East 22nd Street 0531 `'rna St.
0- Peter Herber C- id. Geise
ReLLeir 2 st. br. house £.P.101 5/2/S2: , ,200.00
Rebuild Frame Garage B.P. 142. 4 -9-56 90.00
C- U. H. Klauer Association
e Stirs to 2 F.Pr.Dwell B.P 10 ° —
Replace outsid Sti
� g. .718711 -
0 -Fames Th; 7 0- Midwest Builders
Erect Frame Garage B.P. 243 5 - 18 - 70 2,000.00
_0 - jim Thal
Reroof replace deck on SFFr Dwllg, B.P. 856,_7/18/T8`
h I
531 E 22ND �-
0-Jim Thin C Steffen
t /o, reside, to /, reroof, porch floor, SF, sd, sof,
fas, cas BP 30813 6/19/95 $13,000.00
to .............._