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East 26th Street 0354
354 Lest Twenty Sixth St. O- Nich0182 B mt1T1 3 -Kipp Insilatg. & Rg Co. Re - roof fr. dwells. B.P. 36 4/7/41 p185.00 C- Herold Henkels Reside,S.F.Freme 'we11g.B,p. 769 2 -12-49 730.00 0- Joseph Fier C- Modern Siding & Roofing C o. Reroof S.F.Frame Dwell -. B.P. 149 4 - 4-61 175.00 354 E 26TH Heim C - Owner Erect frm 24x24' det gar, SF BP 32963 9/25/95 $5730.00 0- Kenneth Booth C -Owner gut, redrywall entire SF dw11g BP41721 5 /26/2000 $1200.00 .................. ... ..... ....... .... . .. .- ..._..._... -.. ...- .... -. .... .. . .... ... ..__.... -.. ..... - -... -- 6