West 16th Street 0669 669 W, 16th ; $t4 0-Edward Greve 80o.ao----- - - - --T Addition to side of 2 F.Fr.Dwellg.B.P. 102 3 -21 -60 B.of A. Petn.- Erection of Garage in Bank.Granted front of Garage at least nine feet back of curb side of garage at least 6 feet from house. Docket No. - -- -- Erect Conc. Block Garage B P g . X34 4- ..0 -61 300.00 0- Steve Bettcher C- American Roofg - - - t /o, reroof; sd - Sf — BP28808 4 =5=95 $4560. - 00 -- - --