West 32nd Street 3142 3142 West 32nd Street 0. Melvin Ward C. Bullock Garages Erect non att gar SF Fr Dwllg, 13.P 874 1Q/3/743 000.00 Alteration to SF Fr Dwelling. B.P. 945: 10/28/71 6300.00 O- Melvan Wardw._` _C Haverland'$ Remodel. 14x16 deck, install patio door, reroof SF frm;dwlig __11P - 3789 - 4 9/23761 12544: etr -- - 0 - i4el - vin Ward -- C- µaver}and'-s Remodei — _ siding, soffit SF frmdwll BP_ 3849 _10/7/81 _$5450.00" -W4r4. C -Bi11s Home- 1Mpravement - ----_ tear off reroof sffrm and reroof det gar sf sd 25080 9/19/94 $3323.00 4