1907 November Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL
Regular Session, November 7th, 1907,
• (Official.)
Council. met at 9:05 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present - -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Thomas moved tnat the council
proceedings for the month of October,
1907, be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills having been prop-
erly approved by the various commit-
tees, were ordered paid:
P. Schuller, inspector 9th street
brick paving $ 25 00
Jesse Jellison, inspector 9th
street brick paving 25 00
Frank Brown, inspector 13th
street brick paving 25 00
Thos. McEvoy, inspector 13th
street brick paving 25 00
Jno. McNulty, inspector First
street and Iowa street brick
paving 11 55
Jas. Butler, inspector First
street and Iowa street brick
paving 11 55
C. Gantenbein, inspector sewer
in alley bet. Lincoln and
Rhomberg avenues 15 40
Geo. Becket. inspector of sewer
in Grandview avenue and
Delhi street 25 00
John M. Schaefer, 17.1 cu. yds.
macadam, Hill street 12 86
John Mullen, 1 3 -4 cu. yds.
macadam. Hill street 1 73
Chas. O'Neill, 7 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Hill street 7 00
Jas. Gray, 16 1 -2 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, 4th street 12 40
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces sewer and carpenter
horses month of October 92
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces, police department 1 38
H. J. Hagerty, purchasing two
fire horses 10 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces, fire horses 11 04
F. A. Miller, brooms, fire depart-
ment 10 25
Watkins Sign Co., nanging
numbers on running board
for fire department 3 50
Jos. J. Fettgather, supplies for
the fire department 5 25
T. W. Reute Drug Co., supplies
for the fire department 1 50
Dubuque Mattress Co., cots for
fire department 2 20
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for Fire department 1 02
Regular Session, November 7, 1 9 0 7
Robert Jungk, repairs Ninth St
engine house 4 50
Dub. Cabinetmakers Associa-
tion, chairs for fire dept 6 00
Boston One Price Clothiers, cap
for fire dept 1 75
Dr. S. S. Lindsay, services Dd
McDermott 16 00
M. Stafford, feed for fire depart-
ment 8 20
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
fire department 190 49
Vollenweider & Hein, horse-.
shoeing, fire department 14 00
F. A. Burns, coal for fire de-
partment 14 70
Mettel Bros., ,bran for fire de-
partment 1 35.
J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies for
fire department 25•
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
supplies for fire department 27 50
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 11 50•
Jas. Phelan, horseshoeing for
fire department 1 75
Phil Helier, horseshoeing for
fire department 4 50"
T. J. Mulgrew, coal and wood,
various departments 155 62
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs
various departments 19 50
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
and shavings, various depart-
ments 120 OS
C. H. Becker, supplies various
departments 14 57
Lager, Sloan & Reed, horse
shoeing, various departments 11 50
G. B. Grosvenor, supplies, var-
ious departments 18 10
Harger & Blish, stationery, var-
ious offices 5 95
Ellwanger Bros., repairs, var-
ious departments 65 65
Linehan & Molo, cement and
sewer pipe, various depart-
ments 18 83.
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, var-
ious departments 11 15
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 138 55,
Union Electric Co., are lights for
month of October 2198 75
Union Electric Co., old rail for
road department 8 99.
Iowa Telephone, Telephone ser-
vices, various departments 14
P. J. Seipples Lumber Co., lum-
ber, various departments 63 65-
John Butt, repairs sewer and
fire departments 9 5.0
Collings & Pfiffner, horsesho.e -
ing for police and fire depart-
ments 44 25
John J. Powers, horseshoeing for
fire and road departments 15 00
Kelly's Book Store, stationery,
various offices 42 20-
478 Regular Session, November 7, 1907
J. P. Buechele, taking care of
town clock for year ending
September 1st, 19'n 123 50
J. P. Buechele, supplies for var-
ious departments 18 60
M. Hannan, hauling manure
from patrol house 5 25
Central Electric Co., supplies
for police department 4 15
J. Haudenschield, use of wagon-
Library Bureau, one half the
price of Bertlllon outfit 120 00
Chas. W. Katz, meals furnished
prisoners during the month
of October
Nic Evert, sawing one cord oak
wood to matron's quarters 60
Leo Meyer, carrying one cord
oak wood to matron's quarters 75
E. J. Mulgrew, bread and milk
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
for matron 2 95
Francis Coates, 1 -2 cost of new
gutters on 14th street 10 00
E. Starr, oil for road department 40
M. J. G. LaNicca, supplies for
various departments 1 80
E. J. Vogenthaler, repairs for
road department 50
_Iowa Oil Co., oil for road de-
Mrs. G. G. Winders, supplies for
road department 25
Phil Doerr & Co., coal for road
department 15 55
Pitts, Thompson Foundry Co ,
catch basins for intakes to
Bee Branch sewer 25 50
League of Iowa Municipalities,
membership fees and dues in
League for year ending Sep-
tember, 1908 55 00
.J. J. Dunn, services H. J. Keily
vs. City of Dubuque 1 00
Win. Foley, services Anna Ol-
sen damage case 1 35
Louis Smith, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk at intersection
of Irving and Delhi streets
E. P. Smith, 2 telephone hold-
ers Mayor's office
A. L. Glaser, plants for Phoenix
N. J. Kons, grinding lawn
54 00
3 50
25 00
1 00
14 40
4 50
20 00
1 50
4 00
clock in Mayor's office 1 00
Wunder & Schilling, stakes for
Engineer's office
Lorenz Eberhardt, stakes for
Engineer's office
C. O. D. Laundry, towel service
City Hall
Merman ,Schmidt, sawing and
carrying 1 cord of oak wood
Foley's Hand Laundry, towel
service for October
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing
4 00
3 80
4 83
2 65
Larry Dailey, cleaning and
hauling from around market
square for October 14 00
M. S. Hardie, printing various
offices 36 00
Schaetzle and Fosselmann, sup-
plies for Market Master ....... 4 50
Phil. Breithaupt, repairing
plumbing at City Hall 75
Metz Manufacturing Co., stakes
and supplies for Engineer's
office 3 30
E. E. Frith, hauling garbage
and dead animals during the
month of October, 1907 457 38
Enterprise Printing Co., print-
ing various departments 27 25
Telegraph - Herald, printing
health reports for August 6 00
Telegraph - Herald, printing
pamphlets for October 15 60
Telegraph - Herald, printing
Bonds and Finance reports :- 81 20
Telegraph - Herald, official print-
ing for October 118 47
Times- Journal, official printing
for October 118 81
National Demokrat, official
printing for October 25 00
Labor Leader, official' printing
for October 25 00
The following bills for construction
of various cement sidewalks were ap-
proved and were ordered paid front the
sale of certificates for, the improve-
James Lee and Son, sidewalk
abutting on Lot 173, Union
Addition I $ 40.80
Jas. Lee and Son, sidewalk,
abutting on Lot 2 of 3 of Min
Lot 63 50 32
Jas. Lee and Son, • sidewalk
abutting on Lot 7 Ellen Blake's
Sub 129 48
Jas. Lee and Son, sidewalk
abutting on Lot 87 and 88, L.
H. Langworthy's Add. 22 70
Jas. Lee and Son, sidewalk
abutting on Lot 128, Union add 48 62
Jas. Lee and Son, sidewalk
abutting on Lot 1 of 3 of Miner-
al Lot 172 35 52
Jas. Lee and Son, sidewalk
abutting on Lot 14, Nairn's add 71 05
Jas. Lee and Son, sidewalk -
abutting on Lots 8 and 10, Mar-
tin's Dubuque add 58 00
Following bills for constructing sew-
ers and improving streets were approv-
ed and ordered paid from the sale of
bonds for the improvements.
Jas. Hird, constructing sanitary
sewer in North Main street $ 120 15
McCarthy Improvement Co ,
paving Ninth , street from
Bluff to Locust St 2172 35
McCarthy Improvement Co ,
paving Eleventh street from
Bluff to Clay street 8617 72
Following bills were not approved
and were on motion referred . to the
Committee of the Whole.
Wilmer Cook, grading Adams
Ave. 396 00
Pitts- Thompson, 44 frames and
grates 51 00
Pitts Thompson, catch basins and
grates 81 15
Philip Pier hauling horse roller
on 13th street brick paving 2 70
McCarthy Improvement Co ,
paving alley between Main
and Locust and 7th and 9th
street 3213 87
McCarthy Improvement Co
paving 13th street between
Clay and Bluff streets 8544 58
P. S. Fawkes, auditing water
works books 29116
A. C. Lantzky, auditing water
works books , 399 25
Bill of Jas. Lee and Son for -
constructing cement sidewalk
on the east side of Elm street
between 13th and 14th abutting
Lot 192, East Dubuque add 48 10
Regular Session, November 7, 1-907
Petition of Key City Building Co.
and the Dubuque club asking that
their taxes for the year 1906 be reduc-
ed from $20,000 to $10,000, was on mo-
tion referred to the Committee of the
Petition of Germania Hall societies
asking that their taxes for the year
1906 be reduced to one -half as in prev-
ious years was on motion referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Anna Diet! asking that
the taxes for the year 1906 on the prop-
erty known as the Schlegel Dairy
farm be cancelled as she -is a widow
with eight small children and unable
to pay the taxes was on motion grant-
ed and the treasurer to be instructed
Petition of George Werten asking
that the taxes for the years 1903, 1904,
1905 assessed against the Connors
Soda Water business be cancelled he
having acquired the business, was on
motion referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of Metz Mfg. C.., asking
that the taxes on their property for
the year 1906 be canceled as per reso-
lution adopted by the Council March
5th, 1903, was, on motion, granted and
the treasurer to be instructed accord-
ingly. -
Petition of the Dubuque and Wiscon-
sin Bridge Co., asking that their tax-
es for the year 1906 be canceled as per
exemption granted them by a former
council was ' on motion granted and
the treasurer to be instructed accord-
Petition of Dubuque Star Brewery
Co., asking that the taxes on Brewery
property be canceled for the year 1906
as per agreement made by the city
council, April 7th, 1898, was on motion
referred to the Committee of the
Petition of Dubuque . Star Brewery
Co., asking that an Electric light be
placed on Fourth street extension near
Tower street was on motion referred
to the Committee on Police and Light.
Petition of Miss Nellie Tinkham,
asking that an electric lamp be placed
on Adams Ave. near the Mission
church, was on motion referred. to the
Committee on Police and Light.
Petition of. E. M. Ernsdorff agent
for the estate of Michael Ernsdorff,
asking that the treasurer be instructed
to accept $313.70 without interest in
full settlement for special assessment
levied December 7th, 1896, for paving
Jones street, was on motion granted
provided payment is made within
thirty days and the recorder to be in-
structed to notify Mr. Ernsdorff ac-
Petition of Board of Trustees of I.
O. O. F. Temple asking that rock and
dirt which was dumped in rear of their
building while Ninth street was being
paved be removed; also that cement
gutter be replaced by the contractor in
the rear of their building was on mo-
tion granted and the street commis-
sioner to be instructed to attend to
the matter at once.
Petition of W. H. Kinnier asking
that the grade of the alley between
Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets and
Iowa and Main streets- be changed so
as' to carry off the water, was on mo-
tion ,referred to the committee of the
Petition of Jacob Mehl asking that
the ,council 'reconsider their action in
the matter of the special assessment
for constructing sanitary sewer in Del-
hi street was on motion referred to the
committee of the whole.
Petition of Linwood Cemetery asso-
ciation asking that the sanitary sewer
be extended from the middle of Queen
street to the middle of Burden avenue
was on motion referred to the commit-
tee of the whole. .
Petition of Maurice Ahern asking
that the city pay him sixty -five dollars
,480 Regular Session, November 7, 1907
in full settlement for damages sus-
tained by boys breaking - windows,
sidewalk, and causing the breaking of
his wife's arm, was on motion referred
to the committee of the whole.
Petition of Chas. J. W. Saunders, Jr.,
asking that Saunders avenue from
Lemon street be put in a passable con-
dition, was on motion referred to the
Alderman of the Fifth ward and street
Petition of John Olinger asking that
the width of the alley between Jack,
son and Washington streets, from San-
ford to Twenty- second street, be chang-
ed from thirty feet to twenty -four feet
and to enlarge the present width of
the sidewalk on Washington street
from Sanford to Twenty - second street
from six feet to twelve feet, was on
Motion granted and the proper reso-
lutions be drawn.
Petition of John Kleinschmidt ask-
ing that Custodian Schoenbeck be re-
moved from office and preferring
charges against him was on motion
referred to the committee of the whole
and all the parties concerned be noti-
fied to be present at the meeting.
Petition of 11Irs. M. Mumby, by W.
E. Fox, stating that the city would he
held responsible for 120 feet of four
foot walk taken from in front of lot
14, Nairn's Add., by contractor who
laid cement sidewalk, liras read and
on motion rules • were suspended to al-
low the contractor, Mr. Jas. Lee, per-
mission to address the council in ref-
erence to the sidewalk; petition was
then referred to the committee of the
Petition of 13. F. Blocklinger, presi-
dent of the Charity Organization, ask-
ing that the - council grant them the
use of a room on the second floor of
the City Hall for the purpose of stor-
ing garments and supplies to be given
to the poor of the city, was on motion
granted, and the matter referred to the
committee on markets to arrange for
the room.
Petition of Ignatz F. Hense, asking
that the city pay him $40.00 as dam -
ages for injuries claimed to have been
sustained by reason cf falling on side -
walk on Putnam street, was on motion
referred to the committee on claims
and city attorney,
The following. communication from
the Board of Water Works Trustees
was read, and on motion was ordered
- received and filed:
Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 2, 1907.
To the Hon. Mayor and City Council
-;of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: -We are in receipt of
your request to extend the water mains
in Garfield avenue to Reed avenue.
In response we most respectfully sub•
mit that our chief endeavor so far has
been to provide a supply of un- polluted
water in excess of the present con-
sumption. . Having once attained this
point we then propose to increase the
number of our consumers by making
such extensions as are certain to yield
a fair revenue as fast as funds are
available A few petitions for exten-
sions have already been examined into
and pronounced good. To this list we
will now add the Garfield avenue ex-
tension which you desire, in the assur-
ance that your honorable body would
not request an extension that you had
not closely looked into with a full con-
sideration of the best interests of our
city's water works.
Trusting that our policy as herewith
expressed will merit your approbation,
we beg to remain,
Yours very respectfully,
Attested: JOS. P. SCANLAN,
Bids for furnishing the city with hay
and oats for the years 1907 -08 were
ordered opened as follows:
T. F. Kane, No. 1 timothy hay, $17.50
per ton; No. 1_ oats per bushel of 35
lbs., 85c.
On motion bid was referred to the
committee of the whole.
Bids for. taking care of the city clock
for the year 1907 were ordered
opened as follows:
W. W. Wormood, $94.00 per year; if
any new material is required for it will
furnish it for 10 per cent. over what
the Howard Clock Co. charges for it.
J. P. Buechele taking care of clock
and furnishing all new material neces-
sary during the year 1907-08, $150.00.
On motion, bids for taking care of
clock were referred to the committee
of the whole.
Bids for, constructing sanitary sew-
er in Broadway street are as follows:
Street & Steuck, 8 -incn tile pipe per
lineal foot 48c; manholes each, $24.00,
G. L. Korman; 8 -inch tile pipe per
lineal foot, 60e; manholes each $25.00.
Al. Horsfall & Co., 8 -inch tile pipe
per lineal foot, 70c; manholes each,
On motion, the contract for sewer in
Broadway - as awarded to Street &
Steuck, and their bonds placed at $25.0.0
cash. -
Recorder Linehan stated that no bids
had been received for furnishing the
city with wood and coal for the year
1{907 -08.
Whereupon Ald. Clancy moved that
the matter of purcnasing of fuel for
the ensuing year be referred to the
committee of the whole.
Bill of City of Dubuque against alb
Diamond Jo Line for rent of space
occupied by wharf -boat from April 1st,
1898 to April 1st, 1907, nine years at
'$5.00 per year, $45.00, was presented,
and on motion was referred to the City
Attorney for collection:
Regular. Session, - November 7, 1907
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
follows: -
To the Honorable Mayor and City
.Gentlemen: -I herewith hand you
statements of amounts advanced by
me during the month of October,
1907, for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor:
Interest paid on warrants out-
standing $2,219 16
Excavation permits redeemed 90 00
New York exchange expense 3 00
Rent of clock for office, exp 33
Postage expense 10 00
Purchase of horses for fire dept 500 00
Express charges, police 65
Total $2,823 14
Library orders paid $ 776 71
Also received "money borrowed"
from parties as per enclosed list, for
which order warrants drawn in their
Total amount money bor-
rowed $6,000.00
Also refunded money to amount of
$6,450.00, for which please order loan
warrants issued in favor of parties as
per list.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the reports
referred to the committee on finance.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemmi:- Herewith find my re-
port for the month of October, 1907,
showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand October 1st,
1907 $16,233 61
Receipts from all sources 57,379.01
$73,612 62
Warrants redeemed $46,268 60
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed 13 75
Improvement bonds re-
deemed 10,344 89
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed 2,742 64
Total $59,369 88
Cash on hand October 31,
1907 $14,242 74
Tne above cash balances includes the'
improvement bond fund, improvement
bond interest fund and library fund.
Also the following is a record of all
interest coupons and bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Regular bond coupons re-
deemed $ 2,742 64,
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed 13 75-
Improvement bonds re-
deemed 10,344 89
Also report
ficers for the
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1907, to November 1st, 1907:
Appropriated. Expended.
Expense $40,000 $25,637.31
Road -
First District ... 7,050 6,522.76,
Second District 12,000 9,685.05
Third District 8,000 6,545.06 -
Fourth District 10,000 7,906.31
Fifth District 8,000 7,167.61
Fire 51,000 31,958.37
Police 32,500 19,122.01
Sewerage 6,000 3,268.08
Printing 3,000 2,423.67
Street Lighting 30,000 14,959.89
Interest 40,000 7,519.84
Board of Health 5,000 3,828.21
Grading 3,000 2,523.65
Intakes from Jackson
street to Bee
Branch sewer 1,500 950.40
Special Bonded Pav-
ing 2,500
Judgment 4,500 4,255.98
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 2,000 1,803.01
Mount Carmel Ave-
nue Grading 2,000 252.45
Sidewalk Repairing 1,000 557.11
Bluff Street Exten-
sion Wall 1,000 995.58.
Improvement of Davis
Avenue 500 493.80.
Re- arching sewer on
Eighth street 1,500 1,567.00
$13,101.28 -
there is due the city of-
month of October, 1907,
482 Regular Session, November 7, 1907
Improvement of
Windsor avenue... 3,000
,Seventeenth Street
Storm Water Sewer 1,800 1,059.83
West Locust Street
Storm Water Sewer 4,000 3,805.50
M. E. LYONS, Auditor.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
city officers and the report referred to
,the committee on finance.
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
The following is the pay roll of the
fire department for the month of Octo-
ber, 1907:
Amount due firemen $2,691.85
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by the committee on fire.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the firemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on fire.
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of October, 1907:
I find from the reports of the police
department that the total hours that
25 lamps failed to burn would equal
4 -5 of one lamp burning for one
month, or $4.32.
Respectfully sumbitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric com-
pany's bill for the month of October,
1907, the sum of $4.32.
Chief of Police Pickley reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the
police report for the month of October,
Intoxication 38
Disorderly conduct 7
Assault and battery 3
Fast driving 2
Disturbing the peace 4
:Petit larceny 1
Impersonating an officer 1
Profane language 1
'Vagrancy 5
Total 62
Residents arrested 19
Doors found open 36
Lodgers harbored 34
Defective lights 25
Meals furnished 19
Cost of foods $3.80
Poundmaster's receipts $1.00
Police court costs collected $58.80
Sheriff, dieting prisoners from
July 1st to _Nov. 1st $21.40
Auction sale of three fire depart-
ment horses $265.00
Patrol runs for prisoners 49
Miles traveled
Also beg to submit the pay roll for
policemen for the month of October,
Amount due policemen $2,525.70
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered
drawn to pay the policemen, and the
report referred to the committee on
Street Commissioner Kearney report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the last
half of October, 1907:
Ab't due laborers on streets. $1,310.80
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on sewers during the last half of
October, 1907:
Ain't due laborers on sewers ....$244.55
Approved by committee on sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on Mt. Carmel avenue during the last
half of October, 1907:
Amount due laborers on Mt. Car-
mel avenue $18.25
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on Davis avenue during the last half
of October, 1907:
Amount due laborers on Davis
avenue $4.80
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
Villa street during the last half of
October, 1907:
Amount due laborers on Villa
street $227.85
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
intakes from Jackson street to the Bee
Branch sewer during the last half of
October, 1907:
Amount due laborers on intakes
to Bee Branch sewer $8.35
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on Seventh avenue during the last
half of October, 1907, one half of which
is to be paid by the abutters, the
other half by the city:
Amount due laborers on Sev-
enth avenue ' .. $290.40
Approved by committee on streets.
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay rolls, on streets
and sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the proper committees.
Street Commissioner Kearney also
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on North Cascade
road, Delhi street and Millville- road
during the last half of October, 1907,
the same to be paid from the county
road fund: -
Amount due laborers on North
Cascade road, Delhi street and
Millville road $460.35
Approved by committee on streets.
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay roll was received
and referred to the Street Commis-
sioner to collect from the Board of
Regular Session, November 7, 1907
City Engineer Ilg reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen:— According to your in-
structions I made the estimate of the
proposed retaining wall along Althaus-
er avenue, which amounts to $650.00.
The approximate cost of the concrete
gutter is $150.00.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report of City Engi-
neer.Ilg on the matter of the finishing
of Althauser avenue was received and
City Engineer Ilg also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: —I would respectfully re-
port that I have examined the follow-
ing cement sidewalks, constructed un-
der contract with the city, and would
recommend that said walks be ac-
cepted, and that a special assessment
be ordered prepared against the prop-
erty benefited thereby:
By James.Lee & Sons, contractors —
Emma Meyer et al., Delhi Street, lot
1 of 3 of Mineral Lot 172, Lot 1.
Alpine Street —R. W. Hosford, Und.
7 -24; A. Treub Est., Und. 7 -24; C. B.
Trewin, Und. 5 -24; Emma Meyer, Und.
5 -24 of Lot 8, Martin's Dubuque addi-
R. Kemler, et al., Alpine street, lot
10, Martin's Dubuque addition.
J. L. Buetell Est., West Third street,
lot 14, Nairn's addition.
Respectfully submitted,
City Engineer.
On motion the report of the City En-
gineer was received and the City Engi-
neer to be instructed to prepare special
assessment for constructing said side-
City Engineer Ilg also presented cer -'
tified copies of the right of way no-
tices served on the following parties,
owners of lot 6 of lot 7 of the subdivis-
ion of mineral lot 79, in the city of
Dubuque, Iowa:
Wzn. Hintrager.
Julia F. Kunz.
R. W. Kemler.
for the condemnation of land across
said property for street purposes.
Mr. Wm. Hintrager appeared before
the council to remonstrate against said
condemnation. Rules were suspended to
allow Mr. Hintrager permission to ad-
dress the council. Mr. Hintrager ad-
dressed the council remonstrating
against the proposed condemnation for
.street purposes.
On motion the copies of right of way
notices served by the City Engineer
were received and filed.
City Assessor Scherr reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen: —Your City Assessor
would respectfully ask your honorable �� ✓JZ'
body to reduce the assessmentf on the
S. W. ' of lot 35, in McCraney's sec-
ond addition, from $2,200 to $1,200, as
the assessment of $2,200 is an error.
Respectfully yours,
City Assessor.
On motion the petition of City Asses-
sor Scherr was granted and the assess-
ment to be corrected accordingly.
Justice of the Peace Glab reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen:— Please find treasurer's
receipts for $20.00 for fines collected for
violating city ordinances.
Yours respectfully
Justice of the Peace.
On motion the report of Justice of
the Peace Glab was received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment for
the paving of Ninth street from Bluff
to Locust street. No remonstrance be-
ing filed and no one in the room ob-
jecting to the levying of special as-
sessment for said improvement, the no-
tice was, on motion, received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified to
by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
for the improvement of Eleventh street
from the cast 'curb line of Bluff street
to the west lot line of Clay street. No
remonstrance being filed and no one in
the room objecting to the levying of
said special assessment, the notice was,
on motion, received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified to
by the publisher, of the city council's
intention to levy a special assessment
for the construction of a sanitary sew-
er in North Main street from Leibnitz
street to a point about 200 feet south
thereof. No remonstrance being filed
and no one in the room objecting to
the levying of said special assessment,
the notice was, on motion, received and
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified to
by the publisher, of the council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment for
the laying of various cement "side-
walks. Remonstrance of Mary C.
Blake remonstrating against levying
of special assessment against lot 7 of
Ellen Blake's sub. was then read, • and
on motion the notice and remonstrance
'were received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified
' to by the publisher, of the council's
intention to levy a special assessment
for repairing sidewalks during the
months of July and August, 1907. No
remonstrance being filed and no one
in the room objecting to the repairing
of said sidewalks, the 'notice was, on
motion, received and filed.
Regular Session, November 7, 1907
City Recorder Linehan also present-
ed and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
for the cutting of weeds during the
months of June, July and August, 1907.
No remonstrance being filed and no
one in the room objecting to the said
improvement, the notice was, , n me
tion, received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the 'printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to construct a sanitary sewer
in Kaufmann avenue from North Main
street to lot S in Cushing's 'addition.
No remonstrance being ' filed and no
one in the room objecting to the con-
struction cf said sewer, the notice was,
on motion,' received and filed.
Sidewalk Inspector Mahoney report-
ed as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque, Iowa:
Gentlemen:—According to your in-
structions, f notified Mi'. J. Steinmetz;
owner of lots 25 and 26, Finley's addi-
tion, to Icy a temporary walk on the
north side of Willow street. He refuses
to do this, but said he would lay a per-
manent walk when said street is curb-
ed, guttered and macadamized.
Yours respectfully,
Sidewalk Inspector.
On motion the report of the Side-
walk Inspector was received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. McEvoy offered the
followinz :
Whereas. it is deemed necessary and
expedient to improve the north side of
Willow._ street between St. Ambrose
street and Avoca avenue, in front of
and abutting the premises heinafter
described by laying down a temporary
sidewalk there on, composed of 2 -inch
plank four feet wide;
Therefore, Be it resolved by the City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
That the City Engineer be and he is
hereby directed to prepare a plat show-
ing generally the location, nature and
extent of the proposed improvement on
the north side of Willow street be-
tween St. Ambrose street and
Avoca avenue and in front of
and abutting lots 25 and 26,
Finley's addition, and ,the kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
the entire cost thereof and the amount
and cost of such improvement, and the
amount and cost thereof, to be paid
by the city, if any, and the cost there-
of and amount assessable upon 'each
lot or parcel of land adjacent to or
abutting upon such improvement per
front foot, and to file such plat and
estimate in the office of the City Re-
corder; that after the filing of said
plat and estimate in his office, the City
Recorder'shall notify said abutting and
adjacent property owners, as provided
by ordinance, that such plat and esti-
mate are on file, the location and na-
ture of the improvement, kind of ma-
terial to be used, and an estimate of
its cost, and the time before which.
objections thereto can be filed, and the
time fixed for hearing, which time shall
not be less than five (5) days after the
service of such notice, and after such
service shall have been made, the City
Recorder shall. at the next regular ses-
sion of the City Council, notify the
Council thereof in writing, with a
copy of such notice accompanying the
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Following Weighmaster and Wood-
measurer's' reports for the month of
October, 1907, were presented and read
and on motion were received and filed:
T. Faherty, First Ward scales....$13.42
Louisa Pitschner, West Dubuque
Mrs. C. Deckert, Fifth
Geo. Pfiffner, Couler Avenue
J. H. Carroll, Woodmeasurer
Regular Session, November 7, 1907
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the Com-
- mittee on Finance, offered the follow-
Whereas, the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the construction of a sanitary sewer
as hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has com-
puted that the cost and expense of
said improvement amounts to three
hundred and eighty dollars, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a sani-
tary sewer in the alley (formerly Troy
street) between Lincoln and Rhomberg
avenues from Kniest street to Johnson
avenue the Mayor be and he is
hereby required to execute and deliver
to the City Recorder, to be by him
registered and countersigned, three
bonds of the denomination of one hun-
dred dollars each and one for eighty
dollars, numbered from 466 to 469 in-
clusive, dated November 8th, 1907, pay-
able on or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent per annum,
payable semi - annually.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.'
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Mc-
Evoy, Stumpf and, Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins
Ald. Thomas also offered the follow -
Whereas,the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the improvement of a street as herein-
after described has been completed, and
the City Engineer has computed that
the cost and expense of said improve-
ment amounts to six hundred eighty -
seven and 38 -100 dollars, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro-
vide for the cost of improving Twenty -
fifth street from Washington to Elm
streets, the Mayor be and he is hereby
required to,execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, two bonds of the -
denomination of two hundred and fifty
dollars each and one for one hundred
eighty -seven and 38 -100 dollars, num-
bered from 463 to 465 inclusive, dated
November 8th, 1907, payable on or be-
fore seven years after the date thereof,.
and hearing interest at the rate of five
per cent per annum, payable semi-
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines, MC-
Evoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Aid. Hines, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Ordinances, reported as fol-
Your Committee on Ordinances to
whom was referred the report of the
appraisers appointed to assess the
damage, if any, caused to the owners
of the property abutting on Grandview
avenue from Station 3 to Station 15
by the proposed change of grade there-
on with instructions to prepare an or-
dinance legally establishing the new
grade, would recommend that said re-
port be received and filed and that
the. accompanying ordinance be adopt-
ed. T. B. HINES, Chairman.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the report of the Committee on Or-
dinances. Carried.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the Com-
mittee on Ordinances, presented and
read an Ordinance changing the grade
on Grandview avenue from Station 3
to Station 15 and establishing a new
grade thereon, and moved that the
reading just had be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the
rules be suspended for the purpose of
reading the ordinance by its title for
the second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,.
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays- -None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Aid.'Hines moved that the ordinance'
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,.
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance is as follows:
486 Regular Session, November 7, 19o7
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That the grade on Grand-
view avenue from Station 3 to Station
15 be and the same is hereby changed
in accordance with the profile of said
:street and grade prepared by the City
Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 1st day of August. 1907,
being No. 606 and marked "Change of
.grade on Grandview avenue from Sta-
tion 3 to Station 15, b. m. door sill
Siege's store n. w. corner Fremont and
Grandview avenues, elevation 286.24. -
Section 2. That said new grade be
fixed and established as follows: Be-
ginning at the north curb of Bennett
street, which is station 3, elevation
299.00; thence to station 7, elevation
292,00; thence to station 10, elevation
285.50; thence to station 15, elevation
' 288.00.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
'Telegraph- herald newspaper.
Adopted , 1907.
Approved , 1907.
, Mayor.
City Recorder,
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade on
c olon street from Alpine street to
about one hundred and eighty feet
east thereof in the. City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and moved the reading just had
be considered its first reading. Car-
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read -
ipg the ordinance by its title for the
- second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
- McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
'The' ordinance is as follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Solon
street from Alpine street to about one
hundred and eighty feet east thereof
in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and
the same is hereby established and
adopted as shown by the profile of said
street and grade prepared by the City
Engineer and accepted' by the City
Council on the 17th day of October,
1907, being No. 637 and marked 'Grade
and profile of Solon street from Alpine
street to about 180 feet east, b. m. door
sill frame house No. 446 Alpine street,
elevation 265.28." Said grade beginning
at the east curb line of Alpine street
which is station 0, elevation 267.79;
thence to station +10, east lot line of
Alpine street, elevation 267.79;hence to
station +50, elevation 263.15; thence
to station 1+30, west side of alley, ele-
vation 253.87; thence to station 1 +55,
elevation 251.00; thence to station 1 +80,
east line of Lois street, elevation 248.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald newspaper.
Adopted ., 1907.
Approved , 1907.
, Mayor.
City Recorder,
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade
on Pleasant street from the east -lot
line of Stafford avenue to the center
of Viola street in the City of Dubuque,
Iowa, and moved that the reading just
had be considered its first reading.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained' by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Pleasant
street from the east lot line of Staf-
Regular Session, November 7, 1907 4
ford avenue to the center of Viola
street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby adopted and
established as shown by the profile of
said street and grade prepared by the
City Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 5th day of September,
1907, being No. 630 and marked "Grade
and profile of Pleasant street from east
lot line._of Stafford avenue to the cen-
- ter of Viola street, b. m. north end of
door sill of frame house No. 40 Pleas-
ant street, elevation 131.53." Said grade
beginning at the east lot line of Staf-
ford avenue, which is station, 0, eleva
tion 105.00; thence to center of Colum-
bia street, elevation 132.00; thence to
center of Viola street, elevation 156.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted , 1907.
Approved , 1907.
— — - , Mayor.
City Recorder,
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance establishing the grade on
Fifteenth street from the east curb
line of Elm street easterly to Station
1 +98 in said Fifteenth street in the
city of Dubuque, Iowa, and moved that
the reading just had be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
- 4cEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade bn Fifteenth
street from the east curb line of Elm
street easterly to station 1 +98- be mid
the same is hereby adopted and estab-
lished as shown by the profile of said
street and grade prepared by the City
Engineer and accepted by the City
Council -on the 5th day of September.
4907, being No. 638 and, marked "Grade
of Fifteenth street from east curb, line
of Elm street easterly to station 1 +98,
b. m. east end of door sill Coffin Co.'s
office, elevation 21.34." Said grade be-
ginning at the east curb line of Elm
street, which is station 0, elevation
north side 19.40, south side 19.4.9;
thence to station 1 +12, west side of
alley, elevation north side 19.29, south
side 18.60; thence to station 1+32, east
side of alley, elevation north side, 19.30,
south side 19.02; thence to station
1+98, elevation north side, 19.24, south
side 19.14.
Section 2. This ordinance shall he in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald newspaper.
Adopted , 1907.
Approved , 1907.
, Mayor.
City Recorder,
Ald. Hines also presented and read
an ordinance amending Chapter %X
of the Revised Ordinances of the City
of Dubuque of 1901 entitled "An Or-
dinance Appointing a Harbor Master
and Defining His Duties and Regulat-
ing Public Landings and Wharfage in
the City of Dubuque, Iowa, and moved
the reading just had be considered its
first reading. Carried.
Ald. Hines then moved that the rules
be suspended for the purpose of read-
ing the ordinance by its title for the
second time.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf, and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
Ald. Hines moved that the ordinance
be now .adopted as read.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aid. Hopkins.
The ordinance follows:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Chapter XX of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the ' City
of Dubuque, entitled "An ordinance ap-
pointing a, Harbor Master and defining
his duties and regulating public land-
488 Regular Session, November 7, 1907
ings and wharfage, be and is hereby
amended as follows:
Sec. 2. That Sec. 1 thereof be and is
hereby amended by adding thereto the
following words: "That it shall be the
duty of the Harbor Master or Wharf
Master to superintend the levee of the
Sec. 3. That Sec. 2 of said ordinance
be and is hereby amended by adding
thereto the following: "Said Harbor
Master shall assign places for water
crafts of all description, including
shanty or house - boats, boat - houses,
boat liveries, and any and all kinds of
water crafts landing within the limits
of the city.
Sec. 4. That said ordinance be and
is hereby amended by adding thereto
the following sections:
Sec. 9. That for the purpose of
wharfage for all boats and water crafts,
the entire frontage of the city shall be
deemed the levee (except such parts as
tiave been heretofore excepted by the
ordinances of the city). And all boats,
shanty or house - boats, boat - houses or
launch boat - houses and water crafts
of any description landing at, anchor-
ing or making fast within 100 feet of
such frontage, shall pay the city there-
for the following amounts:
All launches Five (45.00) Dollars per
season for each 15 feet of frontage of
the levee used, payable in advance.
All shanty boats, house -boats or fish
houses shall pay the sum of Fifteen
($15.00) Dollars per year wharfage,
payable in advance.
All boat liveries shall pay the sum
of Twenty -five ($25.00) Dollars per
year for each 25 feet of levee frontage
All boating associations erecting a
building or buildings on the wharf or
levee of the city shall pay Twenty -five
($25.00) Dollars per year as wharfage.
Section 10. No shanty, house -boat
or fish house shall be allowed to land
or remain on any part of the levee or
landing within any part of the ice
harbor in the City of Dubuque. The
westerly 700 feet of the south side
of the ice harbor of the City
of Dubuque is hereby exclu-
sively appropriated for harbor-
ing all government steamboats
during the winter season. The east-
erly 175 feet of the northerly side of
the ice harbor is hereby appropriated
to the U. S. government for its steam-
boat ways and boat yards for repairing
steamboats, as more fully shown on
plat filed in the City Recorder's office
of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 11. The Harbor Master of the
City of Dubuque shall have full author-
ity to compel the removal of boats to
places assigned by him in accordance
with this ordinance. And after notice
In writing of twenty -four hours to re-
move any such boat or water craft to
places so assigned, said Harbor Master
shall have the power and it shall be
his duty to remove the same to any
other part of the levee or public land-
ing of said city.
See. 12. Any person violating any
of the terms of this ordinance or fail-
ing to obey the instructions or direc-
tion of the Harbor Master, shall- be
guilty of a misdemeanor and on con -
viction thereof shall be fined not less
than Five or more than One Hundred
Sec. 5. This oidinance shall be in
force and take effect after its passage
and publication in the Telegraph -Her-
, 1907.
, 1907.
, Mayor.
City Recorder,
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com-
mittee on claims, presented the follow-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —The undersigned, Com-
mittee on claims and City Attorney, re-
spectfully recommend that they have
investigated the claim on the injury
to Mrs. I. F. Hense and have agreed
with Mrs. Hense that they would rec-
ommend settlement of her claim by
the payment to her of the sum of
$30.00 in full for all injuries and dam-
ages received.
We would, therefore, recommend that
this settlement be made and that a
warrant be ordered drawn in favor of
the Mayor in the sum of $30.00 with
which to effect the same.
Dated this 7th day of November,
Respectfully submitted,
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the commit-
tee on claims and City Attorney was
approved and a warrant ordered drawn
in the sum of $30.00 in favor of the
Mayor with which to effect the "settle-
ment of the claim of h F. Hesse.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the con -
mittee on claims, also presented the
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: —The undersigned, Geo.
T. Lincoln, would respectfully state:
That on Saturday, Oct. 12th, 1907, at
about 5:30 p. m., while walking west-
erly on 7th and White streets in the
City of Dubuque, he stepped on a de-
Regular Session, November 7, 1907
fectiv.e plank in the street crossing, the
plank giving way throwing him onto
his 'shoulder against the curbstone and
into the gutter, as a result ,of which
his left shoulder was severely contused
and bruised and his physician claims
that the shoulder blade was fractured.
He would also state that he was earn-
ing from $12.00 to $15.0o per -week, and
that as a result of the injury he will
lose several weeks time and will be
compelled to pay for medicine and
medical attendance.
He hereby offers to settle with .the,
city for all, of the injuries sustained in •
said fall and for all da_ mages done him
thereby, including the doctor's bill, for
the sum of $185.00. This being in full
settlement for any and all damages
done him by reason of said injuries.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, this 18th
day. of, October, 1907.
The undersigned committee on
claims and City Attorney, would re-
spectfully state that they have investi-
gated .the foregoing claim and have
reached an agreement with said Geo.
T. Lincoln whereby the- same will be
settled and compromised for the sum
of $185.00, said Geo. T; Lincoln to pay
his -own doctor bill. We would there
fore recommend that this settlement
be made and that a warrant be ordered
drawn in favor of the Mayor in the
sum nf•$185.00 with which to settle the
same. •
Respectfully submitted this 18th' day
of. October, 1907:
Committee. on Claims.
City Attorney. ,
On ,motion the - report of the •com-
mittee • on claims and City. Attorney
was approved and a warrant ordered
drawn -in the sum of $185.00 in favor of
the -Mayor with which to effect the set-
tlement • of claim of. Geo, • T. Lincoln.
Ald, Hines, chairman of the com-
mittee on streets, reported as follows:
Yonr „committee on streets would re-
speptfully,, report, that we, have ex-
amined the improvement on Althauser
avenue from Stafford avenue to Eagle
street,. Street &,,Steuck,, contractors,
and,find that said work has been cam,
pleted in accordance with the .plans and
specifications prepared . therefor. We
would therefore, recommend that said
work be., accepted, ,and that . the City
Engineer, be , instructed to prepare .a
special, assessment against, the lots or
parcels of real, estate subject to as-
sessment for said improvement and
file tbe, same, in the ,office of the City
Recorder who )vill, thereupon publish
the notice required by ordinance,
J. A. STUMPF, • .
Committee on Streets.
City Engineer.
Street Commissioner.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
report of the committee on streets.
Ald. Hines also reported as follows:
Your committee on streets would rer
spectfully report that we have .ex- --
amined the brick paving on Iowa, •,,
street from the southerly ,curb line of
Third street to the southerly .curb line
of First street and First street, from
the westerly curb line of Iowa street
to the easterly lot line of Main street, ;.
the O'Farrell Contracting ; Co., con-
tractors, and , find that said( work has -
been completed in accordance with the -
plans and specifications prepared
therefor. We would therefore recom- .
mend that said work be accepted and
the City Engineer be instructed to pre -- -
pare, a special assessment against, the...
lots or parcels of real estate benefitted -,
by said improvement and subject to as-
sessment, therefore and file the same
in the office of the. City Recorder who
will thereupon publish the notice re-
quired by ordinance.
N. J. CLOSS, •
Committee on Streets.
City Engineer.
Street Commissioner.
Ald. Hiles moved the adoption of the'
report of the committee on streets.'
Ald. Hines - also reported as follows:
Your committee on streets would re-
spectfully , report that we have ex-
amined the brick paving on Thirteenth '
street from the east curb line of Bluff
street to' the west lot line of Clay street,
also on the alley between Main and Lo' -
cust streets from the south lot line of
Ninth street to the north. lot line • of -
Seventh street, - McCarthy Construction
Co.,.contractor, and find that said•work
has been completed in accordance with
the plans and specifications prepared '
therefor. We - would therefore recom-
mend that said work be accepted and
that the City.Engineer be instructed to
prepare a special assessment against
property proposed to be taken for said
All the proceedings under this
resolution to be taken in accord-
ance with the charter and the provis-
ions of Chapter 31 of the Ordinances of
the -City of Dubuque.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Regular Session, November 7, 1907
Alderman Closs offered the follow-
Whereas, John Olinger has filed his
petition with the City Council' to dedi-
cate to the City of Dubuque the east-
erly six feet of all lots facing on Wash-
ington street between Twenty- fourth
and Twenty -fifth streets on condition
that the city vacate the easterly six feet
of the alley between Jackson and
Washington streets from Twenty -
fourth to Twenty -fifth street, and
Whereas, it is deemed advisable to
alter said Washington street by widen-
ing the same six feet and altering said
alley by reducing its width six feet in
accordance with the plat and petition
filed by said John Oiinger, therefore
be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Engi-
neer make a plat and survey of such
proposed alteration showing the land
or lots over which the same is proposed
to be made, the names of the owners
thereof and the quantity of land neces-
sary for such change, and when said
plat is completed to file said plat in
the office of said Engineer subject to
public inspection, and that after said
plat is so filed that he give notice to
alt owners of property interested in
accordance with Section 2 of Chapter
XXXI of the Revised Ordinances of
the City of Dubuque.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Alderman Thomas offered the follow -
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That a sani-
tary sewer of eight inch tile pipe be
constructed in Kaufmann avenue from
the present manhole at the intersection
of North Main street westerly to the
west line of lot 8 in Cushing's addition,
according to the plans and specifica-
tions of said sewer prepared by the
City Engineer and now on file in the
office of the City Recorder, and be it
Resolved, That said sewer shall be
completed on or before the 15th day of
December, 1907, and shall be paid for
at the time and in the manner pre-
scribed by Chapter XXXIV of the Re-
vised Ordinances of 1901 of the City
of Dubuque for th @payment of the cost
of constructing sewers. The proposals
for doing such work will be acted upon
by the Council on the 21st day of No-
vember, 1907, and the City Recorder is
hereby ordered to give ten days' notice
by publication, asking for proposals as
provided by ordinance.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.'
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins. '
Ald. McEvoy was excused at 10:30
p. m.
Ald. Thomas .offered the following:
Resolved by the 'City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for a
sanitary sewer in N. Main street from
Leibnitz street 200 ft. south, by James
I -Iird, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a special tax be and
is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
Special assessment submitted No-
vember 7th, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amt,
John G. Becker, Marsh's add.;
lot 23, 50 lin ft. at 45.72c per
foot $ 22 86
A. F. and B. D. Heeb, Marsh's •
add., lot 22, 50 lin. ft. at 45.72c
per foot 22 86
H. Hanover Est., Marsh's add ,
lot 21, 50 lin. ft. at 45.72c per
foot 22 85
J. F. Johannsen, Marsh's add ,
lot 20, 50 lin. ft. at 45.72 per
Peter Nicks, Jr., Marsh's add ,
lot 50, 50 lin ft. at '45.72 per
Wm. Hintrager, Marsh's add ,
lot 49, 50 lin. ft. at •5.72 per
foot - 22 86
Wm. Keller, Marsh's add., lot
48, 50 lin. ft. at 45.72c per
Total $160 00
All of which assessment is in pro-
portion to the special benefits con-
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
490- Regular Session, November 7, 1907
the lots or parcels of real estate belle-
fitted by said improvement and subject
to assessment therefor and file the
same in the office of the City Recorder
who will thereupon publish the notice
required by ordinance.
Committee on Streets.
City Engineer.
Street Commissioner.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
report of the committee on streets.
Ald. Closs, chairman of the Board of
Equalization, reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, to whom
was referred the petition of Louisa
Schwartz, asking that en account of
her 'age and poverty the taxes on her
property, lots 7 and 9 in Marsh's Du-
btique No. 2, lot 6 in Kringle's sub. and
lot 6a of Quigley's out =lot 711, be can-
celed for the year 1906, would 'respect-
fully recommend that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that the
Treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also, your Board of Equalization re-
porting on the within petition of Rev.
Geo. W. Heer, would respectfully rec-
ommend that the City Treasurer be
instructed to cancel the taxes against
the middle 1 -5 of the south middle 1 -5
•of city lot 434, the said property being
used for school' purposes.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of
the various reports of the Board of
Equalization. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole, to
whom were referred the applications of
- Joseph B. Workman and J. H. Zearing
for the position of tax commissioner
for the city of Dubuque, would recom-
mend that Joseph B. Workman be em-
ployed as such tax commissioner for a
term of three years and under a suit-
able contract to be prepared by the
City Attorney.
Also, your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that the
city purchase no more macadam until
after the beginning of the next fiscal
Also, your committee of the whole, to
whom were referred the rules, regula-
tions and rates adopted by the Board of
Water Works Trustees, would respect-
fully recommend that the same be re-
ceived and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole, to
whome was referred the bill of James
Gregory for $955.00 for shingling roof
of City Hall, would respectfully re=
port that the work has been done ac-
cording to contract and we would
therefore recommend that said bill be
.paid and that a warrant in the afore-
said amount be ordered drawn on the
City Treasurer in settlement thereof.
Also, your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
Nicholas Wagner in relation to the
filling of lot 22 in 0. Taylor's sub.,
would respectfully recommend that the
matter be referred to the alderman of
the Fifth ward with power.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption ' of
the various reports of the committee
of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Closs stated that the matter of
the filling of lot 22 in 0. Taylor's sub.
had been referred to hint with power
and that Mr. Wm. Hintrager, the own-
er of said lot, was present in the Coun-
cil Chamber, and he moved that the
rules be suspended to allow Mr. Hintra-
ger permission to address the Council.
Mr. Hintrager then addressed the
Council on the subject.
Alderman Hines offered the follow-
Whereas, it is deemed advisable by
the City Council of the City of Dubu-
que, to lay out and open a street fifty
(50) feet wide through the property
of R. W. Kemler from West Fifth
street and extending in a northerly
and northwesterly direction through
lot 6 of 7 of mineral lot 79, to the east-
erly line of lot 8 of mineral lot 79, all
said property being in the City of Du-
buque, Iowa, according to the plat and
survey of said street prepared by the
City Engineer and filed in his office, '
therefore be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That the City Re-
corder be and he is hereby directed to
issue a venire to the Chief of Police
commanding him to summon a jury of
twelve freeholders, citizens of said city
not directly interested, and having the
qualifications required by ordinance,
for the purpose of assessing any dam-
ages which may be sustained by reason
of the laying out and opening of said
street by the owner or owners of the
492 , Regular Session,, NOyemb,er 7, 1907
Carried by the following :vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Hines offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City,. of. Dubuque, That to pay for
brick, ;paving .Ninth street from Bluff
street to Locust street, by McCarthy
Improvement Co, contractors, in front .
of , and, adjoining the same, 'a special
tax be and is hereby levied on the sev-
eral lots, and parts of lots, and parcels
of real estate hereinafter named,
situate and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, -as follows:
Special assessment submitted -No-
vember 7th, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amt.
First Church of Christ,:,city. lot
642, 62.2 lin. ft new. curbstone
at 50c, $31.10; 5 ]in„ ft. re-
set curbing at 16c, 80c;
271.45 sq. yds. - paving. at- $2.14,
$580.90;, extra , expenses, ,
$13;12; total $ .625 92
Harmony and Julian Lodge, .
city lot ..633, 105 lin. ft. new
curbstone at 50.c, - $52.50;
243,64 sq. yds. paving at. $2,14,
$521.40; extra , expenses,
$11,70 ;. total 585 60
Key City Building,.Co., city lot
632, 249.84 sq. yds„ paving at
$2,14 $534.65; extra, expenses,
$12,00; total 546 6
J. E. Fairbanks, city lot, E.
33 1 -2 ft. city lot. 643, 46, 1 -2
lin. ft. new curbstone at ,50c,
$23.25; 62.6 ft.,. reset
curbing at.16o,.- $10,01; /108.69
sq. yds.,- paving . at $2.14,
$232.60; extra expenses, $5.22;
total 271 08
Geo. Mohr Est., city lot, W, 63
1 -2 ft. city lot 643, 165.49 sq.
yds. paving. at $2,14, $354.15;
extra expenses, $7,96;, total. , 362 11
Total $2391 36
Said assessments, being .:in accord -
anne with the special benefits conferred
upon said,,abutting,.property.
Ald. Hides moved the,adoption of the
Carried ,by, the .following „vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stuinpf and Thomas.
Nays -None,
Absent - Aids,- Hopkins and MC-
Ald, 'Hines, also offered the follow-
Resolved,by,,lthe „City; of„ the .
City of Dubuque, That to pay for brick 'y
paving, 11th, street =from -Bluff street t o
Clay street, by McCarthy, Impr .ve-
ment Co., contractors, in front of and'
adjoining the same, a special tax .be;
and is hereby levied on the several lots;,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and,.,
owned, and for the several amounts,, .
set opposite each , lot or parcel of,
real estate, • as follows:
Special assessment submitted No- ..
vember 7th. 19Q7.
Owner. Description. Amt.
City of Dubuque (library) sub,
city 660, lot 182, 201.87 sq.
yds. paving at $2.14, .$432.00.;
inspectors' salaries,_ adv._ costs,
etc, $7.12; total $ 439 12:
Masonic Temple, city, N. 43 '
ft. of E. 1 -2 lot 660, 181.97
sq. yds. paving at $2.14,
$389:42; inspectors' salaries,
adv. costs, etc, $6.42; total 395.84
H. B. Moiler, city lot 160; 304.52
sq. -, yds. . paving at $2:14,
$651.67; inspectors' salaries,
adv. costs, etc., $10.75; total. 662 42. •
C. J. W. Saunders, city, N. 43:2
ft., lot 41, 3 lin. ft. reset
curb at 16c, 48c; 308.97 sq.
yds. paving at $2:14, $661.20;
inspectors' salaries, adv.
costs; etc, $10.90; tbtal 672 58'
W. H. Day, city lot 40a, 309.43
sq. yds.' paving at $2.14,
$662.18; inspectors' salaries,
adv. costs, etc, $10.92; total. 673 10
Dr. J. F. McCarthy, city lot 161,
3 1 -4 lin. ft. new curb at 50c,
$1:63; 117 lin. ft. reset curb
at 16c, $18.72; 305.00 sq. yds.
paving at $2.14, $652.70; in-
spectors' salaries, adv. costs,
etc:, $10.76; total 683 81.
Henry Friederick, city lot 199,
113 :2 lin. ft. new curb at 50c,
$56.60; 260.43 sq. yds. paving
at $2.14, $557.32;, inspectors'
salaries, adv. costs, etc ,
$9,18; total' 623 10'
John A. Koch, city, N.' 41.4 ft
of city lot 268, 3 lin. ft. new
curb at 50c, $1.50; 256 'sq.
yd. paving at $2:14, $547.84; -
inspectors' salaries, adv
costs, etc :, $9:03; total 558 37
J. 412 and, - F. r D. Stout, S.- 78, -
S. 1 -2 of lot ' 661, 366.52'
sq. yds. - paving , at $2 ;14,- '
$784.35; inspectors' 'salaries,
adv. cost, etc., $12,93. ;,,,13.12
sq. ,yds. deducted for drive-
ways; total 797 28..,
Win ,Bradley Est., S. 1 -5 of
S. .2 -5 of,, city lot- 478, 115,5
lin., ft., new , curb at 50c, ,
$57.75„ • 310,66. sq. yds. paving,,
at $2.1.4j. $664.81; inspectors'
salaries, adv. costs, etc, ,
$10l96j „total, .. 733., 5a,
Fred.,,Weigel Est „' S. 21.2, city
lot 467, ;116, lin. -ft.; new curb
at,. 511c, .$58.00.; $06,44 sq yds;
paving at $2.14, $655.78; in-
spectors' salaries, adv. costs,
etc., $10.85; total 724 63
Mrs. H. B. Bissell, S. 86.4 ft.
of city lot 466, 16.75 lin. ft.
new curb at 50c, $8.37; 22 lin.
lt. reset curb at 16c, $3.52;
306.08 sq. yds. paving at
$2.14, $655.02; inspectors'
salaries, adv, costs, etc,
$10.80; total 677 71
Grace Willoughby, S. 1 -5 of
city lot 459, 307.85 sq. yds.
paving at $2.14, $658.80; in-
spectors' salaries, adv. costs,
etc., $10.86; total G69 66
J. V. Rider, und. 1 -2 S. 55 ft.
of city lot 458, 130.26 sq. yds.
paving at $2.14, $278.75; in-
spectors' salaries, adv. costs,
etc,. $4.70; total 283 45
G. A. and E. Burden, und. 1 -2
S. 55 ft. of city lot 458, 130.26
sq. yds. paving at $2.14,
278.75; inspectors' salaries,
adv. costs, etc, $4.70; total 283 45
Anna Mauer, S. 2 -5 of city lot
447, 9.5 lin. ft. new curb at
50c, $4.75; 258.30 sq. yds.
paving at $2.14, $552.76; in-
spectors' salaries, adv. costs,
etc., $9.12; total 566 63
Regular Session, November 7, 1907
Total $9444 67
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred upon
said abutting property.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Thomas offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for
repairing sidewalks in July and Aug-
ust, 1907, by John Mahoney, Sidewalk
Inspector contractor in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts
set opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate as follows:
Special assessment submitted No-
vember 7th, 1907.
Mercy Hospital, sub. min. lot 66,
lot 1, 26 feet lumber, 75c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total $ 1 00
E. W. Albee, city lot 85, 13 feet
lumber, 40c; 1 -2 hour labor,
25c; total 65
J. S. Stephens, Julia Langwor-
thy's add., lot 22, 40 feet lum-
ber, $1.20; 1 hour labor, 50c;
S. M. Langworthy Est., S. M.
Langworthy's sub., lot 9, 8 feel
1 70
lumber, 25c; 1 -2 hour labor,
25c; total 50
J. E. McLean, sub. M. lot 149,
lot 8, 17 feet lumber, 50c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 75
F. McLaughlin Est., Kelly's sub ,
N. 1 -2 of lot 33, 25 feet lumber,
75c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total 1 00
R. Waller Est.; sub. 42 Kelly's
sub., lots 2 and 3, 18 feet lum-
ber, 55c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
total 80
Minnie E. Kuttler, sub. min. lot
68, lot 6, 25 feet lumber, 75c;
1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total 1 00
F. A. Thompson, E. E. Jones' sub.
W. 1 -2 of lot 12, 54 ft. lumber,
$1.60; 1 hour labor, 50c; total 2 10
D. J. Lenihan, Home add., lot
10, 10 feet lumber, 30c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 55
Kiene & Altman, sub. 239 Davis
Farm add., lot 1, 17 brick, 35e;
2 hours labor, $1.00; total 1 35
Wm. Jenkins Est., sub. 22 and 23,
Kelly's sub., lot 1, 20 feet lum-
ber, 60c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
total 85-
Anton Meyer, Davis Farm add ,
lot 254, 32 feet lumber, 95c;
1 hour labor, 50c; total 1 45
H. and E. Langworthy Est.,
Glendale add., lots 247 and 270,
115 feet lumber, $3.45; 2 hours
labor, $1.00; total 4 45-
R. and E. Langworthy Est.,
Glendale add., lots 247 and 270,
15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 70
R. Waller Est., Harper's sub.,
N. 85 of lot 2, 32 feet lumber,
95c; 1 hour labor, 50c'; total... 1 45
Cath. Univ. of Washington, et
al., Mobley's Dub., lot 6 and 7,
15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 70.
Mary C. Dunn, Finley's add., lot
16, 15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 70-
Win. W. Crabtree, S. M. Lang -
worthy's sub., lot 11, 15 feet
lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour labor,
25c; total 70•
Peter Kearney, Union add., lot
75, 25 feet lumber, 75c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 1 00•
Jennie Mitchell, sub. city 524, lot
2, 32 feet lumber, 95c; 1 hour
labor, 50c; total 1 45
E. W. Albee, city lot, 85, 13 feet
lumber, 40e; 1 -2 hour labor,
25c; total 65.
Cath. Stafford, S. M. Langwor-
thy's add., lot 44, 20 feet lum-
ber, 60e; 1 -,2 hour labor, 25c;
F. Coates and H. C. Kiessel, S.
M. Langworthy's add., und.
1 -2 lot 39, 30 feet lumber, 90c;
1 hour labor, 50e; total 1 40'
R. Waller Est., Klingenberg's 4th
Win. Redmond, Union Add., Lot
173, 240 sq. ft. at 17c, $40.80;
advertising, $8.87; total $ 49 67
Said special assessment being in
accordance with the special benefits
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Clancy also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
cement sidewalk on South Dodge street
by James Lee & Son, contractors, in
front of and adjoining the same, a spe-
cial tax be and is hereby levied on the
several lots and parts of lots, and par-
cels of real estate hereinafter named,
.situated and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate, as follows:
Special Assessment submitted Nov.
7, 1907.
Owner. Description. Total
Johanna Koerner, lot 2 of Sub.
3 of Min. Lot 63, 296 sq. ft. at
17c; advertising, $8.87; total...$59 19
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote :
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs; Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Regular Session, November 7, 1907
Ald. Hines offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
cement sidewalk on the west side of
Foye street by James Lee & Son, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Special assessment submitted Nov.
7th, 1907.
Owner. Description. Total.
John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 7, 996 square feet at
13c; advertising, $5.00 $134 48
Said assessment being in accord-
ance with the special benefits conferred.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Closs offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
cement sidewalk on the west side of
Washington street by James Lee &
Son, contractors, in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situate and owned,
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Nov.
7th, 1907,
Owner. Description. Total
Margt. Graf Est., L. H. Lang -
worthy, 87 and 88, lot 3, 133.5
square feet 17c; advertising,
$8.87; total $31 66
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Clancy moved that the mayor
be instructed and he is hereby directed
and authorized to buy for the city any
property not otherwise sold for unpaid
special assessments at the treasurer's
sale of property for unpaid taxes.
Ald. Closs moved that the city en-
gineer be instructed to prepare plans
and specifications for putting Althauser
avenue in shape and submit same to
the council at their next session.
Ald. Clancy moved that a warrant
in the sum of seven dollars be drawn
in favor of James Gregory to pay bill
for constructing new skylight in roof
of City Hall building. Carried.
Ald. Thomas moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, Nov. 21, 1907.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
494 Regular Session, November 7, 1907
sub., lots 16 and 17, 18 feet
lumber, 55c; 1 -2 hour labor,
25c; total
J. H. Rhomberg, L. H. Lang -
worthy's add., S. 42 feet of lot
92, 12 feet lumber, 35c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total
Rev. J. J. Keane, city lot 607, 6
feet lumber, 15c; 1 -2 hour la-
bor,- 25c; total
Geo. Kiessel and J. K. Deming,
sub. M. L., 466, und. 1 -2 lot 2,
20 ft. lumber, 60c; 1 -2 hour la-
bor, 25c; total
Jas. Lee, sub. city 692, S. 100 ft._
of lot 4, 25 ft. lumber, 75c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total
John Buettell Est., Bradstreets
add., lot 1, 10 ft. lumber, 30c;
1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total
W. G. Cox, sub. min. lot 90, lot
2, 90 ft. lumber, $1.80; 1 hour
labor, 50c; total
L. H. Langworthy, Porter's add ,
lot 13, 30 ft. lumber, 90c; 1 hour
labor, 50c; total
W. Klauer et al., Davis Farm
add., lot 213, 75 ft. lumber,
$2.25; 2 hours labor, $1.00; to-
K. and L. H. Kolfenbach, Glen-
dale add., lot 57, 8 ft. lumber,
25c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total.
1 00
2 30
1 40
3 25
Total $39 40
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Thomas also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for the
cutting of weeds under the supervision
of the Street Commissioner during the
months of June, July and August,
1907, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Special assessment submitted No-
vember 7th, 1907.
Owenr. Description. Total.
.John Koch Est., Cox's add, lot
16, 9 hours labor $ 1 80
B.. W. Kemler, Cain's sub. 18
and 19, 36 hours labor 7 20
W. McLain, Guernsey and Lang -
worthy's add., lots 3 and 4, 21
hours labor 4 20
.Sarah A. Smyth, Morgan's sub ,
S. 33 feet 6 inches of lots 1
and 2, 9 hours labor 1 80
Frank Hamel, sub. 2 of city lot
670, lot 2, 9 hours labor
Henry Clark, Morgan's sub., lot
3, 9 hours labor
Cath. Univ. of Wash., et al, A.
McDaniell's sub., lot 821, 14
hours labor
F. J. Kessler Est., Morgan's sub ,
N. 86 feet of lots 1 and 2, 9
hours labor
J. J. Bradley, Farley's sub., lot
13, 9 hours labor
Geo. Salot, Finley's add., lot 4,
18 hours labor
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., Mor-
gan's sub., lots 11 and 12, 18
hours labor
1 80
1 80
2 80
1 80
1 80
3 60
3 60
Total $32 20
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for ce-
ment sidewalk on north side of Rush
street, by James Lee & Son, contract-
ors, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situated and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted No-
vember 7th, 1907:
Mary Cunningham, Union Add.,
Lot 128, 286 sq. ft. at 17c,
$48.62; advertising, $8.87;
total $ 57 49
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred.
Aid. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and McEvoy.
Ald. Clancy also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for ce-
ment sidewalk on the south side of
Rush street, by James Lee & Son, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as
Special assessment submitted Nov.
7th, 1907:
Regular Session, November 21, 1907
Regular Session November 21st, 1907.
Council met at 9:30 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf.
The following bills having been
properly approved by the various com-
mittees, were ordered paid:
Jesse Jellison, inspector 9th St.
paving $25 00
Peter Schuller, inspector 9th St
paving ' 25 00
George Becket, inspector Grand-
view avenue sewer 25 00
Chris Gantenbein, inspector sew-
er in alley between Rhomberg
and Lincoln avenues 25 00
Wm. Foster, inspector Broad-
way street sewer 9 60
Jas. Graham, hauling water to
sewer on Delhi street and
Grandview avenue 4 05
Bill of Willmer Cook for improving
Adams avenue from First to Second
avenues, $604.73, was on motion, re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Following bills were referred to the
committee on streets:
Frank Brown, inspector brick
paving in alley between Main
and Locust from 7th to 9th Sts: $13 50
Thos. McEvoy, inspector brick
paving in alley between Main
and Locust from 7th to 9th Sts 13 50
Bill of I. C. Chamberlain. insurance
on 9th street engine house and Armory,
$36.00, was on motion, referred to the
committee of the whole.
Following bills were ordered paid
from the sale of bonds for the improve-
O'Farrel Contracting Co., pav-
ing First street from Main to
Iowa street and Iowa street
from First to Third street $8668 67
O'Farrell Contracting Co., con,
strutting sewer in Grandview
avenue, Delhi street, Grace
and Louisa streets 2448 91
Street & Steuck, constructing
sanitary sewer in Broad-
way street 91 42
Petitions and Communications.
Petition of Mrs. Alice McGrath ask-
ing that she be exempt from the pay -
ment for 205 feet of sanitary sewer
constructed in Union avenue, was on
motion, referred to the committee of
the whole.
Petition of Ernest _ Mueller asking
that the taxes on lots 18 and 19, King's
Grove add., for the year 1906, be ex
empted to the amount of $800.00; lie
being an honorably discharged • TYnibh
soldier, was on motion granted and the
Treasurer to be instructed accordingly.
Petition of Hammel Ilenker 'Go. ask-
ing that an electric light be Placed i at
1Sth and Pine streets; was on:motiofn;-
referred to the committee on police
and light.
Petition of John O'Rourke et aI
ing teat electric lights be placed'tin
Woodlawn Park at Rosedale averliie
and Willow street, and also oh Audu+
bon avenue, was on motion, referred
to the committee on police and light.
Petition of Israel Long- asking that
the City Treasurer be instructed"to'
refund $2.50 paid by- 'him for eicpreSs.
license, he being unable to the
license, was oh motion, 'granted 'ali'd - a;
warrant in the sum of $2.50 ordered
drawn in favor of Israel Long.
Petition of Arnold - T. Baumgartner,
Captain of Co. A, 53rd I. N: G.,' asking
that the council take immediate: action.
in -the matter of the leasing Armory
Hall, was on motion, referred fti 'the
committee of the whole,'antt Met Baum-
gartner to be notified to be present at
the meeting.
Petition of Dtihudue Bridge Co:, ask-
ing that the taxes levied' agairi'st the
property for the years 1905 Ind '1906
be cancelled and to set 'aside the''a'ctierf
taken by the council in directing' the'
city treasurer to 'collect ' the ' taXes-
levied on the bridge property' fdr; the
years 1905 and 19061 Alsd to reduce
the valuation Of the property of the
Bridge company for taxation for the
year 1907 from $100,000.00 to $65,000:00
was ':31 motion referred to the 'c'diil-
mittee of the 'whole,' and the c fficer5 of
the Bridge company to be notified to.
be present at the meeting.
Petition of Mrs. 7 ,Vi11relihina O'Cal -•
lahan -by Ged. T. Lyon; her attorney,
asking that the council'aecept $25:651n.
full settlement of srfecial assesSment
levied against subdivi 2' Of 'Hughes"
subdivision Lot 1, 'for ' 'ciinstrire'tirig
sanitary sewer in Delhi: street -'ryas on
motion referred to the committee of
the whole.
Petition of John FL' Waller,' asking
that the Treasurer be''instructed 'to
accept $125.00 in full - settlement of Sp''0
cial assessment levied against City
Regular Session, November 21, 1907
Lots 21, 22 and 64 of subdivision 721
was.on motion referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole.
;Petition of Joni R. Waller asking
that the Treasurer be instructed to ac-
oP,Pt $63.10 in full settlement of special
assessment for improving South Bluff
s>rl;eet, abutting south 2 -3 of Lot 695,
was on motion referred to the Commit-
tee, of the Whole.
,Bids for constructing sanitary sewer
in.Kaufmann avenue from the present
sewer. at North Main and Kaufmann
avenue westerly to the west line of
Lot 8 in Cushing's addition, were pre-
sented and on motion were ordered
opened, as follows:
' ,,,Geo. L., Kormann: Eight -inch sewer,
per lineal foot, 49c;, manholes each,
.Street and Steuck: Eight -inch sewer,
per, lineal foot, 85c; manholes each,
,,IO'Farrel Contracting Co.: Eight -
inch, sewer, per lineal foot, 90c; man-
holes, each, $30.00.
On motion contract was awarded to
George L. Kormann and his bond
placed at $100.00.
Reports of Officers.
Street Commissioner Kearney re-
poit as follows:
1'o, the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
pay, roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the first
half of November, 1907:
Amount due laborers on rtreets.$846.60
Approved by cormiiittee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on. sewers during the first half of No-
vember, 1907:
Amount due laborers on sewers. $211.90
Approved by committee on sewers.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
op • Mt. Carmel avenue during the first
half of November, 1907:
Amount due laborers on Mt. Car-
, mel avenue $325.35
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on 17th street storm water sewer dur-
tug the first half of November, 1907:
Amount due laborers - on 17th
street storm water sewer $84.80
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor on
intakes from Jackson street to the Bee
Branch sewer during the first half - of
November, 1907:
Amount due laborers on intakes
to Bee Branch sewer $121.35
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit my pay roll for labor
on Seventh avenue during the first
half of November, 1907, one -half of
which is to be paid by the abutters, the
other half by the city:
Amount due, laborers on Sev-
enth avenue .$197.36
Approved by committee on streets.
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay rolls on streets
and sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the proper committes.
Street Commissioner Kearney also
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor grading Louisa
Amount due Laborers on Louisa
street $93.50
Street Commissioner Kearney stated
pay roll was not signed by him be-
cause he did not know rrom what fund
money to pay laborers was to be taken.
On motion of Ald. Clancy warrants
were ordered drawn and money to pay
the laborers to be taken from grading
fund. .Carried.,
Pay roll was then signed by Street
Commissioner and Street Committee.
Street Commissioner Kearney also
reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
pay roll for labor on Delhi street dur-
ing the first half of Novamber, 1907,
the same to be paid from the county
road fund:
Amount due laborers on Delhi
street $61.70
Approved by Committee on Streets.
Street Commissioner.
On motion the pay roll was received
and referred to the Street Commis-
sioner to collect from the Board of
City Attorney Kintzinger reported
as follows:
Dubuque, Ia., Nov. 12th, 1907.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: — Herewith attached
please find receipt of Mary E. Hense
for the sum of $30.00 in full settle-
ment and release of all damages clone
her, by reason of falling on a defective
sidewalk on the north side of Sabula
street. in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
on or about the 4th day of October,
1907, a warrant for which sum was
issued to the mayor at the last meet-
ing of the City Council.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
Regular Session, November 21, 1907
On motion the report of the City
_Attorney was approved and ordered
received and filed.
City Attorney Kintzinger also re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
• Council:
Gentlemen: — Attached please find
receipt of George Lincoln for the sum
of $185.00 in full settlement for all
injuries and damages sustained by
him in falling on a sidewalk on the
corner of 7th and White streets on
October 12th, 1907, a warrant for
which was ordered drawn in favor of
the mayor at the last meeting of the
City Council.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the City
Attorney was approved and received
and filed.
City Attorney Kintzinger also re-
ported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: — Herewith attached
please find treasurer's receipt of
$45.00, being amount collected from
the Diamond Jo Line on account of
wharfage from April 1, 1898 to April
1, 1907, the same having been re-
ferred to me for collection at the last
meeting of the City Council.
Respectfully submitted,
City Attorney.
On motion the report of the City
Attorney was received and filed.
City Engineer llg reported as fol-
To the- Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:— Please find attached
grade of North street from the west
line of Grandview avenue to the west
line of Louisa street as shown by red
line and -I would recommend the same
for your adoption.
Respectfully submitted,
PAUL ILG, City Engineer.
On motion the report of the City
Engineer was approved, profile accept-
ed and referred to the Ordinance Com-
mittee to prepare an ordinance.
City Engineer Ilg also reported as
- follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council: -
Gentlemen: — Please find attached
plan and specifications for the pro-
posed retaining wall and concrete gut -
- ter along Althauser avenue.
PAUL ILG, City Engineer.
On motion of Ald. Clancy the plans
and specifications of the City Engineer
were approved and the Recorder in-
structed to advertise for bids for the
retaining wall and concrete gutter on
Althauser avenue. -
City Engineer Ilg also reported as
follows •
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen —I would respectfully
report that I have examined the fol-
lowing cement sidewalks, constructed
under contract with the city, and
would recommend that said walks be
accepted and that a special assess-
ment be ordered prepared against the
property benefited thereby.
By James Lee & Son, contractors,
sublet to E. J. Schilling, contractor.
Otto Schmid, 14th street East Du -•
buque Add., N. 25.3 feet'of Lot 192 and
Frank Nejedly Est., East Dubuque
Add„ south 25.4 feet of Lot 192.
Respectfully submitted,
PAUL, ILG, City Engineer.
On motion the report of the City
Engineer was received and the City
Engineer to be instructed to prepare
special assessment for constructing
said sidewalk.
City Engineer Ilg also reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:— According to your in-
structions I have looked over the meas-
urements and figures of the Bee
Branch Sewer, constructed by Mr.
Peter Eisbach in 1903 and found there
are 2,908.70 cubic yards of masonry,
according to actual cubical contents.
Respectfully submitted,
PAUL ILG, City Engineer.
On motion the report of the City
Engineer was approved.
City Recorder Linehan presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the city council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
for the improvement of the alley be-
tween Main and Locust streets from
the South Lot line of Ninth street to
the North Lot line of Seventh street.
No remonstrance being filed and no
one in the room objecting to the levy-
ing of said special assessment, the
notice was, on motion, received and
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and r °ad the printed notice, certified to
by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
for the improvement of Thirteenth
street from the east curb line of Bluff
street to the west lot line of Clay
street. No remonstrance being filed
anL no one in the room objecting to
the levying of said special assessment,
500 Regular Session, November 21, 1907
the notice was, on motion, received and
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment for
the imp_ovement of Althauser avenue
from Stafford avenue to Eagle street.
Remonstrance of Mrs. G. Vollrath,
et al, was read remonstrating against
the levying of the special assessment
and asking damages for improvements
made ana ground taken in the im-
provements of Althauser avenue, also
asking that a retaining wall be built
in the rear of their lots so as to pre-
vent further damage. On motion
notice and remonstrance were received
• and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified to
by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to levy special assessments for
the laying of various cement sidewalks.
No remonstrance being filed and no
one in tit:: room objecting to the levy-
ing of special assessments the notice
was, on motion, received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
the sealed report of the Jurors appoint-
ed to assess the damages, if any,
caused to Lot 6 of Mineral Lot 79 by
the opening of a proposed street, as
shown by plat prepared by the City
Engineer. On motion report was or-
dered opened, and read as follows:
We, the undersigned Jurors, appoint-
ed to assess the damage, if any,
caused by the proposed opening of a
street through Sub. 6 of Mineral Lot
79, in accordance with the plat of such
proposed opening, do solemnly swear
that we will perform such duty without
fear or favor or prejudice and to the
best of our ability.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
b'y the above jurors on this lSth day
of November, 1907.
Chief of Police.
Dubuque, Iowa, November 18th, 190
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of the City of Dubuque:
We, the undersigned jurors, duly ap-
pointed and qualified to assess the
damages that may be caused to lot 6
of mineral lot 79 by the opening of
proposed street through the same 'a.%
shown by a plat prepared by the City
Engineer, do hereby award the sum
of $1,000.00 in full compensation for
any and all damages that may accrue
to said lot 6 of mineral lot 79 by rea-
son of the opening of such street.
On motion the reports of the jurors.
and the slat were referred to the com-
mittee of rha whole.
Market Master Katz reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Herewith attached please find Treas-
urer's receipts for $31.95 scale receipts.
for month of October, 1907.
Respectfully submitted,
Market Master.
On motion report of Market Master
Katz was received and filed.
Reports of Committees.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the cdm-
mittee on 'claims, reported as followt:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen —The undersigned, -George -
Eckert, would respectfully state that
on or about Sunday, November 3rd,
1907, at about 9 o'clock p. m., while L he
Was driving along Delhi street near the
corner of Delhi and Julien avenue, he
ran into an excavation at or about that
point, which was left' unguarded by
persons constructing the sewer in said
Delhi street. It was a dark night and
there were no lamps or other protection.
around this excavation. My.horse raft,
into it upsetting the buggy and threw
me out into the street, from which. Y
received several slight bruises and the
buggy was broken in several place . A.
The cost of repairing the rig is $6.80
as per the hill of John Newman & Son,.
herewith attached.
I hereby offer to take the sum.. of
16.80 in full settlement of all damages.
and injuries sustained by my horse and.
buggy by reason of said accident.'
Dated this 20th day of November,
Respectfully' submitted,
The undersigned committee on clahnez
and City Attorney, would respectfully
Regular Session, November 21, 1907 5
recommend that the above claim be
settled on the terms named in the
proposition, and that a warrant in the
sum of 16.10 be ordered drawn in favor
of the Mayor with which to effect said
Committee on Claims,
City Attorney.
On motion, the report of the com-
mittee on claims and City Attorney
was approved and a warrant ordered
drawn in the sum of $6.S0 in favor of
the Mayor with which to effect the
setlement of the claim of George Eck-
Ald. Thomas of the committee on
markets, reported as follows:
Your committee on markets would
respectfully report that we have ap-
pointed Louis Zemanek to act as as-
sistant market master from the 1st day
of November, 1907, to the 1st day of
April, 1908.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the report of the committee on mar-
kets. Carried.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com-
mittee on public grounds and buildings,
reported that the trees in the parks
were in need of trimming, and moved
that all trees in the parks be trimmed
by tree trimmer.
On motion the matter of trimming
trees in the parks was referred to the
committee of the whole.
Ald. Clancy of the committee on sew-
ers, reported as follows:
Your committee on sewers would re-
spectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sanitary sewer in Broad-
way from the south line of the north
half of John King's 1st addition south
to the south line of lot 5 in same ad-
dition, Street & Steuck, contractors,
and would recommend that said sewer
be accepted and that the City Engi-
neer be instructed to prepare a special
assessment against the lots or parcels
of real estate subject to assessment for
such improvement and file the same
in the office of the City Recorder, who
will thereupon publish the notice re-
quired by ordinance.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the report of the committee on sewers.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy also reported as follows:
Your committee on sewers would re-
spectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sanitary sewer in Grace
street from a point ten feet west of
the line between lots 5 and 6 in Reche's
sub, east to Louisa street, thence in
Louisa street, Delhi street and Grand -
view avenue to the manhole at the in-
tersection of north street, the O'Far-
r, 11 Contracting Co., contractors, and
would recommend that said sewer be
accepted and that the City Engineer
be instructed to prepare a special as-
sessment against the lots or parcels
of real estate subject to assess-
ment for such improvement and
file the same in the office of the City
Pecor-ler, who will thereupon publish
the notice rec!uired by ordinance.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the report of the committee on sewers.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Na _'s —None.
Aijsent— Alc1s. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Closs, chairman of the Board
of Equalization reported as follows:
Your Board of Equalization, regular-
ly appointed by your honorable body
at the first meeting of September last
to equalize the assessments of all tax-
payers in accordance with Section. 3
of Chapter LVI of the Revised Or-
dinances of the City of Dubuque of
1901. would respectfully report that
we have performed all the duties re-
quired by said Chapter and that we
held a final meeting on October 29th,
1907, for the purpose of giving a hear-
ing to those who felt aggrieved by
the action of this board, that those
who desired addressed the board and
after giving careful consideration to
the proposed changes in the assess-
ments, we respectfully recommend
that the following changes be con-
Dubuque Star Brewery from $40,000
to $30,000.
C. H. Eighmey, trustee, City lots
569 and 570 from $8,000 to $9,000.
McDonald & Morrison Mfg. Co., City
lots 183 and 184 from $17,000 to $20,-
000, also East Dubuque Add., lots 267
to 276, 331 to 340 and 393 to 402 from
$17,100 to $22,000.
W. H. Day, Jr., moneys and credits,
from $4,000 to $10,000.
H. Gatena, Sub. City 438 and 439,
etc., lot 5 from $2,000 to $2,500.
Wm. Hanson, merchandise, from
$100 to $1,000.
Frank Holz, Sub. City 438, 439, etc.,
S. 24x100 feet lot 7 from $1,150 to
Key City Furniture Co., merchan-
dise, from $7,000 to $8,500.
Bank & Insurance building, , from
$250,000 to $200,000.
John Baum, lots 153 and N. 1 -2 of
154 in Finlay's Add., from $500 to $800.
Nic Glab, Finlay's Add., lot 156 from
$350 to $450.
502 Regular Session, November 21, 1907
Nic Glab, Finlay's Add., lot 157, from
$100 to $400.
Nic Glob, Finlay's Add., lot 158, from
$100 to $400.
L. T. Hillary, Finlay's Add., N. W.
6 feet of 7 and S. E. 55 feet of S from
$500 to $900.
Eliza Hird, Finlay Add., lot 13, from
$4.00 to $500.
Mrs. B. Latimer, Finley Add., lot 14,
from $250 to $500.
Mrs. B. Latimer, Finley Add., lot 15,
from $250 to $500.
Rosanna Lyons, Finley Add., S. E.
60 feet of Lot 7, from $300. to $1,300.
Elizabeth Schuler, Schuler's Sub., lot
1, from $700 to $1,000.
The board having finished its work,
then adjourned sine die.
Ald. Clots moved the adoption of
the report of the Board of Equaliza-
tion. Carried.
Ald. Gloss, chairman of the Board
of Health, reported as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and - City
Gentlemen —Your Board of Health,
to whom was referred the bill of E.
E. Frith for hauling garbage and dead
animals during the month of Septem-
ber, 1907, amounting to $423.50, would
respectfully report that we have ex-
amined into and investigated said bill
and have found said bill to be correct
and we would respectfully recommend
that a warrant in the sum of $423.50
be drawn in favor of E. E. Frith in
full settlement of 'said bill.
Also your Board of Health has ap-
proved the bill of E. E. Frith amount-
ing to $220.22 for hauling garbage and
dead animals during the first half of
November, 1907. MY•. Frith having been
notified by the Board of Health that
owing to the condition of the Board of
Health fund hauling of garbage for the
year 1907 must be stopped on November
15th, 1907, we would therefore recom-
mend that a warrant in the sum of
$220.22 be drawn in favor of Mr. E. E.
Frith in full settlement of said bill.
Also your Board of Health begs to
report that the contract formerly en-
tered into by the Board of Supervisors
of Dubuque County for the care of the
Detention Hospital and for the care
of patients suffering from contagious
diseases having expired, said Board
of Supervisors by resolution did on
the 29th day of October, 1907, turn
over to, the City of Dubuque without
charge the entire care and manage-
ment of the detention hospital, your
Board of Health entered into a lease
with Mr. A. L. Rhomberg for the use
of the ground upon which the deten-
tion hospital is built for a period of
five years, commencing November 12,
1906, and herewith submit a copy of
said contract and lease signed by A.
L. Rhomberg and H. A. Schunk for
the City of Dubuque, and approved -
by T. H. McQuillen, chairman of the
Board of Supervisors.
Also your Board of Health would
respectfully report that we have
awarded the contract to M. E. King
for caring for the patients at the de-
tention hospital and for occupying
said hospital when no patients are
there. He to receive the following
When there are no patients at the
hospital, $5.00 per month.
When there are less than 5 patients
at the hospital, $3.00 per day.
When there are 5 to 10 patients at
the hospital, $4.00 per day.
When there are more than 10 pa-
tients at the hospital, $5.00 per day.
N. J. CLOSS, Chairman.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of
the various reports of the Board of
Health. Carried.
On motion the contract of A. L.
Rhomberg for lease of ground for de-
tention hospital was referred tothe
committee of the whole.
Also your Board of Health would
respectfully present the following
amendment to the ordinance providing
for milk inspection which we recom-
mend for your adoption.
N. J. CLOSS, Chairman.
Ald. Close moved that the amend -
ment to the milk ordinance be ap-
proved. Carried.
Aid. Closs then presented and read
amendment to the ordinance to pro-
vide for the inspection of milk, dairies
and dairy herds and moved that the
reading just had be considered its first
reading. Carried.
Alcl. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
lows •
Your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the bills of P. S.
Fawkes for .$291.16 and A. C. Lantzky
for $399.25 for auditing the books of
the water works department, would
respectfully recommend that said bills
be paid and that -warrants in the afore-
said amounts be ordered drawn on the
City Treasurer in full settlement of
the claims.
Also, your committee of the Whole
would respectfully recommend that the
street committee, City Attorney and
City Engineer be instructed to revise
the specifications for street improve-
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Dr. W. H. Kinnier in relation to the
condition of the alley between Main
and Iowa streets at Thirteenth street,
would respectfully recommend that the
said petition be received and filed.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
George Wertin asking that the personal
taxes assessed against the Connors
Soda Water factory for the years 1903
to 1905 inclusive, be canceled, would
respectfully recommend that the prayer
of the petitioner be granted and that
the Treasurer be instructed according-
Regular Session, November 21, 1907 5
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the Key City Building company asking
that the valuation on the building oc-
cupied by the Dubuque Club be placed
at .$10,000.00, would respectfully recom-
mend that the prayer of the petitioner
be granted and that the Treasurer be
instructed to accept the taxes on said
property on the above mentioned valua-
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
the various societies owning Germania,
Hall asking that the tax on said prop-
erty be reduced one half for the year
1906, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioners be
granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed to accept the taxes on city lot
No. 209 on a basis of $6,000.00 valuation
and cancel the balance.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to -whom was referred the petition of
the Dubuque Star Brewing Co. asking
that the Treasurer be instructed to
accept its taxes in accordance with the
action of the City Council of April 7,
1899, would respectfully recommend
that the prayer of the petitioner be
granted and that the Treasurer be in-
structed to exempt improvements made
by petitioner on certain lots in Dubu-
que Harbor Improvement Co.'s addi-
tion in accordance with the terms of
the above mentioned agreement.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the claim of E.
F. Milligan for $245.00 and of Fred
Merz for $345.00 for damages caused
their buildings and property by water
from the West Locust storm water
sewer, would respectfully report that
we have examined the premises dam-
aged and -would recommend that E. F.
Milligan be allowed the sum of $200.00
and F. Merz the sum of $300.00, and
that warrants in said amounts be
drawn on the City Treasurer, the same
to be in full settlement for all damage
caused by reason of said water flowing
onto their premises, and provided they
both sign an agreement to be prepared
by the City Attorney to provide for the
drainage from their property in the fu-
ture and take care of all future dam-
age from this source.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the various reports of the committee
of the whole. Carried.
Alderman Thomas, chairman of the
committee on finance, offered the fol-
low n::
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sewer as here-
inafter described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
what the cost and expense of said im-
provement amount to, One Hundred
Twenty -eight and 95 -100 Dollars, there-
fore he it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of constructing a sanitary
server in Delhi street from Allison
Place to a point one hundred and four
feet west thereof, the Mayor be and -he
is hereby required to execute and de-
liver to the City Recorder, to be by him
registered and countersigned, one bond
of the denomination of One Hundred
Twenty -eight and 98-100 Dollars, num-
bered 470, elated November 17th, 1907,
payable On or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent, per annum,
payable semi - annually.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent — Alois, Hopkins and Stumpf.
Alderman Thomas also offered the
followip ': -
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sewer as here -
'nafter described, has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amounts to One Hundred
nu and Fifty Dollars, therefore be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of constructing a sanitary
sever in North Main street from Leib-
nitz street to a point 200 feet south
thereof the Mayor be and he is hereby
required to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
end countersigned, one bond of the
denomination of One Hundred and
Sixty Dollars, numbered 471, De-
cember 7th, 1907, payable on or before
s - years after the date thereof, and
Regular Session, Ndyember 21, 1907
bearing interest at the rate of five per
cent. per annum, payable semi- annual
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Alderman Thomas also offered the
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the improvement of a street here-
inafter described has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amounts to Four Thousand
Four Hundred Fourteen and 50 -100 Dol-
lars, therefore, be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of improving Althauser ave-
nue from Stafford avenue to Eagle
street, the Mayor be and he is hereby
required to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to he by him registered
and countersigned, eight bonds for
Five Hundred Dollars each and one
bond for Four Hundred Fourteen and
50 -100 Dollars, numbered 472 to 4S0, in-
clusive, dated December 21st, 1907, pay-
able on or before seven years after the
date thereof, and bearing interest at
the rate of five per cent, per annum,
payable semi- annually.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Alderman Thomas also offered the
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the brick paving of a street as here-
inafter described, has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amounts to Two Thousand
Three Hundred Ninety -one and 36 -100
Dollars, therefore, be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of brick paving Ninth street
from the east curb line of Bluff street
to the west lot line of Locust street,
the Mayor be and he is hereby required
to execute and deliver to the City Re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, four bonds for Five
Hundred Dollars each and one bond
for Three Hundred Ninety -one and
36 -100 Dollars, numbered 481 to 485 in-
clusive, dated December 7th, 1907, pay-
able on or before seven years after
date thereof, and hearing interest at
the rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi- annually.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution. -
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays — None. -
Absent —Aids. Hopkins-and Stumpf.
Alderman Thomas also offered the
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the brick paving of a street here-
inafter described, has been completed,
and the City Engineer has computed
that the cost and expense of said im-
provement amounts to $9,444.67, there-
fore be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of brick paving Eleventh
street from the east curb line of muff
street to the west lot line of Clay
street, the Mayor be and he is hereby
required to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, eighteen bonds for
Five Hundred Dollars each and one
bond for Four Hundred Forty -four and
07 -100 Dollars, numbered 486 to 504 in-
clusive, dated December 7th, 1907, pay-
able on or before seven years after the
date thereof, and bearing interest at
the rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi - annually. •
Aid. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution. -
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas. -
Absent—Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Alderman Thomas also offered the
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the constructing of a permanent
sidewalk as hereinafter described, has
been completed, and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts to
Thirty -one and 56 -100 Dollars, there-
fore, he it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the • cost of constructing a permanent
sidewalk in front of and along the
premises known as lot 3 of lot 87 and
S8, L. H. Langworthy's addition, sit-
uated on the west side of Washington
street between Lincoln and Eagle Point
avenues, and owned by the Margaret
Graf Estate, the Mayor be and he is
hereby required to execute and deliver
to the City Recorder, to be by him
registered and countersigned, one side-
walk certificate for Thirty -one and
56 -100 Dollars, numbered 1, dated De-
cember 7th, 1907, payable on or before
Regular Session, November 21, 1907
seven years after the date thereof, and
hearing interest at the rate of six per
cent. per annum.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Iioplcins and Stumpf.
Alderman Thomas also , offered the
followin= :
Whereas the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the constructing of a permanent side-
walk as hereinafter described has been
completed, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense of
said improvement amounts to one hun-
dred thirty -four and 48 -100 dollars,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a per-
manent sidewalk in front of and along
the premises known as Lot 7, Ellen
Blake's Sub., situated on the west side
of Foye street between Merchants'
Lane and West Locust street and owned
by the John Blake estate, the Mayor
be and he is hereby required to execute
and deliver to the City Recorder, to be
by him registered and countersigned,
one sidewalk certificate for one hun-
dred and thirty -four and 48 -100 clod'
tars, numbered 2, dated December 7th,
1907, payable on or before seven years
after the date thereof, and bearing in-
terest at the rate of six per cent. per
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Alderman Thomas also offered the
Wheras the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the construction of a permanent side-
walk as hereinafter described has been
completed, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense of
said improvement amounts to fifty -
nine and 19 -100 dollars, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque that to provide
for the cost of constructing a
permanent sidewalk in front of
and along the premises known
as lot 2 of Sub. 3 of Mineral lot
63, situated on the east side of South
Dodge street between Dodge street and
Cleveland avenue and owned by Jo-
hanna Koerner, the Mayor be and he
is hereby required to execute and de-
liver to the City Recorder, to he by
him registered and countersigned, one
sidewalk certificate for fifty -nine and
19 -100 dollars, numbered 3, dated De-
cember 7th, 1907, payable on or before
seven years after the date thereof, and
bearing interest at the rate of six per,
cent. per annum.
Ald. Thomas moved tile adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote':
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy* and Stumpf.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Thomas also offered the fol -
Whereas, the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the construction of a permanent side-
walk as hereinafter described has
been completed, and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts -
to fifty -seven and 49 -100 dollars, there-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That to pro-
vide for the cost of - constructing a
permanent sidewalk in front of and
along the premises known as lot 128
Union Add., situated on the north
side of Rush street between Apple
and Plum streets and owned by Mary -
Cunningham, the Mayor be and he
is hereby required to execute and de-
liver to the City Recorder, to be by
him registered and countersigned, one
sidewalk certificate for fifty -seven and
49 -100 dollars, numbered 4, dated Dec.
7th, 1907, payable on or before seven
Sears after the date thereof, and bear-
ing interest at the rate of six per cent
per annum.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption, of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,.
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf..
Ald. Thomas also offered the fol-
Whereas, the contract heretofore en-
tered into by the City of Dubuque for
the construction of a perman °nt side-
walk as hereinafter described has been
completed, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense of
said improvement amounts to forty-
nine and 67 -100 dollars, therefore,
Be It Resolved by the City Council'
ci the City of Dubuque, That to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a
permanent sidewalk in front of and
along the premises known as lot 173,
Union Add., situated on the south side
of Rush street between Dodge and
Quinn streets, the Mayor be and he
is hereby required to execute and de.-
Regular Session, Y\ "overtil er 21, 1907
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Hines offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for brick
paving alley between Main and Locust
streets, from Seventh to Ninth streets
by McCarthy Improvement Co., con-
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned,
and for the several amounts set op-
posite each lot or parcel or real estate,
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Nov.
21st, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amt.
Mary B. Wallis and Heirs, City
lot 141, 85.90 square yards
paving at $2.14, $183.83; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.95; total $187 78
Mary B. Wallis and Heirs, City
lot 142, 72.50 sq. yds.,
$155.15; inspectors' salaries
and adv. costs, $3.35; total 158 50
Mary B. Wallis and Heirs, City
lot 143a, 34.56 sq. yds., $73.95;
inspectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $1.60; total 75 55
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 143,
42.95 sq. yds. $91.91; inspect-
ors' salaries and adv costs,
$2.00; total 93 91
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 144,
85.90 sq. yds., 1.183.83; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.95; total 187 78
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 145,
85.90 sq. yds., $183.83; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.95; total ..... 187 78
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 60,
85.90 sq. yds., $183.83; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.95; total 187 78
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 59,
85.90 sq. yds., $183.83; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.95; total 187 78
Rev. J. J. Keane, City S. 7.2
of lot 58, 12.08 sq. yds.,
$25.85; inspectors' salaries
and adv. cost, 55c; total 26 40
Jas. Kelley, City S. M. 21.6 lot
58, 36.07 sq. yds., $77.19; in-
spectors' salaries and adv -
costs, $1.70; total 78 89
Rev. J. J. Keane, City N. M.
20.6 lot 58, 34.40 sq. yds.,
$73.62; inspectors' salaries
and adv. costs, $1.60; total 75 22
Rev. J. J. Keane, City N 2.6 lot
58, 4.20 sq. yds. $8.99; inspect-
ors' salaries and adv. costs,
20c; total 9 19
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 57,
76.73 sq, yds., $164.20; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.55; total 167 75
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 56,
79.66 sq. yds., $170.47;in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.70; total 174 17
B. W. Lacey, City Und. 1 -3 of
146, 27.95 sq. yds., $59.81; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $1.30; total 61 11
Wm. Bradley, City Und. 1 -3 of
146, 27.95 sq. yds., $59.81; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $1.30; total 61 11
J. V. Rider, City Und. 1 -3 of
lot 146, 27.95 sq. yds., $59.81;
inspectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $1.30; total 61 11
B. W. Lacey, City Und. 1-3 of
S. 11.2 of lot 147, 6.22 sq.
yds., $13.31; inspectors' sal-
aries and adv. costs, 30c;
total 13 61
Wm. Bradley, City Und. 1 -3 S.
11.2 of lot 147, 6.22 sq. yds.,
$13:31; inspectors' salaries
and adv. costs, 300; total 13 61
J. V. Rider, City Und. 1 -3 S.
11.2' of lot 147, 6.22 sq. yds.,
$13.31; inspectors' salaries
and adv. costs, 30c; total 13 61
Iowa Telephone Co., City N. 40
ft. lot 147, 66.66 sq. yds.,
$142.65; inspectors' salaries
and adv. costs, $3.10; total 145 75
Lizzie Connolly, City lot 148,
85.30 sq. yds., $182.54; in-
specters' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.95; total 186 49
Alf TredWay Est., City lot 149,
85.30 sq. yds., $182.54; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.95; total 186 49
Wm. Bradley Est., City lot 150,
57.55 sq. yds., $123.15; in-
specters' salaries and adv.
costs, $2.65; total 125 80
Jas. Etirch, City lot 51, 85.30
sq. yds., $182.54; inspectors'
salaries and adv costs, $3.95;
total 186 49
Jas. Burch, City N. 2:2 of lot
52, 3.64 sq. yds., $7.79; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, 15c; total 7 94
Wm. Watson, City N. M., 33 of
lot 52, 55.00 sq. yds., $117.70;
inspectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $2.55; total 120 25
H. C. Keissell, City S. 16 of lot
52, 26.66 sq. yds., 57.05; in-
spectors' salaries and adv:
costs, $1.25; total 58 30
H. C. Keissell, City N 1 -2 of lot
53, 42.65 sq. yds., $91.27; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $2.00; total 93 27
J. V. Rider, City S. 1 -2 of lot
53, 42.65 sq. yds., $91.27; in
506 Regular .Session, November 21, 1907
Meer to the City Recorder, to be by
Trim registered and countersigned, one
sidewalk certificate for forty -nine and
67:100 dollars, numbered 5, dated Dec.
7th, 1907, payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof, and bear-
ing interest at the rate of six per cent
per annum.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried, by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Hines offered the following:
That the Chicago Great Western
Railway Company and the Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Company be
and are hereby required and requested
to repair the street crossings over
which their lines of railways run, be-
tween the rails and the ends of the
ties on the outside of the rails by
planking the same and making suit-
able approaches for vehicles to pass
over and across its tracks, at the
following named points, to -wit:
Eagle Point avenue and Kniest
Rhomberg avenue between Kniest
street and Elm street.
Seventeenth and Pine streets.
Fourteenth and Pine streets.
Eighth and Pine streets.
Be it further resolved, that the City
Attorney be and is hereby instructed
to compel said railway companies to
comply with said resolution and place
said crossings in suitable condition
of repair at once.
Adopted 1907.
Ald. Hines
the resolution
Carried by
Yeas -Aids.
McEvoy and
City Recorder.
moved the adoption of
the following vote:
Clancy, Closs, Hines,
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Thomas offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of, the City of Dubuque, That the City
Engineer be instructed to see that
all houses in the city are properly
numbered in accordance with the reg-
ulations and records in his office gov-
erning the numbering of houses, and
be it further
Resolved, That all the street signs
at present in stock be placed on the
street corners to which they belong
and a list made of all corners for
which there .are at present no signs.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Clancy offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, That the taxes
for the year 1907 for the following pur-
poses be levied as provided by law
on all taxable property within the
limits of said city for the respective
number of mills on the dollar of the
assessed valuation of all taxable prop-
erty in said city as set out below:
General fund 3
Interest fund 2
Fire fund 1 2 -3
Light fund 1
Water works sinking -, fund 1
Water works interest fund 1
Library 1 -3
Be It Further Resolved, That for
the purpose of cleaning, sprinkling
and repairing the streets, a tax of
two (2) mills on the dollar on all the
taxable property therein be Ievied in
each of the road districts of the City
of Dubuque.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays - -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
Be It Resolved by the City Council
of Dubuque, Iowa,
That the owner of lots or pieces of
ground fronting on the north side of
Willow street between St. Ambrose
street and Avoca avenue, be ordered
to construct a temporary sidewalk in
front of or along Lots 25 and 26, Fin -
ley's Add., within ten days from the
adoption of this resolution; said walk
to be the width of four feet, con-
structed of plank not less than two
inches thick, laid on sleepers four by
four inches, to be well secured by
spikes and that the cost and expense
thereof be assessed to the abutting
property and to the owners thereof.
Rules were suspended to allow Mr.
John Steinmetz, owner of said lots 25
and 26 Finley Add., and also Mr. John
Kapp to address the council. Permis-
sion being granted, Mr. Steinmetz
spoke, remonstrating against the pro -
posed improvement. Mr. Kapp ad-
dressed the council, telling of the
necessity of having temporary side-
walk laid.
Whereupon Ald. McEvoy moved the
adoption of the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
508 Regular Session, November 21, 1907
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $2.00; total 93 27
R. Waller Est., City lot 54,
66.42 sq. yds., $142.14; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.05; total 145 19
Fred Weigel Est., City lot 55,
78.43 sq. yds., $167.84; in-
spectors' salaries and adv.
costs, $3.60; total 171 44
Total $3543 32
Said assessment being in accord-
ance with the special benefits con-
ferred upon the abutting property.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
' `Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
. Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for
brick paving of 13th street from Bluff
to Clay street, by McCarthy Improve-
ment Co., contractors, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots,
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situate and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real es-
tate, as follows:
. Special assessment submitted Novem-
ber 21st, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amount.
M. E. & B. B. Richards, city
-W. 52 ft. of S. 2 -5 of lot 663 $ 342 67
N. J. Schrup, city, E. 111 ft. of
S. 2 -5 of lot 663 539 43
L. & T. D. Paisley, city,
of lot 476 720 99
E. S. Herr, city, S. 34 ft. S
1 -5, lot 469 720 98
E. B. Piekenbrock, city,
lot 464 603 34
Dr. W. H. K4nnier, city,
15.54 ft. of S. 2 -5, lot 461 158 52
E. B. Wood, city, E. 47 ft.,
62 ft. of S. 2 -5 lot 461 184 29
T. V. Rider, city, E. 52 ft., S
2 - 5, lot 461 203 90
James Levi, sub, city 456, lot 2 327 37
Mrs. J. Pecker, sub. city 456, lot
1 135 06
Nannie T. Bell, city, S. 2 -5 of
lot 449 461 15
City of Dubuque (City Hall),
city, N. 2 -5 of 448 and N. 2 -5
of .lot 457 867 89
E. A. & H. Corrance, city,
80 ft., N. 1 -5 .of lot 460 315 27
J. V. Conzett, city, W. 33 ft ,
N. 1 -5 of lot 460 234 89
'Wm. L, Bradley Est., city, 'N
1 -5 of lot 465 • 546 15
St. Joseph's Academy, city lot
468 713 02
Vim. Lawther, - Jr., city lot 477 648 62
S. 1 - 5
S. 1 - 5
1V e s t m i n s t e r Presbyterian
Church, city, N. 52 ft. of lot
Union Electric Co., between
808 14
831 76
Total $9363 94
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred
upon said abutting property.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Closs offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for the
improvement of Althauser avenue from
Stafford Ave. to Eagle street, by Steuck
& Street, contractors, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows:
' Special assessment submitted Nov.
I 21st, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amount.
Regina Berry, sub. min lot 470,
, lot 2 $ 118 07
D. Frommeit, sub. 11, Alt -
hauser's sub. lot 2
Wm. Althauser, sub. 11, Alt -
hauser's sub. S. 1 -2 lot 1
Caroline Stark, sub. 11, Alt -
hauser's sub.. N. 1 -2 lot 1
J. C. Althauser, sub. 10, Alt -
hauser's sub., lot 1
J. C. Althauser„ sub. 10, Alt -
hauser's sub., lot 2
Julia Kiessell, sub. 10, Alt -
hauser's sub., lot 3
Julia Kiessell, sub. 10., Alt -
hauser's sub., lot 4.
Emma Gonser, sub. 10., Alt -
hauser's sub., lot 5
Emma Gonser, sub. 10, Alt -
hauser's sub., lot 6
J. C. Althauser. Althauser's
sub., lot 25
Julia Kiessell, Althauser's sub ,
lot 26
Caroline Stark, Althauser's sub.,
lot 27
Emma Gonser, Althauser's sub ,
lot 28
Wm. Althauser, Althauser's
sub., lot 29
Wm. Althauser, Althauser's
sub., lot 30
John Willman, Althauser's sub ,
lot 11
Caroline Stark, Althauser's sub ,
lot 32
John Althauser, Althauser's
sub. lot 9
112 04
127 69
167 16
107 85
70 84
70 84
70 84
70 84
107 85
122 06
82 38'
82 38
82 38
82 38
69 2I
82 69
191 21
122 06
Regular Session, November 21, 1907
John Althauser, Althauser's
sup., lot 8
John Althauser, Althauser's
sub., lot 7
John Aithauser, Althauser's
sub., lot 6
John Aithauser, Althauser's
sub., lot 5
Henry Widman, Althauser's
sub., lot 4
'A. and E. Gonser, Althauser's
sub., lot 3
Julia Kiessell, Althauser's sub ,
lot 2
Emma Gonser, Althauser's sub ,
lot 1
C. Margandant et
ant's sub., lot 1
C. Margandant et al, Margand-
ant's sub., lot 10 73 41
Frank Witter, Margandant's
sub., lot 9
C.' Margandant et al, Margand-
ant's sub., lot 8 73 41
C. Margandant et al, Margand-
• ant's sub., lot 7 73 41
C. Margandant et al, Margand-
ant's sub., lot 6 73 41
John Noel, sub. 6 of mm. lot
470, lot 1
Hugh Markey, sub. 2,1. L. 470,
S. W. 56 ft. of lot 5 , . 77 56
L. Vollrath, sub. M. L. 470, N.
E.3ftof lot 5 416
L. Vollrath, sub. M. L. 470, lot 4 68 17
Matt Wolfe, Est., sub. M. L. 470,
lot 3 71 30
J. Althauser, Althauser's sub ,
lot 53 76 86
Bernard Hoffmann, Althauser's
sub., lot 52 95 56
Bernard Hoffmann, Althauser's
sub., lot 20 120 49
M. Schlagel, Althauser's sub ,
lot 19 120 49
John Aithauser, Althauser's.
sub., lot 18 120 49
John Aithauser, Althauser's
sub., lot 2 35 31
J. C. Althauser, Althauser's
sub., lot 1 - 324 08
82 38
82 38
82 38
82 38
82 69
82 69
82 69
108 30
al, Margand-
162 87
73 41
153 45
Total $4414 50
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred
upon said abutting property.
Ald. Close moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Hines offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for
cement sidewalk on east side of Alpine
street, by James Lee & Son, contract-
ors, in front of and adjoining the same,
a special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several lots, and parts of lots, and
parcels of real ,estate, hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as fellows:
Special assessment submitted Nov.
21st, 1907.
Owner. Description. Aipoit} }t.
R. W. Hosford, und. 7 -24, A.
Trueb Est., und. 7 -24, C. B.
Trewin, und. 5 -24, Emma Mey
und. 5 -24, Martin's Dubuque,
Add. lot 8 $3 t6
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption pf the-
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - Aids. Clancy, Close, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays -None.
• Absent -Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Hines also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Cppnoil of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay fpr pe-
ment sidewalk on east side pf Alpine
street, by James Lee & 'Son. -pontr3.ot-
ors, in front of and adjoining the same,.
a special tax be and is hereby levied
on the several lots, and parts of lots,
and parcels of real estate hereinafter
named, situate and owned, and for the
several amounts set opposite each lot
or parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted Nov.
21st, 1907.
Owner. Description. Ampu$lt.
R. Kemler et al., Martin's Du-
buque add, lot 10 $35 15
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits pbnterred•
Ald. Hines moved the adpp'tipn .pf the
Carried by following' yote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, - Sloss, dines,.
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays -None.
Absent -Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Hines also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Qouneil of the
City of Dubuque, 'That to pay fpr ce-
ment sidewalk on the north41de 'pf
West 3rd street, by James Lee '& Spn,.
contractors, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax by and is here-
by levied on the several •pts, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situate and - owned, and
for the several amounts set oPPosite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol --
Special assessment submitted Nov.
21st, 1907. --
Owner. Description. Amount..
J. L. Bc ttell Est., Nairn's acid ,
- lot 14 . .. $76 20-
Said assessment being in- accprljn41pe
with the special benefits conferred..
AM. Hines moved the adoption of the -
Carried by the following vote:
r 5.io Regular Session, November 21, 1907
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent — Alds. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for ce-
ment sidewalk on the north side of
Delhi street, by James Lee & Son, con-
tractors, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and - owned, and
for the several amounts sat opposite
each lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Special assessment submitted Nov.
21st, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amount.
Emma Meyer et al, sub. 1 of 3
of min. lot 172, lot 1 $41 67
- Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins and Stumpf.
Ald. Closs moved that the action
taken on the Louisa street pay roll be
reconsidered, on account of the grading
fund being depleted. Motion lost.
, Ald. Hines moved that the, Dubuque
Base Bali Association be granted the
use of Armory Hall for a ball to be
given New Year's eve. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the City Re-
corder be instructed to advertise for
bids for the services of a veterinarian
for the horses of the various depart-
ments. Carried.
Ald. McEvoy moved that on account
: of the low condition of the printing
fund the Council reconsider their action
in instructing the Recorder to advertise
for bids for the proposed improvements
to be made on Althauser avenue. •
Aid. Clancy moved to adjourn to No-
vember 26th, 1907.
The motion of Ald. Clancy having
precedence, was put by the Mayor. and
was carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
Adjourned Regular Session, November
26th, 1907.
Council met at 8:15 p. m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present -- -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Mayor Schunk stated the meeting
was an adjourned session of Thursday,
November 21st, 1907, and was called
to consider any business which may-
come up before the Council.
Petition of one of the petitioners for
a light on Langworthy avenue was
read, and motion received and filed.
Communication of Mr. E. M. Erns -
.dorff, agent for M. Ernsdorff Estate,
asking that the Council grant them
,additional time until February 1st, 1908,
to nay the assessment for improving
Jones street, was read, and no mo-
tion granted, and the Recorder in-
structed to notify the City Treasurer
and Mr. E. M. Ernsdorff accordingly.
City Recorder Linehan presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the Council's inten-
tion to levy a special assessment for
the improvement of First street from
Main to Iowa streets and Iowa street
from First street to Third street.
No remonstrance being filed and no
one in the room objecting to the levy-
ing of the special assessment, the no-
tice was on motion received and filed.
Whereupon Ald. Clancy offered the
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of .Dubuque, That to pay for brick
paving Iowa street from 1st to 3rd and
let street from Main to Iowa streets,
by O'Farrell Cont. Co., contractors, in
front of and adjoining-.the same, a
special tax be and the same is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts of
lots, and parcels of real estate herein-
after named, situate and owned, and
for the several amounts set opposite
.ea,ch lot or parcel of real estate, as fol-
Special assessment submitted No-
vember 26th, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amount.
Mary C. Westphal, city, N. 2 -3
of lot 193 $ 342 66
pub. Harness and Saddlery Co ,
.city, S. 1 -3 of lot 193 101 26
• Dub. Harness and Saddlery Co ,
city, N. 1 -3 of lot 194 84 73
C. H. Walker, city, S. 2 -3 of lot
194 169 52
Adjourned Regular Session, November 26, 1907 511
Berdina E. Bush, city, N. 2 -3 of
lot 195 169 52
Hotel Julien, city S. 1 -3 of lot
195 84 46
Hotel Julien, city lot 196a 523 74
l\Tnm. Lowther, city, S. 197 ft. of
lot 745 1051 38
Armour & Co., city, N. 60 ft. of
lot 745 424 76
A. A. Cooper, city, N. 60 ft. of
lot 197
E. W. Albee, city, S. 4 ft. of lot
197 20 48
E. MT. Albee, city lot 198 168 08
A. A. Cooper, city lot 19Sa 16S 08
Eliz. Manson, city lot 529 338 93
Archibald Frater, city lot 528.. 635 42
I. C. R. R. Co., adjacent to
tracks 483 41
I. C. R. R. Co., between tracks 872 30
I. C. R. R. Co., between tracks. 538 54
Eliz. Manson, city lot 530 710 34
I. C. R. R. Co., adjacent to E.
1 -2 block 1, D. H. Co.'s add 4:,4 81
D. Brewg. & Mltg. Co., city, S.
21.6 ft. of lot 1 762 75
Rev. J. J. Keane, city lot 531 734 63
591 66
Total $9461 47
Said assessment being in accordance
with the special benefits conferred upon
said abutting property.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Following hills of McCarthy Improve-
ment Co. were, on motion, ordered paid
from the sale of bonds for the improve-
ment of the various streets, as follows:
Brick paving Ninth street from
Locust to Bluff streets $2172 35
Brick paving Eleventh street
from Bluff to Clay streets 8731 09
Brick paving Thirteenth street
from Bluff to Clay streets.... 8753 24
Brick paving alley between
Main and Locust from Sev-
enth to Ninth streets 3324 61
Street Commissioner Kearney, to
whom was referred the matter of look-
ing up various manhole rings and cov-
ers ordered from Pitts - Thompson
Fdy. Co., reported on same, and on mo-
tion report was ordered turned over
to the committee clerk.
Bills of inspectors on brick paving of
alley between 7th and 9th streets and
Main and Locust streets, which were
referred to the committee on streets,
were ordered withdrawn from said
committee to be reconsidered by the
Street Commissioner Kearney then
reported hills were correct as presented.
Ald. Stumpf moved that warrants be
drawn to pay inspectors on brick pav-
ing of alley as per bills submitted by
Street Commissioner Kearney. Car-
Petition of the Linwood Cemetery
Association asking that the sanitary
sewer be extended from the middle of
Queen street extension to the middle
of Burden avenue, which had been re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
was on motion withdrawn from
the committee of the whole
and brought back to the Council for
action. Rules were, on motion, sus-
pended to allow Mr. C. T. Hancock
permission to address the Council..
Permission being granted, Mr. Han-
cock then addressed the Council urging
the necessity of taking immediate ac=
tion on the petition of the Linwood
Cemetery Association.
Engineer Ilg stated that the expense
of extending said sewer, including
manhole, would not exceed $70.00.
Ald. Stumpf moved that the petition
of the Linwood Cemetery Association
be granted. and the sewer be construct-
ed and warrants be drawn on sewer
fund to pay for said sewer. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that work on sew-
er for the Linwood Cemetery Associa-
tion be commenced at once and to be
under the supervision of the sewer in-
spector, City Engineer, Street Commis-
sioner and sewer committee. Carried.
Report of the Jurors in the condem-
nation of strip of ground through lots
6 of mineral lot 79, which had been
referred to the committee of the whole
was on motion brought before the
council for action. Rules were on
motion suspended to allow Dr. Alder-
son to address the council in refer-
ence to the opening of Oxford
avenue. Dr. Alderson then addressed
the council asking that Oxford ave-
nue be opened and a grade established,
en that work of building can be start-
ed early in the spring.
The report of the city engineer and
the report of the jurors were then ex-
amined whereupon Aui. Hines moved
that the report of the Jurors and City
Engineer be approved. Aid. Closs
stated he was opposed to the opening
of the street as it was solely a priv-
ate enterprise and of no particular
benefit to the city. Vote was then tak-
en as follows: -
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Hines and Mc-
Nays —Aids. Closs, Stumpf and
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Vote being tie Mayor Schunk voted
yea and declared motion carried.
512 Adjourned Regular Session, November 26, 1907
Alderman Hines offered the follow-
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that it is
deemed expedient and necessary to
lay out and open a street fifty feet
wide through the property of R. W.
Kemler from West Fifth street and ex-
tending in a (northerly and northwest-
erly direction through lot 6 of Min-
eral lot 79 to the easterly line of lot
8 of Mineral lot 79, the damages for
which street have been assessed by
the jury appointed under the direction
et this council of November 7, ]907,
and be it further
Resolved that the award of the jury
as reported be approved.
Aid. Hines Woved the adoption of
the resolution.'
Yeas —Aids. Clancy, Hines and Mc-
Evoy. '
Nays —Aids. Closs, Stumpf, and
Absent —Ald. Hopkins. -
Vote being tie, Mayor Schunk voted
yea and declared resolution adopted.
Alderman Hines moved that war-
rants in the sum of $1,000.00 be order-
ed drawn in favor of the Mayor for
the purpose of paying the assessment
as awarded by the jury to the owner
of the property for the right of way
for a street through lot 6 of mineral
lot 79, and that the City Attorney be
instructed to prepare the necessary
papers to secure a valid deed of said
property to the city. If the abutting
property owner refuses to accent the
amount awarded thereon, or for any
other reason deeds cannot be procured,
the amount due thereon to be set apart
for him in the city treasury as provid-
ed in Section 6, Chapter 31 of the Or-
dinances of the City of Dubuque of
Vote resulted as follows.
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Hines, and Mc-
Nays —Aids. Closs, Stumpf, and
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Vote 'being tie, Mayor Schunk voted
yea and declared the motion carried.
Ald. Thomas stated he was opposed
to the purchase of this property for
the reason it would cost considerable
to grade the street after it was opened
Ald. Clancy stated, city would derive
more than three times the cost of the
grading' and the purchase of the lot,
in less than two years from the addi-
tional taxes to be collected by the city.
Alderman Hines also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the street
known as Oxford avenue and running
from Julien avenue to the east line
of lot S of mineral lot 79 be accepted
as shown by the accompanying plat.
Said plat being identified by the dedi-
cations thereon signed by James Alder-
son, Edward Muntz, Louise Giesemann_
and Bridget Eagan and acknowledged
before W. A. Leathers, notary public,
on the 19th clay of September 1907,
and be it further resolved that the
City Recorder be instructed to have
the plat of said street properly re-
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Hines, McEvoy,.
and Stumpf.
Nays —Aids. .Gloss and Thomas.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins.
Alderman Hines also offered the fol-
Be it Resolved by the City Coun-
cil of the City of Dubuque, that Ox-
ford avenue be and the same is hereby
declared a public highway, and the
City Recorder is hereby directed to
notify the Chief of Police to proceed
to open the same as provided by Sec-
tion 7 of Chapter 31 of the Revised.
Ordinances of 1901.
Aid. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Hines and Mc-
Nays —Alds. Closs, Stumpf, and.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Vote being tie, Mayor Schunk voted
yea and declared resolution adopted.
Alderman Hines also offered the fol-
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that the City
Engineer be and he is hereby instruct-
ed to prepare from actual survey and
report to the City Council a profile'
showing a proposed grade on Oxford.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Hines and Mc-
Nays —Alds. Closs, Stumpf, ands
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Vote being tie, Mayor Schunk voted'
yea and declared resolution adopted.
Ald. Hines moved that warrants be-
drawn in favor of the jurors on the
opening of a street through lot 6 of
mineral lot 79, for two days services -
at $2.00 per day. Carried.
On motion rules were suspended to-
allow Mr. George Lyon to address the'
council in reference to the assessment
Adjourned Regular Session, November 26, 1907
levied against Mrs. O'Oallahan for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in
Delhi street, petition having been re-
ferred to the committee of the whole
at the last regular meeting.
Permission being granted, Mr. Lyon
then addressed the council.
Ald. Stumpf moved that the coun-
cil reconsider and rescind the former
assessment for constructing a sanitary
sewer in Delhi street, because assess-
ments are too high and are not in ac-
cordance with the special benefits con-
ferred.— Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the City
Engineer be instructed to prepare a
special assessment on all property on
each side of Delhi street equally bene-
fitted by the sewer constructed in said
street,— Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the com-
mittee on Fire, presented the following .
proposition of T. F. Kane for furnish-
ing hay and oats, agrees to furnish
hay at $16.50 per .ton; oats at 65 cents
per bushel, 32 lbs. to t_. bushel. To
be furnished in such quantities as the
contractor desires, provided that there
will always be sufficient. quantity fur-
nished for the needs of the several de-
Ald.. Hines moved that the proposi-
tion of Mr. T. F. Kane to accepted
and a contract with Mr. Kane be pre-
pared by the City Attorney. — Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that the council
reconsider. the action taken at their
last meeting in ordering warrants is-
sued on the grading fund to pay labor-
ers on Louisa street work. Carried.
Ald. Clancy moved that warrants
be drawn on the Fourth District Road
fund to pay the laborers on Louisa
street work. — Carried.
Ald. Thomas moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, December 5th, 190
— Carried.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
List of City (Warrants
City Recorder's Office.
Dubuque, Iowa, Noverpber 1st., 1907.
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of October, 1907:
H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor $116 65
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 30
J. A. McKinley, salary, deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
, office 75 00
E. A. Linehan, salary, Records
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 85 00
M. E. Lyons, salary; Auditor.. 116 65
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor.... 125 00
A Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor ...... 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 1 I0 00
E. D. Bowen, salary, Assistant
Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher, Legal Department 20 00
Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Po-
lice 125 00
Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire
Chief 1('0 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
Clerk 110 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer. 166 65
G. White, salary Timekeeper 60 00
J. B. Taylor, salary, Superin-
tendent of Street Sprinkling 56 00
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's offices 80 00
Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec-
trician 100 00
C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas-
ter 55 00
P. Ryah, salary, Park Custodian 45 00
H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park
Custodian 45 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus-
todian 15 00
Dr. Chas. Palen, salary, Health
T'- Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
. trolman
T. Hackney, salary, Pound -
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani-
John Mabony, salary, Sidewalk
walk inspector
Wm. Coleman,
J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master..
John Kearney, Street Coinmis-
s .ioner
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman .
N..J. Closs, salary, Alderman
Mhos. Hines salary, Aidertnan
Bsad Hopkins, salary, Alderman
List of Warrants
50 00
65 00
45 00
25 00
75 00
55 00
30 00
80 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
E. E. McEvoy. salary, Alderman 25 00
John A. Stumpf, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
Chas. T. Thomas, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
John A. Cunningham, Clerk to
Police and Fire Commissioners 37 50
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. Essnian, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
A Duccini, fireman 65 00
A. Heer, fireman 60 00
\r. Kannolt, fireman 55 00
B. Kirsch, fireman t .. 55 00
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
J. Dailey, fireman 70 00
J. Barnes, fireman - 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 65 00
M. Kelly, fireman GO 00
W. McClain, fireman 60 00
J. Beakey, fireman 55 00
D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00
P. Zilli; fireman 60 00
M. Sweeney, fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzor, - fireman 65 00
J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
G. Gherki, fireman 65 00
T Kennedy, fireman 65 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 55 00
C. Kannolt, fireman. 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 65 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
W. McConnell, fireman 60 00
li. \4reston, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman 65 00
-E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
R. Kenneally, fireman 65- 00.
J. Roshin, fireman 65 00
F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00
J. Schoenberger, fireman :0 00
J. Tschudi, fireman 46 00
J. Connolly, fireman 55 00
Wm. Smith, fireman 50 00
L. Hessling, fireman . 30 00
J. Peed, fireman 50 00
L. Blocklinger, police 60 00
W. Dockstader, fireman 3 00
W. Connolly, fireman 28 25
M. Connolly, pollee 60 00
John Cody, `police 56 00
James Corcoran, police 60 00
Wm. Donahue, police 60 00
Phil J. Dumphy, police 70 00
P. J. Fury, police 60 00
John Fox, police 75 00
James Flynn, police 60 00
M. Fogarty, police 58 00
Ben Gray, police 8 00
Pat Hanlon, police 60 00
Emil Kahn, police 58 00
M. Kilty, police 60 00
.James Keefe, police 60 00
B. Ludesc]ier, police 65 00
Chas. Liest, police 7Q 00
Hugh Markey, police . 76 60
Pat McCollins, police 60 00
Geo. Jones, police 60 00
M. McCormick, police 60 00
Pat McInerney, police 60 00
Henry Mueller, police ...., 60 00
John Murphy, police 60 00
T. O'Meara, police 60 00
John OBrien, police 70 00
John J. O'Brien, police 65 65
M. O'Connor, police 60 00
M. Ryan, police 60 00
John Raesle, police 70 00
Peter Scharff, police 60 00
John Spielman, police 60 00
Patrick Sutton, police 58 00
M. Stapleton, police 58 00
Joseph Stoltz, police 60 00
Frank Williams, police 60 00
Edw. Kumpf, police 60 00
Pat Kenneally, police 60 00
Miss B. Brennan, police matron 60 00
Miss K. Hibbe, police matron.... 60 00
Thomas Duggan, police 60 00
In the different Road Districts during
the last half of September, 1907:
Alex. Alderson, 4th $ 12 80
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd 15 60
'Paul Becker, 4th 12 80
Jake Brenner, 5th 4 80
'J. Bfachtenbach, 5th 12 80
C. Buddien, 5th 4 80
John Barer, expense 19 20
H. Biasi, 2nd 2 40
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 25 00
W. J. Clark, 4th 15 75
M. Carney, 2nd, $6 90; 3rd, $6.90;
4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c
J. Connolly, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd, $6.90;
4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c
W. Coughlan, Health
J. P. Cooney, 1 -4 in each
T. Donahue, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd, $6.90;
' 4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c
John Dobler, 1 -5 in each, $4.50
John Egan, 2nd
J. Eberhardt, 5th
C. Ellerman, 5th
John Ess, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd,
4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c 19
Pat Foley, 3rd 11
Frank Frick, 3rd 8
Ed. Fitzlaff, 1 -4 in each 22
Barney Glass, 2nd 16
Pat. Gilloon, 2nd 15
Jos. Gavin, 2nd 25
Conrad Geimer, 4th 16
Henry Grode, 5th 3
Jos. Grab, 5th 8
George Gau, 5th 8
Amb. Hird, 4th
Ed. Herbst, 4th
Nic Herman, 5th
.James Hird, 4th -
Fred Ihrcke, 5th
PeterJacobs, 3rd
Nic Kettenhofen, 3rd
J. Kraus, 5th
Hugh Kearney, 5th $6.00; $2.70 in
List of Warrants 5
19 40
19 40
25 00
16 65
19 40
18 00
13 60
13 60
4 80
5 60
6 40
8 00
3 50
9 60
10 00
4 00
14 40
16 80
Peter Kearney, 5th 14 00
M. Kieffer, 4th
John Kness, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd, $6.90;
4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c
R.Love, 5th
Frank Lassance, 5th
Fred Lillie, 5th
M. Lonergan, 2nd
Ed. Malloy, 3rd
Thos. Malloy, 3rd
Jos. Martinek, 4th
Nic. Martin, 3rd
James McAleese, 2nd
J. McLaughlin, 3rd
P. McPoland, 4th
W. McEvoy, 4th
R. McGivern, 4th
B. McDonnell, 1 -4 in each
M. O'Meara, 5th
Chas. O'Neil, 2nd, $7.00; 3rd,
$6.90; 4th, $6.90 20 80
John Parker, 4th 4 80
Mike Prosser, 5th 14 00
W. Quinlan, 2nd 2 40
Phil. Reddin, 2nd 14 40
James Ryan, 2nd 20 80
James Reid, 4th 1 60
Harry Rowland, 1 -4 in each $15.00 60 00
F. Scherr, 3rd 25 00
John Schroeder, 4th 12 00
Patrick Smith, 4th 4 00
Anton Schneider, Expense 34 00
Al. Schorr, 3rd, $11.30; 4th, $3.50 14 80
W. Tobin, 4th 11 20
John Twieg, 5th 4 80
Frank Venn, 2nd 2 40
John Walsh, 4th 16 00
Anton Welu, 5th 15 60
Andrew Wieser, 5th 3 20
Nic. Warripach, 5th 6 40
Peter Weirich, 5th 10 00
M. Ackels, 4th $ 31 05
F. G. Becker, 2nd, $4.60; 3rd, $9.20;
4th, $15.00 22 95
John Calvert, 2nd 40 05
Jos. Calvert, 4th 26 55
B. Costello, 4th 33 75
A. Conrad, 2nd, $3.75; 3rd, $3.75;
4th, $2.55: 5th, $13.90 23 95
James Graham, 2nd, $18.00; 4th,
J. Haudenschield, 4th 19 80
M. Hannan, 2nd, $14.45;.3rd,$14.45,
4th, $10.10; 5th, $1.45 40 45
John Linehan, 2nd, $4.30; 3rd,
$4.30; 4th, $3.10; 5th 45c 12 15
John Long, 5th 44 10
P. Linehan, 3r1 9 00
J. J. McCollins, 2nd 46 80
J. McQuillan, 3rd 24 75
Louis Peil, 5th 12 15
Ed. Seeley, 2nd, $15.10; 3rd, $15.20;
4th, $10.60; 5th, $1.50 42 40
Ott Turner, 3rd '24.30
James Tobin, 4th 45 90
TEMBEI , 3,907:
Peter Carney $ 16 80
Lanty Cahill 10 80
Ed. Lee 10 40
2 40
28 35
516 6
W. O'Brien 25 00
1V: Walker 14 40
M. Kenneally 41 85
TEMBER„ 1907:
Chas. Buddien $ 11 20
C. Ellerman ' 11 20
John Twieg 9 60
P. Weirich 15 00
Louis Peii 25 65
D. Cunningham $ 22 75
E. Daley 22 75
J. Jellison .. 22 75
F. Luchterhand 22 75
J. Rooney 22 75
J. Smith 22 75
Con Sullivan 32 50
J. Tacke 22 75
J. Wells 19 25
Thos. McEvoy, inspector of 9th
street brick paving $ 25 00
Jesse Jellison, inspector of 9th
street brick paving 23 10
P. J. Schuller, inspector of 9th
street brick paving 17 35
Frank Brown, inspector of 9th
street brick paving 26 90
Jas. Butler, inspector of 1st and
Iowa street brick paving 25 00
John McNulty, inspector of 1st
and Iowa street brick paving 25 00
George Becket, inspector of
Grandview avenue and Delhi
street sanitary sewer - 25 00
John Dolan, inspector of Delhi
street sanitary sewer from
Allison street 13 50
Wm. Foster, inspector of N
Main street sanitary sewer 9 65
Michael Lavin, 14 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 10 50
Thos. Malloy, 21.1 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 15 82
James Gray, 25.3 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 18 91
Peter Jacobs, 43.4 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 32 28
John M. Schafer; 28.9 cu. yds.
macadam at 75c 21 65
Ed. Malloy, 31.55 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 23 63
Mike Lavin, 8 cu. yds. macadam
at 75c 6 00
Matt Gantenbein, 9.5 cu. yds
macadam at $1.00 9 50
J. H. Sullivan, 23.3 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 17 50
Jas. Gray, 10.5 cu. yds. macadam
at 75c 7 85
Alb. Schnee, 33 cu. yds. macad-
am at $1.00 33 00
John Mullin, 28.90 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 21 65
List of Warrants
Jas. McAleese, •10.1 cu. yds. ma-
cadam at 75c 7 58
Tibey Bros., stone furnished for
water fountain cor. Grandview
ave. and Dodge st 26 00
Tibey Bros., 5 per cent retained
for one year for sewer in So.
Hill street from Langworthy
ave. to Dodge street 35 60
O'Farrel Contrg. Co., 12 feet of
8 -inch water pipe for Troy
street sewer 15 00
O'Farrell Contrg. Co., brick fur-
nished and relaying of brick
on cor. of 8th and Iowa sts 38 45
Key City Gas Co., light for var-
ious depts 85 75
Key City Gas Co., coke for fire
dept 26 05
Union Electric Co., arc lights
for Sept 2184 43
Union Electric Co., power for
city fire alarm system 2 00
Phil Breithaupt, plumbing re-
pairs at city hall 4 40
Geo. W. Healey & Son, hardware
for sewer and road dept 1 50
Gow & Curtis, plumbing repairs
at city hall and water foun-
tains 30 25
Gow & Curtis, plumbing repairs
at patrol house 3 40
G. B. Grosvenor, stationery
supplies for various offices 3 40
Standard Paper Co., 1 case toi-
let paper 6 50
Ilerman Schmidt, sawing and
carrying in one cord wood 1 60
Foley's Hand Laundry, towel
service city hall for month
of September 4 00
Larry Dailey, cleaning around
market square Sept 14 00
Midland Chemical Co., 10 gals
Dripoleum 25 00
A. E. Bradley, glazing in various
offices 6 00
Palmer, Berg & Co., stationery
and printing for various of-
fices 17 00
M. S. Hardie Co., stationery and
printing for various offices 39 75
Chas. T. Bush, two photographs
of Seminary street for legal
dept 3 00
Jonas Scherer, repairing chairs
in various offices 1 85
Harkett's Floral Nursery, flow-
ers in Washington and Grant
parks 60 00
N. J. Kons, sharpening lawn
mower 1 00
Mike Muffin & Co., putting in
water hydrant at Grant Park 6110
Dub. Telephone Co., telephone
service from July 1st to Oct.
1st 12 75
John Leicht, hauling two loads
cement to cor. Kaufmann and
Couler ave 3 00
Edw. T. Cleaver, repairing four
water fountains 8 70
C. H. Meyer, services as apprais-
er on change of grade on
Grandview ave 5 00
S. B. Lattner, services as ap-
praiser on change of grade on
Grandview ave 5 00
W.A. Leathers, services as ap-
praiser on change of grade on
Grandview ave 7 50
Hasler Grocery Co. No. 5, brush -
es for use at city hall 45
National Refining Co., oil for
fire dept 8 78
Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co ,
supplies for fire dept 7 50
Mettel. Bros., 100 lbs. bran for
fire dept. 1 25
Peter Lang, hardware for fire
dept 1 70
Gamewell Fire Alarm Telegraph
Co., supplies for fire dept 2 50
Key City Iron Works, supplies
and repairs for fire dept 4 64
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., edg-
ings for fire dept 1 25
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
and shavings for fire dept 33 79
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
for repairs to sidewalks 67 83
Thos F Kane, hay and oats for
fire dept 180 28
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
police dept 38 41
Eichhorn & Bechtel, supplies for
police and fire depts 6 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary ser-
vice to fire, patrol and road
horse for Sept 33 34
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horse -
shoeing for fire, road and sew-
er depts 14 00
Phil. Heller, horseshoeing for
fire and road depts 4 50
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe -
ing for fire dept 16 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing for fire dept 6 75
F. A. Burns, coal for road dept. 15 68
F. A. Burns, 1 load shavings for
patrol house 3 00
L. Hartman & Son, repairs at
patrol house as per contract 35 00
John A. Voelker, 1 doz. white
gloves for police' dept 2 00
Phil. Doerr & Co., coal for patrol
house 12 63
Chas. Katz, meals furnished
prisoners during Sept 5 80
Peter J. Seippel Lbr. Co., lum-
ber for road dept 26 00
Peter J. Seippel Lbr. Co., lum-
ber for repairs to sidewalks.. 26 70
F. Schloz & Son,. repairs for road
dept 4 05
John Butt, repairs for road, fire
and sewer depts 10 10
F. G. Becker, coal and gravel for
road dept -17.67
List of Warrants 517 01
Linehan & Molo, cement and
sewer pipe for road dept 35'53
Dub. Wooden Ware and Lumber
Co., lumber for road dept 55' 18
Martin & Strelau Co., use of
team 12 hours 4 80
Geo. W. Healey & Son, one lan-
tern for road dept 90
Dub. County boiler shell for
road dept 40 00
M. Kassler, old pipe for road
dept 2 37
A. A. Brown, repairs for road
dept 50
W. B. Baumgartner, hardware
for road dept 3 55
Pitts - Thompson Fdry. Co., cast-
ings for road and sewer depts.. 85 36
Louis Smith, constructing ce-
ment crossings 13 64
E. J. Schilling, repairing man-
hole cor. Booth and Dodge sts 5 00
W. D. Deckert Co., threading
pipe for sewer dept 1 00
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
2 pair duck boots for sewer
dept. .. 8 00
Telegraph - Herald; printing
board of health reports, June
and July 10 00
Telegraph - Herald, printing for
various depts 125 75
Telegraph - Herald, official print-
ing for Sept 56 72
Telegiaph-Herald printing pro-
ceedings for August 15 41
Times - Journal, official printing
Sept 82 72
National Demokrat, official
printing Sept 25 00
Labor Leader, official printing
Sept. 25 00
Street & Steuck, sewer in Eagle
Point ave. 319 79
D. W. Linehan, sewer in Leib-
nitz street, North Main and
Kaufmann avenue 1228 56
Street & Steuck, improving
Adams avenue 1264 70
O'Farrel Contracting Co., paving
Eighth Street 18,920 04
H. Brinkman, interest on war-
rants outstanding 1428 30
H. Brinkman, miscellaneous ex- '
Dense 57 33
H. Brinkman, purchase horse for
fire department 250 00
H. Brinkman, library orders paid 429 87
German Trust & Savings Bank,
Loan 5000 00
German Bank, Loan 5000 00:
J. A. McKinley, agent, Loan., 4000 00.
J. M. Boothby, loan warrant re- .
funded 300 00
Catherine Ward, loan warrants
refunded 940 00
John Flynn, loan warrants re-
funded • 1000 00
Ellen Murray, loan warrants re-
funded 200 Oa
518 List of Warrants,
Sisters of Visitation, :loan war-
rants refunded 500 00
Frank Krayer, loan warrants re-
funded 500 00
Joseph Dietl, loan warrants re-
funded 500 00
Theresa McDonnell, loan war-
rants refunded 500 00
Eliza McDonnell, loan warrants
refunded 125 00
Maggie McDonnell, loan war-
rants refunded 200 00
Citizens State Bank, loan war-
rants refunded 1500 00
Annie Krayer, loan warrants re-
refunded . 400 00
V. L Maisack, loan warrants
refunded 300 00
John Brady, loan warrants re-
funded 800 00
Agnes Hayes, loan warrants re-
funded 800 00
J. J. McDonnell, loan warrants
refunded 100 00
In the different Road Districts during
the first half of October, 1907:
Alex. Alderson, 4th $ 20 40
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd 20 00
Paul Becker, 4th 20 40
J. Brenner, 5th 7 60
J. Brachtenbach, 5th 20 40
John Baser, 5th 5 50
Peter Carney, Expense 1 60
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 25 00
W. J. Clark, 4th 22 75
Lanty Cahill, 4th 2 40
M. Carney, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd, $6.90;
4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c 19 40
Jas. Connolly, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd,
$6.90; 4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c 19 40
W. Coughlan, Health 25 00
J. P. Cooney, 2nd, $4.20; 3rcl, $4.15,
4th, $4.15; 5th $4.15 16 65
Peter Dax, 5th 17 20
T. Donahue, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd, $6.90;
4th, $4,90; 5th, 70c 19 40
John Dobler, 2nd, $4.50; 3rd, $4.50;
• 4th, $4.50; 5th, $4.50 18 00
John Egan, 2nd 7 60
C. Ellerman, 5th 17 20
J. Eberhardt, 5th 17 20
John Ess, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd, $6.90;
• 4th, $4.90, 5th, 70c 19 40
D. Frommelt, Expense 4 50
F. Frick, 2nd, $1.60; 3rd, $6.80 8 40
E. Fitzlaff, 2nd, $5.50; 3rd, $5.50;
4th, $5.50; 5th, $5.50 22 00
Barney Glass, 2nd 20 00
Pat. Gilloon, 2nd 10 40
Jos. Gavin, 2nd 25 00
C. Geinner, 4th...._ 20 40
Geo. Gau, 5th 17 20
Jos. Grab, 5th' 20 40
Jos'. Guenther, 5th ' 12 80
Peter. Guenther, 5th 11 20
Ambrose Hirc, 4th 16 40
Ed.. Herbst, 4th 16 00
Nic. 'Herman, 5,th 11 60
J. Hanson, 3rd, $10.20; 5th, $4.00 14 20
Peter Kearney, 4th 2 65
SC Ihrcke, 6th ' 12 40
Peter Jacobs, 3rd 2 40
Nic Kettenhofen, 2nd, $1.60; 3rd,
$9.60 11 20
H. Kearney, 4th 5 45
R. Kessler, 5th 2 00
Paul Krocheski, 5th 12 80
John Kness, 2nd, $6.90; 3rd, $6.90;
4th, $4.90; 5th, 70c 19 40
J. Kraus, 5th 15 60
Mike Lavin, 2nd 11 20
R. Love, 4th, $12.25; 5th, $7.45 19 70
F. Lassance, 5th 20 40
M. Lonergan, 2nd 10 40
Jos. Martinek, 4th 18 80
Toni Malloy, 3rd 4 80
James McAleese, 2nd 19 60
J. McLaughlin, 3rd 5 60
P. McPoland, 4th 12 40
Jas. McCracken, 4th 3 20
R. McGivern, 4th 25 00
M. O'Meara, 4th, $10.50; 5th,
$7.45 17 95
C. O'Neil, 2nd, $7.00; 3rd, $6.90;
4th, $6.90 20 80
John Parker, 4th 10 80
M. Prosser, 5th 20 40
Phil. Reddin, 2nd 10 40
Jas. Ryan, 2nd 20 80
Frank Scherr, 3rd 25 00
John Schroeder, 4th 17 20
Patrick Smith, 4th 9 60
Pat Sage, 4th 8 25
Anton Schneider, 5th 13 00
Al. Scherr, 2nd, $1.60; 3rd, $17.80 19 40
W. Tobin, 4th 14 40
John Twieg, 5th 14 00
John Walsh, 4th 16 40
Anton Welu, 5th 20 40
H. J. Weber, 5th 50 00
P. J. I;reirich, 5th 25 00
M. Ackels, 4th $ 51 75
F. G. Becker, 2nd, $7.65; 3rd,
$15.30; 4th, $15.30 38 25
John Calvert. 2nd , 50 80
Jos. Calvert, 2nd, $45.05; 4th, $4.05 49 05
B. Costello, 4th 28 80
A. Conrad, 2nd, $5.70; 3rd, $5.70;
4th, $4.00; 5th, $34.30 49 70
James Graham, 2nd, $19.10; 4th,
$19.15 38 25
M. Hannan, 2nd 4 50
M. Hannan, 2nd, $14.45; 3rd,
$14.45: 4th, $10.10; 5th, $1.45 40 45
J. Haudenschield, 2nd, $4.05; 4th,
$41.40; 5th, $35.10 80 55
John Long, 5th 51 30
John Linehan, 2nd, $2.40; 3rd,
$2.40; 4th, $1.65; 5th, 2'5c 6 70
J. McQuilten, 3rd 20 25
C. McGovern, 4th 39 15
J. J. McCollins, 2nd 30 60
Louis Peil, 5th 43 20
Ed. Seeley, 2nd, $15.10; 3rd, $15.10;
4th, $10.60; 5th $1.50 42 40
Ott Turner, 3rd 16 75
James Tobin, 4th 52 65
BER, 1907:
Mike Cain $ 8 80
Peter Carney .. 8 00
John Duggan 9 60
D. McGuinness 9 60
Phil McCabe 9 60
W. O'Brien 25 00
Nick Sweeney 11 20
W. Walker 9 60
Peter Appel 24 30
M. Kenneally 24 30
George Reynolds 24 30
OCTOBER, 1907.
R. Burns $ 5 60
Peter Carney 9, 20
Mike Cain 7 20
John Duggan 8 00
_Ed. Lee 7 60
D. McGuinness 6 40
Nic. Sweeney 3 20
W. Walker 8 40
Peter Appel 16 20
M. Kenneally 19 35
George Reynolds 14 40
'C. Buddien, $ 10 25
John Collins 4 59,
W. Heller ... 7 20
Adam Henderson 50
T. Kailowy 11 40
Al. Kimbal 10 80
C. L. Korn 12 50
F. Lillie 11 55
W. Mueller 11 55
N. Martin 75
J. Scheidecker 11 05
Frank Benke 16 20
D. Cunningham
E. Daley
J. Jellison
F. Luchterhand
J. Rooney
_J. Smith
C. Sullivan
J. Tacke
J. Wells
$ 22 75
22 75
22 15
22 75
22 75
22 75
32 50
22 75
22 75
John M. Schafer, 23 cu. yds.
macadam $
Adam Zingel, 73.3 cu. yds. ma-
Thos. McEvoy, inspector 11th
and 13th Ste. brick paving
Frank Brown, inspector 11th
and 13th Sts. brick paving
Jas. Butler, inspector 1st and
Iowa Sts. brick paving
John McNulty, inspector 1st
and Iowa Sts. brick paving
Jesse Jellison, inspector 9th St.
paving from Main St. east
Peter Schuler, inspector 9th
St. paving from Main St. east
'Wm. Faster, services as inspec-
tor of sanitary sewer in
North Main street
List of Warrants 519
17 25
73 30
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
25 00
26 90
13 45
Geo. Becket, services as inspec-
tor of sanitary sewer on Delhi
street 25 00
H. Brinkman, expense of T. B
Hines, to convention at Coun-
cil Bluffs 50, 0,0
I hereby certify that the foregoing is
a correct list of all warrants issued by
me during the month of October, 1907.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the City Recorder's office up to 8:30
p. m., Thursday, November 7th, 1907,
for the use of the Ice Harbor for skat-
ing rink purposes for the season of
1907 -08.
The rink to be managed under th3
control of the police department.
A certified check in the sum of $25.00
on some Dubuque bank must accom-
pany each bid as a guarantee that a
contract will he entered into if
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque November 1st, 1907.
11 -1 -5t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the City Recorder's office up to 8,:30
o'clock p. m., Thursday, Nov. 7th, 1907,
for furnishing the various departments
of the City of Dubuque with coal, coke
and wood for the term of one year, be-
ginning November 1st, 1907. Bidders
will state the price of No. 1 oak and
maple wood, also the price for hard
and soft coal and the kind and name of
same; also the price and quality of
The coal and wood to be delivered in
such quantities at such places and time
as the city may direct.
The coal and coke to be weighed on
the city scales and delivered at the ex-
pense of the contractor.
Each bid must be accompanied with
a certified check for $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a
contract will be entered into if
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque November 1st,
11 -1 -5t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the City Recorder's office up to 8:30
o'clock p. m., Nov. 7th, 1907, to furnish
the Fire, Police and Street Depart-
ments of the City of Dubuque with
number one oats and number one
520 Official Notices
timothy. hay for the term of one year
from November 1st, 1907.
Such oats. and hay to be delivered in
such quantities and at such places as
may be ordered by the city from time
to time.. All- hay and oats. to be weigh-
ed, on the city scales and delivered at
the expense of the contractor. Thy
oats to be figured at 35 pounds to the
bushel. -
Each bid must be accompanied with
a .certified check of $25.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will he ,entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated. at Dubuque November 1st,
11 - - 5t. City Recorder.
Sealed - proposals will be received at
the City Recorder's office up to 8:30
o'clock p. m., November 7, 1907, for
repairing, cleaning and oiling the Town
Clock, also taking care of and winding
said .clock for one year.
Bidders must state the price for re-
pairing, cleaning and oiling and fur-
nishing all material, also the price per
year for taking care of and furnish-
ing all material that may be required
to keep said clock in complete running
order for one year from November 1st,
1907, to November 1st, 1908.
The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
11 -1 -5t City Recorder.
You are hereby rioul,e l that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance adopted by
the City Council of the City of Du-
buque October 3rd, 1907, you are re-
quired to make application to the
Board of Health of said city through
the, City Recorder for a license to sell
milk within the corporate limits of said
city. ,
This ordinance is now in effect and
you are hereby warned under penalty
of fine of one hundred dollars not to
sell any milk within the city limits on
or after the tenth day of November,
1907, without first having filed appli-
cation for said license.
11- 4 -10t. City Recorder.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a ses-
sion of the City Council to be held
November 21st,. 1907, to pay for the
improvement -of the alley between Main
and Locust, streets from the south lot
line of Ninth street to the north lot
line of Seventh street, McCarthy Im-
provement Co., contractors, amount of
special assessment $3,543.32, same to be
assessed against , the, abutting property
upon and along said street.
And that there is a piat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street on which said improve-
ment was made, and the separate lots
and parcels of ground or specified por-
tion thereof, subject to assess-
ment of such improvement, the names
of the owner thereof as far as practi-
cable and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule are subject to
public inspection.
And that . any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their ob-
jection in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Council .
to he held November 21st, 1907, or to
appear at said session of the Council
to show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Ia., November 8th,
11 -8 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council to be held
November 21st, 1.907, to pay for the
improvement of Althauser Avenue
from Stafford avenue to Eagle street,
Street and Steuck, contractors, amount
of special assessment, $4.414.50; same
to be assessed against the abutting
property upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street on which said improve-
ment was- made, and the separate lots
and parcels of ground, or specified por-
tion thereof, subject to assessment of
such improvement, the name of the
owner thereof as far as practicable and
the amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, which
plat and schedule are subject to pub-
lic inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their objec-
tion in writing with the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque on or before
said session of the City Council to be
held November 21st, 1907, or to appear
at said session of the Council to show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
8th, 1907.
11 -8 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council to be held
November .21st, 1907, to pay for the im-
provement of Thirteenth street from
the east curb line of Bluff street. to the
west lot line of Clay street, McCarthy
Improvement Co., contractors, amount
of special assessment $9,363.94; same
to be assessed against the abutting
property upon and along said street.
' And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street on which said. improve-
ment was made, and the separate lots
arid parcels of ground, or specified
tion thereof, subject to assessment of
such improvement, the name of the
owner thereof as far as practicable and
the amount to be .assessed against
each lot or parcel .of ground, which
plat and schedule. are subject to pub-
lic inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to -said special assessment or to said
plat must file his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held
November 21st, 1907, or to appear at
said session of the Council to show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
8th, 1907.
11 -8 -3t. 'City Recorder.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council to be held
November 21st, 1907, to pay for the,
construction of cement sidewalks by
Jas. Lee & Son, contractors, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amt.
Emma Meyer, et al., sub. 1 of 3
of Mineral Lot 172, Lot 1 north
side of Delhi between Julien
and Stewart avenues $41 67
R. W. Hosford, und. 7 -24, A
Trueb est. und. 7 -24, C. B
Trewin, und. 5 -24, Emma
Meyer, und. 5 -24 of Lot 8,
Martin's Dubuque Addition,
east side of Alpine street be-
tween West Fifth street and
Julien avenue 35 15
R. Kemler et al, Lot 10, Martin's
Dubuque Add., east side of Al-
pine street between West Fifth
street and Julien avenue 35 15
J. L. Buettell est., Lot 14, Nairn's
Add., north side of West Third
street between Booth, and Ne-
vada streets - 76 20
And that there are, plans and
schedules on file in the city office of the
City Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the streets on which said im-
Official Notices 521
provements were made and the sepa-
rate lots and parcels of ground and
specified portions thereof subject . to
assessment for such improvements, the
names of the owners as far as prac-
ticable, and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plats and schedules are subject
to public inspection.
And that any and all persons- ob-
jecting to said special assessments or,
to said plats must file his or their ob-
jection, in writing with the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun
cil to be held November 21st, 1907, or to
appear at said session of the Council
to show' cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
8th, 1907.
11 -8 -3t. City Recorder. s.
Notice to Contractors. -
Sealed proposals will be received at
the Council Chamber, City Hall, by the
City Recorder until 8:30 p. m. Thurs-
day, November' 21st, 1907, for the con-
struction of an eight -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Kaufman avenue
from the present manhole at the in-
tersection of North Main street west-
erly to the west line of Lot 8 in Cush -
ing's- Addition, in accordance with
plans and specifications prepared by
the City Engineer And now on file in
the office of the City Recorder.
It is estimated by the City Engineer
that it will require
750 lineal feet of 8 -inch tile pipe,
3 manholes. -
The work to be paid for when said
work is completed and as prescribed
by Chapter XXXIV. of the Revised Or-
dinances of 1901 of the City of Du-
buque,- -work to be [completed on or be-
fore December" 15th, 190'7.
Bidders must state price per lineal
foot for tile pipe and each manhole.
All bids must be accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
The city reserves the right to reject
any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, November 8th,,
11 -8 -2t. City Recorder.
To Whom It May Concern:
Bids will be received at the office of
the City Recorder up to 8:30 •P. M.
Monday, November 18th, 1907, for tak=
ing care of the Detention Hospital and
such patients as -may be confined there=
in • and to furnish ' the nepessary and
needful'assistance, and nurses to 'prop-
erly treat such patients. ' ' ' • •All bids submitted Inust 'be 'for' the
,performance of such duties as are' set
522 Official Notices
in the specifications on file in the
office of said City Recorder,
"The duties. of this position require
die service of a than and woman, pre--
fertility a :man .and his wife, and each
7)id must he for the services of both.
11- 12 -6t. c 'rk to Board of Health,
'Notice of ' Special Assessment.
: Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of • the' City Council to be held
November 26th, 1907, to pay for the
improvement of Iowa street from the
Southerly' Curb line of Third street to
the southerly' curb••line of First street
and First street from the westerly curb
line of Iowa street to the easterly lot
line of Main street, the O'Farrell Con -
traoting Co., contractors, amount of
special' assessment $9,461.47, same to
be assessed against the abutting prop-
erty upon and along said street.
• And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the. street on which. said improve-
ment was made, and the separate lots
and parcels of ground, or specified por-
t-ion thereof, subject to assessment of
such improvement, the name of the
owner .thereof a's far as practicable
and•the amount to the assessed against
each , lot. or parcel- of ground, which
plat• and: schedule are subject to pub-
lic inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment or to
said plat. must file his or their objec-
tion in writing with the City Recorder
of said,. Dubuque on or before
said session. of . the City Council to
be. held November 26th,•1907, or to ap-
pear at said session of the Council to
show, cause, if any.you have, why said
assessment should- not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
13th,.- 1907„ .
11- 1$ -3t. , • .City • Recorder.
(OSfioial Publication.).:
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the C,ity,;pf, Dubuque: •
Section .1. That .a grade on Fifteenth
street from the east curb line of Elm
street 'easterly .to..station 1+98 be and
tine, same is•hereby adopted and estab-
lished as Shown by the profile of said
Stpeet a.ncf. g ,ile by the City
Engineer and accepted, -by the . City
Council on the '6th d'ay' of September.
1907, being •lyo.;638 And marked "Grade ,
of Fifteenth street from east curb line
of Elm street easterly to station 1 +98,
b. m. east end of door sill Coffin Co.'s
office, elevation 21.34." Said grade be-
ginning at the east curb line of Elm
street, which is station 0, elevation
north side 19.40, south side 19.49;
thence to station 1+12, west side of
alley, elevation north side 19.29, south
side 18.60; thence to station 1+32, east
side of alley, elevation north side, 19.30,
south side 19.02; thence to station
1+98, elevation north side, 19.24, south
side 19 :14.
Section 2. This ordinance shall he in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted Nov. 7th, 1907.
Approved Nov. 11th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald November 12th, 1907.
City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Pleasant
street from the east lot line of Staf-
ford avenue to the center of Viola
street in the City of Dubuque, Iowa,
be and the same is hereby adopted and
established as shown by the profile of
said street and grade prepared by the
City Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 5th day of September,
1907, being No. 630 and marked "Grade
and profile of Pleasant street from east
lot line of Stafford avenue to the cen-
ter of Viola street, b. m. north end of
door sill of frame house No. 40 Pleas-
ant street, elevation 131.53." Said grade
beginning at the east lot line of Staf-
ford avenue, which is station, 0, eleva-
tion 105.00; thence to center of Colum-
bia street, elevation 132.00; thence to
center of Viola street, elevation 156.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be
in force and take effect from and after
its passage by the City Council and its
_ ; publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted Nov. 7th, 1907.
Approved Nov. 11th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
.graph - Herald November 12th, 1907.
City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Official' notices
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That Chapter XX of the
Revised Ordinances of 1901 of the City
of Dubuque, entitled "An ordinance ap-
pointing a Harbor Master and defining
his duties and regulating public land-
ings and wharfage, be and is hereby
amended as follows:
Sec. 2. That Sec. 1 thereof be and is
.hereby amended by adding thereto' the
following words: "That it shall be the -
'ditty of the Harbor Master or Wharf
Master to superintend the levee of the
city.' -
Sec. 3. That Sec. 2 of said ordinance
be and is hereby amended by adding
thereto the following: "Said Harbor
Master shall assign places for water
crafts of all description, including
shanty or house- boats, boat- houses,
boat liveries, and any and all kinds of
water crafts landing within the limits
of the city.
Sec. 4. That said ordinance be and
is hereby amended by adding thereto
the following sections:
Sec. 9. That for the purpose ' of
wharfage for all boats and water crafts,
- the entire frontage of the city shall be
'deemed the levee (except such parts as
have been heretofore excepted by the
ordinances of the city). And all boats,
shanty or house-boats, boat- houses or
launch boat - houses and water crafts
of any description landing at, anchor-
ing or making fast within 100 feet of
such frontage, shall pay the city there-
for the following amounts:
All launches Five ($5.00) Dollars per
season for each 16 feet of frontage of
the levee used, payable in advance.
All shanty boats, house -boats or fish
houses shall pay the sum of Fifteen
($15.00) Dollars per year wharfage,
.payable in advance.
All boat liveries -shall pay the sum
of Twenty -five ($25.00) Dollars per
:year for each 25 feet of. levee frontage
4,11 boating associations erecting a
building or buildings on the wharf or
levee of the city shall pay Twenty -five
($25.00) Dollars per year as wharfage:
Section 10. No shanty, house -boat
or fish house shall be allowed to land
or remain on any part of the levee or
landing within any part of the ice
harbor in the City of Dubuque. The
westerly 700 feet of the south side
of the ice harbor of the City
of Dubuque is hereby exclu-
sively appropriated for harbor
ing all government steamboats
during the winter season. The east-
erly 175 feet of the northerly side of
the ice harbor is hereby appropriated
to the U. S. government for its steam-
boat ways and boat yards for repairing
steamboats as more fully shown on
plat filed in the City Recorder's office
of the City of Dubuque.
Sec. 11. The Harbor Master of the
City of Dubuque shall have full author-
ity to compel the removal of boats to
places assigned by him in accordance
with this ordinance. And after notice
in writing of twenty -four hours to re-
move any such boat or water craft to
places so assigned, said Harbor Master
shall have the power and it shall be
his duty to remove the same to any
other part of the levee or public .land-
ing of said city.
Sec. 12. Any person violating any.
of the terms of this ordinance .or fail-
ing to obey the instructions or direc-
tion of the Harbor Master, shall be
guilty of a misdemeanor and on con-
viction thereof shall be fined not less
than Five or more than One Hundred
Sec. 5. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its passage and publication in the Tel-
egraph Herald. • •
Adopted Nov. 7th, 1907.
Approved Nov. 11th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald November 12th, 1907.
City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the C ity Council of
the City of Dubuque:.
Section 1. That the grade on Grand-
view avenue from Station 3 to Station
15 be and the same is hereby changed
in accordance with the Profile of 'said
street and grade prepared by the City
Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 1st day 'of August, 1907,
being No. 606 and marked "Change of
524 Official Notices
grade on Grandview avenue from Sta-
tion 3 to Station 15, b. m. door sill
Siege's store n. w. corner Fremont and
Grandview avenues, elevation 286.24.
Section 2. That said new grade be
'fixed and established as follows: Be-
ginning at the north curb of Bennett
street, which is station 3, elevation
299.00; thence to station 7, elevation
292.00; thence to station 10, elevation
285.50; thence to station 15, elevation
Section 3. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after its
passage by the City Council and its
publication one time in - the Dubuque.
Telegraph- Herald newspaper.
Adopted Nov. 7th, 1907.
Approved Nov. 11th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald November 12th, 1907.
City Recorder.
(Official Publication.)
Be it Ordained by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque:
Section 1. That a grade on Solon :
street from Alpine street to about one
hundred and eighty feet east thereof
in the city of Dubuque, Iowa, be and ;
the same is hereby established and
adopted as shown by the profile of said
- street and 'grade prepared by the City .
Engineer and accepted by the City
Council on the 17th day of October,
1907, being No. 637 and marked "Grade
and profile of Solon street from Alpine ,
street to about 180 feet east, b. m. door
sill frame house No. 446 Alpine street,
elevation 265.28." Said grade beginning
•at the east curb line of Alpine street
which is station 0, elevation 267.79;
thence to station +10, east lot line of
Alpine street, elevation 267.79; hence to
station +50, elevation 263.15; thence
to station +30, west side of alley, ele-
vation 253.87; thence to station 1 +55,
elevation 251.00; thence to station 1+80,
east line of Lois street, elevation 248.00.
Section 2. This ordinance shall be in
force and take effect from and after
its by' the City Council and its
publication one time in the Dubuque
Telegraph - Herald newspaper.
Adopted' Nov. 7th, 1907.
Approved No' . 11th, 1907.
City Recorder. •
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald November 12th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that
at the session of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, held on the 7th
day of November, 1907; the following
special assessments were levied on the
real estate hereinafter described and
that in ease of failure to pay the one -
seventh part within the time prescrib-
ed by the ordinance governing same,
all will become delinquent and subject
to collection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For Brick Paving. of Ninth Street from
Bluff Street to Locust Street.
Name. Description. Amt.
First Church of Christ, city lot
642 $625 92
Harmony & Julien Lodge, city
lot 633 585 60
Key City Building Co., city lot
632 546 65
J. E. Fairbanks, city E. 33 1 -2
ft. lot 643 271 08
Geo. Mohr Est., city W. 63 1 -2
ft. lot 643 362 11
Total $2391 36
For Paving of Eleventh Street from
Bluff Street to Clay Street.
City of Dubuque, sub. city 660,
lots 1 and 2 $439 12
Masonic Temple, City N. 43 ft
E. 1 -2 lot 660 395 84
H. B. Glover, City lot 160 662 42.
C. J. W. Saunders, city N. 43.2
ft. lot 41 672 58
W. H. Day, city lot 40a .673 10
J. F. McCarthy Est., city lot 161 683 81
Henry Friedrich, city lot 199 623 10
John A. Koch, city N. 41.4 ft. lot
268 558 37
J. H. & F. D. Stout, city S. 78
ft. S. 1 -2 lot 661 797 28
Wm. Bradley Est., city S. 1 -5 of
S. 2 -5 of lot 478 733 52
Fred Weigel Est., city St. 21.2 ft
lot 467 72463.
Mrs. H. P. Bissell, city S. 86.4
ft. lot 466 677 71
Grace Willoughby, city S. 1 -5 lot
459 669 66
J. V. Rider, city Und. 1 -2 S. 55 ft
lot 458 283 45
G. A. & E. Burden, .city Und. 1 -2
S. 55 ft. lot 458 283 45
Anna Klauer, city S. 2 -5 lot 447 566 63
Total $9444 6T
For Sanitary Sewer in N. Main. Street
from Leibnitz Street 200 feet south. .
J. G. Becker, Marsh's Add., lot
23 $2286.
A. F: Heeb and B. D. Heeb,
Marsh's Add., lot 22 22 86
H. Hanover Est., Marsh's Add ,
lot 21 22 85
J. F. Johannsen, Marsh's Add ,
lot 20 2 &5
P. Nicks, Jr., Marsh's Add., lot
50 22 86
Wm, Hintrager, Marsh's Add ,
lot 49 22 56
Wm. Keller, Marsh's Add., lot
48 22 86
Total $160 00
For the Construction of Cement Side-
Johanna Koerner, Sub. 3 of Min
lot 63, lot 2 $ 59 19
Mary Cunninghan', Union Ac1d ,
lot 128 5 49
Margaret Graf Est., Sub. 87 and
SS, L. H. Langworthy's Acld ,
lot 3 31 56
Wm. Redmond, Union Add., lot
173 49 67
John Blake Est., Ellen Blake's
Sub., lot 7 134 48
Special Assessment Notice.
To All Who Are Named Below: You
are hereby notified that in accordance
with an ordinance of the City of Du-
buque for repairing sidewalks during
the months of September and October,
1907, that special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof at the
regular meeting of the City Council
upon all lots and .parcels of land on
said improvement owned by you, be-
ing subject to such special assessment.
And you are hereby notified to appear
at said meeting of the council to be
held on December 5th, 1907, and show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
Owner. Description Amt.
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., lots 59, 60
61, 105 feet lunlber, $3.15; 3
hours labor, $1.50; total $4 65
H. B. Chamberlain, Woodlawn
Park, lot 52, 10 feet lumber,
30c; 1 -2 hour Labor, 25c; total 55
Geo. W. Works, Davis Farm Add ,
lot 255, 5 feet lumber, 15c; 1 -2
.hour labor, 25c; total 40
J. V. Rider, Sisters' Add., lots 5,
6, 7, 25 feet lumber, 75c; 1 hour
labor, 50c; total 1 25
John Flynn, Sub. M. L. 191, lot
2, 85 feet lumber, $2.55; 2 hours
labor, $1.00; total 3 55
J. K. Deming and G. W. Kiesell,
Sub. Min. lot 466, lot 2,' 40 feet
lumber, $1.20; 1 hour labor,
50c; total 1 70
V. A. Bush, et al, Dorgan's Sub ,
lot 4, 40 feet lumber, $1.20; 1
. hour labor, 50c; total 1 70
J. J. Nagle, Union Add., W. 49.5
feet of E. 73 feet of lot 9, 30
. feet lumber, 90c; 1 -2 hour tabor,
Official Notices
25c; total 1 15
Mike Ahearn Est., Neuman,
.Cooper & Smith's Sub., lots 8
and 9, 5 feet lumber, 15c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 40
L. H. Langworthy, Sub. 4 Mrs. L.
H. Langworthy's Sub., lot 1, 15
feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour la-
bor, 25c; total 70
Wm. Hintrager, M. O'Hare's Sub ,
lot 1, 40 feet lumber, $1.20; 1
hour labor, 50e; total 1 70
Jas. Mullen Est., Finley, Waples
& Burton's, lot 11, 70 feet lum-
ber, $2.10; 1 1 -2 hours labor,
75c; total 2 86'
Pat F. Walsh, Porter's Add., S
30 feet of lot 12, 20 feet lum-
ber, 60c; 1 -2 hour labor, 25c;
total 85
Jas. McGrath Est., Cox's Add., lot
115, 25 feet lumber, 75c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 1 00
Sidonia Hosford, Harper's Sub ,
lot 3, 15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 70
B. Chamberlain, E. E. Jones' Sub ,
lot 3, 15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; .total 70
Grace Provost, City S. 1 -2 lot 35,
15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour
labor,.25c; total 70
Eliz. Thomas, Wilson's Sub., lot
5, 15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 70
Geo. Salot, Salot's Sub., lot 3, 25
feet lumber, 75c; 1 -2 hour labor,
25c; total 1 00
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Finley's
Add., lot 2, 10 feet lumber, 30c;
1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total 55
H. Morgan Est., Reche's Sub., lot
6,.6 feet lumber, 20c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 85
A. McGuiness, Union Add., lot 6,
25 feet lumber, 75c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 1 00
J. M. Sullivan, Wilson's Sub., lot
19, 25 feet • lumber, 75c; 1 -2
hour labor, 25c; total 1 00
E. Langworthy Est., lot 2 of 5 P.
Langworthy's Sub., lot 2, 90
feet lumber, $2.70; .2 hours la-
bor, $1.00; total • " 3 70
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add., lot
4, 7 feet lumber, 20c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 45
J. J. Bradley, Farley's Sub., lot
13, 15 feet lumber, 45c; 1 -2 hour
labor, 25c; total 70,
F. N. Schroeder, Sub. M. Lot 158,
W. 1 -2 of lot 1, 25 feet lum-
ber, 75c; 1 -2' hour labor, 25c;
total 1.00
C. A. Alexander, S.ub. 3 Babcock's
Sub., lot 2, 30 feet lumber, 90c;
1 -2 hour labor, 25c; total. 1 15
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub`, lots
2 to '9 inc., 35 feet -lumber,
$1.05; 1 hour labor, 50c. total. 1'55.
avenue from Stafford avenue to Edison
':Street. All said work to be done in
accordance with the plans and speci-
fications on file in the office of the City
On the retaining wall, bidders must
state price per cubic Yard, masonry and
grading included. Engineer's estimate,
146 cubic yards.
On the concrete 'gutter, bidders must
state price per lineal - of finished
' gutter.
Engineer's estimate, 700 lineal feet.
Each bid must be 'accompanied by a
certified check for $50.00 on some Du-
buque bank as a guarantee that a -con-
tract will be entered into if awarded.
- The city Council reserves the right
to reject any and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, December 23rd,
11- 23 -2t. City Recorder.
Public notice 'is hereby given that
at the session of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque held on November
21st, 1907, the following special as-
sessments were levied on the real
estate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay the one -sev-
enth part within the time prescribed
by the ordinance governing same, all
will become delinquent and subject
'to collection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For the improvement of Althauser
avenue from Stafford avenue to Eagle
Name. Description. Amt.
Regina Berry, Sub. Min. Lot 470,
lot 2 $118 07
D. Frommelt, Sub 11 Althauser's
Sub., lot 2 112 04
Wm. Althauser, Sub. 11 Alt -
hauser's Sub., S. 1 -2 lot 1 127 69
Caroline Stark, Sub. 11, Alt -
hauser's Sub., N. 1 -2 lot 1 167 16
J. C. Althauser, Sub, 10 Alt -
hauser's Sub., lot 1 107 85
J. C. Althauser, Sub. 10 Alt -
hauser's Sub., lot 2 70 84
Julia Kiesele, Sub. 10 Alt -
hauser's Sub., lot 3 70 84
Julia Kiesele, Sub. 10 Alt -
hauser's Sub., lot 4 84
Emma Gonsor, Sub. 10 Alt -
sauser's Sub., lot 5 70 84
Emma Gonsor, Sub. 10, Alt-
hauser's Sub., lot 6 107 85
J. C. Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 25 122 06
.Julia Kiesele, Altlauser's Sub ,
lot 26 82 38
Caroline Stark, Althauser's
Sub., lot. 27 82 38
Emma 'Gonsor, Althatt er's Sub.
' lot 28' 82 38
Offici'a1 'Notices
Wm. _ Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 29 82 38
Wm, Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 30 69 21
John Widman, Althauser's Sub
lot 31 82 69
Caroline Stark, Althauser's
Sub., lot 32 191 at
John Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 9 122 06
John Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 8 82 38
John Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 7 82 38
John Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 6 82 38
John Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 5 82 38
Henry Widman, Althauser's
Sub., lot 4 82 69
A. and 'E. Gonsor, Althauser's
Sub., lot 3 82 69
Julia Kiesele, Althauser's Sub ,
lot 2 82 69
Emma Gonsor, Althauser's
Sub., lot 1 108 30
C. Margadant et al, Marga-
dant's Sub.; lot' 1 162 87
C. Margadant et al, Marga-
dant's Sub.,, lot 10 73 41
'Frank Witter, Margadant's
Sub., lot 9 73 41
C. Margadant et al, Marga-
dant's Sub., lot 8 73 41
C. Margadant, et al, Marga-
dant's Snl., lot 7 73 41
C. Margadant, et al, Marga-
dant's Sub., lot 6 73 41
John Noel, Sub. 6 of Min. Lot
470, lot 1 153 45
Hugh Markey, Sub. Min. Lot
470, S. W. 56 feet lot 5 77 56
L. Vollrath, Sub. Min. Lot 470,
N. E. 3 feet, lot 5 4 16
L. Vollrath, Sub. Min. Lot 470,
lot 4 58 17
Matt Wolfe Est., Sub. Min. • Lot
470, lot 3 71 30
J. Althauser, Althauser's Sub ,
lot 53 76 86
Bernard Hoffman, Althauser's
Sub., lot 52 95 56
Bernard Hoffman, Althauser's
Sub., lot 20 120 49
M. Schlegel, Althauser's Sub ,
lot 19 120 49
John Althauser, Althauser's
Sub., lot 18 120 49
John Althauser, Sub. 12 Alt -
hauser's Sub., lot 2 35 31
J. C. Althauser, Sub. 12 A lt-
hauser's Sub., lot 1 324 08
Total '$4414 50
'For brick Paving Alley Between Main
and Locust From Seventh Street
to Ninth Street.
Mary B. Wallis and heirs, City
lot 141 $187 78
Mary B. Wallis and heirs ''City
lot 142 158 50
Total $38 20
11 -22 -3t City Recorder.
Notice of Special .Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
.session of the City Council to be held
December 5th, 1907, to pay for the
construction of cement sidewalks on
the east side of Elm street between
13th and 14th streets by , Jas. Lee &
Son, contractors, as follows:
Owner. Description. Amount
:Otto M. Schmid, north 25.3 feet
of Lot 192 $25 12
Frank Nejedly Est., south 25.4
feet of Lot 192 $29 62
'And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show -
lag the streets on which said improve-
ments were made and the separate lots
and parcels of ground and specified
portions thereof subject to assessment
for such improvements, the names of
the owners, as far as practicable, and
'ttie amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, which
plat and schedule are subject to public
And that any and all persons ,ob-
jecting to said special assessments or
-to said plat must' file his or their ob-
jection in writing with the City Re-
corder 'of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the council to
be held December 5th, 1907, or to ap-
pear at said session of the council, to
,show. cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
22nd, 1907.
11- 22 -3t: City Recorder.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as pro-
vided, by law will be levied at a session
of the City Council to be held Decem-
ber 5th, 1907, to pay for the construc-
tion of an 8 -inch tile pipe sanitary
sewer in Grandview avenue, Delhi
street, Louisa street and Grace street,
'from North street to Lots 5 and 6 in
Reche's Sub. by O'Farrell Contracting
Co., contractors. Amount of special
assessment, $2;864.37, same to be as-
sessed ' against' the abutting property
upon 'and along said street.
And 'that 'there is a plat and schedule
on ,file in- the office of the City Re-
corder. of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the. Streets' in which said sanitary
sewer was oonstrudted, and the sep-
_arate lots and parcels of ground, or
specified portions thereof, subject to
assessment .of such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof as fat' as
Official Notices
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their objec-
tion in writing with the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque on or before
said session of the City Council to be
held December 5th, 1907, or to appear
at said session of the Council to show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
'sessment should not. be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
22nd, 1907.
11- 22 -$t. City Recorder.
Notice of Special Assessment.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council to be held
December 5th, 1907, to pay for the
construction of an eight -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Broadway street from
the southern end of Present sewer,
south to the sofith line of Lot 5 in John
King's first addition, by Street and
Steuck, contractors, amount of special
assessment, $125.12, same to be assessed
against the abutting property upon and
along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street on which said sanitary
sewer was constructed, and the sep-
arate lots and parcels of ground, or
specified portion thereof, subject to as-
sessment of such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof, as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel or
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment or to
said ,plat must file his or their objec-
tion in writing with the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque on or before
said session of the City Council to be
held December 5th, 1907, or -to appear at
said session of the Council to show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, November
22nd, 1907.
11- 22 -3t. City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
8:30 o'clock p. m., Thursday, De-
cember 5th, 1907, for the construction
of a . dry stone retaining wall on the
south side of Althauser avenue about
150 feet long; also for a concrete gut-
ter on the north side of Althauser
Mary B. Wallis and heirs City
lot 143a 75
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 143 93
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 144 187
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 145 187
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 60 187
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 59 187
Rev. J. J. Keane, City, S. 7.2 ft
lot 58 26 40
Jas. Kelly, City, S. M. 21.6 ft
lot 58 78 89
Rev. J. J. Keane, City, N. M
20.6 ft. lot 58 75 22
Rev. J. J. Keane, N. 2.6 ft. lot
58 9
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 57... 167
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 56... 174
B. W. Lacy, City, Und. 1 -3 lot
146 61 11
Wm. Bradley, City, Und. 1 -3 lot
146 61 11
J. V. Rider, City, Und. 1 -3 lot
' 146 61 11
B. W. Lacy, City, Und. S. 11.2
ft. lot 147 13 61
Wm. Bradley, City, Und. 1 -3
S. 11.2 ft. lot 147 13 61
J. V. Rider, City, Und. 1 -3
S. 11'.2 ft. lot 147 13 61
Iowa Telephone Co., City, N. 40
ft. lot 147 145
Lizzie Connolly, City lot 148 186
Alf. Tredway Est., City lot 149 186
Wm. Bradley, City lot 150 125
Jas. Btirc,h, City lot 51 186
Jas. Burch, City, N. 2.2 .ft. lot
52 794
Wm. Watson, City, N. M. 33 ft
lot 52 120 25
H. C. Kiesel, City, S. 16 ft. lot
52 58
H. C. Kiesel, City, N. 1 -2 lot 53 93
J. V. Rider, City, S. 1 -2 lot 53 93
R. Waller Est., City lot 54 145
Fred Weigel Est., City lot 55 171
Offdi No.ti
Total $3543 32
For Brick Paving of Thirteenth Street
from Bluff Street to Clay Street.
M. E. and B. B. Richards, City,
W. 52 ft. S. 2 -5 lot 663 $342 67
Nic Schrup, City, E. 111 ft. S
2 -5 lot 663. 539 43
L. and T. J. Paisley, City, S
1 -5 lot 476 720 99
E. S. Horr, City, S. 34 ft. S. 1 -5
lot 469
E. B. Piekenbrock, City, S. 1 -5
lot 464
Dr. W. H. Kinnier, City, W.
• 15.54 ft. S. 2 -5 lot 461
E. B. Wood, City, E: 47 'ft:, W
62 ft. S. 2 -5 lot 461
J. V. Rider, City, E. 52 ft. S.
2-5 lot 461
James Levi, Sub. City 456, lot
Mrs. J. Fecker, Sub. City 456,
lot 1'
720 98
603 84
158 52
184 29
203 90
327 37
135 06
Nannie T. Bell, City, S. 2 -5 lot
449 461 15.
City of Dubuque, City, N.'..2 -5
448 and N: 2=5 457 867. 89
E. A. and H. Corrance, City, E... .
80 ft. N. 1 -5 lot 460 315 27
J. V. Conzett, City, W. 33 ft
N. 1 -5 lot 460 234 89
Wm. L. Bradley Est.;. City, N..',
1 -5 lot 465 ......... 546 15
St. Joseph Academy,. City
468 713 02
Win. Lawther, Jr., City, lot 477 648 62
Westminster Presbyterian.
'Church, City, N. 52 ft. lot. 662 808 14
Union Electric Co.,,__ betiveen
tracks ' '' ' " 831 76
Total $9353 94
For Constructing Cement Sidewalks.
Emma Meyer et al., Sub. 1 of 3
of Min. Lot 172, lot 1 $ 41 67
R. Kemler et al., Martin's Du-
buque Add., lot 10 35 15
J. L. Buettell Est., Nairn's Add ,
lot 14 76 20
R. W. Hosford, Martin's Du-
buque, Und. 7 -24 lot 8; A.
Trueb Est., Martin's Dubuque,
Und. 7 -24 lot 8; C. B. Trewin,
Martin's Dubuque, Und. 5 -24,
lot S; Emma Meyer, Martin's
Dubuque, Und., 5 -24 lot 8 35 15
Public notice is hereby given that
at the session of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque held on November
26th, 1907, the following special as-
sessments were levied on the real
estate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay the one -
seventh part within the time prescrib-
ed by the ordinance governing same,
all will become delinquent and subject
to collection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
Name. Description. Amt.
Mary C. Westphal, City N. 2 -3
lot 193 $342 66
Dub. Harness & Saddlery Co ,
City S. 1 -3 lot 193 101 26
Dub. Harness & Saddlery Co ,
City N. 1 -3 lot 194 84 73
C. H. Walker, City S. 2 -3 lot
194 169 52
Berdina E. Bush, City N. 2 -3
lot 195 169 52
Hotel Julien Co., City S. 1 -3
lot 195 84 46
Hotel Julien Co., City lot 196a 523 74
Wm. Lawther, City S. 197 feet
lot 745 1051 38
Armour & Co., City N. 60 feet
lot 745 424 76
A. A. Cooper, City N. 60 feet
lot 197 591 66
E. W. Albee, City 'S. 4 feet lot
197 20 48
E. W Albee, City lot 198 168 08
A. A. Cooper, City lot 198a 168 08
Eliz. Manson, City lot 529 338 93
Archibald Frater, City lot 528 635 42
Illinois Central Ry. -Co., ad-
jacent to tracks 483 41
Illinois Central Ry. Co., be-
tween tracks 872 30
Illinois Central Ry. Co., be-
tween tracks 538 54
Eliz. Manson, City lot 530 710 34
Illinois Central Ry. Co., ad-
jacent to Dub. Harbor Co.
Add., E. 1 -2 Blk. 1, 484 81
Dub. Brewing & Malt. Co., City
S. 21.6 feet lot 1 762 75
Rev. J. J. Keane, City lot 531 734 63
$9461 47
Official :Notitts