of such streets, alleys or high-
ways, except where the tracks are laid
on elevated structures. The tracks laid
upon the surface of the streets, alleys
or highways shall be raised or lowered
from time to time without expense to
the City to correspond with any change
that may be made in the grade of said
streets. The gauge of said railway
shall be known as the standard gauge,
to -wit, four (4) feet eight and one -half
(8 1 -2) inches, and the center line of
the spaces between the tracks of said
railway shall coincide as nearly as
Official Notices
practicable with the center line of said
sides whereon the same are located. •
Section 6. Nothing in this ordinance
nor any privilege granted hereby shall
be construed to prevent the proper
authorities of the City of Dubuque
poll-, grading, paving, severing,
macadamizing, improving, altering or
repairing any of the streets, alleys or
highways over which the privilege of
constructing, maintaining or operating
a railway is granted by this ordinance
or upon which any railway may be
constructed under its provisions, but
all such work must be done so as to
offer as little obstruction as possible
to the passage of cars, and the owner
or owners of the railway shall have
the privilege of raising or shifting the
rails so as to avoid as much as possi-
ble the liability of obstruction during
the progress of street repairing, im-
proving or altering, consistent with the
conveniences of said City, its employees.
or contractors; Provided: That when
said Railway shall have once paved
the space between the rails and one
foot on each side thereof as herein -
before required, it shall not be required
to change the same so long as it is
maintained in good order, unless the
City shall repave the remainder of the
street with a pavement of the same or
a different character in which the Illi-
nois and Western Railway, its suc-
cessors or assigns shall repave the
space between its rails and one foot
on each side thereof.
Section 7. Whenever practicable the
City of Dubuque shall have the right
to use any poles or posts set by said
Railway, its successors or assigns, for
the extension, construction or main-
tenance of any telephone, telegraph,
or fire alarm system when such wire
or wires are used solely for the benefit
and use of said City of Dubuque for
which use there shall be no compensa-
tion to said Railway.
Section 8. The Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns,
hereby agrees to and does waive any
and all illegalities or technicalities to
any special assessment levied by the
City of Dubuque for the improvement
of streets occupied by its tracks where
said improvement shall have been done
in good faith and in compliance with
the terms of this ordinance.
Section 9. Said Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns
shall have the right to make such rea-
sonable rules and regulations for the
management of its railway and the
conduct of its business as it may deem
requisite, and the City of Dubuque
hereby reserves the right to make and
enforce the usual and ordinary police
Section 10. The rights and privileges
herein granted are on the provision
that the motive power of said railway
west of White Street be electricity, and
that the repair and car shops of said
Illinois and Western Railway shall be
located in said City of Dubuque.
Section 11. Nothing herein contained
shall be so construed as to deprive the
City of Dubuque of the right to author-
ize any other railway or street railway
to cross the tracks laid down and
maintained under the authority of this
Section 12. Any and every railroad
and street railway which shall build
its roadway and tracks to connection
with the said Illinois and Western Rail-
way, shall have the privilege of oper-
ating its cars and trains along and
over the streets, alleys and highways
named herein on the tracks of said Illi-
nois and Western Railway, upon pay-
ment of reasonable compensation to the
said Illinois and Western Railway, its
successors or assigns; Provided: That
only railroads operated by electricity
shall have the right to use the tracks
of said Illinois and Western Railway
which lies west of White Street.
Section 13. Passenger service of said
Illinois and Western Railway shall
consist of interurban trains and local
trains, and shall be not less than ten
(10) interurban trains daily in and
out of said City of Dubuque to and
from the city of Platteville, Wiscon-
son, or the vicinity thereof, and shall
operate not less than two (2) local
trains to and from the City of East
Dubuque, Illinois, hourly between the
hours of 6 a. m. and 7 p. m. Said Illi-
nois and Western Railway, its suc-
cessors or assigns, shall not in any
instance charge more than five (5)
cents for each passenger between its
terminal in Dubuque and any point
within the present limits of East Du-.
buque, Illinois. Said City of Dubuque
shall not require said Railway, its suc-
cessors and assigns, to charge less than
five (5) cents for transporting any pas-
senger within the limits of said city.
Section 14. Said City of Dubuque
hereby agrees that it will remit each
year, for a period of ten (10) years to
said Illinois and Western Railway, its
successors or assigns, all taxes levied
and collected for city purposes on said
Illinois and Western Railway. The
period of such remission shall continue
for ten (10) years from the date of the
acceptance of this ordinance.
Section 15. The said Illinois and
Western Railway, its successors or as-
signs shall hold the city of Dubuque
harmless from any liability to any per-
son injured by reason of any negligence
in the construction, maintenance or
operation of its railway, and shall be
liable for and make proper defense to
any and all claims against the City
of Dubuque for damages caused to
Official Notices
any person or property by reason of
any change of grade over any part of
the streets or alleys occupied by said
tracks, or by the construction of its
said railway across or along any street
in the said City of Dubuque, and shall
be liable for the amount of any judg-
ment recovered .against the said City
of Dubuque in any action for damages
in any such claims:
Section 16. Said Illinois and Western
Railway, its successors or assigns shall
be liable to persons injured by reason
of its neglect in the construction, main-
tenance and operation of said railway.
And should any action be commenced
or prosecuted against the City of Du-
buque upon any such claim for dam-
ages, said Railway, its successors or
assigns, shall, upon being notified of
such suit, defend the same; and should
any judgment be rendered against the
City thereon after such notice, the
amount of such judgment with costs
shall be recovered against said Rail-
way on a proper proceeding and the
record of the final judgment against
the City shall be conclusive evidence
to entitle the City to recover against
said Illinois and Western R ilway, its
successors or assigns.
Section 17. The said Ill(lois and
Western Railway, its successors or as-
signs shall complete and operate its
main line or other tracks from the
levee to Main Street within the said
City of Dubuque and to the City of
Platteville, Wisconsin, or the vicinity
thereof, within two (2) years from the
passage of this ordinance and accept-
ance of same, and upon failure to
complete and operate said railway as
above provided, then all rights hereby
granted and vested shall terminate.
Provided: That if said corporation,
its successors or assigns is delayed in
the completion and operation of said
lines of railway, or any part thereof
by order of injunction of any Court of
Record, or by strikes, or by any act
of Providence without the collusion of
said Illinois and Western Railway,
then the time of such delay shall be
excluded from the computation of time
herein described. It is expressly pro-
vided that should said Illinois and
Western Railway, its successors or as-
signs for any reason fail to use every
one of said named streets, alleys, high-
ways or public grounds, its failure to
use such street, alley, highway or pub-
lic ground shall in no way impair its
right in any of the other streets, alleys,
highways or public properties herein
referred to; Provided: That its main
line is completed and in operation by
that time.
Section 18. The said Illinois - and
Western Railway, its successors or ,as-
signs shall, before constructing any
portion of its road or track across or
along any street, alley or public place
within the City of Dubuque, ascertain
and compensate abutting property
owners for any injury that may be
caused to such property by the con-
struction and operation of said rail-
way, or by any change of grade made
in any part of any street thereby.
Section 19. The aforesaid Illinois
and .Western Railway shall be deemed
to have abandoned all rights and privi-
leges conferred by this ordinance un-
less it shall within thirty (30) days after
the passage and approval thereof by
the Mayor, file in the office of the City
Recorder a written acceptance of the
privileges hereby conferred subject to
the conditions and terms herein con-
Section 20. This ordinance shall take
effect and shall be in force from and
after its passage, and publication in
the Telegraph - Herald, the official news-
paper of Dubuque, and upon the filing
with the City Recorder by the Illinois
and Western Railway, of its written
acceptance of this ordinance.
Adopted March 4th, 1907.
Approved March 4th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald March 6th, 1907.
City Recorder.
(Official Publication).
Whereas, The City of Dubuque
through its City Council by ordinance
adopted August 2, 1886, granted to the
Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Company, a
corporation the right to construct and
- maintain from the Iowa shore of the
Mississippi River at or near the foot
of Pine Street, in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, across said river to the town of
East Dubuque, in the State of I11inois,
a. bridge adapted and suitable for the
crossing of vehicles, horsemen, foot-
men and animals, and all ordinary
uses and purposes of highway
bridges: and
Whereas, The Dubuque Pontoon
Bridge Company did construct and
maintain such bridge; and
Whereas, Said bridge is now oper-
ated by the Dubuque Bridge Company;
Whereas, The Bubuque Bridge Coro -
pany desires to make such additions
Official Notices
and alterations in said bridge, abut-
ments and approaches, and to acquire
such rights as may be necessary to
enable said Dubuque Bridge Company
to permit also the operation over its
structure of railroads and railroad
cars. Now, therefore, on the petition
of said Bridge Company and in con-
sideration of the benefits to be derived
therefrom by the City of Dubuque,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Sea 1. That the City of Dubuque
hereby grants to the Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
the permission and right to erect, con-
struct and forever maintain upon and
along its piers, structure, abutments
and approaches, a line of railroad with
single or double track, switch tracks,
turnouts, signals, and accessories, for
the transporatiot of cars, passengers,
freight, baggage, mail and express at
all hours of the day and night, on con-
dition that the Illinois and Western
Railway or its successors and assigns
build railway operate and rliantain a
line of railway from Main Street Du-
buque, Iowa, to Platteville, Wisconsin,
or vicinity.
Sec. 2. That for the purpose of con-
structing and maintaining said lines
of railroad, said Dubuque Bridge Com-
pany, its successors and assigns shall
have the right to make such alterations
and additions to its structure, abut-
ments, and approaches as said Bridge
Company may deem necessary: —to lay
down, erect, construct and forever
maintain such tracks, trestles, electri-
cal power conductors and wires and
make such track and electrical connec-
tions with railroads as said Bridge
Company may deeni necessary for the
operation of railroads and electric rail-
roads and for power transmissions, sig-
nals and despatching' purposes.
Sec. 3. That the said Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors and
assigns is hereby granted the right to
lease its tracks and railroad facilities
to railroads and electric railroads on
condition the Illinois and Western Rail-
way its successors or assigns operate
a line of railway as set out in Section
(1) one hereof.
Provided: That any and every duly
authorized railroad and electric rail-
road, which shall build its roadway and
tracks to connection with said bridge,
may have the privilege of using said
bridge tracks and bridge railroad
facilities, and operating its cars and
trains thereon upon payment of reason-
able compensation to Dubuque Bridge
Company, and under reasonable regu-
lations established by said Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors and
assi =ns.
Sec. 4. The rights and permission
herein granted are upon the express
loo Official Notices
condition that the Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
shall preserve full and ample facilities
for wagon, team and foot traffic; that
said Bridge Company shall provide on
its bridge and approaches, a separate
walk for foot passengers and operate
roadway or roadways for wagon and
team traffic, such that two teams may
conveniently pass each other when
travelling in opposite directions.
Sec. 5. The reconstruction work of
said Bridge Company in so far as re-
lates to the facilities of foot and wagon
traffic, street highway and drainage
purposes, shall he subject to the super-
vision and approval of the City Engi-
neer of the City of Dubuque, who shall
render a decision within a reasonable
time and in case of disagreement be-
tween said City Engineer and said
Bridge Company, the particular matter
in dispute shall be submitted in writ-
ing to arbitrators in the following man-
ner: The City and Bridge Company,
each, shall select a competent, out-
side Bridge Engineer and if the two
so chosen 'cannot agree, they shall se-
lect a third. The written signed decis-
ion of a majority of said arbitrators to
be final and binding on said City and
Bridge Company.
Sec. 6. The said Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns,
shall observe and practice all reason-
able precaution in and during work of
reconstruction, so that traffic shall be
as free from interruption as practicable
during said period. The Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors and
assigns shall hold the City of Dubuque
harmless from any liability to any
person injured by reason of negligence
in the construction or maintainence
of its bridge and approach or the oper-
ation of railroads on it, and shall make
proper defense to any and all claims
against the City of Dubuque for dam-
ages caused to any person or property
by the construction of its bridge and
approach, and shall be liable for the
amount of any judgment recovered
against the City of Dubuque in any
action for damages in any such claim.
Sec. 7. The said Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
shall complete its construction, alter-
ations, additions and improvements
to said bridge, abutments and ap-
proaches suitable for the successful
operation of railroads and railways
and cars and the passage of team and
fo traffic within two years from and
a'" the passage and acceptance of
this ordinance and upon failure to com-
r,lete said reconstruction, alterations,
addition and improvements is above
provided, then all rights he,' - 'by grant-
ed and vested shall cease mid termi-
Provided; that if said corporation,
its successors and assigns are delayed
in the completion and operation of
said bridge work or avy part thereof
including abutments •0t approaches,
by order or injunction of any court of
record or by strikes or act of Provi-
dence without the collusion of said
Dubuque Bridge Company, then the -
time of such delay shall be excluded
from the computation of time herein
Sec. 8. The City of Dubuque hereby
agrees to release to the said Dubuque -
Bridge Company, its successors and
assigns, and to forever forego all right,
claim and title in the said Dubuque
Bridge Company and said Bridge Com-
pany's property which existed by vir-
tue of said City h ving donated to
said Dubuque Pon on Bridge Com-
pany the sum of wenty -five Thou-
sand ($25,000) Dollars as expressed by
ordinance of the City of Dubuque,
adopted August 2, 1886, and said City
hereby agrees to forever relinquish all
claim to repayment by said Dubuque
Bridge Company, of the said sum of
Twenty -five Thousand ($25,000)) Dol-
lars on condition that the Illinois and
Western Railway or its successors or
assigns will build, operate and main-
tain a line of railway over said bridge
from (6) Sixth and Main streets Du-
buque, Iowa, to Platteville, Wisconsin,
or vicinity thereof.
Provided; That the said Dubuque
Bridge Company, its successors or as-
signs shall complete its reconstruction,
alterations, additions and improve-
ments to its bridge abutments and ap-
proaches suitable for the successful
operation of railway cars and the pass-
age of team and foot traffic, and that
there shall be constructed and in oper-
ation a line of railway from Main
Street, Dubuque, Iowa, over said bridge
to Platteville, Wisconsin, or vicinity
thereof within two years from and
after the passage and acceptance of
this ordinance, and upon failure to
complete said reconstruction, alter-
ations, additions and improvements as
above provided, and upon the failure of
construction and operation of said line
of railway, then all rights hereby
granted and vested shall terminate,
and this Ordinance shall be null and
void and of no effect; but also pro-
vided, that if said - .Bridge Company,
its successors or assigns is delayed In
the completion and ojeration of said
bridge work or any part thereof, in-
cluding abutments and approaches,
and if the completion and operation of
said line of railway be delayed by order
or injunction of any Court of Record
or by strikes or any act of Providence
without the collusion of said Bridge
Company and said railway, then the
time of such delay shall be excluded
from the computation of time herein
Sec. 9, Sections 5, 7, S and 9, of
ordinance relating to Dubuque Pon-
toon Bridge Company, passed August
2, 1S86, are hereby repealed and the
said City of Dubuque hereby agrees
that it will remit each year for a
period of ten (10) years to the said
Dubuque Bridge Company, its suc-
cessors or assigns, all taxes levied or
collected for city purposes on said
bridge. The period of such remission
shall continue for ten years from the
acceptance of this ordinance.
Sec. 10. This ordinance is granted to
the Dubuque Bridge Company, its suc-
cessors and assigns on condition that
the Illinois and Western Railway or its
successors and assigns shall complete
and operate a line of railway from
Dubuque, Iowa, over said bridge to
Platteville, Wisconsin, or vicinity
thereof, within two (2) years from the
acceptance hereof, allowance for delays
to be made as set forth in Section 8
Se 11. Nothing herein contained
shal b e construed as an admission by
the City of Dubuque, tnat said Dubu-
que Bridge Company now has any
rights under an ordinance granted to
the Dubuque Pontoon Bridge Company
passed August 2, 1886.
Sec. 12. The Dubuque Bridge Corn -
pany hereby agrees to all the provis-
ions of this ordinance,
Sec. 13 The said Dubuque Bridge
Company, its successors and assigns
may charge toll not exceeding the fol-
lowing amounts:
Each wagon, hack, or buggy with
one or two horses and driver nver
and back 25c
Automobiles each and driver 25c
Man and horse over and back 15c
Each wagon, hack or other vehicle
with four horses and driver, over
and back 40c
Each foot passenger over and back. 5c
Each l'ed horse l0c
Cattle, each 5c
Hogs, each 5c
Sheep, each 5c
Each passenger in cars one way
including railroad fare not to ex-
ceed 5c
Sec. 14. The City of Dubuque shall
not require said Dubuque Bridge Com-
pany to charge less tolls than those
set forth in Section 13 hereof.
Sec. 15. This ordinance shall domi-
nate all ordinances relating to the
Dubuque Bridge Company or its pre-
decessors, previously enacted by the
City of Dubuque, but all provisions in
prior ordinances not inconsistent here-
with nor in conflict with the provisions
.--uf this ordinance shall continue in full
force and effect upon condition that the
Illinois and Western Railway or its
Official Notices ' Ica
successors and assigns shall have a line
of railway over said bridge complete
and in operation and extending from
Dubuque, Iowa, to Platteville, Wis-
consin, or the vicinity thereof within
two (2) years from the acceptance
hereof, allowance for delays to be made
as set forth in Section 8 hereof.
Sec. 16. This Ordinance shall take -
effect and be in force from and after
its passage and publication in the Du-
buque Telegraph- Herald, the official
newspaper of Dubuque, and upon the
filing with the City Recorder by the
Dubuque Bridge Company, of its writ-
ten acceptance of this ordinance, said
acceptance to be filed within sixty days
after the date of the passage of this
Adopted March 4th, 1907.
Approved March 4th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald March 6th, 1907.
Vacation Notice.
Notice is hereby given that a propo-
sition is now pending before the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, for the
vacation of a strip of public land lying
along the north side of the ice harbor
and extending from the westerly line of
lot 7 in Block D to the easterly line of
lot 12 in Block L, in Booth's Addition
to the City of Dubuque, Ia., a plat of
which proposed vacation has been filed.
in the office of the City Engineer of
said City, and you are notified that at
a session of the said City Council to be
holden at the City Hall of Said City, on
the 21st day of March, 1907, it will be
determined whether said proposed va-
cation will be made, and you are here-
by notified to appear before said Coun-
cil at said session, and show cause, if
any you have, why proposed vacation
should not be made.
City Engineer.
Dubuque, Ia., March 4th, 1907.
Special Assessment Notice.
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the
City of Dubuque for repairing side-
walks in the months of January and
February, 1907, that special assess-
ment will be levied for the expense
thereof at the regular meeting of the
City Council upon all lots and parcels
of land on said improvement owned
by you, being subject to such special
assessment. And you are hereby noti-
fied to appear at said meeting of the
council to be held on the 21st clay of
March, 1907, and show cause, if any
you have, why said assessment should'
not be levied:
Jan. 18. —H. & E. Calahan, sub.
of Min. Lot 63 and east part
of Union Add., lot 69, 42 feet
lumber, $1.25; 1 hour labor,
50c; total $ 1 75
Jan. 18 —Frank A. Scott, Finley
Add., lot 155, 7 feet lumber,
20c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total. 45
Jan. 18. —C. E. Wales, Prospect
hill Add., lots 24 -25, 8 feet lum-
ber, 25c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
total 50
Jan. 18.— German Bank, Dor-
gan's Sub., lot 1, 37 feet lum-
ber, $1.10; 1 hour labor, 50c;
total 1 60
Jan. 18 —R. Langworthy Est ,
Glendale Add., lot 271, 15 feet
lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour labor,
25c; total 70
Jan. 18— Gabriel Weis, N. 50 feet
of N. 3 -5 of City lot 444, 8
feet lumber, 25c; 1 -2 hour la-
bor, 25c; total 50
Jan. 1S. —C. A. Walter, City lot
269, 8 feet lumber, 25c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 50
Feb. 1S —Joe Marshall, Glendale
Add., lots 161 -162, 37 feet lum-
ber, $1.10; 1 hour labor, 50e;
total 1 60
Feb. 18 —Jas. A. Mullen Est ,
East Dubuque Add., lots 44 -45,
10 feet lumber, 30c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 55
Feb. 18 —J. H. Shields, Dubuque
Harbor Co. Add., block 13, lot
8, 12 feet lumber, 35c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 60
Feb. 18— Dubuque Malting Co ,
S 21.6 feet of City lot 1, 23
feet lumber, 70c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 95
Feb. 26— German Trust and Sav-
ings Bank, Sub. 4 of City 673,
lot 2, 10 feet lumber, 30c;
1 -2 hour labor, 25c; totaI 55
Feb. 26— Nicholas Glab, Finley,
Waples & Burton Add., lots
129 -130, 10 feet lumber, 30c;
1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total 55
Feb. 26 —A. L. Collier & L. H.
Langworthy (Est.), East Du-
buque Add., lot 372, 103 feet
lumber, $3.10; 2 hours labor,
$1.00; total 4 10
Total $14.90
3- 12 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Garbage Contractors.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
4 o'clock p. m., March 21st, 1907, for
the removal of garbage and dead ani-
mals for the season of 1907, in the
districts herein below designated, all
of said garbage to be hauled and
dumped at the city dump, at the foot
of Railroad avenue.
Official Notices
First District —All the territory
south of Eighth Street and Julien
avenue extended.
Second District —All territory lying
between Eighth street and Julien ave-
nue extended and Seventeenth street
and West Seventee th street extended.
Third District All territory lying
north of Seventeen th and West Seven-
teenth streets extended.
Garbage must be removed once a
day in the down town districts and
twice a week on the bluffs during the
months of May, June, July and Oc-
tober, and once a day in the down
town districts and three times a week
on the bluffs during the months of
August and September.
Bidders must state the price per day
for removing in each district, and the
price per day in the entire city.
A certified check of $50.00 on some
Dubuque bank must accompany each
bid as a guarantee that a contract
will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
3- 14 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice to Vault Cleaners.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
4 o'clock p. m. March 21, 1907, for
cleaning of vaults in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, for the season of 1907.
Bidders will state the price per
cubic foot below the bluffs and the
price per cubic foot on the bluffs.
The city reserves the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
3- 14 -3t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Whereas the Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works, a corporation organized under
the laws of Iowa, has petitioned the
City Council of the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, to grant and vacate to them a
strip of public land located between
the north side of the ice harbor and
the south line of Blocks D, E & L of
Booth's Addition to the City of Du-
buque and extending from the westerly
line extended of Lot 7 of Block D east-
erly to the westerly line extended of
Lot 13 of Block L of said Booth's Ad-
dition, said strip being a portion of
the levee on the north side of the ice
harbor of the City of Dubuque, Iowa;
Whereas said ground has been set
apart for levee, street and other pub-
lic pur0OSes; and
Whereas the use of said ground has
been in the greater part abandoned
for such public purposes; and
Whereas the Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works are extensively engaged in the
manufacture of steel boats and boilers
upon the adjoining said property and
have machinery and buildings thereon
especially adapted to the building of
boats ad
Whereas nd said boilers: Du b n un ue Boat & Boil-
er Works employ a large number of
men in building boats and boilers; and
Whereas it is to the public interest
that said Dubuque Boat & Boiler
Works continue in the manufacture of
steel Boats and boilers in the City of
Dubuque and thereby continue to give
employment to a great number of cit-
izens of the City of Dubuque; and
.Whereas there is no other place in
the City of Dubuque suitable for the
construction of such boats as are built
by said Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works
and which is of less use to the public
than said herein above described
property; and
Whereas said above described prop-
erty has for a great number of years
been used for the same purposes; and
Whereas said Dubuque Boat & Boil-
er Works have on January 2nd, 1907,
petitioned the City Council of the City
of Dubuque to vacate and grant to
them said above described property on
condition that the same be used for the
purposes of manufacturing of steel
boats and boilers; and
Whereas by direction of the City
Council of the City of Dubuque the
City Engineer has made a plat show-
ing said portion of said property pro-
posed to be vacated and filed the same
in his office for public inspection and
due notice has been given to all abutt-
ing property owners, and ten days
notice of said proposed .vacation has
been published in the official paper of
the City and said proposed action has
been submitted to the City Council at
two regular sessions; and
Whereas it appears that no valid ob-
jections have been made to the vaca-
tion of said portion of said property
and said portion of said above describ-
ed property is not required for street
or other public purposes, now there-
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Official Notices 103
Sec. 1. That that portion of the levee
property between the north side of the
ice harbor and the south line of Blocks
D, E & L of Booth's Addition to the
City of Dubuque and extending from
the westerly line extended of Lot 7 of
Block D, easterly to the westerly
line extended of Lot 13 of Block
L of said Booth's Addition,
said strip being a portion of the levee
on the north side of the ice harbor in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, be and the
same is hereby vacated and annulled
and the permanent use thereof is
hereby granted to the Dubuque Boat
& Boiler Works and its successors and
assigns for the purpose of manufactur-
ing and building steel boats and boilers
on condition and for the consideration
that said property be used for the pur-
pose of building steel boats and boil-
ers, and that said Dubuque Boat &
Boiler works erect buildings and struc-
tures thereon suitable for the purpose
of carrying on said work, and on the
further condition that said Company,
its successors or assigns employ con-
tinuously throughout the year an aver-
age of not less than 25 men, unless
they be prevented from so doing by
fire, strikes or accident, in which event
they shall have a reasonable time in
which to overcome same by recon-
structing its machinery, buildings, etc.
provided that if at any time the said
Dubuque Boat & Boiler Works, its suc-
cessors and assigns should cease to
use the premises above vacated for
the purposes of steel boat building
therein mentioned for the period of
five years, except on account of fire,
strikes or unavoidable accident, then
the property so vacated shall revert
back to the City of Dubuque and
this ordinance shall be null
and void: provided further that the
City of Dubuque hereby reserves and
retains the right to lay any and all
sewers or drains which it deems nec-
essary over and across said property;
provided further that any boats using
the ice harbor shall when permitted
by the Harbor Master & Harbor Com-
mittee have the privilege of tying up
over winter on any of the above de-
scribed vacated property not used and
occupied by the said Dubuque Boat &
Boiler Works, its successors and as-
Sec 2. This ordinance shall be in force
and take effect from. and after its ac-
ceptance by the Dubuque Boat & Boil-
er Works and after its passage and
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald, the official news-
paper of the City of Dubuque.
Adopted March 21st, 1907.
Approved March 23rd, 1907.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph - Herald March 25th, 1907.
3- 25 -1t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
Section. 1. That whenever it shall ap-
pear to the City Council that any prop-
erty owner on any street, alley, avenue
or public highway, along which a sani-
tary sewer has been constructed, has
failed, neglected or refused to make
proper and necessary house connections
therewith, in accordance with the order
of the Board of Health, the City
Council may by resolution order such
sewer connections to be made by such
property owner, and said resolution
shall state the name of the owner or
owners of the property to be thus con-
nected by sewer, with a description of
the property and fix the time in said
order within which connections shall
be made, and shall also recite that if
said connections are not made by the
time specified, the Council shall order
such work and connections made and
assess the costs and expenses thereof
against the property to be thus con-
nected by sewer.
Sec. 2. A copy of said resolution
duly attested by the City Recorder
shall forthwith be served upon such
property owner or owners, or his or
their duly authorized agent or attor-
ney; the service thereof shall be made
by the City Chief of Police or Sani-
tary Officer, who must endorse thereon
his return and file the same with the
City Recorder. Whenever it appears
that such property owner or owners
are non - residents and have no duly au-
thorized agent or attorney upon whom
service can be made. then the City Re-
corder shall give ten days' notice
thereof by publishing same in the of-
ficial paper of the City of Dubuque for
three consecutive times and the serv-
ice of the copy of said resolution, as
herein provided by publication, shall
be deemed sufficient to require such
property owner to make said sewer
Sec. 3. Whenever any property
owner who has been duly served with
notice to make such sewer connections
shall neglect or refuse so to do, in ac-
cordance with the notice in the time
therein stated, then, and in that case,
the Council may order plans and speci-
fications of the sewer connections con-
templated to he made with an esti-
mate of the cost thereof by the City
Engineer, which plans and specifica-
tions and estimate shall be submitted
Official Notices
to the City Council for approval, and_
if approved by said Council, an order
shall be made that such plans and
specifications and estimate shall be
served upon the persons refusing to
wake such sewer connections, with a
notice that if such connections are not
so made within ten days after the time
of such service, that said work shall
be done by the City in accordance with
the plans and specifications so served
and submitted and shall be taxed
against the property of the person thus
failing to make such sewer connec-
tions. _
Sec. -1. Whenever any property own-
er who has been thus duly served with
—plans and specifications and the es-
timate of the work to be done to make -
such sewer connections, —shall neglect
or refuse to so make such sewer con-
nections then, and in that case, the
Council may, by resolution, order the
same to be done by contract in ac-
cordance with such plans and specifica-
tions, and for that purpose shall ad-
vertise in the official paper of the City
for three times within a period of ten
days for proposals for constructing
said house drains or connection sew-
ers; said work to be done under the
supervision of the City Engineer and
Committee on Sewers, and upon the
completion of said work and accept-
ance thereof by the City Council the
City Engineer Shall report to the Coun-
cil the cost thereof and the City Coun-
cil shall levy an assessment against
the specific property of the owner
thereof in an amount equal to said
costs and expenses.
Sec. 5. The Council shall then di-
rect the Recorder to give ten clays' no-
tice either by two publications in the
official newspaper or by mailing a no-
tice to the owners of the property that
the proposed assessment is to be made,
stating the amount and for what
cause the expense was incurred and
that objections may be made in writ-
ing and filed with the Recorder dur-
ing said ten days, and the Council
having considered such objections shall
make the assessment which shall be
collected in the same manner with
like penalties as general city taxes.
Sec. 6. This ordinance shall be in
force and effect from and after its
passage and publication in the Du-
buque Teiegraph - Herald, the official_
newspaper of the City of Dubuque,
Adopted March 21st, 1907.
Approved March 23rd, 1907.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph - Herald March 25th, 1907.
3- 25 -1t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication).
- pNTEES."
Be it Ordained by the City Council
of OI the City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Section 1 of an
Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance
amending Chapter 23 of the Revised
'Ordinances of the City of Dubuque of
1901, being an Ordinance fixing the
salary and compensation of officers
and appointees, be and the same is
hereby amended as follows:
Chief of Police -- $1500.00 per annum.
Police Captains — $75.00 per month.
Police Sergeants — $70.00 per month.
Detectives - 070.00 per month.
Patrol Driver - 365.00 per month.
Patrolmen - 060.00 per month.
Police matrons — $35.00 per month.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect on and after
April 1. 1907, and after its publication
In the Dubuque Telegraph- Herald, the
official paper of the City of Dubuque.
Adopted March 21st, 1907.
Approved March 23rd, 1907.
Published officially in the Daily
• Telegraph- Herald March 25th, 1907.
3- 25 -It. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
The City of Dubuque, Iowa:
Section 1. That Sec. 1 of Chapter 23
of the Revised Ordinances of 1901 of
the City of Dubuque, being an ordi-
nance fixing the salary and compensa-
tion of officers and appointees be and
the same is hereby amended by strik-
ing out "$1,000" after the words "City
Electrician" and inserting in lieu there-
of "$1,200" and also by striking out
"$600" after the words "Sewer In-
spector" and inserting in lieu thereof
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect on and after
April 1, 1907, and after is publication
in the Dubuque Telegraph - Herald, the
Official Notices I05.
official newspaper of the City of Du-
buque, Iowa.
Adapted March 21st, 1907.
Appi owed March 23rd, 1907.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph- Herald March 25th, 1907.
3- 25 -1t. City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
That the rules, regulations and provis•
ions of the Board of Health of the
City of Dubuque, be and are hereby
ratified, adopted and confirmed as an
ordinance of the City of Dubuque, the
same being as follows: •
WORDS. 2. Whenever the word own-
er shall be mentioned in these rules,
it shall be construed to mean lessor,
lessee, managers, agents and occu-
pants or persons who in any capacity
have the care or the custody or the
charge of the premises referred to in
any rule in connection therewith.
• Whenever the word householder is
mentioned in these rules, it shall be
construed to mean any person acting
in any capacity under whose care and
control the house is kept. Whenever
the word property is mentioned in
these rules, it shall be construed to
include real and personal property.
Whenever the word sanitary officer is
mentioned in these rules, it shall be
construed to mean any person author-
ized by the Board of Health to carry
into effect its orders and this ordi-
nance. Whenever the word person is
used in these rules, it shall be con-
strued to include corporations. When-
ever the word law is mentioned in
these rules, it shall be construed to
mean the laws of Iowa found in the
Code of 1907 and the Supplement and
Amendments thereto.
Whenever anything is commanded to
be performed or forbidden and en-
joined to be done in connection with
any premises within the jurisdiction
of the Board of Health of the City of
Dubuque, it shall be the duty of the
lessee, Occupant, Owner, person or
corporation having control of such
premises to cause a compliance with
such regulation by doing such acts as
T o6
are commanded and preventing the
doing of acts that are forbidden, and
to put and keep the premises in the
condition enjoined.
4. Owners, lessees, occupants and
those having the care and control of
buildings within the jurisdiction of
this Board shall keep such buildings
together with the alleys adjoining
thereto in a clean and wholesome con-
dition and free from filth, stagnant
water and other unsanitary conditions
which tend to promote or cause dis-
ease, and shall at any reasonable hour
•permit the Board of Health or sanitary
officer to freely and fully inspect such
premises, building and buildings, and
shall answer all pertinent questions in
reference to the sanitary condition of
such premises and anything thereon
or therein.
Privy vaults, cess pools and other con-
duits and reservoirs of filth within the
City of Dubuque into which any water
closet, sink or stable is drained, shall
not unless the same be made water-
tight be allowed within fifty feet of
any source of water used for drinking
or culinary purposes, and such vaults,
cess pools, conduits and reservoirs
shall not be allowed to in any manner
discharge their contents in any quan-
tity upon the adjacent surface or into
any street, alley, lot or common except
by special permit of the Board of
Health, and 110 privy vault, water
closet or cess pool shall be construct-
ed within two hundred and fifty feet
of a public sewer unless connection be
made with such sewer.
USED. 6. Whenever any privy vault
or cess pool within the City of Dubu-
que shall cease to be used for such
purpose the owner thereof shall im-
mediately notify the sanitary officer of
the discontinuance of such use and
such officer shall see that the contents
of such vault shall be removed and
the vault cleaned and disinfected as
directed by the Board of Health, and
no privy vault shall be of less depth
than 10 feet, nor shall such vault be
allowed to fill to a greater height than
3 feet from the surface of the ground.
ODORS. 7. Privy vaults, cess pools
and reservoirs of filth within the City
of Dubuque shall at all times be kept
free from offensive odors and the con-
tents thereof shall be removed at least
once a year or so often and in such
manner as the Board of Health may
prescribe, and such vaults, cess pools
and reservoirs of filth, after the re-
moval of the contents thereof, shall
be thoroughly disinfected in such man-
ner as the Board of Health may direct,
and any vault, cess pool and reservoir
of filth may be disinfected whenever
Official Notices
the Board of Health deems it neces-
Householders, owners, lessors, lessees,
keepers, managers, and agents of any
tenement house, lodging house, board-
ing house, house or manufactory with-
in the City of Dubuque shall provide
for the use of tenants, lodgers, board-
ers, employes or occupants thereof
adequate water closets or privy ac-
commodations, and said closets shall
be kept clean and well ventilated.
Water closets compartments must
open to the outer air or be ventilated
by means of a shaft or an air ducal
and such shaft or air duct shall be
constructed so as not to emit the fumes
or odors of said closet in such manner
as to be a source of trouble or nuis-
ance to adjacent residents.
shall not throwl or permit or cause to
be thrown into any privy vaults, cess
.pools, sink or vault within this city,
any garbage, offal, swill or other
household refuse, nor shall any per-
son discharge or cause to be discl'arg-
ed into any privy vault the slops or
water running through or from any
sink or drain 'or waste pipe within
any dwelling or building.
MOVED. 10. Householders, owners,
lessors, lessees, managers and agents
of any building or tenement, restaurant
or hotel within the City of Dubuque
where slops, kitchen offal or decaying
vegetables accumulate, shall provide,
keep and cause to be used an iron
can with tight cover or other proper
receptacle for such waste in a con-
venient place for removal at least
twice a week between the 1st day of
May and the 1st day of November of
each year from premises designated
by the City Council as the scavenger
district, the collecting thereof to be
done by the City Scavenger.
Manure and other waste matter in-
cluding any solids and liquids of what-
ever kind not removed by the scav-
enger must be disposed of in such
manner as not to cause offense or
unsanitary conditions and may be de-
posited at such places as the Board
of Health and the City Council may
IN STREAMS. 12. No person or per-
sons shall throw or cause to be
thrown into any gutter, lake, pond,
stream, creek or any other body of
water or upon the banks thereof with-
in the limits of the City of Dubuque,
any animal or vegetable matter, gar-
bage, rubbish, slops, offal, butcher's
waste, street sweepings, manure,
straw, hay, animal bedding, ashes,
night soil, contents of cess pools or
privy vaults, or any other nauseous
or unwholesome substance, fluid or
thing, except at the garbage dump
designated by the city.
ASHES, ETC. 13. Ashes and
street sweepings when free from ani-
mal and vegetable matter, night soil,
and all noxious substances may be
used for filling purposes in such places
as the Board of Health or the City
Council may designate.
14. All wells within the City of Du-
buque wherein the water is perceptibly
or demonstrably impure or which are
situated so as to be liable to contam-
ination from drainage or other cause,
shall not be used for drinking or cul-
inary purposes or for any purpose
which may endanger the public
health,' and the use thereof therefore
shall be discontinued upon the order
of the Board of Health.
TERIALS. 15. Materials which emit
offensive odors during combustion
shall not be burned within the City
of Dubuque without permission from
the Board of Health.
ITED. 16. No meat, fish, game, fowl,
fruit, vegetables, milk, ice or any ar-
ticle of food or drink intended for
human food and consumption which
is stale, unhealthy, unsound, tainted,
putrid or unwholesome shall be sold,
bartered or kept for barter or sale in
any public or private market, store,
shop or place within the corporate
limits of the City of Dubuque. And
it shall be the duty of any person hav-
ing knowledge of the violation of this
section to report the same to the Board
of Health.
sheep and other animals intended to
be slaughtered and used for human
food shall not be confined in any stable
or place within the City of Dubuque
in which, in the judgment of the Board
of Health, the supply of fresh air,
water and food is insufficient for the
preservation of their health and whole-
some condition as human food, and
no milk which has been obtained from
cows that are sick or diseased, or
that have been fed on swill, offal or
other refuse shall be sold or offered
for sale within the corporate limits
of the City of Dubuque.
18. Stables, stalls and places within
the City of Dubuque in which horses,
cows and other domestic animals are
kept must be maintained in a clean
and sanitary condition, and the owner,
lessors and lessees of said stables,
stalls and places, and the owners of
such domestic animals shall be jointly
and severally liable for the violation
of the rule.
Official Notices 107
BANKS. 19. No person or persons
shall deposit or cause to be deposited
any manure, offal or other night soil
from any barn, livery or feed stable
or from any other building or place
upon the banks of or in the Mississippi
river at any place within the limits
of the City of Dubuque other than the
place designated therefor by the Board
of Health or the City Council.
ETC. 20. No person shall bring or
cause to be brought or aid in bringing
into the City of Dubuque any person
sick with or any person infected with
Asiatic cholera, smallpox, varioloid,
diphtheria, yellow fever, typhoid and
typhus fever, scarlet fever, measles or
any other contagious or infectious dis•
ease. No public owner or other person
or corporation shall deposit or leave
within the City of Dubuque the dead
body of any pauper or emigrant en
route through the city unless death
occurred after leaving the station stop-
ped at before reaching this city.
21. Every physician practicing within
the City of Dubuque shall give imme-
diate notice to the Board of Health
on blanks presented by such Board of
every case of Asiatic cholera, small-
pox, diphtheria, membranous croup,
scarlet fever, scarlatina, typhoid fever,
typhus fever, yellow fever or other
infectious and contagious diseases or
diseases dangerous to the public health
of said city which he may be called
to attend professionally. Where no
physician is in attendance it shall be
the duty of the nurse or any person
having charge of the patient or being
the head of the family of which the
person sick is a member, or having
the care, custody or control of the
house in which the person is sick to
give notice in like manner as required
herein of physicians. And every sub-
sequent case of contagious or infec-
tious disease which may occur in the
family or at the same residence while
the same is under quarantine shall in
like manner be reported to the Board
of Health.
REPORT. 22. Every householder
within the City of Dubuque in whose
dwelling there shall occur a case of
smallpox, cholera, yellow fever, scarlet
fever, diphtheria, membranous croup,
typhoid or typhus fever, measles or
other dangerous contagious diseases,
shall immediately notify the Board of
Health of the sane, and until instruc-
tions are received from said Board,
shall not permit clothing or any other
article that may have been exposed to
infection to be removed from the
house and no occupant of such house
shall take up residence elsewhere with-
out consent of the Board.
23. No removals of persons sick with
any of the diseases specified in Section
20 of these rules and c egulations shall
be made at any time within the City
of Dubuque, except with consent and
under the direction of the Board of
Health, and when necessary the Board
will direct the removal of such person
to some proper place for the care of
such persons to some proper place for
the care of such person. Persons af-
flicted with any such disease shall be
kept separate from all persons liable
to contract or communicate the dis-
ease, and access to such person or
persons shall only be allowed to phy-
sicians and nurses.
QUARANTINE. 24. It shall be the
duty of the Board of Health, through
the sanitary officer, immediately on
receiving notice of the existence of a
case of Asiatic cholera, smallpox, vari-
oloid, diphtheria, membranous croup,
typhoid fever, typhus fever, yellow
fever, scarlet fever, scarlet rash, scar -
letina, measles, or other dangerous
contagious diseases within the City of
Dubuque, to take such measures as
may be necessary and proper for the
restriction and suppression of such
disease and to investigate all the cir-
cumstances attendant upon the oc-
currence of the same, and provide for
the proper care and maintenance of
all quarantined persons. In case of
doubt as to the true nature of the dis-
ease or for other good reasons, the
physician and Board of Health shall
have power to call to their aid any
competent physician with whom to ad-
vise with reference to the course
proper to be pursued for the public
safety; and the reasonable fees of any
physician so called upon for advice
shall be audited by the Board of
Health and paid in the same manner
as required by law in other expenses
of quarantine. Where the disease is
measles, whooping cough and chicken
pox the premises shall not be quar-
antined, but they shall be placarded
with a danger card unless otherwise
ordered by the Board of Health. And
it shall be the further duty of the
Board to disinfect or cause to be dis-
infected the premises whereon such
quarantined diseases shall occur, to-
gether with all such furniture, bed-
ding, clothing or other articles as
provided by the regulations of the
State Board of Health, which disinfec-
tion shall be done under the super-
vision of the health physician.
SAME —SAME. 25. The mayor and
sanitary officer, immediately on re-
ceiving notice of the existence of a
case of smallpox, varioloid, diphtheria,
membraneous croup, scarlet fever, or
any other dangerous contagious dis-
ease within the City of Dubuque, shall
post or cause to be posted in a con-
Official Notices
spicuous place, 'upon the outside front
of any building wherein such disease
exists, a placard showing in plain
letters the name of such disease, etc.,
such placard to be maintained during
the existence of the disease and until
the premises have been properly clean-
ed, disinfected and purified and until
quarantine is released.
the purpose of these rules and ordi-
nance, quarantine within the City of
Dubuque shall be deemed to be:
(1) The placing upon some con-
spicuous place on each building, hall,
lodging room or' _place wherein exists
a contagious or infectious disease, as
will best protect 'the public health, of
a card not less than 18 inches square,
having printed thereon in large letters
the word "Quarantine," the name of
the disease, and the words, "No per-
son shall be permitted to enter or
leave these premises except as provid-
ed by law while it is quarantined, un-
der the penalty provided by law."
(2) The separation of the sick
from all other persons, if possible, and
from all persons except those in
actual attendance thereon.
(3) The complete exclusion of all
persons from the premises except as,
permitted by the Board of Health.
(4) That no person shall leave said
Premises except the attending physi-
cian without permission therefor sign-
ed by the Mayor.
(5) That no article that has been
used on or about said premises, or
on or about the person sick with a con-
tagious or infectious disease, shall be
removed from the premises or the sick
room until the same has been prop-
erly disinfected.
(6) Nurses who have been employ-
ed to care for persons sick with con-
tagious or infectious diseases may be
released from quarantine when their
services are no longer required upon
the order of the Mayor. Before leav-
ing the premises there must be thor-
ough disinfection of their person and
(7) Isolation means the complete
exclusion of all other persons from the
sick except the nurse and attending
physician; that the nurse shall be re-
strained from going from the premises
or mingling with the family; that all
well persons shall be prevented from
contact with bedding, clothing, food
or other articles that have been used
about the sick.
(8) When a family is quarantined
for diphtheria, the head of the fam-
ily, or bread winner, may, at the dis-
cretion of the Board of Health, have
the privilege of attending his reg-
ular business, and of going to and
from his house only when complying
with the following conditions, and the
mayor shall issue a permit Therefor:
First —He shall change his clothing
before going to his place of business
and leaving his home to go to his
place of business.
Secondly —He shall wash his hands,
fare, head and beard with a two per
cent solution of carbolic acid each time
before leaving his Home before going
to his place of business.
Thirdly —While in the house he shall
not act as nurse or live in the same
room as the sick person.
Fourthly —He shall not attend any
public meeting or attend any place
where persons are congregated.
Fifthly —This privilege shall not be
granted to school teachers, nor to any
person whose business brings him in
intimate contact with children, nor to
any person before signing a card with
these rules of permission endorsed
thereon by the Mayor and attested by
the clerk of the Board of Health.
Quarantine shall be established and
maintained within the City of Dubuque
in each and every case for the period
named herein, to -wit:
Smallpox, forty days.
Scarlet Fever (Scarlatina, Scarlet
Rash), thirty -five days.
Diphtheria (Membranous Croup),
thirty -five days.
Asiatic Cholera, twenty -one days.
Yellow Fever, twenty days.
ever there is complete recovery or
death of persons who have been sick
with a contagious disease, and there
are no further exposures thereto, the
quarantine may be released from the
order of the Board of Health, although
the period prescribed herein has not
elapsed, providing no release of quar-
antine shall be permitted until at least
seventeen days have elapsed after the
recovery of the last case and proper
disinfection of persons and premises
is made as herein provided.
After death or recovery of persons
sick from contagious or infectious dis-
eases, the room, furniture, property
and other contents not to be destroyed
shall be thoroughly disinfected accord-
ing to these rules and the regulations
made by the State Board of Health.
If the disease was scarlet fever
(scarlatina, scarlet rash), or smallpox,
the paper on the walls and ceiling,
if any there shall be, shall be remov-
ed completely and burned. If the dis-
ease was diphtheria, typhoid fever or
measles the paper on the wall shall be
thoroughly dusted and brushed.
TICE. 30 No person or persons shall
reprove, deface or in any way inter-
fere with any placard or danger sig-
nal placed on any quarantined prem-
ises within the City of Dubuque by
the Board of Health. No such pla-
Official Notices
card or danger signal shall be remov-
ed except by order of the mayor, sani-
tary officer or other authorized per-
During the existence of any contagious
or infectious disease in any family,
household or place in this city and
until after the recovery of the sick
and the disinfection of the premises
where such disease shall have existed,
no person residing in such house, fam-
ily or place, shall be permitted to at-
tend any public or private school,
church, theater or place without writ-
ten permission from the mayor. And
no superintendent, teacher or officer
of any school shall permit any children
or person from any such family, house-
hold or place to attend such school
without a permit from the Board of
Health on recommendation of the at-
tending physician showing thorough
disinfection of person, clothing and
premises. The disinfection of apart-
ment houses or premises and property
quarantined by the Board of Health
for contagious diseases shall be done
in a manner satisfactory to the Board
of health and under the direct super-
vision of the Health Physician or other
authorized person.
TO BE USED. 32. No superintend-
ent, principal, teacher or officer of any
school within the jurisdiction of this
Board of Health shall permit to be
returned to or used in any school,
school books, slates or other school
room articles that may have been be-
come infected by being kept or used
in any family or house quarantined
by this Board for contagious or in-
fectious disease, and is hereby made
the duty of every school teacher and
school officer who discovers or who
has knowledge of a case of contagious
or infectious disease to cause the fact
to be immediately reported to the
HOUSES. 33. No room or place with-
in the City of Dubuque in which there
has been any of the contagious or in-
fectious diseases, named in Section 20
of these rules and regulations shall be
rented or occupied unless the same
has been thoroughly cleaned and dis-
infected, and such cleaning and disin-
fection be approved by the health phy-
sician and Board of Health. And it
shall be the duty of the sanitary officer
to maintain a danger signal on any of
such premises until such disinfection is
HACKS—USE OF. 34. No hack,
omnibus, street car or other closed
vehicle used for the conveyance of
living passengers within the City of
Dubuque shall be used or employed to
carry any one dead with any con-
tagious or infectious disease; nor with
the knowledge of the owner or driver
thereof carry any person or article
liable to communicate such disease ex-
cept by a special permission from the
Board of Health. No public funeral
.shall be held of any person who has
died from any of the diseases named
in Section 20 hereof and no publid
funeral shall be held in the house nor
in any premises where there is a case of
nor where a death has recently oc-
curred from any of said diseases.
WAGONS. 35. When Asiatic cholera,
smallpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever
(scarlatina, scarlet rash), membran-
ous croup, typhoid fever or typhus
fever, measles, or any other contagious
disease, exists in any dwelling place
of a dealer in or seller of milk within
the City of Dubuque, he shall immedi-
ately discontinue and cease to give,
sell or distribute milk to any person or
family, or to creameries or butter fac-
tories, or in any wise handle such milk
until a permit is granted from the
Mayor on recommendation of the phy-
sician. And no person who attends
cows and the milking, or who has the
care of milk vessels, or the sale or dis-
tribution of milk, shall be permitted to
enter any premises or place where ex-
ists any of the diseases named herein,
nor have any connection, direct or in-
direct, with any person who resides
in or is an occupant of any such infect-
ed place; nor shall any milk or butter
be given away, sold or distributed with-
in the City of Dubuque from such in-
fected place.
CARED FOR. 36. The body of a per-
son who has died from any of the dis-
eases enumerated in Section 20 of these
regulations, shall not be removed from
the sick room until it has been wrapped
in a cloth saturated with a solution of
corrosive sublimate (one ounce to six
gallons of water), and then tightly en-
closed in a case or coffin. The body
then shall be buried immediately with-
out the attendance of any person other
than is necessary for the interment
PERMIT. 37. No person shall remove
or cause to be removed or cleaned, or
carried within the City .of Dubuque, the
contents of any privy vault or cess pool
without first having obtained a written
permit or order to do so from the
Board of Health or sanitary officer of
said City, and it shall be the duty of
such person or persons to comply with
all the requirements and conditions of
such order or permit.
WAGONS. 39. Every owner or driver
of any scavenger wagon, cart, tank or
vessel within the City of Dubuque shall
Official Notices
submit the said wagon, cart, tanllc or
vessel for inspection to the sanitary of-
ficer of said city once each month and
oftener when so required by said of-
ficer, and if the condition of said wagon,
tank or cart is not approved by said
officer it shall be the duty of such own-
er or driver to keep the same out of
service until it is cleaned or repaired
as directed by the Board of Health.
IZED. 40. No night soil or the con-
tents of a cess pool shall be removed
unless previously deodorized by some
recognized system approved by the
Board of Health and during such re-
moval the same shall be covered with a
layer of fresh earth, unless such re-
moval be by the odorless excavation
process, or in a "water -tight tank or
KEPT IN REPAIR. 41. It shall be
the duty of every owner or driver of
any scavenger wagon, cart or tank
within said city, to keep such wagon,
cart or tank in good repair; to avoid
overloading the same or spilling its
contents and to keep a close cover over
such cart, wagon or tank while driv-
ing the same upon the public streets
and alleys, and if any of the contents
shall be spilled or fall from any such
vehicle upon any sidewalk, street or
premises, it shall be the duty of such
owner or driver to replace the same
immediately and remove all traces
12. It shall be the duty of every per-
son who is engaged in the removal,
loading, unloading or conveying with-
in said city of the contents of any
privy vault, cess pool or any other of-
fensive filth or noxious substance, to
do the same neatly and with dispatch
and avoid all unnecessary offense in
doing so; and no person shall cause
any vehicle carrying such filthy and
offensive matter to stand or remain
near any building or upon any street,
alley or lot or other public place, for
any longer time than is actually neces-
sary in doing such work, or loading
such matter.
The price for removing the contents
of any privy vault or cess pool shall
be set forth in each annual contract
therefor and shall not exceed the sum
of Twelve cents within the corporate
Limits of the City of Dubuque.
Every veterinary surgeon who is called
upon to examine or attend profession-
ally any animal within the City of Du-
buque, which has, or is suspected of
having glanders or farcy, pleuro -pneu-
monia, hydrophobia or any other com-
municable disease, shall report in
writing to the Board of Health of said
city within twenty -four hours after the
_first visit thereto, the location of such
diseased animal, the name and ad-
dress of the owner thereof and the
.nature of the disease or suspected dis-
-ease afflicting ch nimal.
SAI\IE— SAME 45 INTO person shall
buy, sell or keep, or cause to be kept
Within said city, any horse, ass, colt,
or any other animal afflicted with
glanders or farcy, anthrax, pleuro-
pneumonia, or hydrophobia, and any
a nimal so afflicted shall, after due
notice, from this Board, be immediate-
ly killed and buried without removing
the hide m e arc
SANE. fro 4G. It th shall ass. be the duty of
any and every person owning, keeping
or caring for, or knowing any animal
_afflicted with glanders or farcy,
anthrax, pleuro- pneumonia or hydro-
phobia, to report the fact and the
whereabouts of such animal promptly
to the Board of Health of this city.
47. Any physician who shall vaccinate
any Person within the City of Dubuque,
shall, within 20 days thereafter,
furnish such person with a certificate,
_giving the name, age and residence of
the person vaccinated, the date of such
vaccination, and the kind of virus mat-
ter used, the date of the examination
of the result of such vaccination, and
the result thereof, together with the
date of the last prior vaccination, if
any, and the result thereof, which cer-
tificate shall be signed by the physician
performing the vaccination and exam-
ining the result.
CLEAN. 44. Every person keep-
ing, maintaining or being in
charge of any public ware-
house, storehouse, cart, wagon,
sleigh, or private market, dairy, stall,
shop, store or other vehicle within the
City of Dubuque, in or about which
any meat, fish, oysters, birds, fowls,
vegetables, fruit, milk, or other pro-
visions are held, kept, stored or of-
fered for sale, or other disposition,
shall keep such public or private mar-
ket, stall, shop, store, warehouse, store-
house, cart, wagon, sleigh, or other
vehicle in a clean, pure and wholesome
condition. And if any such person
shall allow or permit the sane to be-
come or remain unclean, impure of un-
wholesome, he shall be, guilty cf a vio-
lation of this rule.
SALE. 49. No dead animals, above
the size of a rabbit, 'nor any meat
thereof shall be taken or exposed for
sale, as food, in any public or private
- market within said city, until the same
shall have been fully cooled after hav-
ing been killed and until all the blood
shall have ceased dropping therefrom
-and until the entrails, head( unless the
same be skinned), hide, horns and feet
shall have been removed, and no gut-
Official Notices
fat or any other unwholesome or of-
fensive matter or thing shall be
brought to or near any such market.
SAME. 50. It shall be the duty of
any and every person knowing of any
fish, meat, bird, fowls, vegetables, milk
or other articles intended for human
food, being bought, sold or offered for
sale, or being in any market, public or
private, in said city or in possession of
street vendors or hawkers or other per-
son and not being sound, healthy and
wholesome for such food, to forthwith
report such facts, and particulars re-
lating thereto, to the sanitary officer or
other proper officer.
Every calf, sheep or other animal con-
veyed to the City of Dubuque to be sold
or slaughtered for food shall be so con-
fined in the vehicle that it can stand on
its feet and shall not be tied or hob-
bled so that it cannot have free action
of its limbs and head, or retain them in
a natural position.
ED. 52. No person shall offer or ex-
pose for sale, or sell or deliver for sale
or consumption within the city of Du-
buque any unclean, impure, unhealthy,
unwholesome or adulterated milk.
IMPURE MILK. 53. No .person
shall keep cows for the production of
milk for sale or consumption within
the City of Dubuque in an overcrowded
condition, or in stables which are not
properly ventilated, or which are filthy
from an accumulation of animal re-
fuse, or from any other cause; nor shall
milk for such purposes be drawn from
cows which are of themselves in a con-
dition of filth or uncleanliness, nor
from cows which are affected with
tuberculosis or any other form of dis-
case, or from cows which are fed
either Avholly or in part upon distillery
waste or brewery grains, or the waste
of vinegar factories, in a fermented
condition, or upon any other form of
food which will produce milk which
is unhealthy or unwholesome or from
cows which are supplied with water
•,which is impure or unwholesome; and
all milk thus produced, is hereby de-
clared to be unclean, impure, un-
healthy and unwholesome milk.
ENFORCED. 54. Rules and regula-
tions made by the State Board of
Health and by the local Board of
Health of this city concerning Asiatic
cholera, smallpox, diphtheria (mem-
branous croup), typhoid fever, scarlet
fever (scarlatina, scarlet rash), or
other contagious or infectious diseases,
shall be enforced by the Board under
the supervision of the sanitary officers
and it shall be the duty of all police
and other public officers of this city in
their proper capacity to report to the
Mayor or sanitary officer any violation
of such rules and regulations, and to
assist the Board of Health, the Mayor
and sanitary officers in the enforce-
ment of said rules and regulations. .
It shall be the duty of every public of-
ficer to observe the sanitary conditions
of his district, to report to his chief or
the sanitary officers promptly any
nuisance or accumulated filth found in
any portion of the City of Dubuque.
POLICE. 56. The Mayor shall have
authority to appoint the necessary
number of sanitary officers for the
proper enforcement of the quarantine
regulations herein provided for by the
local Board and which may be provid-
ed for by the State Board of Health.
Such sanitary officers shall maintain
the quarantine directed to be main-
tained by the Board of Health in strict
accord with the provisions thereof, and
shall immediately report any violation
of the rules of said quarantine to the
Mayor. The sanitary officers shall not
enter any dwelling or place where con-
tagious or infectious diseases exist un-
less requested by the occupant thereof,
nor shall they disturb the inmates or
sick unless they have good and suf-
ficient reason to believe that there is a
wilful violation of the quarantine regu-
lations therein, and they shall be vest-
ed with full power to make arrests for
any and all violations of quarantine or
health regulations. The mayor shall
require strict quarantine to be main-
tained and everything essential for
the public safety and health per-
formed, and shall exact reports from
the sanitary officers of the condition
of the quarantined districts daily, and
submit such reports to the Board of
Health at stated meetings.
57. These rules and regulations shall
be taken, when treating on the same
subjects, to be cumulative to the ordi-
nances of the City of Dubuque not in
conflict herewith, and Sections 1025,
1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1032,
1033, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1039,
1040, 1041, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046
and amendments thereto of the Code
of Iowa, and all persons shall comply
in all respects with the ordinances of
said city relating to plumbing, sewer
'connections and sanitary conditions,
and said Sections of the Code of Iowa
in relation to the Board of Health and
the powers thereof in cities acting un-
der special charter.
NANCE. 58. Whoever shall violate the
provisions of the foregoing rules and
regulations of the Board of Health of
the City of Dubuque, or this ordinance
shall be deemed guilty of a misde-
meanor and upon conviction thereof,
shall he fined a sum not to exceed One
Hundred Dollars or be imprisoned in
the city jail until said fine is paid, not
to exceed a period of thirty days.
Official Notices
Board of Health shall also have au-
thority to abate any violation of these
rules and of this ordinance and upon
such notice as it shall deem necessary
and proper having regard for the
health of the community and the wel-
fare of the public at large, or may
abate such violations without notice
and report the costs to the Council,
which shall assess the same as pro-
vided for the assessment of special
taxes. •
PARTS THEREOF. 60. All ordi-
nances and parts of ordinances of the
City of Dubuque in conflict with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
61. This ordinance shall be in force
and effect from and after its passage
and publication -in the Dubuque Tele-
graph - Herald, the official newspaper
of the City of Dubuque, Iowa.
Adopted March 21st, 1907.
Approved March 23rd, 1907.
Published officially in the Daily
Telegraph- Herald March 25th, 1907.
3- 25 -1t. City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
city council of the City of Dubuque
to construct a 12 -inch tile pipe sani-
tary sewer from the present manhole
in West Locust street at the intersec-
tion of Union avenue, thence in West
Locust street and Alta Vista street to
Rosedale avenue, thence westerly in
Rosedale avenue to Willow street,
thence au eight -inch tile pipe sewer
in Willow street and Asbury street to
the city limits.
That a plat and specifications of
said proposed sewer is now on file in
the office of the city recorder.
It is estimated by the city engineer
that it will require 2430 lineal feet of
8 -inch tile pipe, 4650 lineal feet of 12-
inch tile pipe with 16 manholes and
will cost the abutting property owners
$6,600 in total.
Any persons having objections to the
construction of said sanitary sewer are
hereby notified to appear before the
city council at its regular session April
4th, 1907, or to file in writing with the
city recorder their objections on or be-
fore April 4th, 1907.
Dated at Dubuque, March 26th, 1907.
3- 26 -3t. City Recorder.
To All Whom It May Concern:
You and each of you are hereby no-
tified that it is the intention of the
City Council of the City of Dubuque
to construct an 8 -inch tile pipe sani-
tary sewer in Grace street from a
point 10 feet west of the lot line. be-
tween Lots 5 and 6 of Reche's Sub-
division No. 2 in the City of Dubuque,
thence easterly to Louisa St., thence
northerly in Louisa St. to Delhi St.,
thence northerly in Algona Ave. to
(Vest 14th St., thence easterly in West
14th St. to Auburn Ave., thence with
a 10 -inch tile pipe sanitary sewer
northerly in Auburn Ave. to the inter-
section of Rosedale avenue.
That a plat and specifications of
said proposed sewer is now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 1,350 lineal feet of
8 -inch tile pipe, 1,950 lineal feet of 10-
inch tile pipe with 13 manholes, and
will cost the abutting property own-
ers $2,400 in total.
Any persons having objection to the
construction of said sanitary sewer
are hereby notified to appear before
the City Council at its regular session,
April 4th, 1907, or to file In writing
with the City Recorder their objec-
tions on or before April 4th, 1907.
Dated at Dubuque March 26th, 1907.
3- 26 -3t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder until
7:30 o'clock p. m. Thursday, April 4th,
1907, for the improvement of Adams
avenue from the southerly lot line of
First avenue to the northerly lot line
of Second avenue, in accordance with
plans and specifications now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that said improvement will require:
curbing, 1016 lineal feet; guttering, 448
square yards; macadamizing 145$
square yards; cutting, 1085 cubic
yards; filling, 425 cubic yards.
The work to be completed on or be-
fore the let day of July, 1907, and shall
be paid for when said work is com-
pleted and accepted by the City Coun-
The proposals for doing the work
Official Notices
II 3,
will be acted upon by the City Council
the 4th day of April, 1907.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for new curbing set and the price
per square yard for guttering and ma-
cadamizing, also price per cubic yard
for grading.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for 850.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The City Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, March 26th, 1907.
3- 26 -3t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
7:30 o'clock p. rn., April 4th, 1907, for
the construction of a tile pipe storm
water sewer in 17th street from the
C., 11I. & St. P. R. R. track to the Bee
Branch sewer and relaying of gutter
with concrete, in accordance with plans
and specifications proposed by the City
Engineer and now on file in the office
of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require 700 lineal feet of
18 -inch tile pipe, 5 catch basins, 620
lineal feet-concrete gutter.
Bidders must state the price per
lineal foot for tile pipe sewer, catch
basins each, excavating, refilling, lay-
ing of concrete gutter and reconstruc-
tion of street included.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque hank, as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if award-
ed. The city reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
3- 28 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given that a proposi-
tion is now pending before the City
Council of the City of Dubuque, for the
vacation of a part of a street, • being a
strip of land intervening between the
south line of West 17th street and the
north line of lots 22, 23 and 24 in Mor-
gan's sub -div., City of Dubuque, Ia.,
a plat of which proposed improvement
has been filed in the office of the City
Engineer of said city, and you are
notified that at a session of the said
City Council to be holden at the City
Hall of said city, on the 18th day of
April, it will be determined whether
said proposed vacation will be made,
and you are hereby notified to appear
before said Council at said session, and
show cause, if any you have, why pro-
posed vacation should not be made.
City Engineer.
Dubuque, Ia., March 26th, 1907.
3- 27 -10t