Balke Street 2824 9R2h R S1 p- Dubt p e Romer Snc.._ _,. C -_ �errCar-ris___:_ _ErectS.F. Frame ! Dv elling E.P. 633 _ 12/174 5, 000.00 Lyons Erect Conc. Block Garage B.P. 163 4-14-56 400.00 C. Quality, Roofing Co. Reroof S.F. Frame DwellingB.P. 943 11 -1 -65 200.00 Board of Adjustment Docket 50 -91 for variance in frt yard -- setback too allow add. 12' from frt prop. line of Lawther St., Approved 8/22/91 • 2824 Balke - 0-Garry & Lynfi C=bert Donovan Const erect 14'x12' frm add., reside SF frm dwllg BP19170 8/23/91 $10500.00 '