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West 16th Street 0431
431 v9 611t$enth St. 0- Seut'ert & Fesler 0 -Joe Loney Repairing fire damage on 2 -Cam. frame dwelling B.P. 939 2/13/42 /QP // .4295.00 0- Harold Doty ' C- Dubuque Insulation & Siding Co. Reroof part of 2 fam.fr.Dwellg.B,P. 653 10 -9 -57 100.00 C- Modern Siding & Roofing Co, Reside 2 F. Fr.DweIg B.P. 77 3-7-61 1,730.00 C-Sultak Roofing & Inpr. Co. Reroof fn'Frane Dwe?lg.B F 956 12 -9 -70 670.00