East 30th Street 0114 114 3. 30th St., 0 -Mrs. S Cartigny C Reliance'Impr. Co. Reroof S F Frame Dwellg.Bp. 466 8 20 -51 395.00 0 -Miss Ida Cartigny C- Clarence Baal Repaira to frost porch of S.F.Frame Dre11 g, 3 . ? . G 9 -52 ' 0() 0 -Pat Foley C- Su"itak Roofing & Sid. soffits, casings, new gutters SF frm dwllg.BP.3376 6/4/81 0- Pat Foley $1710.00 C -Home Doctors New roof, sd, SF BP26844 11 -3 -94 $4391.10 j