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West 17th Street 0614
r .w 614 W. 17t Ste Repairs to,rear to.S.F.. Frame Dv/ailing B.P. 53 4 /21.,)47 _ .. ¶95. 0 y • 1 A . C- SucWlle Hildebrand_ C- _.ualitS RoofinCo. Reno of._8.P'. Franz D'.e1ling B.P. 159! 8/28416 , 185, CDtbueue Insulation &..Siding o. Reside S.F•Frame Dweflg•F 314 3-10-66 1,450.00 Reroof S.F. Fr. °Dw. B.P. 562 8- 25- 69'"350.00' 0- Lucille Hildebrand y C -Tom Welu tear -off, reroof porch roof, SF res BP 10044 O- Lucille Hildebrand C- Chimney SPecialistL replace - chimney - li.ner-- w /pauredl.coating, SF BP 15066 4/19/89 $1910.00 •