East 17th Street 0145 5 m beventeentil 5$ 0- Thomss Schuster tai 2 story cement block dwelling. B,2.938 4/1/25 0 -Sohn Brosius Const.2st.fr,porch Remodel for'epts B. .147 '7/7/34 200.00 0 -Dick Runde C- Masters Home Improve. reroof MF dwllg BP 9038 8/15/85 $1383.00 -O Dfictc Rund - e C- Masters I#ome Improve. WU�d-0W cas�nc}s, -SF -- Baas �7 "Rp 325x - 9{24/55 $110.00 145 E. 17th St. Board of Adjustment Docket 9 -95 for Special Exception __ to allow installation of 6' high fence in front yard. berried- 4/27/95