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West 17th Street 0135
135 ',rest 17 6t. 0 -La. licks. C -He .r ebben. 1 'eside. E.P. 565 9/1'::/57 10.00 0 -Max P_luym C -Jim Kress Reside & Change windows MF Fr Dwllg, B.P. 024, 1/19/77 — 6000700 - - - -- __orRiabard_Playm.____ C=Dzsco -- -- --.__. -- Reroof 2F fr. dwllg_ BP 910 7/27/79 $1200.00 0=tichard Plum Coos s Rfg & Sag. tear- aff- ,- re- r -oof -, -side rea -r —do -- me- r -,- MF -br-k dwa l -g B-P -11 O15 10/15/86 $6000.00 • 135 West 17th 0-Dick Pluym C -Zephyr Alum. Prod. repair overhang Mf dwllg BP 13527 5/13/88 52500.00 0-Dennis Pluym C -Winger tonst. erect frm det. garage 21x31, SF res BP18354 4/11/91 $6451.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 24-98 for Conditional Use Permit to permit group home as-conditional use. Withdrawn by Board