East 25th Street 0425 (con. Over)
425 e at Tv�en Fifth St
Boor .1.Petn. to erect frame garage. Zat,18 ft from curb
8 ft from property 1ine.Docket No.68 -40 12/17/40
als Grunted providing gar placed equally on each
lot 3 ft from side lot line facing Zlm bt. Docket No.
68-40 10/20/40
a.of b petn. to weirs front yard requirement for e rectioz I
of ru shed. Grented with provisions ' Docket No. 16 -43
0- Julius A. Abitz C -wner
Erect 2 -cer fr. gar. B.?. 887 12/28/40 a200.0o