East 17th Street 0052-0054 52 - E. 17th St.
Glen Bradfield
Repairs to 2 fam stone dwelli S.P, 280 6-6 -50 98.00
0 -Da ;el H. Clymer
Alterations & Repairs to Interior of 2 Pam. Stone
Dwellg. E.P. 489'7 -27 -54 400.00
0-Mrs. Eleanor Smith C- Bernell Busch
C onstruct enclosed side porch to 2 fan, stone Dwe71g
B .P. 311 5 -25 -59 1
52 -54 E. 17th St,
0 -Clem Bradfield
Beroof -2 Fam, Stone Dwellg.B.P, 213 4 -28 -54 125,00