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Berkley Place 0749
749 Berkley Place I 0- Highland Construction Co. Erect S.F.Frame Dwellg.B.P. 580 8-4 -55 9,000.00 0-Orval Fleckenstein C- Empire B nlllders Co. Reside S.F Frame Dwellg. B.P. 455 6_9-61 990.00 0-Robert Zahina C- Midwest Builders Erect Frame Garage B.P. 558 6 -27 -62 1 0- Wayne Klosterman C -Owner erect 10x12 screened porch, SF frm dwllg BP 6968 5/16/84 0- Ashley & Linda Abitz C -Owner $632.00 t /o, reroof SF BP35899 9/5/96 $1200.00