West 23rd Street 0130 Fe 0 emu
Gustere certd1er Peter 7 Stonekes
c oast. doormer
for a kitchen . 3/4/32 X95.00
0- Bera9n Nnoernsch ld
Erect single car garage B.P. 68 4- 49 195.00
B.of B. Petn. to erect single garage a ttached to
s3 de o dwelling. Granted if B¢asonrq c onstrm.ction.
Docket No. 19-49
0 - Herman K oernsrhi d 0 -Dubuque Insulation &Siding
1?eroof S F, Br.Dwellg. B,P. 250 5-1 - 190,00 Co.
Coast Stoa 5. -__ C. Chas K1aas
P F Erase DwJkingB.P: 523 8=1 -g5
130 W. 23rd St.
0 -Mrs. Herman Knoernschild C- Quentin n
reroof, gutters 2F brk dwllg BP 3951 _:: 11/12/81._$146 0,00_-
0 -Mrs. Herman Knoernschild C- Quentin Callahan
repair fire damage 2F brk dwllg BP 4004 12/8/81 $12831.00