West 17th Street 0705 705 17 0- Sal Shelter! 0- Owner Reroof 2 stw stucco house B.P.119 5/9/32 '4100.00 I 0- Oeorge Glynn 800.00 Repairs to Interior of - S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 807 10 -24-50 0 -Emily ;Fox C Burke AlumaticOo. _ _ Reroof S.F Freme Dwe11g.B.P. 142 I -3-66 200300_ -0= Robert - Schuste4 C - - Bullock Garages - —. Erect detached fr. garage, B.P. 813, 7/28/77 4009.00 O " - RobertSchuster C - DISCO Reroof- BFFrame Dwl1g, B.P. 212, 4/9/79 866.00 • i 705 W. 17th St. 0- Robert Schuster C -Owner remove old porch & replace covered 7x22 SF frm dwllg BP 5123 10/26/82 $811.00 0 -Bob Schuster C -Owner tear - offreroof" "detached garage SFstone dwlg BP22144 6 -9 -93 $525.00 _ -