West 32nd Street 0695 qq 0 - _iIorbert Exeiliiar - 0 0,1 ner -- ` Srect i�gle -far 4 conc -b oek -fl elling - S.P -. 1 0 5 / , 8 /) 46 . $.of A, Petn for var. gF{T II Sect w 3 (a) waive 2000g00 front ya requirement for, erection of addition to front of dwelling T 3 x 9 in front of dwelling to the east, Granted provided written consent of neighbor is filed with this petition, Docket No 2-6g O. Jerome Schiltz C'. Dubu u q e Ins ula ' tion: Reside S.F" Siding Fr. Dw. B.P,`'S24 8 -9 -68 800.00 v — 0 -AZ Wiedenbacker C- Bullock Garages 695 West 32nd St _Erect detached Er-- garage,- -B.P-..- 830 -, 7/28/77 - 3675.90 0 - Al .Weidenbacher C-- ._ Schmitt - -- New roof, sd, SF BP26871 11 -4 -94 $2000.00 lo ._.- .__ -_. .... ....... .. ..... 4