1907 December Council ProceedingsCITY COUNCIL
Regular Session, December bcn, 1907.
Council met at 9:00 p.m.
Mayor Schunk in the chair.
Present —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Thomas moved that the council
proceedings for the month of November
be approved as printed. Carried.
The following bills having been prop-
erly approved by the various commit-
tees, were ordered paid:
Chas. Gantenbein, inspector sew-
er bet. Rhomberg and Lincoln
Regular Session, December 5, 1907
$ 19 25
28 85
Jesse Jellison, inspector
street brick paving
Peter Schuler, inspector Ninth
street brick paving
Louis Zemanek, assisting market
master three days
John Linehan, 128 loads filling,
Mt. Carmel avenue
Walter Bradley, 41 loads filling,
Mt. Carmel avenue
Philip Purcell, 251 loads filling,
Mt. Carmel avenue
R. C. Mathis, 127 loads filling, Mt.
Carmel avenue
Leo Sullivan 85 loads filling, Mt.
Carmel avenue
Peter Appel, 42 loads filling, Mt.
Carmel avenue 15 75
Dennis O'Mara, 66 loads filling,
Mt. Carmel avenue 24 75
The Iowa Publishing Co., 20
maps and 2 atlases of Dubu-
que 580 00
G. F. Kleih, hardware for various
Louis Fay, 11 1 -2 days house
cleaning at City Hall 18 40
Mrs. H. Koenig, 4 days house
cleaning at City Hall 6 40
Baldwin's Express, hauling tools
from park to City Hall 75
L. Lindenberg, hardware for
various depts 7 35
Mike Mullen & Co., repairs to
water fountains 48 60
H. B. McCarten, repairs to water
fountains 10 80
Jas. Beach & Sons, 1 box castile
L. J. Schmitt, hardware for fire
and road depts
Larry Daily, cleaning around
market square, November
Geo. Davis & Co., supplies for
various depts
Ferd. Mertz, furnishing new keys
and repairing lock, various
28 85
4 80
48 00
15 40
94 15
47 65
31 90
4 80
3 50
14 00
1 05
7 00
A. E. Bradley, glazing, various
offices 4 05
Jonas Scherer, repairing assess-
or's chair 7
Chas. T. Bush, 2 photos of Cleve-
land avenue for legal dept 3 00
Albert Gasser, 1,000 bricks for
repairs around catch basins 8 00
Peter Even, coal for various
offices 11 52
John E. Hartig, mending 4 steel
tapes for engineer 1 00
W. D. Heckert Co., pipe railing
for 3rd street 59 00
Standard Lumber Co., lumber for
partition in Mayor's office 6 75
Eagle Point Lime Works, cement
and crushed stone for road
dept 59 50
Eagle Point Lime Works, cement
and crushed stone for 17th st.
sewer 26 05
G. F. Kleih, hardware for road
dept 3 10
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for road
dept 3 80
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
road dept 6 15
Pier Bros., coal for steam roller 18 78
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horseshoe -
ing for road dept 2 30
John M. Lee, 45 loads of cinders
for road dept 11 25
Jas. Hird, amount advanced for
oil for road dept 10
Hussman & Lies, hardware for
road dept 5 43
Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lbr.
Co., lumber for repairs of side-
walks 84 63
Dubuque Wooden Ware and Lbr.
Co., lumber for police dept 6 18
Peter J. Seippel Lbr. Co., lum-
ber for repairs for sidewalks 8 00
Linehan & Molo, cement for sew-
er dept 33 70
T. J. Mulgrew Co., cement and
sewer pipe for sewer dept 461 01
T. J. Mulgrew Co., coal and wood
for City Hall 16 05
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
November 2197 90
Union Electric Co., power for fire
alarm system 2 00
Key City Gas Co., light for var-
ious depts 136 60
Iowa Oil Co., oil for fire dept 6 00
H. Kelley, taking care of fire
horse in hospital 8 00
John Kriebs, harness repairs for
fire dept 3 40
Conlin & Kearns, coal for fire
dept 125 95
Pier Bros., coal for fire dept 34 65
Phil Doerr & Co., coal for fire
dept 10 92
F. A. Burns, coal for fire dept 17 50
Fengler & Beutin, coal for fire
dept 12 95
Babcock Fire Extinguisher Co..
supplies for fire dept 18 00
:and veterinary services, per horse,
44c per month.
W. R. Fullerton, furnishing medicine
and veterinary services, per horse, 45c
per month.
On motion contract for furnishing
medicine and veterinary services for
the year commencing January 1st, 1908,
was awarded to Dr. H. J. Hagerty.
Reports of Officers.
City Treasurer Brinkman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: -I herewith hand you
:statements of amounts advanced by
me during the month of November
1907, for which please order warrants
drawn in my favor:
Interest paid on warrants out
standing $829 45
Excavation permits redeemed 70 00
:New York exchange expense 15
Rent of clock for office, exp 1 00
Postage expense 10 00
Total $910 60
!Library orders paid $701 39
Also received "money borrowed"
from parties as per enclosed list, for
which order warrants drawn in their
Total amount money borrowed. $1000 00
Also refunded money to the amount
■of $2,000.00, for which please order loan
warrants issued in favor of parties as
per list.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the various amounts, and the reports
referred to the committee on finance.
City Auditor Lyons reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: Herewith find my re-
port for the month of November, 1907,
- showing the receipts and disburse-
ments for the month:
Cash on hand November 1st
1907 $14,242 74
Receipts from all sources 21,964 14
Total $36,206 88
Warrants redeemed $24,720 75
Improvement bond coupons
redeemed .260 00
- Regular bond coupons re-
deemed 20 00
Total $25,000 75
Cash on hand December 1st,
1907 $11,206 13
Regular Session, December 5, 1907
The above cash balances includes the
improvement bond fund, improvement
bond interest fund and library fund
- Water Works balance Novem-
ber 30th, 1907 $1,184 29
Also the following is a record of all
interest coupons and bonds redeemed
by the City Treasurer during the past
month and credited to him:
Regular bond coupons redeem-
ed $ 20 00
Improvement bonds coupons re-
deemed 260 00
Total $280 00
Also report there is due the city of-
ficers for the month of November, 1907,
The following list shows the appro-
priations and the amount of warrants
drawn on each fund since the begin-
ning of the fiscal year beginning
March 1st, 1907, to December 1st, 1907:
Appropriated. Expended.
Expense $40,000 $29,050.14
Road -First District 7,050 6,522.76
Second District 12,000 10,661.66
Third District 8,000 6,964.60
Fourth District 10,000 8,780.51
Fifth District 8,000 7,653.00
Fire 51,000 35,939.04
Police 32,500 22,012.15
Sewerage 6,000 3,714.65
Printing 3,000 2,726.55
Street lighting 30,000 17,156.64
Interest 40,000 9,651.50
Board of Health ... 5,000 5,000.00
Grading 3,000 2,995.35
Intakes from Jackson
Street to Bee Branch
Sewer .. 1,500 1,105.80
Special bonded pav-
ing 2,500
Judgment 4,500 4,255.98
Special Bonded Debt
and Interest 2,000 1,803.01.
Mount Carmel Ave-
nue grading 2,000 596.05
Sidewalk repairing 1,000 681.74
Bluff Street Exten-
sion wall 1,000 995.58
Improvement of Dav-
is avenue 500 498 60
Re- arching sewer on
Eighth street 1,500 1,500.00
Improvement of Wind -
sor avenue 3,000
Seventeenth street
storm water sewer. 1,800 1,144.63
West Locust street
storm water sewer 4,000 3,805.50
M. E. LYONS, Auditor.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
city officers and the report referred to
the committee on finance.
53 Regular Session, December 5, 1907
Walter B. Baumgartner, supplies
for fire dept 1 90
Anna Shewey, copying theatre
ordinance of Des Moines 2 50
McClain Bros., feed for fire dept 1 90
John Mullen, 6 boxes harness
soap for fire dept 6 75
Berg - Arduser Co., repairing clock
for fire dept 1 50
Clark Roller Awning Co., can-
vass for fire dept 14 85
W. R. Pearce, glazing for fire
dept 2 00
R. D. Kirmse, repairing clock
for fire dept 1 00
John Neuman & Son, repairs for
fire dept 12 00
Pitts - Thompson, Fdry. Co., catch
basins and grates for road dept 46 50
Pitts - Thompson Fdry. Co , stove
for fire dept 29 30
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for fire dept 25
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
fire dept 566 61
Hedley & Brown, supplies for
various departments 4 98
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
supplies for fire and sewer
depts 33 25
J. P. Sullivan, supplies and re-
pairs for fire dept 12 45
Klauer & Kress, hardware for
various departments 40 00
F. Schloz & Son, repairs for po-
lice and fire departments 5 60
Phil Heller, horseshoeing for fire
dept 7 00
Wunderlich & Wiederholt, horse -
shoeing for fire dept 16 45
John J. Powers, horseshoeing for
fire dept 13 00
Lagen, Sloan & Peed, horseshoe -
ing for fire dept 16 00
Fischer & Co., ice during the sea-
son of 1907 12 00
Fischer & Co., coal and wood for
police and fire depts 84 93
F. G. Becker, coal and wood,
various depts 88 53
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
police dept 81 61
Nic Evert, sawing 2 cords hard
wood 1 20
The Boston Clothiers, city's
share on 5 overcoats for police 50 00
Gow & Curtis, plumbing repairs
at patrol house 48 65
Wrn. Laune, hauling and piling
2 cords hard wood 75
Chas. W. Katz, meals furnished
prisoners during Nov 3 20
Lorenz Eberhardt, lumber for
police dept 9 25
Frank Venn, 8 days services as
dog catcher during Sept 10 00
Telegraph- Herald, official print-
ing, Nov. 110 44
Telegraph - Herald printing Coun-
cil Proceedings, Nov 15 25
Telegraph - Herald, printing 14
improvement bonds 13 50
Times - Journal, official printing,
Nov 98 59
National Demokrat, official
printing, Nov 25 00
Labor Leader, official printing,
Nov. 25 00
Enterprise Printing Co., printing,
various departments 15 25
The following bills were referred to
The committee of the whole:
Pier Bros., use of 2 teams for
road work $ 3 60
Harriett D. Guthrie, awnings
destroyed during Cleaver
Laundry fire 8 66
The following hills for constructing
sewers and improving streets were ap-
proved and were ordered paid from the
sale of bonds for the improvements:
D. W. Linehan, constructing san-
itary sewer in alley between
Rhomberg and Lincoln Axes..
from Middle Avenue to Reed
Street $818 16
M. Tschirgi & Son, improving
Ninth Street from Main to Pine
Street 18,042 91
Petitions and Communications.
Petition of Jas. Levl asking that the
Council make a reassessment for the
improvement of 13th street abutting his
property, was, on motion, referred to
the committee of the whole and City
Petition of Mrs. I. P. Poor asking
that the City Council cancel the taxes
on her homestead during her life or un-
til such time as the property passes
into other hands was, on motion, re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
Petition of John Steinmetz asking
that the Council reconsider their action
taken ordering a temporary sidewalk
laid in front of lots 25 and 26, Finley's
add., was, on motion, granted and Mr.
Steinmetz to be notified that he be al-
lowed to put down cinders or stone
walk under the supervision of the City
Engineer, provided he begin work at
Petition of A. E. Gmehle submitting
list of personal back taxes which he is
unable to collect and asking for further
instructions from the Council in the
matter, was, on motion, referred to the
committee of the whole.
Bids for veterinary services for
horses in police, road and fire depart-
ments for year commencing January
1st, 1908, were presented, and on mo-
tion were ordered opened as follows:
H. J. Hagerty, furnishing medicine
534 Regular Session, December 5, 19c7
Fire Chief Reinfried reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
The following is the pay roll of the
fire department for the month of
November, 1907:
Amount due firemen $2,636.65
Respectfully submitted,
Approved by the committee on fire.
On motion the report was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay
the firemen, and the report referred
back to the committee on fire .
City Electrician Hipman reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit my
report of defective lights for the
month of November, 1907:
I find from the reports of the police
department that the total hours that
26 lamps failed to burn would equal
4 -5 of one lamp burning for one
month, or $4.32.
Respectfully submitted,
City Electrician.
On motion the report was received
and the City Auditor instructed to de-
duct from the Union Electric com-
pany's bill for the month of November,
1907, the sum of $4.32.
Chief of Police Pickiey reported as
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Dubuque, December 1st, 1907.
Gentlemen: —I herewith submit the
police report for the month of Novem-
ber, 1907:
Intoxication 44
Disorderly conduct 2
Larceny 2
Assault and battery 2
Disturbing the peace 8
Carrying concealed weapons 1
Petit larceny 1
Vagrancy 4
Total 64
Residents arrested 26
Doors found open 22
Lodgers harbored 178
Defective lights 26
Meals furnished 16
Cost of foods $ 3.20
Pound receipts $ 2.00
Police court costs collected $46.55
Patrol runs for prisoners 52
Transfer of prisoners 1
Ambulance calls 1
Committees 1
Miles traveled 94
I also beg to submit the pay roll for
policemen for the month of November, -
1907,— $2,553.00.
Respectfully submitted,
Chief of Police.
On motion the report and pay roll
were received and warrants ordered,
drawn to pay the policemen, and the
report referred to the committee on_
The street and sewer committee re-
ported as follows:
Gentlemen: —We herewith submit
the pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the last
half of November, 1907:
Amount due laborers on streets. $557.00
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor -
on sewers during the last half of No -'
vember, 1907:
Amount due laborers on sewers.$200.50
Approved by committee on sewers.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on Mt. Carmel avenue during the last
half of November, 1907:
Amount due laborers on Mt. Car-
mel avenue $301.25
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor -
on 17th street storm water sewer dur-
ing the last half of November, 1907:
Amount due laborers on 17th
street storm water sewer $189.45
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on Seventh avenue during the last
half of November, 1907, one -half of
which is to be paid by the abutters, the
other half by the city:
Amount due laborers on Sev-
enth avenue $13.20•
Approved by committee on streets.
On motion the pay rolls on streets
and sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to th'e proper committees.
City Engineer Ilg reported as fol-
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen:— Herewith find attached
a reassessment for the sanitary sewer
in Delhi street from Allison Place 104
feet west thereof, which I have made
according to Mr. Kintzinger's advice.
City Engineer.
On motion the report was received
and filed and the Recorder instructed
to advertise the reassessment as pro-
vided by ordinance.
City Recorder Linehan presented and
read the printed notice, certified to by
the publisher, of the council's intention
to levy a special assessment for the
construction of a sanitary sewer in
Broadway street from the southern end
of the present sewer south to the south
line of lot 5 in John King's first ad-
dition. No remonstrance being filed
and no one in the room objecting to the
said improvement, the notice was, on
motion, received and filed..
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher„ of the council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment for
the construction of an 8 -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Grandview avenue,
Delhi street, Louisa street, and Grace
street from North street to lots 5 and
6 in Reche's sub. No remonstrance be-
ing filed and no one in the room ob-
jecting to the levying of said special
assessment, the notice was, on motion,
received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also presented
and read the printed notice, certified to
by the publisher, of the council's in-
tention to levy a special assessment
for the construction of cement side-
walks on the east side of Elm street
between 13th and 14th streets in front
of North 25.3 ft. of lot 192 and South
25.4 ft. of lot 192, East Dubuque Add.
Remonstrance of Otto Schmid re-
monstrating' against the levying of
special assessment against lot North
25.3 ft. of lot 192, East Dubuque add.,
was then read and on motion the no-
tice was received and filed and the
remonstrance and special assessment
referred to the committee of the whole.
The following weighmasters and
woodmeasurers reports of receipts dur-
ing the month of November, were read,
and on motion received and filed:
Chas. - W. Katz, market master.. $31 65
J. H. Carroll, woodmeasurer.... 92
Louisa Pitchner, West Dubuque
scales 2 34
Thos. Faherty, First ward scales 7 04
Harbor Master Carroll also reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
Gentlemen: —I hereby submit my re-
port for the month of November, 1907:
Wharfage collected from boat
house owners $75.00
Launch owners out of the city: Henry
Michel and John O'Rourke.
Capt. Davis has not paid for private
dock; wishes time to investigate.
I called on Mrs. Bohn for wharfage
for 135 feet frontage, $135.00. She
stated to me her inability to pay. Also
that she would quit the boat livery
business. Mr. John Keckevoet occupies
145 feet frontage, $145.00, for which I
made a demand. He refused to pay.
Regular Session, December 5, 1907
stating that he would have recourse to
the court before paying.
Removed from harbor eight shanty
boats to river front. All refuse to pay
the fifteen dollars wharfage.
Respectfully submitted,
Harbor Master.
Ald. Closs moved that the report of
Harbor Master Carroll be received and
referred to the committee on harbors
and City Attorney. Carried.
On motion of Ald. Clancy the rules
were suspended to allow Mr. Keckevoet
to address the Council. Mr. Keckevoet
addressed the Council, remonstrating
against the paying of wharfage for, his
boat houses in the harbor. Mr. Kecke-
voet also stated he would pay $25.00 for
the privilege of conducting a skating
rink in ice harbor.
Ald. Clancy moved that the city ac-
cept $25.00 from John Keckevoet for
the privilege of using ice harbor for
skating rink purpose. Carried.
Bond of J. H. Carroll, wharf master
and woodmeasurer, and also Dr. F. J.
Kennedy, meat and milk inspector,
were presented to the Council, same
having been approved by the City At-
torney, and on motion bonds were re-
ceived and filed.
Ald. Closs of the Ordinance Commit-
tee, presented and read an ordinance
amending the ordinance to provide for
the inspection of milk dairies and dairy
herds, and to license and regulate the
sale of milk in the city of Dubuque.
Ordinance having been read for the.
first time at session of the Council held
Nov -mbc_r 21st, 1907, Aid. Closs moved
that the ordinance he now adopted as
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, .
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
The ordinance is as follows:
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
That Section IV of An Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance to provide for
the inspection of milk dairies and
dairy herds, and to license and reg-
ulate the sale of milk in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa," be amended so as to
strike from said section the following
53 Regular Session, December 5, 1907
words: "The applicant must at the
time of filing his application with the
City Recorder, deposit with said City
Recorder the sum of five ($5.00) dol-
lars to defray the expenses of making
the necessary examination of the herds
• and dairies," and to cause said Section
IV, when said words are so stricken
out of said section of said ordinance
so amended to read as follows:
Section IV. The Board of Health
shall determine from the facts submitt-
ed to it by the inspector, through his
report and through other sources of
reliable information, whether the ap-
plication for permission to sell milk
within the corporate limits of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa, shall be granted or
refused. If granted a license shall be
issued to the applicant therefor —if re-
fused notice of such refusal shall be
served upon the applicant by the Board
of Health through its sanitary officer.
The cost of making the necessary ex-
amination of herds and dairies pro-
vided for in this ordinance shall not
exceed the sum of twenty -five (25)
cents for each cow examined.
Adopted , 1907.
City Recorder.
Ald. Thomas, chairman of the com-
mittee on claims, reported as follows:
Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 5th, 1907:
I, Patrick Treanor, respectfully state
that I have a suit pending in the District
Court of Iowa, as next friend for my son,
Wm. Roy, who when he was 9 years
of age was injured by having his right
eye permanently partially impaired
through the explosion of a dynamite
cap which I claim the city's employes
negligently threw or laid around a
quarry where children play. I brought
suit for $1,000.00, but am willing to
settle and hereby propose to settle the
same for the sum of ($100.00) One
Hundred dollars, in full, which amount
does not cover the doctor's bill and
care, nursing and medicines, —if the
same is made at once.
The undersigned committee on claims
and City Attorney recommend the
above proposition be accepted and that
a warrant be ordered drawn in favor of
the Mayor for One Hundred Dollars to
effect the settlement.
Committee on Claims.
City Attorney.
On motion, the report of the com-
mittee on claims and City Attorney
was approved and a warrant ordered
drawn in the sum of $100.00 in favor of
the Mayor with which to effect the set-
tlement of the claim of Patrick Treanor.
Ald. Hines, chairman of the commit-
tee on streets, reported as follows:
Your committee on streets and City
Engineer would respectfully report
that we have examined the brick pav-
ing on Ninth street from the east lot
line of Main street to the east line of
Pine street, M. Tschirgi & Sons, con -
tractors, and find said work has been
completed in accordance with the plans
and specifications prepared therefor;
we would therefore recommend that the
said street be accepted and that the
City Engineer be instructed to prepare
a special assessment against the lots
or parcels of real estate benefitted by
such improvement and file the same in
the office of the City Recorder, who
will thereupon publish the notice re-
quired by ordinance.
Committee on Streets.
City Engineer.
Also, your committee on streets and
City Engineer would respectfully re-
port that we have examined the im-
provement on Adams avenue from
First avenue to the southerly end of
said Adams avenue, Willmer Cook, con-
tractor, and find the same to be con-
structed in accordance with the plans
and specifications prepared therefor
we would therefore recommend that
said street be accepted and that the
City Engineer be instructed to prepare
a special assessment against the lots or
parcels of real estate benefitted by
such improvement and file the same in
the office of the City Recorder, who
will thereupon publish the notice re-
quired by ordinance.
Committee on Streets.
City Engineer.
Also, your committee on streets, to
whom was referred the bill of Steuck
& Street for the improvement of Alt -
hauser avenue, would respectfully
recommend that said bill be allowed
and that warrants be ordered
drawn on the City Treasurer in pay-
:sale of bonds to be issued to defray the
cost of improving said street.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
various reports of the committee on
street. Carried.
Ald. Stumpf, chairman of the com-
mittee on sewers, reported as follows:
Your committee on sewers, City En-
gineer and Sewer Inspector would re-
spectfully report that we have ex-
amined the sanitary sewer in the alley
between Rhomberg and Lincoln ave-
nues from Middle Avenue to Reed
Street, D. W. Linehan, contractor, and
find the same to be constructed in ac-
cordance with the plans and specifica-
tions prepared therefor; we would
.therefore recommend that said sewer
be accepted and that the City Engineer
be instructed to prepare a special as-
sessment against the lots or parcels of
real estate benefitted by such improve-
ment and file the same in the office of
the City Recorder, who will thereupon
publish the notice required by ordin-
Committee on Sewers.
City Engineer.
Sewer Inspector.
Ald. Stumpf moved the adoption of
the report of the committee on sewers.
Ald. Hines of the committee on har-
bors, moved that the Council accept the
verbal proposition of John Keckevoet
to pay $25.00 for skating rink privilege
to be applied in full for license fee to
conduct a rink, provided the money is
paid at once. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee of the whole, reported as follows:
Your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the bill
of Willmer Cook for improving
Adams avenue from First avenue to the
southerly terminus of said Adams ave-
nue, would respectfully recommend
that said bill be allowed and that war-
rants be ordered drawn in payment
thereof from the proceeds of the bonds
to be issued to pay for the cost of im-
proving said avenue.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the contract
entered into with A. L. Rhomberg by
the City of Dubuque for the use of
block 24 in Railroad add., and lots 640
. and 641 in East Dubuque add., for de-
tention hospital purposes, would re-
Regular Session, December 5, 1 9 0 7
spectfully recommend that said con-
tract be approved.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the various reports of the committee
of the whole. Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the commit-
tee of the whole, also reported as fol-
Your committee of the whole would
respectfully report that on account of
the condition of the road funds, the
following named officers and city em-
ployes were laid off from December 1,
1907, until March 1, 1908: John Kear-
ney, Guy White, John B. Taylor, H.
Rowland, B. McDonnell, J. P. Cooney
and Park Custodians Ryan and Schoen-
beck; also that all work remaining un-
finished December 1st was placed under
the supervision of the City Engineer.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the report of the committee of the
Ald. McEvoy asked if the committee
of the whole had the power to lay off the
officers appointed by the City Council,
and asked for the opinion of the City
Attorney on the subject. City Attor-
ney Kintzinger stated that the Council
alone has the power to dismiss em-
ployes of the city, and that the power
is therefore not in the hands of the
committee of the whole to lay off men
employed by the city.
Ald. Closs moved that the action of
the committee of the whole be approved
and adopted. Carried.
Resolutions and Motions.
Ald. Thomas offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for a
sanitary sewer in Broadway street,
from the southern end of present sew-
er, south to the south line of lot 6 in
John King's first addition, by Street &
Steuck, contractors, in front of and
adjoining the same, a special tax be
and is hereby levied on the several lots
and parts of lots, and parcels of real
estate hereinafter named, situated and
owned, and for the several amounts set
opposite each lot or parcel of real
estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted De-
cember 5th, 1907.
Maria Kiene Est., King's 1st
add„ lot 9 $ 12 51
Ursula Blocklinger, King's 1st
add, lot 7 25 03
Ursula Blocklinger, King's 1st
add., lot 5 25 03
Theo. Blitch Est., sub 6, King's
1st add., lot 5 12 51
53 Regular Session, December 5, 1 9 0 7
Jos. Schoetgen, sub 6, King's 1st
add., lot 4 12 51
Johanna Frenzel, King's 1st
add, S. 1 -2 of lot 8 12 51
C. H. Meyer, King's 1st add ,
N. W. 1 -4 of lot 8 12 51
C. H. Meyer, King's 1st add ,
S. W. 1 -4 of lot 10 12 51
Total $125 12
All of which assessments are in pro-
portion to the benefits conferred.
Ald. Thomas moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
McEvoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays- -None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. McEvcy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for a
sanitary sewer in Grandview avenue,
Delhi, Louisa and Grace streets, by
O'Farrel Contracting Co., contractors,
in front of and adjoining the same, a
special tax be and is hereby levied on
the several Lots and parts of lots, and
parcels of real estate hereinafter named,
situated and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or parcel
of real estate, as follows:
.Special assessment submitted De-
cember 5th, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amount.
Wm. Watkins, Reche's Sub. No.
2, lot 6, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft $ 22 75
Wm. Laube, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 5, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft 22 75
John Babcock, Reche's Sub. No
2, lot 4, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft 22 75
Al. Kuhn, Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot
1, 40 ft. at 57.2 per ft. 22 75
C. Willman, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 2, 40 ft. at 57.2 ft. 22 75
Paul Ilg, Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot
3, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 22 75
Paul Ilg, Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot
16, 12 ft. at 57.2 per ft. 6 85
G. Theological Seminary of the
N. West, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 17, 480 ft. at 57.2c per ft 274 56
Sophia Motch, Morheiser's Add ,
lots 30 and 31, 150 ft. at 57.2c
ner ft. 85 80
Jacob Traut, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., lot 13, 21.9 ft.
at 57.2c per ft. 12 50
Jacob Traut, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., W. 11.3 ft. of
lot 14, at 57.2 per ft. 6 45
Frank Schmidt, Tschlrgi &
Schwind's Sub., E. 38.9 ft. of lot
14, at 57.2c per ft. 22 15
Frank Schmidt, Tschirgi &
Schwindt's Sub., W. 11 ft. of
lot 13, at 57.2c per ft. 6 30
Emma Schwind, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., E. 50 ft. lot 13,
at 57.2c per ft. 28 60
Jennie Scott, Morheiser's Sub.,
lot 10, 39.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 22 80-
John Schwind, Morheiser's Sub ,
lot 9, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 28 55
John Schwind, Schwind's home-
stead, 123.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 70 90
Jos. Trueb Est., Sub. 4 -5, 1 of 1
of 6, 2 of 7 and 2 of 1 of 7, of
Morheiser's Sub., lot 2, 124.75
ft. at 57.2c per It . 71 35.
Jos. Trueb Est., Morheiser's
Sub., lot 3, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per
ft. 28 55
A. W. Kemler, Morheiser's Sub ,
lot 2, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 28 55
A. W. Kemler, Morheiser's Sub ,
lot 1, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 28 55.
Cath. Trueb, Sub. 12, M. lot 172,
lot 6, 60.2 ft. at 57.2c per ft 34 45.
Cath. Trueb, Rigi's Sub., lot 1,
54.2 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 31 00
Jos. Trueb, Rigi's Sub., lot 2,
56.2 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 32 15
J. C. King, Sub. 1 of 2 of 1 of 1
of Boxleiter's Sub., lot 2, 77
ft. at 57.2c per ft. 44 05
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 1, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 2, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 3, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 4, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60 -
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
tord's Sub., lot 5, 160 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 91 50
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 6, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Otto Schmid, Sub. 1 of 1, Box -
leiter's Sub., lot 1, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Geo. Barnes, Sub. 2 of 2 1\1. Lot
160, lot 1, 80 feet 45 75
Carrie E. Mink, Sub. 2 of M. Lot
160, lot 1, 110 feet 62 90
Katherine Mink, Sub. 1 of Box -
leiter's Sub., lot 3, 58 feet 33 20
Joseph Florey, Sub. 1 of Box -
leiter's Sub., lot 4, 110 feet 62 90
G. M. Orvis, Sub. 1 of Quigley's
Sub., lot 1, 81.6 feet.. 46 65.
John Steadman, Sub. 1 of Quig-
ley's Sub., lot 2, 81.6 feet 46 65
Grundy & Hird, Hodges' Sub ,
lot 17, 51.5 feet 29 45
Mary Steiner, Ann O'Hare's Sub ,
No. 2, S. 106 feet lot 30, 106 feet 60 65.
Geo. Barnes, Ann O'Hare's Sub ,
No. 2, S 64 feet of N. 84 feet of
lot 30, 64 feet 36 60
Thos. Hill, Ann O'Hare's Sub., E
pt. lot 29, 150 feet 85 80
Geo. Grundy, Hodges' Sub. lot 1,
110.6 feet 63 25.
T. B. Cain, Hodges' Sub. lot 2,
42.6 feet 24 35
A. E. Girard, Hodges' Sub. lot 3,
42.6 feet 24 35
A. E. Girard, Hodge's Sub. lot 4,
42.6 feet 24 35
A. E. Girard, Hodges' Sub. lot 5,
42.6 feet 24 35
M. E. Church, Sub. 20, Reche's
Sub., lot 1, 50 feet 28 60
W. Reche Est., Sub. 20, Reche's
Sub., lot 2, 46 feet 26 30
M. E. Church, Reche's Sub., lot
19, 50 feet 28 60
J. E Durand, Reche's Sub., lot
18, 50 feet 28 60
Henry Brown, Reche's Sub., lot
17, 50 feet 28 60
Louis Sohl, Reche's Sub., lot 16,
50 feet 28 60
R. Off, Reche's Sub., lot 15, 50
feet 28 60
G. Vollenweider, Reche's Sub ,
lot 14, 50 feet 28 60
W. J. Thorpe, Reche's Sub., lot
13, 50 feet 28 60
Jos. C. King, Reche's Sub., lot
12, 50 feet 28 60
M. Peepon, Reche's Sub., lot 11,
50 feet 28 60
F. W. Marty, Reche's Sub., lot
10, 50 feet 28 60
S. E. Wafters, Reche's Sub., lot
9, 50 feet 28 60
Laura J. Hunt, Reche's Sub., lot
8, 50 feet 28 60
H. Morgan Est., Reche's Sub. lot
7, 50 feet 28 60
H. Morgan Est., Reche's Sub
lot 6, 50 feet 28 60
W. H. Thrift, Reche's Sub., lot
' 5, 50 feet 28 60
W. Reche Est., Reche's Sub., lot
4, 50 feet 2S 60
W. Reche Est., Reche's Sub., lot
3, 50 feet 28 60
Mary Bedenbender, Reche's Sub ,
lot 2, 50 feet 28 60
Wm. Reche Est., Reche's Sub ,
lot 1, 50 feet 28 63
B. W. Lacey, Reche's Sub., lot
33, 50 feet 24 63
B. W. Lacey, Reche's Sub., lot
37, 50 feet 28 63
B. W. Lacey, Reche's Sub., lot
36, 50 feet 28 60
B. W. Lacey, Reche's Sub., lot
35, 50 feet 20 60
John Kapp, Reche's Sub., lot 34,
50 feet 28 60
Chas. E. Cain, Hantleman's Sub.
of 8 and 9, Ann O'Hare's Sub ,
lot 5, 56 feet
Al. Kuhn, Ann O'Hare's Sub. E.
75.50 feet, lot 10, 75 feet
J. Bennett, Ann O'Hare's Sub ,
W. 62.4 feet lot 10, 62 feet
J. W. Hampton, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E. 57.8 feet lot 11, 57 feet
Leathers & Trewin, Ann O'Hare's
Regular Session, December 5, 1 9 0 7
31 46
42 90
35 45
32 GO
Sub., W. 80.12 feet, lot 11, 80
feet 45 75
Total $2864 37
All of which is assessed in propor-
tion to the special benefits conferred.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, Mc-
Evoy, Stumpf and Thomas.
Nays —None.
Absent —Ald. Hopkins.
Ald. Thomas stated that many of
the musicians in the city have com-
plained to him that the Union Electric
Co. have refused to carry their large
musical instruments and moved that
the matter be referred to the Commit-
tee of the Whole for investigation.
Ald. Thomas moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, Dec. 19th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Approved 100..
Regular Session, December 19, 1907
Regular Session, December 19th, 1907.
Council met at 9:05 p. m.
Mayor Schenk in the chair.
Present —Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines,
and McEvoy.
Absent- A1ds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Thomas. -
The following bills having been prop-
erly approved by the various commit-
tees. were ordered paid: •
D. O'Meara, hauling 69 loads fill-
ing to Mt. Carmel avenue $25 87
F. Mathis, hauling 167 loads fill-
ing to Mt. Carmel ave. 62 62
Peter Apel,' hauling 40 load fill-
ing to Mt. Carmel ave. 15 00
Walter Bradley, hauling 82 loads
filling to Mt. Carmel ave 30 76
Jerry Sullivan. hauling 82 loads
filling to Mt. Carmel ave 30 75
John Linehan, hauling 57 loads
filling to Mt. Carmel ave .... 21 38
Philip Purcell, hauling 53 loads
filling to Mt. Carmel ave 19 87
J. B. Taylor, salary as sprinkling
superintendent 4 days and 2
days putting away and strip-
ping sprinkling wagons; total, 6 16 20
' days at $2.70
T. Duggan, city's share on police
overcoat 10 00
C. G. Lawrence, painting room
for Bertillon system 13 75
Wm. Foster, inspector Kaufmann
avenue sewer first half of De-
cember, 1907 25 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., con -
structing sewer in Queen street. 80 00
Louis Zemanek, assisting mar -
'ket master first half of Decem-
ber 19 20
Bill of James Lee & Son for con-
structing cement sidewalk in front of
and abutting on Lot 192 East Dubuque
Add., amounting to $48.25, was approv-
ed and on motion was ordered paid
from the sale of certificates.
Sidewalk Inspector Mahoney present-
ed bill of:City of Dubuque against Gow
and Curtis for rolling, $4.50. On mo-
tion bill was referred to the City At-
torney for collection.
Petition of Elizabeth Crunion asking
that taxe's for year 1906 on Lot 9, Rus-
sell's ,5'Ubdivrsion, be canceled, she be-
ing in poor Circumstances and unable
to 'pay 'same, was on motion granted
and the Treasurer to be instructed ac-
Petition of Chas. B. Cain asking that
the special assessment levied against
Lot 5 of Hantleman's sub., for con-
structing sanitary sewer in Grace
street be cancelled was, on motion, re-
ferred to the committee of the whole to
v iew the grounds.
Petition of Western Union Telegraph
Co. asking that their taxes for the
years 1903, 1904 and 1905 be reduced 50
per cent. was, on motion, referred to
the City Assessor and City Attorney to
report back to the Council.
Petition of Red Cross Drug Store,
asking that the city refund them $35.0¢
paid by them for a license for the
Cooper Medicine Co. up to December
21st, 1907, the Cooper Medicine Co. hav-
ing left the city on the 14th of Decem-
ber and they claim license was not
used for seven days at $5.00 per day,
Was, on motion, granted and a war-
rant ordered drawn in favor of the
Mayor to refund the money to the Red
Cross Drug Store.
- Petition of Louisa Gieseman et al,
asking that Oxford avenue be graded
and improved, was read, whereupon
Ald. Closs moved that petition be re-
ceived and filed, stating that the own-
ers of property had not shown any
disposition to improve the property.
Ald. Clancy moved as an amendment
that the petition be referred to the
committee of the whole.
Vote on amendment resulting in a tie,
the Mayor declared the amendment
Petition of the Martin- Strelau Co„
asking that the city pay them the bal-
ance due them for coal furnished the
Water Works from June 1st, 1900, to
March 1st, 1907, with interest, also for
coal furnished on open account since
March 1st, 1907, without further delay
or if the city cannot do this, that the
city make a sufficient levy to provide
for the payment of the hill, was, on
motion referred to the Committee of
the Whole.
Petition of the Security Building Co..
asking permission to make changes in
their building at the northeast corner
of Eighth and Main streets and sub-
mitting sketch of proposed improve-
ments, were, on motion, referred to
the Committee of the Whole.
Petition of Benjamin Gierens, asking,
that the council pass a resolution
granting him permission to open a sa-
loon at the southwest corner of Six-,
teenth and Maple streets, was on mor-
54 Regular Session, December 1 9, 1 9 0 7
tion granted, whereupon the following
resolution was read and adopted:
Be it resolved by the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, That the said
Benjamin Gierens be and is hereby
given and granted permission to con-
duct and carry on a retail liquor busi-
ness, on and after January 1st, 1908, at
the southwest corner of Sixteenth and
Maple streets in the City of Dubuque,
Mayor Schunk reported as follows:
Your special committee, designated
by ordinance to audit the annual re-
port of the Dubuque High Bridge Co.,
would respectfully report that we have
performed that duty and find that the
report as submitted to correspond with
the books and vouchers in said bridge
company's office. We would further
report that the property of the com-
pany is exempt by ordinance until such
time as the net receipts are equal to
eight per cent on $108,868.16, which
would be $8,709.45, and that the earn-
ings for the year amounted to but
16,859.31. As the matter of taxing the
bridge company is now pending be-
fore the comiittee of the whole, we
submit this report without recommen-
On motion the report of the special
committee was referred to the commit-
tee of the whole.
The street and sewer committees re-
ported as follows:
Gentlemen: —We herewith submit
the pay roll for labor on streets in the
different road districts during the first
half of December, 1907:
Amount due laborers on streets.$333.90
Approved by committee on streets.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on sewers during the first half of De-
cember, 1907:
Amount due laborers on sewers.$200.50
Approved by committee on sewers.
Also submit the pay roll for labor
on Mt. Carmel avenue during the first
half of December, 1907:
Amount due laborers on Mt. Car-
mel avenue $270.35
Approved by committee on streets.
On motion the pay rolls on streets
and sewers were received and war-
rants ordered drawn to pay the var-
ious amounts and the pay rolls re-
ferred back to the proper committees.
The street committee also reported
as follows:
Gentlemen: —We herewith submit the
pay roll for labor on 17th street storm
water sewer during the first half of
December, 1907:
Amount due laborers on 17th
street storm water sewer $143.75
Approved by committee on streets.
On motion the pay roll on 17th
street storm water sewer was received
and warrants ordered drawn to pay the
various amounts and the pay roll re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
The street committee also reported as
follows: •
Gentlemen: —We herewith subunit the
pay roll for labor setting curb on Ninth
street at the Odd Fellow's Temple.
Amount due laborers on 9th street$16.25
On motion - warrants were ordered
drawn on the special bonded paving
fund for improving Ninth street to
pay the laborers and the pay roll re-
ferred to the committee of the whole.
City Attorney Kintzinger reported
as follows:
To the Honorable Mayor and City
G- entlemen:— Attached please find re-
lease and settlement of Wm. R. Trean-
or in full for all injuries sustained by
him as set out in the petition filed in
his case in the District court of Dubu-
que county, Iowa, a warrant for which
settlement in the sum of $100.00 was
ordered drawn at the last meeting of
the City Council.
Respectfully submitted this 18th day
of December, 1907.
City Attorney.
On motion report of the City At-
torney was received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan presented
and read the printed notice, certified
to by the publisher, of the council's
intention to levy a special assessment
for the paving of Ninth street from the
east lot line of Main street to the
east line of Pine street. No remon-
strance being filed and no one in the
room objecting to the levying of said
special assessment for said improve-
ment, the notice was, on motion, re-
ceived and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read the printed notice,
certified to by the publisher, of the
council's intention to levy a special
assessment for the improvement of
Adams avenue from the southerly lot
line of First avenue to the southerly
terminus of said street. No remon-
strance being filed and no one in the
room objecting to the levying of
said special assessment, the notice
was, on motion, received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read the printed notice,
certified to by the .publisher, of the
city council's intention to levy a spec-
ial assessment for the construction of
Regular Session, December 19, 1907
a sanitary sewer in the alley between
Rhomberg and Lincoln avenue from
Middle avenue to Reed street. No
remonstrance being filed and no one
in the room objecting to the levying
of said special assessment, the notice
was on motion received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read the printed notice,
certified to by the publisher, of the
council's intention to relevy the spec-
ial assessment for the construction of
sanitary sewer in Delhi street from
Allison Place to a point 104 ft. west
thereof. No remonstrance being filed
and no one in the room objecting to
the relevying of said special assess-
ment, the notice was, on notion,
received and filed.
City Recorder Linehan also pre-
sented and read the printed notice,
certified to by the publisher, of the
council's intention to levy a special
assessment for repairing sidewalks
during the months of September and
October, 1907. No remonstrance
being filed and 110 one in the room
objecting to the levying of said spec-
ial assessment for repairing of said
sidewalks, the notice was, on motion,
received and filed.
Alderman Clancy, Chairman of the
committee on finance, offered the fol-
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered info by the City of Dubuque
for the brick paving of an alley as
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted. and the City Engineer has
- computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amounts to
$3,543.32, therefore,
Be it vosolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuoue, that to pro-
vide for the cost of brick paving the
alley between Main and Locust streets
from the north lot line of Seventh
street to the south lot line of Ninth
- street, the Mayor be and he is hereby
required to execute and deliver to the
=City Recorder. to be by him registered
and countersigned, six bonds for five
hundred dollars each and one for five
hundred forty -three and 32 -100 dollars,
- numbered from 505 to 511 inclusive,
dated December 21, 1901. payable on
or before seven years after the date
thereof. and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi- annually.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
1 Thomas.
Alderman Clancy also offered the
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the brick paving of a street as
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amounts to
$9,363.94, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro -
vide for the cost of brick paving
Thirteenth street from the east curb
line of Bluff street to the west lot line
of Clay street, the Mayor be and he is
hereby required to execute and deliver
to the City Recorder, to be by him
registered and countersigned, eighteen
bonds of the denomination of five
hundred dollars each and one of three
hundred and sixty -three and 94 -100
dollars, numbered from 512 to 530 in-
clusive, dated December 21,' 1907,
payable on or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent. per
annum, payable semi - annually.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Alderman Clancy also offered the
Whereas, the contract hereto-
fore entered into by the City
of Dubuque" - for the brick pav-
ing of a street as hereinafter
described has been completed, and
the City Engineer has computed that
the cost and expense of said improve-
ment amounts to $9,461.47, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro-
vide for the cost of brick paving Iowa
street from the southerly curb line of
Third street to the southerly curb
line of First street and First street
from West curb of Iowa street to
east lot line of Main street, the Mayor
be and he is hereby required to exe-
cute and deliver to the City Recorder,
to be by him registered and counter-
signed, eighteen bonds of the denomin-
ation of five hundred dollars each and
one bond of the denomination of four
hundred sixty one and 47 -100 dollars,
numbered 531 to 549 inclusive, dated
December 26th, 1907, payable on or
before seven years after the date
thereof, and bearing interest at the
rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi - annually.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
544 Regular Session, December 19, 1907
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Alderman Clancy also offered the
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sewer as
hereinafter described has been com-
pleted, and the City Engineer has
computed that the cost and expense
of said improvement amounts to
$125.12, therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a
sanitary sewer in Broadway from the
south line of the north 1 -2 of lot 10
in John King's 1st addition, south to
the south line of lot 5 in same addi-
tion, Street and Steuck, contractors,
the Mayor be and he is hereby re-
quired to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, one bond for sixty
dollars and one for sixty -five and 12-
100 dollars, numbered 550 and 551 in-
clusive, dated January 5th, 1908, pay-
able on or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent. per annum,
payable semi - annually.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Alderman Clancy, also offered the
Whereas the .contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a sanitary
sewer as hereinafter described has
been completed, and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts
to $2,864.37, therefore,
Be it resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a
sanitary sewer in Grace street from
a noint ten feet west of the line
'between lots 5'and 6 in Reche's sub,
east to Louisa street, thence in Louisa
street, Delhi street and Grandview
aVenue to the intersection of North
street, the Mayor be and he is hereby
redUired to e7cecute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned. eleven bonds of
the denomination of two hundred and
fifty dollars each and one of the de-
nomination of one hundred fourteen
and 37 -100 dollars, numbered from 552
to 562 inclusive, dated January 5, 1908,
payable on or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of five per cent per an-
num, payable semi - annually.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Alderman Clancy also offered the foI'-
Whereas the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a permanent
sidewalk as hereinafter described has
been completed, and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts to
$4 67. therefore,
Be it Resolved by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque, that to pro-
vide for the cost of constructing a
permanent sidewalk abutting Lot 1
of the sub of 1 of 3 of Mineral Lot
172, owned by Emma Meyer et al,
the Mayor be and he is hereby re-
quired to execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, one sidewalk
certificate for forty -one and 67 -100
dollars, numbered 6, dated December
21, 1907. payable on or before seven
years after the date thereof. and bear-
ing interest at the rate of six per
cent. per annum, payable annually,.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following tote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Alderman Clancy also offered the fol-
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a permanent
sidewalk as hereinafter described has
been completed, and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts to
$35.15, therefore be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of constructing a permanent
sidewalk on the east side of Alpine
street abutting lot 10 Martin's Dubu-
que add., owned by R. Kemler et 'al,
the Mayor be and he Is hereby rthlufred
to'exectite and deliver to the City Re-
corder, to be by him registered and
countersigned, one sidewalk certificate
for thirty -five and 1'5 -100 dollars.,'num-
bered 7, dated December 21st, 1907,
payable on or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
Regular Session
at the rate of six per cent. per anntim,
payable annually.
Ald. ' Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays - -None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Alderman Clancy also offered the
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered Into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a permanent
sidewalk as hereinafter described, has
been completed, and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts to
$76.20, therefore be it
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of constructing a permanent
sidewalk on the north side of West
Third street abutting lot 14, ' Nairn's
add., owned by J. L. Buettell estate, the
Mayor be and he is hereby required to
execute and deliver to the City Record-
er, to be by him registered and coun-
tersigned, one sidewalk certificate for
seventy -six and 20 -100 dollars, nurn-
bered 8, dated December 21st, 1907,
payable on or before seven years after
the date thereof, and bearing interest
at the rate of six per cent. per annum,
payable annually.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas - -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Alderman Clancy also offered the
Whereas, the contract heretofore
entered into by the City of Dubuque
for the construction of a permanent
sidewalk as hereinafter described, has
been completed, and the City Engineer
has computed that the cost and ex-
pense of said improvement amounts
to $35.15, therefore be it.
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to provide for
the cost of constructing a permanent
sidewalk on the 'east side of Alpine
street, abutting lot 8, Martin's Dubu-
que add., owned 7 -24 by A. Treub es-
tate, 5 -24 by C. B. Trewin, 5 -24 by
Emma Meyer and 7 -24 by R. W. Hos-
ford, the Mayor be and he is hereby
required to, execute and deliver to the
City Recorder, to be by him registered
and countersigned, one sidewalk cer-
tificate for thirty -five and 15 -100 dor-
lars, numbered 9, dated December 21st,
1907, payable on or before seven years
December 19, 1907
after the date thereof, and bearing in-
terest at the rate of six per cent. per
annum, payable annually.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas —Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays —None.
Absent —Aids. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Mayor Schunk stated that in the
matter of the paving of 13th street, a
property owner had made a report to
him that paving at 13th and Locust
streets was not completed. On motion
the matter was referred to the City
Engineer to report conditions at once.
Ald. Hines of the committee on pub-
lic grounds and buildings, reported as
Your committee on public grounds
and buildings would respectfully re-
port that we have examined the condi-
tion of the roof on the Armory and
find the same to be in a very serious
'condition and in need of attention at
once. We had the advice of an expert
on the matter and he informed us that
the season is too far advanced to do
anything this year beyond making such
repairs as will make the roof water
tight, which we would recommend be
done at an expense of not to exceed
fifty dollars.
Ald. Hines moved the adoption of the
report of the committee on public
grounds and buildings, and work to be
started at once. Carried.
' Ald. Clancy of the committee on
sewers reported as follows:
Your committee on sewers would 're-
spectfully report that we have exam-
ined the sanitary sewer in Kaufmann
avenue from the intersection of North
Main street to the west line of Lot 8
in Cushing's add. George L. Kormann
contractor, and find that said sewer
has been completed in accordance with
the plans and specifications prepared
therefor; we would therefore recom-
mend that said sewer be accepted and
that the city engineer be instructed
to prepare a special assessment against
the lots or parcels of real estate sub-
ject to assessment for such improve-
ments and file the same in the office
of the city recorder who will there -
npon publish the notice required by
Matt Clancy, Paul Ilg City Engineer,
Con Sullivan Sewer Inspector, com-
mittee on sewers.
Ald. Clancy moved the adoption of
the report of the committee on sew-
ers.— Carried.
Ald. Clancy, chairman of the corn-
546 Regular Session, December 19, 1907
mittee of the whole, reported as fol-
Your committee of the , whole, to
whom was referred the remonstrance
of Otto Schmidt against the amount of
the special assessment levied against
lot n. 25.3 ft. of East Dubuque add. lot
192 for the construction of a perma-
nent sidewalk abutting same, would
respectfully report that we find that
the statement made by him is correct;
and we would therefore respectfully
recommend that said assessment be
corrected and levied as per the at-
tached schedule.
Also, your committee of the whole
would respectfully recommend that the
City Attorney be instructed to ex-
amine into the report made by Pog-
son, Peloubet & Co., and determine
from the subsequent developments
whether the amount paid by the city
to said Pogson, Peloubet & Co. for
said report can be recovered, and if
so, to take immediate steps fhr its
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the list submitt-
ed by A. E. Gmehle of parties refus-
ing to pay their delinquent personal
`taxes, would respectfully recommend
that said list be referred to the city
treasurer with instructions to pro-
ceed with the collection of said taxes
in accordance with the ordinances on
that subject.
Also, your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the remon-
strance of James Levi against the
manner in which the assessment
against • his property for the brick
paving of Thirteenth street has been
made, would respectfully report that
said assessment has been made in ac-
cordance with the law and ordinance
governing such matters and we "would
therefore recommend that said re-
monstrance be received and filed.
Also your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the petition of
Mrs. J. B. Poor asking that the taxes
for the year 1907 be allowed to remain
n. lien on her property, lot 1 of 956 in
McDaniel's sub., would respectfully
recommend that the prayer of the
petitioner be granted and that the
treasurer be instructed accordingly.
Also, your committee of the whole,
herewith submits the form of release
prepared by the City Attorney under
instruction from this committee in the
cases of E. F. Milligan and Fred Merz
against the city, and would respect-
fully recommend that said form be ap-
proved and that the warrants hereto-
fore ordered drawn in the above men-.
tioned cases be paid upon the sign-
ing and acknowledging of said release
by the proper parties. Also that the
city recorder be instructed to have
said release filed for record in the office
of the county recorder.
Also your coinmittee of the whole,
to whom was referred the claim of
Harriet D. Guthrie for $8.66 for dam-
age caused her awning by the fire de-
partment would respectfully recom-
mend that said claim be allowed and
that a warrant in settlement thereof
be ordered drawn on the city treas-
Also your committee of the whole,
would respectfully recommend that the
Mayor be instructed to enter into a
contract on behalf of the city with
J. P. Buechele for the care and wind-
ing of the town clock for a period of
one year from September 1, 1907, he
to furnish all new parts that may be
required without , additional cost to
'the city.
Also your committee of the whole,
to whom was referred the bill of Phil
Pier for $3.60, would respectfully rec-
ommend that said bill be received and
Also your committee of the whole,
would respectfully recommend that the
city engineer be instructed to examine
the roof on the Armory and to pre-
pare plans, specifications and an esti-
mate of the cost of re- roofing the
same. We would also recommend that
the Mayor, City Attorney and Com-
mittee on Public Grounds and Build-
ings he instructed to prepare a new
lease of said Armory with the Gov-
ernor's Greys.
Also your committee of the whole, to
whom was referred the petition of
John R. Waller relative to the special
assessment levied against the s 2 -3 of
city lot 695 for the improvement of
South Bluff street, and also the special
assessment levied against lots 21, 22
and 64 of the sub. of city lot 721 for
the improvement of Gilmore Place,
would respectfully recommend that
the City Treasurer be instructed to ac-
cept the sum of $63.10 in full settle-
ment of the assessment against the
s. 2 -3 of city lot 695, and $126.00 in
full settlement of the assessment
against lots 21, 22 and 64 of city lot
721, levied for the above named im-
provemen is.
Ald. ,Clancy moved the adoption of
the various reports of the committee
of the whole.- Carried.
Ald. Hines offered the following:
Resolved by the city council of the
Regular Session, December 19, 1907
city of Dubuque: That to pay for
sanitary sewer in Delhi St. from Alli-
son Place 104 feet west, by Jas. Hird,
contractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Dec.
19th, 1907.
Owner Description Amount
Mrs. W. O'Callahan, sub. 2 of
Hughes sub. lot 1, 50 ft.... $ 32.24
Jacob Mehl, Hughes sub. lot 3,
50 ft 32.24
Finley Hospital, Finley Home
add., lot 1, 100 ft 64.50
Total $128.98
All of which assessment is in pro-
portion to the special benefits conferr-
ed on said property.
Alcl. Hines moved the adoption of
the resolution.
• Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines, and
Nays -None.
Ahsent -Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Ald. McEvoy offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That to pay for cement sidewalk
14th and Elm, by James Lee & Son,
contractor, in front of and adjoining
the same, a special tax be and is here-
by levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate,
as follows:
Special assessment submitted Nov.
22, 1907.
Owner Description Amount
Otto Schmidt, East Dubuque
add., n 25.3 ft. lot 192 $ 21.87
Frank Nejedley, East Dubuque
add. s 25.41 ft, lot 192 29.62
All above assessments being in pro-
portion to the special benefits conferr-
ed on said property.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines and
Nays -None,
Absent-Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Ald. McEvoy also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque:
That to pay for brick paving 9th street
from Main to Pine street, by Matt
Tschirgi & Son, contractor, in front of
and adjoining the same, a special tax
be and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or par-
cel of real estate, as follows: Special
assessment submitted Dec. 19th, 1907.
Owner Description Amount
Wm. L. Bradley est. city lot s
20 ft. of lot 33 $ 728.17
Rob't Waller est., city lot n 34
ft. lot 32 719.78
Y. M. C. A., city lot, lot 168a 653.99
Central Engine house, city lot,
lot 169 653.36
Byrne Bros., city lot, lot 208 619.31
Germania Stock Co., city lot, lot
209 554.61
Ii'uhrmar_n Bros., city lot 259 551.83
John Roth, city lot n 40.2 ft. of
lot 258. 617.03
C. A. Walter, city lot 278 610.34
Barbara Isborn, city lot 279 615.52
C. E. Kleis, city lot 329 826.55
Mrs. W. Kley, city lot 328 830.62
Joseph Huber, city lot 348 837.14
M. H. Martin, city lot 349 836.64
Dubuque Biscuit Co., city lot
379 747.58
Farley, Loetscher Mfg. Co., city
lot 378 .... 731.75
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., city
lot 398 747.18
Key City Iron Wks., city lot
399 .. 742.93
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., city
lot 420 695.27
Dubuque Turbine Roller Mills
Co., city lot 419 697.17
German Bank, city lot 506a 617.65
German Bank, sub city lot 506,
lot 3 . 713.94
F. D. and J. H. Stout, city lot
509 1068.18
F. D. and J. H. Stout, sub 4 city
lot 509a, lot 2 .. 211.36
C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., sub
city lot 506, lot 2 1182.65
C. G. W. R. R. Co. sub 4 city
lot 509a, lot 1 841.22
Nic Glab, sub city lot 509a, lot
1 641.76
Total $19,292.53
All of which assessments are in pro-
portion to the special benefits conferr-
ed on said property.
Ald. McEvoy moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines and
Nays -None.
Absent -Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Ald. Closs offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque: That to pay for
the improvement of Adams avenue
548 Regular Session, December.19, 1907
from First avenue to the southerly
terminus of said street by Wilmer
Cook, contractor, in front of and ad-
joining the same, a Special Tax be
and is hereby levied on the several
lots, and parts of lots, and parcels of
real estate hereinafter named, situated
and owned, and for the several
amounts set opposite each lot or
parcel of real estate, as follows:
Special assessment submitted De-
cember 19, 1907.
F. L. Schubert, Sub. 575 Ham's
Add. lot 4 $ 68.82
Chas. Dietrich, Sub. 575 Ham's
Add., lot 3 163.88
Carl Vincent, Sub. N. E. 1 -2 of
2 of 575 Ham's Add., lot 2 40.97
Chas. Gau. Sub 575 of Ham's
Add. S. W. 1 -2 lot 2 40.97
Herman Gau, Sub. 575 of
Ham's Add. S. E. 150 of lot 1 40.97
Geo. Ferber Sr., Ham's Add.,
lot 570 81.96
Geo. Ferber Sr., Ham's Add ,
lot 571 81.96
Wm. Friemark, Ham's Add.,
N 1 -2 of lot 572 40.96
M. Jungk, Ham's Add., S. 1 -2
of lot 572 40.96
M. Jungk, Ham's Add., lot 573 81.96
M. Jungk, Ham's Add., lot 574 40.15
Total $723.56
All of above assessment is assessed
in proportion to benefits conferred.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of
the resolution.
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Alds. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays -None.
Absent -Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Ald. Closs also offered the following:
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque.
That to nay for constructing sani-
tary sewer in alley between Rhomberg
and Lincoln avenues from Middle Ave.
to Reed Ave., by D. W. Linehan con -
tractor, in front of and adjoining the
same, a special tax be and is hereby
levied on the several lots, and parts
of lots, and parcels of real estate here-
inafter named, situated and owned and
for the several amounts set opposite
each lot and parcel of real estate, as
Special assessment submitted Decem-
her 19th, 1907.
Owner. Description. Amount.
J. Woodrich, Wick's add., lot 17.$ 35.50
J. Woodrich, Wick's add., lot 18 35.50
F. O. Almandrod, Fengler's add.,
lot 27 33.13
H. Krueger est., Fengler's add ,
lot 28 33.13
Gus Wiedner, Fengler's add. s.
28 2 -3 ft of lot 29 20.35
Peter Bench, Fengler's add. n
18 ft. of lot 29 12.78
Peter Bench, Fengler's add., lot
30 33.13
Leonard Buehler, Fengler's add ,
lot 5 33.13,
Peter Beusch, Fengler's add., lot
6 33.13
Virginia Heil est., Jungk's add ,
lot 12 35.50
R. M. Phillips, Jungk's add., 5 1 -2
lot 11 17.75
Cath. Schilling, Jungk's add. n.
1 -2 lot 11 17.75
Fred Woodrich, Jungk's add., lot
10 .. 35.50'
Alfred Rhomberg, Jungk's add ,
lot 9 35.50
Frank Herberger, McCraney's
1st add, s. w. 1 -2 lot 54 17.75
Anton Widding, Jr., McCraney's
1st add., n. e. 1 -2 lot 54 17.75
N. - Dernaden, McCraney's add.
s. w. 1 -2 lot 55 17.75
Jos. W. Schleuter, McCraney's
add. n. e. 1 -2 lot 55 17.75
D. Brewing & Malting Co., Mc-
Craney's add. s. w. 1 -2 lot 56 17.75
John Hackney, McCraney's add.
n. e. 1 -2 lot 56 17.75
Mary T. Wagner, McCraney's
add. s. w. 1 -2 lot 57 17.75
Clara Aureden, McCraney's add ,
n. e. 1 -2 lot 57 17.75
Nick Wagner, McCraney's add.
lot 58 35.50
Rob't Young, McCraney's add.
lot 59 35.50
Nick Wagner, McCraney's add.
lot 60 35.50.
Chas. Hentrich, McCraney's add.
lot 61 35.50
Peter Guenther, McCraney's add.
lot 62 35.50
Chris Lohman, McCraney's add.
lot 63 35.50
Chris Lohman, McCraney's add. -
lot 64 35.50
John Capritz, McCraney's add.
lot 65 35.50
Mary L. Carswell McCraney's
add. s. w. 1 -2 lot 66 17.75
Mary L. Carswell McCraney's
add. n...e. 1 -2 lot 66 17.75
Mary L. Carswell McCraney's
add. s. w. 8 lot 67 5.68
Ralph Abbetto, McCraney's
add. n. e. 42 ft. of Lot 67.... 29.82
Ralph Abbetto, McCraney's
add. s. w. 4 ft. of Lot 68 2.84
Wm. Oswald, McCraney's add.
n. e. 46, lot 68 32.66
Wm. Lippstock, McCraney's add.
lot 69 35.50
Total $979.78
All of the above asse are in
proportion to the special benefits con-
Ald Closs moved the adoption of
resolution. - -
Carried by the following vote:
Regular Session, December 19, 1 9 0 7
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines and
Nays -None.
Absent -Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Ald. Closs also offered the follow-
Resolved by the City Council of the
City of Dubuque, That to pay for
j repairing sidewalks inAOctober _
veniber, 1907, by John Mahoney, Side-
walk Inspector, in front of and adjoin-
ing the same, a special tax be and is
hereby levied on the several lots and
parts of lots, and parcels of real estate
hereinafter named, situated and owned,
and for the several amounts set oppo-
site each lot or parcel of real estate as
Special assessment submitted De-
cember 19th, 1907.
W. G. Cox, Cox's add., lots 59,
60 and 61 $ 4 65
H. B. Chamberlain, Woodlawn
Park, lot 52 55
Geo. W. Works, Davis' Farm
add., lot 255 40
J. V. Rider, Sisters' add., lots
5, 6 and 7 1 25
John Flynn, sub. M. L. 191, lot
2 3 55
J. K. Deming and G. W. Kiessell,
sub, min. lot 466, lot 2 1 70
V. A. Bush et al, Dorgan's sub ,
lot 4 1 70
J. J. Nagle, Union add., W. 49 5
ft. of E. 73 ft. of lot 9 1.15
Mike Ahearn Est., Neuman,
Cooper and Smith's sub., lots
8and 9 40
L. H. Langworthy, sub. 4, Mrs
L. H. Langworthy's sub., lot 1 70
Wm. Hintrager, M. O'Hare's
sub., lot 1 1 70
Jas. Mullen Est., Finley, Waples
and Burton's, lot 11 2 85
Pat. F. Walsh, Porter's add., S.
30 ft. of lot 12 85
Jas. McGrath, Est., Cox's add ,
lot 115 1 00
Sidonia Hosford, Harper's sub ,
lot 3 70
B. Chamberlain, E. E. Jones'
sub., lot 3 70
Grace Provost, city, S. 1 -2 lot 35 70
Eliz. Thomas, Wilson's sub., lot -
5 70
Geo. Salot, Salot's sub., lot 3 1 00
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Finley's
' add., lot 2 55
H. Morgan Est., Reche's sub ,
lot 6
A. McGuiness, Union add., lot
J. M. Sullivan, Wilson's sub.,
lot 19 1 00
E. Langworthy Est., lot 2 of 5,
P. Langworthy's sub., lot 2 3 70
D. J. Lenehan, Home add., lot 4 45
1 00
J. J. Bradley, Farley's sub., lot
13 70
F. N. Schroeder, sub. M. lot 158,
W. 1 -2 of lot 1 1 OQ
C. A. Alexander, sub. 3, Bab -
cock's sub., lot 2 1 15
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's sub ,
lots 2 to 9 inc 1 55
Total $ 38 20
All of which assessment is in pro-
portion to special benefits conferred.
Ald. Closs moved the adoption of the
Carried by the following vote:
Yeas -Aids. Clancy, Closs, Hines
and McEvoy.
Nays -None.
Absent -Alds. Hopkins, Stumpf and
Ald. Clancy moved to adjourn to
Thursday evening, January 2nd, 1908.
City Recorder.
Approved 190..
List of City Warrants
Dubuque, Iowa, December 1st, 1907.
'To the Honorable Mayor and City
Council of Dubuque:
Gentlemen: -The following is a com-
plete list of all warrants issued by me
during the month of November, 1907:
H. A. Schunk, salary, Mayor..$116 70
H. Brinkman, salary, Treasurer 133 35
J. A. McKinley, salary, deputy
Treasurer 100 00
Jno. Krayer, clerk, Treasurer's
office 75 00
H. A. Linehan, salary Recorder--1-61-q0
Jos. Friedrich, salary, Deputy
Recorder 85 00
M. E. Lyons, salary, Auditor 116 70
C. B. Scherr, salary, Assessor.... 125 00
A Doerr, Jr., salary, Assistant
.Assessor 100 00
J. J. Murphy, salary, Assistant
Assessor 100 00
J. W. Kintzinger, salary, Attor-
ney 150 00
E. E. Bowen, salary, Assistant
Attorney 75 00
Miss E. B. Rupprecht, stenogra-
pher, Legal Department 20 00
Jas. Pickley, salary, Chief of Po-
lice . 125 00
Joseph Reinfried, salary, Fire
Chief . 100 00
J. W. Lawlor, salary, Committee
. Clerk 110 00
Paul Ilg, salary, City Engineer. 166 65
G. White, salary Timekeeper 60 00
J. B. Taylor, salary, Superin-
tendent of Street Sprinkling 56 00
G. Vogel, clerk in Auditor's and
Engineer's offices 80 00
Wm. Hippman, salary, Elec-
trician 100 00
C. W. Katz, salary, Marketmas-
ter 55 00
P. Ryan, salary, Park Custodian 45 00
H. Schoenbeck, salary, Park
Custodian 45 00
T. Faherty, salary, Park Cus-
todian 15 00
Dr. Chas. Palen, salary, Health
Officer 50 00
F. Flynn, salary, Sanitary Pa-
trolman 65 00
Dr. F. J. Kennedy, meat and
milk inspector 35 00
T. Hackney, salary, Pound -
master 45 00
Mrs. H. Koenig, salary, Jani-
tress 25 00
John Mahony, salary, Sidewalk
walk inspector 75 00
Wm. Coleman, Rodman 55 00
J. H. Carroll, Harbor Master 30 00
John Kearney, Street Commis-
sioner 80 00
M. Clancy, salary, Alderman 25 00
N. J. Gloss, salary, Alderman 25 00
Thos. Hines, salary, Alderman 25 00
Brad Hopkins, salary, Alderman 25 00
List of Warrants
E. E. McEvoy, salary, Alderman 25 00
John A.' Stumpf, salary, Alder=
man - '25 00
Chas. T. Thomas, salary, Alder-
man 25 00
John A. Cunningham, Clerk to
Police and Fire Commission-
er's 15 00
M. Eitel, fireman 70 00
J. Essman, fireman 75 00
J. Flynn, fireman 65 00
A 'Duccini, fireman 65 00
A. FIeer, fireman 60 00
W. Kannolt, fireman 60 00
B. Kirsch, fireman 5500
G. Beyer, fireman 65 00
J. Dailey, fireman 70'00
J. Barnes, fireman 75 00
T. Ryder, fireman 65 00
W. Ducey, fireman 65 00
F. Murphy, fireman 65 00
M. Kelly, fireman 60 00
W. McClain, fireman 12 00
J. Beakey, firemen 60 00
D. Ahearn, fireman 70 00
P. Zillig, fireman 60 00
'M. Sweeney, • fireman 60 00
H. Cain, fireman 60 00
J. Benzor, fireman 65 00
J. McLoughlin, fireman 60 00
A. McDonald, fireman 75 00
J. Murphy, fireman 50 00
G. G- herki, fireman 65 00
T Kennedy, fireman 65 00
J. Smith, fireman 60 00
J. Keppler, fireman 60 00
C. Kannolt, fireman 65 00
J. Allen, fireman 65 00
M. Fahey, fireman 60 00
W. McConnell, fireman 60 00
It Weston, fireman 65 00
F. Kenneally, fireman . 65 00
E. McDermott, fireman 60 00
'R. Kenneally, fireman 60 00
J. Roshin, fireman 65 00
'F. Baumgartner, fireman 65 00
.T. Schoenberger, 'fireman ;'0 00
T. Tschudi, fireman 60 00
J. Connolly, fireman 55 00
Wm. Smith, fireman 50 00
J. Peed, fireman 50 00
Perry Kirch, fireman 10 00
W. Connolly, fireman 39 '85
L. Blooldinger, •police 42 00
M. Connolly, police •60 f00
John Cody, police , 62 00
James Corcoran, police 60 00
Wm. .Donahue, police 62 .00
'Phil J. Dumphy, police 72 35
Thomas Duggan, police 60 , 00
P. J. Fury, police 62 00
,.John Fox, police 75 00
James Flynn, police 60 00
M. Fogarty, police 60 00
Ben Gray, police 60 00
Pat Hanlon, police 60 00
Geo. Jones, police ' 60 00
Edw. Kumpf, police 60 00
Pat Kenneally, police 60 00
Emil Kahn, police 60 00
M. Kilty, police 60 00
.James K. eefe, police 52 00
13. Ludescher, police 65 00 ,
Chas. Liest, police 70 00
k1 Markey, police 75 00
Pat McCollins, police 62 00
M. McCormick, police 62 00
Pat McInerney; police 58 00
- Henry 'Mueller, police 56 00
John Murphy, police 60 00
- T. O'Meara, .police 60 .00
.John O'Brien, police 18 00
John J. O'Brien, police 60 00
M. O'Connor, police 60 00
M. Ryan, police 60 00
John Raesle, police 72 35
Peter :Scharff, police 62 00
John Spielman, police 60 00
Patrick Sutton, police 60 00
M. Stapelton, police 60 00
Joseph Stoltz, police 62 00
Pat Sullivan, police 46 00
Frank Williams, police 62 00
Miss B. Brennan, police matron 60 00
Miss K. Hibbe, police matron.... 60 00
Chas W. Katz, extra police 2 00
,John Mahoney, extra police 2 00
"Tom Hackney, extra - police 2 00
R. McGivern, extra police 2 00
In the different Road Districts dur-
ing the last half of October, 1907:
Alex. Alderson, 4th 16 00
Paul Becker, 4th 8 00
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd 20 00
$. Brunskill, 4th 2 00
J. Brachtenbach, 5th 20.00
Ray Blauert, 3rd 5 80
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 25 00
W. J. Clark, 4th 24 50
M. Carney, 2nd, $7.45; 3rd,
$7.45; 4th, $5.25; 5th .$.75 20 90
J. Connolly, 2nd, $7.45; 3rd,
$7.45; 4th, $5.25; 5th, $.75 20 90
J. P. Cooney, 2nd. $4.48; 3rd,
$4.48; 4th, $4.47; 5th, $4.47 17 90
W. Coughlan. Health 25 00
- Peter Dax, 5th 1 60
T. Donahue, 2nd. $7.45; 3rd,
$7.45: 4th, _ $5.25; 5th. $.75 20 90
John Dobler, 2nd, $4.50; 3rd,
$4.50: 4th, $4.50; 5th, $4.50
John Egan, 2nd
'John Ess. 2nd. $7.45; 3rd, $7.45;
4th, $5.25; 5th, $.75 20 90_
'frank Frick, 3rd 3 20
E. Fitzlaff. 2nd. $5,. 3r 1
$5.50; 4th, $5.50: 5th, $5.50
Barney Glass, 2nd
- Pat Gilloon, 2nd
Jos. Gavin, 2nd
• , Conrad Geimer, 4th
,7os. Grab, 5th
1d. Herbst, 4th
Amb. Hird, 4th
Nic Herman, 5th
J. Hanson, 4th, $2.25; 5th,
'Peter Jacobs, 3rd
Nic. Kettenhofen, 3rd
- Paul Kroscheski, 5th
List of Warrants
18 00
14 80
22 00
20 80
10 40
25 00
8 00
16 00
16 00
20 00
3 60
7 90
6 40
4 80
5 60
R. Kessler, 5th 13' 20
'H. Kearney, 3rd, $1.75; 5th,
$3.50 5 25
John Kness, 2nd, $7.45; 3rd,
$7.45; 4th, $5.25; 5th, $.75. 20 90
Frank Lassance, 5th 1 60
R. Love, 2nd 17 50
M. Lonergan, 2nd 11 20
John Mullen, 2nd 17 ,60
J. McAleese, 2nd 22 00
,James McCracken, 4th .8 00
B. McDonnell, 2nd, $8.10; 3rd,
$8.05, -4th, 48.10; 5th, $8.05 32 30
M. .O'Meara, 2nd, $14.90; 4th,
$1.75 16 65
C. O'Ne,�:1, 2nd, $11.20; 3rd,
$5.60; 4th, $5.60 22 40
John Parker, 4th 6 40
M. Prosser, 5th 20 00
W. Quinlan, 2nd 5 20
Phil Reddin, 2nd 15 20
James Ryan, 2nd 22 40
James Reid, 4th 3 20
Harry Rowland, 2nd $15.00;
3rd, 415.00; 4th, $15.00; 5th,
$15.00 .6.0 00
Albert Scherr, 3rd 3 20
Frank Scherr, 3rd 25 00
Patrick Smith, 4th 1 60
Henry Stotz, 5th 80
John Spear, 2nd 9 60
Anton Welu, 5th 21 20
Peter Weirich, 5th 3 80
H. J. Weber, 5th 25 00
M. Ackels, 4th 22 50
F. G. Becker, 2nd, $10.50; 3rd,
$10.50; 4th, $10.50 31 50
A. Conrad, 2nd, $6.30; 3rd,
$28.80: 4th, $5.65; 5th, $23.15 -63 90
John Calvert, 2nd 40 50
Jos. Calvert, 2nd 44 55
James Graham, 2nd, $22.50; 4th, -
$22.50 45 00
M. Hannan. 2nd $15.55; 3rd,
815.55; 4th. $10.90; 5th,.81.55 44 45
John Long, 5th 53 55
7. McCollins, 2nd 32 40
J. McQuillan, 3rd 8 10
Louis Peil, 5th 4 05
Ed. Seeley. 2nd. $16.35; 3rd,
816.35: 4th, 811.40, 5th, $1.65 45 75
Ott Turner. 3rd 10 80
H. Woerdehof, 5th..... 2 70
During last half of October, 1907:
Peter ,Carney 14 40
- M. Cain 8 00
J. 'Duggan 14 40
71 McGuinness 14 40
' 'Phil McCabe 80
.Tas. McCarron 13 60
'W. O'Brien 25 00
Nic Sweeney 14 40
- W. Walker 14 40
Peter Appel 36 45
M. Kenneally 35 55
George Reynolds 36 45
During the last hall of October, 1907
Peter Carney 3 60
John Duggan_ 3 60
D. McGuinness 3 60
.James McCarron 3 60
W. Walker 1 60
Peter Appel 2 25
During the last half of October, 1907
Jos. Eberhardt 1 60
Peter Dax 1 60
' J. Kraus 1 60
List of Warrants
During the last half of October,
D. Cunningham 27 15
E. Daley 27 15
J. Jellison, expense $8.75, sew-
ers, $18.40 27 15
F. Luchterhand, expense, $8.75,
Sewers, $15.75 24 50
J. McLaughlin, expense 8 10
J. Rooney 24 50
J. Smith 24 50
C. Sullivan 32 50
J. Tacke, expense $8.75; sew-
ers, $15.75 24 50
J. Wells, expense $8.75; sew-
ers, $15.75 24 50
Labor on Intakes from Jackson
street to the Bee Branch sewer, dur-
ing the last half of October, 1907:
Jos. Eberhardt 1 60
Dave Gantenbein 1 60
Jos. Schafelet 1 60
Henry Strotz 1 60
Peter Weirich 1 95
Labor on Seventh avenue, for the
last half of October, 1907:.
C. Buetin 11 90
John Collins 12 30
Peter Guenther 2 7D
H. Heller 10 50
Adam Henderson 3 60
C., L. Korn 12 50
T. Kaliowy 7 70
A. Kimbel 10 50
F. Lillie 11 00
. W. Mueller 11 00
John Wilhelm 90
R. Roedell 1 80
F. Brenke 25 45
E. Stumpf 6 05
H. Sears 1 80
Joseph Guenther 2 70
Louis Lembke 11 90
H. A. Schunk, settlement dam-
age claim of George Lincoln 185 00
Jas. Gregory. roofing city hall. 962 00
H. A. Schunk, settlement dam-
age claim of Mrs. I. F. Hense 30 00
O'Farrell Contracting Co., im-
proving 25th St. 607 38
O'Farrell Contracting Co.. con-
structing sanitary sewer in
Troy street 300 00
P. Schuller, inspector 9th street
brick paving $ 25 00
Jesse Jellison, inspector 9th
street brick paving 26 00
Frank Brown, inspector 13th
' street brick paving 25 00
Thos. .McEvoy, inspector 13th
street brick. paving 25 00
Jno. McNulty, inspector First
street and Iowa street brick
paving 11 55
Jas. Butler, inspector First
street and Iowa street brick
paving 11 55
C. Gantenbein, • inspector sewer
in alley bet. Lincoln and
Rhomberg avenues 15 40
Geo. Becket, inspector of sewer
in Grandview avenue and
Delhi street 25 00
John M. •Schaefer, 17.1 cu. yds.
macadam, Hill street 12 86
John Mullen, 1 3 -4 cu. yds.
macadam. Hill street 1 73
Chas. O'Neill, 7 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, Hill street 7 00
Jas. Gray, 16 1 -2 cu. yds. ma-
cadam, 4th street 12 40
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces sewer and carpenter
horses Month of October 92
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces, police department 1 38
H. J. Hagerty, purchasing two
fire horses 10 00
H. J. Hagerty, veterinary servi-
ces, fire horses 11 04
F. A. Miller, brooms, fire depart-
ment 10 25
Watkins' Sign Co., changing
numbers on running board
. for fire department 3 50
Jos. J. Fettgather, supplies for
the fire department 6 26
T. W. Reute Drug Co., supplies
for the fire department 1 50
Dubuque Mattress Co., cots for
fire department 2 20
Smedley Steam Pump Co., re-
pairs for fire department 1 02
Robert Jungk, repairs Ninth St.
engine house 4 50
Dub. Cabinetmakers Associa-
tion, chairs for fire dept 6 00
Boston One Price Clothiers, cap
for fire dept 1 75
Dr. S. S. Lindsay, services Ed.
McDermott 16 00
M. Stafford, feed for fire depart-
ment 8 20
Thos. F. Kane, hay and oats for
fire department 190 49
' Vollenweider & Hein, horse-
shoeing, fire department 14 00
F. A. Burns, coal for fire de-
partment 14 70
Mettel Bros., bran for fire de-
partment 1 35
J. F. Ris & Bro., supplies for
fire department 25
Dubuque Rubber & Belting Co ,
supplies for fire department 27 50
List of Warrants
VTunderlich & Wiederholt, horse
shoeing for fire department 11 50
Jas. Phelan, horseshoeing for 1 75
fire department
Phil Helier, horseshoeing for
fire department 4 50
T. J. Mulgrew, coal and wood,
various departments 155 62
Geo. Ragatz & Son, repairs
various departments 19 50
Standard Lumber Co., lumber
and shavings, various depart-
C. H. Becker, supplies various
departments 14 57
Lagen, Sloan & Peed,- horse
shoeing, various departments 11 50
G. B. Grosvenor, supplies, var-
ious departments 18 10
Harger & Blish, stationery, var-
ious offices 5 95
Eliwanger Bros., repairs, var-
ious departments 65 65
Linehan & Molo, cement and
sewer pipe, various depart-
ments 18 83
F. Schloz & Son, repairs, var-
ious departments 11 15
Key City Gas Co., gas for var-
ious departments 138 55
Union Electric Co., arc lights for
month of October 2198 75
Union Electric Co., old rail for
road department 8 99
Iowa Telephone, Telephone ser-
vices, various departments 67 14
P. J. Seipples Lumber Co., lum-
ber, various departments 63 65
John Butt, repairs sewer and 50
fire departments
Collings & Pfiffner, horseshoe-
ing -for police and fire depart-
ments 44 25
John J. Powers, horseshoeing for
fire and road departments 15 00
Kelly's Book Store, stationery, 42 20
various offices
J. P. Buechele, taking care of
town clock for year ending
September 1st, 1907 123 50
J. P. Buechele, supplies for var- 18 60
ieus departments
11I. Hannan, hauling manure 5 25
from patrol house
Central Electric Co., supplies 4 15
for police department
J. Haudenschield, use of wagon- 4
ette 00
Library Bureau, one half the
price of Bertillon outfit 120 00
Chas. W. Katz, meals furnished
prisoners during the month
of October
Nic Evert, sawing one cord oak
wood to matron's quarters
Leo Meyer, carrying one cord
oak wood to matron's quarters
E. J. Mulgrew, bread and milk
Eichhorn & Bechtel, groceries
for matron
120 08
3 80
Francis Coates, 1 -2 cost of new
gutters on 14th street 10
E. Starr, oil for road department
M. J. G. LaNicca, supplies for
various departments
E. J. Vogenthaler, repairs for
road department
Towa Oil Co., oil for road de-
Mrs. G. G. Winders, supplies for
road department 25
Phil Doerr & Co., coal for road
department 15 55
Pitts, Thompson Foundry Co.,
catch basins for intakes to
Bee Branch sewer 25 50
League of Iowa Municipalities,
membership fees and dues in
League for year ending Sep-
tember, 1908 55 00
J. J. Dunn, serv_cc; IT. J. Keily -
vs. City of Dubuque 1 00
Wm. Foley, services Anna Ol-
sen damage case 1 35
Louis Smith, constructing ce-
ment sidewalk at intersection
of Irving and Delhi streets 54 00
E. P. Smith, 2 telephone hold-
ers Mayor's office 3 60
A. L. Glaser, plants for Phoenix
Park 25 00
N. J. Kons, grinding lawn 1 00
\\'under & Schilling, stakes for
Engineer's office 14 40
Lorenz Eberhardt, stakes for
Engineer's office 4 50
C. O. D. Laundry, towel service 20 00
City Hall
Herman Schmidt, sawing and
carrying 1 cord of oak wood 1 60
Foley's Hand Laundry, towel
service for October 4 00
A. R. Staufenbeil, repairing 1 00
clock in Mayor's office
Larry Dailey, cleaning and
hauling from around market 14 00
square for October
M. S. Hardie, printing various
offices 36 00
Schaetzle and Fosselmann, sup-
plies for Market Master
Phil. Breithaupt, repairing
plumbing at City Hall
Metz Manufacturing Co., stakes
and supplies for Engineer's
office 3 30
E. E. Frith, hauling garbage
and dead animals during the
month of October, 1907 457 38
Enterprise Printing Co., print-
ing various departments 27 25
Telegraph - Herald, printing
health reports for August 5 00
60 Telegraph - Herald, printing
pamphlets for October 15 60
75 Telegraph - Herald, printing
Bonds and Finance reports .... 81 20
Telegraph- Herald, official print- 118 47
ing for October
Times - Journal, official printing
4 83
2 95
1 80
2 65
4 50
554 List of Warrants
for October 118 81
National Demokrat, official
printing for October 25 00
Labor Leader, official printing
for October 25 00
Jos. Hird, constructing sani-
tary sewer in Delhi St 104 51
H. Brinkman, Int. on warrants
outstanding 2,219 16
H. Brinkman, expense and
police 103 98
H. Brinkman, purchase fire
horses 500 00
H. Brinkman, Library orders
paid 776 71
Dubuque National Bank, money
loaned city 6000 00
Alice Hanlon, loan warrants
refunded 500 00
Joseph Fecker, loan warrants
refunded 1000 00
Katherine Wimmer, loan war -
• rants refunded 1000 00
A. L. Keogh, loan warrants
refunded 150 00
Katherine Kaufman, loan war-
rants refunded 1000 00
Bridget Moran, loan warrants
refunded 2000 00
M. McLean, loan warrants re-
funded 500 00
A. Murphy, loan warrants re-
funded 300 00
In the different Road Districts dur-
ing the first half of November,
Alex. Alderson, 4th 9 20
Jos. Brouillette, 2nd 17 20
Paul Becker, 4th 11 20
S. Brunskill, 4th 2 00
J. Brachtenbach, 5th 8 80
Jas. Callaghan, 2nd 25 00
W. Clark, 4th 14 00
W. Clark. sidewalk, $1.60 8 00
W. Coughlan, Health 25 00
J. P. Cooney. 2nd, $4.15; 3rd,
$4.15; 4th, $4.20; 5th, $4.15 16 65
M. Carney. 2nd, $6.40; 3rd,
$6.40; 4th, $4.50; 5th, $.65 17 95
Jas. Connolly, 2nd. $6.40; 3rd,
$6.40: 4th, $4.50; 5th, $.65 17 95
John Dolan, 4th 3 20
T. Donahue, 2nd, $6.40; 3rd,
$6.40; 4th, $4.50; 5th, $.65 17 95
John Egan, 2nd 10 40
Frank Frick, 3rd 4 00
E. Fitzlaff, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,
$5.50 in each 22 00
John Dobler, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th,
$4.50 in each
Barney Glass, 2nd
Pat, Gilloon, 2nd
Jos. Gavin, 2nd
Conrad Geimer, 4th
Ambrose Hird, 4th
N. Herman, 5th
J. Hanson, 5th
18 00
19 20
8 80
25 00
11 20
2 00
15 20
R. Burns
John Burke
Peter Carney
H. Connell
Jerry Cahill
John Duggan
.D. McGuinness
J. McCarron
M. O'Meara
W. O'Brien
Nick Sweeney
Dennis Smyth
W. Walker
W. Woods
J. Wickham
Peter Appel
M. Kenneally
George Reynolds
1 60
N. Kettenhofen, 3rd
John Kness, 2nd, $6.40; 3rd,
$6.40; 4th, $4.50; 5th, $.65 17 95
R. Love, sidewalk $2.40, 4th
$9.20 11 60
R. Love, 2nd 5 25
J. Lonergan, 2nd 10 40
John Mullen, 2nd 12 00
Tom Malloy, 3rd 1 60
James McAleese, 2nd 14 40
Jas. McCracken, 4th 8 00
R. McGivern, 4th 25 00
C. O'Neil, 2nd, $6.95; 3rd, $6.95;
4th, $6.90 20 80
John Parker, 4th 11 20
M. Prosser, 5th 8 80
W. Quinlan, 2nd 4 80
James Ryan, 2nd 19 20
Phil Reddin, 2nd 8 80
Frank Scherr, 3rd 25 00
Jos. Schafelet, 5th 6 40
Al. Scherr, 5th 90
W. Tobin, 4th 16 00
Anton Welu, 5th 1 60
P. Weirich, 5th 11 50
H. J. Weber, 5th 25 00
H. Woerdehoff, 5th 1 20
F. G. Becker, 2nd, $.65, 4th $.70 1 35
John Calvert, 2nd 4 05
James Graham, 2nd, $23.60;
4th, $3.40 27 00
M. Hannan, 2nd 90
M. Hannan, 2nd $14.45; 3rd,
$14.45; 4th. $10.10; 5th, $1.45 40 45
John Long, 5th 5 85
J. McCollins, 2nd, $41.20; 4th,
Adam Stoltz, 5th 16 20
Ed. Seeley, 2nd, $14.00; 2rd,
$14.00, 4th $9.80; 5th, $1.40 39 20
Ott Turner, 3rd 5 85
James Tobin, 4th 40 50
H. Woerdehoff, 5th 23 40
During the first half of November,
10 40
During the first half of November,
C. Buetin
John Collins
9 50
3 60
Official Notices
Adam Henderson 1 80
T. Kalloway 6 80
Al. Kimbal 12 25
C. L. Korn 12 50
F. Lillie 10 30
Louis Lembke 10 80
Wm. Mueller 6 80
R. Roedell 1 80
F. Benke 6 30
John Long • 16 20
During the first half of November,
D. Cunningham 22 75
B. Daley 22 75
J. Jellison 22 75
F. Luchterhand 22 75
J. Rooney 22 75
J. Smith 22 75
C. Sullivan 32 50
J. Tacke 22 75
J. Wells 20 15
Labor on Intakes to Bee Branch
Sewer during the first half of Novem-
ber, 1907:
J. Brachtenbach 2 70
Peter Dax 11 15
J. Eberhardt 13 15
D. Gantenbein 10 55
J. Haupert 4 50
N. Herman 1 80
R. Kessler 12 60
M. Prousser 1 80
Jos. Schafelet 13 15
11. Stootz 13 15
P. Weirich 13 50
Anton Welu 14 95
John Long 8 55
Labor on Seventeenth street
storm water sewer, the same to be
paid from the special appropriation
made therefor.
Frank Brown
W. Cahill
J. Ducciiii
W. Flynn
Frank Frick
N. Kettenhofen
J. McLaughlin
Thos. McEvoy
Jas. Noonan
Ott Turner
Jesse Jellison inspector 9th St. 25 00
Peter Schuller, inspector 9th. 25 00
St. paving
George Becket, inspector Grand-
view avenue sewer 25 00
Chris Gantenbein, inspector
sewer in alley between Rhom-
berg and Lincoln avenues 25 00
Wm. Foster, inspector Broad-
way street. sewer
Jas. Graham, hauling water to
sewer on Delhi street and
Grandview avenue
Israel Long, refund team
H. A. Schunk. settlement dam-
age claim E. F. Milligan.... 200 00
9 00
9 00
10 80
5 50
15 20
9 00
11 25
13 95
9 60
4 05
2 50
11. A. Schunk, settlement dam-
age claim of F. Merz 300 00
E. E. Frith, hauling garbage
and dead animals during the
month of September
E. E. Frith, hauling garbage
and dead animals during the
first half of November
H. A. Schunk, settlement dam-
age claim Geo. Eckert
P. S. Fawkes, auditing water
works books
A. C. Lantzky, auditing water
works books
423 50
220 22
6 80
291 16
399 25
Labor grading Louisa street, dur-
ing the first half of November, 1907:
E. Herbst 8 00
J. Hird 8 75
M. Kieffer 8 00
P. MePoland 8 00
M. Ackels 20 25
B. Costello 20 25
Jeff McGrath 20 25
James Beach, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue
John Trexler, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue •
Morris Wilson, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue
T. W. Reuete, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue
C. A. Voelker, appraiser open-
ing Oxford avenue 4 00
Jos. J. Rowan, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue
C. H. Meyer, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue
John Tibey, appraiser opening 4 00
Oxford avenue
James A. Hayes, appraiser
opining Oxford avenue 4 00
F. N. Schroeder, appraiser
opening Oxford avenue 4 00
C. F. Arendt, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue
Justus Bechtel, appraiser open- 4 00
ing Oxford avenue
Thomas McEvoy, inspector
brick paving in alley from
7th to 9th between Main and
Locust Sts. 13 50
Frank Brown. inspector- brick
having in alley from 7th to
9th Sts. between Main and
Locust Sts. 13 50
H. A. Schunk. damages allow-
ed for Lot Sub. 6 of Mineral
Lot 79, by annraisers 1000 00
I hereby certify that the foregoing
is a correct list of all warrants is-
sued by me during the month of No-
vember, 1907.
City Recorder.
Sealed proposals will be received at
the office of the City Recorder up to
e:00 o'clock. Thursday evening. Decem
ber 5th, 11:07. for doing the veterinary
work and furnishino medicines for
55 Official Notices
the horses of the Eire, Peirce and
Street departments, and for all horses
owned by the city, for the term of
one year, commencing January 1'st,
1908. Bidders must state the price
per horse per month for doing such
work and furnishing all medicine. The
city reserves the right to reject any
and all bids.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
1st, 1907.
12 -1 -5t City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that the special assessment to
pay for the construction of an 8 -inch
tile pipe sanitary sewer in Delhi street
from the manhole at Allison Place to
a point about 104 feet west thereof,
James Hird, contractor, will be re-
Amount of special assessment,
$128.98, against the abutting prop-.
erty upon and along said street as
provided by law, at a session of the
City Council to be held December 19th,
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street on which said im-
provement was made and the separated
lots and parcels of ground and
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment of such improvement, the
names of the owners as far as prac-
ticable, and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule are subject to
public inspection.
Apd that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment of
said plat must file his or their ob-
jection in writing with the City Re-
corder of said' City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held December 19th, 1907, or to
appear at said session of the council
to show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be relevied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
6th, 1907.
12 -6 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council to be held
December 19th, 1907, to pay for the im-
provement of Adams avenue from the
Southerly lot line of First Ave. to the
southerly terminus of said street, by
Wilmer Cook, contractor, amount of
Special assessment, $723.50, same to he
assessed against the abutting property
upon and along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City
Recorder of said City of Dubuque,
showing the street on which said im-
provement was made and the separat-
ed lots and parcels of ground and
specified portions thereof subject to
assessment of such improvement, the
names of the owners as far as prac-
ticable, and the amount to be assessed
against each lot or parcel of ground,
which plat and schedule are subject to
public inspection.
And that any and all persons ob-
jecting to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their ob-
jection in writing with the City Re-.
corder of said City of Dubuque on or
before said session of the City Coun-
cil to be held December 19th, 1907, or to
appear at said session of the council
to show cause, if any you have, why
said assessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
6th, 1907.
12 -6 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as-
provided by law will be levied 'at a
session of the City Council to be held
December 19th, 1907, to pay for th'e
construction of an eight -Inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in the alley between.
Rhomberg and Lincoln avenues front
Middle avenue to Reed street, D. W.
Linehan, contractor; amount of special
assessment $979.78, same to be assessed
against the abutting property upon and
along said street.
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the alley on which said sanitary
sewer was constructed, and the sep-
arate lots and parcels of ground, or
specified portions thereof, subject to
assessment of such Improvement, the
name of the owner thereof, as far aS
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their objec-
tion in writing with the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque on or before
said session of the City Council to be
held December 19th, 1907, or to ap-
pear at said session of the Council to
show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
6th, 1907.
12 -6 -3t. City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
provided by law will be levied at a
session of the City Council to be held
December 19th, 1907, to pay for the im-
provement of Ninth street from the
east lot line of Main street to the east
line of Pine street, M. Tschirgi & Sons,
contractors; amount of special assess-
ment, $19,292.53; same to be assessed
against the abutting property upon and
along said street.
And that there is a plat and schedule
on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuque, show-
ing the street on which said improve-
ment was made, and the separate lots
and parcels of ground, or specified por-
tion thereof, subject to assessment of
such improvement, the name of the
owner thereof as far as practicable and
the amount to be assessed against
each lot or parcel of ground, which
plat and schedule are subject to pub-
lic inspection.
' And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment or to said
plat must file his or their objection in
writing with the City Recorder of said
City of Dubuque on or before said ses-
sion of the City Council to be held
December 19th, 1907, or to appear at
said session of the Council to show
cause, if any you have, why said as-
sessment should not be levied,
Dated at • Dubuque, Iowa, December
6th, 1907.
12 -6 -3t. City Recorder.
To All Who Are Named Below: You
are hereby notified that in accordance
with an ordinance of the City of Du-
buque for repairing sidewalks during
the months of September and October,
1907, that a special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof at the
regular meeting of the City Council to
he held December 19th, 1907, upon all
lots and parcels of land on said im-
provement owned by you, being sub -
ject to such special assessment. And
you are hereby notified to appear at
said meeting of the council to be held
011 December 19th, 1907, and show cause,
Official Notices 557
if any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
W. G. Cox, Cox's Add., Lots 59,
60 and 61 $ 4 65
H. B. Chamberlain, Woodlawn
Park, Lot 52 55
Geo. Mr. Works, Davis' Farm
Add., Lot 255 40
J. V. Rider, Sisters' Add., Lots
5, 6 and 7 1 25
John Flynn, Sub. M. L. 191, Lot
2 3 55
J. K. Denting and G. W. Kiessell,
Sub. Min. Lot 466, Lot 2 1 70
V. A. Bush et al, Dorgan's Sub ,
Lot 4 1 70
J. J. Nagle, Union Add., W. 49.5
ft. of E. 73 ft. of Lot 9 1 15
Mike Ahearn Est., Neuman,
Cooper and Smith's Sub., Lots
8and 9 .... 40
L. H. Langworthy, Sub. 4, Mrs.
L. H. Langworthy's Sub ,
Lot 1 70
Wni. Hintrager, M. O'Hare's
Sub., Lot 1 1 70
Jas. Mullen Est,, Finley, Waples
and Burton's, Lot 11 2 85
Pat F. Walsh, Porter's Add., S
30 ft. of Lot 12 85
Jas. McGrath Est., Cox's Add ,
Lot 115 1 00
Sidonia Hosford, Harper's Sub ,
Lot 3 70
B. Chamberlain, E, E. Jones'
Sub., Lot 3 70
Grace Provost, City, S. 1 -2 Lot 35 70
Eliz. Thomas, Wilson's Sub., Lot
5 70
Geo. Salot, Salot's Sub., Lot 3.... 1 00
C. G. and C. H. Meyer, Finley's
Add., Lot 2 55
H. Morgan Est., Reche's Sub ,
Lot 6 85
A. McGuiness, Union Add., Lot
6 .. 1 00
J. M. Sullivan, Wilson's Sub ,
Lot 19 1 00
E. Langworthy Est., Lot 2 of 5,
P. Langworthy's Sub., Lot 2 3 70
D. J. Lenehan, Home Add., Lot 4 45
J. J. Bradley, Farley's Sub., Lot
13 70
F. N. Schroeder, Sub. M. Lot 158,
W. 1 -2 of Lot 1 1 00
C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3, Bab -
cock's Sub., Lot 2 .. 1 15
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub.,
Lots 2 to 9 inc.
1 55
Total $ 38 20
Dated at Dubuque December 6th, 1907.
12 -6 -3t.
City Recorder,
(Official Publication.)
55 Official Notices
Be It Ordained by the City Council
of the City of Dubuque:
That Section IV of An Ordinance
entitled "An Ordinance to provide for
the inspection of milk dairies and
dairy herds, and to license and reg-
ulate the sale of milk in the City of
Dubuque, Iowa," be amended so as to
strike from said section the following
words: "The applicant must at the
time of filing his application with the
City Recorder, deposit with said City
Recorder the sum of five ($5.00) dol-
lars to defray the expenses of making
the necessary examination of the herds
and dairies," and to cause said Section
IV, when said words are so stricken
out of said section of said ordinance
so amended to read as follows:
Section IV. The Board of Health
shall determine from the facts submitt-
ed to it by the inspector, through his
report and through otlier sources of
reliable information, whether the ap-
plication for permission to sell milk
within the corporate limits of the city
of Dubuque, Iowa,' shall be granted or
refused. If granted a license shall be
issued to the applicant therefor —if re-
fused notice of such refusal shall be
served upon the applicant by the Board
of Health through its sanitary officer.
The cost of making the necessary ex-
amination of herds and dairies pro-
vided for in this ordinance shall not
exceed the sum of twenty -five (25)
cents for each cow examined.
Adopted December 5th, 1907.
Approved December 7th, 1907.
H. A. SCHUNK, Mayor.
City Recorder
Published officially in the Daily Tele-
graph- Herald December 9th, 1907.
City Recorder..
Public notice is hereby given that
at the session of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, held on the 5th
day of December, 1907, the following
Special Assessments were levied on
the real estate hereinafter described,
and that in case of failure to pay the
one - seventh part within the time pre-
scribed by the Ordinance governing
same, all will become delinquent and
subject to collection by distress and
H. BRINKMAN, City Treasurer.
For the construction of a sanitary
sewer in Grandview Avenue, Delhi,
Louisa and Grace Streets.
Owner. Description. Amount.
Wm. Watkins, Reche's Sub. No.
2, lot 6, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft...$ 22 75
Wm. Laube, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 5, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft..... 22 75
John Babcock, Reche's Sub. No.
2, lot 4, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft.. 22 75
Al. Kuhn, Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot
1, 40 ft. at 57.2 per ft. 22 75
C. Willman, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 2, 40 ft. at 57.2 ft. 22 75
Paul Ilg, Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot
3, 40 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 22 75
Paul Ilg, Reche's Sub. No. 2, lot
16, 12 ft. at 57.2 per ft. 6 85
G. Theological Seminary of the
N. West, Reche's Sub. No. 2,
lot 17, 480 ft. at 57.2c per ft 274 56
Sophia Motch, Morheiser's Add ,
lots 30 and 31, 150 ft. at 57.2c
Per ft. 85 80
Jacob Traut, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., lot 13, 21.9 ft.
at 57.2c per ft. 12 50
Jacob Traut, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., W. 11.3 ft.- of
lot 14, at 57.2 per ft. 6 45
Frank Schmidt, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., E. 38.9 ft. of lot
14, at 57.2c per ft. 22 15
Frank Schmidt, Tschirgi &
Schwindt's Sub., W. 11 ft. of
lot 13, at 57.2c per ft. 6 30
Emma Schwind, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., E. 50 ft. lot 13,
at 57.2c per ft. 28 60
Jennie Scott, Morheiser's Sub ,
lot 10, 39.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 22 80
John Schwind, Morheiser's Sub ,
lot 9, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 28 55
John Schwind, Schwind's home-
stead, 123.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 70 90
Jos. Trueb Est., Sub. 4 -5, 1 of 1
of 6, 2 of 7 and 2 of 1 of 7, of
Morheiser's Sub., lot 2, 124.75
ft. at 57.2c per ft 71 35
Jos. Trueb Est., Morheiser's
Sub., lot 3, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per
ft. 28 55
A. W. Kemler, Morheiser's Sub ,
lot 2, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft 28 55
A. W. Kemler, Morheiser's Sub ,
lot 1, 49.9 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 28 55
Cath. Trueb, Sub. 12, M. lot 172,
lot 6, 60.2 ft. at 57.2c per ft 34 45
Cath. Trueb, Rigi's Sub., lot 1,
54.2 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 31 00
Jos. Trueb, Rigi's Sub., lot 2,
56.2 ft. at 57.2c per ft. 32 15
J. C. King, Sub. 1 of 2 of 1 of 1
of Boxleiter's Sub., lot 2, 77
ft. at 57.2c per ft. 44 05
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 1, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 2, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hop -
ford's Sub., lot 3, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
' ford's Sub., lot 4, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 5, 160 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 91
Sidonia Hosford, Sidonia Hos-
ford's Sub., lot 6, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft.
Otto Schmid, Sub. 1 of 1, Box -
leiter's Sub., lot 1, 50 ft. at
57.2c per ft. 28 60
Geo. Barnes, Sub. 2 of 2 M. Lot
160, lot 1, 80 feet 45 75
Carrie E. Mink, Sub. 2 of M. Lot
160, lot 1, 110 feet
Katherine Mink, Sub. 1 of Box-.
leiter's Sub., lot 3, 58 feet 33 20
Joseph Florey, Sub. 1 of Box -
leiter's Sub., lot 4, 110 feet 62 90
G. M. Orvis, Sub. 1 of Quigley's
Sub., lot 1, 81.6 feet 46 65
John Steadman, Sub. 1 of Quig-
ley's Sub., lot 2, 81.6 feet 46 65
Grundy & Hird, Hodges' Sub ,
lot 17, 51.5 feet..
Mary Steiner, Ann O'Hare's Sub.,
No. 2, S. 106 feet lot 30, 106 feet. 60 65
Geo. Barnes, Ann O'Hare's Sub.,
. No. 2, S 64 feet of N. 84 feet of
lot 30, 64 feet
Thos. Hill, Ann O'Hare's Sub., E.
pt. lot 29, 150 feet
Geo. Grundy, Hodges' Sub. lot 1,
110.6 feet
T. B. Cain, Hodges' Sub. lot 2,
42.6 feet
A. E. Girar
42.6 feet
A. E. Girar
42.6 feet
A. E. Girar
42.6 feet
M. E. Church, Sub. 20, Reche's
Sub., lot 1, 50 feet
W. Reche Est., Sub. 20, Reche's
Sub., lot 2, 46 feet
M. E. Church, Reche's Sub., lot
19, 50 feet
J. E. Durand, Reche's Sub., lot
18, 50 feet
Henry Brown, Reche's Sub., lot
17, 50 feet
Louis Sohl, Reche's Sub., lot 16,
50 feet
R. Off, Reche's Sub., lot 15, 50
G. Vollenweider, Reche's Sub ,
lot 14, 50 feet
W. J. Thorpe, Reche's Sub., lot
13, 50 feet
Jos. C. King, Reche's Sub., lot
12, 50 feet
M. Peepon, Reche's Sub., lot 11,
50 feet
F. W. Marty, Reche's Sub., lot
10, 50 feet
S. E. Watters, Reche's Sub., lot
9, 50 feet
Laura J. Hunt, Reche's Sub., lot
8, 50 feet
Official Notices
62 90
29 45
36 60
85 80
63 25
24 35
d, Hodges' Sub. lot 3,
24 35
d, Hodge's Sub. lot 4,
24 35
d, Hodges' Sub. lot 5,
24 35
28 60
26 30
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
H. Morgan Est., Reche's Sub. lot
7, 50 feet
H. Morgan Est., Reche's Sub ,
lot 6, 50 feet
W. H. Thrift, Reche's Sub., lot
5, 50 feet
W. Reche Est., Reche's Sub., lot
4, 50 feet
W. Reche Est., Reche's Sub., lot
3, 50 feet
Mary Bedenbender, Reche's Sub ,
lot 2, 50 feet
Wm. Reche Est ,
lot 1, 50 feet
B. W. Lacey,
38, 50 feet
B. W. Lacey,
37, 50 feet
B. W. Lacey,
36, 50 feet
B. W. Lacey,
35, 50 feet
John Kapp, Reche's Sub., lot 34,
50 feet
Chas. B. Cain, Hantleman's Sub.
of 8 and 9, Ann O'Hare's Sub ,
lot 5, 56 feet
Al. Kuhn, Ann O'Hare's Su
75.50 feet, lot 10, 75 feet
J. Bennett, Ann O'Hare's
W. 62.4 feet lot 10, 62 feet
J. W. Hampton, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., E. 57.8 feet lot 11, 57 feet
Leathers & Trewin, Ann O'Hare's
Sub., W. 80.12 feet, lot 11, SO
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
28 60
Reche's Sub.,
Reche's Sub., lot
Reche's Sub., lot
Reche's Sub., lot
Reche's Sub., lot
31 46
b. E.
42 90
Sub ,
35 45
32 60
45 75
$2864 37
Construction of Sanitary Sewer in
Maria Kiene Est., King's 1st
Add., ,lot 9 3
Ursula Blocklinger, King's 1st
Add., lot 7
Ursula Blocklinger, King's 1st
Add., lot 5 25 03
Theo. Blitsch Est., Sub. 6, King's
1st Add., lot 5 12 51
Jos. Schoetgen, Sub. 6 King's 1st
Add., lot 4 12 51
Johanna Frenzel, King's 1st Add ,
S. 1 -2 lot 8 12 51
C. H. Meyer, King's 1st Add ,
N. W. 1 -4 lot 8 12 51
C. H. Meyer, King's 1st Add ,
S. W. 1 -4 lot 10 12 51
12 51
25 03
Total $125.12
The tax list for the year 1907 are
now in my hands ready for collection.
City Treasurery.
To All Who Are Named Below:
You are hereby notified that in ac-
cordance with an ordinance of the
City of Dubuque for repairing side-
walks during the month of November,
1907, that a special assessment will be
levied for the expense thereof at the
regular meeting of the City Council to
be held January 2nd, 1908, upon all lots
and parcels of land on said improve-
ment owned by you, being subject to
such special assessment. And you are
hereby notified to appear at said meet-
ing of the city council to be held on
January 2nc1, 1908, and show cause if
any you have, why said assessment
should not be levied.
Owner. Description. Amount.
not be levied.
H. B. McCarten, Bonson &
Stewart's sub., lot 23 $
Theodore Trieloff, Concord's
sub., lot 13
Sarah Mahoney, Union Add ,
lot 204
John Dowling, Lawrence Dub
Add., lot 11
R. Bonson Estate, Union Add ,
lot 210
Emma Schwind, Tschirgi &
Schwind sub., east 50 ft. of
lot 13
Anna Kelley, Cox Add., lot 99
John Bottoms, L. H. Lang -
worthy Add., S. 1 -2 of 145a,
lot 1
F. A. Scott, Finley's Add., lot
James Mullen, Finley, Waples &
Burton's Add., lot 11
Nicholas Glab, Finley Add., lots
156, 157 and 158
William Meuser, McCraney's lst
Add., lots 96 and 97
Margaret Walsh, McCraney's
1st Add., lot 71
Maurice Ohern, Union Add., W
117 ft. lot 69
J. K. Deming and Geo. W
Keisel, und. 1 -2 of 2 of Min
Lot 466, lot 1
Martin Kunkel, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 74
Sidonia Hosford, Sid. Hosford
Sub., lots 1 to 7
Sidonia Hosford, Harper's Sub ,
lot 3
P. S. Fawkes, Sub, 2 and 3 of
Mrs. L. H. Langworthy Sub ,
lot 1
J. and G. Jansen, Lois Add., lot
Jacob Traut, Tschirgi &
Schwind Sub., lot 15
Julia Boland, W. 60 of W. 173
1 -2 ft. Union Add., lot 9
Anna M. Utt, Maple Heights
Add., E. 50 ft. lot 9
J. W. Norton, Gilliam's Sub ,
lots 2 to 8
M. & M. A. Kemler, A. Mc-
Daniel's Sub., N. 88 of E. 1 -2
of lot 783 70
Theodore Ratterman, A. Stine's
Ada., lot 29 2 65
Official Notices
1 30
1 30
1 35
1 75
1 25
1 40
2 15
1 60
1 00
3 30
1 55
1 00
1 50
Frank Ellis, burden Law -
ther's Add., lot 143
Mrs. A. Cummings, Cummings'
sub., lot 6 1 55
Isadore Piamondon, Union Add ,
lot 52 2 50
C. A. Alexander, Sub. 3 of Bab -
cock's Sub., lot 2 1 30
Alphonse Matthews, City 738,
lot 6 75
Mrs. John Dowling, Union Add ,
lot 51' 55
Margaret Riggs, Union Add ,
lot 156 1 25
Leathers & Trewin, Newbury &
Hales' Sub., lots 14 and 15 1 30
John Buettell Est., Bradstreet's
Add., lot 1 60
J. S. Stephens, Julia Lang -
worthy's Add., lot 22 55
E. Langworthy Est., Pauline
Langworthy Sub. 1 of 1, lot 5 60
Jas. Powers, Bonson's Sub., S.
1 -2 of lot 1 50
Fred Pagel, East Dubuque Add ,
S. 1 -3 of 144, N. 1 -3 of lot
143 1 70
Wm. Cooper, N. 43.9 ft. of City
lot 117 5 70
William Crabtree, S. M. Lang -
worthy Sub., lot 11 55
William McClain, Guernsey &
Langworthy Sub., lots 3 and
4 60
Julia F. Kunz, Guernsey &
Langworthy Sub., lot 78 70
Margaret Lowham, Sub. City
601, lot 4 .. 50
Jas. Powers, Windsor Ave. Sub ,
lot 3 2 50
John 1\iarkel, Union Add., lot
44 60
Jos. Ryder Est., Union Add., W
40 ft. lot 38 2 50
William Monahan, Union Add ,
lot 40 2 70
J. J. Bradley, Sub. City 724, lot
1 55
Leathers & Trewin, Prospect
Hill Add., lot 41 80
H. Wunderlich, Fortune's Sub ,
lot 15 1 60
John Hier, Cain's Sub., lot 5 2 85
Mary Hanson, A. McDaniel's
Sub., N. 1 -2 lot 814 86
Thomas Rafferty, City, lot 122 75
1\I. M. McCarten, Bonson &
Stewart's Sub., lot 8 2 10
Margaret Martin, City 703, lot
15 1 70
Maria & H. Kiene et al., City, S
1 -2 lot 213 75
E. B. Piekenbrock & Sons, City,
lot 229 1 85
A. Waller Est., J. P. Schroeder
Add., lot 29 1 70
J. A. McMahon, Mechanics'
Add., lot 154 86
F. M. Robinson Est., Ham's
Add., lot 437 65
2 65 .
Bosserman & Ives, City, S. 1 -2
lot 334
P. H. Murray, St. Raphael's
Add., lots 1, 2 and 3
A. L. Rhomberg, Rose Hill Add ,
lot 1
Barbara Scharle, Sub. 2 of M.
L. 113a, lot 1
J. J. Nagle, Union Add., Sub. 76,
lot 2
Martha Zinn, L. H. Langworthy
Add., lot 24a
Jas. A. Koch Est., Cox Add., lot
Catherine Stafford, S. M. Lang -
worthy Add., lot 44
S. B. Lattner, Sub. 4 of M. L.
87 -88, lot 1
Frank M. Marsh, Sub. Min. L.
174 prt. lot 1
J. J. Nagle, Cooper's Sub., lot
J. H. Jeckiin Est., L. H. Lang -
worthy's Sub., 1 of 1 of lot
Adam Wieland, Sub. City, lot
J. J. McGlaughlin, Mobley's
Sub., lots 2 and 3
Dinah J. Bennett, Sub. 2 of City
721, lot 1
Mary Wallis and Mary Wilson,
Sub. City 551, lot 3
Gertrude Ryan and H. E. Wil-
son, und. 1 -2 S. 21 ft. of City
lot 17
Grundy & Hird, Hodge's Sub ,
lots 25, 26 and 27
Emma Schwind, Tschirgi &
Schwind's Sub., lot 13
Maria Schwind, Sub. 1 of
Tschirgi & Schwind, lots 2
and 3
12- 20 -3t.
Official Notices 561
1 30
1 25
1 45
1 30
1 50
1 70
1 70
3 35
2 15
6 20
1 25
4 15
Total $103 SO
Dated at Dubuque, Iowa, December
20th, 1907.
City Recorder.
Notice is hereby given to all con-
cerned that a special assessment as
Provided by law will be levied at a
.session of the City Council to be held
January 2nd, 1908, to pay for the
.construction of an eight -inch tile pipe
sanitary sewer in Kaufmann avenue
from the present manhole at the inter-
section of North Main street westerly
to the west line of lot 8 in Cushing's
add, George L. Korman, contractor;
amount of special assessment $543.42,
same to ' e assessed against the abut-
ting property upon and along said
And that there is a plat and sched-
ule on file in the office of the City Re-
corder of said City of Dubuc'ue, show-
ing the street in which said sanitary
sewer was constructed, and the sep-
arate lots and parcels of ground, or
specified portions thereof, subject to
assessment of such improvement, the
name of the owner thereof, as far as
practicable and the amount to be as-
sessed against each lot or parcel of
ground, which plat and schedule are
subject to public inspection.
And that any and all persons object-
ing to said special assessment or to
said plat must file his or their objec-
tion in writing with the City Recorder
of said City of Dubuque on or before
said session of the Cify Council to be
held January 2nd, 1908 or to ap-
pear at said session of the Council to
show cause, if any you have, why said
assessment should not be levied.
Dated It Dubuque., Iowa, December
20th, 1907.
12 -20 -3t City Recorder.
Public notice is hereby given that
at the session of the City Council of
the City of Dubuque, held on Decem-
ber 19th, 1907, the following special
assessments were levied on the real
estate hereinafter described, and that
in case of failure to pay the one -
seventh part within the time prescrib-
ed by the ordinance governing same,
all will become delinquent and sub-
ject to collection by distress and sale.
City Treasurer.
For brick paving Ninth street from
Main to Pine streets.
Name. Description. Amt.
"Wm. L. Bradley, estate, City S.
20 ft. lot 33 $728 17
Robt. Waller Est., City N. 34
ft. lot 32 719 78
Y. M. C. A., City lot 168a 653 99
Central Engine House, City lot
169 653 36
Byrne Bros., City lot 208 619 31
Germania Stock Co., City lot
209 554 61
Fuhrmann Bros., City lot 259.. 551 S3
John Roth. City N. 40.2 lot 258. 617 03
0. A. Walters, City lot 278.... 610 34
Barbara Isborn, City lot 279... 615 52
C. E. Kleis, City lot 329 825 55
Mrs. W. Kley, City N. 1 -2 lot
328 830 62
Joseph Huber, City lot 348 837 14
91. H. Martin, City lot 349 836 64
Dubuque Biscuit Co., City lot
379 747 58
Farley- Loetscher Mfg. Co., City
lot 378 731 75
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., City
lot 398 747'1,5
562 Official Notices
Key City Iron Works, City lot
399 742 93
Carr, Ryder & Adams Co., City
lot 420 695 27
Dubuque Turbine Roller Mills
Co., City lot 419 697 17
German Savings Bank, City lot
506a 617 65
German Savings Bank, Sub
City 506, lot 3 713 94
F. D. and J. H. Stout, City lot
509 1068 18
F. D. and J. H. Stout, Sub. 4,
City 509a, lot 2 211 36
C. M. & St. P. Ry Co., Sub.
City 506, lot 2 1182 65
C. G. W. Ry Co., Sub. 4, City
509a, lot 1 841 22
Nic Glab, Sub. City 509a, lot 1 641 76
Total $19,292.53
For the improvement of Adams ave-
nue from First avenue to south ter-
minus of said street.
F. L. Schubert. Sub. 575, Ham's
Add., lot 4 $ 68 82
Chas. - Dietrich, Sub. 575, Ham's
.Add., 1ot 3 163 88
Carl Vincent, Sub. N. E. 1 -2 of
2 of 575, Ham's Add., lot 2 40 97
Chas. Gau, Sub. 575, Ham's
Add., S. W. 1 -2 lot 2 40 97
Herman Gau, Sub. 575, Ham's
Add., S. E. 150 ft. lot 1 40 97
Geo. Ferber, Sr., Ham's Add ,
lot 570 81 96
. Geo. Ferber, Sr., Ham's Add ,
lot 571 81 96
Wm. Freimark, Ham's Add ,
N. 1 -2 lot 572 40 96
M. Jungk, Ham's Add., S. 1 -2
lot 572 40 96
M. Jungk, Ham's Add., lot 573 81 96
M. Jungk, Ham's Add., lot 574 40 15
Total $723.56
For construction of sanitary sewer
in alley between Rhomberg and Lin -
coln avenues from Middle avenue to
Reed street.
J. Wodrich Wicks' Add., lot
1 7 $35 50
J. Wodrich, Wicks' Add., lot 18 35 50
F. P. Almanrode, Fengler's Add ,
lot 27 33 13
Gus. Wiedner, Fengler's Add ,
S. 28 2 -3 ft. lot 29 20 35
H. Krueger Est., Fengler's Add ,
lot 28 33 13
Peter • Bensch, Fengler's Add ,
N. 18 ft. lot 29 12 78
Peter Bensch, Fengler's /
lot 30 33 13
Leonard Buehler, Fengler's Add ,
lot 5 33 13
Peter Bensch, Fengler's Add ,
lot 6 33 13
Virginia Heil Est., Jungk's Add ,
lot 12 35 50
R. M. Phillips, Jungk's Add ,
S. 1 -2 lot 11 17 75
Cath. Schilling, Jungle's Add ,
N. 1 -2 lot 11 17 75
Fred Wodrich, Jungk's Add ,
lot 10 35 50
Alfred Rhomberg, Jungk's Add ,
lot 9 35 50
Frank Herberger, McCraney's
1st Add., S. W. 1 -2 lot 54 17 75
Anton Widding, Jr., McCraney's
1st Add.. N. E. 1 -2 lot 54 17 75
N. Derneden, McCraney's 1st
Add., S. W. 1 -2 lot 55 17 75
Jos. W. Schlueter, McCraney's
1st Add., N. E. 1 -2 lot 55 17 75
Dub. Brewing & Malt. Co., Mc-
Craney's 1st Add., S. W. 1 -2
lot 56 17 75
John Hackney, McCraney's 1st
Add., N. E. 1 -2 lot 56 17 75
Mary T. Wagner, McCraney's.
1st Add., S. W. 1 -2 lot 57 17 75
Clara Aureden, McCraney's 1st
• Add., N. E. 1 -2 lot 57 17 75
Nic. Wagner, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 58 35 50
Robt. Young, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 59 35 50
Nic. Wagner, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 60 35 50
Chas. Hentrich, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 61 35 50
Peter Guenther, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 62 35 50
Chris. Lohrman, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 63 35 50
Chris. Lohrman, McCraney's 1st
Acid., lot 64 35 50
John Capretz, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 65 35 50
Mary L. Carswell, McCraney's
1st Add., S. W. 1 -2 lot 66 17 75
Mary L. Carswell, McCraney's
1st Add., N. E. 1 -2 lot 66 17 75
Mary L. Carswell, McCraney's
1st Add., S. W. 8 ft. lot 67 5 68
Ralph Abbetto, McCraney's 1st
Add., N. E. 42 ft. lot 67 29 82
Ralph Abbetto, McCraney's 1st
Add., S. W. 4 ft. lot 68 2 84
Wm. Oswald, McCraney's 1st
Add., N. E. 46 ft. lot 68 32 66
Wm. Linpstock, McCraney's 1st
Add., lot 69 35 50
For construction of sanitary sewer
in Delhi street from Allison Place to
104 ft. west.
Mrs. W. O'Callahan, Sub. 2 of
Hughes' Sub., lot 1 $32 24
Jacob Mehl, Hughes' Sub., lot 3 32 24
Finley Hospital, Finley Home
Add., lot 1 64 50
Total $128.98
For construction of cement side-
Otto Schmidt, East Dubuque
Add., 25.3 ft. lot 192 $21 87
Otto Schmidt, East Dubuque
Add., S. 25.41 ft. lot 192 29 62
Total $ 51.49